LH CXOO 012374 9667 i iiiiimifii Leabharlanna Atha Cliath Theas LOCAL STUDIES Inv/OO : 71SS Price IRES0.00 Title: Post office di Class: 941.5 fctnort tl)t Datronagr of $ts JHarrsts's $Oisnnasttr=<@ejmal.


FOR 1910,

ith New Map of the City of Dublin and Environs.

^euentn-etsbtli gtmuuil yubluaticm;

DUBLIN: T.HO M k C 0. (LIMITED), 8 7, 8 8, k 8 9, ABBEY S IR E E T,


Price Eight Shillings ?ut. ffl DIRECTORY.

Purefov, Rev. A. D. The Rectory 427. Prole, Mr. R. J. Clayton-terrace Hibernia-terrace. Saunders, Miss Mary, Neio Holland JRea, John, Boundary villa, 77 NORTH BIDE. iron mills Royal Irifh Constabulary Station — Chnptlizol. Smyth, Mr. P. D.M.P. 7/. P. Donovan, sergt. in charge SI. 1 O'Reilly, Rev. E. c.c. St. Josephs convenU Mount Sackviile 12*. Saville, Win. J. Claj ton-terrace 2 Henderson, Molina Sf B-POST OFFICE—Miss Margt. Fitz- 7?. Spendlove, Mr. R. Belgrove 881. 3 Sherdan, J. patrick, sub-postmistress m. Sunnybank —vacant, 17?. 4 Andrews. J. 61. Tubb, Fras. sergt. B.H.M.S. St.MartyV Tierney, Luke, Gravel quarry 5 Johns, W« 61. Williamson, Mr. William: Clajton-ter. Wade, Mr. S. Park view-ter. 4?. 5*. 191. Walker, Miss' B. vintner, Kildart: SOUTH SIDE. Tavern Knockmaroon-blii. A WAH LETTER-BOX at Palmerston Walters, M. L.R.C.P. and s.i. medical P. of .^CasUeknock B. Mills and at Boundary villa. officer for and Golden- Boyle, M. J. grocer, Strawberry beds Ennis, Mrs. Mary, vintner, Strawberry Anderson, J. relieving officer, Moun­ bridge districts beds tain view White, Fredk. S. D. de Vere, solr., Flynn, Mrs. Mardyke mills Eannin, P. Sabine-terrace, 12L LL.D. Kilmoylan. and law dept Guinness, Hon. Arthur Ernest, Glen- Dispensary for Palraerstown District— Broadstone station, M.G.W.BY. maroon, 961. Dr. G. M'Mahon, medical officer 'Vilson, Wm. esq.^King's house 45/. Scully, Mrs. Strawberry beds Dockeray, Dr. John A. Culmore 88?. . Vincent, John, Knockmaroon cottage Finnegan, Mrs. Teresa, prov. dealer,; White, Mr. J. Glenville Bridge house . Williams, Mrs. Elizabeth, vintner and Ging, C. grocer, &c. Bridge Inn restaurant, Strawberry hall SOUTH SIDE. Godley, Mrs. C. Fonthill ' Willoughby, J. Knockmaroon park Healy, Timothy M. esq. K.C. M.P. P. of BaUyferrnot.— Uppercross B. gate Glenaulin, 801. \ Hitchcock, John A. esq. FonthiLl, and Bearman,H. T. Annamore F,oad from Knockmarooa 18 Fownes's-street Elliott, Mrs. M. Stone house Kerrins, J. R.i.c. Parkview-ter. 4s. 5s. Fortin, Robt. H. general managers bill to the Red Mills. Mackey, Miss E. Orchard lodge D.B.Co. (ltd.J Whitecross P. ofCantltknorh.—Castleknoei B. Maycock, Elizabeth, Sabine-terrace, Geraghty, Mr. P. Ballyfermot cottage 151. Lawlor, Patrick, farmer St. IMCary's-terrace. M'Mahon, Mr. William, Mayfield-ho. Murray, James, vintner, Ballyfermot 1 Dunbar. Mr. T. builder,



CLO .VDALKIN. an inland parish and village, partly in Newcastle, but chiefly in Uppercross barony, Dublin counity,4 ^ miles S. W. from Dublin, comprising an area of 4,777 acres, of which 44 are in the village. Population, 2,179 ; of village, 470, inhabiting 88 houses. It is situated near the ninth lock of the Grand Canal, and close to the line of the Great Southern and Western Railway, of which it is the first station from Dublin. Jt was anciently named Cluain-Dolcan, and by the Danes Dun-awley. The village consists chieliy of one irregular street, of small bat neatly built houses and cottages. The only public buildings are the Parish Church, a small plain modern building, and a neat Roman Catholic Church. It has Almshouses for destitute widows, a Dorcas Institution, Lying-in Hospital, and Dispensary, a Parochial and twTo National Schools, and a Constabulary Police Station. The ancient round tower is the nearest structure of the kind to the metropolis, and is in good preservation. It stands 100 feet high, and is 15 feet in diameter, covered with a conical root of stone.

Archdale, Nicholas F. esq. J.P Clover Dispensary — Dr. G Bowling, Mr. Patrick, Galliimowu hill M'Mahon, medical officer Dowling, William P. farmer Clradalkin Monastery and Boarding Dowling, Mrs. 31 {. Aylward, Wm. F. Clover hill cottage School attcu-hed—Rer. J. Culb a I lodge—vaant, Baldonnell house—vacant, 18S(. Ids chapl.; Kev. J. B. Byrne, superior Dunn, Mrs. Kilnamanagh house, HOT Relview—-vacant CLONDALKINROMANCATHOLICCHTECH I Farran, George, esq., Redcow, Blackham, Chas. esq. Battymount —Rev. James Baxter, *.?.; Rev. Farran, Joseph, farmer, Robin Hood Michael Traynor, c.c. Firtlay, Colonel Henry T. esq. J.F. Blackham, Richard, esq , Ralh mount Convent, Presentation — Superioress, Corkagh, 2C01. Brewster, Hy. Rockfield Mrs. Catherine Dunne Finlay, Mrs Emily, Kilmatead Burnside, Mrs. Towerville Courtney, II. P. Garroch tbcFgi Fitzgerald, W., Raheen house Carey, W. Bailyraount house Cullen, Peter, brick and lime manufr. Furlong, Mrs. grocer and prov. dealer Cheeverslown EsLtte and farmer, Fox and Geese—res. Grierson, P. H. esq Kilcarberry Obeeverstown houae—vacant Airfield, :VJ. Hanlon, Christopher, farmer and lime burner < hii'dren's Convalescent Bbmt Oavis, Fercy. esq. Mountain view Diokson, \l".F. May field j Hart, Thos. Bettjiord Church. Captain, Ellenfield Donnelly, Thomas, tavern and prov. Hughes, Mr. Chailes Xtmgor CLOSDALE.;* OHCBCH OK IRELAND— stores, Grand Canal j Hughes, Mr. Robt. Danesr»t& bo. lit, Rev. Berkley Briatow, I>.D. rector, Dowd, Bernard, esq. Jfewlandjj I Jacob, Mr. Edward, si, ir)g. Glebe-housre l>otvd. James,

Lawlor, John J. esq. J.P. Irishtown Mulcahy, Morgan, esq. burr. Larkfietd Smith, Joseph esq, NeilBtown house Mullins, John Hawksby, esq. New- Stoney, Mrs. St. Ronan Lawrence, Capt. Orchard house, 35?. lands house SUB-POST OFFICE—Mrs, E. Begarty Lawrence, Lady, Bel^ard, 3641. 10*. Murphy, Charles, Sail j park, sub- postmistress O'Connor, Mrs. W. Whitehall M'Causland, Hon. Mr«. Collinatowij; Tallun, Patrick, esq. Newlauds villa house, 1601. RAILWAY STATION -P. Delahunty, The Ky,iock'2 Paper Oujnr-any, W. M'Gann, Thomas, esq. Cappagh- stationmaster 3 11. Tkt Mill Company, Caiuac house houst: Roy, W. Claremount Vacant—The Rectory, HO. 10*. M'Kenna, Michael, esq. Wheatfield, Ryves, Major Thomas J. (retired), 07L J.P. Movie park, 78Z. 10s. Walsh, Waiter, esq. J.P. Kings- Mahood, John, esq. Brookside Rorke, Laur. B. esq. Kuockmitten, wood Masterson, Mrs. Ballyowen 21.U Walsh, Miss K. Kingswood house Moore, Mra. Clonburris house St. Mark's—vacant Watson, Mrs. Forbes, Cappngu- Morgan, Edward Mulcahy, esq. Lark- Simpson, Norman, mill manager, more held Sallypark, a&L Whelan, William Suil-na-Tirf-


Arnott, Maiwell, Greenmount Lynam, C. If. Barnhill SUB-POST OFFICE—Mrs. C. Mahon, Balle, John, farmer, Porters town Mackey, Mr. Patrick, Stirling s ub-postmistres s Bobbet, V. esq. Hansfield ho. 3101. Mackey, Mr. William, Sunnybank Watt, Samuel, Hilltown Brooke, Hon. Mrs. Lohunda park, Maher, J. J. Williamstown house Warren, Laurence, farmer, Astagob 111'. M'Grane, Christopher, esq. School- West, Mr. Richard, Astagob Car/Ben or IBELAND— house Wilson, Richard, esq., Diswellstown Rev. H. Browne, rector Murphy, Mr. D. Barnhill, 222?. ClonsiUa National Schools — Mrs. Neil, William, grocer, &c. Coalmine. M'Grane and Miss A. M'Donnell. POBTESSTOWN R. C. CUCECH—Rev. Balfe, William, farmer teachers Patrick Butler, c.c. Callaghan, Mr. 11. Pcrterstowu Daly, Mr. James, Hartstown, 194?. Quain, Richard, esq. Allendale, o5?. Connor, Mrs. Dewhurst, Mrs. Greenmount, 41!. Railicaii Station—A. Reid, station- Dillon, C. Doonholm, SM. Gaffney, Mrs. Barberstown, £22?. master Dunne, Mr. Patrick, Limelawn, 79?. Gore, Hcgh, ClonsiUa cottage Ringwcod, Arthur Godfrey, Annhekl Eager, Mr. Robert, Abbey cottage Grogan, Mr. James, Pebblestown, 80?. Rooney, Henry, esq. Pebblestown, Ellis, Mrs. Woodville Harford, Mr. P. Westmanstown U7L 10«. Goodwin, M. harness mkr. Blo.inneld Hartley, Lieut,-Colonel, Beechpark, Smith, Edward, esq. Mount view Hoare, Mr W. Rocktield i6o:. Smith, John, >r. IK ST. C.E.I. assistant Hutton, Mr*. Sheepmore Hilliard, James, esq. Hartstown surveyor, co. Dublin, Kelly stow n Kii-kpatrick, Alex.esq. J.P. n.A.r.r. r». Jameson, J. 0. esq. Dolland cottage house, 202?. Lovewell, G. H. provision merchant St. George, II. B. esq. J.?. CIr.nsilla M'Donnell, Mr. Patk. Woodvilla, 97?. Laidlaw, T. K. Luttrellstown, 797? lodge, and Screebe lodge, Maam Mackey, Mr. W. 14-i Lynam, P. Hartstown farm cross, via Galway. 84? Mangan, J. carpenter Lynam, Patrick, farmer, POrWstowri Steeds, Holhvey. capt. Ciorsilla house Murphy, Thomas, blacksmith


CLONTARF AND . AMALGAMATED WITH THE CiTY OF DUBLIN BY ACT OF J'AI'.UA.MENT. lWO— FOR STREETS see CITY OF DUBLIN. CLONTAKF, a maritime parish and formerly a township in barony, Dublin county, three miles E.N.E. from the General Post Office, Dublin," comprising an area of 1*289 acres, of which 3o are occupied bv the " sheds'1 of Clontarf. It is a memorable place in Irish history, as the scene of a


LoUiiiiLiHSTOW.N, a small village, partly in and parishes, Rathdown barony, Dublin county, o\ miles S.S.E. from Dublin, containing a few straggling houses and cabins, to the left of whi"h is Loughiinstown House, the residence of Major Domvile, J.P. On crossing Loughlinstowu green, to the right, on the brow of the hill, stands the Rathdown Union Workhouse, very prettily and most saiubriou-ly situated on a site of eight acres, erected in 1841 at an expense of £6,000. The village of foriis part of the Township of Killiney and .


LucAN,an inlandtownand parish in Newcastle barony, Dublin county, seven miles W.from Dublin,comprising an area of 1,1*26 acres. Population, 372. It is partly the property of the Colthurst Vesey family, and partly the property of J. F. Shackleton, esq., who have purchased the Petty Canon lands from the. representatives of the late J. Ganon, esq. The town is prettily situated in a fertile vale, on the banks of the , which is here crossed by a fine stone bridge of one arch. The older portion of the town consists of one wide angular street of small but neat hou3es ; there is also a number of fine residential houses in the neighbourhood. Its public buildings are, the Parish Church, a neat structure with a tower and spire, a large Roman Catholic Church, a Presentation Convent, a Methodist Church ami Manse, and a Presbyterian Church and Manse. It has a Dispensary, a Lending Library, Church, Rectory, National Schools, 628 COUNTY DUBLIN DIRECTORY.

and a Parochial Hail. It is a Chief Constabulary Police Station, and Petty Sessions are held every alternate Monday. In the grounds of Weston Lodge and Leixlip Castle is the well-known and much-frequented waterfall, called the Salmon Leap, which consists of a succession of rocky ledges crossing the Liffey, over which the fish dart at one bound. It forms a beautiful cascade, the picturesque effect of which is greatly increased by the rich and lofty wooded banks of the river, and the adjoining tastefully embellished demesne of Leixlip Castle. The Lucan spa is much frequented by visitors and invalids. A beautiful and capacious new hotel and sanitorium ha3 been completed by the " Lucan Hydropathic Spa Co., Limited,-" and is generally crowded with visitors. There is an electric railway from Dublin, Conyngham-road, to Lucan.

MAGISTBATES ATTENDING PETTY SESSIONS, every alternate Monday at 11 a.m.—Captain J. F. Tuthill • James W. Hill. esq.; Captain Charles Colthurst-Vesey ; Richard O. Nash, esq. ; John J. Lawlor, esq.; Frederick Wookey, esq.; Richard Shackieton, esq. ; Major Hartley ; Lord Annaly ; James Crotier, esq. J.p.; Colonel M. C. Hackett; Herbert B. Warren, esq. Clerk—George A. Malley, esq., Sunnyside, Chapelizod.

Abraham, 6. F. esq. Esker Doyle, Joseph, Beaumont, 13?. i M'Kay, Mr. William, Lime view Alexander, George, esq. Backweston, Dowd, Joseph, beer dealer 13? ; Meath, R. esq. Woodville, 2631. Leixlip, 204?. 15*. Exley, George, painter and decorator Medical Hall, The Mall—T. Barry, Andrews, Mrs. W. 4 Vesey-terrace Fahey, Mr. Laurence, vintner, 133.1 esq. L P.S.I. Atkinson, R. esq. Ballyowen cottage, Fegan, Mrs. licensed house, 14?. 10s j METHODIST CHCT&CH—Rev. Edward 1161. Fitzgerald, Wilfrid, Grange cottage j De Courcy Barr, The Misses, Roundhouse Flanagan, Mrs. Annadale j Mockler, F. esq. Ounavarra, 471. Barr, Mr. Andrew, Ahaderrigg, 2242. \ Fraser, W. Cooldrinagh farm Montague, Mr. Edward, ex-B.i.e. tea Barr, Mr. Warner, Dodsburgh ~ Freeman, W. The Cottage rooms Barr, Mr. Patrick, Finstown or Airlie, Freeman, Mr. W. H. Mill house, SI. Moreran, H. tsq. Glenwood, 137?. 155Z. Gaffney, Mrs. P. Westmantown park Mooney, John, esq. Doddsboro', 150?. Barry, W. esq. Hermitage park 85?. Mooney, P. esq. Ardeen Barry, Mrs. Bridge house, National Gahan, Miss, restaurant, 101.10s. Moore, Mr. George Telephone Exchange Gailey, Rev. A Primrose hill Moore, Mr. Joseph Bass, P. W. Sally noose Gardiner, Mrs. J. J. 3 Vesey-terrace Morgan, J. a.i.e. The Mall Beard, Miss, Riverview, SI. Gibson, Miss Selina, sub-postmistress, Murray, Michael, Balgaddy, 112?. Beattie, J. Grange Castle SI. 5s. Nash, Rich. G. esq. J.P. Finnstown Behan, Den's, Royal Arms hotel, IS/, j Gilt rap, C. general store, 11?. house, 287?. Behan, Mr. Thomas, Finstown cot­ Gilltrap, Henry, victualler, Nash, James, esq. Finnstown house, tage Giltrap, Samuel, grocer and draper Nash, Charles, esq, Finnstown house Bellaney, Mrs. Esker house, 272?. Giltrap, S. C. Glenwood, 137?. Nash, Wm. H. esq. Finnstown house Bellaney, Ernest, esq. Gledhill, Mr. E. National School—Clmrch of Ireland— Benson, Rev. Charles, The Vicarage, Graham. Miss, dressmaker 122. Mr. Robert Magahy, master 182. Hale, Mr. S. The Mall National School—Matth. Rice, master Berry, Arthur, esq. Esker lodge Hampson, Daniel, esq. M.D. 23?. O'Brien, Hickson, esq. The Crescent Blackburn, Mr. P. Garden cottage Harrison, S. C. D. esq. The Mall Oldham, Patrick, Ballydowd Blake, E. N. esq. B.L. The Crescent, Hawe, Sergeant H. Ivy cottage O'Loughlin, Mr. J. Ballydowd 12?. Hayden, James, esq. Esker, south, O'Mahony, Mr. J. dealer 7?. Bobblett, John, esq. Cooldrinagh 101?. O'Rourke, Mr. Ballydowd 246?. 10*. house, 92 i. 15 s. Hazelton, Col. E. H. Ballygowen Palmer, Miss, Grange Bolger, John, The Mall house, 14?. 10«. ParocJiial School—R. Magahy, master Brennan, Mrs. AUenswood Hendrick, John Keogh, esq. 173?. Patterson, James, esq. The Crescent Brian, Mr. Tobias, Ballyowen castle, 90?. lQs. Peevers, James, car contractor 117?, Hickson,R. O'Brien, esq.TheCrescent Petit, Michael, esq. Ballyowen castle Brookes, Terence, esq. St. Catherine's, Hill eiinaGibson,sub- Leixlip 2131. & Blue Bell, —James W. postmistress Buggins, Wm. Yellow Walls, market Hill, J.P. managing director—res. Phillips, John, head constable a. i.e. gardener Clanaboy 225?. 15s. P&ESBYTERIAN CHURCH—Rev. Andrew Bunn, —, Ballyowen castle Hughes, Thomas, caretaker, Esker Gailey, minister Burke, Miss M. Lismore house cemetery Quigley, Mrs. Lucan Hill, 18?. Burke, Mrs. Ellen, nurse Jack. Mrs. Henry, Ardgarth. 14?. 10a. Railway Station, G.B.W.E. — H. H. Casey, Mrs. Esker, 37?. Jackson, Mr. John, The Mall, 5?. 10*. Cronley, agent Clarke, William F. esq. C.E. Esker Eeegan, Edward, sergeant a.i.e. Railway Station, M.G.W.B.— John house, 144?. Vesey cottage Cooney, agent Clarke, Mrs. Tubber cottage, 762. Keating, Mrs. Mary, 94?.: Reeves, Smyth, Griffin lodge Clery, Mr. James, BaUydowd Keeffe, Mr. Patrick, Esker, south Registrar of Births, Deatlis, and Mar­ Colthurst-Vesey, Captain Cfaas. N. Knapp, Arthur, M.D. The Crescent riages—Danl. Hampson, esq. sr.n. a. P. Lucan house Leonard, Mr. James, Beech park Rooney, Mr. John, Grange Convent (Presentation) — Mrs. Lily Leonard, Mr. Patrick 65?. Royal Irish Constabulary Station — J. Joyce, superioress Leonard, Mr. William, steward, St. 0 Taylor, esq. dist. inspector County Dublin Golf Links Club, Edmundsbury Scallan, JohnL esq. The Crescent,78'. Hermitage, Lucan—manageress, \ Lucan Hydro, and Spa Hotel Co. Shackieton, George, «fc Sons (ltd.), Mrs. Maria Brown (limited)—Mr. W. G. Hill, sec, flour millers and corn merchts., Co-operative Store*—Martin Whelan, [ Miss Smith, manageress, 100? Anna Liffey mills & Grange mills manager LUCAN CHuacn OF IBELAXD—Rev. Shackieton, Geoige, Anna Liffey Cromer, air. John,painter, decorator, Chas. Benson, incumbent mills, 13?. and builder III. LUCAN R. CATHOLIC CHUBCH—Rev Shackieton, John Wigham, Anna Cromer, Mrs. The Mall W. Hanley, c.c. Liffey Mills. Crosbie, Robert, Fairview Lynch, Mr. Edw. Kishoge, Clondal Shackieton, Rd. esq., j.p. Woodville Cunningham, J. C. ordnance surveyor, kin, 170?. Shackieton, Wm. E., Canonbrook. 4 Crescent Malone, Mr. Edw. Hillsborough, 151?.j 21?. DeCourcy, Rev. Edward, Epworth M'Call, Mrs. A. general store Shepherd, G. F. M.D., B.S. 1>CB. St. Dempsey, C. ex-sergeant x.i.c. M'Evoy, Bryan, grocer, car owner, i Edmundsbury, 861. Ufe. Pempsey, Miss, confectioner and victualler 8? i Sherlock, Miss LUCAN—. (r29

Sherlock, Mrs. general dealer 10?.1 Timrnons, Mr. J. Richview White, Wrn. Grove, A.B. LL.B solr. Smith, Miss, manageress Spa hotel; Tuthill,Capt. J. Fitzg. J.P. Esker, 75:. St. Helen's, 541.

Vesey CharleS Colthurst Capt Wills, John Scott, esq. WillsbrooV, Smyth, J. shoemaker, "& ' ' '3^ imi. Sneddin, Mr. Jas. Green vale Wood. Miss E. The Chalet Spa Hotel Co., 169/.; Vet€V Arrt** mn—Mr. Hugh Gibney* Spencc, —, Laracon, 172/.! proprietor 18?. Wookey, Fredk. esq. J.P. WestoD Taylor, J. 0. i>.i K.I.C. The Crescent J Warren, Herbert B. esq. J.P. Lucan lodge, 96/. 55. 12/.! • lodge Working Men's Club


MALAHIDE. muttac i-oe. MALAHIDE, a maritime town and parish in Coolock barony, Dublin county, nine miles N. from Dublin, comprising an area of 1,126 acres. Population, 649. The town is situated on a narrow inlet ol the sea, and on the Great Northern railway. The Castle is a large square building, Hanked by lofty circular towers, and stands on a high limestone rock, commanding a fine view of the town and bay. Of the original Castle little remains but the site, and that has been greatly enlarged and improved; the principal front is embattled, and the main entrance, which is under a splendid Gothic porch, is defended by two circular towers. The grand hall is roofed with richly-carved ancient Irish oak, lighted by three large windows, with a gallery at the end. Among the many splendid apartments the Castle contains, the most curious is that called the "oak chamber," ceiled and wainscoted with richly-carved oak, in compartments, containing scriptural devices, and lighted with a pointed window of stained glass. In the drawing-room, among other valuable paintings, there is a small altar-piece painted by Albert Durer, said to have been originally in the oratory of Mary Queen of Scots, at Holvrood House. The demesne is adorned with groups of stately trees, and the grounds and gardens of the Castle are beautifully laid out. It is open daily to visitors. The town contains many handsome private residences which are permanently occupied. The only public buildings are the Church, a neat edifice of the later English style, which has recently been enlarged and restored, and a handsome Roman Catholic Church. It has a large and handsome Hotel, a Constabulary Police and a Coast-guard Station, a National School, and a Parochial Church of Ireland School. Off the coast there are profitable beds of oysters, the property of the Lord of the Manor. There is a Postal Telegraph Office at the Post Office. Blood, J.R. Ballykilty Railway Station—Mr. Keirans, station Archbold, Mrs. 161. Bassett and McCready. contractors master 124?. Corrigan, A. The Cottage Carnegie Library — hon. sec T. Cleary Reid, J. contractor, The Manor house Franks. J. Roseneath Coast-guard Station Royal Irish Constabulary Station—Sergt Harford, Mrs R grocer Cooke, Henry, tea, wine, and spirit Fogarty in charge James, Mrs. merchant, Abercorn tavern Talbot de Malahide, the Right Hon.; Joynt, Dr. W\ 0. 14/. Dickie, Mrs, Casino Lord, Malahide castle, 440/. Mitchell, Malcolm, St. Andrew's lAspensary— Patrick Kiernan, M.D. Taylor and Evans, victuallers, 161. schoolhouse surg. medical attendant VVinnett, Edwd. boot & shoemaker, 81. Fierce, Mr. Felix Grand Hotel—The Bethell Hotel Co., Wolfe, Mr. George Reid John, contractor, Manor house limited—manager, F. Linz, 140? Wright, Michl. poulterer & fishmonger Hall, Mrs. the Diamond, 11?. Killeen-terraee. Hogan, Mr. puhlican I Vacant, 32/. Holton, Mrs. Mary, family grocer Auburn-villa. 1 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 28/, Howard, Michael, victualler 1 Lr-et, Mrs. Elsinore „ Bjru, Mr. James, Mrs. lodging housekeeper 2 Robertson, R. T. esq. The Hutch 3 Anderson, T. esq. Jones, Rev. J. c.c. 16?. 26L Vfoutray, Mrs. Auburn house 4 Harden, H. esq. 261. Kavanagh, Mrs. The Diamond M'Allister, Mr. J03. Strand cottages Ross-terrace. MALABIDE CHURCH OF IRELAND— Carlisle-terrace. 1 Tiernev, Mrs. Rev. T. Somerville R. Lindsay, I Gibson, R. E.esq. m 2 O'Shea, Mrs. A.M. incumbent ; Rev. F. H. I Manders, E. esq. 251. 3 Browne, Mrs. Aldhouse, curate I Thompson, Mis;?, 25/. MALAHIDE R. C. CHUBCH—Rev. D. P. 4 Blackburne, Miss, 251. Mulcahy, P.P.; Rev. J. Jones.c.c. 5 Taylor, R. G. esq. St. James's-terrace. XL Malahide inn—W Parkinsrn, prop- I Mason, H. II. S. esq. 621. 1 & 2 Dillon, 0. H. esq. 321. sat. prietor 7 Fleming, Miss, 261. 3 Smith, Mrs. 28/. Malahide Baths—The Bethell Hote 8 Moore, Mrs. 26/. 4 Elliott, Mrs. ;M. Co.., limited, 5 Wilson, W. CranwiU, C.E. 34/. Malahide Coal Depot and Gas Works— 6 Moses, Misi*, 36/. Flower and M'Donald, proprietors Castle-terrace. 7 Vacmt, 34/. —manager, J. G. Taylor 1 Talbot, John, taa rooms, S Gillespie, Mrs. 36/. Malahide Golf Club—C. H. Dillon, esq i Jones, Rev. J. 9 Anster, Miss, 36/. hon. sec. ol. 3 Stack, Mr. James 10 Powell, Miss, 271. METHODIST CHUBCH 4 Johnston, Mr. 11 Campbell, Mrs. 27/. O'Neill, Joseph, J.P. ball, 5 Lambert, Mr. P. 12 Vacant, 26/. O'Neill, Laurence J. solicitor—office, 6 Weiss, Mr. n O'Connor, J. esq. St. James's vi 11a, 58 Upper Sackville-street 7 Browne, Miss, 26/. Owens, Edward, gteengrocer, Parkinson, Wm., family grocer and Italian warehouseman, 28/. [ Church-road. The Green. POST OFFICE— Mrs. Mary Holton, Adams, Mrs. Bateman, T. esq, sub-postmistress Aldhouse, Rev. F. H. Crowley, Mrs. —PEMBROKE URBAN DISTRICT. 631

PALMERSTOWN. PALMERSTOWN, or PALHERSTON, a parish and village in Uppercross barony, Dublin county, rive miles west frorc the General Post Office, Dublin, comprising an area of 1,513 acres. Population of the parish, 1,511. It is situated on the river Liffey and road to Lucan. The village consists of small humble dwellings, irregularly built, and a Roman Catholic chapel. The Great Southern and Western line of railway passes through the parish. In the vicinity there are several handsome seats and villas, the principal of which is Palmers- town House, a former seat of the Earl of Donoughmore, erected by his ancestor, the Right Hon. T. H. Hutchinson, when Secretary for Ireland. It is now occupied by the Stewart Institution, it is a spacious mansion on an elevated situation, commanding fine views. There is now an electric tramway, which starts from Conyngham-road and runs to Lucan. A WALL LETTEB-BOX at Palmerstoicn Hill, W. Strangman, Montenot'-e Stewart Institution fot L.J.ecile Children Mills. and Asylum, for Lunatic Patients Keatm Mrs Dispensary—A. D Clinch esq. med. g, - Julia, vintner of the Middle Classes—F. E. officer Molloy, Patrick Win. esq. Riversdale Rainsford, esq. M.D. medical Darling, William, esq. Rivermount supt. Palmerstown ho. Chapel- Mooney, Mrs. Maria, farmer, Red Cow Darey, C. Ailred house Lzod ; Edwd. Harnett Murphy, farm, The Hill assist, medical officer ; Barbara Egao, D. J. Dale view Mooney, Patrick, St. Margaret's Mitchell, matron. 4291. 10*. Farrelly, Miss E provision,

PEMBROKE URBAN DISTRICT. BALL'S-BRIDGE, a village in St. Mary's, Donnybrook, parish, Dublin barony and county, two miles S.E.fron: the General Post Office, Dublin. It is situate on the road to Kingstown and Bray, and takes its name from a bridge which here crosses the Dodder, erected in 1791, rebuilt in lp&>, and" widened and improved in 1904. In the approach to it, on the right of the road, where many neat villas now stand, is the site of Baggot-Rath castle, occupied by the forces of the Marquess of Ormonde in 1649. and stormed and taken by Cromwell in 1651. The Church. St. Mary's, is situate at Simmonscourt, Donnybrook. The new Church of St. Bartholomew, erected from the designs of T. H. Wyatt, esq., at a cost of about £6,000, is situate at the junction of Elgin-road and Clyde-road, near BallVbridge. The parochial district assigned to it includes that part of Pembroke township -which lies between Wellington-road and the , and between the Dublin and Kingstown Railway and the Donnybrook-road" The botanic garden of the University is in the vicinity. There is a District and Branch Post Office at Shelbourne-road, Ball's Bridge, where Money Order, Savings Bank, Telegraph, &c. business is transacted and from which delivery of letters for the district is effected. The Pembroke Township includes Baggotrath, Donnybrook, Irishtown. Merriou, Kingsend rod Sandymount, and contains an area of 1,6*23 acres, or about 2^ square miles. Population in 1901, 28,524 (estimated to be now 28,506), and the number of municipal electors, 4,389. The valuation of the Urban District in 1909 was t'l29,67i. The electric tram cars pass to and from Dublin eveiy few minutes. COTJNCILLOBS OF THE PEMBROKE UEBAN DiaTBiCT — Office,Town Hail. Rall's-bridge. Beckett, William, Chairman, jGerrard, Thomas Maitland. I Nuzum, Loftus L. J. P. Brown, James Lamont. Good, John. Parkes, John. Carpmills, David William. Hewitt, William Place, George William, Egan, Charles Howard. M'Bride, John, J.P. >exton Walter. Flood.Fredk. L. L.B.C.S.I., L.K.& Q.C.P.I. J Mitchell, Kobert, i.i\ Vice-Chairman Wells, William F.

Secretary, Executive Sanitary Officer, and Registrar of Stock, Joshua C. Manly. Auditor, J. A. Eaker, Local Government Board. Dublin. Medical Superintendent Officer of Health, John H. Chapman, F.K.Q.C.P.I. Medical Officer of Health. J. Knox Deuham, r.s.c.8.—Surveyor, John H. Middleton, B.A.I. Superintendent Fire Department, Captain J. C. Hatson. Inspectors of Nuisances, Andrew Kelly, Mrs H. Redding. Micbael J. Healy. Miss Christina O'Farrell. Inspector of Weights and Measures, Petroleum and Explosives, Edward Foxc. Collector, A. Hughes ; office hours, 10to ? every Monday and Friday. Electrical Engineer, 8. L. R. Price. Electricity and Refuse Destruction Works, South LotU.

N.B.—The and Pembroke Main Drainage Board meet at the Town Hall—Joshua C. Manly, Clerk

Pembroke District >chool Attendance Committee and the Pembroke Old Age Pension Committee meet at the Town HaU—Joshua C. Manly, C-.erk to the Committees. School Attendance Officers, Miss Caroline Haxlett, Mra. A. Lynch. Pembroke Technical Instruction Committee—C. P. Coote Cummins, Organising Secret^iry.

4 S.—Adelaide-buildings. Ailesbury-park. I White, Hy. Vincent, M.INST.C.M E. Barrow-street, . Merrion. M.INST.C.E.I., L.I A. T.CD., St. Helen 8 P. St. Mark.-South bock W. Ffom Xerrion-road to Sydney-parads, ' 1 Mulligan, W. Ibl. Railioay Station. • 5 Hyde, J. F. Giandore 2 Smith, John, millwright, 131.10*. 1 Jobson, Thomas B. Feddiuch, 371. ? Cahill, Philip, J.P. Dtmedin, ZQl. • .•••t^ggafagggg


RATHCOOLE AND SAGGARD. RATHCOOLE, an inland town and parish in Newcastle barony, Dublin county, 10 miles S. W. from Dublin, com­ prising an area of 4,705 acres. Population, J71 - The town, which was anciently called Radcull, is situated upon the road to Naas, and consists of one street, about a quarter of a mile in length, chiefly of small houses and cabins, irregularly built. The only public building is the Church of Ireland Church, a neat plain edifice. It has a Dispensary. It is the head station of the Constabulary force of the district of Uppercross. About two miles and a half N. W. from Ratbcoole is the parish and village of Netvcastle^ comprising an area of 4/283 acres. Population, 1,108. It is situated on the Grand Canal. The village was formerly a borough, having a portrieve and burgesses under charter of James I., and prior to the Union, unit two members to the Irish Parliament. The Church of Ireland Church is an ancient picturesque edifice, covered with ivy, having a fine eastern window. The Reman Catholic Church is a neat building, with a belfry. There is a Dispensary and National Schools. Petty Sessions are held the first Friday in each month. There is a Postal Telegraph Office at the Post Office. MAGISTBATES ATTENDING PETTY SESSIONS AT RATHCOOLE, first Friday in each month at 12 o'clock noon.—Sir John C. Kennedy, Bart.; Edmund B. Roach Kelly, J p.; R. A. Warren, J P.; Robert Kennedy, H.M.L. for co. Kildare ; W. J. Walsh, T.P. ; Noel E. Drory, J.P. Clerk, George A. Maliey, Sunnyside, Cbapelizod. A thgoe park—vacant Newcastle. Sagg-ard. CHURCH OF IRELAND—Rev. W. T. L\ Black Church inn—Peter Vicars. pro-JDrury, Noel, j.p., paper mill*—office, Shea, incumbent, Glebehouse, 221. • pHetor 8 Ormond-quay, lr. 1851.15s. Constabulary Police Station -Sergeant' CHURCH OF IRELAND— Rev. Franc'Gamble, Alfred, esq. Lynch park J. J. Kelly, in charge ; Sadlier, M.A. incumbent Gamble, G. F. Major, Slievethoul Crinion, N. Greenogue 26Z. 10*. Cloncurry, Lord, Lyons house, and Greene, Mrs. C. Fortunestown, 153*. Dowdall, James, farmer Maretimo, Blackrock Healv, P. farmer, Corbailis

Dunne, Bridget Connolly, Owen, esq. Ballscott, Hazle-; Jacob, John grocer Jacob, John, general merchant hatch ; MahoIlf Joh^ Boherboyf m Kennedy, Sir John, bart. J.?. Johns- Dowling, Richard, vintner, Newcastle! xationalSehoo^-HlisB Lvnch, mistress; town-Kennedy, 4061. Harrison, John, farmer, Colgans-; Mr. Rigney master M'Allister, John, farmer town I,, , , ' . .-' - „ ,,.i-, T , y- .. , „ , „ „ , ,OT Newsocn, -Juhn, horse trainer, ror- tunestown M'Cann: John, Keating's paik Kennedy, Robert, esq. 53Z. MEntee, Terence, farmer Lambert, Mrs. Staccumnie. Hazle. Norton, Patrick, Gibbans Noble, Montgomery, farmer hatch POST OFFICE- Miss Teresa Waters. Palmer, R. vintner Madden, Patrick, vintner sub- postmistress POSTOFFICE—Mr OFFICE ANDs POSTAR. LW TELEGKAP. CromerH, \Nationalilallissfcy School, —Misstea her Lyncs h and Mrs. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH — Rev. sub-postmistress Newcastle House -vacant, 1752. Rchard Duggan, P.P.; Rev. J. Rzthcool?Dispensary—J. P. O'Riordan, NEWCASTLE ROMAN CATHOLIC Seaver, c.C. L.K.Q.C.P.I. L.B.C.S.I. medical COURCH—Rev. Richard Duggan, Shea, Rev. W. T. L. Glebe house, attendant, Rathcoole p.p. ; Rev. J, Seaver, c.c. 221. Senior, Edward Rathcoole School, Church of Ireland— Tasaggard house—vacant Pheil, Mrs. Mary, Elm c >ttage, 421. Daniel Hallisey, master; Mrs. Walsh, Walter, j.p. . Kingswood, Sheil, Mrs. Rathnoole house, 37?. Mary Lennou, mistress 441.

Slaton, John, Kilbride, ilQl. Warren, Mrs. Paymount. Hazelhatch t Waters, Teresa, vintner Steacy, Joseph, farmer Wheatfield—vacant Waters, Matthew, farmer, 111. 10*. Walsh, Mary, vintner Woodburn, Richard, farmer Waters, James, farmer, Boherboy

RATHFAENHAM. KAXHFARNHAM, a parish and village in Uppercross and Rathdown baronies, Dublin county,four miles south from the General Post Office, Dublin, comprising an area of 2,581 acres. Population, 9,20b*. It is situated on the road to Whitechurch, and near where the Military-road commences that crosses the mountains into Wicklow county. The village consists of one long irregular street: the Church of Ireland Church on the right side, with a tower and spire. The Roman Catholic Church is a large building. The Loretto Convent, in the vicinity, is a modern building, attached to which there is an elegant chapel, a female free school, also a ladies''boarding and day school. The Novitiate College of the Augustinians and St. Coiumba"s College are in the neighbourhood. There is also a Dispensary, a Petty Sessions Court-house, and Constabulary Police-station. Three fairs are held in the year— May 15, J uly 10, October 7. The bridge of Rathfarnham, over the river Dodder, is several hundred yards from the village, the approach to which is rising ground, thickly shaded in summer by the trees of the demesnes on each side. The neighbourhood abounds iu pretty seats and villas, commanding rich views of the Dublin mountains and bay. At Grange is situated the u Priory," the residence of the famous John Philpot Curran. The castle of Rathfarnham was built by Archbishop Loftiis in the reign of Elizabeth. One of the entrances to the demesne, fronting the Dodder, is in the style of a Roman triumphal arch. The entrance to the castle is by a portico of eight Doriccolumns that support a dome painted in fresco with the signs ofthe zodiac. , a* village in the parish of Whitechurch, is about one and a quarter miles farther" on, and comprises an area of two acres. Population, "252. There is a Postal Telegraph Office at the Post Office. MAGISTBATES APPOINTED TO ATTEND PETTY SESSIONS, entry second Tuesday (11 o'clock), on and ftom Tuefday, the 14th J anuary, I90S—J. I). Tottenham, esq.; Henry llodgens, estj.; Albert Croly, est}. M,D, ; Robert Tedcastie, esq. ; Thomas W. Russell, esq., M.P. ; Major Sir Fredk. W. Shaw, bart. D.L. ; Francis M•Bride--esq.; John Ryan, esq.; Ernest W. Guinness, esq.; William Milward Jones, esq.; Robert Browne, esq. M.D. ; Sir Howard Grubb, F.&.S. : Henry J. Allen, esq. ; Hercules I). Rowlej, esq. -, Lord Massy ; Sir Andrew Reed ; Uaoul C, De Vtraon, esq.; Dr. Garrett Joyce, F.B.C.S.I. ; Judge Adje-Curran ; Gerald Begg, esq.; and Colonel F. G. Adye-Currau, M.D.; Charles Ljndon, esq., J.P. ; Charles Lawlor, esq., J.P. Clerk—Mr. James Keating 46 Brighton-square, wesr, . 664 COUNTY DUBLIN DIRECTORY.

Adams, J. J. Fountain Cottage Murray, Christopher, sand contractor, Batterfleld-avenae. Begg, Thomas, victualler, 101. &c. 3*. J*. ofBaihfarnham, Blackburne, Mrs. Rathfarnham castle NationalSchool—John Quinn, teacher, Boyd, T. H. Old Orchard, lit* 770/. Nutgrove Club Pavilion—Mooney, Ml. caretaker Brien, Mrs. J. L. St Brigid's, 50L O'Shea, Mr. P., Silveracre, 33Z. lbs. Coates, R. esq. Butterfield lodge Burke, Catherine, private nurse, 31. Perkins, James, Glyn, Southwell Grimwood, the Misses, Washington- Butler, T. O'Brien, Murgheis hall, Petty SessionsCourt-hoitse—Ca,stle view house, 503. Aideocarrick Philips, Thomas L. Washington lodge King, Thos, W. Greenroyd Campbell, Ellen, dairy, 162. and 20 Nassau-street, 191. Lundy, Henry J. M.B I.A.I. The Hirsel Colley, Mrs. Jane, tea rooms RATHFABNHAMCBUBCHOF IBELAND— —office, 17 Suffolk-street Cooney, Richard, bootmaker Kev. James Sandys Bird, A.M. M'Entagart, J. Butterfield house, and Croly, A. J.F. M.B.C.P. visiting rector—res. Rathfarnham rectory, Empire restaurant, Nassau-st. physician to Rathfarnham dis­ road, Rathgar ; verger, DubUn, \40l. pensary, Silveracre, lu5Z. 10a. W. B. Singleton—res. 14 Mount- Norman, William H. esq. Orchards- Croly, the Misses, Greenfield, 221. pleasant square town house, and 12 Suffolk-street, Custis, William, R.D c saddler and Rathfarnham Dispensary — '-'isiting Ul. 10s. vintner. 11. physician, Albert Croly, Mem. Wilson, David, poultry farm, Or- Daly, William Thomas, grocer, tea, Royal Coli Physicians chardatown house, 121, wine, and spirit merchant, 221. Rogers, Richard, dairy, Acre brook, Dickson, Thomas, coach builder 91 251. Douohoe, John, greengrocer ROMAN CATHOLIC CHDBCH, ST. Castle-view. Donnelly, Daniel, sand contractor, MAST'S — Rev. Canon Joseph 1 Alford, Mrs. m, Daisy bank, O'Keeffe, Rev. Michl. Behan,o.C.; 2 Knox. Mrs. H. Doud, Charles W. esq. Barton, 961. Rev. Michl. J. Bourke. c.c.— 3 Petty Sessions Court—J. Keating, Downey, Jno. nurs'man, Nutgrove, 351. Parochial house, 251. 10s clerk—res. 46 Brighton-square, Doyle, Mrs. M. purveyor 61. 10a. Royal Irish Constabulary Station— west. Kathgar, bl. Duffy, John, tailor Edward Henry Winder, esq. 4 Herbert, Mr. Nicholas, 91. Fallon, Maurice, cowkeeper, 121.15s. district inspector ; sergt. Richard 5 Sheridan, Francis, house painter, Farrington, Patrick, vintner, and 15 Hoduett 91. 10s. Bolton-street, Dublin, 36L Stanley, Mrs. dress and mantle mak­ Fetlierston LTaugh Convalescent Home— ing, and general draper, 111, 10a. Miss Sayers, lady superintendent Sdmondsto wn. SUB-POST OFFICE, POSTAL TELE- P.of Whitechureh. Gallagher, Patrick, wholesale & retail GBAPH,MoNEY OBDES

Brady, P. farmer and sand eon- Irwin, S.

RATHGAR—see RATHMINES AND RATHGAR URBAN DISTRICT. RATHGAR, a townland in Rathfarnham parish, Rathdown barony, Dublin county, 3 miles south from the General Post Office, Dublin. Population of township, 1901,32,602. It is situated midway between Rathmines and Terenure, on the road to Rathfarnham and Tallaght, and is now one of the most pleasing outlets of the metropolis, studded with handsome terraces or detached villas, and several pretty avenues diverging from the centre and leading towards Harold's-cross, the river Dodder, Terenure, and Upper Rathmines. There are several handsome churches. There is a tramway from Dublin to Terenure, and there are two Town Sub- offices at 44 and 43 Highfield-road and 15JA Rathgar-road, and a Sub-District Post Office on Orwell-road.

RATHMINES AND RATHGAR URBAN DISTRICT. T RATUMI>ES, an extensive district, suburban to the metropolis, in the parish of >bt. Peter, L ppercr.iiS aud Rathdown baronies. Dublin county, two miles south from the General Post Office, Dublin, comprising an area of 1,714 acres. Population of township, 1901, 32,602. It is situated on the road to Rathfarnham and Tallaght, and is one continued line of buildings, upwards of a mile and half in length, intersected by numerous terraces? with detached viiias. and only separated from the city, at Portobello, by the Graud Canal, SWORDS-TALLAGHT. 7.5

Swordi Dispensary—Dr. Cuffe Balneary—vacant, 120?. M'Grane, Mrs. farmer Smith,Mr. The Cottage, Brackenstown Gaffhey, Thomas, Magillstown M'Mahon, George, farmer, Dryuan T&ADEK8, ETC. I Glasgow, John, grocer M'Mahon, Mrs. T. farmer, Balheary Big Tree inn—M. Taylor, prop. ! Greene, William, farmer, Balheary M'Mahon, Thos. farmer, Dollords, 62*. Bollard, James, farmer, Balneary | Howard, James O'Neill, Mrs. grocer Byrne, Mrs. grocer j Howard, William, butcher O'Toole, John, grocer 1SZ. Caffrey, Thos. car owner ; Hughes, Edward, farmer, Balhearj Pentony, Mrs. A. miller & grocer, 1QZ. Cannon, John, coachbuilder Jones, Elias, road inspector Reid, J. farmer, Skiddoo Cannon, Peter, relieving officer | Knowd, George A. draper, etc. Rock, H. draper,

TALLAGHT. TALLAGHT, an inland village and parish in Uppercross barony, Dublin county, seven miles S.W. by W. from G. p.o. Dublin, comprising an area of 21,868 acres. Population of parish, 4,921 ; of town, 312, inhabiting 57 houses. The town is situated on the road to Blessington, and the parish extends from the village of to Cruralin, and on its southern side to Bahothery hill on the river Dodder, to the Green hills at its western extremity. The southern portion forms the range called the Tallaght Hill, and commands magnificent view3 of the bay and vale of Dublin. The church, a little above the town, dedicated to St. Maelrune, is a modern building in the pointed style. At there is a convent of Discaiced Carmelites, and in the village i3 the Priory of the Dominican order at St. IMary's, where a beautiful Memorial Church has been erected to the memory of the Very Rev. Thomas Burke. In the town there is a Dispensary, and there are National Schools. It is a Constabulary Police station, and Petty Sessions are held every alternate Monday. New Petty Sessions Court House erected by the County Council at a cost of over £1,000. There is a Postal Telegraph at the Post Office. Mr. Robert Boardman's paper mill at Boldbrook is in the vicinity. The cars of the Dublin and Blessington Steam Tramway Co. running between Terenure and Blessington, pass through Tallaght, which is a station on the line now running to Poulaphuca, a most interesting and charming line of country opened up by the enterprise of the Steam Tramway Company.

MAGISTRATES ATTENDING PETTY SESSIONS, every alternate Monday, on and from the Gth January, 1908, at 11.SO a.m.—Colonel Henry T. Finiay • Laurence B. Rorke, esq. ; J. Nugent Lentaigne. esq. B.L. ; Patrick Mooney, esq.; Nathaniel P. Archdale, esq.; Colonel P. G. Adye-Curran ; Robert Boardrnan, esq.; It. T. Blackburne, esq.; William H. Butler, esq,; Louis Perrin Hatchell, esq.; Maurice P. Flood, esq.; Major T F. R>ves ; John Craig, esq. ; Thomas Boothman, esq.; Dr. A. D. Clinch, M.D.— Cler.fr, Mr. James Keating, 46 Brighton-square, west, Ratbgar.

Baguall, John, co.c. BaUinacorney Fox, Wm, farmer, Whitestown, SOZ. Porter. Mrs. M. J. beer dealer Bagnall, James, esq. P.L.O. Ellen- Fox, William, family grocer, 10Z. 10*. Quinn, Rev. R. c.c. Bohernabreena. borough ho. Old Bawn, 682. 15*. Handcock, Mrs. Sallypark V. Barrett, Mrs. Elizabeth, family grocer Healey, P. farmer Staples, N. B. P. esq. B.A. Bavtnville and general merchant, '261. Healey, Myles, farmer 35/. Boardrnan, Mr. R. Airfield cottage, Henry, Samuel, Cookstown 1151. Stubbs, William, New ton house 78*. St io*. Hooper, WiUiam, esq. Fernvale, and SUB-POST Omci AND POSTAL TELE­ Boothnian, Miss Mary A. Bathamptoni Junior Conservative Club, Albe- GRAPH OFFICE—Miss M. A. cottage marle-street, Loudon Martin, sub-postmistress Boothman, Mr. Sainl. li.il tip per house Hosier, Mrs. Killininny ho. 37Z., 10*. ST. MART'S CONVENT — Very Rev. Boothman, Mr. Thomas, J.P. Jolly, S. esq. KJ'talown 137?, 10a II. Donegan, o.P. prior Brien, Mr. James, ».i.c. Airton ho. , Jordan, Patrick, esq. Old bawn, 701. Stuart, John, St. Anne's, 19Z. Byrne, P. esq. Firhouse 66Z. 10*.• Jordon, Mr. Michael, Park house TALLAGHT CHCBCH OF IB£LAHI>— CARMELITE CONVENT — Mrs. Len- Kearns, Mrs. St, Anne's, 191. Rev. Eugene H O'Meara.M.A. vicar taigne, superioress 561. Killenardeu—vacant, 49Z. Tallaght Parochial $<:hool-houazt MilM Carroll, Patk. esq. Killenardenhouse,, Lennon, M. fami'y grocer, Old Bawn Little, teacher 49?.! Mooney, Patrick, esq, Newhail til. Toomey, Mr. J. farmer Cunningham, W. Airfield house Muldoon, John, relieving officer, L>ispeniary—B. M. Poett, L.K.Q.c.p.r. j Haarlem, 951. M.a.c.s. Eng. medical attendant, Muldoon, Timothy, esq. Allenton house, toil Doyle, -Jas. co.c. esq. Ballinascorney, Green-kills. 10Z 15*. i Muldoon, Thomas, esq. Allenton ho. Doyle, Mjles, farmer, Newtovcvi, O'Brien, Wm. Rathmines water works Dunne, Lawrence, tanner, 1SZ. 152. 15*. \ O'Meara, Rev. Eugene 11. M.A. The Dunne, Mrs. C Killnamauagh house Dublin and Blessington Tramway Co.— : Rectory, 571. Flanagan, Michael, farmer, 5i-'i. ticket ofhce and waiting room, 21. O'Neill, Mis. Mary,family grocer, SZ. Flood, Mr. Francis, Kilnamanagh Fisher, Mrs Pro*pect house Bl. 10s. \ O'T oole, Thos. F earstown house S4J10*. Morrow, J. esq. Knocknamanagh Fiupatrick, J. J. architect, Court' Parochial School—J. P. Maloney, O'Mahony, Mrs. Nora Tynan, Cooleeu poti&gi teacher—res. Rose villa Welphy, Miss R.The Cottage TERENURE. 717

Gr e e smount.ro ad. lVlay field-road. Ennis, J. Home Cottage 91. Off Teremire-road. 1 Barkley, Robert T. 277. Fallon, Thomas,esq. Falburg, 20/. 15*. LAMP LETTER-EOX at corker. 3 Stewart, William, esq. 27/. Gill, James M. Beechlawn, 401. Herbert, Mrs. C. newsagent, 25/. 1 Vacant, 3 Vacant, 871. 7 Hall, Augustus W. esq. 81i Hume, Walter, esq. Westbourne, 61/. 2 Marchant, T. F. esq. •10 ! M'Clintock, Mr. J. I Bloomville 3 Hogan, Mrs. 9 Murphy, James J. esq. 27/. - A Mills, E. W. esq. Roseville, 301. „ Hogan, Edmond P. esq. 11 Milne, John, esq. 27/. 2 Mnira house—The Dublin, Btessington, 4 Carey, William, esq. 18 Owens, John, esq. o^ and Poulaphuca Steam Tramway 5 Campbell, H. F. esq. 3SZ 15 Earton, Arthur P. esq, 882 17 Allardyce, James, esq. 27/, Company's offices— H. O. Tisdall, 6 Keatinge, Charles T. esq. esq. secretary. 38/. Utt. 7 Beckett, Alfred, esq. 19 Griinston, Percy Harvey, e *q. 27/. Moira villa—vacant 8 Bothwell, Wm. esq. 21 Smith, Alec. J. 27/. Robinson, Wm. esq. Wasdale, 801. 5s. 9 Wright, R. Y. Murray, esq. 23 Judd, Charles W. esq. Mouni Slattery, Mrs. Leoville 4&. 10 Clinch, Francis, solr.—office Raphael 271. Swaine, John, Everton 44 Fleet-street, Dublin Waring, Henry, Frankfort 231. 11 Barnes, George, esq. 3 it Holland, Herbert F. esc. 901. Terennre Laundry Co. — Waring, 12 Conway, B. E. esq. 16 Armstrong, William, SOL >^ Henry, A.M.ISS.MECH.E. manager 13 M'Mullen, Robert B. 18 O'Sullivan, Thomas 30/. | —City Receiving offices, 95A Har- 14 Reid, H.,esq. 20 Haliday, Mr. John, 43/. couri-street and Belvidere-road, 15 Turner, F. J. esq. 06/. 16 Monson, Mrs. Advertising ttation, 61. 17 Wisdom, Mrs. Maythal-villas. 18 Allen, Samuel, esq. Ounavarra 1 Walshe, Mr. John E. 16?. St. Bridget's-terrace. 19 Vacant, 2 Butler, Mr. Edward A. UK 80 Joynt, T. A. esq. J.F. «Pt 3 Swaine, Mr. John 161, Near Tertnure. 21 Douglas, Sinton, esq. 1 Young, Mr. S. G. IS/. 22 Gallagher, J. M. 2 Mahon, Mrs. W. W. 88 Williams, Hy. J.



WILLJABISTOWN, a maritime village in the parish of Booterstcwn, partly in Dublin barony but chiefly in that of RatbdtwnJ3ublin county, 4} miles S.E.from the General Post Office, Dublin, comprising an area of 46 acres. Population, 575, inhabiting &4 houses. It is situated upon the S. shore of , close to the Kingstown railway, and on the road to Bray. It is resorted to ai a bathing-place. In the neighbourhood, approached from or Blackrock, there are many handsome seats and villas. The parithchurch is situated in Cress- avenue, Blackrock. Jtis within the Blackrock postal delivery. Tram cars pass to and arrive from Publin every 5 minutes.