TRINITY COLLEGE MCMXIV-MCMXVIII Iuxta fidem defuncti sunt omnes isti non acceptis repromissionibus sed a longe [eas] aspicientes et salutantes et confitentes quia peregrini et hospites sunt super terram. (The Vulgate has ‘supra terram’, and includes the ‘eas’ which is missing from the inscription.) These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. (Hebrews 11: 13) Any further details of those commemorated would be gratefully received: please contact Details of those who appear not to have lost their lives in the First World War, e.g. Philip Gold, are given in italics. Adamson, William Allen, Melville Richard Howell Armstrong, Michael Richard Leader Born Nov. 23, 1884 at Sunderland, Agnew Born Nov. 27, 1889, at Armagh, Ireland. Northumberland. Son of William Adamson, Son of Henry Bruce Armstrong, of Deans Born Aug. 8, 1891, in Barnes, London. Son of Langham Tower, Sunderland., Sherborne Hill, Armagh. School, Cheltenham College. of Richard William Allen. Harrow School. School. Admitted as pensioner at Trinity, Admitted as pensioner at Trinity, June 25, Admitted as pensioner at Trinity, Oct. 1, June 25, 1904. BA 1907, MA 1911. 1908 (Mechanical Science Tripos). BA 1910. Aviator’s Certificate, Dec. 22, 1914. Captain, 6th Loyal North Lancs. Regiment, 1911. 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery Lieutenant (Aeroplane Officer), Royal 6th Battalion. Killed in action in Iraq, April and Royal Engineers (150th Field Flying Corps. Killed in flying accident, 24, 1916. Commemorated at Basra Company).
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