Journal of Physics: Conference Series OPEN ACCESS Related content - Computing on Knights and Kepler Exploiting parallelism in many-core architectures: Architectures G Bortolotti, M Caberletti, G Crimi et al. Lattice Boltzmann models as a test case - Implementing the lattice Boltzmann model on commodity graphics hardware Arie Kaufman, Zhe Fan and Kaloian To cite this article: F Mantovani et al 2013 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 454 012015 Petkov - Many-core experience with HEP software at CERN openlab Sverre Jarp, Alfio Lazzaro, Julien Leduc et al. View the article online for updates and enhancements. Recent citations - Lattice Boltzmann benchmark kernels as a testbed for performance analysis M. Wittmann et al - Enrico Calore et al - Computing on Knights and Kepler Architectures G Bortolotti et al This content was downloaded from IP address on 23/09/2021 at 15:57 24th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (IUPAP-CCP 2012) IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 454 (2013) 012015 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/454/1/012015 Exploiting parallelism in many-core architectures: Lattice Boltzmann models as a test case F Mantovani1, M Pivanti2, S F Schifano3 and R Tripiccione4 1 Department of Physics, Univesit¨atRegensburg, Germany 2 Department of Physics, Universit`adi Roma La Sapienza, Italy 3 Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Universit`adi Ferrara and INFN, Italy 4 Department of Physics and CMCS, Universit`adi Ferrara and INFN, Italy E-mail:
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[email protected] Abstract. In this paper we address the problem of identifying and exploiting techniques that optimize the performance of large scale scientific codes on many-core processors.