City of Gloucester

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City of Gloucester AGENDAITEMNO. CITYOFGLOUCESTER PLANNINGCOMMITTEE ON 5TH DECEMBER2006 DELEGATEDDECISIONS 1ST -31 ST OCTOBER2006 TheDevelopmentControlManager, HerbertWarehouse,TheDocks,Gloucester PT05126C INDEX Ward Page Abbey............................................................................................... 1 Barnwood......................................................................................... 1 BartonandTredworth ....................................................................... 2 Elmbridge......................................................................................... 2 Grange.............................................................................................. 2 Hucclecote ....................................................................................... 3 KingsholmandWotton...................................................................... 3 Longlevens....................................................................................... 4 MatsonandRobinswood .................................................................. 5 Moreland........................................................................................... 5 Podsmead........................................................................................ 6 QuedgeleyFieldcourt........................................................................ 6 QuedgeleySevernvale...................................................................... 6 Tuffley.............................................................................................. 7 Westgate.......................................................................................... 7 Decisiondescriptionsabbreviations................................................. 9 PT05126C Abbey 06/01127/FUL G3Y SARAHB 17/10/2006 Conversionofgarageintolivingaccommodation. 4RumseyCloseGloucesterGL45JY 06/01149/FUL G3Y MG 24/10/2006 Erectionofconservatoryatrear. 30HawkCloseGloucesterGL44WE 06/01041/FUL G3Y ADAMS 16/10/2006 Singlestoreyrearextension 6ClaridgeCloseGloucesterGL44AT 06/01025/FUL REFREA FEH 11/10/2006 Secondstoreyextensionoverexistinggarageandporch. 1BoyceCloseGloucesterGL45JU Barnwood 06/00347/LAW GSC ML 20/10/2006 Proposed1.83metrehighboundarywallatfront. 49CherstonCourtGloucesterGL43LE 06/01113/LAW GSC ML 19/10/2006 Demolitionofexistingshedadjoiningbungalowpriortotheerectionofeither theproposedconservatoryorgarageatrear. 15LittleElmbridgeGloucesterGL20HH 06/01077/LAW GSC ML 16/10/2006 Conversionofpartofgarageintolivingaccommodationandexternal alterations. 2UptonLaneGloucesterGL45UB 06/01138/LAW REF ML 31/10/2006 Proposedconservatoryatrear. 34DodingtonCloseGloucesterGL43JG 06/01055/FUL G3Y ADAMS 17/10/2006 Adaptionofcarporttoprovideentrancelobbyandadditionalbedroom. 23WestLodgeDriveGloucesterGL44XU 06/01045/LAW GSC ML 03/10/2006 Proposeduseofdwellinghousefor6adultswithlearningdifficulties,living togetherasasinglehousehold(ClassC3). 104EasternAvenueGloucesterGloucestershireGL44LP PT05126C 1 Barton&Tredworth 06/00794/FUL G3Y FEH 27/10/2006 Erectionofa4bedroomeddetacheddwelling.(demolitionofexisting workshopofficeandstores) 19AConduitStreetGloucesterGloucestershireGL14XF 06/01082/COU G3Y FEH 24/10/2006 Twostoreyrearextensionandconversionofdwellinginto2flats. 51DerbyRoadGloucesterGL14AE 06/01174/LAW GSC ML 31/10/2006 Preparationandservingofhotfoodancillarytotheexistingpublichouse. VauxhallInn174BartonStreetGloucesterGL14EU 06/01102/FUL G3Y SARAHB 11/10/2006 Erectionofconservatoryatrear. 33ConduitStreetGloucesterGL14XE Elmbridge 06/01156/FUL G3Y SARAHB 30/10/2006 Erectionof2storeydetacheddwellingwithintegralgarage.Alterationsto existingvehicularaccess. LandAt112ElmbridgeRoadGloucester 06/01112/FUL G3Y SARAHB 30/10/2006 Singlestoreyextensionatrear. 12WishfordCloseGloucesterGL20HQ Grange 06/00902/REM AR FEH 13/10/2006 Erectionof3no.3storeyblocksincorporating23flatsand4no.3storey dwellinghouses,publicopenspace,accessroadandassociatedparking facilities. LandOffTuffleyLane 06/00910/FUL G3Y FEH 20/10/2006 Erectionof3storeybuildingcomprising12flatswithassociatedworks includingvehicularaccessoffTolseygardens. LandAt1/2ShepherdRoadGloucesterGL25EQ 06/01023/FUL G3Y SARAHB 11/10/2006 Erectionofsinglestoreyextensiontosideandretentionofconservatoryand gardenroomatrear. 20GlencairnAvenueGloucesterGL40SQ PT05126C 2 Hucclecote 06/00847/FUL REF FEH 03/10/2006 Alterationstoroofandinstallationofdormerwindowatrear(2additional bedroomsandtoilet) 16DinglewellGloucesterGL33HR 06/01145/FUL G3Y FEH 24/10/2006 Singlestoreyextensiontosideandrear. 18HillviewDriveGloucesterGL33LJ 06/01157/FUL G3Y FEH 18/10/2006 Singlestoreyrearextension. 36TrevorRoadGloucesterGL33JL 06/01086/FUL G3Y SARAHB 24/10/2006 Externalalterationstodwellinginvolvingrecladdingwithfacingbricks. 45ColwellAvenueGloucesterGL33LU 06/01046/FUL G3Y MG 17/10/2006 Erectionofconservatorytorear 16BuscombeGardensGloucesterGL33QG Kingsholm&Wotton 06/00975/LBC G3L MG 17/10/2006 ExtensiontoGrade2Listedbuildingtoprovideentrancelobbyandlibrary. RedcliffeCollegeWottonHouseHortonRoadGloucesterGloucestershire GL13PT 06/01052/FUL G3Y FEH 13/10/2006 Constructionofaprocurementandlinenservicesbuildingwithassociated servicingfacility. LandAdjacentBoilerHouseGloucestershireRoyalHospitalGreatWestern RoadGloucesterGL13NN 06/01034/FUL G3Y SARAHB 16/10/2006 Singlestoreyextensionstorearofdwelling(cloakroomandgardenroom) 17HenryRoadGloucesterGL13DY 06/00987/FUL G3Y ADAMS 13/10/2006 Erectionofasinglestoreygardenbuilding. TheCedars144LondonRoadGloucesterGloucestershire PT05126C 3 06/01000/FUL G3Y ADAMS 05/10/2006 Erectionofasinglestoreysideandrearextension.Installationof3no. dormerwindowstorear. 5TewkesburyRoadGloucesterGloucestershireGL29AY 06/01011/FUL G3Y BOBR 10/10/2006 Twostoreyextensiontoside 79SebertStreetGloucesterGL13BS Longlevens 06/01104/LAW GSC ML 27/10/2006 Proposedconservatorytorear. 93OxstallsWayLonglevensGloucesterGloucestershireGL29JU 06/01114/LAW GSC ML 12/10/2006 Proposedconservatoryatrear. Ravenloft8TheAvenueGloucesterGL20BP 06/01089/FUL G3Y MG 17/10/2006 Erectionofconservatoryatrear. 8BradleyCloseLonglevensGloucesterGloucestershireGL29LA 06/01125/FUL G3Y FEH 13/10/2006 ErectionofConservatorytorear. 8GreyhoundGardensLonglevensGloucesterGloucestershireGL20XP 06/01049/FUL G3Y ADAMS 16/10/2006 Singlestoreyextensionatfront(cloakroom) 107PaygroveLaneGloucesterGL20BQ 06/01050/FUL G3Y SARAHB 10/10/2006 Singlestoreyextensiontorear. 73OxstallsDriveGloucesterGL29DD 06/01073/FUL G3Y ADAMS 17/10/2006 Singlestoreyextensiontoside 7WedgewoodDriveGloucesterGL20AD 06/01103/FUL G3Y MG 17/10/2006 Erectionofconservatoryatrear. 7OakleazeGloucesterGL20LQ 06/01075/FUL G3Y FEH 24/10/2006 Twoandsinglestoreyextensionsandrelocationofboundaryfence. 1LittleNormansGloucesterGL20EH PT05126C 4 Matson&Robinswood 06/00844/LAW GSC ML 05/10/2006 Proposedconservatoryatrear. 181PainswickRoadGloucesterGL44PF 06/00846/LBC GLB FEH 05/10/2006 ExternalalterationstopartGrade2starredListedbuildinginvolving repaintingbrickwallingwithlimewash. MatsonHouse50MatsonLaneGloucesterGL46ED 06/01158/FUL G3Y FEH 30/10/2006 Erectionofaboundarywall 14WellCrossRoadGloucesterGL46SN 06/01088/LAW GSC ML 27/10/2006 Proposedconservatoryatrear. 26GarnallsRoadMatsonGloucesterGloucestershireGL46ND 06/01132/FUL G3Y SARAHB 30/10/2006 Erectionofconservatorytorear. 15OakcroftCloseMatsonGloucesterGloucestershireGL46NU 06/01111/FUL REF SARAHB 24/10/2006 Erectionofatwostoreydetacheddwelling. LandAdjacentTo349PainswickRoadGloucesterGL44DD 06/01047/OUT REFREA ADAMS 17/10/2006 Erectionofa2bedroomdwellinghousewithadetachedgarage. LandAdjacentTo15SaintbridgeCloseGloucesterGL44AN Moreland 06/00904/FUL REFREA ADAMS 05/10/2006 Erectionof3storeyextensiontoreartocreateshopstorageroomand5no. flats,andprovisionof3parkingspacesservedoffMadleazeRoad. (Demolitionofexistingsinglestoreystoretorear). 52-54BristolRoadGloucesterGL15SD 06/00998/LBC G3L ADAMS 10/10/2006 InternalalterationstoGrade2ListedBuildingtocreate2no.selfcontained residentialunits. 25StroudRoadGloucesterGloucestershireGL15AA 06/00999/COU G3Y ADAMS 10/10/2006 Conversionofexistingpropertyinto2no.selfcontainedresidentialunits. 25StroudRoadGloucesterGloucestershireGL15AA PT05126C 5 06/01051/FUL G3Y FEH 17/10/2006 Erectionof2semidetacheddwellings.Formationofnewvehicularaccess andparkingfacility. LandAtRearOf241StroudRoadGloucesterGloucestershireGL15JZ 06/01059/FUL G3Y ADAMS 19/10/2006 Singlestoreyextensionatrear(storeroominassociationwithtake-awaypremises). 150BristolRoadGloucesterGL15SR Podsmead 06/00962/FUL G3Y BOBR 11/10/2006 Erectionofanewstairwellandadditionalmezzanineofficeareaandwindows. 370BristolRoadGloucesterGL25DH QuedgeleyFieldcourt 06/01096/LAW GSC ML 19/10/2006 Demolitionofexistingconservatoriesanderectionoftwonewconservatories oneattherearofthehouseandoneattachedtotheexistinggarage. Replacementofexistingfenceatside. 35TheMoatQuedgeleyGloucesterGL24TB 06/01033/FUL G3Y ADAMS
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