Area News South Yorkshire and North-East Derbyshire Area Winter 2009/10 Annual Report and AGM Annual General Meeting This year the AGM will be hosted by Barnsley and Penistone Group and will be held on Saturday January 30th 2010 at 2pm at the Dorothy Hyman Sports Centre, Snydale Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8LH. Cudworth is on the A628 between Barnsley and Pontefract. Going north from Barnsley, Snydale Road is at the far end of Cudworth village on the right hand side. There will be two speakers, Pete Wall from the Old Moor Nature Reserve, and Andrew Bibby, our link person on the national Board of Trustees. Most existing officers are willing to stand for re-election, but Basil Merry plans to step down as Membership Secretary, and Paul Clarke as IT Officer. Anyone who would like to get an insight into the work of the Area through these jobs or in any other way should contact our Chair, Lee Farmery at
[email protected] or ring him on 07789 077575. We will also be electing the Area’s delegates to the national General Council. This is an important part of how the Ramblers works as a democratic organisation. We will vote on new Standing Orders recommended by the Area Council. Anyone wanting a copy should contact Cath MacKay, on 0114 232 3494. There will be a walk of about 2 1/2 hours in the morning, including time to look round the ruins of Monk Bretton Priory. It will be led by Anne Parton, and will start from the Sports Centre at 10.30.