The BG News February 21, 1997
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-21-1997 The BG News February 21, 1997 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 21, 1997" (1997). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6133. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Directory SPORTS OPINION 2 S-y.,^ TODAY Switchboard 372-2601 Classified Ads 372-6977 Men's Basketball Women's Basketball Indoor Track Natalie and Aaron Display Ads 372-2605 Editorial 372-6966 vs. Toledo at Toledo at Kent debate the issue of Sports 372-2602 AjA cold Entertainment 372-2603 Saturday 7 p.m. Saturday 2 p.m. this weekend the new BGSU Story Idea? Give us a call Men hope to walk away with Women hope to maintain a Falcon men and women and rain weekdays from I pm. lo 5 pm.. or another win against hold ot third place with win head to MAC Champion- logomark e-mail: "[email protected]" eighth-place Rockets against Rockets ships in search of gold High: 50 Low: 44 FRIDAY February 21,1997 Volume 83, Issue 103 The BG News Bowling Green, Ohio "Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75years" # Union ideas presented to trustees By DARLA WARNOCK and couldn't do before," Knell said. residence halls next year, so we Knell said he believes using the SARAH BEONARSKI "This would solve a lot of the don't need the space," Whipple new concept of a multicultural Top 7 priorities the student body preferred in The BC News needs of student organizations." said. "We would not say *no more lounge Is something that would a renovated or new Student Union* Knell said incorporating most Prout Hall,' but what we can do is Immediately benefit the Univer- The possibilities are endless. student organizations into the relocate Prout Hall so that it is sity in its quest to develop a cul- Parcantaga Designers presented just a few union would provide for a more preserved." turally diverse community. of their working ideas for the student-based atmosphere and a Knell said a number of things "I think the whole multicultur- new student union to the Univer- positive environment. need to be incorporated in the alism idea is one of the things sity Board of Trustees Thursday. The WTW working group, new union, regardless of if the we've seen that could work Some new ideas were sug- composed of various University space Prout occupies Is used or here," Knell said. "All the groups gested through group brain- faculty members, are focused on not. kind of relate to one lounge." storming within the past couple attaining a wide variety of ideas He emphasized the need for a The main issue at this point, months, including the destruc- from various sources. modem facility with user- according to Knell, is how tion of Prout Hall. Ed Whlpple, vice president of friendly services, starting with a different building designs will al- The Ideas discussed at the edu- student affairs, explained that more commercial look in the low for additional student ser- cational meeting were updated the group is still in the process of main area of food services. vices. versions of the union expansion. gathering ideas and feedback "Food services are changing "We're looking at how Some preliminary conceptual from the University community. dramatically - gone is the different programs will work drawings look at the idea of "All of this is under review and cafeteria style," Knell said. with the building," Knell said. expanding the current Union into is a work in progress," Whlpple "Students want more of a re- "It's not the architecture that the space currently occupied by said. "I would like to get a report tailed look and their dining to be makes it work, it's the program- Prout Hall. to [University President Sidney more home-like." ming." Principal Paul Knell of the de- Ribeau] in early April so that he In order to achieve a more Whipple said a number of out- cation right now and if you want neither finalized nor approved, sign firm WiUiams-Trebilcock- can review it and act accord- home-like facility, a number of side issues also need to be ad- people to come here, you've got he said it is important for stu- Whitehead made the conceptual ingly." options are available. Knell said. dressed before plans for a new or to get these things worked out," dents to get involved and excited presentation to the trustees. Whlpple said Prout is a big The survey conducted among a renovated union are finalized, Whipple said. "The one thing we at the prospect of attaining a new He said that using the current consideration in the development select group of University stu- starting with the parking situa- didn't really talk about with this or improved union. Union may not provide enough process of a new union. He ex- dents and faculty showed a new tion. wonderful facility is parking." space to expand and house all plained that, with the lack of bed food marketplace as the number Some of the preliminary de- "I hope students get excited necessary programs. space needed by the University, one priority in a renovated or signs allow for additional park- Whipple explained that the new about it," Whipple said. "It's hard "We concluded that If Prout closing Prout becomes a more new union. ing surrounding the union, with union has a large impact on the to understand the amount of im- weren't here, then we could feasible possibility. Other reiponses ranged from a the possibility of a parking deck. campus community. Although pact a vibrant student union can expand and put In things that we "We're shutting down three coffeehouse to a post office. "This is a horrible parking 10- the designs for the union are make." Handle With Care City Council election spawns fresh faces ByVINCEGUERRIERI reation programs and strong The BC News City Government municipal management. Luedde, like Meyer, likes the fact he will Two University students and tan t for me to get out and find out run unopposed in the May pri- the former city police chief are what the residents of this ward mary. among those seeking spots on the want" "It's always an advantage Bowling Green City Council. Meyer is running against when you don't have someone There are six spots up for elec- Shawn Luedde, a sophomore po- running against you," Luedde tion on the council. At-large rep- litical science major whom Allen said. "We're starting from the resentative Robert McGeein is Baldwin, the Wood County Dem- same block." not up for re-election this year. ocratic Party Chairman, calls In the Third Ward, Democrat Four incumbent members are "one of the most Impressive men Sandra Wicks will run against not seeking re-election, among I've ever met." Galen Ash, who retired as police them council president and at- Both Meyer and Luedde are chief Feb. 14. Baldwin is confi- large representative Joyce Ke- from the area, Luedde from dent Wicks will make a good pke. Also not seeking re-election Maumee and Meyer from Per- showing, despite the popularity are Third Ward representative rysburg, and Meyer sees this as of Ash. Becky Hansen, at-large repre- an advantage. Baldwin notes the ward has the sentative Chet Marcln and First "I think I can have an under- most stable demographics, and Ward representative Sarah Og- standing about the things in this the Wicks family, who founded dahl, a University student. area," Meyer said. Grounds for Thought and Call of Two students are vying to rep- Meyer is especially concerned the Canyon, are very well-known resent the First Ward, which in- about the clashes that may exist within the community. cludes the University campus. between the residents of Bowling "They're very well-networked The Republican candidate is Ju- Green and the students at the and well-respected," Baldwin lie Meyer, a sophomore pre-law University, and makes that one said. major. of the major issues of her cam- Two incumbent council mem- Meyer faces no opposition in paign. bers, Second Ward representa- the May primary, but she said "I'd like to see a lot better work tive William Fischer and Fourth she will still be receptive to stu- between residents and students," Ward representative John Mura, BG New. Phata by Ciaa Fkmiif dents before the November gen- Meyer said. are both seeking at-large seats on Field House employees Frank Vamos and Nicki Cox carry in the flags of Recreational Sports, the state eral election. The main themes for Luedde's the Democratic ticket. They face of Ohio and the United States on Thursday through wind and rain. "I plan on campaigning," campaign will be better police Meyer said. "I think it's impor- protection, better parks and rec- • See COUNCIL, page three. Back at BG, maybe Prosecution will request kota selected a new president. If he does return, Olscamp also Olscamp may Jim Abbott will take over for faces scrutiny regarding several Olscamp on July 1. Olscamp, who court cases regarding cover-ups death penalty for Baker possibly return was a professor emeritus of phi- of the Phil Mason-Bernadette losophy, may return in the fall.