Anthony Horowitz | 288 pages | 05 May 2016 | Walker Books Ltd | 9781406369175 | English | London, United Kingdom in the Blurred Man & I Know What You Did Last Wednesday PDF Book Dog Man 9: Grime and Punishment. Rate it:. With that said, the French Connection is a great read, which happens to be irreverent, silly, and filled with lots of adult jokes. In the French Connection, the Diamond Brothers have just won a weekend in Paris for two after participating in a bestle yogurt competition. Can Nick and Tim find the murderers before it's too late? Little Monsters. Dav Pilkey. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Reading Advice Activities for Home and School. Write your own review First name: Age:. Book 7. Download as PDF Printable version. The Blurred Man : A man who may not have actually been real, but just the made-up story of a made-up organisation, which was never really there. Book 4. At this point, the Diamond has no other option but to open the white package and find out what was inside the package. Monthly Poll Do you pre-order books? Adam Hargreaves. Jamie Littler. Will Reacher jump the shark? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Apart from the extremely successful book series, Antony Horowitz is also the creator and writer of the award-winning book series, Foyles War. That's why our book series of the month is the River Universe. Two of Diamonds. One thing I love is when an author writes multiple series but they all take place in the same universe. YLKwan rated it really liked it Jul 30, The brothers have many hair-raising adventures, including one in which they are chased by a small plane in a scene reminiscent of Hitchcock's classic film North by Northwest. Public Enemy Number Two : A dangerous criminal needs to be caught, so Nick Diamond is once again thrust into danger, and must go undercover as a criminal to catch the crook. We'll base this on various factors for example "If you like Jack Reacher It is evidently clear that very few authors have the ability to use humor extremely well and Horowitz is definitely among them. Archived from the original on Once again, Tim Diamond and his younger brother Ni… More. To prevent death, the trio has no other option but to change their identity. was asked in on Twitter by a fan when this book would come out, to which Horowitz replied that he had not started on the book yet, so certainly not for another 3 years. Please try again or alternatively you can contact your chosen shop on or send us an email at. On 19 January , the estate of Arthur Conan Doyle announced that Horowitz was to be the writer of a new novel, the first such effort to receive an official endorsement from them and to be entitled . After managing to escape from prison with Johnny Powers, Nick and Tim Diamond eventually find themselves in an extremely dangerous cat and mouse game. The Diamond Brothers in the Blurred Man & I Know What You Did Last Wednesday Writer

The Danger Gang. However, he had to wait until he was twenty years old when he became a professional writer and had his debut novel published. The most notable difference is that The Diamond Brothers series contains much more humour, with many puns, pop culture references and absurd situations. About Anthony Horowitz. Luckily I have created an all new Bosch Universe listing. This item has been added to your basket View basket Checkout. South by Southeast In South by Southeast, we meet once again with the ex-police officer turned private investigator, Tim Diamond, and his kid brother, Nick Diamond. Your local Waterstones may have stock of this item. To prevent death, the trio has no other option but to change their identity. As expected, Tim and Nick create mayhem and solve the mysteries, which are presented to them. Apart from the extremely successful Alex Rider book series, Antony Horowitz is also the creator and writer of the award-winning book series, Foyles War. On 19 January , the estate of Arthur Conan Doyle announced that Horowitz was to be the writer of a new Sherlock Holmes novel, the first such effort to receive an official endorsement from them and to be entitled the House of Silk. EV Prescot rated it liked it Jun 01, Rhiannon Fielding. Books [ edit ] The series consists of the following books: The Falcon's Malteser : A mystery that starts with Tim being hired to protect a box of Maltesers. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Patrick Bailey rated it it was amazing Aug 23, The links beside each book title will take you to Amazon, who I feel are the best online retailer for books where you can read more about the book, or purchase it. Bronte rated it liked it Aug 31, The books tell the adventures of the world's worst private detective, Tim Diamond, and his younger brother, Nick Diamond, who is considerably more intelligent. The Diamond Brothers is a series of humorous children's detective books by Anthony Horowitz , the first of which was published in Horowitz's Holmes. Contact Us. And when he meets their fellow guests, the feeling only gets worse - especially when they start dying in ever more bizarre ways! Shelve The Blurred Man. Tim Diamond is given a sealed white package by one, Johnny Naples. Adam Hargreaves. Categories : Novels by Anthony Horowitz Series of children's books Children's mystery novels British comedy novels British children's novels. The Diamond Brothers in the Blurred Man & I Know What You Did Last Wednesday Reviews

Now, the two embark on a mission to find out who was responsible for killing James McGuffin. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Horowitz Horror Download Now Dismiss. Two of Diamonds by Anthony Horowitz. View other formats and editions. Anthony has been writing since the age of eight, and professionally since the age of twenty. Ever since he was eight years old, Anthony Horowitz has continued to create highly entertaining stories. Registered in England under Company No. Chloe rated it it was amazing Oct 27, Shelve The Diamond Brothers in The entire series was re-issued in with new covers. He is preparing to hand the Reacher series over to his brother and the two are writing this novel together to ease the transition. The Boy At the Back of the Class. Tim Diamond is the world's worst private detective, but unfortunately for his younger brother Nick, the cases keep coming in. Daniel Lynch rated it really liked it Jul 04, I admit I had the right suspect in my head but not quite the why-done-it. However, after a series of adventures, the diamond brothers realize that with the box of Malteser, they were going to be able to open a box that was filled with diamonds. Rate it:. Want to Read. The French Confection : The two detective brothers are attacked, arrested, kidnapped, imprisoned, drugged, half-killed and all this on a normal trip to Paris. Insert your e-mail below to start getting these recommendations. More filters. Entertaining and full of dead bodies. Shelve Public Enemy Number Two. The book begins as Johnny is visiting the renowned Tim Diamond Inc. Book 3. Retrieved

The Diamond Brothers in the Blurred Man & I Know What You Did Last Wednesday Read Online

Shelve Public Enemy Number Two. Archived from the original on With that said, the French Connection is a great read, which happens to be irreverent, silly, and filled with lots of adult jokes. South by Southeast by Anthony Horowitz. Jamie Littler. Public Enemy Number is twice as good and twice as interesting as the first installment. Public Enemy Number Two : A dangerous criminal needs to be caught, so Nick Diamond is once again thrust into danger, and must go undercover as a criminal to catch the crook. Each month I pick a charity and ask that you support them instead. This title was also mentioned in the introduction to Three of Diamonds and at the end of . When the vertically-challenged Johnny Naples entru… More. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. The Littlest Yak. October Charity: The Mustard Seed. The best part in the story is when they find out about who killed their friends. Recently viewed. Two Diamond Brothers cases in one sparkling volume by the author of the number one bestselling Alex Rider series. Two of Diamonds. Nick may be several years younger than Tim Diamond, he is extremely bright and cannot even be compared to his older brother. Download Now Dismiss. Get A Copy. Please sign in to write a review.