WASHINGTON (AP)-Three members of the United States Senate announced their opposition yesterday to any move to normalize trade relations between Cuba and the United States in the absence of significant concessions from Cuban Premier Fidel Castro. Their statements came as the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington prepared to begin consideration of steps to lift the trade embargo imposed against Cuba in the early 1960's. "We cannot accept Cuba as a full-fledged member of the Amer- ican community until Cuba herself acknowledges the standards which are common to all the nations of the Americas," said Senator Jesse Helms, R-N.C. Senator Harry F. Byrd, indepenu- ent-Virginia, offered several NEW JETS FOR VC-10 - VC-10.received amendments to a bill introduced two TA-4 Skyhawk jets yesterday by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, morning. Eventually, the squadron D-Mass., to lift the U.S. em- will have eight of the two-seat bargo. attack jets, which will replace the F-8s currently in use.


Thursday. May 8. 1975


WASHINGTON (AP)-The U.S. govern- ment took its first step yesterday toward finding jobs for Vietnamese refugees as the House of Represent- GETTING READY FOR LONG BEACH - BMC Laurs Hansen left, and QMl Larry atives Immigration Subcommittee Robinson verified sounding charts yesterday in the harbor in scheduled action on President preparation of today's arrival of the SS Long Beach. The Long Beach Ford's $507 million request for is a C-4, fully containerized ship, 685 feet in length which can carry refugee aid. more than 600 containers. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, May 8, 1975


There will be a turkey shoot for WITH SQUARE DANCE CLASS cash prizes at the Skeet Range at 40 10 a.m. Saturday. Five persons Gitmo Swingers will meet with will -hoot in each round. The the square dance class at 6 p.m. cost is -0 cents per person. All Saturday at the Club Iguana Patio guns and ammunition will be pro- for a pot luck supper which will vided by the Skeet Club. All be followed by graduation and hands are invited to attend. initiation. Afterward, the old and new members will have their LIFEGUARDS ARE NEEDED BADLY first dance together.


Lifeguards are needed badly at NEW HOTLINE NUMBER Thursday-Amazing Grace, a drama Special Services. If Special Ser- rated G. vices is to continue lifeguard FOR THE COMMANDING OFFICER Friday-California Split, a drama service, there must be people to rated Rand A Name for Evil, a fill vacant and new positions. The new telephone number for drama rated R. Some of the beaches and pools will the commanding officer's hotline Saturday-The Blood Suckers, suffer greatly a if competent life- is 85800. This number has been drama rated R and Necromancy. a guards cannot be found. Persons established for the convenience drama rated PG. who are qualified as lifeguards of Naval Station personnel who Sunday-War Between Men and Women, can contact Special Services at have a matter they feel needs a drama rated PG. 951160 or 95373 DWH. to be brought to the CO's attention. ARMED FORCES DAY NEXT SATURDAY KI DERGARTEN REGISTRATION: GOLF COURSE HAS EPIDEMIC Attention all commands, special In order to assist the W. T. organizations and clubs, next Sampson Elementary School regi- OF DISAPPEARING FLAG POLES Saturday, May 17, is Armed Forces stration and placement for the Day. If you are planning a school year 1975-76, there will The Golf Course has recently special activity on this day you be a kindergarten registration had an epidemic of disappearing are requested to send your pub- May 12 to 16 from 1 to 3 p.m. flag poles. These flag poles are licity material by guard mail The registration will take place used to mark the greens. Base to PAO/AFRTS as soon as possible. in the counselor's office in the recreation funds must be used Your cooperation will be greatly main building at Marina Point. to replace these poles if they appreciated. We sincerely hope Any child registering for kinder- are not returned. Golf Course we can be a service to you. garten must be five by Dec. 31, personnel and players would 1975. Please bring the child's much appreciate it if the miss- SRD WOMEN TO HOLD MONTHLY MEETING birth certificate when you reg- ing flag poles were left laying ister. Registration for grades somewhere on the course, and no "SRD Women" will hold their 1-6 will take place in August. more of them disappeared. monthly meeting on Monday at 7:30 If you have any questions, please p.m. at 1239 A Villamar. For contact Ms. Fannon, Counselor CPO ADVISORY MEETING more information call 90282. at 95465 or 951269. There will be a CPO Club advis- ory meeting at 1 p.m. Friday in the club. All members are urged to attend. Local Forecast

Partly cloudy skies in the bay area. Visibility unrestricted. Winds light and variable 12-14 knots. High today 88. Low 84. WATER STATUS Bay conditions 1-3 feet. Sunrise tomorrow will be at 6:28. Sunset ter figures for yesterday: will be at 7:27. High tide tomor- t0000 003 00 . 20000,h. row will be at 8:01 a.m. PRODUCED: -0 - . L.oma.d P000 h. Low tide 1,275,000 will be at 1:57 p.m. CONSUMED: 1,485,000 t, -o. .oo h.00,0 1.0 00000O. IN STORAGE: 18,140,000 z0,. 0 .0.0. - 00 h.0 f00 .00000.000 WATERLOSS: 209,000 01 Thursday, May 8, 1975 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3


In the Norfolk area, a large new Registration for the next brick, ranch style house with cen- cAThe General Educational Development tral air conditioning and heat, Course (GED Prep) will be held total electric, 100'X 200" lot, Monday and Wednesday at 6 p.m. waterfront. Available approximately Registration will be held at by June 15. Contact CWO Seitz at the Marine Barracks, second the Enlisted Galley DWH or at the desk, main administrative build- BOQ in room 230 AWH. ing. All personnel interested in taking this course which YARD SALE AT 276-B! VILLAMAR RED CROSS HAS OPENINGS prepares them for the High School GED test, can enroll There will be a yard sale at FOR ADDITIONAL HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS free of charge. The course is 276-B Villamar Saturday from primarily for military per- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Curtains, toys, The Red Cross has openings for sonnel; however, civilian per- clothes and other miscellaneous additional hospital volunteers sonnel, U.S., and non-U.S. items will be sold. and would welcome inactive vol- can also enroll provided at unteers. Anyone who is interest- least 13 military personnel JUBAL ROCK GROUP TO APPEAR ed in volunteer work at the hos- are enrolled. pital should pick up an applicat- The course is eight weeks in IN GITMO DURING MAY ion at the Red Cross Field Direc- length, classes will be held tor's office, across from the twice each week, and will run The "Jubal" rock group, consist- gas station. for about three hours. Course ing of four males and two females, material contains data intended will be appearing in Gitmo through- AWARDS CEREMONY FOR RED CROSS for personnel who have dropped out the month of May. out of high school before com- They will appear at the Windjammer VOLUNTEERS TO BE AT COMO CLUB pleting school. Class will on Saturday from 8:15 to midnight, start on May 19 at 6 p.m. May 16 and 17 from 8:15 to midnight, An awards ceremony for Red For more information contact May 18 from 7:15 to 11 p.m., May Cross volunteers will be held at PNCS Bradford at 951189 AWH. 23 and 24 from 8:15 to midnight, the COMO Club at 9:30 a.m. Tues- and May 25 from 7:15 to 11 p.m. day. All Red Cross volunteers COMMISSARY STORE NOTE: They will appear at the L/P E.M. should make reservations through Club Sunday and Monday from 6 to their clinic chairmen or by The Commissary Store regrets 9:45 p.m., Tuesday from 6 to 9:45 calling the chairman of the the non-availability of many p.m. Wednesday from 5:30 to 9:15 p.m. volunteers, Anne Leech. Reser- items on its shelves, such as, May 19 and 20 from 6 to 9:45 p.m. vations must be in by Friday. dishwashing liquid, cereals, and May 21 from 5:30 to 9:15 p.m. cookies and flour. Due to the GITMO BAY BOYS' BASEBALL COMMISSION New Yorker being completely RESIDENTS USING KITTERY BEACH full on the last sailing, sev- TO HOLD AN UMPIRES' CLINIC MONDAY eral yans were bumped. Unfort- SHOULD BEWARE OF PROPAGANDA TRICKS unately all of the Commissary The Guantanamo Bay Boy's Baseball vans were among those left in Base residents using Kittery Beach Commission will hold an umpires' Norfolk. We hope to receive should be aware of the possibility clinic on Monday at 7 p.m. in the all stock items on the ship of being used in propaganda tricks, Conference Room at the U.S. Naval arriving today. according to Marine Barracks. These Dental Clinic. Anyone interested Thank you for your patience incidents which are recorded by in supporting the Boy's Baseball and understanding. hidden camera have been as innocuous program as a volunteer umpire is as waving at U.S. personnel, or as encouraged to attend this training NAVAL STATION LIBRARY serious as rock throwing, but the session. For additional information basic purpose remains the same, call 952240. TO CLOSE TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY embarrassment for the United States. Any overtures from personnel on OFFICERS WIVES CLUB TO MEET The Naval Station Library will the other side of the fenceline be closed Tuesday and Wednesday should be immediately reported to The May meeting of the Officers until 5 p.m. It will be open the Marine Barracks Staff Duty Wives Club will be held on Thurs- from 5 to 9 p.m. on those days. Officer (95472 or 95479). Under day, May 15, at 11:30 a.m. at the no circumstances should such in- COMO Club. The program will LOST: cidents be answered by word or feature representatives from Max gesture. Factor, Revlon and Estee Lauder Girls gold ring with blue stone, who will demonstrate make-up lost at the commissary while FOUND: artistry. Hosting this month's bagging. Call 951119. meeting will be the hospital- Lady's gold wedding band, at dental wives and reservations are Gold 1971 class ring with white W. T. Sampson High School. Call due to command representatives by sapphire stone. Great personal: 97224 AT. this Sunday. value. If found please contact Phil MG01 or call 85871 DWH. Lost at Windmill Beach, April 27. Initials PGP inside ring. Page 4 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, May 8, 1975 0 Irform a death-defying act.

Have your blood pressure checked. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - IGNORANCE ISN'T BLISS

Are you one of the 10-20 million Americans who are not receiving much needed treatment for high blood pressure? You may feel hale and hearty now, but as life insurance com- PN1 DANIEL BUTTS panies know all too well, a person with un- treated persistent high blood pressure or PN1 DANIEL BUTTS NAMED COMNAVBASE SAILOR OF YEAR hypertension has double or triple the risk of premature death. Hypertension is a major PN1 Daniel E. Butts, who was recently named 0 cause of stroke, heart failure and kidney ComNavBase Sailor of the Year, is one of the disease, and a significant contributing fac- nominees for CinClantFlt. Shore Sailor of the Year. tor to heart attacks. The 25-year-old petty officer's selection These are grim facts; but high blood was based on his professional ability, military pressure can be treated, and the chance of behavior and appearance, along with his involvement stroke, heart failure and kidney disease in community activities. significantly decreased. His nomination reads in part, that Petty Officer However, you obviously have to know you Butts displays "Superior professional knowledge and are hypertensive before you can get treat- resourcefulness" and his "keen awareness of the ment. Next Thursday from 3 to 7 p.m., and personnelman rating is clearly evidenced by his Saturday May 17 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., a accomplishment of being promoted to Petty Officer task force of volunteer health workers will First Class in less than six years of service." be taking blood pressures in the Navy Ex- Petty Officer Butt's exceptional performance, change. Invest in your future; stop by and initiative and loyal devotion to duty and the Navy get your blood pressure checked. make him an invaluable asset to NavSta Gitmo and an outstanding candidate for Shore Sailor of the Year. Attached to ESO, Butts is the assistant Educational IMMUNIZATION CLINIC SCHEDULED AT LEEWARD Services Division Petty Officer with the collateral duty of Tuition Assistance Allotment Holder. As An immunization clinic will be held by the such he manages a budget and processes approximately base veterinarian at the Leeward side Ceramic 300 applicants a year. Shop on May 13, from 10 a.m. until noon. Leeward Butts enlisted in the Navy in 1969 after graduating Point residents may take their dogs and cats from Martinsburg Senior High School in Martinsburg, for rabies and distemper vaccinations at the W. Va. special clinic. Owners are reminded that all He plans to put in an application next year for pets must be leashed or caged. The cost of the Limited Duty Officer and "go as high and as far shots will be $4 for rabies, and $5 for dis- as possible" in his career with the Navy. temper. He and his wife Sharon and two children reside at 13-C Granadillo Point. Thursday, May 8, 1975 Guantanamo Gazette Page 5



High School students between the ages of 14 and 21 who are interested in employment during the summer months as working aids are urged to register between now and the end of May with the Con- solidated Civilian Personnel Office, Building 804. Students aged 14 and 15 must have parental con- sent to perform the kind of jobs they are.seeking. The pay for these positions will be the same as last year, $106 or $1.60 per hour. The appointments will not extend beyond 90 days and will be- gin after June 1. Applications for these summer jobs will be accepted throughout the month of May. Applicants are requested to indicate on the application the kind of work in which they are interested. Ap- plications will be referred to those activities which have open- ings for summer jobs of the kind RETURNS TOGITMO - Dean Stodk1mefr (insert), who served two tours of in which applicants whave indicated duty in Gitmo before he retired from the Navy, returned yesterday interest. Under this program stu- as the skipper of the yacht Trafalgar. dents will work 40 hours per week, and will not be paid for holidays which are non-work days. FORMER BASE PROVOST MARSHAL SAILS YACHT INTO GITMO MCGOVERN THINKS EMBARGO The 50-foot yacht Trafalgar pull- City but encountered a storm off WILL INEVITABLY BE LIFTED ed into Gitmo yesterday for stores the Virginia coast that broke gn its way to San Francisco. The the rudder. After making repairs HAVANA, Cuba (AP)-Senator George boat has a crew of two and is skip- in Norfolk, she set sail again. McGovern said yesterday he and pered by Dean Stocklmeir, a former This time a storm hit her off the Prime Minister Fidel Castro agreed Navy commander. Florida coast and sent her into that "inevitably" the U.S. trade Stocklmeir, who retired last Ft. Lauderdale with a broken aft embargo against the island would year, served two tours of duty mast. be lifted. here; one in 1964-65 with FTG Stocklmeir says he thinks McGovern all met until midnight as an anti-submarine warfare in- his bad luck has been used up with Castro, Vice Prime Minister structor and another in 1970-71 and hopes to make it to San Carlos Rafael Rodriguez and Foreign as the base provost marshal. Francisco in 30 days via the Minister Raul Roa for a wide-ranging The Trafalgar originally set Panama Canal. exchange on U.S.-Cuba relations. sail in November from New York The South Dakota Democri< only the third U.S. senator to 3it Cuba since the United Stat 3 broke MOTHERS DAY CELEBRATION AT off relations in 1961, said ne had GIRLS SOFTBALL SIGN UP gone into a scheduled meeting with THE 'WINDJAMMER' E.M. CLUB Rodriguez and Roa, and by "pleasant Sign up for a gals softball surprise" Castro joined the session. There will be a Mothers Day league will be held this He said Saturday he would meet again celebration at the Windjammer Sun- at the Navy Exchange from 10 a.m. with Castro last night for more day from 3 to 7 p.m. The celebrat- until 2 p.m. Students, wives substantive talks. ion will consist of a special buf- and mothers are all eligible to McGovern said he came away from fet dinner costing $3.25 for adults sign up to play in the league. the late meeting with the strong and $1.65 for children under 12. Coaches and helpers are also needed impression that the total economic Starting at 7:15 p.m.,- the to assist in the league. For blockade of Cuba, imposed in 1962, Gitmo Goodtime Express will be play- further information, contact "has been very difficult" for Cuba ing. .Couples only in the main Shirley Kania at 952235.1 and the Castro government is ballroom for the dance. eager for it to be lifted. Page 6 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, May 8, 1975



Special Services is organizing ladies volleyball. To register or for information call Special Services at 951160 or 95373.


Today will be a holy day, Ascen- sion Thursday, for Catholic per- sonnel. Mass will be held in the main chapel at 6:30 a.m., 11:45 and 5 p.m. Mass will be at Leeward Point Chapel at 4:30 p.m.



The Rifle and Pistol Club will conclude rehabilitating the club house Saturday beginning at 10 a.m. The club house is located at the old Naval Station Corral. All members are OWC PRESENTS GIFT - Ruth Schriefer of the Officers Wives Club presents urged to attend. Shelley Crabtree, mother of twin girls April Marie and Jennifer Merideth, born last Thursday, with the club's first new-born baby package. The NAS/VC-10 ARE CO-SPONSORING package is one of many projects sponsored by the OWC which include the Thrift Shop, the annual Christmas bazaar, Christmas cards, Gitmo AN AVIATION BALL calendars and cookbooks. In the past they have provided free gift wrapping at the Navy Exchange for Christmas, donated infant care items NAS/VC-10 are co sponsoring an to the MAC Terminal and Chapel nursery. The club recently elected Aviation Ball. The ball is open new officers as follows: Donna Lahr, president; Mary Jones, vice- to aviators attached to all com- president; Janet Kiernan, treasurer; and JoAnn Good, secretary. mands in the Gitmo Bay complex. The occasion will be held Saturday. RESERVATIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED It is requested that all interest- TROLLING BOAT IS BACK IN OPERATION ed aviators not attached to NAS/ FOR THE PLAYi "THE FANTASTICKS" VC-10 or FTG, contact Ens. Huff Special Services has announced at 64347 DWH or 85264 AWH, if Reservations are now being accept- that their trolling boat is back interested in attending. ed for the combined dinner and in operation. The boat may be theatre production of "The Fantas- rented on Sat., Sun. and holidays COMO CLUB PRESENTS ticks" at Morin Center. A steam- to a minimum of two people and a ship round buffet dinner will be maximum of four from 5 a.m. to MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL served at 6 p.m. in Morin Center's 11:30 a.m. The fee is $5 per International Room, by the CPO person. Reservations must be There will be a special dinner Club, followed by the "The Fantas- made in person at the Naval Station at the COMO Club Sunday from ticks" on Morin Center patio Fishing Gear Locker. 6 to 9 p.m. for Mother's Day stage at 8 p.m. The dinner-theatre celebration. The cost of the dinner tickets are available for all GITMO GOLFERS NOTE: will be $4 per person except for nights of the play, Tuesday through children under the age of 12 years Saturday, May 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. There will be a Jack and Jill old, which will be half price only. This special event ticket will tournament this Sunday held in For your listening pleasure be $7 for adults and $4.50 for honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hutton. Tee Mike Grogan will entertain while children 12 and under. off time will be 12:30. Entry you dine. Reservations may be made by fee for the event is $3.50 calling 96157 AT. No dinner-theatre per person. There will be a cook NAVY EXCHANGE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY tickets can be sold after May 17. out at the golf course right after Reserved tickets may be picked the Jack and Jill tournament. The Navy Exchange is taking up Saturday, May 10 and 17 at Drinks and mix will be provided. applications for full time invoice the Little Theatre table in front audit clerk for accounting office, of the Navy Exchange from 10 a.m. YARD SALE: full time clerk typist for person until 2 p.m. Call 96157 for office, and part time mobile canteen reservations or more information. There will be a yard sale at 11 operator for L/P. Call 85348 DWH B East Bargo from 9 til noon on or stop by McCalla Admin Bldg. Saturday. Guantanamo Gazette Page 7



Special Services will be offering golf lessons starting June 3, at the Gitmo Golf Course. Lesson times will be Tuesday and Thurs- day from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. and 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., and Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 to 10 a.m. and 10 to 11 a.m. The series will consist of six lessons on the driving range, and one playing lesson on the golf course. The lesson fee will be $10 payable A.J. Foyt posted one of the top at the golf course. speeds in Tuesday practice by going 183 miles an hour at Indy.


TWO GRAND SLAMS OFF REUSCHEL CNB/Blue 12 NAS Leeward 15 UPI-Montreal's Mike Jorgensen Hospital 6 VC-10 11 has hit two grand slam home runs during his career and both have PWD 11 NAS Windward 4 been at the expense of Marine Barracks 0 CPO's 3 Cubs righthander Rick Reuschel. Jorgensen notched his second Base Police/Commissary 12 SHULA SHORES ONE HOLE LEFT BY THE grand slam Tuesday night to pace MCB-133 2 the Expos to a 9-4 victory over DEPARTURE OF THREE STARS TO WFL the Cubs. In other Nationaln UPI- League games, Don Coach has Sutton gained his shored one hole left sixth victory and by the departure of Ron Cey clubbed his three stars to the seventh homer of World Football Lea- the year in the gue. The Dolphins Los Angeles Dod- acquired running gers' 3-1 victory over Houston. back Donny Anderson to replace Jim Cincinnati downed San Diego, GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS EVEN Kiick in a swap with the St. Louis 7-3, San Francisco stopped Atlanta, Cardinals Tuesday. Miami also 7-1 and Pittsburgh edged the New THE WESTERN CONFERENCE SERIES got reserve tight end James Mc- York Mets, 2-1, in a game called Farland and gave up after seven and a half innings UPI-The Golden State Warriors Marlon Briscoe plus running back because of rain. The Phillies- have evened the Western Conference to St. Louis. Cardinals game in St. Louis also Championship series against the The New York Jets have offered was washed out. Chicago Bulls at two games apiece. Joe Namatha three-year, one- In the American League, Joe Rick Barry netted 36 points as the million dollar contract in an Coleman tossed a one-hitter as Warriors overcame a 17-point effort to keep the star quarter- Detroit beat Milwaukee, 4-2, deficit for a 111-106 victory back from jumping to the World Boston extended its winnii streak over the Bulls in Oakland Tuesday Football League. Meanwhile, the to six games with a 4-1 tr )h night. Washington and Boston president of the WFL says he is over Cleveland, Oakland tri ed re sumed the Eastern Conference giving Broadway Joe until May California, 5-3, Kansas Cit series at Landover, Maryland, 14 to decide whether he will dumped Texas, 6-2 and Minnesota Wednesday night with the Bullets accept-the league's four-million beat the Chicago White Sox, leading that series, two games dollar offer. 4-1, as Wilbur Wood was saddled to one. The have sent with his sixth loss of the sea- Two of the nation's highly-re- defensive end Phil Olsen to the son. garded prep basketball stars have for wide receiver Slugger Dick Allen may come out applied for the NBA's hardship Otto Stowe in what amounted to of retirement any day now. The draft. Bill Willoughby of Engle- an exchange of free agents. The Philadelphia Phillies have reach- wood, New Jersey, and Daryle Daw- Rams also get a future draft ed an agreement with Atlanta and kins of Orlando, Florida, appar- choice from Denver as part of the only problem left is satis- ently will pass up college for the deal. fying the Braves' player demands. the pro ranks. Atlanta obtained Allen from the Chicago White Sox during the off-season. Page 8 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, May 8, 1975 Beeline C What's happening Calls will be accepted for ads on Sundays from 5-7 p.m., Mon- day-Friday 3-5 p.m. Boxes are TODAY located at the Flagship Mess and between the Navy Exchange and Commissary Store. GUANTANAMO BAY SELF DEFENSE CLUB will practice at the Child Day Care Center at 6 p.m. DIAL 951144 OKINAWA KARATE AFFILIATION will practice from 6 to 8 p.m. at Marblehead Hall. For more information call 85559 DWH or 98258 AWH. COMNAVBASE CIVIC COUNCIL EXECUTIVE BOARD meets at 7:30 p.m. For more in- formation call 952234. for sale BINGO will be played at the Windjammer beginning at 8 p.m. 1965 Honda 305, excellent condition, $285. Contact LCdr. Hutton at 85849 TOMORROW DWH or 951001, extension 247 AWH. GOOD NEWS CLUB meets from 4 to 5 p.m. in the McCalla Chapel for grades 1969 Jaguar XKE, best offer. Call 1-5. For more information call Mrs. Huff at 85264. 952218 DWH.

Lafayette PS-50 power supply for CB 1956 Pontiac, running condition plus Green Berkshire recliner chair with transceiver, built in speaker. La- spare engine, $75. Call 98238 AWH. vibrator and heating pad built in, fayette Deluxe Super Range Boost II, good condition, $90. Boys 24" bi- wave ground plane antenna, includes 1971 Honda CB 100, good condition, cycle, ridden very little, good coax and mast, both less than four $350. 1969 Dodge Dart Custom, slant condition, $30. Bowling ball, 13 lbs, months old, $60 for both. Call 98142. six engine and drive train in good never drilled, $15. Call 952210 AT. condition, car available July 10, 1965 Chevelle Malibu, 2-dr. hardtop, $975. Call 85131 AT. Kenmore washer, $65. Five air con- 283 two barrel headers, Hurst, 4- ditioners of various capacities, speed, new tires, all gauges and 1973 Gremlin X 304 C.I.D. V-8 2-B available June 17, three available tachometer, engine rebuilt recently, Carb, extremely clean (ash tray earlier if desired. Two bunk bed new clutch, $600. Call 97186 AT. never used and carpet protected by mattresses, $6 each or $10 for pair. shag rug), extras include 3-speed Kitchenette table, with leaf and Bar, completely stocked, $150. Two manual transmission on floor, twin four chairs, $25. Assorted curtains, Lambrettas, one Sears Old State and grip differential, AM radio, tail- white sheers, 63" long, 2 for $1; one Honda bike, prices negotiable. gate air deflector, luggage rack, white sheer door panels, 2 pairs of Call 952296 AT. visibility group (day/night mirror, bathroom curtains and others. Call left side mirror adjustable from in- 85272 DWH or 85602 AWH. 10' X 23' barrel boat, 1973 40hp side, 3-speed intermittent wiper/ Johnson motor, private pier at Cor- washer system), metallic paint, inaso cove, includes flares, fire D-70 X 14 Good Year steel belted wanted' extinguisher, life jackets, heavy tires (spare never used), styled Five or six goldfish or black mollies fluke anchor, cushions, two 6 gallon steel wheels, complete undercoat- or any kind of fresh water fish that gas tanks, compass, running lights, ing, rust proofed, locking gas cap, can be kept in a simple fishbowl. heavy duty battery, large nylon flag, excellent mechanical condition, Call 98256 AWH. head, canvas canopy, 12' new cast net 15,500 miles on it and may be seen on 50' nylon line and storage box. at 1243 B Villamar or call 98223. Having wife down for visit and would Call 64345 DWH or 952237 AWH. $2350, no trades. like to sit a house for the month of June or last two weeks of June. Have Sears Flexo-Lounger exercisor (like Human hair fall, hand made, shoulder references. Call 97279 or 85690 and a Slim-Gym), $20. Call 96119 AT. length, medium brown, excellent con- ask for UTCN Lahrman. dition, $75 or best offer. Two Holly 1959 Pontiac, 4-dr., recently paint- Hobbie creative stitchery kits, Set of weights. Call 951275 AWH. ed and overhauled, $400. Washing $4.50 each. Print lifting materials, machine, like new, $125. Can be seen includes 4 oz. bottles of Decal-it, Small cage for cat. Call 951077 AT. at 829-A Oil Point AT. Protect-it, Crackle-it, and Age-it. * Various canvas boards, sizes 5" X 7", giveaway 1956 Olds, running condition, good 6" X 8" and 4" X 6". Several prints for parts, $75. Call 98238 AWH. to be lifted, 2 brushes and one One Gitmo Special male puppy, will roller. All materials for $10, in- be small dog, 8 months old. Call 1960 Hilman engine, transmission, struction book included. Fifty paper- 90267 AT. ideal for barrel boat, $100. 0all back mystery novels, 50 cents each. 98238 AWH. Teac Professional headphones, Model Six Gitmo Special puppies, 3 female HP101, stereo. Call 85848 AT or Lt. 3 male, 7 weeks old. Call 95456 AT. Five 5.60 X 15 tires, two brand new, Kramer at 85134 DWH. three used, package deal for $50. Call 98238 AWH. Framed original Gitmo seascapes and landscapes, oil, Call 96123 AT.