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[email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights. For all the pony fans—you’re not just in the background. Hearts and Hooves “Thanks for going with me to the party, Bon Bon,” said Lyra as she followed her best friend into the cottage. Lyra, a mint-green Unicorn, broke into a tiny smile. “It was nothing, really,” replied Bon Bon, distracted. She trotted around the room, looking under furniture and opening closets. “Stop.” Lyra put her hoof on Bon Bon’s shoulder and caught her eye. “It meant a lot to me. I know how you despise social events like that, even when they are thrown by Ponyville’s best party planner —Pinkie Pie.” Lyra reflected on the party, riffling through the snapshots in her mind of fun Hearts and Hooves Day activities. There had been cards, songs, heart-shaped confetti, and chocolate treats as far as the eye could see. They had played a game where everypony tried to guess the new filling flavors of the truffles that Pinkie Pie had whipped up especially for the party. Bon Bon had won by guessing “caramarshmallow sprinkle,” but seemed quite embarrassed about it—she had demanded they make a quick exit right after.