'(He Kenya Gazette
‘(HE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authoxity of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Nowspaper at the G.P.O.) Val, C—-No. 24 NAIROBI, 24th April, 1998 Price Sh. 35 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES Gazetre Notices—(Conid.) Paas PaGs Loss of Policy Documents,etc. .. 773 The Income Tax Act—Appointmentof Committee Change of Name .. 773 728 members .. ae ve Closure of Private Roads 773 The Pharmacy and Poisons Act—Appointment of the Members of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board .. 728 SUPPLEMENT No. 21 The Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Act—-Appoint: Bills, 1998 ment 728 Pace The Kenya Communications Bill, 1998 65 The Rent Restriction Act—Revocation, etc. .. 728 (Published as Special Issue, on 20th April, 1998) The Registration of Titles Act—lIssue of Provisional Certificates, etc. .. 728-729 SUPPLEMENT No. 22 The Registered Land Act—lIssue of New Land Title Deeds, etc 728, Legislative Supplement 729-731 LeGaL Notice No. PAGE The Records: Disposal (Courts) Rules—Intended Dest- 56—The Kenya Revenue Authority Act—Amend- ruction. of Court Records 731-732 ment of First Schedule 105 Probate and Administration 732-752, 57—The Kenya Railways Corporation (Approved 770 Special Retirement Scheme) (Pensions) (Amendment) Regulations, 1998 .. 165 The Companies Act—Incorporations, eic. 753-710 The African Obristian Marriage and Divorce Act— SPECIAL NOTICE Ministers Licensed to Celebrate Marriages, etc. .. TN~772 AS Friday, Ist May, 1998, is a public holiday, the issue of The Co-operative Societies Act—Extension ofInquiry Kenya Gazette which should appear on that date will now be Penod 772 published on Thursday, 30th April, 1998, The Trade Unions Act—Registration, eft.
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