Incorporating Relevance in Epistemic States in Belief Revision James Delgrande,1 Pavlos Peppas2,3 1 School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC V5A1S6, Canada 2 Centre for AI, School of Software, University of Technology Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia 3 Dept of Business Administration, University of Patras, Patras 26500, Greece
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[email protected] Abstract mula for revision. Indeed, as information repositories grow progressively larger, it is crucial that a belief change be re- We present an account of relevance in belief revision where, stricted to a “local” portion of a knowledge base. Conse- intuitively, one wants to only consider the relevant part of an agent’s epistemic state in a revision. We assume that rele- quently, an account of relevance in belief change is crucial, vance is a domain-specific notion, and that (ir)relevance as- both conceptually as well as computationally. sertions are given as part of the agent’s epistemic state. Such In this paper we present an account of relevance in belief assertions apply in a given context, and are of the form “in the revision. We take relevance to be a domain dependent no- case that formula σ holds, the Y part of the agent’s epistemic tion, in which assertions of (ir)relevance are part of the back- state is independent of the rest of the epistemic state”, where ground theory of a domain. For example, we may have the Y is part of the signature of the language. Two approaches assertion that, in the context of a party, whether Alice is there are given, one in which (in semantic terms) conditions are is independent of whether Bob is there (because they don’t placed on a faithful ranking on possible worlds to enforce the know each other).