TITLE: Manoah and His Wife SCRIPTURE: Judges 13:1-14:3

BIG IDEA: During the time of the Judges, the nation of Israel, again, turns from the Lord and finds itself under the dominion of the Philistines. Chapter 13 chronicles the origin of a deliverer named . Yet tucked into the passage is the story of a couple, strong in faith and stature, who together sought God and were used by Him to raise up a leader. God often uses normal means to accomplish what seems impossible.

1. POWER COUPLE – READ Judges 13:1-25 CONTEXT: In spite of their living in a nation marked by sin and under the authority of an enemy state, Manoah and his wife received a message from the Lord that would bring them hope. This Angel of the Lord brought the announcement that they would have a son who had a specific mission. He brought special instruction that this son needed to be raised as a Nazarite and set apart for a unique purpose. Samson was to be used by God to deliver them from the Philistines. A. Scanning through this chapter, what were some of the advantages that Samson had in his early life? How would you describe his parents? B. How had Israel assimilated into the Philistine culture? In what ways do we as believers find ourselves falling in line with our culture today? C. What should it look like for a couple to seek the Lord together in unity? D. How could recognizing that their son is a gift from God and belongs to God, shape the responsibility they felt as parents? What does it mean to raise a child according to the way God has wired and gifted them? E. From the example of this strong couple, what parts of your own life do you think ought to be addressed?

2. WHAT IS RIGHT – READ Judges 14:1-3 CONTEXT: Before Samson was even born, the Lord told his parents he would be “set apart” and used by God to deliver Israel from their Philistine oppressors. So, their response to his desire to marry a Philistine was a mixture of brokenhearted grief and anger. Instead of opposing the Philistines, he now wanted to ally with them in marriage. A. Why do you think Manoah and his wife objected to his choice in a wife? How did you typically respond when you were young if your parents opposed something you wanted? B. What did compromise look like for this couple? In what ways do you think it’s easy for parents to compromise in their responsibilities today?

PRAYER & ACTION A. PRAYER: Pray for God to raise up a generation of faithful parents who are committed to raising their children in the fear and admiration of the Lord. B. ACTION: Take time this week to pray specifically for your family by name. Ask God to uniquely position, bless, and commission them to faithfully make an impact within their culture.