No:A7lCG HS I Cl zoL$-ts I Date: 16.05.2014




sub:lnvitation to bidfor HouseKeeping services for 74cGHSwellness centres, 2 polyclinicAdministrative office & CMSat Chennai(Total 18 Units) sealedTenders are invitedfor providingHouse Keeping servicesat 14 cGHSwellness centres, 2 polyclinicand 1 AdministrativeOffice &'CMS at Chennai(Total 1g Units)

The bidders/Agenciesare requestedto go through the tenderenquiry document carefully, which will form part of the contract'The bidders should furnish all the informationasked for, sign all the pagesand submit the bidto the AdditionalDirector, central Government Health scheme,E-2-c, Rajaji Bhavan, Besant Nagar, chennai- 6000go.

ContactPerson : AdditionalDirector

Phone : 044-23458400 e-mail : [email protected] n ADDMONALDIffECIO* CENTIIAIG0VERll lrlEl{T t{E4lfi Sff eirE CHErttilAl CONTENTSOF TENDER DOCUMENT

sL.NO. Descriptionof contents

L. Scopeof thework 3

Eligibilitycriteria for TechnicalBid 3-4

CommercialBid 5

Proformafor Technical Bid 6-7

Proformafor CommercialBid 8-9

2. Termand conditions of theTENDER L0-12 13-19 3. DraftAgreement Format

(to bemade on Rs.L00/- Non-Judicialstamp paper)

Startdate & time for availabilityof tender 26.05.20L4

Enddate & timefor submissionof tender L2.06.20!4

Dateof openingof Technicalbid 10.06.2014(11 hrs)

Dateof pre-bidmeeting at the Officeof the 03.05.2014 AdditionalDirector, CGHS, E-2-C, Rajaji Bhavan, BesantNagar, Chennai - 600 090.

LastDate& Time for Submissionof Tenders t2.06.20L4at 1500hrs

Time& Dateof OpeningTenders L3.O6.201.4at 1530 hrs 'rAfl"t I DIRTCTOR OSIITFAIGOVERilMEIT HEAI-IH SCIIEi,|E cHtr{llAl Scopeof the Work

outsourcingof house-keepingservices in 14 CGHSwellness Centre, 2 polyclinicAdministrative office & CMSat chennai(Total 18 Units)as per the addressesindicated in the Annexure-l

Totalspace available in eachunit is indicated separately asper Annexure-l

The agencyis expectedto carryout the dailycleaning of the WellnessCentre/office space, toilets, wash basins etc.This will includecleaning of the floors,windows, furniture, office equipments etc. TheAgency has to deploy atleast person one for eachunit from Mondayto Saturdayin respectof 14 CGHSWellness Centre and 2 CGHS Polyclinic(total 16 units)and for AdministrativeOffice & CMSfrom Mondayto Friday(total z unit)on allworking daysas per the timingsmentioned below except closed Holidays.

Timings:07:30 AM to 03:00pM. (14 cGHS wellness centre & 2 polyclinic)

8.15AM to 04.45pM (1CGHS Administrative Office & CMS)

1' Thefirm providing the servicesshould be reputedwell establishedand financiallysound and haveproven experiencein the provisionof housekeepingservices.

A. ElieibilitvCriteria for TECHNTCAIBtD : 1. Thetendering Agency should fulfil the followingrequirements. (a) TheAgency should have the RegisteredOffice in Chennai. (b) TheAgency should be registeredwith the Labourdepartment, Govt. of TamilNadu. (c) TheAgency should have its own BankAccount for creditingthe payments.

(d) The Agencyshould be registeredwith IncomeTax department and obtained valid pAN Card. (e) TheAgency should be registeredwith appropriateauthority of servicetax.

(f) The Agencyshould be registeredwith appropriateauthorities under Employeesprovident Fund and EmployeesState lnsurance Acts.

B. EXPERIENCE: l) The Agencyshould have undertaken the housekeepingservices for the lastthree 20I1.-I2,2012-13& 2013-14,Experience with pSU/Central / StateGovernment age.certificates duly attestedby a Gazettedofficer should be submitted

e nt.rf"I-tf| I NIRE;|OR Central/Stategovt entities.In the caseof PSU,certificate from officer not lessthan DGM and abovewill be accepted.

ll) TheAgency's turnover has to be morethanRs.5lakhs (Rupees Five lakhs) in eachFy 2OIL-IZ,2012-13& 2013-14(Copy of BalanceSheet and tTRfiled for the aboveyears - Attestedby a charteredAccountant to be enclosed.)

1..The contractis initiallyfor one year from the date of award of tender.The periodof the contractmay furtherextended for a periodof 1 yearafter the completionof contractprovided the requirementof the Housekeepingpersists at thattime andunder the sameterms and conditions mutually agreed upon. 2. The contractmay be curtailed/ terminatedbefore the contractperiod owing to deficiencyin serviceor substandardquality of housekeepingby the selectedAgency duly giving a month'snotice.

3. The selectedagency will haveto depositPerformance Security Deposit equivalent to LOo/oof monthly Contractedvalue on date of signingof the agreement.The PerformanceSecurity should be furnishedin the form of the BankGuarantee drawn in favourof AdditionalDirector, CGHS Chennai. The performance Securityshould remain valid for a periodof 50 daysbeyond the date of completionof all the contractual obligationsof the supplier.

4. Thetendering Agencies are required to enclosephotocopies of allthe relevantdocuments as specified in the TechnicalBid, failing which their bidsshall be summarily/outrightly rejected and will not be consideredfor evaluation.

5. Theconditional bids will not be consideredand will be rejectedoutright.

6. All entries in the tenderform shouldbe legibleand filled clearly with signatureof authorisedperson on eachpage' No overwritingor cuttingis permittedin Bid Form.In suchcases, the tenderis liableto be rejected. In case,the amount mentioned in words and figures shows any difference,the amount mentionedin wordswill be countedfor evaluationpurpose.

7. Theenvelope containingTechnical Bid shall be openedon the scheduleddate and time (At 11.00hrs on 10.05.2014) at the Office of the AdditionalDirector situated in CGHS,E-2-C, Rajaji Bhavan,Besant Nagar,chennai-600 090, in the presenceof the representativesof the Agencies,if any, who wish to be present on the spotat thattime. The commercial bid shall be opened at a laterdate.

8' TheCGHS, Chennaireserves the rightto cancelany or all bidswithout assigningany reason.Entering into the agreementwill be at the discretionof CGHSChennai.


TheAgencies areexpected to quoteALt lNcLUslvERATES (material + services+ taxes+ wages) per month basis. while quoting the rate,the Agencyis expectedto keepthe Minimumwages Act app by RegionalLabour commissionerin mind. The commercial Bid shouldbe submitted in a separa documents.opening of the commercialbid will beintimated later.


Theoffers will be openedon the nominatedtime/venue/date &day. The committee will verifu the TechnicalBid andrelated documents. The Commercial Bid of thoseAgencies, who qualify the requirementsof the Technical Bid,will only be opened. The decision of the Committeeas approved by the competent authority shall be final.


TheAgencies have to enclosea DemandDraft for Rs.10,000/-(Rs. Ten thousand only) drawn on any Nationalized Bank,in favourof "Pay& AccountsOfficer, Ministry of Health& FamilyWelfare", payable at Chennai,along with their "TechnicalBid", failing which their offer will be summarilyrejected.

TenderDocument Cost:

Formcan be downloadedfrom our This will be free of cost.


{ln separatesealed Cover-l super scribed as Technical Bid)

1. Name& Addressof the registeredoffice in Chennaiwith phonenumber, email and name and telephone/mobilenumber of authorized

2A. ELIGIBILIW: Status(Yes/No) Relevant Documents submitted (Yes/No)

(a) TheAgency should be registeredwith the Labourdepartment. (copy of registrationcertificate to be enclosed)

(b) TheAgency should have Registered Office in Chennai. (c) TheAgency should have its own Bank Accountfor creditingthe payments throughECS

(d) TheAgency should be registeredwith IncomeTax department. (pAN)

(e) TheAgency should be registeredwith appropriateauthority of servicetax.

(f) TheAgency should be registeredwith appropriateauthorities under EmployeesProvident Fund and EmployeesState Insurance Acts. B. EXPERIENCE: i) l) The Agency should have undertakenthe housekeepingservices for the last three years,i.e. for the Fy 2OL!-LZ,2OLZ- 13& 2013-14. Experiencewith pSU lcentral / State Government agencies will be given weightage.Certificatesduly attested by a Gazetted officer should be submitted for verificationie., in caseof a Central/Stategovt entities.In the case of PSU,certificated from officer not less than DGM and above will be accepted,

ii) The Agency'sturnover has to be more than Rs.5 lakhs(Rupees Five lakhs)in each Fy 20tt-L2, 2012-13& 2013-1a(Copyof Balance Sheetand ITRflled for the aboveyears - Attested by a CharteredAccountant to be enclosed.) 3. Powerof Attorney/authorizationfor signing thebid documents

4. Detailsof theDD of Rs.10,000/- towards bid security(EMD) DDNo. Dates: Drawnon;

Declarationby the Tenderer:

This is to certify that l/we before signing this tender have read and fully understood allthe terms andconditions contained herein and undertake myself/ourselves to abide bv them.


1. DDNo. 2, Terms& Conditions(each page must be signedand sealed) ADDffiOIIAL DIRECTOR 3. CommerciatBid cEilTRAtGCVERUIT${T Hiil lfr Sf;dfrIE i,i{!f.$;il PhoneNo (O):

FaxNo (O) :


(ln a separatesealed Cover- superscribed "Commercial Bid")

SlNo. Descriptionof the work to be doneby Perunit per month (in Total18 Unitsper the agency(Total Cost) Rs.) month(in Rs.)

1 Wages

2 Material

3 Taxes

4 Services

Total amount for housekeepingservices

All inclusivehouse-keeping services amount computed at the rateof Rs...... perunitper month as mentionedin pageno.5 (commercial bid) has to bequoted. *-4 , Amount in words: ADDirroN*ffi ev\# CF^,TNALGOVERI{IIE}IT HEALTH SCHEME Note: c!iitll'tAl 1. Theagency has to quote all inclusive(material + services+ taxes).The ratesshould be inclusiveof material and other costsalso. euoted rateshave to be as per the minimum wagesapproved by RegionalLabour Commissioner(Central). 2. Though areasof all WellnessCentres, Polyclinic and Administrative Office are different,average of 14 units needto betaken for the purpose ofquoting the rates per unit. 3. Theagency is expectedto supplyatleast one personfor eachunit perday. 4. lf the agencyfails to provideone personfor eachunit on anyday/half-a-day, proportionate amount will be deductedas penalty from the monthlybills. 5. Thepayment will be madeon monthlybasis i.e. within 15 working days from the dateof submissionof bills. 6. Ratesshould be inclusiveof materialcost and taxes. 7. Totalworking hoursper day for eachunit is 7.5 hours for t4 Wellnesscentre, and 2 polyclinic,(Monday to Saturday)and t hours for Administrativeoffice & cMs (Mondayto Friday). 45 hoursper week in both the casesmentioned above. 8. A costper unit shouldbe indicatedseparately for calculationof penaltypurpose. 9. It is recommended that the firm shallmake a visit to the placesindicated in the Annexure-tto make an assessmentof the areafor the proposedwork beforesubmitting the quotefor the work.

Declarationbv the Bidder:

Thisis to certify that l/We beforesigning this tender have read and fully understood all the termsand conditions containedherein and undertake myself/ourselves to abide by them.


i) Noother charges would be payableby Client ii) There wouldbe no increasein ratesduring the Contractperiod. However the ratesunder Minimum wagesact will beensured.

(Signatureof Bidderwith seal)

Name :......

Seal :......


PhoneNo (O) :



Date :

Copyof the latestorder on MinimumWages Act and wages approved by RegionalLabour Commissioner (Central)may be enclosed.




1. The contractingAgency shall not be allowedto transfer,assign, pledge or sub-contractits rightsand liabilitiesunder this contract to anyother agency without the priorwritten consent of thisoffice.

2. Thetotaloffice space in variousunits is asindicated in the Annexure-l

3. The agencywill be boundby the detailsfurnished by him/ herto this Department,while submitting the tender. In case,any of suchdocuments furnished by him/ heris found to befalse at anystage, it wouldbe deemedto be a breachof termsof contractmaking him / herliable for legalaction besides termination of contractbesides forfeiting the BankGuarantee amount.

4. In caseof unsatisfactory performanceof the work bythe selectedagency, CGHS chennai reservesright to terminatethe contractduly giving a week'snotice to the contractingagency.

5. The manpower employedby the agencyshall be requiredto work from Mondayto Saturdayin 14 CGHS wellness Centre and 2 Polyclinicand from Monday to Fridayin Administrativeoffice & CMS.The manpower may also be called upon to perform duties on Sundaysand other Gazettedholidays, if required.

6. Thecontracting Agencyshall furnish the followingdetails in respectof individualdeployed by it before commencement. Fulldetails i.e. date of birth,marital status, address etc verificationof antecedentsof persons by localpolice authority at the costof the agency.The amount is not eligiblefor reimbursement.

7. In case,the person deployedby the Agency commits any act of omission/ commission that amounts to

appropriate actionagainst such persons, including their removalfrom si 6fk irlffi ediately,r_$ case ^ -/,( lJ4 of any theft or pilferages,loss or other offencesby the deployedpersonnel,the agencywill haveto compensatethe damages/lossesas directed by CGHSChennai.

8. The tenderingagency shall provideidentity cards to the personneldeployedin the officecarrying the photographof the personneland personalinformation as to Name,DOB,Photo, Age and ldentification marketc.

9. Theservice provider shall ensure that any detailsof office,operational process, technical know-how, securityarrangements, and administrative/organizational matters are not divulgedor disclosedto any personby its personnel deployed in theoffice.

10. The serviceprovider shall ensure proper conduct of his personnelin office premises,and enforce prohibitionof consumptionof alcoholicdrinks, pan, smoking etc.

L1. The persondeployed shall be requiredto reportfor work at 07.30AM sharpin 14 CGHSWellness Centres and2 Polyclinic(total 15 units)and 09.00 AM sharpin AdministrativeOffice & CMS(total 2 unit)

L2. A supervisorshall be nominatedby the agency.The frequency of supervisionshall be everyweek i.e.on everyWednesday if it happensto be holiday,next working day

13, Forall intentsand purposes, the serviceproviding agency shall be the "Employer"within the meaningof differentLabour Legislations in respectof Attendantsso employedand deployed.The personsdeployed by the agencyin the office shallnot haveclaims of any Masterand Servantrelationship nor haveany Principaland Agent relationship with or againstoffice of the cGHSchennai.

14. The serviceproviding agency shall be solely responsiblefor the redressal,grievances /resolution of disputesrelating to persondeployed. This office shall, in no way, be responsiblefor settlementof such issueswhatsoever.

15. Thisoffice shall not be responsiblefor anydamages, losses, claims, financial or other injuryto any person deployedby serviceproviding agency in the courseof their performingthe functions/duties,or for paymenttowards any compensation.

16. The personsdeployed by the serviceproviding agency shall not claimnor shallbe entitledto pay,perks and other facilitiesadmissible to casual,ad hoc, regular/ confirmedemployees of this officeduring the currentor afterexpiry of the contract.

!7. In caseof terminationof this contracton its expiryor otherwise,the personsdeployed by the service providingagency shall not be entitledto and will haveno claimfor any absorptionnor for any relaxation for absorptionin the regular/ otherwisecapacity in the office of AdditionalDi CGHSChennai.

I.EGAL DTRECTOR ADDTNONAT trE cEtlin At owERt{MEt{T HtAtTl{ sc}f f CHET,JfiAI L, The tenderingagency will be responsiblefor complianceof all statutoryprovisions relating to Minimum Wages,Provident Fund,and Employees State Insurance etc. in respectof the personsdeployed by it in thisoffice.

Tenderingagency shall alsobe liablefor depositingall taxes,levies, cess etc. on accountof service renderedby it to thisoffice to concernedtax collection authorities from time to timeas per extant rules andregulations on thematter.

3. Thetendering agency shall maintainall statutoryregistersunder the applicableLaw. The agencyshall producethe same,on demand, to the concernedauthorityof this office or any other authorityunder Law.

4. TheTax Deduction at source(T.D.s.) shallbe deductedas per the provisionsof IncomeTaxDepartment, as amendedfrom time to time and a certificateto this effectshall be providedto the agencyby this office.

5. In case,the tenderingagency failsto complywith anystatutory / taxationliability under appropriate law, andas a resultthereof the officeof the Additional Director,cGHS chennai is put to anyloss / obligation, monitoryor otherwise,the office will be entitledto get itself reimbursedout of the outstandingbills or the Performancesecurity Deposit of the agency,to the extentof the lossor obligationin monitoryterms.

(Signatureof Bidderwith seal)

Name :



Phone No (O) :


Place :

Date :


(To be madeon Rs.100.00Non-Judicialstamp paper) {'^r Thisagreement is madeat Chennaion the dayof Twothousand fourteen between acting throughshri , office of the AdditionalDirector, central Government HealthScheme, E'2-C, ,Client,which RajajiBhavan, Besant Nagar, Chennai- 90. (hereinaftercalled expressionshall, unlessrepugnant to the context or meaningthereof be deemedto mean and includeits successors,legal representativesand assigns) of the Firstpart.

SecondPart M/s havingits RegisteredOffice at

fter calledthe 'Agency'which expressionunless repugnant to thecontext shall mean and includeits successors-in- interestassigns etc.) ofthe Secondpart.

'client' wHEREASthe isdesirous to 'Agency' engagethe for providingHouse Keeping services for cGHSChennai the termsand conditions stated below:

1. TheAgency shall be solelyresponsible for complianceto provisionsof variousLabour, Industrial and any other laws applicableand all statutoryobligations, such as, wages,Allowances, Compensations, EpF, Bonus, Gratuity,ESl, etc relatingto Housekeeping ,Client, personneldeployed in CGHSChennai. The shallhave no liabilityin thisregard.

2. The agencyshall be solelyresponsible for any accident/medical/healthrelated liability/compensation for the personneldeployed by it at CGHSChennaisite, The'Client'shall have no liabilityin thisregard.

Any violationof instruction/agreement or suppressionof factswill attractcancellation of agreementwithout any referenceor any noticeperiod.

4. The contractcan be terminatedby givingone month noticeon eitherside.

5. PENALTY: a) lf the agencyfails to provide any of the personson any day/half-a-day,proportionate amount will be deductedas a penaltyfrom the monthlybills. b) lf the generalcleanliness, supply of materialsis notup to the satisfaction,a minimumpenalty of 5% on the billof that particularmonth will bededucted.

6. Performancebank guarantee Amount equalto 10%of the Annualcontract value (refundable without interest after 60 daysfrom terminationof contract) ,Agency, from any Nationalizedbank shall be furnishedby the on the day of signingof the contract. 'Agency' 7. The shall be fully responsible for timely monthly paymentof wagesand any other dues to the personneldeployed in CGHS chennaioffice. Monthly Payment to the agencyir,.tt o" madewithin 10 working davsfrom the date of the receiptof the bill in this office.The paymentwill be throughNEFT/RTGS mode. No cashor cheque/DDpayment will bearranged. 8. The personnelprovided by the 'Agency'will not claimto becomethe employeesof CGHSChennai and there will be no Employeeand Employer relationshipbetween the personnelengaged by 'Agency' for deploymentin CGHSBangalore. 9. Therewould be no increasein ratesduring contract period payable to 'Agency' 10. The alsoagrees to complywith annexedTerms and Conditionsand amendmentsthereto from time to time.

'client' L1-. Decisionof in regard to interpretationof the Termsand conditionsand the Agreementshall be final and bindingon the ,Agency,.

'Agency' 12. The shallensure full compliancewith tax lawsof Indiawith regardto this Contractand shallbe solely responsible 'Agency' 'Client' for the same.The shallkeep fully indemnifiedagainst 'Agency, liabilityof tax, interest, penaltyetc. of the in respectthereof, which may arise.

13. In caseof any disputebetween the 'Agency' 'client', 'client' and shallhave right to decide.However, all mattersof jurisdictionshall be at the localcourts located at Bangalore.

THISAGREEMENT will take effect from_ _day of Two thousandfourteen and shallbe valid for oneyear.

lN wlrNESswHEREoF both parties the hereto havecaused their respective common seals to be hereunto affixed/(or have hereunto set theirrespective hands and seals) the day and year mentioned above in chennai in the presenceof thewitness:

Forand on behalf of the ?gency'. Forand on behalfof the , ,

Signatureof theAuthorized Official Signatureof theAuthorized Official

Nameof the Official Nameof theOfficial

Stamp/Sealof the ?gency,


Bythe said Bythe said

Name Name

on behalfof the'Agency, ' ' in presenceof onbehalf of the in presenceof

Witness Witness

Name Name

Address Address

SCOPEOF WORK: '*=,1.{_t1

crili nnl G0vEFt{MEllTH[ttrH scHeilF cHEilt{Al 1) The O/o the Officeof the AdditionalDirector, Central Government Health Scheme, E-2-C, Rajaji Bhavan, Besant - Nagar,Chennai 90. requiresthe servicesof reputed,well establishedand financiallysound Manpowercompanies / Firms/ Agencyto providehousekeeping services.

2) The contractis initially for one yearfrom the date of awardof tender.The periodof the contractmay further extendedfor one more after the completionof contract provided the requirementof the Housekeepingpersists at that time and underthe sameterms and conditionsmutually agreed upon. The contract may be curtailed / terminated before the contract period owing to deficiencyin serviceor substandardquality of housekeepingby the selectedCompany / rirm/Rgencywithin one month notice.

3) The requirement of the officemay increaseor decreaseduring the periodof contractalso. In suchcases, paymentwill be on proportionatebasis.

4) Thesuccessful tendererwill haveto deposita PerformanceSecurity Deposit @ of tO%of Contractedyalue at the time of signing of the agreement.The PerformanceSecurity should be furnishedin the form of the BankGuarantee drawn in favourof AdditionalDirector, CGHS Chennai. The performancesecurity should remainvalid for a period of 60 daysbeyond the dateof completionof allthe contractualobligations of the supplier.


r' Thecontracting company Firm/ / Agencyshall not be allowed to transfer,assign, pledge or sub-contractits rightsand liabilities under thiscontract to anyother agency without the prior written consent of this office.

2. Thetotal office space in various units is asindicated inthe Annexure-l

3. Thetenderer will be bound by the detailsfurnished by him/ herto this Department,while submitting the tender'In case,any of suchdocuments furnishedby him/ her is foundto be falseat any stage,it would be deemedto be a breachof terms of contractmaking him / her liablefor legalactiongestdel.termination of contractand forfeiting Bank guarantee.

AnnfnfrilAl f't L{{<'y\ 4. In caseof unsatisfactoryperformance of the work by the selectedagency, CGHS Bangalore reserves right to terminatethe contractduly giving a week'snotice to the contractingagency.

5. The manpower employed by the agencyshall be required to work from Monday to Saturday. The manpower may also be called upon to perform duties on Sundaysand other Gazettedholidays, if required.

6. The contractingAgency shall furnish the followingdetails in respectof individualdeployed by it in this officebefore commencement of work(Nameof the person,id issuedby the agency.

a) List of Safaiwalasshort listed by agencyfor deploymentin office of AdditionalDirector, CGHS Chennaicontaining full details i.e. date of birth,marital status, address etc; b) Certificateor verificationof antecedentsof personsby localpolice authority at the cost of the agency. Theamount is not eligiblefor reimbursement.

7' In person case,the deployedby the successfulCompany / Firm/ Agencycommits any act of omission/ commissionthat amountsto misconduct/ indiscipline/ incompetenceand securityrisks, the successful Company/ Firm/ Agencywill be liableto take appropriatedisciplinary action against such persons, includingtheir removalfrom siteof work, if requiredby the Department,within 2 daysof beingbrought to their notice.In caseof anytheft or pilferages,loss or other offencesby the deployedpersonnel, the agency will haveto compensatethe damages/losses.

8. Thetendering company shall provide identity cards, uniforms etc. at theircost to the personneldeployed in the officecarryingthe photograph of the personnelandpersonal information asto Name,DOB, photo, Age andldentification mark etc.

9. The serviceprovider shall ensure that any detailsof office,operational process, technical know-how, securityarrangements, and administrative/organizationalmatters are not divulgedor disclosedto any personby its personnel deployed in theoffice.

10. The serviceprovider shall ensure proper conduct of his personnelin office premises,and enforce prohibitionof consumptionof alcoholicdrinks, pan, smoking, loitering without work etc.

person 11. The deployedshall be requiredto reportfor work at 07.30AM sharpin 14 WellnessCentres and 2 Polyclinicand 09.00AM sharp in Administrativeoffice & CMSand start cleaning/Washing/Dusting as mentionedin the schedule.

12. A supervisorshall be nominatedby the agency.The frequency of supervisionshall be everyweek i.e on everyWednesday.

13. Forall intentsand purposes,the serviceproviding agency shall be the "Employefwithin the meaningof different LabourLegislations in respectof Attendantsso employedand deployedin this Ministry.The persons deployedby the agencyin the officeshall not haveclaims of any Masterand Servant relationship norhave any Principal and Agent relationship with or againstOffice of the CGHSChennai.

14. Theservice providing agencyshall be solelyresponsible for the redressalof grievances/ resolution of disputesrelating to persondeployed. This office shall, in no way, issueswhatsoever.

L l-!?'rt'F Arr r ? -.- 15. Thisoffice shall not be responsiblefor anydamages, losses, claims, financial or otherinjury to anyperson deployedby service providing agency in thecourse of theirperforming the functions/duties, or for payment towardsany compensation.

16, Thepersons deployed by the service providing agency shall not claim nor shall be entitled to pay,perks and otherfacilities admissible to casual, ad hoc, regular / confirmed employees of thisoffice during the current or afterexpiry of thecontract.

\7. In caseof terminationof this contracton its expiryor otherwise,the personsdeployed by the service providingagency shall not be entitledto andwill haveno claimfor anyabsorption nor for anyrelaxation for absorptionin the regular/ otherwisecapacity in the officeof cGHSchennai.


1. Thetendering agency will be responsiblefor complianceof all statutoryprovisions relating to Minimum Wages,Provident Fund, and Employees State Insurance etc. in respectof the personsdeployed by it inthis office.

2. Tenderingagency shall also be liablefor depositingall taxes,levies, Cess etc. on accountof service renderedby it to thisOffice to concernedtax collection authorities from time to timeas per extant rules andregulations onthe matter.

3. The tenderingagency shall maintain all statutoryregisters under the applicableLaw. The agencyshall producethe same,on demand,to the concernedauthority of thisoffice or anyother authority under Law.

4. TheTax Deducted at Source(T.D.S.) shall be deductedas perthe provisionsof IncomeTax Department, as amendedfrom time to time anda certificateto this effectshall be providedto the agencyby this office.

5. In case,the tenderingagency fails to complywith anystatutory / taxationliability under appropriate law, and as a resultthereof the officeof the AdditionalDirector, cGHS chennai is put to anyloss / obligation, monitoryor otherwise,the officewill be entitledto get itselfreimbursed out of the outstandingbills or the PerformanceSecurity Deposit of the agency,to the extentof the lossor obligationin monitoryterms.

Signatureof theAuthorized Official Signatureof the AuthorizedOfficial Nameof the Official Nameof the Official ,Aryv\ Stamp/Sealof the ?gency' SIGNED,SEALED AND DELIVERED

Bythe said Bythe said

Name Name 'Agency' '_' on behalfof the in presenceof on behalfof the in presenceof




floR *-i?lllll$ii-'ll;Iil .ii)H€ttt Address of CGHS Office and WellnessCenters S.N WellnessCenter Area in Sq. Address Name of the In-charge & M. PhoneNumber

I CGHS 2500Sq.ft Officeof theAdditional Director,E-2-C, Dr. B.Sundararaju(AD) Administrative RajajiBhavan, Besant Nagar, Chennai - 23458400. Office 600090. 2 CentralMedical 2500Sq.ft Officeof theAdditional Director,E-2-C, Dr.UmaMaheswari Ramesh Stores RajajiBhavan, Besant Nagar, Chennai - ST.CMOincharge 600090. 23458440 J CGHS,Wellness 4000Sq.ft. BlockNoJL2l 169-1 70, CPWD Quarters, Dr. VandanaPalanivelu CenterNo.l IndiraNagar, Adyar CMO In-charge, Adyar 23458401 A CGHS,Wellness 2500Sq.ft, CentralRevenue Quarters, No.15 Dr. N.K.Eswaran CenterNo.2 RanganathanGarden, In-charge,23458402 AnnaNagar 5 CGHS,Wellness 4000Sq.ft. HeavyVehicles Factory Complex, . Dr. Lina Uthup CenterNo.3 Chennai- 600054 CMO In-charge, 23 458403 Avadi 6 CGHS,Wellness 3707Sq.ft. No. 1, Ist StreetGopalapuram, Dr. M.Malini CenterNo.4 Chennai- 600086. CMO In-charge,23 458404 Gopalapuram CGHS,Wellness 3300Sq.ft. BlockNo.6/1 -5, B.C.G. Staff Quarters, Dr. K.Kokila CenterNo.5 ,Chennai - 32. CMO In-charge, 23 458405 Guindy 8 CGHS,Wellness 2500Sq.ft. CPWDQuarters, GPRA Complex, Dr. T.S.Padmalakshmi CenterNo.6 K.K.Nagar,Chennai - 600078. ST.CMOIn-charge, 23458406 K.K.Nagar 9 CGHS,Wellness 3000Sq.ft. DGQA Complex,Meenambakkam, Dr. K.R. HemaCMO ln- CenterNo.T Chennai-600 114. charge,23458407 Meenambakkam l0 CGHS,Wellness 2400Sq.ft. QuarterNo. I 6-1 9, CDA Residential Dr. T.Veerarajan CenterNo.8 Complex,, CMO In-charge,23458408 Nandambakkam Chennai- 600089. u CGHS,Wellness 800Sq.ft. No.C&BBlock, l" Floor,Shastri Bhavan, Dr. C.Roja CenterNo.9 HaddowsRoad, Chennai - 600006. CMO In-charge, 23458409 t2 CGHS,Wellness 1615Sq.ft. No.28 PeramburHigh Road, , Dr. Roshini Arthur CenterNo.l0 Chennai- 600 012. ST.CMOIn-charge, 23458410 Perambur l3 CGHSWellness 22129q.ft. No.6, Kamaraj Salai,R.A. Puram, Dr. S.Sakuntala,CMO ln- CenterNo.l I Chennai- 600 028. charge,23458411 R.A.Puram l4 CGHSWellness 2000Sq.ft. No.l08 &. 109Mannar Swami Koil Street. Dr.T. S.Shanmuganathan,CMO CenterNo.l2 ,Chennai. In Charge,23458412. Royapuram UUHS Wellness 3600Sq.ft. No.54Akbar Sahib Street, , Dr.Ramaprasad,CMOIn CenterNo 1? r\L^--^: trnn nn < - )r- CGHSWellness 2014Sq.ft No.143,Perambur Barracks Road, , Dr.S. Subbulakshdi, Sr.CMO CenterNo.l4 Chennai600 007 In charge Vepery 234s8414

Polyclinic-I CPWDQuarters, GPRA Complex, K.K.Nagar K.K.Nagar,Chennai - 600078. Central RevenueQuarters, No.15 Dr.D. Swamakumafi.Sr. CMO RanganathanGarden, Anna Nagar ln charge,234fi8416