Social Monitoring Report

Project Number: 43032-013 April 2020 – April 2021 April 2021

People’s Republic of : Xi’an Urban Road Network Improvement Project

Prepared by Xi’an Municipal Government for the People’s Republic of China and the Asian Development Bank.

This social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Xi’an Urban Road Network Improvement Project

External Monitoring and Evaluation Report for RP Implementation (Phase XI)`

Shaanxi River Engineering Technology Research Center Apr 2021


I. Overall progress ...... 4

II. Impact of Land Acquisition and Demolition ...... 9

1. Affected districts...... 10

2.Type and Category of the Impact ...... 13

III. Monitoring of Land Acquisition and Demolition ...... 22

1. Monitoring scope ...... 22

2. Monitoring method ...... 23

3. Monitoring process ...... 24

4. Monitoring information and data analysis ...... 24

IV. Land Acquisition, Demolition and Resettlement ...... 29

1. Progress of land acquisition ...... 30

2. Progress of house demolition ...... 34

V. Execution of Resettlement Policy ...... 43

1. Land acquisition...... 43

2. Housing acquisition ...... 48

3. Economy recovery ...... 58

4. Other facilities ...... 74

5. The resettlement information of affected households ...... 75

6. Payment of compensation fee ...... 76

VI. Public Participation ...... 82

VII. Conclusions and Suggestions ...... 94

1. Conclusion ...... 94

2. Suggestions ...... 96

Contents of Tables

Table 1 Distribution of the Affected Area ...... 10

Table 2 Summarization of Update Data and Planning Data of Land Acquisition and Demolition

Impact ...... 14

Table 3 Statistics of affected attachments and infrastructures of each subproject ...... 19

Table 4 Questionnaire on basic information of 950 affected sampling households ...... 29

Table 5 Implementation schedule for land acquisition (By the end of Apr 2021) ...... 31

Table 6 Implementation progress of residential housing acquisition (up to the end of Apr 2021) ...... 36

Table 7 Implementation progress of housing acquisition of enterprise and public institution

(up to the end of Apr 2021) ...... 39

Table 8 Actual implementation standard for land acquisition ...... 44

Table 9 Actual executive standards of housing acquisition ...... 48

Table 10 Statistics about the Residential and Income Status of Affected ...... 60

Table 11 Statistics about the Residential and Income Status of Affected ...... 72

Table 12 Compensation standard table for auxiliary facilities ...... 75

Table 13 . Housing Resettlement Information of Affected Households (by Apr 2021) ...... 75

Table 14 Compensation expense payment situation for land acquisition and house

demolition ...... 79

Table 15 Information disclosure ...... 82

Table 16 Public participation of relocation and resettlement ...... 85

Contents of Figures

Figure 1 Location plan for the subprojects ...... 2

Figure 2 The plant sites of Sirui Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. located at the No.12, Zhangba

7th Road, Xi’an Hi-tech Industries Development Zone ...... 65

Figure 3 Jingye Apartment in Xi’an Hi-tech Industries Development Zone ...... 66

Figure 4 The plant sites of Shaanxi Sirui Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. located at the No.60, Weiyi

Road, Xi’an Hi-tech Industries Development Zone ...... 66

Figure 5 Staff’s dormitory in plant site of Shaanxi Sirui Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. located at the

Yuhua Industry Park ...... 67

Figure 6 The picture of the new plant area of Xi’an Nylon Product Factory ...... 68

Figure 7 The picture of farm produce markets in Xixinzhang Village ...... 69

Figure 8 The picture of western of Longyunrenhe Community ...... 70

Figure 9 The picture of Longcheng· Dinagjiaqiao Community ...... 71

Figure 10 Fund flow diagram ...... 79

Xi’an Urban Road Network Improvement Project Funded by the ADB

Loan External Monitoring Report for RP Implementation

Xi’an serves as the capital as well as the political, economic and cultural center of Shaanxi Province. As one of the most important growth poles in the western region of the people's Republic of China An urban road network as the foundation of a city’s development is a powerful guarantee for the normal operation of various basic functions of a city and the development of social economy. In recent years, the construction level, service level and operation efficiency of urban traffic infrastructure in Xi’an have been improved greatly, but there are still some problems. For example, the road network is incomplete, the links among different roads are limited, and some roads have too much traffic; urban entrance and exit have traffic jams, and it is difficult to connect with the suburban expressways; east-west and south-north arterial roads in old urban area are faced with big pressures; there are less pedestrian crossing facilities, and pedestrians, vehicles and non-motor vehicles intermingle in a manner that impacts all three adversely; the lack of parking facilities forces vehicles to park on the roadside, exacerbating traffic congestion. To build an efficient, convenient, and environmentally advantageous modern traffic system, perfect urban infrastructure system, and comprehensively improve urban service functions, Xi’an plans to make use of an ADB loan for the improvement of Xi’an Urban Road Network, and attempts to promote the construction and systematic management of urban integrated transportation system by an all-round and overall scheme, thus facilitating the sustainable development of urban economy. The project will build connecting lines for urban road, interchanges, develop bus priority, construct non-motor vehicles roads, improve pedestrian safety, construct comprehensive transportation hub, enhance traffic management, and control traffic emission. In January 2012, Xi’an and ADB signed an agreement on loan of US$ 150 million.


In order to better solve the urban traffic problems, relieve traffic jam, improve road safety, enhance the urban carrier function and ensure a rapid, sound and ordered development of the city, Xi’an Municipal People’s Government uses the loan of Asian Development Bank (ADB for short) to initiate the urban road network improvement and public facilities construction project in Xi’an, the project covers five parts, including (i) road network improvement; (ii) pedestrian traffic and safety; (iii) comprehensive transportation facilities; (iv) intelligent transport system (ITS) and safety education for drivers; (v) environment protection enhancement. Besides, the project provides EA/IA with consulting service for project management and capacity building. See Figure 1 for the location plan of road network improvement subprojects.

Figure 1 Location plan for the subprojects Only subprojects 1 and 3 in this project involve resettlement. During the implementation of the project, due to land requisition,demolition and urban planning adjustment, the project executing agency applied for mid-term adjustment in 2017, which was approved by ADB in January 2018. In order to ensure that the civil works of the project can be completed on time, the scope and content of the project were optimized and changed during the implementation of the project.


After the project was changed, the number of subproject 1 was reduced from nine to weven. The two subprojects of Rd. and Fengcheng 8th Rd. - Beichen Avenue Interchange have been cancelled, and domestic funds will be used for construction. In subproject 3, two integrated hub subprojects (Yuhuazhai and Xi’an International Trade & Logistics Park Integrated Transfer Hub Station) were cancelled, and Xigao Bus Stop and Maintenance Station was added; five multistorey parking facilities were cancelled, and Fucun East Rd. Parking Lot was added; the construction of the gas station was also cancelled with the cancellation of the hub facilities. In addition, the gas station at Mujiangwang Interchange was cancelled. Therefore, only two gas stations at Bus Stop and Maintenance Station of Xi’an North Railway Station and at Bus Stop and Maintenance Station of Xi’an Aerospace Base were constructed with ADB funds. Based on the above changes, according to the project agreement with ADB, the resettlement plan shall be updated according to the group design and detailed resettlement impact survey before the land requisition, resettlement and civil construction, and shall be approved by ADB. During the implementation of the project, the preliminary design/construction drawing design (final design) shall be carried out in accordance with the civil construction contract package. Therefore, the resettlement plan shall be carried out in accordance with the final design of each civil construction contract package and detailed resettlement survey. The Project Office has updated five resettlement plans for each subproject, which have been approved by ADB. Details are as follows: In 2011, the resettlement plan was prepared. In September 2012, the IA confirmed the first five subprojects (east section of Kunming Road, Zhuhong Road-North 2nd Ring Interchange, Zhuhong Road-Fengcheng 4th Road Interchange, Hongmiaopo Interchange and Xinghuo Road Interchange) and finished their initial design schemes. In March 2013, the resettlement plan was updated in accordance with the initial design for the first subprojects; the updated plan was submitted to ADB for review and approved in September 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the “updated resettlement report for the first subprojects”). In April 2014, the IA confirmed the initial design scheme of Fengcheng 8th Road-Taihua Road Interchange, and updated the resettlement plan based on the initial design; the updated plan was submitted to ADB for review and approved in


December 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the “updated resettlement report for Fengcheng 8th Road-Taihua road subproject”). In April 2014, the IA confirmed the initial design scheme of Dazhai Road subproject; in November 2015, ADB approved the updated resettlement plan for Dazhai Road. In September 2015, the IA confirmed the initial design scheme for Keji 2nd Road subproject. In May 2016, ADB approved the updated resettlement plan for Keji 2nd Road. In July 2016, the IA confirmed the initial design scheme for Parking Lot subproject of Xi’an National Civil Aerospace Industrial Base. In November 2016, the PMO submitted the updated resettlement plan for the Parking Lot of Xi’an National Civil Aerospace Industrial Base. Before June 2020, ten external resettlement monitoring reports have been submitted. So far, the resettlement houses of 29 and 10 households respectively in Xiaoyanzhuang on Keji 2nd Road. and Erfuzhuang on Dazhai Rd. have not been delivered due to the delay in the construction of resettlement houses, which means that the resettled households (39 households) are still in transitional period. Therefore, the resettlement work has not yet been completed, and may still take some time. This monitoring report is mainly to update the resettlement status of the Keji 2nd Rd. and the Dazhai Rd. subprojects, including the implementation of the urban renewal plan involved in the project and the resettlement of the affected people; the resettlement of other sub-projects has been completed and thus has no update.

I. Overall progress 1. The overall progress for road and bridge improvement subprojects is as below: (1)Kunming Road: In the mid-term adjustment, the content of the project was adjusted, changing the Kunming Rd. to an elevated expressway, which was constructed with domestic funds. It has been completed and opened to traffic on October 1, 2020. (2)Fengcheng 8th Road-Beichen Avenue Interchange: In the mid-term adjustment, the project was cancelled from this project because its construction period could not meet the requirements of the ADB project. (3) Zhuhong Road-North 2nd Ring Interchange: The original design scheme involved the demolition of Sinohydro Corporation Engineering Bureau 15 Co., Ltd.


Community, but only 89% of residents agreed to relocate in the social stability risk evaluation required by Xi’an Municipal People’s Government, which failed to meet the requirement of 95%. Therefore, the original design for the west-north loop ramp in is changed into the west-north directional ramp scheme, avoiding the demolition of the Sinohydro Corporation Engineering Bureau 15 Co., Ltd. Community. The land acquisition and demolition for the interchange has been finished. At present, the construction works of the interchange were completed. The interchange has been open to traffic. (4) Zhuhong Road-Fengcheng 4th Road Interchange: According to the updated resettlement report for the first subprojects, Zhuhong Road-Fengcheng 4th Road Interchange does not involve land acquisition and demolition. Construction of roads and supporting equipment for the interchange has been completed, and all the project engineering have been completed; the interchange was opened on May 26, 2016. Now the interchange has been open to traffic. (5) Hongmiaopo Interchange: The interchange project was handed over to construction site in September 2016. It was completed on July 31, 2017, and open to traffic. At present, the interchange is fully open to traffic. (6) Xinghuo Road Interchange: The interchange project was completed on July 31, 2017 and open to traffic. At present, the interchange has been fully open to traffic. (7) Fengcheng 8th Road-Taihua Road Interchange: By the end of July 2018, the land acquisition and demolition related to the project have been fully completed, and has been handed over to construction site. Now bridge deck engineering is basically completed, realizing traffic in east-west and south-north two directions. The construction unit is carrying out construction for greening, All have been completed; the interchange mainlines and directional ramp bridges are all opened to traffic, thus realizing the connectivity of interchanges. (8) Dazhai Road: At present, the roads within the two industrial parks (Yuhua Industrial Park and He Ping Industrial Park) involved in the construction of Dazhai Road have been fully constructed. On March 5, 2021, the Urban Renewal Work Launching Ceremony was held in the Erfuzhuang area of , and Erfuzhuang Village has been included in the urban renewal plan, while the 10 affected households have also been included the reconstruction of the area and will be resettled according to the resettlement plan for area reconstruction. So far, the resettlement site of Erfuzhuang Village has been determined as the location on the


south of Dazhai Rd., covering an area of 81.43 mu. The resettlement building design drawings (house types, etc.) have been solicited with seven rounds of opinions from the villagers; there are a variety of household types (e.g. 138m2, 70m2, 55m2, etc.) for choosing, with the building design drawings being further optimized according to the villagers’ opinions. On April 6, 2021, the Administrative Committee of Weilai Industrial City of Yanta District (the former Administrative Committee of Yuhua Industrial Park of Yanta District) held the Ceremony for Concentrated Start-up of Major Projects and the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Resettlement Building for the Urban Renewal of the Erfuzhuang area, and the construction process of the resettlement community is to be implemented as soon as possible. The Weilai Industrial City of Yanta District has updated the resettlement plan as the urban renewal work starts up. According to the latest implementation plan, it is expected to complete the construction of resettlement buildings by the end of December 2022, and the relocation of Erfuzhuang Village by the end of April 2023. The ten affected households involved shall receive the transition subsidy year by year according to the contract time as before. Up to now, all transition fees for them in 2020 have been paid. They have been renting in Erfuzhuang Village and surrounding communities. Since each household can receive a transitional allowance and living allowance of about RMB 85,000 Yuan a year, with which they can fully afford the rent and there will be a balance. Their quality of life has not been deteriorated, and is in good conditions, so no one expressed their dissatisfaction with this long transition period and can accept it. (9) Keji 2nd Road: House demolitions for former remained 29 affected households of Xiaoyanzhuang Village and staff building of Xi’an International University are all completed. In May 2018, land acquisition and demolition involved in Keji 2nd Road was basically completed. In which, house demolition for east section of staff building (No. 1) of Xi’an International University was completed in May 2017; resettlement for 29 affected households of Xiaoyanzhuang Village was completed in July 2017, meanwhile, all the house demolition involved was completed, with a floor area of 46186m2. At the end of July, the site was handed over to construction unit. At present, this comprehensive corridor is under construction, after its completion, the road construction will be started by sections. Now, part of the eastern and western end of the road has been finished, and it is fully opened to traffic in March 2019 (half road in the north). The resettlement work of staff of Xi’an International University involved in the project has been completed. The current


(Longyun Renhe community) has a more beautiful and livable environment, more complete supporting facilities, and improved property services and living conditions. The resettlement of 29 households of Xiaoyanzhuang has been included in the urban reform plan, and is being implemented in accordance with the overall plan of the village. The entire demolition work of Xiaoyanzhuang Village had been started in May 2018, the house demolition was completed in September 2020, with the garbage clearance and the site smoothing of the resettlement land being completed. The resettlement location is now finalized after many discussions between the two village committees and villagers’ representatives, which is to the east of Jingjiu Road and north of Keji 3rd Road, covering an area of about 80mu. The design plan and the house-type matching (including 150m2, 130m2, 70m2, 65m2, etc.) for the resettlement building have been completed. The 29 households will choose the house type matching plan according to the corresponding resettlement area after the confirmation by the villager representatives. At present, the Administrative Committee of Xi’an Hi-tech Industries Development Zone (XHDZ) has identified the Public Project Construction Management Center of XHDZ as the resettlement housing construction unit for organizing and completing the company-substitute bidding for resettlement housing, and it is now in the process of plan designing of the resettlement housing construction. According to the latest implementation plan, Xiaoyanzhuang Village will be relocated by the end of December 2023. As of April 2021, 29 affected households of Keji 2nd Road are renting to live in the surrounding communities. They can fully afford the house rent during the transitional period, since they have all received a demolition compensation and resettlement payment, and there will be a balance. Their quality of life has not been deteriorated, and is in good conditions, so no one expressed their dissatisfaction with this long transition period and can accept it. 2. Comprehensive traffic facility subproject covers four comprehensive traffic hubs (Xi'an North Railway Station, Xi'an National Civil Aerospace Industrial Base, Yuhuazhai and Xi'an International Trade & Logistics Park), five multistorey parking garages and five refueling stations (included in four comprehensive traffic hubs, with the addition of Mujiangwang Refueling Station). The overall implementation schedule is as below: (1) Four comprehensive traffic hubs: Due to the mid-term adjustment of the project, the XHTZ Yuhuazhai Integrated Transportation Hub and Xi’an International


Trade & Logistics Park Integrated Transportation Hub were cancelled and replaced with the Xigao Bus Hub and the Fifth Bus Company’s renovation project; the project eventually became three bus hubs (Bus Stop and Maintenance Station of North Railway Station, Bus Stop and Maintenance Station of Aerospace Base, and Xigao Parking Lot). The land for Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an North Railway Station was handed over to Xi’an Urban Infrastructure Construction Investment Group in December 2014. Xi’an Urban Infrastructure Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. has obtained written decision on state-owned construction land allocation as well as the approval from land resources department, and relevant procedures has been handled; contract for Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an North Railway Station was signed in December 2016, and contractor entered the site in February 2017. They are currently completed. The site of transportation hub project in Xi’an National Civil Aerospace Industrial Base has been determined, and land acquisition area of 62.3mu 1 has been reconfirmed. On December 12, 2012, land acquisition and demolition office of Xi’an National Civil Aerospace Industrial Base signed land acquisition and demolition contract with Village Committee of Xinzhaizi Village in Changan Weiqu Subditrict, in which land acquisition area is 800mu, including land acquisition area of 62.3mu for the project. In July 2016, after initial design of the project, remeasurement and counting for arable land and ground attachment in the range of the project was carried out. In May 2017, checking for all ground attachments and signing of Compensation Agreement for 30 affected households were completed, and compensation fee of CNY 78 thousand per mu for ground attachment was paid (including land cleanup fee ), totaling CNY 3,381.3 thousand for 43.35mu. In June 2017, demolition for temporary building and cleanup for site were completed, and site was handed over at the end of the month. In May 2018, land acquisition and demolition involved in the project were all completed. They are currently completed. Xi’an Xigao Bus Parking Lot (Xigao Bus Hub) project is undertaken by Xi’an Xigao Bus Co., Ltd. The project is located in the west of Weiyang Rd. and south of Jingpu Rd., with a total area of 25 mu and a construction area of 6,000 m2. The 25-mu

1 Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an National Civil Aerospace Industrial Base needs an occupation of land of 2.9hectare (43.35mu). According to the investigation, the land occupation impact of the project was confirmed. Because part of the land of the affected households is within the project scope but the other part is not within the scope, the acquisition of part of the land may affect the subsequent use of land if only a part of land is acquired, it is needed to acquire the entire land at the time of acquiring the land. Hence, the subproject acquired 4.15 hectare (62.3mu) of land finally.


land used by the project is all farmland, without residential houses or enterprises. In 2003, the affected farmers who lost their land were compensated. In 2006, the land requisition was completed without any remaining problems. Xi’an Xigao Bus Co., Ltd. obtained the state-owned land use right for the land using of the project in accordance with relevant national regulations. According to the requirements of ADB, a due diligence report has been made on the Xigao Bus Hub project, which has been approved by ADB.They are currently completed. (2) Five multistorey parking garages:Due to the adjustment of the content in the middle of the project, five multistorey parking lots have been replaced with Fucun East Rd. Parking Lot and four automatic multistorey parking garages (on Liuming Rd., North Railway Station, Surveying and Mapping Institute, Xuanwu Rd.). Among them, three automatic parking garages on Liuming Rd., North Railway Station, and Surveying and Mapping Institute were completed on June 30, 2020, and the automatic parking garage on Xuanwu Rd. was completed on October 31, 2020. In accordance with the requirements of ADB, a due diligence report has been made on Fucun East Rd. Parking Lot and submitted; the report has been replied and approved by ADB, confirming the construction of an underground parking lot on Fucun East Rd.They are currently completed. (3) Refueling station: It is planned to establish five compressed gas stations, four of which will be built in the four bus parking lots and the other one will be built in Mujiangwang. With the cancellation of the hub facilities, the construction of gas station was also cancelled. In addition, Mujiangwang Interchange gas station was cancelled. At present, five gas stations have been replaced with two methanol refueling stations, including: the gas station at Bus Stop and Maintenance Station of Aerospace Base, and the gas station at Bus Stop and Maintenance Station of Xi’an North Railway Station. Among them, the later one does not have the problem of land requisition, demolition and resettlement, and the problem of the former one has been completed. and land acquisition and resettlement has been completed for Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an National Civil Aerospace Industrial Base. Problems related to resettlement for all affected households and residents have been solved properly and the due diligence report have been approved by ADB.

II. Impact of Land Acquisition and Demolition


Xi’an Urban Road Network Improvement Project with ADB loan belongs to urban road and infrastructure construction project. The project is expected to promote the urban integrated traffic systematic construction and systematic management through a comprehensive and whole scheme, thus promoting the urban economic sustainable development. The project will build a connection road for urban road short slab, build open interchange to promote public transportation priority, build bicycle line to improve the pedestrian safety, build comprehensive traffic facilities to enhance traffic management, and control gas emission. And the road & bridge improvement subproject and comprehensive traffic facilities subproject is affected by land acquisition in the project. After completing the preliminary design scheme of the project, Project Implementation Agency updated the original resettlement plan (first draft) and investigated the impact of LA&R accordingly. According to the preliminary design plan and the optimization and changes during the project implementation period, the impact of the project’s land requisition and demolition was surveyed. The final scope affected by the project resettlement included four economic development zones (Weiyang District, , Chang’an District, Yanta District, ), six street offices, two industrial parks, Protection Office and Weiyang Daxing Office of four administrative districts in Xi’an.After implementation of the project, the project implementation agency made an inventory and record of the number and type of affected objects. 1. Affected districts Affected districts in this project involve Weiyang District, Lianhu District, Chang’an District, Yanta District and in Xi’an. See Table 1 for details.

Table 1 Distribution of the Affected Area

Subdistrict office/ Engineering County/ Economic and Category Type No. name district technological development zone Road & bridge Yanta 1 Keji 2nd Road XHTZ improvement District subproject (Xi’an Road Yanta Yuhua Industrial Park, Municipal Public 2 Dazhai Road District, Heping Industrial Park Utility Bureau) Lianhu



Kunming Road(It was changed to an elevated Lianhu 3 expressway, Yuhuazhai Subdistrict District which was constructed with domestic funds.) Zhuhong Economic and Road-Fengcheng Weiyang 4 Technological 4th Road District Development Zone Interchange Xi’an Economic & Technological Zhuhong Development Zone, Road-North 2nd Weiyang 5 Weiyang Palace Ring Road District Subdistrict, Weiyang Interchange District Daxing Reconstruction Office Weiyang Daming Palace Hongmiaopo District, 6 Preservation Office, Interchange Interchange Lianhu Daxing New District District Weiyang Daming Palace Xinghuo Road District, 7 Preservation Office, Interchange Lianhu Daxing New District District Fengcheng 8th Road-Beichen Weiyang 8 Avenue Tanjia Subdistrict District Interchange(Be cancelled) Fengcheng 8th Weiyang 9 Road-Taihua Road Tanjia Subdistrict District Interchange Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an Economic & Comprehensive Weiyang 10 Xi'an North Technological traffic facility District Railway Station Development Zone subproject (Xi’an Bus parking Bus Parking Lot Urban Economic & Technological lot Subproject of Xi’an Infrastructure Chang’an Development Zone of 11 National Civil Investment District Xi’an National Civil Aerospace Group Co., Ltd.) Aerospace Industrial Base Industrial Base


Yuhuazhai Comprehensive Transfer Station Yanta 12 (some station in Yuhua Industrial Park District the west of Xi’an City)(Be Metro cancelled) transfer hub Comprehensive Transfer Hub of Xi’an International Baqiao Xi’an International Trade & 13 Trade & Logistics District Logistics Park Park(Be cancelled) Yuhuazhai Parking Yanta 14 Yuhua Industrial Park Lot(Be cancelled) District Parking Lot of Xi’an International Baqiao Xi’an International Trade & 15 Trade & Logistics District Logistics Park Park(Be cancelled) Multistorey Parking Garage of Xizhan Lianhu Yuhuazhai Subdistrict 16 Community(Be District Office ) Urban cancelled Multistorey Ring Road-Taihua Parking Road Multistorey Xincheng 17 Taihua Subdistrict Garage Parking Garage District (Be cancelled) Xianning Road- Dongguannan Beilin 18 Street Multistorey Dongguannan Subdistrict District Parking Garage (Be cancelled) East Fucun Road Chang’an 19 XHTZ Parking Lot District Economic & Xi’an Xigao Bus Gaoling 20 Technological Parking Lot District Development Zone Mujiangwang Refueling Baqiao 21 Refueling Station Hongqi Subdistrict Station District (Be cancelled)


Refueling Station Economic & Technological of Xi’an National Chang’an Development Zone of 22 Civil Aerospace District Xi’an National Civil Industrial Base Aerospace Industrial Base Refueling Station Weiyang Economic & Technological 23 of Xi’an North District Development Zone Railway Station Yuhuazhai Yanta 24 Refueling Station Yuhuazhai Subdistrict District (Be cancelled) Refueling Station of Xi’an Baqiao Xi’an International Trade & 25 International Trade District Logistics Park & Logistics Park (Be cancelled)

2.Type and Category of the Impact


Table 2 Summarization of Update Data and Planning Data of Land Acquisition and Demolition Impact

Land Enterprises and Residential housing acquisition institutes in the Updated resettlement Updated Category Type No. Project name updated plan resettlement plan resettlement Area Households Amount Area(m2) plan(ha.) (m2) 1 Keji 2nd Road 17.18 74 87849.48 6 63863.45 2 Dazhai Road 9.2 29 14930.13 15 37004.56 Road Kunming Road(It was changed 3 13.34 0 2 71000 Road and to an elevated expressway) interchange improvement Zhuhong Road –-Fengcheng 4th 4 0 0 0 0 0 subproject Road Interchange (MPUA) Interchange Zhuhong Road- North 2nd Ring 5 0.67 0 0 12 11,719 Road Interchange

6 Hongmiaopo Interchange 0.52 0 0 1 7,855

2 Enterprises in the updated resettlement plan 2013 refers to the demolition of the community of Sinohydro Corporation Engineering Bureau 15 Co., Ltd. But in the assessment of social stability risk required by Xi’an Municipal People’s Government, only 89% residents agree with the relocation, which fails to reach the requirement of 95%. Therefore, the original scheme of left-handed annular west- north loop ramp from was changed into left-handed directional ramp, keeping away from the community of Sinohydro Corporation Engineering Bureau 15 Co., Ltd.


7 Xinghuo Road Interchange 1.33 0 0 03 0

Fengcheng 8th Road - Beichen 8 10 0 0 Road Interchange(Be cancelled)

Fengcheng 8th Road - Taihua 9 5.633 0 2 4,960 Road Interchange

Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an North 10 6.67 0 0 Railway Station Bus Parking Lot Bus parking lot of Xi'an National 11 6.67 0 0 0 0 Civil Aerospace Industrial Base

Comprehensive Yuhuazhai Comprehensive traffic facility Transfer Station (some station in 12 3.33 subproject the west part of Xi’an City)(Be (Xi’an Urban Metro transfer hub cancelled) Infrastructure Comprehensive Hub Station of Investment 13 Xi'an International Trade & 3.33 0 0 Group Co., Ltd.) Logistics Park(Be cancelled) Yuhuazhai Bus Parking Lot(Be 14 0.53 cancelled) Urban multistorey Parking Lot of Xi'an International parking garage 15 Trade & Logistics Park(Be 0 cancelled)

3 Xinghuo Road Interchange involves the relocation of multiple enterprises, institutes and stores, but there is no the relevant data in the updated resettlement plan 2013.


Multistorey Parking Garage of 16 0 Xizhan Community(Be cancelled)

Ring Road-Taihua Road 17 Multistorey Parking Garage(Be 0.53 cancelled) Xianning Road- Dongguannan 18 Street Multistorey Parking Garage 0.53 (Be cancelled)

19 East Fucun Road Parking Lot 0

20 Xi’an Xigao Bus Parking Lot 0

Mujiangwang Refueling Station 21 0.55 (Be cancelled)

Refueling Station of Xi’an National 22 0.55 Civil Aerospace Industrial Base Refueling station Refueling Station of Xi’an North 23 0.55 Railway Station

Yuhuazhai Refueling Station(Be 24 0.55 cancelled)


Refueling Station of Xi’an 25 International Trade & Logistics 0.55 Park(Be cancelled) Total 82.213 103 102779.61 27 197402.01


The project implementation agency will be responsible for compensating and recovering the ground attachments and infrastructure according to the replacement price. The ground attachments demolished in each subproject include 3,034 mature trees, 97,812 young trees, 1,950m fencing, two toilets, and 14,860 m2 lawn. Besides, the affected special facilities include 18,105m electric wire, 12,990m telecommunication wire, 242 power poles, 1,093m communication optical cables, 28 transformers, 14 high-voltage towers, 12,858m water pipes, 1 overpass, 2 emergency communication stations, and 227 street lamps, 11 motor-pumped well, and 2,058m water canal. See Table-3 for details, the data in the table is the original data of the resettlement plan.


Table 3 Statistics of affected attachments and infrastructures of each subproject

West Zhuhon Zhuhong Fengchen Section of Dazhai g Road - Road - g 8th Fengcheng Keji 2nd Road Fengche North 2nd Road - 8th Road - Kunming Hongmia Xinghuo Road (West (Yanhuan Item Unit ng 4th Ring Beichen Taihua XCAIB Bus Road opo Road Bypass- Road - West Total Road Road Avenue Road Parking Lot North 3rd Ring Intercha Interchan Interchan Interchange Zhangba Road) nge ge ge Road Mature Eac (3000) — (0)278 (20)20 (6)6 (55)55 (40) (50)159 — (180)446 3034 trees h 2030 Young Eac (500) (5030) (4300) (400)344 — (30)38 (20)26 (0) 21 (300) (21)80 97812 trees h 92243 1300 3460 Fencin (1610) M (200)220 — — (50)50 — — — (50)140 — 1950 g 1540 Eac Toilet — — — — (0)1 — (1)0 — (4)1 — 2 h (7000) (2500) (2000) (800) (400) (800) Lawn M2 — — (1160) — 14860 7000 2500 2000 1050 400 750 Electric (3000) (0) (0) (500) (0) (1800) (2000) (8000) (4000) M (1600) 18105 wire 3000 400 500 500 2000 1200 0 7705 1200 Teleco (2400) (0) (500) (0) (1500) (1500) (8000) (2400) mmunic M — (1000) 12990 2400 300 500 1800 1500 0 3490 2000 ation



Power Piec (90)90 — (6)6 (4)5 (38)40 (20) (36)26 (2)4 (120)25 (50)26 242 pole e Optical M (400)400 — — — — — — — (1500)693 — 1093 cable Transfo Eac (25)25 — — — 2(2) — — (3)0 (22)1 — 28 rmer h High-vo Eac ltage — — — (0)2 12(12) — — — — — 14 h tower Water (6000) (300) (400) 2107 (900) (5300) M — (400) — — 12858 pipe 6000 1200 700 (2107) 91 2360 Overpa Eac — — — — (0)1 — — — — — 1 ss h Emerge ncy Eac commu — — — (0)2 — — — — — — 2 h nication station Street Eac — — — — — — (0)119 — — (0)108 227 lamp h Motor-p Eac umped — — — — — — (2)0 (3)11 — — 11 h well


Ditch M — — — — — (2000) — (0)58 (400)0 — 2058 Color steel M2 (0)2496 2496 tent Pigsty M2 (0)442.86 442.86


III. Monitoring of Land Acquisition and Demolition The external monitoring and evaluation of resettlement is made mainly for the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation effect of resettlement, the relocation and construction of special facilities and infrastructures and the use performance of the capital input for resettlement. It mainly includes the resettlement monitoring for urban demolition residents and urban commercial shops, demolition and resettlement monitoring for urban temporary building and illegal building, resettlement monitoring for affected enterprises, public institutions, rural demolition residents, and peasants’ production after land acquisition, monitoring for the operation of resettlement agency and resettlement of vulnerable people, as well as investigation into the living standard of affected population and the monitoring and evaluation of resettlement effect. 1. Monitoring scope The monitoring investigation of this project includes three aspects: (1) Follow-up investigation into the impact of land acquisition and demolition; (2) Investigation of social economy for affected area; (3) Follow-up investigation into the living standard of affected people. The main points for the follow-up investigation of land acquisition and demolition are shown as follows: a. The number of occupied land, demolished buildings and various special facilities as well as affected population in the implementation area of this project; b. The cost and replacement cost for demolition content of the project as well as the compensation for demolition; c. The economic conditions of the affected households; d. The economic conditions of the affected areas; e. The bearing capacity of affected people for land acquisition and demolition; f. The affected people’s opinions and attitudes towards land acquisition and demolition and resettlement policy as well as the economic rehabilitation strategies. g. The opinion and attitude of the general public for the construction of this project. The main points for the social economic investigation of affected areas are shown as follows: a. The general situation of administrative region in the project implementation area; b. The annual major economic indicator of the project during implementation; c. The distribution of the poor; d. The living conditions of ethnic minorities and women;


e. The strategy and status of agricultural production and economy rehabilitation in the aforesaid affected areas; The main points for the follow-up investigation of living standard of affected population: a. The information of affected villages includes population, cultivated land and per capita income level; b. The information of sampling households include the employment structure, average asset, per capita income level and the income ratio of relevant production activities; c. The formulation and implementation of economic rehabilitation strategy; d. The affected people’s attitudes and opinions towards land acquisition and demolition and resettlement policy as well as the economic rehabilitation strategy. 2. Monitoring method For the monitoring and investigation of the project impact, it adopts participatory monitoring which gradually becomes mature worldwide in recent years, and the traditional methods for monitoring investigation is also used. The adoption of participatory methods is a highlight of this investigation; its advantage is that by making interested party and non-interested party (independent person) affected by the project as the participator of monitoring investigation, it has realistic and positive significance in the control and analysis of the content, progress and result of monitoring, enhancement of the objectivity, systematicness and effectiveness of monitoring, promotion of understanding and recognition among interest parties related to the project, reduction of the negative effects during implementation of the project, and promotion of the successful implementation of the project. The major process and methods for the monitoring investigation of this project are as follows: (1) According to the requirements of participatory monitoring principle, a main step of the land acquisition and demolition monitoring is to form project land acquisition and demolition monitoring advisory committee composed of representatives of project implementation agency, local government officials of project area, representatives of the masses affected by project land acquisition and demolition, representatives of communities in project area and independent expert representatives, etc. The advisory committee can not only provide advisory opinions for content, procedure, progress and other major problems of monitoring work, but also directly participate in the centralized monitoring survey and daily monitoring of the project. In this way, since some members of the advisory committee just live in the project area, they can conveniently conduct continuous, detailed and in-depth monitoring survey on land acquisition and demolition activities of the project

23 and the impact, so as to avoid careless omission and deviation of survey data due to space-time limitation in the past. (2) Use of traditional monitoring survey tools, including on-site survey, in-home questionnaire, dictation records, gathering relevant personnel for informal discussion, visit of relevant competent organization, inquiry of statistical data, local chronicles and literatures on laws and regulations. 3. Monitoring process By March 2013, the preliminary design for the first batch of subprojects had been completed, and external monitoring for land acquisition, demolition and resettlement had been conducted as scheduled. Up to now, a system monitoring survey and baseline survey have been completed in each project: Monitoring work is mainly conducted from two aspects, one is the estimation of monitoring personnel for the influence quantity in project area, while the other is the monitoring of economic life level for the collective and family in project affected area, including the follow-up survey for overview of social and economic condition and development level, and the follow-up survey for 950 affected households randomly selected from four districts. The survey information mainly focuses on industrial structure, economic advantages and restriction factor, degree of impact of land acquisition and demolition, and main measures for economic recovery in future, apart from the basic information of the households. 4. Monitoring information and data analysis A. Description of socioeconomic status of affected districts

Weiyang District: Weiyang District is located in the north and west of Xi'an City. It is the new administrative center of Xi'an City. It was established in 1954 and named by Weiyang Palace Remains in Han Dynasty, which means "prosperous, ever-lasting". The district covers an area of 264.41km², borders Bahe River in the east, Wei 26th Street in the south, Taiping River in the west, and Weihe River in the north. It governs 12 subdistrict offices, 212 administrative villages, and 44 communities; By the end of 2020, the registered population is 826,800 (all urban population), and the total number of households is 287,800. In 2020,The region's GDP exceeded CNY 100 billion, reaching CNY 131.943 billion, a year-on-year increase of 3.0%. Among them, the added value of the primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry were CNY 161 million, CNY 58.01 billion, and CNY 73.772 billion respectively, with the increase of 434.1%, 1.7% and 3.8% respectively. The 24 proportion of the three industries was adjusted to 0.12: 43.97: 55.91. In the whole year, the annual industrial added value of CNY 20.468 billion was realized, of which the industrial added value above designated size was CNY 19.546 billion, an decrease of 11.4% with the same caliber; the construction industry added value was CNY 38.145 billion, an increase of 14.1% year-on-year; the total retail sales of social consumer goods was CNY 90.949 billion, an decrease of 4.0% year-on-year; in 2020, there are 347 service companies above designated size in the district, with operation revenue of CNY 41.702 billion, an increase of 1.6%; the annual fixed asset investment (excluding peasant household) increased by 21.2% year-on-year, of which industrial investment increased by 42.6% and private investment increased by 27.0%. The annual general public budget revenue of CNY 3.023 billion was completed, a year-on-year decrease of 3.1%, and the completed tax revenue was CNY 2.658 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 6.6%, accounting for 87.9% of the general public budget revenue; the per capita disposable income of urban permanent residents throughout the year was CNY 46,859, an increase of 5.0% over the previous year; there were 12,459 new jobs in urban areas, with the urban registered unemployment rate of 3.63%. Activities such as online training for enterprises, 100-day free online skills training for migrant workers, and special work-for-work training were carried out, with various subsidized training for 13,889 people completed. One district-level standardization entrepreneurship center and eight node standardization entrepreneurship centers were built, and entrepreneurial guarantee loans of CNY 821.9 billion were issued; the district has 550 health institutions of various types, including 35 hospitals, 28 community health service centers (stations), and 45 village health rooms, 437 outpatient departments (offices) and nursing stations, and 5 professional public health institutions.

Lianhu District: Lianhu District is located in the northwest of the urban area of Xi’an. North Avenue, Beiguan Central Street, and Longshou Village in the east border on Xincheng District; Xi’an-Huxian Railway in the west and Wei 26th Street in the north connects with Weiyang District; the moat and Dahuan River in the south are adjacent to Beilin District and Yanta District.With a total area of 43km², Lianhu District has jurisdiction over 9 subdistrict offices and 131 communities,By the end of 2020, the registered population is 770,519 , and the total number of households is 275,603.The District is a famous cultural area with a long history and the starting point of the ancient Silk Road. The Kaiyuanmen site was the departure point for business travelers to the Western Regions at that time; it was the city’s largest ethnic minority gathering area; it was a central area with a superior location. Lianhu District is located in the core area of the city's east-west and north-south axis, with 25 convenient transportation and large flow of people; it is a key area for transformation and development, and also a concentrated area for comprehensive urban redevelopment. In 2020, The GDP of Lianhu District achieved CNY 81.495 billion, a year-on-year increase of 2.8%. Among them, the added value of the secondary industry and the tertiary industry reached CNY 27.699 billion and CNY 53.796 billion, respectively, a year-on-year increase of 10.7% and 0.8%, with the ratio of 34.0:66.0. The industrial added value for the year increased by 7.7% year-on-year, of which the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 6.9% year-on-year. The added value of the construction industry throughout the year was CNY 13.828 billion, a year-on-year increase of 14.8%. The total retail sales of consumer goods for the year reached CNY 48.237 billion, a year-on-year increase of 0.3%. Among them, the retail sales of social consumer goods completed by enterprises above designated size was CNY 24.694 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 5.1%. In the whole year, fixed asset investment in the whole society increased by 2.9% year-on-year, of which industrial investment increased by 161.3% year-on-year, industrial technological transformation investment increased by 77.7% year-on-year, and private investment decreased by 46.2% year-on-year. In the whole year, the sales area of commercial housing reached 383,000 m2, a year-on-year decrease of 39.6%. In the whole year, the added value of the financial industry reached CNY 19.586 billion, a year-on-year increase of 6.5%. By the end of the year, the district had 144 state-level high-tech enterprises, an increase of 90 over the previous year, and there were 436 medical and health institutions (44 hospital institutions) in the district, with a total of 9,175 beds (8,940 hospital beds). The annual per capita disposable income of urban permanent residents reached CNY 50,155, a year-on-year increase of 4.5%. By the end of the year, the number of people participating in basic medical insurance for urban residents was 262,400, the number of people participating in basic medical insurance for urban workers was 132,600, the number of people participating in unemployment insurance was 92,100, the number of people participating in work injury insurance was 117,800, and the number of people participating in maternity insurance was 132,600. The number of urban employees participating in the basic old-age insurance was 273,900, and the number of urban residents participating in the social old-age insurance was 13,200. In the whole year, 17,467 people were newly employed in urban areas, and 6,772 were re-employed in urban areas. By the end of the year, the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns was 3.42%. Various social undertakings such as science and technology, education, culture, and health have developed in an all-round way.

Yanta District: 26

Yanta District is located in the south of Xi'an city, with a total area of 152km². Now it has jurisdiction over 8 sub-district offices, 142 communities, and 45 administrative villages. By the end of 2019, the district has a permanent population of 1,385,300, an urbanization rate of 100%, and a total registered population of 1,277,500, an increase of 7.9%( The data of the seventh national census in 2020 has not been released yet). Yanta District is the political center of the province, a strong economic zone in west China, and a famous national science, education, and cultural tourism area. It is a special region of "one district with multiple systems". There are 4 national-level development zones joining with the District, including XHTZ in the west, Chanba Ecological Zone and Qujiang New District in the east, and CAIB in the south. In addition, in recent years, the main urban area has expanded to the south and Chang’an District is close to the north. The Dayan Pagoda presents a development pattern of “clustered by north and south, driven by east and west, and multiple systems in one area”, attracting the acceleration accumulation of essential resources, it has become a development highland and economic growth pole for Xi’an. In 2020,The whole district achieved a GDP of CNY 251.072 billion, a year-on-year increase of 7.3%, and became the only administrative region among the city’s 13 districts and counties that crossed the CNY 250 billion mark, accounting for 25.1% of the city's total, an increase of 0.7% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the secondary industry and the tertiary industry were CNY 57.578 billion and CNY 193.494 billion, respectively, with a year-on-year increase of 7.2% and 7.3%. The five major industries of for-profit service industry, construction industry, finance industry, industry and real estate industry achieved a total added value of CNY 204.699 billion, accounting for 81.5% of the GDP, which is the absolute support for the economic development of the region. The general public budget revenue of local finance was CNY 3.785 billion, and tax revenue accounted for 91.4% of general public budget revenue. The growth rate of industrial added value above designated size in the region narrowed from -10.0% in the first quarter to 1.7% in the whole year, turning negative to positive. The total output value of industrial enterprises above designated size was CNY 69.193 billion, a year-on-year increase of 6.4%. The added value of the construction industry in the region was CNY 34.883 billion, a current price increase of 9.7%, with the total amount accounting for 13.9% of the GRP, an increase of 0.7 percentage points from the previous year, making it the second pillar industry of the region's economy. It drove a 0.8 percentage point increase in GDP, with a contribution rate of 10.6%. The total scale of investment in fixed assets in the region reached more than CNY 100 billion, a year-on-year increase of 9.2%. The growth rate of total retail sales of consumer goods in the region continued to narrow from -36% in 27 the first quarter to -6% of the whole year. The per capita disposable income of urban residents in the whole district was CNY 51,217, an increase of CNY 2,532 year-on-year, an increase of 5.2% year-on-year. 12,695 new jobs were created in urban areas, and the registered unemployment rate in urban areas was controlled at 3.5%. In the region, 136,900 people participated in unemployment insurance, 197,000 people participated in work-related injury insurance, and 45,900 people participated in basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents, realizing actual paid-out of all kinds of social insurance benefits. The newly added green area was 639,000 m2, with the green land renovation and upgrading of 199,600 m2. The greening of 10 new roads and the upgrading and renovation of 4 roads were completed.

Chang’an District: Chang'an District is located in the hinterland of Plain, with in the east, in the south, Huyi District in the west, and Yanta District, Baqiao District and Weiyang District in the north. In the fifth year of Emperor Han Gaozu (202 BC), Chang'an County was established, which means "long-term peace and stability". In 2002, the county was transformed to district. With a total area of 1,584km², it has jurisdiction over 16 streets, 232 administrative villages, and 84 communities. By the end of 2019, the district had a permanent population of 1.0642 million, and a total registered population of 1.0453 million, including an urban population of 530,300 and a rural population of 514,900( The data of the seventh national census in 2020 has not been released yet). Chang'an District is strong in scientific research, with a concentration of educational resources, and has more than 300,000 teachers and students from 32 colleges and universities. It is rich in ecological resources. It covers an area of 876km² in Chang'an of Mountains, with a forest coverage rate of 39.37%, and has a profound cultural heritage. In 2020,The GRP is expected to be CNY 113.625 billion, an increase of 15.3%; the fixed asset investment of the whole society will increase by 30%, and the value-added of industries above designated size will increase by 30%. The total retail sales of consumer goods rose to CNY 24 billion. Comprehensive tourism revenue exceeded the mark of CNY 80 billion. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents reached CNY 43,900 and CNY 16,900, respectively, and the energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 2.1%; the general public budget revenue of local finance actually completed CNY 2.021 billion; the employment situation remained stable, with 8,806 new jobs added in urban areas, and employment and entrepreneurship subsidies of CNY 3.1157 million. The urban registered unemployment rate is controlled within 3.7%. 23 schools have been built, 11,195 28 new degrees have been added; 5 community home care service stations and 24 rural happy homes have been built, 345 beds have been added for the care of the elderly, and the ability of elderly care services has been continuously enhanced. Six new vaccination clinics were built to achieve the full coverage of digital vaccination clinics. 2.3 million square meters of urban green space was added, the forest coverage rate of the whole district reached 39.37%, and the quality of the atmospheric environment continued to improve. B. Survey data of sampling households The samples of sampling survey on social and economic development level in the areas affected by project land acquisition and demolition for Xi’an Urban Network Improvement Project with ADB Loan are 950 households randomly selected from affected households in Weiyang District, Lianhu District, Yanta District and Chang’an District, and the sampling rate reaches up to 37.8% of the total 2,513 affected households. The main summary data can be seen in Table 4.

Table 4 Questionnaire on basic information of 950 affected sampling households Survey item 950 households Time (year) 2019 2020

Population (person) 2000 2000 Gross annual family income (RMB 166430 179744 Yuan) Productive expenditure 19712 21091 Annual expenditure (RMB Yuan) per household (RMB 143736 Living 154045 Yuan) expenditure 124024 132954 (RMB Yuan)

Per capital housing (m2) 32 45 Value of manufacturing machine 7 7 (RMB ten thousand Yuan) Value of main living supplies (RMB 13.5 14 ten thousand Yuan) According to the survey, the gross family income of 950 affected households was 179,774 CNY in 2020 and 166,430 CNY in 2019; while the expenditure was 154,045 CNY in 2020 and 143,736 CNY in 2019. And there was an increase in both income and expenditure of 950 households.

IV. Land Acquisition, Demolition and Resettlement


As of April 6, 2021, all the subprojects involving land requisition and demolition have been completed in the road and bridge subproject of the Xi'an Urban Road Network Improvement Project with ADB Loan, and all the sites have been handed over. The specific working progress is as follows: 1. Progress of land acquisition Keji 2nd Road: In June 2018, all the land use of Keji 2nd Road involves the collective land of four villages of Dingjiaqiao Village, Xiaoyanzhuang Village, Yuhuazhai Village and Yingfazhai Village, totaling 257.76mu (17.18ha.) have been acquired, and land acquisition has been comprehensively completed. In May 2017, Xi’an Urban Village (Shantytowns) Reconstruction Office signed land acquisition agreement with Xiaoyanzhuang Village, with a total land acquisition of over 300mu land (including 76.66mu (5.11ha) collective land of Xiaoyanzhuang Village involved in Keji 2nd Road Project ). In September, about CNY 25 million was paid for land acquisition, and the land acquisition of former remained collective land was completed. Dazhai Road: Land acquisition involved in the project has been completed, and the whole project site has been handed over. Road construction is in smooth process, and the engineering achieved greater progress. The Administrative Committee of Yuhua Industrial Park accomplished land acquisition for about 100mu in Dazhai Road (west of Fuyuan 2nd Road)4, with a land acquisition cost of CNY 13 million. About 20m land has not been acquired in Erfuzhuang Village at Dazhai Road, which will be acquired at the same time with urban reconstruction. North 2nd Ring Road: Xi’an Municipal Public Utility Bureau has actually obtained the project land of 24.2 mu (1.61 ha.) provided after the urban village reconstruction of Fanbei Village. Demolition issue for a public toilet remained in ADB inspection period in September 2014 was resolved at the end of May5. Bus parking lot of Xi’an North Railway Station: Land acquisition of bus parking lot in Xi’an Bei Railway Station has been completed, with a total land acquisition of 120.91mu (8.06ha), in which, land use of ADB project is 78mu (5.2ha), also authorized land and authorized greenbelt of 42,91mu (2.86ha). The land was actually handed to Xi’an Urban Infrastructure Construction Investment Group, which has obtained relevant national construction land allocation written decision and project approval of land department, with relevant procedure completed.The land certificate for the plot has been obtained.

4 The latest information provided by Yuhua Industrial Park in 2018 ADB Delegation Meeting. 5 In April 2015, Weiyang District Daxing Office signed the agreement with Jintao Company, and the demolition was completed in May 2015. A toilet was built 800m away from the original site for the use of Jintao Company in a manner of reconstruction, with the same area of original site. Besides, the relocation subsidy of CNY 15,000 is provided and the original contract agreement is still valid. 30

Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an National Civil Aerospace Industrial Base: On December 12, 2012, Land Acquisition and Demolition Office of Xi’an National Civil Aerospace Industrial Base signed land acquisition agreement with villager committee of Xinzhaizi Village of Weiqu Subdistrict Office of Chang’an District, the acquisition scope: to the boundary of Xiaojing Village in the east, to the boundary of Xinhe and Jiuzhaizi Village boundary in the south, to the boundary of Sifujing Village in the west, and to the boundary of Xibei Village in the north. The area of land acquired is about 800 mu, and the actual measured area is 838.5120 mu. In the project, 62.3 mu of land is confirmed to acquired, and the land within the scope has been acquired.The land certificate for the plot has been obtained. Xi’an Xigao Bus Parking Lot:The project is located in the west of Weiyang Rd. and south of Jingpu Rd., with a total area of 25 mu and a construction area of 6,000 m2. The 25-mu land used by the project is all farmland, without residential houses or enterprises. In 2003, the affected farmers who lost their land were compensated. In 2006, the land requisition was completed without any remaining problems. Xi’an Xigao Bus Co., Ltd. obtained the state-owned land use right for the land using of the project in accordance with relevant national regulations.

Table 5 Implementation schedule for land acquisition (By the end of Apr 2021)

Land APs Actual APs No acquisitio ( ) Category Type Project name n in the (person ha (person . updated ) ) RP (ha) 1 Keji 2nd Road 17.18 6533 17.18 6320

Road 2 Dazhai Road 9.2 585 06 535

Road & bridge 3 Kunming Road 13.34 1000 0 0 improvement Zhuhong sub-project Road-Fengcheng 4 0 0 0 0 (Xi’an 4th Road

Municipal Interchange Interchang Public Utility Zhuhong e Bureau) 5 Road-North 2nd 0.67 273 1.61 0

Ring Interchange

6 Hongmiaopo 0.52 131 0 456

68.4ha of land obtained use right in the way of renting 31


Xinghuo Road 7 1.33 0 0 2000 Interchange

Fengcheng 8th


8 Avenue 10 0 0 0



Fengcheng 8th

9 Road-Taihua Road 5.633 175 0 228


Bus Parking Lot of 6.67 0 8.06 0

10 Xi’an North Railway


Bus Parking Lot of

Xi’an National Civil Bus 11 6.67 0 4.15 0 Aerospace Comprehensiv parking lot Industrial Base e traffic facility Xi’an Xigao Bus subproject 12 0 0 1.67 0 Parking Lot (Xi'an Yuhuazhai Infrastructure Comprehensive Construction Transfer Station Investment 13 3.33 (some station in the 0 0 0 Group Co. Ltd.) Metro west part of Xi’an transfer City)(By cancelled) hub Comprehensive

Transfer Hub of 14 3.33 Xian Station of

Xi'an International 0 0 0


Trade & Logistics

Park(By cancelled)

Yuhuazhai Bus

15 Parking Lot(By 0.53 0 0 0


Bus Parking Lot of

Xi’an International 16 0 Trade & Logistics 0 0 0

Park(By cancelled)

Multistorey Parking

Urban Garage of Xizhan 17 0 multistorey Community(By 0 0 0 parking cancelled) garage Ring Road-Taihua 0 0 0

Road Multistorey 18 0.53 Parking Garage(By




19 n Street Multistorey 0.53 0 0 0

Parking Garage(By



20 Refueling Station 0.55 0 0 0

(By cancelled)

Refueling Refueling Station of station Bus Parking Lot of

21 Xi’an National Civil 0.55 0 0 0


Industrial Base


Refueling Station of

22 Xi’an North Railway 0.55 0 0 0



23 Refueling Station 0.55 0 0 0

(By cancelled)

Refueling Station of

Xi’an International 24 0.55 Trade & Logistics 0 0 0

Park(By cancelled)

Total 82.213 8697 32.77 9539 2. Progress of house demolition Keji 2nd Road: House demolition for former remained 29 affected households in Xioayanzhuang Village and staff building of Xi’an International University has been completed. In which, house demolition for east section of staff building (No. 1) of Xi’an International University was complete in May 2017, resettlement for 29 affected households in Xioayanzhuang Village was completed in July 2017, at the same time, all house demolition involved was completed, with a total floor area of about 50,000 m2. The construction site were handed over to the construction company at the end of July 2017. As of April 6, 2021, all housing demolition work involved in the Keji 2nd Road project has been completed, with the road construction site having been handed over. It opened to traffic on September 1, 2020. Dazhai Road: All the affected houses in the range of the two industrial parks (Yuhua Industrial Park and Heping Industrial Park) involved in the construction of Dazhai Road has been dismantled in July 25, 2018, the leftover problems of the project have been solved, and all house demolition involved have been finished which involves the residents’ houses of 29 households in Erfuzhuang Village, with the total demolition area of 14,930.13 m2. All these houses have been demolished. And involved 11 enterprises in Yuhua Industrial Park of Yanta District are demolished, with the demolition area of about 16,336.26m2. The demolition of the houses of the four enterprises involved in Heping Industrial Park has been finished with a total demolition area of 35,936.78 m2. Road construction has almost been finished, in which, the construction of section from Beishiqiao Village to Minqizhai Village has been finished on May 17, 2018.


Interchange of Hongmiaopo: The impacted households total 107, 106 households (residents) are included, the residence area affected is about 5375 m2, one enterprise and public institution is included, the affected area is about 557m2, the area of the house affected is about 5932 m2.All housing demolition work involved in the project has been completed until January 2019, with a total area of 5,932 m2 of demolished houses. So far, the project has completed the requisition of all affected houses involved. Xinghuo Road Interchange: The impacted households total 76, including 65 individual households (residents), 11 enterprise and public institutions, and the total area of impacted house is about 9,906m2. Land acquisition and house demolition involved in the project was completed before June 31, 2017. Because the project design changes, the 11 impacted households in Fenghe Village and the railway maintenance building at the west side of Xinghuo Road Interchange and railway collapsed houses will not be impacted. In January 2019, the acquisition of all the impacted houses has been completed, all the impacted houses have been demolished, and the demolition area is 9,800 m2, including 5,944 m2 of residential area and 3,870m2 of non-residential area. Fengcheng 8th Road-Taihua Road Interchange: All the affected houses for the project have been dismantled with a housing area of 19,115 m2, in which, the 57 shops involved at the corner of northeast have been dismantled in August 2016. The involved greening square and temporary building at the corner of northwest have been dismantled before November 30, 2016. So far, the major body of the flyover has almost been finished, the two directions of east-west and south-north are all open to traffic.


Table 6 Implementation progress of residential housing acquisition (up to the end of Apr 2021)

Residential housing

Category Type No. Engineering name Updated RP Actual Amou (m2) APs (m2)Area nt Area (m2) (person) Amount (m2) APs (person)

1 74 87849.48 293 74 93749.48 293 Keji 2nd Road Road 2 Dazhai Road 29 14930.13 110 29 14930.13 110

Road & bridge 3 Kunming Road 0 0 0 0

improvement Zhuhong Road-Fengcheng 4th 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 subproject Road Interchange

(Xi’an Zhuhong Road-North 2nd Ring 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Municipal Interchange Interchange Public Utility 6 Hongmiaopo Interchange 0 0 0 106 53757 0

Bureau) 7 Xinghuo Road Interchange 0 0 0 65 38708 0

Fengcheng 8th Road-Beichen 8 0 0 0 0 0 Avenue Interchange(By

7 The actual demolition area comes from the Liaison Office for Xincheng District and Lianhu District in The Protection and Transform Office for the Site of the Damingong Palace in Xi’an Qujiang 8 The actual demolition area comes from the Liaison Office for Xincheng District and Lianhu District in The Protection and Transform Office for the Site of the Damingong Palace in Xi’an Qujiang 36


Fengcheng 8th Road-Taihua 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 Avenue Interchange

Bus Parking Lot of Xi'an North 10 0 0 0 0 Railway Station Bus parking lot Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an National 11 0 0 0 0 Civil Aerospace Industrial Base Comprehensive Yuhuazhai Comprehensive traffic facility Transfer Station (some station in subproject 12 0 0 0 0 the west part of Xi’an city) (By (Xi’an Urban Metro transfer cancelled) Infrastructure hub 0 Comprehensive Transfer Hub of Construction 13 Xi’an International Trade & 0 0 0 0 Investment Logistics Park(By cancelled) Group Co., Urban Yuhuazhai Bus Parking Lot(By Ltd.) 14 0 0 0 0 multistorey cancelled)

parking garage 15 Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an

International Trade & Logistics 0 0 0 0

Park(By cancelled)


16 Multistorey Parking Garage of

Xizhan Community(By 0 0 0 0


17 Ring Road-Taihua Road

Multistorey Parking Garage(By 0 0 0 0


18 Xianning Road- Dongguannan

Street Multistorey Parking 0 0 0 0

Garage(By cancelled)

Refueling 19 Mujiangwang Refueling Station 0 0 0 0 Station (By cancelled)

20 Refueling Station of Bus Parking

Lot of Xi’an National Civil 0 0 0 0

Aerospace Industrial Base

21 Refueling Station of Xi'an North 0 0 0 0 Railway Station

22 Yuhuazhai Refueling Station(By 0 0 0 0 cancelled)

23 Refueling Station of Xi’an 0 0 0 0


International Trade & Logistics

Park(By cancelled)

Total 103 102779.61 403 274 117924.6 403

Table 7 Implementation progress of housing acquisition of enterprise and public institution (up to the end of Apr 2021)

Category Type No. Engineering name Enterprise and public institution

Updated resettlement plan Actual Amount Area APs Amou (m2) APs (m2) (person) nt Area (m2) (person) Road & bridge Road 1 Keji 2nd Road 6 63863.45 6240 5 53347.2 5440 improvement 2 Dazhai Road 15 37004.56 475 14 35936.78 425 subproject 3 Kunming Road 2 71,000 1000 0 0 0

(Xi’an Interchange 4 Zhuhong Road-Fengcheng 4th 0 0 0 0 0 0

Municipal Road Interchange

Public Utility 5 Zhuhong Road-North 2nd Ring 1 11,719 273 0 0 0

Bureau) Interchange

6 Hongmiaopo Interchange 1 7,855 131 1 557 456


7 Xinghuo Road Interchange 09 0 0 11 5944 2000

8 Fengcheng 8th Road-Beichen Not updated 0 0 0

Avenue Interchange(By


9 Fengcheng 8th Road-Taihua

Road Interchange 2(31) 4,960 175 1(20) 19115 228

Comprehensive Bus parking lot 10 Bus Parking Lot of Xi'an North 0 0 0 0 traffic facility Railway Station subproject 11 Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an 0 0 0 0

(Xi’an Urban National Civil Aerospace

Infrastructure Industrial Base

Construction Metro transfer 12 Yuhuazhai Comprehensive 0 0 0 0

Investment hub Transfer Station (some station

Group Co., in the west part of Xi’an city)

Ltd.) 13 Comprehensive Transfer Hub 0 0 0 0

of Xi’an International Trade &

Logistics Park(By cancelled) 0

9 Xinghuo Road Interchange involves demolition of several enterprises and public institutions and stores; however, this data is not available in the updated Resettlement Plan in 2013.


Urban 14 Yuhuazhai Bus Parking Lot(By 0 0 0 0 multistorey cancelled) parking garage 15 Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an 0 0 0 0

International Trade & Logistics

Park(By cancelled)

16 Multistorey Parking Garage of 0 0 0 0

Xizhan Community(By


17 Ring Road-Taihua Road 0 0 0 0

Multistorey Parking Garage(By


18 Xianning Road- Dongguannan 0 0 0 0

Street Multistorey Parking

Garage(By cancelled)

Refueling 19 Mujiangwang Refueling 0 0 0 0

Station Station(By cancelled)

20 Refueling Station of Bus 0 0 0 0

Parking Lot of Xi’an National

Civil Aerospace Industrial



21 Refueling Station of Xi'an 0 0 0 0

North Railway Station

22 Yuhuazhai Refueling Station 0 0 0 0

(By cancelled)

23 Refueling Station of Xi’an 0 0 0 0

International Trade & Logistics

Park(By cancelled)

Total 27 196402 8294 32 114899.98 8549


Zhuhong Road-North 2nd Ring Interchange: During the implementation of the project, the layout of the subproject was changed to avoid the demolition of the urban houses, so that the 11,719 m2 houses and 179 households in the Community of Sinohydro Group 15th Engineering Bureau will no longer be affected by this subproject. The land of the current project is allocated with state-owned land. So far, the land requisition and demolition of the overpass has been completed. Zhuhong Road-Fengcheng 4th Road Interchange: According to the updated resettlement report of first batch of subprojects, Zhuhong Road-Fengcheng 4th Road Interchange does not involve land acquisition and demolition. However, it involves the removal of some woods and water supply pipes, and this work has already been done.

V. Execution of Resettlement Policy 1. Land acquisition

See the actual executive standards for land acquisition of all projects in Table 8.


Table 8 Actual implementation standard for land acquisition

Category Type No. Project name Land acquisition standards in the Actual updated resettlement plan Road Cultivated land, construction land (third

category land), construction land (second RMB 150,000 Yuan/mu

1 Keji 2nd Road category land), homestead, nursery: RMB (including social security

150,000 Yuan/mu (including social security fee)

fee) Current rental: RMB 3,500 Road & bridge RMB 125,000 Yuan/mu (including social Yuan/mu (first batch); RMB improvement Dazhai Road security fee). No difference for cultivated 5,000 Yuan/mu (renewal of 2 the second batch); uniform subproject land, nursery, homestead, and construction collection when urban (Xi’an land village reconstruction

Municipal 3 Kunming Road RMB 100,000 Yuan/mu 0

Public Utility Zhuhong Road-Fengcheng 4th 4 - - Bureau) Road Interchange

Zhuhong Road-North 2nd Ring - 5 RMB 100,000 Yuan/mu Interchange Interchange

6 Hongmiaopo Interchange RMB 120,000 Yuan/mu 0

7 Xinghuo Road Interchange RMB 120,000 Yuan/mu 0

8 Fengcheng 8th Road-Beichen 0 0 44

Category Type No. Project name Land acquisition standards in the Actual updated resettlement plan Avenue Interchange(By


Fengcheng 8th Road-Taihua RMB 120,000 Yuan/mu RMB 100,000 Yuan/mu- 9 Road Interchange RMB 120,000 Yuan/mu

Bus Parking Lot of Xi'an North RMB 844,000 Yuan/mu 10 Railway Station

Bus parking lot Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an RMB 68,000 Yuan/mu Comprehensive 11 National Civil Aerospace traffic facility Industrial Base subproject Metro transfer hub Yuhuazhai Comprehensive 0 (Xi’an Urban 12 Transfer Station (By Infrastructure cancelled) Construction Comprehensive Transfer 0 0 Investment Hub of Xi’an International Group Co., 13 Trade & Logistics Park(By Ltd.) cancelled)

Urban multistorey Yuhuazhai Bus Parking Lot(By 0 14 parking garage cancelled)


Category Type No. Project name Land acquisition standards in the Actual updated resettlement plan Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an 0

15 International Trade & Logistics

Park(By cancelled)

Multistorey Parking Garage of 0

16 Xizhan Community(By


Ring Road-Taihua Road 0

17 Multistorey Parking Garage(By


Xianning Road- Dongguannan 0

18 Street Multistorey Parking

Garage(By cancelled)

Mujiangwang Refueling 0 19 Station(By cancelled)

Refueling Station of Bus Refueling Station Parking Lot of Xi’an National 20 RMB 68,000 Yuan/mu Civil Aerospace Industrial



Category Type No. Project name Land acquisition standards in the Actual updated resettlement plan Refueling Station of Xi'an RMB 844,000 Yuan/mu 21 North Railway Station

Yuhuazhai Refueling Station 0 22 (By cancelled)

Refueling Station of Xi’an

23 International Trade & Logistics 0

Park(By cancelled)


2. Housing acquisition See the actual executive standards of housing acquisition of each project in Table 9.

Table 9 Actual executive standards of housing acquisition

Land acquisition standards in Category Type No. Engineering name Actual the updated RP Enterprise and public 45 households in Dingjiaqiao has been institution: resettled, all of which select resettlement of Reinforced concrete structure house property rights. There are 186 RMB 1,264 Yuan/m2, settlement houses, with actual resettlement brick-concrete structure RMB area of 15,770m2, in which, 37 households 710 Yuan/m2, other structures select 115m2 of house, totaling 39 sets; 18 RMB 350 Yuan/m2 households select 95m2 of house, with a Removal compensation: confirm total of 22 sets; 14 households select 85m2 through negotiation with equity of house, with a total of 22 sets; and 32 department; households select 75m2 of house, totaling Road and Resettlement compensation 63 sets; and 23 households select 65m2 of fee(temporary): compensate house, 40 sets in total. interchange according to the compensation 29 households in Xiaoyan Village have standards for enterprise, and pay moved, all of them are compensated in improvement 0.35% of the evaluated value of house property exchanging, the actual area Road 1 Keji 2nd Road houses involved in acquisition of rehabilitation is 13997 m2, the subproject(Xi’An per month resettlement building are mainly built in the Shutdown subsidy(temporary): house type of 50、90、120m2, the detailed Municipal Public negotiate according to the house exchange resettlement is executed income of the first six months of according to the policies stipulated in The Utility Bureau) enterprise; Implementation Plan for Compensation and Residential house: Resettlement for Demolition and Relocation Brick-concrete structure: RMB of the Third and Fourth Groups of 2 3,500 Yuan/m (monetary Xiaoyanzhuang Village in Yuhua Area of Xi resettlement for the first and 'an High-tech Industries Development Zone; 2 second floor), RMB 774 Yuan/m Implementation Rules for Compensation (beyond the first and second and Resettlement for Demolition and floor); Relocation of the Third and Fourth Groups Removal subsidy: RMB 1,000 of Xiaoyanzhuang Village in Yuhua Area of Yuan/household Xi 'an High-tech Industries Development Temporary transitional fee: RMB Zone; Supplementary Agreement, the 48

360 Yuan/person/month, the detailed policies of house exchange is as proper transitional period is follows: supposed to be 30 months; It is stipulated in the Xi 'an High-tech Living subsidy for transitional Industries Development Zone Yuhua period: RMB 410 District Xiaoyanzhuang Village Third, Forth Yuan/month/person, the proper Groups of Shantytown Reconstruction transition period is supposed to Compensation Resettlement be 30 months Implementation Plan that, in principle, the resettlement floor area per capita of agricultural population shall be not less than 65m2. Each people shall be granted a compensation house of 15 m2 for business purpose. It is stipulated in the Xi 'an High-tech Industries Development Zone Yuhua Area Xiaoyanzhuang Village Third, Forth Groups of Shantytown Reconstruction Compensation Resettlement Implementation Rules that, within the bonus period, according to the "area used by the household" of homestead written in the Collective Land Using Certificate held by the relocation household, the one-floor or two-floor building built on this land shall be relocated by the rule of “a new one for a demolished one”, which means to interchange without making compensations, the maximum area of interchange resettlement shall not exceed 333 m2. It is stipulated in Supplementary Agreement that: Those who have signed the Settlement and Compensation Agreement in time and deliver the house, in the event four or more people are included in one household, the replacing house settlement shall go with the standard of 100m2 per capita.


For the first and second floor buildings with a floor area less than 30m2 (including 30m2) as specified in the Collective Land Using Certificate, the transition subsidy shall be 6 CNY per square meter per month; As for the part that exceeds 30m2, it shall be 4 Yuan per square meter per month, or the agricultural population demolished in the "Collective Land Using Certificate", they could also choose the standard of 360 CNY per head per month to calculate the transition fee, choose one from the above-mentioned two. Those who sign the Relocation Compensation Agreement within the publicity award period and deliver the house will enjoy the relevant incentive: The relocation household who are also registered agricultural population and participate in the collective property distribution, will be given the allowance of 300 CNY per month per head, transition fees 7 CNY per square meter, calculated according to the exchange residence area, the transition period lasts for 36 months, and will be made an one-off payment according to the agreement; each agricultural population will be awarded a house of 15m2 for business purpose, for those who deliver the house within the bonus period, another house of 5m2 for business purpose will be given to them; the entity resettlement households that have delivered the houses on time within the bonus period for demolition and relocation, and those who have the "Collective Land Using Certificate" or are qualified in the confirmation of homestead right enjoy a parking space free of charge. 50

Other Policies: 1.Locational price for the compensation and demolition of Xiaoyanzhuang Village is 900 CNY per m2. 2.A bonus of 200 Yuan per m2 will be given to the unfinished third and fourth floor of the buildings built on the legal homestead. 3.For those who signed the Relocation Agreement within the bonus period, the evaluated price of residual value of the building outside the replacement area (brick building) will enjoy a certain uprising. 4.As for 29 affected households, the transitional fee were paid at the standard of CNY 7 /m2/month within 36 months from the date of signing the compensation and resettlement of house demolition agreement, not less than CNY 2,331 /household/month, and a CNY 300 /person/month of the living allowance. Since July 2021, the overdue transitional fee shall be issued twice the original standard. The enterprises involved shall be compensated based on the valuation price offered by evaluation company. Enterprise and public 20 households from other villages: has been compensated according to the institution: evaluation of evaluation company. Brick-concrete structure RMB 10 households within the village: still in transitional period, and the transition fee is 774 Yuan/m2, other structures RMB 6 Yuan/ m2/ month. Because some 2 Dazhai Road RMB 350 Yuan/m2 farmers have not been resettled with six months designated in the agreement, so the Transitional fee: RMB 500 transitional allowance received is RMB Yuan/person/month, the proper 90,000 Yuan/household/year, the fee is three times of fee not overdue. transitional period is supposed to Urban renewal for Erfuzhuang Village 51 be less than 24 months; on Dazhai Road been has started up now, and the 10 affected households will be Removal payment: confirm resettled together, who all belong to through negotiation with equity housing property rights replacements, with the actual resettlement housing area of department; 3,997 m2, based on house area of 55 m2, 70 Shutdown subsidy: negotiate m2, and 138 m2 and the symmetry house type. The specific house replacement and according to the income of the resettlement were implemented on related first six months of enterprise; policies as the Compensation and Resettlement Plan for Urban Renewal Residential house: House Requisition in Erfuzhuang Area Brick-concrete structure: RMB (Erfuzhuang Village, Minqizhai Village, 2 Yaojia Village), Yanta District, Xi'an City, 2,900 Yuan/m (resettlement due Compensation and Resettlement Plan to urban village transformation, (temporary) for Villager House Demolition on the Construction Project of Xi'an Yuhua conversion into money for equity Industrial Park Construction and swap parts), RMB 774 Yuan/m2 Development Co., Ltd. and Villager House Demolition Compensation Agreement, with (monetary compensation); the relevant policies as follows: The per Relocation subsidy: RMB 1,000 capita resettlement construction area of the 10 affected households shall not be less Yuan/household than 70 m2 principally. Each peasant can Temporary transitional fee: RMB receive a 20 m2 business house for 2 production and living subsidies. Each 6 Yuan/household/month/ m , household can receive an early moving the essential transitional period is reward of CNY 14,000. As for the demolition households who held the Collective Land supposed to be 30 months; Use Certificate, they will be compensated Living subsidy for transitional and resettled according to the specified period: RMB 410 standard area of the homestead or the area Yuan/month/person, the proper approved on the approval document of the transitional period is supposed to homestead, with the maximum resettlement be 30 months area not exceeding 333 m2. Those with a legal area of less than 333 m2 and a homestead will be resettled on 333 m2. 16 enterprises and public institutions: resettlement through monetary


compensation method (according to the evaluation price of evaluation company)

Residential house: 3 Kunming Road - Brick-concrete structure: RMB th Zhuhong Road-Fengcheng 4 3,200 Yuan/m2; No house acquisition 4 Road Interchange Other structures: RMB 1,500 Yuan/m2; Zhuhong Road-North 2nd Ring - 5 Removal subsidy: RMB 1,000 Road Interchange Yuan/household

Temporary transitional fee: RMB The enterprises involved shall be 4 Yuan/household/month/m2, the 6 Hongmiaopo Interchange compensated based on the valuation price essential transitional period is supposed to be 30 months; offered by evaluation company.

Enterprise and public The enterprises involved shall be institution: Interchange compensated based on the valuation price Brick-concrete structure: RMB 3,200 Yuan/m2; offered by evaluation company. Other structures: RMB 1500 Yuan/m2; 7 Xinghuo Road Interchange Removal fee: confirm through negotiation with equity department; Transitional fee: RMB 500 Yuan/person/month, the proper transitional period is supposed to be 24 months;


Shutdown subsidy: negotiate according to the income of the first six months of enterprise Fengcheng 8th Road-Beichen Not updated Not implemented

8 Avenue Interchange(By

cancelled) Enterprise and public The enterprises involved shall be institution: compensated based on the valuation price Brick-concrete structure: RMB 3,200 Yuan/m2; offered by evaluation company; Brick-concrete (non-residential ) 57 shops are resettled in and other structures: RMB 1,500 Yuan/m2; compensation (based on the valuation price Removal fee: confirm through Fengcheng 8th Road-Taihua offered by evaluation company) 9 negotiation with equity Road Interchange department; Transitional fee: RMB 500 Yuan/person/month, the proper transitional period is supposed to be 24 months; Shutdown subsidy: negotiate according to the income of the first six months of enterprise;

Comprehensive Bus parking Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an North 10 - No house acquisition transportation lot Railway Station


facilities Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an No house acquisition subproject( Xi’an 11 National Civil Aerospace -

Urban Industrial Base

Infrastructure Yuhuazhai Comprehensive 12 - Construction Transfer Station(By cancelled)

Investment Comprehensive Transfer Hub of Metro Group Co., Ltd) 13 Xi'an International Trade & - transfer Logistics Park(By cancelled) junction Yuhuazhai Bus Parking Lot(By station 14 - cancelled)

Bus Parking Lot of Xi'an -

15 International Trade & Logistics -

Park (By cancelled) Urban Multistorey Parking Garage of Multistorey 16 Xizhan Community(By - parking cancelled) garage Ring Road-Taihua Road

17 Multistorey parking garage(By -



Xianning Road-Dongguan

18 Nanjie Multistorey parking -

garage(By cancelled)

Refueling Station of Xi’an No house acquisition

19 National Civil Aerospace -

Industrial Base Bus Parking Lot

Mujiangwang Refueling - 20 - Station(By cancelled)

Refueling Refueling Station of Xi’an North No house acquisition 21 - station Railway Station

Yuhuazhai Refueling Station - 22 - (By cancelled)

Refueling Station of Xi’an -

23 International Trade & Logistics -

Park(By cancelled)


Keji 2nd Road: The buildings which cover an area of 147096.7 m2 are demolished for this project, among which, the area of the civil houses is 93749.48 m2. 45 households moved away from Dingjiaqiao, involving a total demolition area of 43139.9 m2, among which, the area for exchange is 14999.46m2; 29 households moved away from Xiaoyanzhuang Village, involving a total demolition area of 46186 m2, the area for exchange is about 13997 m2. Dazhai Road: In July 25, 2018, the demolition of involved land acquisition has been finished, in which, the residential houses of 29 households in Erfuzhuang Village, Yanta District involved have been dismantled with a total demolition of 14,930.13 m2, the houses of involved 11 enterprises in Yuhua Industrial Park, Yanta District have been dismantled with a total demolition of 16,336.26m2, the houses of involved 4 enterprises in Heping Industrial Park, Lianhu District have been dismantled with a total demolition area of 35,936.78 m2. Zhuhong Road-North 2nd Ring: the land for the project shall be provided by Fanbei Urban Village after transformation. The land is planned to be land for roads, and is levied by Fanbei Village; Municipal Public Utility Bureau doesn’t need to contribute fund. Xinghuo Road Interchange: The project obtained the approval of Decision of Xi’an Municipal People's Government on House Acquisition (Shi Fang Zheng Gao Zi [2016] No.2) on August 4, 2016, and 11 enterprise and public

10 institutions and 65 individual households were impacted by land acquisition and house demolition. In which, 1 household (enterprise) accepted physical resettlement, the resettlement site is located in Bafuzhuangyuan Community, Hanyuan Road, Xincheng District, the resettlement building has been completed and the key will be given to the enterprise; 75 households accepted monetary resettlement, and the acquisition compensation has been completed in August 2017. Hongmiaopo Interchange: The project obtained the approval of Decision of Xi’an Municipal People's Government on House Acquisition (Shi Fang

10 The data from last report shows that there are 9 enterprise and public institutions and 67 individual households. In the investigation, Xinghuo Road project Office told that the former one is basic data, and that of this time is confirmed data.


Zheng Gao Zi [2016] No.1) on March 22, 2016, totally 107 households signed the Agreement on Resettlement, in which, 69 households accepted monetary resettlement. According to the stipulations of compensation plan for house acquisition of Hongmiaopo Interchange Project, the households involved in house acquisition who choose monetary compensation will be compensated according to the estimated value of the house involved in acquisition,and will be given a subsidy in accordance with 20% of the estimated value of the house

11 involved in acquisition . 38 households chose physical resettlement, the resettlement sites are Zhujiang New Town Community at North 2nd Ring Road in Weiyang District and Harmonious City Community at Wenjing Road in Lianhu District, in which, 32 households are resettled in Zhujiang New Town Community and two households are resettled in Harmonious City Community. The buildings for resettlement are delivered in October 2016 and all the households have moved into the two communities. Fengcheng 8th Road – Taihua Road: About 191,15m2 floor area has been demolished, and 120,000m3 waste has been cleared for the project, including the waste hill and construction waste in the southeast and northeast corner of the interchange. In which, the 57 stores involved at the northeast corner have been demolished in August 2016, the waste within the red line of road has also been cleared completely and the site has been turned over at the end of August; the greened square and temporary buildings at the northwest corner involved all have been demolished, and the site has been turned over by November 30, 2016. 3. Economy recovery Keji 2nd Road: The resettlement building in Dingjiaqiao Community at the urban village reconstruction resettlement community of Dingjiaqiao Village is located at the west side of Dingjiaqiao Village. Resettlement building project occupies an area of 37.8 mu, with total construction area of about 170,000 m2,

11The data statistics in last report is that 109 households signed the agreement, 73 households accepted monetary resettlement and 34 households accepted physical resettlement. During the process of this investigation, the staff of Hongmiaopo Project Office told that the previous data is a real situation data, but the data of this time is the final established data.This “compensation” is additional 20% subsidy according to the stipulation of House Acquisition Compensation Scheme for the project of Hongmiaopo Interchange, levied residents who choose to be compensated by currency should be compensated based on the estimated value of the levied house, and will be given an extra 20% compensation according to the estimated value of the levied house.According to the survey, in order to encourage monetary resettlement and speed up the demolition process, the policy was determined after discussion with the relocated households.


among which, residence area is 140,000 m2, a total of 340 households are resettled. On October 18, 2011, the resettlement building project in Dingjiaqiao Village was started, with four resettlement buildings, 1,487 sets of apartment. There are five kinds of areas of resettlement apartments, 65 m2, 75 m2, 85 m2, 95 m2 and 115 m2 respectively. On April 22, 2015, the work of moving back to Dingjiaqiao Village was started. By the end of April 2015, the reconstruction work of urban village has been completed basically. In July 2017, the demolition of 29 households of Xiaoyanzhuang Village affected by Keji 2nd Road project was started. In 2018, the house demolition and compensation and resettlement agreements were signed with the 29 affected households, and they have moved and their houses have been demolished. These households will be included in the Xi’an Village-in-city Reconstruction Project (Shichenggaifa [2014] No. 285), and will be compensated according to the urban renewal plan and the unified village resettlement compensation, and all of the 29 households chose physical resettlement; they have reached the compensation agreements and obtained the corresponding compensation, and are currently renting out and in transitional period. Within 36 months since the date of signing the house demolition compensation and resettlement agreement, the transitional fee shall be paid with the standard of RMB 7 Yuan/m2/month and no less than RMB 2,331 Yuan/household/month, and living allowances shall be paid at the rate of RMB 300 Yuan per person per month. The overdue transitional fee shall be issued twice the original standard from July 2021. So far, the village-in-city reconstruction project has been launched and is in progress. The resettlement building location has been finalized, which is to the east of Jingjiu Road and north of Keji 3rd Road, covering an area of about 80mu; the design plan and the house-type matching (including 150m2, 130m2, 70m2, 65m2, etc.) have been completed, and the 29 households will choose the house type matching plan according to the corresponding resettlement area after the confirmation by the villager representatives. At present, the Administrative Committee of Xi’an Hi-tech Industries Development Zone (XHDZ) has identified the Public Project Construction Management Center of XHDZ as the resettlement housing construction unit for organizing and completing the company-substitute bidding for resettlement housing, and it is


now in the process of plan designing of the resettlement housing construction. According to the latest implementation plan, Xiaoyanzhuang Village will be relocated by the end of December 2023. The 29 demolished households are not engaged in agricultural production now, and keep the transitional living subsidies and the labor cost from out-migration for work as the main sources of income, which is relatively stable, see the details in Table 10. According to the survey, 29 affected households rent (live) in the surrounding communities of Keji 2nd Road, five households have already purchased the commercial houses; since they have all received a demolition compensation and transition fee, which is much higher than the rental cost, and can be received on time, the house rent during the transitional period can completely be afforded;Their quality of life has not declined and is in good condition. They agreed to and are satisfied with this resettlement plan, and can accept it.

Table 10 Statistics about the Residential and Income Status of Affected

The The The The No. The Main The Annual No Name of The Current Housin Housing of sources of household . househo address g area conditio famil income income(CNY) lder (m2) n ies

The Foreign affairs Transition fee 8000 and The 1 Hu#an 4 Longyun Renhe 100 Leasing and working Transition fee community income

The Longcheng Transition fee 30000-50000 Mingyuan, 2 Hu#hua 4 75 Leasing and working and The Zhangba North income Transition fee Road

The Zhang The Transition 3 Hu#de 6 100 Leasing Transition fee wanxinyuan fee

4 Hu#cang 4 The Foreign affairs 104 Leasing Transition fee The Transition


Longyun Renhe fee


Transition fee The Xujing bize 50000 and The 5 Yang#lan 4 104 Leasing and working Garden Transition fee income

The Meifang Transition fee community, 40000 and The 6 Hu#ding 6 105 Leasing and working Zhangba North Transition fee income Road

The Foreign affairs Transition fee 50000 and The 7 Hu#ben 5 Longyun Renhe 141 Leasing and pension Transition fee community

The Water The Transition 8 Hu#min 4 conservancy 89 Leasing Transition fee fee community

The Foreign affairs Transition fee 20000 and The 9 Hu#ping 5 Longyun Renhe 103 purchase and working Transition fee community income

The Transition fee 30000 and The 10 Hu#xi 4 Huazhoucheng 85 Leasing and working Transition fee community income

The Hongji Transition fee 40000-50000

11 Hu#hong 4 Xincheng Qinyuan 87 Leasing and working and The

community income Transition fee

Transition fee 20000-30000

12 Hu#cang 5 The Xuejiaxiang 100 Leasing and working and The

income Transition fee

The Dingjiaqiao The Transition 13 An#zhen 4 115 Leasing Transition fee community fee


The Hengda Transition fee 50000 and The 14 Hu#feng 5 Mingdu 133 purchase and working Transition fee community income

Transition fee The Longcheng 50000 and The 15 Hu# 6 96 Leasing and working Mingyuan phase I Transition fee income

Zhang#la The Zhong hang The Transition 16 4 128 purchase Transition fee n hua fu fee

The Foreign affairs Zhou#qi The Transition 17 2 Longyun Renhe 100 Leasing Transition fee n fee community

The Foreign affairs Transition fee 20000 and The 18 Hu#xue 5 Longyun Renhe 141 Leasing and working Transition fee community income

The Foreign affairs Hu#shen The Transition 19 3 Longyun Renhe 80 Leasing Transition fee g fee community

Transition fee 30000-50000 The Fengdong blue 20 Hu#ben 5 80 Leasing and working and The light park income Transition fee

Liang#pi The Boyue The Transition 21 4 74 Leasing Transition fee ng community fee

Transition fee 40000-50000 The Hongji new 22 Hu#ben 5 80 Leasing and working and The town Liyuan income Transition fee

The Foreign affairs The Transition 23 Hu#ben 4 Longyun Renhe 143 Leasing Transition fee fee community

24 Hu#ji 5 The Hongji 120 Leasing Transition fee 10000 and The


Xincheng Qinyuan and working Transition fee

community income

Transition fee 30000-50000 The Weiye 25 Hu#hua 5 140 purchase and working and The Mansion income Transition fee

The Foreign affairs The Transition 26 Hu#min 5 Longyun Renhe 140 Leasing Transition fee fee community

Transition fee 20000-50000 The Hongji new 27 Hu#ben 4 90 Leasing and working and The town income Transition fee

The Feng du Tian The Transition 28 Hu#wei 3 130 purchase Transition fee cheng fee

The Xiyudu The Transition 29 Hu#ben 5 community of 120 purchase Transition fee fee Huazhou City

The demolition area of enterprise and public institution is 63,863.45 m2, in which 6 enterprises and public institutions are involved, and the specific resettlement details are as follows: (1)For the impact of Shaanxi Sirui Industrial Co., Ltd. suffered from land acquisition and house demolition, Yuhua Demolition Office in Hi-tech Industries Development Zone has reached a consensus with the enterprise regarding the demolition matter and has signed an agreement. The enterprise chose an integral allocation. The project implementation organization and the local government assist in the selection of resettlement for units to be demolished, and handling of relevant procedures; The enterprise re-selected the new plant site near Jinye 1st Road, Xi'an High-tech Industries Development Zone, The final confirmed address of the new plant is No.12, Zhangba 7th Road, Xi’an High-tech Industries Development Zone, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. The corresponding formalities have been done and the


company built the new plant and moved equipment in. The new plant and manufacturing shops have been finished and ready to use in June 2015. The company didn’t affected by the land acquisition and house demolition in this period, there is no shutdown period for the affected employees and the company ran normally. Among them, there are 580 affected employees who have the housing problem, which is paid a close attracted from and supported by the government. The government opened a green channel for the employees’ applications for public rental housing, and gave the top priority to their application of the public rental housing in Xi’an High-tech Industries Development Zone (XHTZ Jinye Apartment, located beside the new address of the plant, which is convenient for employments’ on and off duty), 500 affected employments applied for the public rental housing efficiently (XHTZ Jinye Apartment, see Figure 3), they finished the corresponding formalities and moved in. Another 80 affected employments solved their housing problems by themselves, the housing problems of the affected employments were soon solved and their living quality was improved dramatically. In recent years, during the development process of Shaanxi Sirui Industry Co., Ltd., the Management Committee of XHTZ greatly helped the company for its development, which made the company developed quickly and growing stronger and stronger. The good industrial environment combined with the strength of company its own brought about a powerful developmental motivation. Now the company has changed its name to Shaanxi Sirui Advanced Materials Co., Ltd., which has two sites for its production and operating, one is at No.12, Zhangba 7th Road, Xi’an High-tech Industries Development Zone, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province with a floor area of 72 mu, the main properties of which are the office building and manufacturing shops (see Figure 2), another one is at No.60, Weiyi Road, Xi’an High-tech Industries Development Zone, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province (inside the Yuhua Industrial Park) with a floor area of 40 mu, including manufacturing shops and a employment’s dormitory building with five floors (see Figure 4 and 5). At present, there are two models of employment’s accommodation, one is that some employments (500 persons) rented in XHTZ Jinye Apartment, and another is that some employments (200 persons) lived in the employment’s dormitory building, so the housing problems of the affected employments are barely affected by the


land acquisition and house demolition. In 2018, the company achieved a 21% increase in sales revenue, surpassed CNY 480 million while achieving safety production with zero industry injury. In recent years, the company's efficiency and staff’s income are stable. Now the staff' s per capita wage reaches CNY4000-4500 /month, which is higher than before. Now, the living condition and income of the affected persons improved to some extent.

Figure 2 The plant sites of Shaanxi Sirui Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. located at the No.12, Zhangba 7th Road, Xi’an Hi-tech Industries Development Zone


Figure 3 Jingye Apartment in Xi’an Hi-tech Industries Development Zone

Figure 4 The plant sites of Shaanxi Sirui Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. located at the No.60, Weiyi Road, Xi’an Hi-tech Industries Development Zone


Figure 5 Staff’s dormitory in plant site of Shaanxi Sirui Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. located at the Yuhua Industry Park (2) Xi’an Nylon Products Factory is the one to be dismantled in whole. After receiving monetary compensation, In 2011, it rented a new plant area at the interchange of Dongsong Road, Dongda Sub-district, Chang’an District, Xi’an city (see Figure 6), and built a plant by itself. The floor area of the new plant area is 13 mu, two manufacturing shops, a warehouse, a staff dormitory and a dining hall have been built there, which cover an floor area of 2200 m2. Because the new plant is far away from the city area and is inconvenient, some employments resigned and the rest of them all went to work in the new plant. According to investigation, from the removal to August 2019, the company has been running all the time without cease, and was not affected, the living and work of the affected employments were not affected neither.


Figure 6 The picture of the new plant area of Xi’an Nylon Product Factory (3) The demolition of Dingjiaqiao Agriculture Product Market will impact 200 tenants in the market. Tenants run business at designated positions and pay booth fees to market manager without undertaking the construction cost. Moreover, they signed short-term contracts with the market and pay booth fees every half a year. Therefore, the demolition has little impact on them. On the whole, most tenants are no longer engaged in previous business activities after receiving cash compensation, and a few affected tenants are looking for new stalls for continuous operation in similar markets nearby (within communities in Hujiazhang Village 500m away from original market, and Yuhuazhai Community 2 kilometers away) without affecting their life and income. In recent years, with the implementation and initiation of city transformation plan nearby, such similar farm produce markets have been gradually reduced or replaced, of which, about 30% affected households directly gave up their business, around 40% households chose to change and select another careers; Still about 30% affected households chose to continue their original careers in Xixinzhang Village (see Figure 7), and their livelihood and income have been improved.


Figure 7 The picture of farm produce markets in Xixinzhang Village (4) The road construction will impact a dormitory building of Xi’an International University (XAIU) including 48 teacher households. Yuhuazhai Urban Transformation Office of Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone reaches an agreement with XAIU through negotiation that XAIU should undertake removal, transition and resettlement compensation of its employees affected by land acquisition and demolition; the settlement building shall be undertaken by the new community project implementing unit of XAIU and the number of compensated buildings should be equal to the demolished number. After the Settlement and Compensation Agreement executed by Xi’an International University and Yuhuazhai Community City Transformation Office of Gaoxin District, since July, 2014, through unified organization, arrangement and implementation, staff settlement work and properly solving problems, Xi’an International University has settled the 48 affected households of teachers and staff in the eastern and western district of newly built dependant's area (Longyunrenhe Community, see Figure 8). During the period, the life and work of affected staff have not been influenced and all households are basically satisfied with the settlement work. Of which, there are 23 faculty buildings in Longyunrenhe Community with 5 in the eastern district and 17 in the western district, all of which have 6 floors, the community environment is more beautiful


and livable than the original one, and the supporting facilities are more completed, property service and living condition have been improved. In August 1, 2019, the resettlement buildings that “there must be one resettled for one demolished ” as previously promised by implementation unit are still under consultation and preparation phrase without implementation and construction.

Figure 8 The picture of western district of Longyunrenhe Community (5) The land acquisition and demolition of the project will separate Xi’an Bodi School into two parts. Yuhuazhai Urban Transformation Office will build a foot bridge on the east section of Keji 2nd Road for the school, so as to connect the two campuses and ensure the personal safety of teachers, students and pedestrians as well as smooth traffic. At present, the pedestrian overpass has been built. (6) Tenants in Fenghui Apartment all signed short-term contracts with landlord, and they will negotiate the payment time for rent, which are usually one or three months. Therefore, demolition has little impact on tenants. The owner of Huifeng Apartment can receive monetary compensation in one time in accordance with the evaluated price given by the evaluation company. At present, some households in original Fenghui Apartment have left Xi’an, some have found proper rental houses for living in near communities, they are now living in Longcheng· Dinagjiaqiao Community and Longchengmingyuan Community (see Figure 9).


Figure 9 The picture of Longcheng· Dinagjiaqiao Community Dazhai Road: Erfuzhuang Village has been included in the urban renewal plan of Yanta District. On March 5, 2021, the Urban Renewal Work Launching Ceremony was held in the Erfuzhuang area of Yanta District, which officially kicked off the renewal work in this area, and accordingly the resettlement process of ten affected households is also speeding up.The 10 households can receive transitional compensation with each passing year since 2011 in the order of contracting time. The compensation standard is CNY 5 /m2 per month for house with an area of 30m2 or below with one or two floors; as for houses with an area of over 30m2, the compensation for the part of over 302 is CNY 3 /m2 per month. Because of failure in completing resettlement within the 6 months stipulated in the contract, currently some of the households have received annual transitional compensation of about CNY 85,000, which triples the overdue payment. In addition, CNY 360 Yuan/ person/ month of transitional living allowance should be provided for affected peasant household in accordance with subsistence allowances for the urban poor. As of Apr 2021, the resettlement site of Erfuzhuang Village has been confirmed, which is located on the south of Dazhai Road, covering an area of 81.43 mu. The related construction work has been started, and the resettlement building design drawings (house types, etc.) have been solicited


with seven rounds of opinions from the villagers; there are a variety of household types (e.g. 138m2, 70m2, 55m2, etc.) for choosing, with the building design drawings being further optimized according to the villagers’ opinions. The Administrative Committee of Weilai Industrial City of Yanta District (the former Administrative Committee of Yuhua Industrial Park of Yanta District) updated the resettlement plan as the urban renewal starts up. On April 6, Weilai Industrial City held the Ceremony for Concentrated Start-up of Major Projects and the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Resettlement Building for the Urban Renewal of the Erfuzhuang area. According to the latest implementation plan, it is expected to complete the construction of resettlement buildings by the end of December 2022, and the relocation of Erfuzhuang Village by the end of April 2023. The ten affected households involved is arranged to receive the transitional subsidy year by year according to the contract time as before. Up to now, all transitional fees for them in 2020 have been paid. The ten demolished households are not engaged in agricultural production now according to the survey, and keep the transitional living subsidies and the labor cost from out-migration work as the main sources of income. Most affected households can earn a certain income from migrant work except for some relying on transitional living allowances, generally being CNY 30,000 Yuan per household per year. In general, the income of affected households is relatively stable, see the details in Table 11. Now, they rent to live in the Erfuzhuang Village and the surrounding communities, with the transitional allowance and living allowance of approximately CNY 85,000 Yuan a year, which can fully cover the house rent and there will be some balance.Their quality of life has not declined and is in good conditions. Therefore, they did not express their dissatisfaction with this long transition period and can accept it.

Table 11 Statistics about the Residential and Income Status of Affected

The Name The The Main The The The Annual No of No. of The Current sources Housing Housing household . household famili address of area(m2) condition income(CNY) er es income 72


1 Liu#li 3 Pharmaceuti 83 Leasing working 30000-40000

cal factory

The Shiqiao 2 Chu#mian 3 115 Leasing working 30000-40000 Xinyuan

The Huazhou 3 Bai# 2 98 Leasing working 30000-40000 City

The Yayi 4 Li#ling 2 73 Leasing working 30000-40000 garden

The Kunming 5 Bao#xia 2 80 Leasing working 20000-30000 time

The Baihua 6 Li#ying 2 120 Leasing working 20000-25000 four villages


7 Yang#na 4 Mingcheng 140 Leasing working 20000-30000



8 Zhou#long 6 Pharmaceuti 96 Leasing working 20000-25000

cal factory

The No.9

Kunming 9 Song#xuan 2 119 Leasing working 30000-40000 Road,


The Tower 10 Bao#wei 2 80 Leasing working 30000-40000 Temple Road

The relocation of enterprises is as follows: one enterprise transformed into a building materials market within the 11 enterprises in Yuhua Industrial Park, Yanta District, two of them still operate in the park, the other eight enterprises has moved away and do not operate any more after they received the


compensation, in which, Shaanxi Delong Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. is affected by the house demolition, do not operate any more, it has transformed into Erfuzhuang Building Materials Market after a rebuilding, the market is located at No. 2, Fuyuan Road, Yuhuazhai Subdistrict, Xi’an, and is implementing the unified management with independent facade rooms and shops, individual households can operate respectively. So far, all the operation households in the market do their business smoothly, the income level of affected people have been increased, and their living condition improved greatly. Xi’an Huatong Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. is located a No.17, Fuyuan 2nd Road, Yuhua Industrial Park, Yanta District, Xi’an, part enclosure buildings involved within the boundary lines of road of Dazhai Road have been dismantled, and the corresponding compensation has been paid. Because of the small impact of land acquisition and house demolition on the company, it still operates in normal at the original address in Yuhua Industrial Park, and the operation has not been affected by this land acquisition and house demolition. For Tianwei Food Co., Ltd., part of the warehouse and plant building has been dismantled, which is not a large scale, hence the company also still do their business normally in the park, the operation of the company has been affected little, the living condition and income level of affected people are not affected.

Fengcheng 8th Road-Taihua Road: As a whole, most lessee will not do their previous experienced business after they received the cash compensation, but some lessee still operate in the building materials market at Fengcheng 8th Road, according to the commitment to the affected lessee made by Xi’an Daming Palace Hongqi Building Materials Market, the affected lessee has been offered proper settlement in the market, and can go on operating the business, their operating conditions are not affected, as well as their income level. After a visit and investigation, the former Meiyu Stairs mainly sells stairs with a annual profit of CNY 40000 and an operation area of 20 m2, now it moved to the building materials market at Fengcheng 8th Road, going on their business with an operation area of 30 m2, the annual profit is not affected. 4. Other facilities


According to the evaluation of legal assessment agency, compensation should be made in accordance with replacement price of facilities. Compensation standard is shown as follows:

Table 12 Compensation standard table for auxiliary facilities

Compensation Compensation

Category Unit standard Category Unit standard

(CNY /unit) (CNY/unit)

Mature trees Tree 300-500 Electric wire M 10

Telecom Young trees Tree 50 M 10 wire

Enclosure M 100 Pole Piece 330

Optical Greenhouse M 100 M 100 cable

Toilet M2 1000 Transformer Transformer 30000

High Motor-pumped Room 100000 voltage Tower 1500000 well tower

Lawn Well 5 Canal M 100

Grave M2 1000 Water pipe M 50 B Various special facilities, including water conservancy facility, communication facility, electric power facility, etc., should be compensated by professional assessment agencies in accordance with actual construction cost or replacement price. 5. The resettlement information of affected households The information on the resettlement compensation of the affected households of all the sub-projects, including the number of affected families, compensation payment in cash, house compensation, place of relocation or name of the community and the date of resettlement, is listed in Table 13.

Table 13. Housing Resettlement Information of Affected Households (by Apr 2021)

Name of the Number of Compensatio Settleme Place of the Expected


Project the n in Cash nt House communities date for

Household (CNY) (m2) resettlement


Keji 2nd Road 29 The east of Jingjiu December

Households 15,121,265.0 13,997 Road and north of 2023

in 0 Keji 3rd Road


ang Village

Xinghuo 76 71,390,000.0 2,399.49 Bafuzhuangyuan August 2019

Road households 0 Community


Hongmiaopo 107 Zhujiang New December

Interchange households 26,500,000.0 2,406.89 Urban Community 2016

0 and Harmonious

City Community

The south of

Da Zhailu 10 Dazhai Road and April 1,400,000.00 3,977.00 households east of Fuyuan 2023

2nd Road

6. Payment of compensation fee Based on compensation policies and standards set out in the RP, Xi’an Project Management Office (PMO) and the project implementation agency shall directly pay the various compensation funds to affected people, enterprises and public institutions during the implementation of the project. Funds flow is shown in Figure 2 and the specific amount paid is shown in Table


14. By the end of Apr 6 , 2021, the payment of compensation fees for relocation and resettlement is as follows: Keji 2nd Road: CNY 1,200,000 and CNY 14,688 have been paid to two temporary buildings on the road respectively; RMB 6,969,955 Yuan has been paid to Fenghui Apartment; monetary compensation of RMB 9,900,300 Yuan has been paid to Xi’an Bodi School; CNY 123,500,000 has been paid to Shaanxi Sirui Industry Co., Ltd. Total payment reaches CNY 141,584,943. The 29 affected families in Xiaoyanzhuang Village were paid 15,121,265 CNY as resettlement compensation, and the total compensation for this sub-project was 156,706,208 CNY. Dazhai Road: Compensations have been made for nursery stocks of Minqizhai Village and Erfuzhuang Village as well as 29 homesteads in Erfuzhuang Village, totaling CNY 31,542,231 for 128 households. In 2017, transitional fees and living allowance of CNY 857,040 have been paid to 9 households; CNY 12,917,607 has been paid to 10 enterprises affected by Dazhai Road Project. The involved building within the boundary lines of roads and the four enterprises in Heping Industrial Park have been paid compensation of CNY 35,820,000 and the total enterprise demolition compensation of CNY 48.73761 millionand . In 2018, a total of CNY 847237 of transition fees and living subsidies were paid to 10 villagers who were suitable for urban village reconstruction, In 2019, a total of CNY 852120 of transition fees and living subsidies were paid to 10 villagers who were suitable for urban village reconstruction, In 2020, a total of CNY 857040 of transition fees and living subsidies were paid to 10 villagers who were suitable for urban village reconstruction, In 2021, a total of CNY 1,400,000 of early moving incentives were paid to 10 households who are eligible for urban village reconstruction.The total cost of compensation is CNY 85,083,428. Hongmiaopo Interchange: 106 households and one enterprise and public institution were involved, in which, 69 households accepted monetary resettlement and 38 households accepted physical resettlement, totally CNY 26.5 million was paid for demolition compensation. Xinghuo Road Interchange: 65 individual households and 11 enterprises and public institutions were involved, 1 enterprise accepted physical


resettlement and 75 households accepted monetary resettlement, totally CNY 71.39 million was paid for demolition compensation. Bus Parking Lot of Xi'an North Railway Station: The total payment for compensation is CNY 102.481176 million. Bus Parking Lot of Aviation Base: The total payment for compensation is CNY 6.35 million. Bus Parking Lot of XHTZ: The total cost of compensation is CNY 3.087663 million. Fengcheng 8th Road – Taihua Road Interchange: the land acquisition and demolition of the interchange project involves southeast corner, northeast corner and northwest corner of the interchange, and the demolition work in above places has been completed basically. In July 2018, the signing of house demolition and compensation agreement and the compensation payment for the affected enterprise and public institution and individuals has been completed, total CNY 42.15 million of compensation for land acquisition and house demolition has been paid, in which, CNY 39.09 million is the compensation for house demolition and CNY 3.06 million is the compensation for land acquisition (45 mu) .


ADB Xi’an Municipal

Project Office of Xi’an

Xi’an Urban Infrastructure

Enterprise (house Villagers Villager (house, Residential Property owner and other Committee (land tree and other house (compensation compensation compensation person property) (property fees for various fees) fee) owner) infrastructures) Figure 10 Fund flow diagram

Table 14 Compensation expense payment situation for land acquisition and house


Compensation paid

for land acquisition

Category Type No. Project name and house

demolition (CNY

Ten thousand)

Road & bridge 1 Keji 2nd Road 15,670.6208

improvement 2 Dazhai Road 8,508.3428

sub-project Road Kunming Road ( By 3 0 (Xi’an cancelled)

Municipal Zhuhong 4 0 Public Utility Interchange Road-Fengcheng 4th


Compensation paid

for land acquisition

Category Type No. Project name and house

demolition (CNY

Ten thousand)

Bureau) Road Interchange

Zhuhong Road-North 2nd 5 0 Ring Interchange

6 Hongmiaopo Interchange 2,650.00

Xinghuo Road 7 7,139.00 Interchange

Fengcheng 8th

Road-Beichen Avenue 8 0 Interchange(By


Fengcheng 8th

9 Road-Taihua Road 4,215.00


Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an 10 10,248.1176 North Railway Station Comprehensive Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an traffic facility Bus parking 11 National Civil Aerospace 635.00 subproject lot Industrial Base (Xi'an Xi’an Xigao Bus Parking Infrastructure 12 308.7663 Lot Construction Yuhuazhai Investment Comprehensive Transfer Metro 13 Station (some station in 0 Group Co. Ltd.) the west part of Xi’an transfer hub City)(By cancelled) 14 Comprehensive Hub 0


Compensation paid

for land acquisition

Category Type No. Project name and house

demolition (CNY

Ten thousand) Station of Xi'an International Trade & Logistics Park(By cancelled) Yuhuazhai Bus Parking 15 0 Lot(By cancelled)

Bus Parking Lot of Xi’an

International Trade & 16 0 Logistics Park(By


Multistorey Parking Urban Garage of Xizhan multistorey 17 0 Community(By parking cancelled) garage Ring Road-Taihua Road

18 Multistorey Parking 0

Garage(By cancelled)


Road-Dongguannan 19 0 Street Multistorey Parking

Garage(By cancelled)

Mujiangwang Refueling 20 0 Refueling Station(By cancelled)

station Refueling Station of Bus 21 0 Parking Lot of Xi’an


Compensation paid

for land acquisition

Category Type No. Project name and house

demolition (CNY

Ten thousand)

National Civil Aerospace

Industrial Base

Refueling Station of Xi’an 22 0 North Railway Station

Yuhuazhai Refueling 23 0 Station(By cancelled)

Refueling Station of Xi’an

International Trade & 24 0 Logistics Park(By


Total 49,374.8475

VI. Public Participation Due to the adjustment of implementation plans of various subprojects, consultant experts have updated the RP at earlier stage, complemented the adjusted contents, and emphasized on the investigation and consultation for the impacts of land acquisition and demolition of the second batch of implemented subprojects. The table below refers to the for public participation and consultation carried out for surveying the impacts of land acquisition and demolition of subprojects in the updated stage of the RP.

1. By Apr 6, 2021, during project implementation period, major information disclosure activities conducted for relevant subprojects are shown in Table 15:

Table 15 Information disclosure

Project Time Channel Disclosed information

General April 2011 Website of Draft of the RP


project ADB

Website of


March 2012 Municipal Project information



Xi’an Evening February 2012 Project information Paper

Website of Final draft of the first batch of RPs September 2013 ADB of subprojects

Website of Updated RP for Fengcheng 8th December 2014 ADB Road-Taihua Road Interchange

Website of Updated RP for Dazhai Road December 2015 ADB project

Website of Updated RP for Keji 2nd Road May 2016 ADB project

Introduction to North 2nd Ring

Notice posting Interchange project, November 2012 – and information disclosure and relevant North 2nd February 2013, resourcing of introduction to land acquisition and Ring Road October 2013– materials and demolition of the project, December 2013 information RP and resettlement information


Notice posting Introduction to Hongmiaopo and November 2012 - and Xinghuo Road Interchange project, February 2013, resourcing of information disclosure and relevant Hongmiaop October 2013 - materials and introduction to land acquisition and o December 2013, information demolition of the project, and

March 22, 2016 - Notice posting notice of compensation plan for


June 22, 2016 housing acquisition of Hongmiaopo

Interchange project

Notice of land acquisition plan of December 23, 2015 Notice posting Hongmiaopo Interchange

Notice of Compensation Plan Xinghuo March 22, (consultative draft) for Housing Road Notice posting 2016~June 22, 2016 Acquisition of Xinghuo Road

Interchange Project

Introduction to Fengcheng 8th

Road-Taihua Road Interchange Notice posting project, Fengcheng and February - June information disclosure and relevant 8th resourcing of 2015 introduction to land acquisition and Road-Taihu materials and demolition of the project, a Road information RP and resettlement information


Information disclosure of land February - April Notice posting acquisition and demolition of 2015 project


publicity, Information disclosure and relevant May 2011 – July resourcing of introduction to land acquisition and 2014 Daizhai materials and demolition of the project

Road information

Notice posting


December 2015 resourcing of Report of project resettlement pan

materials and



Notice on and the compensation plan for the requisition of urban

May 5 ,2021 Notice posting renewal houses in Erfuzhuang area (Erfuzhuang Village, Minqizhai Village, Yaojia Village)

Information disclosure of land January 2014 – Notice posting acquisition and demolition of June 2015 project

Working conference of land

Conference acquisition for villagers from 29 January 11, 2016 discussion households in Xiaoyanzhuang


Preliminary negotiation conference Conference October 2016 for compensation plan of land Keji 2nd discussion acquisition Road Negotiation conference of

compensation plan of land July 3, 2017~July Conference acquisition for villagers from 29 11, 2017 discussion households in Xiaoyanzhuang


Discussion on resettlement land, Conference July , 2020 resettlement needs, and design discussion plan

2.By Apr 6, 2021, during project implementation, major information disclosure and public participation activities conducted for relevant subprojects are shown in Table 16:

Table 16 Public participation of relocation and resettlement

Project Time Place Participant Content/ activity

North November 2012 – Dormitory Leaders and Surveys on the


2nd Ring June 2014 area of resident affected physical

Road Sinohydro representatives of quantity of the

Corporation Urban project and

Engineering Reconstruction resettlement

Bureau 15 Office of Economic intention, and

Co., Ltd. Development Zone consultation of RP

and Sinohydro


Engineering Bureau

15 Co., Ltd.

Consultations of November 2012 – Leaders of compensation and June 2015 Daming Palace Preservation and RP Renovation Office, Survey on the Fangxin Lianhu District People’s affected physical Community Government and quantity of the April – May, 2015 Fangxin Food Plant, as well as resident project and representatives of resettlement Fangxi Community intention

Xi’an Urban and Demonstration:

Rural Construction compensation plan Hongmi Daming Commission, Xi’an for housing aopo Palace Municipal acquisition of

Preservation Development and Hongmiaopo December17, 2015 and Reform Interchange

Renovation Commission, Xi’an project formulated

Office City Planning by Xi’an Qujiang

Bureau, Xi’an Daming Palace

Housing Security Heritage Site


and Management Preservation and

Bureau, Xi’an Renovation Office

Legislative Office,

Xi’an Lianhu District




Subdistrict Office,

Construction Bureau

of Daming Palace

Preservation and

Renovation Office,

Urban (Shanty)


Office of Daming


representatives of

households involved

in land acquisition,


Xi’an Municipal

People’s Notice on Daming Government, Xi ’an determining Palace Qujiang New District housing Preservation Administrative acquisition of March 22, 2016 and Committee, Xi’an Hongmiaopo Renovation Qujiang Daming Interchange Office Palace Heritage Site project

Preservation and


Renovation Office,

representatives of

households involved

in land acquisition,


Notice on

compensation plan Xi’an Qujiang of housing Daming Palace Daming acquisition for Heritage Site Palace Hongmiaopo March 22, Preservation and Preservation Interchange 2016~June 22, Renovation Office, and project, 2016 representatives of Renovation home-entry households involved Office publicity, removal in land acquisition, and relocation, etc. and house


Daming Palace

Preservation and Discussion and Renovation Office, July 2016~October signature of PMO affected enterprises 2016 compensation and institutions, agreement residents from 104


Daxing New District,

Daming Palace Consultations of November 2012 – Fenghe Preservation and compensation and Xinghu June 2015 Village Renovation Office, RP o Road Lianhu District




Fenghe Village

Daming Palace Survey on the Preservation and affected physical Renovation Office, South of quantity of the Lianhu District April – May 2015 West Ziqiang project and People’s Road resettlement Government and 4 intention, and affected enterprises consultation of RP and institutions

Notice on


Plan (Consultative Daming Palace Draft) for Housing Preservation and Acquisition of March 22, Renovation Office, South of Hongmiaopo 2016~June 22, Lianhu District West Ziqiang Interchange 2016 People’s Road Project, Government and 4 home-entry affected enterprises publicity, removal and institutions and relocation,

and house


Xi’an Qujiang Discussion and Daming Palace July 2016~October signature of PMO Heritage Site 2016 compensation Preservation and agreement Renovation Office,


affected enterprises

and institutions,

merchants, and


Survey on social

economy and March – April 2014 resettlement


Survey on the

affected physical

quantity of the Weiyang District Fengch April – May 2014 Construction project, and

eng 8th Bureau, Tanjia consultation of Tanjia Subdistrict Office, Road-T affected enterprises compensation and Subdistrict aihua and commercial resettlement policy Office tenants Road Verification of February – June affected physical 2015 quantity

Discussion and

June – December signature of

2016 compensation


Xi’an Urban Road Verification of Network affected physical Improvement Project Office, Yanta quantity and May – June, 2017 District People’s survey on Yuhua Government, Lianhu District Urban resettlement Industrial Reconstruction Daizhai condition Park Office, affected Road July 14 - July 16, people (including Survey on affected


2014 representatives, physical quantity women representatives and Survey on social affected economy and July 17, 2014 representatives of Erfuzhuang Village, resettlement Minqizhai Village, intention Heping Industrial Park, enterprises Consultation of July 17, 2014 – compensation and and communities), resettlement policy October 19, 2014 Resettlement Group and resettlement and design unit plan Publication of

Affected people, compensation November 2015 enterprises and public institutions standard, means of appeal, etc.

Lianhu District Consultation of Urban Heping compensation and January Reconstruction Industrial Office, affected resettlement policy 2016~June 2016 people (enterprises Park and resettlement and public institutions) plan Lianhu District Urban Discussion and July Reconstruction signature of 2016~December Office, affected people (enterprises compensation 2016 and public agreement institutions) Discussions on the The location of Erfuzhuang September Administrativ Villagers Committee resettlement and Villager’s buildings and the 10,2020 e Committee Representatives house-type of Weilai matching issues Industrial Yanta District The People’s City of Yanta April 6,2021 Government , Groundbreaking District Administrative Ceremony of the Committee of Weilai


Industrial City and Resettlement Villager’s Representatives of Building Erfuzhuang Village Administrative

Committee of Xi’an Survey on affected

Hi-tech Industries physical quantity January 2014 – Development Zone, and consultation of June 2015 Xi’an Hi-tech affected villages, compensation and

Industries enterprises and resettlement policy

Developmen public institutions

t Zone Publication of

Affected people, compensation November 2015 enterprises and public institutions standard, means of appeal, etc.

Communicate and

Xi’an Urban Road determine the Network work plan for joint Xi’an Hi-tech Improvement Project Office, XHTZ area between June 2016~August Industries Yuhuazhai Keji 2nd sections along the 2016 Developmen Urban-village Road Comprehensive road, and t Zone Reconstruction communicate for Office, Yuhuazhai Villagers Committee matters for road

land transfer

XHTZ Yuhuazhai Xi’an Bodi School,

Urban-village road construction Xi’an Hi-tech September Comprehensive unit, and pipe rack Industries 2016~October Reconstruction builder convoke Developmen 2016 Office, affected several t Zone people, enterprises, construction

public institutions, docking


construction unit conferences and


conference for

road land transfer

XHTZ Yuhuazhai

Urban-village Preliminary Xi’an Hi-tech Comprehensive consultation for Industries Reconstruction November 2016 compensation plan Developmen Office, Yuhuazhai of land acquisition t Zone Subdistrict Office, and demolition Xiaoyanzhuang

Villagers Committee

XHTZ Yuhuazhai Problems on Urban-village Xi’an Hi-tech pipeline, footbridge November 19, Comprehensive Industries and etc. found in 2016; November Reconstruction Developmen Xi’an International 23, 2016; Office, enterprises, t Zone University during public institutions, road construction construction unit

XHTZ Yuhuazhai


Comprehensive Discussion and Reconstruction consultation of July 3, 2017-July Office, Yuhuazhai Gaoke Hotel compensation plan 11, 2017 Subdistrict Office, for land acquisition representatives from and demolition 29 households in




Yuhuazhai .Location of Subdistrict, Urban Resettlement Meeting Reconstruction Building, Room of Office of Yuhua Discussion and 2018.2.11 Guanzhong Area, Village negotiation of February 11, 2018 Custom Committee and compensation Park, Villager’s scheme for land Fufeng, Representatives of acquisition and Xiaoyanzhuang house demolition Village

XHTZ Yuhuazhai

Urban-village Discuss and

Xi’an Hi-tech Comprehensive negotiate on the

Industries Reconstruction selection and April 2019 Developmen Office, Yuhuazhai allocation scheme

t Zone Subdistrict Office, of settlement

Xiaoyanzhuang apartments

Villagers Committee

XHTZ Yuhuazhai Discussion and

Urban-village negotiation on the

Xi’an Hi-tech Comprehensive location of

Industries Reconstruction resettlement October 2020 Developmen Office, Yuhuazhai building and the

t Zone Subdistrict Office, selection and

Xiaoyanzhuang matching plan of

Villagers Committee house type

VII. Conclusions and Suggestions 1. Conclusion (1) Land acquisition work of the subproject in this monitoring was carried out in an orderly manner, and was in strict accordance with the unified


compensation standards for land acquisition and demolition, which ensures that the legal rights and interests of the masses were not infringed. Regulating demolition behavior, reducing demolition disputes, maintaining harmony and stability can ensure the openness and transparency of demolition, thus realizing the legal demolition, transparent demolition and harmonious demolition. Along with the implementation of urban renewal project in Xi'an, the progress of the resettlement of migrants from Erfuzhuang Village has been accelerated. The 39 affected households on Keji 2nd Road and Dazhai Road are expected to be relocated by the end of December 2023, and they are now still in the transitional period at present. As of April 6, 2021, the land acquisition work involved in the subprojects of this monitoring, as well as the house demolition work involved, have been basically completed, the resettlement work of each project is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the construction is also speeding up.The location of the resettlement building of Xiaoyanzhuang Village on Keji 2nd Road has been determined, and the resettlement housing construction plan design is in progress. It is expected that the relocation will be completed in December 2023; Erfuzhuang Village on Dazhai Road has been included in the urban renewal plan by Yanta District, and the construction is being implemented. On April 6, the Weilai Industrial City of Yanta District held the Ceremony for Concentrated Start-up of Major Projects and the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Resettlement Building for the Urban Renewal of the Erfuzhuang area, and it is expected to complete the villagers' relocation by the end of April 2023. The 39 demolished households are not engaged in agricultural production according to the monitoring, and keep the transitional living subsidies and the labor cost from out-migration work as the main sources of income, which is relatively stable.Their quality of life has not declined and is in good conditions, and they agree to this resettlement plan, did not express their dissatisfaction with this long transition period and can accept it. (2) Relevant responsible institutions of various subprojects are complete with clear assignment of responsibility and also boast prefect system and high-quality personnel; meanwhile, the leader groups have been established for various subprojects with detailed working division and responsibility definition. During the implementation period, different public participation


activities have been convoked for various subprojects in accordance with actual demands, and wide discussion on compensation standard and policy as well as resettlement methods has been carried out with relocated people, and their suggestions were also collected. Among them, for the subprojects, we formulated the acquisition compensation scheme and preferential measures that comply with the willingness of most relocated households according to the actual situation during the acquisition process, which ensures the smooth proceeding of the acquisition work. (3) The principle of public participation has been fully implemented and the interests of vulnerable groups and women are guaranteed. (4) During implementation process of each subproject in the monitoring, no complaints have been received, and no petition arising from land acquisition and demolition occurred. It shows that the masses are satisfied with land acquisition and demolition work of the project. 2. Suggestions The monitoring and consultation obtained the great support of Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-rural Development, Xi’an Urban Infrastructure Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. and various responsible departments in administrative districts of subprojects, which ensured the smooth implementation of projects. Apart from expressing our appreciation to relevant institutions, following suggestions are proposed for future land acquisition and demolition: (1) Further consultations and participation should be strengthened, and the detailed procedures and progress of urban renewa, resettlement building relocation related matters should be explained to the demolished households regularly, and the related issues of the demolished households’ concerns should be resolved; the transition subsidies should be paid in full and in time, and any changes to the resettlement plan should be duly notified and approved by the demolished households; construction of the resettlement community should be paid with more attention and accelerated, so that the demolished households can move back as soon as possible. (2) Accelerate the efficiency in handling land acquisition procedure and land use certificate. According to relevant national policies, land acquisition must be conducted strictly conforming to the process. Therefore, efficiency of


handling land acquisition procedure is suggested to be accelerated to legalize the land use, so as to provide legal protection for the smooth completion of land acquisition and demolition and following implementation of engineering construction. (3) Enhance the filing for resettlement people. Pay attention to preservation of relevant materials in the resettlement process and establish archives for land acquisition and demolition. Special personnel should be designated for archive management, so as to provide basic materials for completion acceptance and monitoring evaluation. (4) Continuously strengthen the supports for vulnerable groups and resettlement people and further improve and strictly implement recovery programs. (5) Continuously improve public participation in project implementation period, and ensure the transparent and convenient ways for appeal and complaint.