Newsletter September 2005
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NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2005 TRANSPLANT Vol. 10. Nº 1 INTERNATIONAL FIGURES ON ORGAN DONATION AND TRANSPLANTATION - 2004 COUNCIL CONSEIL OF EUROPE DE L’EUROPE FUNDACION RENAL IÑIGO ALVAREZ DE TOLEDO 2005 INTERNATIONAL FIGURES ON ORGAN, TISSUE & HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL DONATION & TRANSPLANTATION ACTIVITIES. DOCUMENTS PRODUCED BY THE COMMITTEE OF EXPERTS ON THE ORGANISATIONAL ASPECTS OF CO-OPERATION IN ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION (2004) Editors: Rafael Matesanz & Blanca Miranda NATIONAL DATA PROVIDED BY: – AUSTRALIA – ITALY – ARGENTINA Lee Excell Paola di Ciaccio Carlos Alberto Soratti – AUSTRIA – LATVIA – BOLIVIA Guido Persijn (ET) Sergej Trushkov – BELGIUM – LITHUANIA – BRASIL Guido Persijn (ET) Julija Shirokova Roberto Soares – BULGARIA – LUXEMBURG – CHILE Yanko Nachkov Guido Persijn (ET) Nelly de Lourdes Alvarado – CANADA – MALTA Jose Luis Rojas Kim Badovinac Tony Bugeja – COLOMBIA – CROATIA – NEW ZEALAND Rafael Romero Mirela Busic Lee Excell – CUBA – CYPRUS – NORWAY Alexander Marmol George Kyriakides Frank Pedersen (SKT) – DOMINICANA – CZECH REPUBLIC – POLAND Eva Pokorna Jaroslaw Czerwinski – ECUADOR – DENMARK – PORTUGAL Ignacio Ramirez Frank Pedersen (SKT) Luisa Taveira – EL SALVADOR – ESTONIA – ROMANIA Peeter Dmitriev Victor Gheorgue Zota – GRUPO PUNTA CANA – EUROTRANSPLANT (ET) – SCANDIATRANSPLANT (SKT) Argentina, Brasil, Bolivia, Germany, The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Austria, Belgium, Slovenia, Norway, Finland, Iceland Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Luxemburg Frank Pedersen Guatemala, Honduras, Guido Persijn (ET) – SLOVAK REPUBLIC México, Panamá, Paraguay, Marjan Slot Ludovit Laca Perú, Puerto Rico, – FINLAND – SLOVENIA Dominicana R., Uruguay, Frank Pedersen (SKT) Lea Lamjnet Venezuela – FRANCE Guido Persijn (ET) Ylana Chalem – SPAIN – GUATEMALA Philippe Tuppin Carmen Martin Rudolf A. García-Gallont – GEORGIA Mª Jose Lopez – MEXICO Gia Tomadze Carmen Cobo José Salvador Aburto – GERMANY – SWEDEN – PANAMA Guido Persijn (ET) Frank Pedersen (SKT) – GREECE – SWITZERLAND – PARAGUAY Georgia Menoudakou Diane Moretti Eduardo Wilson Martínez Marianthi Katsani – THE NETHERLANDS – PERU – HUNGARY Arnoud Sloof Carmen Fajardo Peter Borka Guido Persijn (ET) – PUERTO RICO – ICELAND – TURKEY E. Santiago-Delpín Frank Pedersen (SKT) Altay Köken – URUGUAY – IRELAND – UNITED KINGDOM Raul José Mizraji Phil Pocock Phil Pocock – VENEZUELA – ISRAEL – UNOS: USA Carmen Luisa Lattuf Sharona Bem Ami de Milanés Data recorded & prepared by Organización Nacional de Trasplantes (ONT) – Spain Dr. Rafael Matesanz Dra. Blanca Miranda Ana García Marina Alvarez Foot Note: For the purposes of this Newsletter the following definitions were used: Organ donor: Every potential donor transferred to the operating theatre from whom, at least, one solid organ has been retrieved Multiorgan donor: Every donor from whom, at least, two different solid organs have been retrieved Absolute number: Include all figures corresponding to all donors/patients adults and children Paediatric: Includes only paediatric activity (patients under 15 years old) AULA MÉDICA EDICIONES. Paseo Pintor Rosales, 26. 28008 Madrid (España) 2 Tel. 91 542 09 55. Fax 91 559 51 72. Depósito legal: M- NEWSLETTER TRANSPLANT 2005 INTRODUCTION FROM EUROPE TO OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD The outstanding work of the Transplant Committee of the Council of Europe in the field of organ, tissue and cells donation and transplantation for many years is now serving as a mo- del for other International bodies in other parts of the world for setting standards, obtaining accurate data of activity, and implementing new forms of organization. UE has widely used the documents elaborated by this Committee for the tissue and cell di- rective. WHO is now in the phase of development of the 57th World Health Assembly Re- solution about Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation and certainly our experience will serve as a basis for the future work in Latin America or Asia. TRANSPLANT NEWSLETTER is now the only official publication which provides data of or- gan donation and transplantation of everyday more and more countries all over the world. A wonderful example has been Latino America. Thanks to the cooperation of professionals and authorities of these countries and the coordinators of the GRUPO PUNTACANA, we CONTENTS •INTRODUCTION: FROM EUROPE TO OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD 3 •INTERNATIONAL FIGURES ON ORGAN DONATION AND TRANSPLANTATION. YEAR 2004 •INTERNATIONAL DATA ON ORGAN DONATION, TRANSPLANTATION, WAITING LIST AND FAMILY REFUSALS. YEAR 2004 •INTERNATIONAL DATA ON TISSUES AND HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANT ACTIVITY. YEAR 2004 •DOCUMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION PRODUCED BY THE TRANSPLANT COMMITTEEOFTHECOUNCIL OF EUROPE. YEAR 2004 –LINK TO: GUIDE TO SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR ORGANS, TISSUES AND CELLS –RECOMMENDATION REC (2004) 19 OF THE COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS TO MEMBER STATES ON CRITERIA FOR THE AUTHORISATION OF ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION FACILITIES –RECOMMENDATION REC (2005) 11OF THE COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS TO MEMBER STATES ON THE ROLE AND TRAINING OF PROFESSIONALS RESPONSIBLE FOR ORGAN DONATION (TRANSPLANT «DONOR CO-ORDINATORS») 3 started to publish their data and now we are the more accurate source of data for this con- tinent. The recent approval of the project of IBEROAMERICAN COUNCIL OF ORGAN DO- NATION AND TRANSPLANTATION which will serve to harmonize these activities in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries can be considered as a reflex of this Committee at the other side of Atlantic ocean. Information is an absolute need for taking decisions. It is a simple question of justice thank to all the people who provides these data every year from more and more countries. We all are contributing to provide these therapies everyday to more and more people all over the world. Rafael Matesanz 4 COUNCIL CONSEIL OF EUROPE DE L’EUROPE International Figures on organ donation and transplantation activity year 2004 5 6 16,7 CADAVERIC DONORS Annual Rate p.m.p. 2004 20,9 19,6 13,7 13,6 17,8 22,1 11,9 10,2 13,8 15,5 21,8 14,7 13 2 20,5 10,2 22,6 21 12,6 16 18 0,5 22,2 21,1 13,4 34,6 0,9 6 2 11,4 8,8 CADAVERIC KIDNEY TRANSPLANT Annual Rate p.m.p. 2004 36,8 37 25,5 25 30,9 36,7 25 16,5 24,4 25,9 33,9 27,3 24,1 20 39,3 18,4 42,4 36,7 22,6 28,4 27,5 0,9 39,2 30,6 24 47,8 1,8 10,5 3,6 21,4 11,9 7 8 10,2 LIVING KIDNEY TRANSPLANT Annual Rate p.m.p. 2004 1 20,7 15,8 3,6 0,4 0,8 9,6 1,2 7,8 15,3 1,8 0,6 5,9 20 3,7 0,4 4,6 2,7 11,3 1,1 1,6 27,5 8 2,9 2,4 1,6 1,4 1,3 6,9 7,8 41,4 10 100 LIVING KIDNEY TRANSPLANT / TOTAL KIDNEY TRANSPLANT % 2,5 35,8 38,1 12,5 1,3 2 27,8 6,55 24,3 37,1 5,1 2 19,7 0 8,6 0 9,8 6,7 31,6 3,7 100 0 88,8 6,6 7,1 6,1 2,8 41,6 39,5 68,2 65,9 85,1 9 10 LIVER TRANSPLANT Annual Rate p.m.p. 2004 9,6 9,8 14,8 11,5 7,8 3,6 11,7 22 5,2 10,7 8,1 16,1 15,1 14,8 4,3 7,5 0,8 20,5 18,2 9,7 24,1 0,1 2,6 6,7 6,6 HEART TRANSPLANT Heart - Lung Transp. Included Annual Rate p.m.p. 2004 4 7,4 3,4 4,5 0,4 3,1 2 7,4 2,7 5 4,7 2 7,8 5,2 4 1 1,5 0,2 4,5 6,2 1,8 6,8 0,1 0,5 0,4 2,5 11 12 LUNG TRANSPLANT Single + Double Lung Heart - Lung Transp. Included Annual Rate p.m.p. 2004 1,9 2,4 2,9 5,2 2,3 3,3 6,1 0,03 2,9 0,7 9,5 2,8 5 0,4 0,1 1,5 3,3 0,02 4,3 PANCREAS TRANSPLANT –included all the combinations– Annual Rate p.m.p. 2004 2,2 0,9 1 1,3 1,3 4 0,4 2,3 2,4 5 1,7 1,5 1,2 0,1 1,2 1,6 1,7 2,5 0,5 1,3 13 14 KIDNEY-PANCREAS TRANSPLANT Annual Rate p.m.p. 2004 1,7 0,6 1 1,2 1,1 1,7 0,4 1,9 1,6 3,6 1,4 1,4 1,2 0,1 1,2 1 1,4 2,5 0,3 1,3 POPULATION: 31,9 millions (pmp) Cadaveric donors 414 (13),0 Cadaveric Kidney Transplant 603 (18,9) Living Kidney Transplant 413 (12,9) Liver Transplant 420 (13,2) Heart Transplant 146 0(4,6) Heart - Lung Transplant 3 0(0,1) S. Lung + D. Lung Transp. 135 0(4,2) CANADÁ Pancreas Transplant 61 0(1,9) POPULATION: 20,1/4,1 millions Australia N. Zealand Cadaveric donors (pmp) 218 (10,8) 40 0(9,8) Cadaveric Kidney Transplant 405 (20,1) 58 (14,2) Living Kidney Transplant 246 (12,2) 48 (11,8) Liver Transplant 177 0(8,8) 36 0(8,8) Heart Transplant 78 0(3,8) 6 0(1,4) USA Heart - Lung Transplant 6 0(0,2) –0000–0 S. Lung + D. Lung Transp. 98 0(4,8) 12 0(2,9) Pancreas Transplant 31 0(1,5) 2 0(0,4) POPULATION: 297 millions (pmp) Cadaveric donors 7.150 (24,1) Cadaveric Kidney Transplant 9.354 (31,5) AUSTRALIA Living Kidney Transplant 6.647 (22,4) Liver Transplant 6.168 (20,8) Heart Transplant 2.055 0(6,9) Heart - Lung Transplant 39 0(0,1) S.