RMIT DESIGN ARCHIVES JOURNAL VOL 5 Nº 1 2015 Early Automotive Design ARTICLES in Australia EDITORIAL Norman Darwin 4–16 Interview: Phillip Zmood Tony Lupton 17–23 Women in the Early Australian Automotive Industry: A Survey Judith Glover & Harriet Edquist 24–35 EXHIBITION Shifting Gear: Design, Innovation REVIEW and the Australian Car National Gallery of Victoria Tony Lupton 36–39 rmit design archives journal Journal Editor Harriet Edquist Editorial Assistance Kaye Ashton Design Editorial Board Suzie Attiwill rmit University Michael Bogle Sydney, nsw Nanette Carter Swinburne University Liam Fennessy rmit University Christine Garnaut University of South Australia Philip Goad University of Melbourne Brad Haylock rmit University Robyn Healy rmit University Andrew Leach Griffith University, qld Catherine Moriarty University of Brighton, uk Michael Spooner rmit University Laurene Vaughan rmit University contact Cover and this page
[email protected] Phillip Zmood, drawings of styling exercises for HQ issn 1838-9406 Monaro Coupe Published by rmit Design Archives, rmit University roof concept. Text © rmit Design Archives, rmit University and individual authors. This Journal is copyright. RMIT Design Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of research, Archives criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without the prior permission of the publisher. This issue of the rmit Design Archives Journal focuses on the Australian car and in particular on its design. Its genesis lies in research undertaken for the Shifting Gear: Design, Innovation and the Australian Car exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria, a curatorial collaboration with David Hurlston, Senior Curator of Australian Art at the ngv.