North Council Adult Social Care Provider Public Report

Rathside Care Home 41 Gainsborough Lane, Scawby, , . DN20 9BY Telephone: (01652) 652139 e-mail: [email protected]

Registered Manager: Gene Alan

Introduction: Rathside Residential Home is in the village of Scawby and the service is divided into three units, with a lounge/diner and several bedrooms to each unit. Some bedrooms are on the upper floor accessed by a passenger lift or stairs. There are ornamental gardens and parking to the outside. There is a “bistro” area and access to computers with internet.

Type of home: Care home without nursing

Specialisms: Dementia, Caring for adults over 65 yrs

Number of rooms: 32 single rooms (30 en suite)

Pricing structure/Fees: Local Authority range: from £405.65 to £410.33 per week (private fees negotiable – contact Care Home direct)

Activities programme: example Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday` Saturday Reminiscing Net ball Knitting & Board Nail & hand Move & napkin walks games massages afternoon folding Snakes & Coffee / Dominoes & Cards Skittles Velcro darts walks ladders cake walks Knit & natter Sandwich Cake Walks Ball games Crafts Movie making decorating afternoon Walks and Bingo Nails & Net ball Table laying baking Reminiscing quiz massages & napkin folding

Sample of Menu: Please contact the home.

Star rating by residents: 4 stars

What people told us: As part of our annual checks residents are asked how they feel about their lifestyles and what they think about the care they receive. At the time of the survey, Rathside care home had 29 residents and 17 completed questionnaires were returned.

Connect to Support – North Lincolnshire An information hub and eMarketplace for social care and support services

This is what people told us:

Residents said they are happy with the service provided by Rathside and would recommend it to a friend. Residents were able to access health services. Residents felt safe and secure in the care home. Majority thought their quality of life was very good. Majority of residents felt they were treated with dignity and respect and felt valued by the people around them and that staff listened to what they had to say. Residents felt able to talk things over in a safe and confidential way with staff. Majority of residents felt the staff took care with their personal property and possessions.

We also received comments such as:- “Life much improved” “Comfortable and happy” “Made me feel safe and has all the equipment to help with my mobility” “A lot of difference made as I could not look after myself at home” “Piece of mind and security” “It has made me feel happy and safe as I always know someone is around” “Any concerns that family have are discussed with management and then have been dealt with accordingly”

North Lincolnshire Council’s Annual Performance Assessment

Our current overall assessment took place on 17 & 25 April 2013 Outcome This year’s score Last year’s score Health Very good Very good Safe Very good Very good Independent Very good Excellent Involved Very good Excellent In control Very good Very Good Respect Very good Very Good Confident in the future Fair Excellent

Health: Records show that people’s mental and physical health is monitored and they are encouraged and supported to access doctor, dentist etc as required. There is an identified staff member on each shift to administer medication. On observation, medication was stored and recorded correctly and staff were trained appropriately to administer medication. Residents were asked about their food likes and dislikes and these were taken into account when planning nutritional menus for the week ahead. All staff have been trained in infection control and staff we spoke to were able to describe the

Connect to Support – North Lincolnshire An information hub and eMarketplace for social care and support services process and the guidelines they follow. The environment was clean and pleasant.

Safe: Safeguarding and whistle blowing procedures were in place and were accessible to staff. Staff told us that they had received training in safeguarding adults and were clear of the process to follow in raising any concerns they may have and they felt confident that this would be acted upon. Training records showed the majority of staff had received training in safeguarding policies and procedures. The interior and exterior of the building was pleasant, well maintained, all fire, health and safety inspections were up to date and staff receive refresher fire safety training. The fire bell is tested weekly with regular drills.

Independent: We found that people were encouraged to personalise their own bedrooms with their own belongings. Residents are encouraged to continue with their social, cultural, religious and recreational interests.

Involved: Our assessment of this service has shown us that people who use the service are respected and involved in their care. Residents and family are involved in resident review meetings and the plan of care. We checked the care plans and found that each person had a support plan in place and that these were being updated. People are encouraged and supported to get involved in activities that are happening in the local community. Rathside use their own mini bus to enable residents to go to events within the community and for access to shopping or to go on day trips. The views of people who use the services were sought through regular questionnaires and at regular meetings. We saw the minutes of the most recent meetings.

In control: We found that staffing was in place to ensure residents were supported living in the care home to have the maximum choice about their preferences for daily life activities/routines such as get up and going to bed times. There is an activities board on display in the entrance of the home for all visitors to see. The home had clear and complete records of pocket money etc for each person living in the home.

Respect: The staff we spoke to were able to describe clearly and concisely the need for confidentiality about individual’s care. Residents are treated with dignity and respect as shown in the results of the quality survey. Staff we spoke to had a clear understanding of the ‘No gifts policy’. Advocacy services are available and staff were aware of how to request this service for people at the home.

Confident in the future: Staff told us that they received mandatory training and training was always on offer and this took place both in house and by attending courses. .A training matrix is in place. We looked at examples of staff appraisals and the ones we looked at were up to date.

Connect to Support – North Lincolnshire An information hub and eMarketplace for social care and support services Actions: Recent CQC visit resulted in actions to be taken which have since been put in place.

This home must also be compliant with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) rules and regulations and the latest compliance report is available from the Care Quality Commission: telephone number: 03000 616161 website: e-mail address: [email protected]

Improvements to be made in the next year: See Care Quality Commission report.

If you wish to speak to someone about this report please contact the Performance Team

Address: North Lincolnshire Council Adult Social Care Brumby Resource Centre East Common Lane North Lincolnshire DN16 1QQ Telephone: 01724 296655 email: [email protected]

Connect to Support – North Lincolnshire An information hub and eMarketplace for social care and support services