III. Ethnic Geographies
Orleans New Orleans of Campanellaamazon.com on New of Campanellaamazon.com Richard order on by Geographies Richard order Please by Geographies E Please THNIC G EOGRAPHIES P ART III Orleans New Orleans of Campanellaamazon.com on New of Campanellaamazon.com Richard order on by Geographies Richard order Please by Geographies Please MERICA S IRST and Spaniards. It contained a mixed population well before A ’ F Chicago, Boston, New York or Cleveland....” New Orleans’ MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY? diversity “amazed early travelers...[who] could find com- parisons only in such crossroads of the world as Venice and No city perhaps on the globe, in an equal number of human Vienna.”7 Far more immigrants arrived to the United States beings, presents a greater contrast of national manners, language, and complexion, than does New Orleans. through New Orleans—over 550,000 from 1820 to 1860, —William Darby, 18161 with 300,000 in the 1850s alone—than any other South- The population is much mixed, consisting of foreign and na- ern city in the nineteenth century, and for most of the late tive French; Americans born in the state and from every state of antebellum era, it was the nation’s number-two immigrant the Union; a few Spaniards; and foreignersOrleans from almost every port, ahead of Boston and behind only New York.8 Moreover, nation...; there is a great “confusion of tongues,” and on the Levée, New Orleans “was an almost perfect microcosm...of the en- during a busy day, can be seen people of every grade, colour and condition: in short it is a world in miniature.
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