5th Australasian conference on Chinese diaspora history & heritage Dragon Tails 2017 Hopes, Dreams and Realities Conference program Golden Dragon Museum Bendigo, Victoria, Australia 23-26 November 2017 0 Contents Conference program 4 Program - Timetable at a glance 4 Program in detail 5 Abstracts and speaker profiles 8 List of participants 25 Event Partner Conference Sponsors La Trobe Asia The Asia Institute La Trobe University The University of Melbourne www.latrobe.edu.au/asia arts.unimelb.edu.au/asiainstitute Conference Contacts For questions or problems during the conference, please see the Registration desk. You should also feel free to speak to the convenors. In case of emergencies, call Nadia Rhook 0409 807 516, Leigh McKinnon 0407 303 518, Paul Macgregor 0418 571 572 www.dragontails.org.au
[email protected] Twitter: @dragontailsconf Hashtag #dtails17 Dragon Tails 2017 Hopes, Dreams and Realities 5th Australasian conference on Chinese diaspora history & heritage Golden Dragon Museum, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia 23-26 November 2017 Hopes and dreams have profoundly shaped the histories of Chinese people and their descendants in Australasia and abroad. This central theme of “Dragon Tails 2017: Hopes, Dreams and Realities” highlights not only the role of imagination in shaping the actions of Chinese-Australasians, but also the realities and challenges that Chinese-Australasians have historically encountered in pursuing their hopes and dreams. The Dragon Tails conferences promote research into the histories and heritage of Chinese people, their descendants and their associates, in Australasia (Australia and New Zealand). The conferences also encourage awareness of the connections of Chinese in Australasia with the histories of Chinese people, their descendants and their associates in other countries.