Action Against Austerity THE MURMUR OF THE POOR. The wide network of unwaged and activist groups Brokers, bankers, Earls and Dukes, welcomed Black activist Lorenzo callous, mercenary, pirate crew KEELIE Komboa Ervin to a Zoom event gasconading through the land which you can now view in two bloated, pampered, privileged few. December 2020 Priceless parts. Following this up they have a Striding with selfish arrogance meeting of the network online on plundering as you go Thursday 3rd December. Details via grasping at the fruits the AAA Facebook page. the common people sow. It is also worth following posts by groups involved such as Edinburgh Take heed, you swaggering fat-cats, in Campaign Against Poverty which our world you don’t belong, operates out of the Autonomous that murmur you hear is the poor Centre of Edinburgh (ACE), rehearsing an angry song. Dundee against Austerity and Food not Bombs in the same city. Invites The day is fast approaching have been extended to 'from below' when our chorus loud you’ll hear, groups in Aberdeen, Dumfries, then all your greed and treachery will Glasgow and around ' about. surely cost you dear. Slay the Dragon A price you’ll pay for being blind to Dragon Group, with fewer the hungry at your door, Multinationals wanting to trade with oh, haste the day our angry chorus them due to worldwide pressure becomes a mighty roar. from syndicalist unions in the ICL- CIT made a financial concession on • FOLLOW the Anarchist Critic: the 12th of October. radicalglasgowblog.blogspot. com They have now backtracked on this and the 6,000 sacked garment workers in the GWTUC face acute hardship and malnutrition. A worldwide campaign to raise 20,000€ has been launched.. LIDL are one of the few stores known to still take their products and protests took place in Derry, Hamburg and elsewhere. https://www.icl- textile-workers-in-bangladesh/ to contribute Have you the bottle? AROUND THE D.I.Y. UNIONS Undiscovered Walks No.2 • THE IWW has been organising among Workers, Architectural, Designers and Meet or alight at U or Bus English Language Teachers in firms other forgotten industries see The year was 1830. In the dock such as Kaplan and Overseas Teacher. Interchange. After checking out the See were two men, described in a Barbour/Rent strike statue, cross the road • Living Rent members in Muirhouse in report which appeared in the down to the Clyde, head east along the • THE IWGB won a landmark ruling for Edinburgh invited residents to write & draw Glasgow Advertiser as “rather Clyde where the Riverside scheme is. health & safety protections for 'gig in chalk their housing issues & re- pairs economy' and precarious workers as onto a wall at the shops at Penny- well good looking young men”. Opposite is the Transport Museum & reported on the 13th November at Road. Members and residents then walked John Hill, was the son of a Tall-Ship. Where the path ends head up to to the West Pilton Garden Council Offices dispossessed weaver, from the the Community Hall/ community garden, to hand in a list of their demands to and turn left at Clydebrae street. You reach • The United Voices of the World has Calton, his companion William the Dry Dock. There are plans to develop it, Edinburgh City Council. Porter, had fallen from grace, been organising Security Guards, Sex [email protected] but take this opportunity to explore. It is a having being comfortably off, mecca for industrial artefacts. Watch your before being cast asunder by his feet, or guide any visually impaired friend Strathaven family, for the sake are there are 'manholes' or wooden bridges of respectability. Their crime: to to traverse. befriend, accompany and Opposite to the east the science Centre. assault an elderly citizen of To the North where the Kelvin meets the , who was robbed of Clyde, . After sating yourself on this Grafitti artist paradise it's mysteries, head 7/-. No meaningful defence was back to Govan Rd, go up Southcroft St., offered. past the new 3 school campus via new It was as if the couple had housing, to the gap site to the west of what had a “good run”, living off the was Wine Alley. From there you can head spoils of small-time villainy, east to Festival Park south of the BBC, or west, back to Govan X or on to Elderpark. propositioning men & women. Lured by such a handsome pair, able to be suave and seductive, others had no doubt residents came out in GCC's Housing and Regeneration given up small sums so that Hill force to oppose the sell-off of Committee that they have been public land on Collina Street successful in halting the sale until mid- & Porter could live without (where ‘Still Game’ was set} to January. engaging in industrious toil. private developers committed to Wyndford residents won't be sitting on As the Judge passed sentence building private housing. their laurels. They are deciding their next of death by hanging, William They have escalated their campaign steps in ensuring that the sale does not Porter reached over and kissed and collected many signatures take place. demanding a halt of the sale, and Join the Still Game for The Valley his condemned lover. have now received confirmation from facebook group and get involved! On the 7th of November members of at Glasgow Vintage Company. These the Clydeside Industrial Workers of bosses only care about using COVID-19 as the World walked along Great an excuse to ruthlessly cut corners and "Open to the People for ever Since the pandemic, KEELIES need 2020 Western Road with flags and placards save money for themselves. and ever, 1898" vision! Keep yer eyes peeled for plunder and against workers conditions in vintage Let's keep that promise! asset stripping our stuff. It isnae new. History clothing and other small retail outlets Email: [email protected] demonstrates how ‘re-organising’ and ‘tough . times’ enables the 'spiriting away' of our A picket was held at the Glasgow On Halloween the Friends of the rights, privileges and common goods. IKEA: Whose Victory? People's Palace, Winter Gardens and Vintage Company at Kelvinbridge to IKEA may have given Richie Venton a The new banner reminds us of our history protest against: Glasgow Green unveiled their beautiful in our much loved urban space; financial settlement. new banner, designed and made by the For many in the Trade Union movement • ‘Open to the people for ever and ever’ ● Cuts to working hours artist Stasia Rice of Spirit of Revolt. The declared Lord Rosebery in 1898 in the Winter and the Left, this represents a “victory'. banner represents the campaign to save, ● A forced switch to zero-hours However, others have pointed out that Gardens – these Gardens SHUT since 2018 contacts repair and restore the People's Palace with plants removed and People’s Palace no reinstatement means that a Company winter gardens and museum and have ● Ignoring staff concerns about has asserted it's rights under the flimsiest temporarily shut. proper social distancing and hygiene them open to the public again. • Glasgow Green is owned by the citizens of pretext to sack a Shop Steward . ● Bullying staff As has been highlighted at the Saturday A witch, a zombie, a cat and the Grim Glasgow since 1792 by selling off other stuff, ● Sacking staff members, including a space which had the right to hold lively solidarity mobilisations at IKEA at Reaper turned up on Glasgow Green one who had been there for almost Braehead, Venton took action on health & public meetings of all types without a license. two years with the message 'Don't zombify the • The Labour Council made a bylaw in 1916 safety grounds to protect workers put at People's Palace' making it illegal to “sing, preach, lecture, or risk by the intentions of firms to be open 'for All this, while the owner expands their business' and his sacking was a direct The Winter Gardens have been closed take part in any service, discussion, meeting, business and makes plans to open or demonstration, or hold any exhibition or consequence of his diligence and the since 31 December 2018 and the another shop. Glasgow Vintage Company's desire to keep the workers public show…or play any musical Company have passed the costs of museum has no opening date since instrument”. subjugated. Has it given a 'green light' for closing due to the Covid 19 pandemic. expansion onto their workers through Shop Stewards and Union activists to be Activists fought against this for SIXTEEN cuts and sackings. We must press the Council & Glasgow YEARS finally gaining back a free speech singled out for dismissals? Unions will have to be mindful of this Life to commit to reopening the museum platform in 1932. Rights are easy to lose but Across Glasgow workers are having SO hard to get back. threat, with the spectre of 2.5 million when lockdown lifts and to repair the their wages slashed and health unemployed by Easter. winter gardens asap. KEELIES won’t let them hit and run in 2021! endangered by bosses just like this one A Look Back At The Peculiar And Inspiring Events Of The Old Keelie Almanack The Year 2020

• MARCH: Feministas • JULY: Japan’s theme parks banned Hispohablantes organised a screaming on rollercoasters because performance of ‘The Rapist is You’ • MARCH ONWARDS: Glasgow Mutual Aid it spreads coronavirus. “Please at the Buchanan St steps for organised in the city to provide vital scream inside your heart.” International Women’s Day. grassroots support

• MARCH: Panic buying of Bog Roll

• JUNE: Following the murder of George Floyd, thousands assembled for a Black Lives Matter demonstration at Glasgow Green to • ALL YEAR ROUND: Living Rent fought • JUNE: ‘Yir Da Guards Statues’ • JULY: Wetherspoons serve Tory protest racism in America and evictions, reclaimed tenants deposits George Square Propaganda Scotland. and fought multiple campaigns