The Coast Advertiser the BEL^Jl SEA Official Newspaper for Belmar, South Belmar
BELMAR HELP BOOST BELLE OF THE The Coast Advertiser THE BEL^Jl SEA Official Newspaper for Belmar, South Belmar Fifty-sixth Year, No. 13 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1948 Single Copy Five Cents*'*' SACRED CONCERT IN Belmar Board ST. ROSE BRIDGE SPRING LAKE CHURCH PLA N S F O R Wall Trailer Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas U. Reilly, PLANS COMPLETED pastor of St. Catharine’s Church, Spring Lake, today announced the an Hears Lawn Committees have completed plans CARNIVAL BELMAR DAY WAS OBSERVED for the 11th annual Summer bridge nual concert of sacred music will be Ordinance Is at the Monmouth Park race track in for the benefit of St. Rose’s School, given August 1 at 8:30 P. M. in St, Oceanport Tuesday, but it was not a Belmar, Monday at 2 P. M. at the Margaret’s Church, Third and Lud very joyous occasion for some of our On Pavilion Monmouth Hotel, Spring Lake. More low avenues, Spring Lake. Msgr. A RE LISTED friends who took time off to try their than 750 are expected to attend. Reilly extended an invitation to all A m e n d e d luck at picking the ponies. They left Mrs. Harry Dey, general chairman, music lovers to attend.' There will be Belmar in a gay mood, but they re FORMER DANCE HALL presided at the final meeting Tuesday. no admission charge. ALL-DAY PROGRAM turned very glum. It seems the horses OPERATOR PROTESTS Rev. James P. O’Sullivan, pastor of Participating artists will be Well EVENTS ANNOUNCED REVISE TWO SECTIONS, they picked were no respecters of St.
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