Public Works Commission Meeting of Wednesday, September 12, 2018 8:30 A.M
DARSWEIL L. ROGERS, COMMISSIONER FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION WADE R. FOWLER, JR., COMMISSIONER 955 OLD WILMINGTON RD EVELYN O. SHAW, COMMISSIONER P.O. BOX 1089 D. RALPH HUFF, III, COMMISSIONER FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28302-1089 DAVID W. TREGO, CEO/GENERAL MANAGER TELEPHONE (910) 483-1401 WWW.FAYPWC.COM PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION MEETING OF WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 8:30 A.M. AGENDA I. REGULAR BUSINESS A. Call to order B. Approval of Agenda II. CONSENT ITEMS (See Tab 1) A. Approve Minutes of meeting of August 8, 2018. B. Approve bid recommendation to award contract for the Cross Creek Water Reclamation Facility Influent Pump Station Rehabilitation Project to Crowder Construction Company, Apex, NC, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the total amount of $8,582,000.00 and forward to City Council for approval. The Cross Creek Water Reclamation Facility Influent Pump Station Rehabilitation Project is a budgeted item. Funding for this project is from FY2019 CIP, WS92 (CPR1000226), the budgeted amount is $8,582,000.00. This project requires excavation for installation of new manholes and raw sewage pipelines, concrete rehabilitation of the influent pump station, installation of slide gates, demolition and replacement of the septage unloading station, removal and replacement of flood control berm and bypass pumping of all raw sewage flows as required to complete the work. Bids were received on August 23, 2018 as follows: Bidders Total Cost Crowder Construction Company, Apex, NC $ 8,582,000.00 TA Loving Company, LLC, Alexandria, LA $10,378,147.50 BUILDING COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS SINCE 1905 AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Page 2 Agenda - September 12, 2018 Comments: This project was first bid with a closing date of July 24, 2018, and only two bids were received.
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