Sports Rates 2 Indiana 5S for in Big 10 Cellar Lt
THI DITRf'T TIMES I H 4MI 14-C * > ", Jan. 1945 Three Winqs Go to Hawks For Siebert Bob Tales Sports Rates 2 Indiana 5s FOR In Big 10 Cellar Lt. Davey Nelson DETROITERS SPLASH GREAT LAKES boys (left right) High " By 808 MURPHY to Four Detroit to Gerald Asselin from free styler, and Ray Mondro, high school and Wayne W ¦ g Goes Hawaii St. ( lair Recreation (enter; Ned Diefendorf, former Uni- University breast stroke star, will be among the aces Sporta Editor x »ersity of Michigan diver; Pylkas, 1-akes sends light shadow By LEO MACDONELL Arnold Northwestern Great against U. M. Saturday at Ann Arbor. Let’s do a little boxing and see what’s going on (jg.) Dawy Nelson, former Lt. at University of Michigan football various places. star, now In naval intelligence, is For one thing, here is some- on his way to Pearl Harbor. A thing bordering on basketball flier, after returning from an as- sacrilege. Dave MacMillan, as- signment in the Aleutians, Lt. sistant coach and head scout of Nelson, transferred to intelligence the Minnesota cagesters, says the and received his Pacific assign- worst two teams in the Big Ten * * - and jmM i, ment after a this season are Indiana course In Purdue. Washington. For a man to have made a Having spent statement like this in years past Y something like would have meant a fast trip to 50 minutes In the pogey with a police escort. «*? M the penalty t Wbox. Frank MacMillan says Ohio State, I 2A <R«D Kane of lowa find Illinois rate in the first I \ the Indianapo- brae gr t with Northwestern, Mich- lis Capitols igan and Wisconsin in the second ¦K y (IVtroit farm group.
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