No. 3 Monday, 12 March 2018

75 years of Independence, poverty, National Legislators Conference Concludes illiteracy and discrimination still pervade our society. He urged upon Legislators The National Legislators Conference conduct of business in the House. He to make “People’s programmes” came to a close yesterday with the also reminded the Legislators that it rather than “Government programmes” adoption of a Resolution to take forward is the nation which tends to lose when or “Political programmes”. In this the agenda of the Conference. The they don’t work. The Vice-President regard, participation of the people Valedictory Function was held in the also impressed upon the need to have in the development process has to be Central Hall of Parliament with the more sittings of the House. Shri Naidu encouraged. According to him since Hon’ble Vice-President and Chairman, observed that a consensus should be people are now demanding development, Rajya Sabha, Shri M. Venkaiah developed to provide for reservation of the Legislators should be focussed on Naidu; Hon’ble Speaker, , seats for women in the Lok Sabha and that. In fact, people should be at the Smt. Sumitra Mahajan; and the Hon’ble the Legislative Assemblies. The focus core of development. In this regard, he Union Minister of Finance and Corporate of the Legislator, he said, should be advocated the PPP model. Emphasising Affairs, Shri on the dais. Dr. on ‘4Cs’-”Character, Calibre, Capacity the need for uplifting the suppressed Heena Gavit, MP was the moderator of and Conduct” and not on ‘3C’-”Caste, and the marginalised, Shri Naidu the Session. Community and Cash”. According to urged upon Legislators to focus on him Houses should function accepting permanent solutions and to create The Hon’ble Vice-President of and the principle that the “Opposition must wealth. Chairman of Rajya Sabha, Shri Venkaiah have its say and the Government must Naidu, addressing the august gathering have its way”. Media, he refl ected Calling the Legislators to promote lauded the efforts of the Hon’ble should also act responsibly. national integration, the Hon’ble Vice- Speaker in bringing together Legislators President said that the Legislators need from across the country to discuss the Calling for an attitudinal change in to be driven by the thought that it issue of development. society, Shri Naidu expressed anguish should be “Nation fi rst, then Party and over the fact that even after nearly then Self”. Reminiscing what the senior BJP leader, Shri L.K. Advani ji had once said, “Ideal behaviour is more important than ideology”, he remarked, that it is important that Legislators regulate their behaviour and conduct themselves with dignity with their constituents, their fellow Legislators and with the general public. Drawing from his own personal experience, he said that self introspection is crucial for a Legislator.

Stressing the importance of keeping one- self well-informed as a Legislator, the Hon’ble Vice-President underlined the importance of reading. He urged upon the Legislators to inculcate “simple living and high thinking” in their lives and to spend as much time as possible with the people. He impressed upon the members to be regular and punctual in the House and said that it was joint responsibility of both the government Shri M. , Hon’ble Vice-President of India addressing the and the opposition to ensure the smooth distinguished gathering during the Valedictory Session of the Conference In his address he also dwelt upon issues like climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Hon’ble Vice-President concluded his address complementing the Hon’ble Speaker and the Lok Sabha Secretariat for organising such a unique and fi rst of its kind National Conference of Legislators. Addressing the delegates, the Hon’ble Minister of Finance, and Corporate Affairs, Shri Arun Jaitley expressed gratitude to the Hon’ble Speaker and the Lok Sabha Secretariat for organizing the Conference, bringing together Legislators from across the country to discuss development and related issues. Mentioning that peer recognition, i.e. credibility in the eyes of fellow legislators leads to satisfaction which the Legislators can only have if they follow good conduct. Legislators may show aggression while dealing with subjects, but not in their conduct with their Shri Arun Jaitley, Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, addressing the distinguished gathering during the Valedictory Session compatriots. Thus, Legislators need to concentrate on issues and not on people on cooperative federalism, the Union It also refl ects the sensitivity of the to ensure dignity and credibility of the Minister said that even the Constitution Legislators towards public welfare. She House. According to him for a Legislator, his/her credibility is paramount. makers had made a clear distinction further remarked that all the Sessions between the fi nancial powers of the were very interactive and interesting. Shri Arun Jaitley, sharing personal Centre and the States. Both the Centre The active participation of Legislators experiences, said that ‘overstatement is and the States should collectively has proven that the decision to organize never a virtue’ as it leads to the loss of pool the available resources for this Conference is correct. credibility. He urged upon the Legislators developmental efforts, which he said, Emphasising the role of people’s to access library and resources to would eventually benefi t the masses. understand subjects and issues and representatives in achieving the goals also to be brief and crisp while putting In her Concluding Remarks, the Hon’ble of development, she observed that good forth their opinions. He also advocated Speaker, Lok Sabha, Smt. Sumitra governance and effective implementation the use of social media to ensure wider Mahajan said that the success of this of schemes ensuring social justice, coverage and connect with the people. Conference shows the dedication of are imperative for development. The He said that Legislators need to be aware the people’s representatives towards benefi ts of development must reach the government’s fi nancial policies, the good governance and development. every person. The issue of development contemporary issues impinging upon the Appreciating the active participation has been discussed in the past also but economy and of the general economic of the Delegates in the deliberations on the need is to sustain this discussion till conditions in the country. the agenda items, the Speaker observed the goal is achieved. Citing taxation as an example to put that their enthusiastic participation The Hon’ble Speaker further said that forth the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s views has made the discussion more fruitful. it is the responsibility of people’s representative to work for the welfare of the people including those who did not vote for them. The Legislators’ small but collective efforts can become the foundation of big developmental works connecting everyone from distant villages to the mainstream of development. According to her, it is important to make collective efforts while formulating the model of development and it is essential to continue the discussion on the issue at the zonal level within the country. She further said that the benefi t of sharing of many minor but important issues related to the constituency, at the district level has been recognised by the Legislators. In this regard, Hon’ble Speaker, talked about the highly successful cleanliness drive she had started in her own constituency, Indore. According to the Speaker, the challenge does not end with achieving certain levels of development or a particular objective; it is an even greater challenge to sustain the levels Smt. Sumitra Mahajan, Hon’ble Speaker, Lok Sabha, giving the concluding achieved. remarks during the Valedictory Session Expressing her gratitude to the Hon’ble The South Zone consisted of delegates sensitization for nutritional campaign, Vice-President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, from Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, convergence of various schemes and Hon’ble Speaker said that everyone has Tamil Nadu, Telengana and Puducherry; departments for better delivery of benefi tted from his vast administrative the East Zone consisted of delegates from health services. Similarly, in the experience and knowledge. Thanking Bihar, Jharkhand, , Odisha, education sector, the Report highlighted the Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley Assam, Tripura, Manipur, Meghalaya, how the delegates raised the issues such for attending the Valedictory Session Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim; the North as burden of syllabus on the students, despite his busy schedule, the Speaker, Zone consisted of delegates from Delhi, prevalence of several boards. said that the presence of the Finance Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana, Himachal Minister demonstrated the importance Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand and Uttar Presenting the report of the North of the event as he is the resource Pradesh; and the West Zone consisted Zone, Shri Pradeep Gandhi, former provider. Hon’ble Speaker also thanked of Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Madhya MP recalled the various issues – health the Hon’ble Ministers, Shri , Pradesh, and Rajasthan. and nutrition, skill development, Shri , Shri J.P. Nadda; Shri farmers’ welfare and education and the Prakash Javadekar, and Shri Narendra Smt. K. Geetha, MP, presented the presentations made by the NITI Aayog Singh Tomar; Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha, Report of the proceedings of the South and the Ministries of Skill Development Dr. M. Thambi Durai, the Leader of Zone on behalf of Smt. K. Kavitha, MP. and Entrepreneurship, Agriculture and Opposition in Rajya Sabha, Shri Ghulam The Report depicts a broader picture Farmers’ Welfare, and Human Resource Nabi Azad; Members of Parliament, of how the two subjects - ‘Role of Development, discussed during the Shri Sudip Bandyopadhyay, Shri Kalyan Legislators in Development Process’ Conference. He summarized the Banerjee, Shri N.K. Premchandran for and ‘Optimum Utilisation of Resources interventions made by the participants their participation and involvement with in Development’ - were discussed by who raised issues of lack of awareness the Conference. She thanked Member of the delegates from the South Zone. among the people and accountability in Parliament, Shri Bharthruhari Mehtab The Report particularly highlighted the the delivery mechanisms. He concluded for his inputs for drafting the Resolution issues raised by individual States in the with the remarks made by the Chairman, adopted in this Conference. She also Zone on each of the subjects. While the Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad, who observed thanked all the people’s representatives issue of funds crunch was underlined by that in order to replicate success stories coming from all parts of India and making the Chairperson, Shri Kalyan Banerjee, and good practices, sharing experiences the Conference a success. MP, ensuring end-point delivery by the through such conferences at the State local bodies at the grasssroots level such or regional level is recommended. The Speaker, Lok Sabha also thanked as Anganwadi Centres was highlighted Presenting the report of the West Zone, the CEO, NITI Aayog, Shri Amitabh Kant during the second part of the proceedings Smt. Bhavna Dave, former MP highlighted and his team for their presentations, in the South Zone chaired by Shri N. K. the remarks of the Chairman, Shri J.P. preparing detailed profi le of different Premachandran. Nadda, who emphasized cooperative districts and welfare projects going on federalism and proper monitoring of in the country. Thereafter, Shri Amit Mandal, MLA, Jharkhand Legislative Assembly, the utilization of funds in addressing The contributions made by the Members presented the Report of the proceedings various issues, including health and of Parliament, Shri Om Birla; Shri of the East Zone. Outlining the details education. She also fl agged the issues Deepender Singh Hooda; Dr. Heena how the proceedings transpired in both and challenges relating to human Gavit; Smt. K. Kavitha; Smt. Geetha parts of the Session - one focusing on development through education and Kothapalli; Shri Ajay ‘Teni’ Misra and the subject Optimum Utilisation of health, agricultural production and Former Members of Parliament, Shri Resources in Development and the farmers’ welfare, fi nancial inclusion and Pradeep Gandhi and Smt. Bhavna Dave; second on the Role of Legislators in skill development, which came up in the and Hony. Advisor, Speaker’s Research Development Process, he stressed on presentations made by the NITI Aayog Initiative, Shri Rahul , were also the ways forward such as the need for and various Ministries. She summarized gratefully acknowledged by the Speaker. a Jan Andolan involving community the interventions made by participants She also thanked the Secretary-General, Lok Sabha, Smt. Snehlata Shrivastava; Secretary-General, Rajya Sabha, Shri Desh Deepak Verma; Additional Secretary, Shri Atul Kaushik; and all others who worked tirelessly for the success of the Conference. Presentation of Reports by the Moderators The Concluding Session of the National Legislators Conference was held in the Central Hall of the Parliament House earlier in the day. The Concluding Session was addressed by Shri Nitin Gadkari, Hon’ble Minister of Road Transport and Highways; Shipping; Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation. The other highlight of the Session was the presentation of the Reports by the moderators on the proceedings of the two Sessions held Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari, Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways; on 10 March 2018. The Reports were Shipping; Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, presented Zone-wise. addressing the distinguished gathering during the Concluding Session. during the discussion highlighting In the context of the discussion subject, problems at the grassroots despite the ‘Optimum Utilization of Resources in From the several policy programmes in place. She Development’, he mentioned about also drew attention to the remarks of several of his successful initiatives in Bulletin Desk the Chairman in the second Session, Shri his constituency. On issues relating to Prakash Javadekar, who called on the water, he observed that more than the Among the several teams formed to legislators for active participation in the water shortage, it is the mismanagement facilitate the Conference was the development process and to maintain of water which is a major cause of Daily Bulletin Desk. Its mandate was close contact with the people at the concern. He pitched for river-linking to report on the proceedings of the as a solution and cited the on-going grassroots. Conference and on what happens on projects in the Southern part of the Earlier in the day, the Hon’ble Union country which once completed will go a its sidelines. That being so, perhaps, Minister, Shri Nitin Gadkari, enriched long way in solving the problems being it is also the members of this team the Session by sharing his thoughtful faced by the people there. According that benefi t enormously from the and insightful personal experiences on to him, Innovation, Technology, deliberations as for them a Conference how developmental projects can be Entrepreneurship and Research were provides a great opportunity to implemented through innovative and the most critical factors in ensuring a enrich themselves, broadening out-of-the-box thinking. He stressed holistic development. He stated that their own horizons. All the more that money should not and is never with intelligence, technology, vision and so when the subject matter of the the real constraint for implementation out-of-the-box thinking one can make Conference is very contemporaneous miracles. Drawing the attention of the of projects. India is a rich nation with and the deliberations are of high Legislators to the growing problems on poor people. He underlined that “where the energy front, he appealed them to standards. The ‘National Legislators there is a will there is a way; and encourage the people to use bio-fuels Conference’, undoubtedly was one where there is no way there is a survey, instead of fossil-fuels. such. seminar, discussion.” Observing that we can donate our eyes but not vision, he Shri Deepinder Singh Hooda, MP and Though only two major subjects appealed to the lawmakers to muster the moderator of the Session, while under one overarching theme were a strong political will to implement thanking the Hon’ble Speaker, Lok Sabha discussed in detail, the nature of their vision for development in their for organizing this Conference, observed the subjects itself was such that it constituencies. He urged the Legislators that there is more that unites the covered within its ambit several to look around in their constituencies Legislators than divides them and that important issues of governance and and identify and work on projects which on matters of development everyone development for our country. The can generate employment and make can and need to work together ignoring passion with which Hon’ble Speaker, wealth out of waste. political and ideological differences. Lok Sabha, developed the idea of the Conference, the format she After several Sessions spread over two days, the Conference came to a close with the evolved, the scale of participation Valedictory Function. Topping up the discussions, Shri Om Birla, MP, proposed a she ensured, her whole-hearted involvement, thorough scrutiny and Resolution which was seconded by Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi, MP. Th e Resolution was close monitoring together have made adopted unanimously by the House by show of hands. this Conference distinct and very meaningful, benefi ting everyone who Th e text of the Resolution is as follows: got to be part of it in different ways. This by itself was an inspiration for Resolution the offi cers of the Secretariat also to put their heart into the jobs assigned ‘WE, THE LEGISLATORS, assembled at the National to them. The grassroots knowledge and experience the delegates shared Legislators Conference on the theme We for Development, held during discussions at various Sessions in New Delhi on 10 and 11 March 2018, was of a very high order. The interest and enthusiasm shown by them also contributed immensely to its do hereby: success. Commit ourselves to the task of nation-building, and strive to It has been a matter of great privilege and satisfaction for every bring in inclusive and sustainable development, and member of the team to report on the Conference and to share with To inform and sensitize citizens about the developmental the delegates the major highlights of the discussions and the other events programmes, proactively monitor their implementation, delivery on the sidelines of the Conference mechanisms and utilization of resources, in time. What made it possible for the Bulletin Desk to deliver on time, was the support and cooperation To encourage people to actively participate in governance issues, it received from the Printing and development policies and programmes, and Translation Services of the Lok Sabha Secretariat.

Affi rm to work tirelessly to create a developed India where no The Bulletin Desk wishes all the region and section is left behind’. delegates a safe return journey.