VOL. 180, NO. 16 APRIL 16, 2015 © 2015 The Calais Advertiser Inc. $1.50 (tax included) Thrift Store Prepares to Open on Main Street By Lura Jackson back in December, Father Sivret and a small but dedi- Following a tremendous ef- cated team of volunteers have fort by volunteers and support contributed over 1600 man from the community, the new hours to the construction of thrift store on Main Street the interior. “Originally, it was (between Crumbs and the the- just empty concrete,” Lenny ater) will be opening within Hanson said. The floor was just a few weeks. In prepara- put in, followed by insulation, tion of the grand opening, the the ceiling, and the walls. Four thrift store will start accepting large windows will be added clothing-only donations on soon (Father Sivret points out Thursday the 16th at 1:00 pm. that they will match the facades Volunteers are needed to help of the nearby stores), and the run the store, and there will be shop class at the Calais High a meeting held on Friday the School is constructing a sign 17th at noon to for all those to hang out front. Other com- who are interested. munity members have come “The goal is to have two per- forward to offer their skills, sons in the store at all times,” including Ron Rice, Wayne David Sivret said. Sammer, Carl Ross, and Doug Since the building was do- Brackett. “Many of us are ex- nated by Sidney Unobskey servicemen, so we’re used to serving,” Ron Rice said with a gentle smile. These three gentlemen are behind a great deal of the effort that has gone into preparing the soon-to- The thrift store is but one be opening community thrift store. From left to right: Ron Rice, Lenny Hanson, and David Sivret. YOUR AD facet of the increasingly ex- (Photo by Lura Jackson). pansive efforts of the Irene CAN BE HERE Chadbourne Ecumenical Food Profits from the thrift store in the area preparing for the from Friends of the Library, Pantry. In the past few years, will go to a fund for purchas- events at the end of the school as well as household goods. the pantry has gone from ser- ing a sprinkler system in the year, and that has been the im- “We’re starting with clothing, EVERY WEEK! vicing a few hundred needy upstairs part of the food pantry petus for completing the project though.” residents to 670. The Backpack building, which will allow for so rapidly. “Not everyone can The thrift store will accept CALL JAYNA for Kids program sends nutri- living spaces for families and afford a tuxedo,” Father Sivret clothing donations whenever tious meals home for 100 kids a individuals in need. said. “We hope to fix that.” they are open. It is requested week, and the fuel fund assisted One of the aims of the group In addition to clothing, Father that no donations are left out- AT 454-3561 75 families with $11,011 in is to offer gently used tuxedo Sivret says that the thrift shop side at any time. heat relief in the past season. and prom dresses for students hopes to eventually offer books CRH Holds Open House for New Doctor We meet/beat ANY competitor’s ad price! By Lura Jackson Calais Regional Hospital welcomed its newest doctor, Joseph Dougherty, on Thursday, April 9th at the CRMS surgical services office on Palmer Street. Dr. Dougherty and his wife and Check out prattcars.com four sons will be joining the Calais community US Route 1 South, Calais within the coming months. 207-454-0600 Dr. Dougherty and his family will be transi- tioning from the area of Sacramento, California, a change that he says is “very welcome”. Seek- Daniel L. Lacasse ing to raise their sons in a remote community Attorney at Law with a rich outdoor heritage, he and his wife Kate scouted around for a suitable location before deciding on Calais. General Practice of Law Part of the allure for Calais was its proximity Defense of Foreclosure to the ocean, a factor that weighs heavily for Dr. ~We are a Debt Relief Agency~ Dougherty’s interests. Before becoming a doc- tor, he trained as a scuba instructor and ecotour- We help people file for bankruptcy ism guide, finding great pleasure in exploring relief under the Bankruptcy Code the marine life of California. “Calais isn’t too far from the ocean, which is great,” Dougherty 454-7543 said. “At the same time it offers the opportunity to live a more normal life.” Dr. Dougherty and his wife came to for the first time back in December. They visited the area schools and had a look at available Dr. Joseph Dougherty was welcomed by the community at an open house held on April properties before making their decision. The 9th by the Calais Regional Hospital. Dr. Dougherty and his wife and four sons will be family is somewhat apprehensive about the moving to the Calais area within the coming months. (Photo by Lura Jackson). winters, a sentiment Dr. Dougherty expressed as 454-0992 he mentioned his dismay at having to clear the many lips is: “Do they play basketball?” Dougherty earned his medical degree Home • Auto • Commercial snow off his car the morning of the open house. While Dougherty says that playing the from the University of Michigan, so cold • Mobile Windshield Service However, he is looking on the bright side of it. state’s most beloved sport may be a pos- winters aren’t entirely foreign to him. “I’m gonna have fun splitting wood and keeping sibility in the future for his sons, wrestling, With a background in general surgery and • Garage Door Sales & Service the woodstove going,” he says ebulliently. “And soccer and football are their passions. trauma care, he expects that he will be able • Replacement Vinyl Windows I can’t wait to have a white Christmas.” Before working as the Trauma Medical to readily handle the variety of accidents Upon finding out that Dr. Dougherty is bring- Director of Rideout Memorial Medical that are likely to occur in this area. Serving Washington County ing four sons to the area, the first question on Center in Marysville, California, Dr. PAGE 2 Public Works Committee Meeting By Amy Jeanroy cleared off if it doesn't rain too money saved by renting an ex- cemetery was discussed. Ac- Rogers: Could we discuss hard. Then the big broom prob- cavator vs. moving a backhoe cording to Seelye, next week the streetlights? They just don't A Public Works Committee ably a week or two after that. back and forth. he is going to start advertising look very nice with so many of Meeting was held April 8th Rough sweeping takes about 5 Howard: I would get a bid for workers. them out. They were beautiful at the city building. Present weeks with 4 people. on renting one and having Howard brought up the idea when they all worked. were Mayor Marianne Moore, Porter: Do you have to order someone else do the job. We that the town has to take pride Moore: I think they are just City Manager Jim Porter, City brooms? do need to choose what areas in the cemetery. Seelye re- waiting for better weather to council members Marcia Rog- Seelye: We do have a couple we are going to be working on sponded that they are using switch them out for the new ers, Billy Howard, and Eddie still, but have to get a couple though. If we could start replac- less people up there than ever ones. Mooreside. Also present was more, with the money still on ing culverts (at the cemetery), before. There used to be a per- Seelye: If they are not done Public Works Director, Robert our budget. that needs to be done. If we end petual care crew as well. They by the time we do the banners, (Skeet) Seelye. Porter: There will be a up hot topping up there later on didn't have the water front and we will unplug them. First on the agenda was a schedule posted on the web- this year, we want to make sure all the different parks and the Mooreside: How long is it discussion about a 3/4 ton truck site when it becomes available. we get the culverts done. library. They have all that now, going to take to do this cross- needed for the treatment plant. King street will be done early The condition of Hardscrab- with less people. Also, I know walk? According to City Manager due to paving issues. ble road was discussed. Ac- that when I talked to the funeral He was talking about the Porter, the budget can afford Seelye: We need to do the cording to Seelye, in order to home, when they were putting Safe Routes to School Project up to $20,000 for a new(used) main roads first, but we also pave it, the road needs to have in the crematory, they were that was approved in 2012 vehicle. Different wants and need to start on one location the right material underneath. going to pay the city a certain and the council voted to put needs were discussed, includ- and work in that area. We can't The problem he said, is that percentage of every cremation $20,000 in our match to do this ing the need for 4 wheel drive go around doing one street here where new culverts were put in, and that money was going to project to install signal beacons and gas instead of diesel due and one there. We sweep the gravel was used. Gravel doesn't go into a certain account for the next to the elementary school to the truck being outside all sidewalks onto the road and heave in the winter, but the rest cemetery upkeep. and up by the pool. The money the time. then sweep the road. The crew of the road does. Porter: It goes into the gen- is ready now so do we want to It was agreed that several is going to come in at 5 a.m. Howard: The culverts don't eral fund. It's roughly $3,000 contract that out or have Skeet members of the committee and go home at 2 p.m. to help handle the amount of water a year. It was someone else's and his crew do it? The entire were going to find out what with the dust and try to get it going through there so the road recommendation to put it into project is $120,000 and our pricing was available at vari- done before heavy traffic. It all washes out. the general fund. The council share is $20,000. It's a solar ous businesses to find the best depends on how wet it is. We Mooreside: Where do we can vote to have it put back into powered crosswalk sign on deal. can't do anything if it's too wet stand on culverts? the perpetual care fund for the both sides of the street and a Mooreside: The Public or cold. Then when we are done Seelye: We have a couple but cemetery. kid has to come up and push the Works Committee wanted to rough sweeping, we will go up we would have to buy more. In Howard: Are we going to be button to cross safely. The town have this meeting to see how to the cemetery. order to get a discount on them, able to do spring cleanup again would also be required to put a we stand with our budget and Moore: What day are we you have to buy a lot. There is this year? sidewalk from the elementary what our summer plans are for aiming for with the docks? still money in the budget for Seelye: The problem is that school from the West entrance the public works and the cem- Seelye: Right around the culverts when we need them. at first it was the first day it was up and put a tip down onto the etery and where that stands. first of May. Also, at the dock, The biggest problem that we Calais proper then it was Union other side of the street so it is When do we start off with there will be a life ring and are going to run into with pav- then Milltown then Red Beach handicap accessible. sweeping the streets? camera installed. The ring is ing when we talk about our and Friday you went over ev- Seelye: I would be wiling to Seelye: We are going to get only around $60 and it's well "road plan", is that when we erything. Then it got to a point have one of my guys go up in the small broom out this week worth having. first discussed it, asphalt was that Calais proper was a week the morning and show the kids and get it hooked up. We will Next, a discussion about $40 a ton. Now it is $100. and a half and you had to do the how to use it. probably get some side walks paving and if there would be Howard: The oil prices have whole thing all over again. Rogers: Could I talk about come down but asphalt has Howard: The thing I like is one more thing? We had talked not. that it really cleans up the area. in the past about a gate out on Seelye: I went to a class Especially for people who don't Hardscrabble road. I know you on paving and the way they have a way to get their things put a barricade out but they just explain it, Asphalt used to be to the dump. move the barricade and then go the final product when refining Porter: it wasn't working by in and put the barricade back. The Calais Veterinary Clinic will be having our spring crude. Now they can refine it the end of it. First there was Some people go out there and down so far that there is almost Delmonico and his crew. Then take a truckload of garbage and Rabies Clinic at the following sites: nothing left. And there are only he said someone else needed to just throw it all around. There is a couple of places making it. step up. Then another group did water at the beginning of it. It is Princeton Town Office: 8:30-9:30AM Howard: Would we save it for a year and then the third not built for vehicles. The big Baileyville Fire Station: 10AM-11AM any extra money by hauling the year, I ended up doing it myself trucks with the big tires? That's asphalt ourselves? and I just couldn't keep up. who goes in there. Have you Charlotte Fire Station: 11:30AM-12:30PM Seelye: I have brought it up Seelye: The thing to do is seen it lately? It's a mess and and they don't recommend it. rent a tow behind chipper for all torn up. Could we put up a Pembroke Town Office: 1:30PM-2:30PM The cost of hauling it is built the brush like we did after the gate? We aren't saying that it's Calais Veterinary Clinic: 3PM-4PM into the bid. storm. not a public road, just that it's It was agreed that some more Porter: You could limit it to not accessible by vehicle. So, US funds only. No checks or credit cards accepted. research was needed to decide one truck load if you wanted with mud season coming, let's which type of mix would be to. have another discussion about Rabies $13 • DHLPP $24 used for paving. Nothing was finalized about what to do there. Lyme $28 • Bordetella $23 Then a conversation about the spring cleanup day and it is A public question was asked Fel. Distemper $13 care and maintenance of the going to be discussed further. as to whether it could be closed Fel. Leukemia $23 off during certain times of the year until the road dried out, and keys given to the two STONEYBROOK landowners, but Seelye said that a beaver dam keeps it KENNELS flooded all year round now. "If “A Home Away From Home” you looked down on that area using Google maps, it's now a YOUR ANIMALS DESERVE THE BEST! wetland. It never was before. APRIL 17-30 There is no time of year that the area is dry." PG-13 • Dog and Cat Boarding Theater Furious 7 It was agreed that the discus- 1 Nightly at 7PM, Sunday Matinee at 1:30 • Heated Kennels sion needed to be brought up • Outdoor Runs again at another meeting. Theater Home 2 Nightly at 7PM, Sunday Matinee at 1:30 PG • Walks Twice a day • Relaxing Music 24 Theater Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 PG-13 3 hours a day Lawn Mowers Nightly at 7PM, Sunday Matinee at 1:30 ATVs Chainsaws Adult $7.75 US/ $8.50 Can Children/Seniors/Active Rt. 1, Baileyville, ME. & More US Military: $6.50 US/ $7.25 Can Owned and Operated by Steve Neale CERTIFIED MECHANIC statecinemascalais.com BOARDINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. FULLY STOCKED PARTS DEPT. 239 Main Street, Calais • Info. Line: 207-454-8830 Open 7 days a week! 454-0800 / 214-5817 188 North St., Calais / 454-2551 PAGE 3 City Council Proceeds with Rural Development Financing

By Kaileigh Deacon proved was under no obligation veloped a plan for the summer small ceremony, and end at the favor. The second was for Billy to proceed with the implemen- work. Skeet also talked about cemetery with a final ceremony. Howard at 473 Main Street in The Calais City Council met tation of the equipment. starting the street sweeping The council approved the pa- the amount of $155.70. The on Thursday at 6:00 pm in The city applied for the grant saying that it would take about rade unanimously. Howard abstained from voting Council Chambers. The meet- for the installation of pedestrian five weeks to get the real heavy Next the council heard from and the rest of the council ap- ing was called to order and activated crosswalks in front stuff up off the streets and then the American Legion on the proved the abatement. the consent agenda approved of the elementary school as another week to get the final installation of 30 new flags The next item was the ap- unanimously. well as by the athletic com- cleanup. in town. The flags would be proval of the liquor license for The first item on the agenda plex. These crosswalks when The Economic Development placed on every other light post the Town House Restaurant. was a Public Hearing on the activated would have lights Committee reported that they along North Street, Main Street, The council voted in favor but Rural Development Financ- on them that would illuminate will have a meeting on April 19 and Hog Alley. The flags would the license would be held until ing. This program is for a low when safe to cross. The City at 9am in the conference room be put up on Memorial Day and the restaurant paid the local interest loan that would allow would be responsible for a 20% at the city building. stay up through October. The fees. the city to work on complet- match on the grant. The council Under New Business the Legion is looking for donations The last item under New ing projects required by a unanimously agreed to follow first item of business was the in memorial or in honor of past Business was the approval consent order for the Waste through with the installation of approval of the Memorial Day and present service members. of the paving contract. The Water Treatment Plant. The the crosswalks and when they Parade. The Fire Association They are asking for $40 a flag council approved the contract loan would not only allow the are fully installed the Public will sponsor the parade. The and those interested can con- for Roger Piccard. The roads city to complete the projects Works Department will visit route will start at the post of- tact a member of the American being considered are Hard- for the waste water treatment the school and explain to the fice go to the bridge where Legion. scrabble, the Cemetery Road, plant but also enable the city students how the crosswalks there will be a small ceremony The council then approved and Monroe Street. The city to apply for grants to make up work and how to cross safely. with the Canadian Legion, then two sewer abatements. The first will consider the streets and some of the difference between Next Porter reported the proceed to the Memorial Park was for Harold Wallace in the get back to Piccard on which the loan and project costs. An- South West offered to take where they will hold another amount of $410.06 all were in will be done. nelise Downs from the Waste care of the recycling for the Water Treatment spoke about city. The city would have to th the loan and what projects were purchase the container to hold 45 Anniversary of Child and Family next in line to complete on the the recyclables until they could consent order. be transported. The container Opportunities Downs: We are doing our is estimated to cost the city very best to do all this work $5500. and not increase user costs. Next were the committee Downs mentioned that there reports. The property commit- would be a loan coming due tee met prior to the city council around the same time that it meeting. They met to discuss would be time to have the the potential of outdoor seat- money for Rural Development ing a Just South of the Border which would cover part of for the summer. The seating the cost. The project consists would be set up the same way of two pump stations and the the outdoor venue is set up sewer systems on South Street for International Festival. The and Harrison street. Committee asked the owner to The council approved City draw up plans and come back Manager Jim Porter to proceed to the committee for final ap- with the Rural Development proval. They also discussed the Loan application with a unani- fixing of steps and hand rails on mous vote. some of the buildings on Mains Next the council moved Street. The city is responsible onto Old Business. The first for them as part of the sidewalk item on the agenda was the improvement. The committee The 45th anniversary of Child and Family Opportunities was a lively and well-attended affair, City Manager report. Porter tasked Jim Porter with looking held on April 7th at WCCC. CFO leads the Calais Pre-K and the St. Croix ECEC. (Photo by started his report by announc- into estimates. Lura Jackson). ing to the council that the state The Public Works committee had approved the Safe Ride to reported that they had a plan School Grant the City applied made with the Public Works for. Porter reminded the council Department to have the docks that the city had applied for the on the waterfront installed by grant in 2012 and while ap- May 1 and that they had de-

Saturday, April 18, 2015 10AM-2PM (CDN) We are requesting: All pets MUST be restrained; leash or carrier. Leave pets in vehicle until instructed This is for the safety of: all pets, owners attending and staff & volunteers.

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1 Happy Valley Road, St. Stephen PAGE 4 To the Editor To The Editor: This morning I see you are ready to cross, but decided the weather was finally 17? This is ignorance at its best. just right to take my 7 month The woman who did let me old twin girls for a walk. I live cross came and found me about in Calais on North Street Ex- 20 minutes later. She informed tension. I got to the end of my she had spoken to the chief and street, and came to the cross- told him what had happened, walk, where I stood and waited and that SHE yes SHE was to cross the street. In this period sorry this had happened to me, 12 cars went by me 1 way, and that she could tell I was and 5 the other way. Finally a VERY upset. I hope that the nice woman stopped to let my Chief hauls the man over to babies and I cross the road. We remind him about road safety. proceeded to cross when some Throughout all of this I thought rude man (on his cell phone), of my children the most, not decided he was too busy to let just my babies but my 9 yr old, the person walking her children who crosses this road every day cross the road. He proceeded after school, and to be honest to go around the woman who it scares me, not just for mine stopped for us (passing on the but everyone else's children as right). I thank God my children well. I beg you drivers to pay and I were safe in front of this attention, slow down, be aware woman's car, because he wasn't of your surroundings, and stop paying any attention and could putting others in danger, and to Baseball Season Opens in Maine! have easily hit myself, and my the City police to make an ef- girls! This is a disgrace! It's fort to put a stop to this before disgraceful that it took 17 cars there's a tragedy that could have to let me cross the street. I un- been prevented. Publisher derstand 1 or 2 people may not Jillian Benson The Calais Advertiser Inc. Editor AMY JEANROY Conscience vs. Cake and Pizza [email protected] Graphic Designer By Tamzin A Rosenwasser, litionists. Washington was born and gone into hiding. Quite the opposite, the dis- CHERYL STABINSKI M.D. into a slave-holding family, but The owners of the restaurant crimination is against people [email protected] obviously reflected upon his have been bullied and harassed, whose conscience prohibits Discrimination, against black situation, as he manumitted his simply for answering a hypo- them from taking part in certain Advertising Executive people, and against homo- slaves in his will, and provided thetical question. They have activities. To go to someone JAYNA SMITH sexuals, has been promulgated for his estate to care for those been deprived of their right of who does not agree with you, [email protected] through actual laws. Jim Crow over a certain age, and to teach free association by so-called demand they humor you, and laws were laws, not individual a trade to those younger. “anti-discrimination” laws. throw tantrums, issue death Reception & Accounting choices. In 1787, the Society for Ef- They would be forced by the threats, destroy them and their DORIE CLARK Marriage between people fecting the Abolition of the same government force that family business, and throw the [email protected] with dark pigment, ancestrally Slave Trade was formed. Wil- at one time deprived black force of government at them is African, and people who were liam Wilberforce had to work people of their rights, to violate childish narcissism and shame- Reporters ancestrally European, as well as hard to push through the 1807 their consciences or to feel the ful bullying. KAILEIGH DEACON sexual relations between those Slave Trade Act through Parlia- full force of law. They would What an obscenity! LURA JACKSON of the same gender, were both ment, working against the iner- be forced to work for people Author/Contributor: DOROTHY JOHNSON matters of law. Those things tia of government to do so. against their will, certainly a Dr Tamzin Rosenwasser JAYNA SMITH were forbidden by the law. St. John Chrysostom noted form of slavery—slavery ap- earned her MD from Washing- In the matter of public ac- Sports Reporter that “Slavery is the fruit of proved by government, just ton University in St. Louis after JOHN ROGERS commodations in restaurants, covetousness, of extravagance, as government law approved putting herself through medical swimming pools, hotels, and so of insatiable greediness.” another form of slavery in the school. She is board certified Proofreader on, the laws preventing anyone Conscience had something past. in Internal Medicine and also DOROTHY JOHNSON from extending the same hos- to do with the abolition of The First Amendment states Dermatology, and has prac- pitality to “black” people as to slavery. Conscience is the in- “Congress shall make no law ticed Emergency Medicine as Office Hours: M-F, 9AM-4:30PM “white” people were in force ner awareness of our right and respecting an establishment of well. Dr. Rosenwasser served Published weekly in Calais, Maine from the end of the Civil War wrong actions; of adherence to religion, or prohibiting the free as President of the Association until 1965. Printed in Canada honesty, good ethics, the Ten exercise thereof; or abridging of American Physicians and Telephone: (207) 454-3561 What an obscenity! Commandments. Each of us the freedom of speech, or of the Surgeons (AAPS) in 2007 and Before the Civil War, slavery (207) 454-0484 can have only one conscience; press; or the right of the people 2008. Dr. Rosenwasser has Fax: (207) 454-3458 was legal in the United States. our own. We cannot share ours peaceably to assemble, and to written numerous articles and What an obscenity! Website: with anyone; nor can anyone petition the Government for a opinion editorials, and has been http://www.thecalaisadvertiser.com/ True, slavery has been a fea- share theirs with us. A con- redress of grievances.” There- a guest on many media broad- ture of human life since at least E-mail ads to: advertising@ science cannot be replaced with fore, the right of people to fol- cast shows. She is currently thecalaisadvertiser.com the dawn of history. It is still a anything else. low their religious convictions writing a book on medical feature of Islam, although in a E-mail letters to: letters@ Recently, Alyssa Marino, a stands above all other laws. practice. She also serves as the thecalaisadvertiser.com formal sense, Saudi Arabia re- reporter for ABC 57 News in Just as a few posts do not chair of the Research Advisory nounced slavery in 1962, Oman E-mail events to: events@ Michiana, Indiana, asked the make a fence, the refusal of Committee of the Newfound- thecalaisadvertiser.com and Yemen did so in 1970, and owners of a pizza restaurant a proprietor of a business to land Club of America. As a Mauritania in 1981. whether they would be willing fulfill the wishes of an indi- life-long dog lover and trainer, USPS-082760 In America, slavery was first to cater a ceremony celebrat- vidual customer do not con- she realizes that her dogs have Periodicals paid in Calais, 04619 attacked and renounced by ing the union of a homosexual stitute “discrimination.” There better access to medical care Postmaster: Mennonites in 1688, and by couple. They said they would are thousands of places to buy and more medical privacy than Send address changes to Quakers in 1693. Alexander not. The owners have now pizza, and cake, a plethora she has, and her veterinarians The Calais Advertiser, Inc., Hamilton and John Laurens, received death threats, are ac- of people willing to sell cake are paid more than physicians P.O. Box 660, Calais, ME 04619. both aides de camp of General cused of illegal discrimination, and pizza without scruples of in the United States for exactly Washington, were ardent Abo- and have closed their business conscience. the same types of surgery. SUBSCRIPTIONS: In County 1 year: $47 / 6 months: $24 Out-of-County 1 year: $52 / 6 months $27 Online 1 Year: $50 Online 6 months: $26 Theme: Signs of Spring! Winner gets a choice! A ticket to State Cinema or a $5 Tim Horton’s Gift Card All subscriptions must be paid in advance. Newsstand price: $1.50 per copy (tax included) PLEASE BE CREATIVE. Only the most creative, CURRENT photo will be chosen as our winner! The Calais Advertiser will not be responsible for any errors that occur in advertisements. Submit your best shot to us by E-MAIL ONLY to [email protected]. Deadline is When an error occurs, we will upon request publish that part of the advertisement in Monday by 4:30PM Please include your full name and mailing address with your photo. which the error occurs, if the error affects the value of the advertisement. PAGE 5 Calais High School Washington Academy

April is Jazz Appreciation Month Shead H.S The talented students from the Calais High School Jazz Combo "Phat Sax," directed by Alison Brennan, the Shead High School Jazz Quartet, directed by Robert Sanchez, and the Washington Academy Jazz Band, directed by Ben Cox, and Shead High School Jazz Quartet performed a variety of jazz favorites for a full house. (Photos by Amy Jeanroy).

Drug Take Back Day

Spring 2015 Drug Take Back Day is scheduled Saturday, April 25th from 10 am to 2 pm. Take-back events, held twice annually in the spring and fall, provide an opportunity to safely dispose of any expired or unwanted medications that have been collecting in your medicine cabinet. This year, the Maine Sheriff's Associa- tion assumes the role of primary sponsor of the program from One College Drive, Calais, Maine 04619 the DEA. This spring's event will co-celebrate Earth Day (April 22). Drug-take back events are part of a nationwide effort to help keep pharmaceuticals out of our drinking water supply. Washington County: One Community collaborates with com- WashingtonWashington County County Community Community College College willwill be holdingholding a aCNA CNA course course beginning beginning June in 26. April. munity organizations and law enforcement agencies across the CourseworkCoursework will will include include time time spent spent inin the classroom and and lab, lab, as aswell well as clinicalas clinical time. time. county to coordinate and support these take-back events. The following locations will serve as take-back sites on April 25: At theAt conclusionthe conclusion of thisof this course, course, students students willwill sit for thethe state state examination examinations Hannaford Supermarket in Machias, Calais Police Department, to beto beplaced placed on on the the State State of of MaineMaine CNACNA Registry. Registry. Eastport Police Department, Baileyville Police Department, Milbridge Fire Department Training Room, Indian Township To inquire or apply, please contact Sco Harriman, Associate Dean of Community Education Police Department and Pleasant Point Police Department. Visit and Student Aairs at 454-1012 or [email protected] your nearest collection site on April 25, 10 am - 2 pm, to drop off your unwanted medicines. WCCC is an EO/AA Employer Items accepted: Prescription and non-prescription medi- cations, vitamins and supplements, veterinary medications. Items NOT accepted: needles or syringes (return these to To inquire or apply, please contact Scott Harriman, Associate Dean of Community Education and Student Affairs your nearest hospital or clinic), inhalers, liquid medica- at 454-1012 or [email protected] tions, electronics/medical equipment, items that may contain mercury. Deadline for applications is June 24th, 2014 WCCC is an EO/AA Employer Eastern maine appliance

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GE • HOTPOINT • CROSLEY • MAYTAG • SPEEDQUEEN PAGE 6 CHS Holds 3rd Annual Hunger Games By Kaileigh Deacon and Ramen noodles all the way Prior to dinner there will be a working to improve the expe- Dominic Gayton said. “Hunger up to a steak dinner with all the talk led by Chad Fitzsimmons. rience at the Hunger Games is an important issue in this The Calais High School stu- fixings. The assignments of ta- Fitzsimmons is the principal at Dinner and has made several area and the food pantry does dent Council is gearing up to bles is completely random and Jonesboro Elementary school. changes behind the scenes to a lot for the people in the com- host their 3rd Annual Hunger are assigned when you walk In additional to being principal ensure that all meals are served munity.” Games Dinner and Fundraiser. through the door and select a Fitzsimmons is also a certified timely and hot. The group hopes to beat their This annual event is put to- stone out of the box at the door. personal trainer and a certified As with the last three years previous two years and raise gether by the Calais High The percentages are based on Strength and Conditioning there will be a jeopardy game over $1000 in donations for the School Student Council with what the actual representations Coach by the National Strength testing attendees knowledge food pantry. the support of the CMS student in Washington County are. and Conditioning Association. about nutrition, hunger, and Tickets can be purchased Council and National Honor As there has been in the past Fitzsimmons has also coached poverty. The Student Council from members of the Calais Society to raise awareness and there will be an opportunity varsity golf, tennis, and bas- will also be collecting non High School Student Council money for to combat hunger in to upgrade to a high tier. This ketball. Fitzsimmons will talk perishable food items at the and National Honor Society Washington County. upgrade will take place at the about nutrition and have a door to be donated to the Irene as well as the Calais Middle Attendees purchase a ticket beginning of the night rather power presentation. Chadborne Ecumenical Food School Student Council for $10 and then when they arrive at than just before dinner is served Also during dinner there Pantry. The money raised by each. If there are any remaining the dinner they are assigned to as it has been in the past. At- will be live music provided by the Hunger Games Dinner will tickets they can be purchased at a table. Each table is designated tendees can pay an additional the Calais High School Jazz also be donated to the Food the door the night of the event. for a specific meal which will fee and be upgraded or waive Combo, Jackson Greenlaw, and Pantry. Doors open at 5:30pm Wednes- be served. The meals range in their upgrade and let someone Meghan Clark. “We are looking to do as day April 15. quality from Vienna Sausages else move up a tier. The Student Council has been much as we can,” Student

Saint Croix Island Joins National Find Your Park Movement National Park Week 2015 Encourages Everyone to Find Your Park

Calais, ME – Saint Croix paign celebrating the milestone cal, urban, and cultural parks, said Acadia Superintendent ing National Park Week across Island International Historic centennial anniversary of the as well as the National Park Sheridan Steele, “Saint Croix the country. Site joins parks, programs and National Park Service in 2016 Service programs that protect, Island is unburying from a very About the National Park partners across the country to and setting the stage for its sec- preserve and share nature, cul- snowy winter and reopening Service. More than 20,000 Na- encourage everyone to find ond century of service. ture, and history in communi- the visitor center on May 16. tional Park Service employees their park and share their sto- Find Your Park invites the ties nationwide. The park gate will open once care for America’s 407 national ries online at FindYourPark. public to see that a national “Find Your Park” is also the snow melt is sufficient for parks and work with communi- com. Launched on April 6 by park can be more than a place the theme for this year’s Na- safe access.” ties across the nation to help the National Park Service and -- it can be a feeling, a state of tional Park Week, April 18 Visit www.NationalPark- preserve local history and cre- the National Park Foundation, mind, or a sense of American – 26. “While parks across the Week.org to learn more about ate close-to-home recreational Find Your Park is a public pride. Beyond vast landscapes, country are hosting special how you can join parks, pro- opportunities. Learn more at awareness and education cam- the campaign highlights histori- National Park Week events,” grams, and partners in celebrat- www.nps.gov.

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Try our favorites! Fresh Haddock & Chips! Wine Appreciation Weekend with Sommelier Craig Pinhey Sweet Chili Boneless Wings! APRIL 24-26 Beef we use is 100% grass-fed and all natural 332 North Street • 454-8200 1.855.529.8693 • algonquinresort.com

Serving Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Would you like to Large selection of Artisan Flatbread Pizzas, Paninis, & more! see your restaurant here? Bread Baked Call Jayna Fresh Daily at 454-3561. 257 Main Street, Calais • 454-8995 PAGE 7 The Governor’s Budget By Dorothy Johnson no changes since 1969. The use taxes will increase from His budget proposals include in New England, next to New state tax begins at $21, 201 5.5% to 6.5%; taxes on meals $46 million to vital services Hampshire.” (BDN March State media and legislators for single filers and that highly will stay at 8% and auto rental for elderly and disabled;@24 7-8, 2015) have been busy lately speaking skilled workers will not locate taxes will be 10%. million to nursing homes; $28 She continues, “The proper- for or against the Governor’s here. He does not address the The Municipal Revenue million to primary care and ty is the largest single revenue budget for the 2016-2017 fis- fact that Maine is losing the Sharing program will be elimi- $14 million to mental health source. Property taxes provide cal year. The budget is long jobs for skilled workers in the nated completely. Instead the services. 39% of total tax revenues in and involved. Some of the pulp and paper industry unless Governor’s plan is to get the In the areas of education, Maine (the U.S. average is highlights of it are first to his plan to lower corporate monies from nonprofit entities. the Governor proposes to in- 32%); the sales tax provides reduce individual income tax income tax will encourage Municipal revenue sharing vest additional funding to the 29% and the state income rates from 7.95% to 5.75%, to factories and businesses to provides are the monies that University of Maine System, tax,23.5%. For every dollar reduce top corporate income build here. The Governor also small towns have depended make improvements to the a Mainer pays in income tax, tax from 8.93% to 6.75%, to states that “wealthy” Maine on for many years to fund infrastructure on public cam- he or she pays $1.65 in prop- cut taxes on all pensions and residents change state of do- their schools and to repair and puses and to increase funding erty taxes and $1.22 in sales to eliminate tax on military miciles in retirement. (There rebuild their infrastructures. to Fame. tax.”(BDN March 7-8, 2015) pensions, modernize Maine’s has been some controversy Since the first $500,000 of a In the area of Public Safety An increase in property tax sales’ tax rates and base and over this statement, but the nonprofit’s values will be ex- the Governor proposes to and sales tax would put an ex- to repeal Maine’s estate tax to Governor holds his ground on empt from taxes, small towns hire 7 new agents for MDEA tra burden on those people who preserve Maine’s family busi- this statement.) For this reason, will not be able to make up the ($1.791 million), 4 new attor- are unemployed or struggling nesses. It is important to real- the Governor’s budget will difference in funds in this man- ney generals ($786,288), 22 with economic issues. While ize that although the thoughts exempt state income tax on up ner. The entire difference will new assistant district attorney an income tax would take these of paying less income tax is to $35,000 of a pension. have to come from property positions ($1.458 million) and hardships into consideration, inviting, the populace needs to All sales taxes will be in- taxes and everyone knows how 4 new district court judge posi- sales taxes and property taxes understand all of the ramifica- creased to make up for the fair these taxes are. tions ($4.089 million). will not. Although the sales tax tions of the proposal. reductions of taxes in other The Governor predicts that Ten million dollars will be will be implemented gradually, The governor’s rationale is areas; service provider tax will his budget will provide $300 earmarked for the Fund for the outcome may be a ‘con- that the state income has had rise from 5% to 6%; sales and million of direct tax relief. Healthy Maine in both 2016 sumption tax” that will include and 2017. tax on haircuts, education, This budget also eliminates parking tickets, fines, mon- TANF and general Assistance etary gifts and health care. for non-citizens. Mainers are already paying A La Mud Challenge Only Three Weeks Away Marianne Hill of South Port- high property taxes. If all land, former Mississippi state small towns will need more - Don't Forget to Register! economic forecaster and editor money to make up for the loss of the Mississippi Economic of municipal sharing revenue Review and Outlook for 23 that no longer will come from With all this snow, are you for the 1-mile course. Event or for more info, contact An- years (BDN), takes exception the state, the property taxes actually looking forward to proceeds benefit WC:OC's gela Fochesato at afochesato@ to some of the information will take a big jump. mud season? The 2nd annual Downeast Teen Leadership wc-oc.org or (207) 255-3741. coming from the Governor’s Mud Run is only three weeks Camp and One Voice youth office. First she says, “Taxes away! Join Washington Coun- groups. Participants must be are not driving people or busi- ty: One Community (WC:OC) age 13 or older; those under age nesses away. Maine ranks on Sunday, May 3rd, for the 5K 18 must be accompanied by a smack in the middle of the A La Mud Obstacle Challenge parent or guardian at the event states in terms of tax burden and 1-Mile Down & Dirty Fun check-in. Participants can reg- according to the Federation of Challenge. The event will be ister for this event online (rec- Tax Administrators. State and held at the former Downeast ommended) through WC:OC's local governments here collect Fairgrounds on Route 1 in website: www.wc-oc.org, or $6,127 per person in revenues, Whitneyville beginning at 1 stop by our office, located at equal to 15% of personal in- pm. Two course options are 121 Court Street, Suite A, in come. Nationally, the figure available for this year’s A La Machias. is $6,415, also about 15% of Mudders: the 1-mile Down & Up for the challenge? Regis- personal income. Maine has Dirty Fun Challenge with 8-10 ter soon - Registration closes at the second lowest tax burden 188 North St., Calais / 454-2551 obstacles, and a 5K packed 2 pm on Friday, May 1st. Just with 15-20 obstacles for those want to help out with the event who really want to get down and let everyone else get mud- and dirty! dy? We need volunteers to help Registration is $20 per person at obstacle stations and cheer for the 5K Challenge, or $15 on the Mudders! To volunteer We are a locally family-owned business. Our goal is to make your windows so clean that they will shine with perfection! Take the day off and let our professional Hearing gotten worse team splash away at your panes. WINDOW WASHING SERVICES over the winter? FULLY INSURED -RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • COMPETITIVE PRICING Spring leads to summer FREE ESTIMATES • SCREEN CLEANING ™‹–Šˆ”‹‡†•ƒ†ˆƒ‹Ž›ǤǤǤǤ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR DIRT BACK FOR FREE. ‘ǯ–‹••ƒ›‘ˆ‹–Ǩ Hearing Testing Window Washing is one of the BEST ways to make your home, Hearing Aids weekend retreat or business look NEW again!

Acadia Hearing Center Shining Windows • Sparkling Views • Streak Free Glass David A. Cuthbertson, Au.D., CCC-A Toll Free: 1-888-667-4014 Selling your home or We’re at the Masonic Hall, 10 Calais Avenue building? Camps or on Friday, April 17th and Friday, May 8th Call now for your appointment! Saturday times may be available also. Cottages? WE CAN HELP! ‡’ƒ”–‹ ‹’ƒ–‡™‹–ŠƒŽŽƒŒ‘”‹•—”ƒ ‡•ƒ†ƒˆϔ‹‹–›’Žƒ• Dr. Cuthbertson is the only Audiologist seeing patients in the Calais area On the web at www.AcadiaHearing.com

Member, St. Croix Valley Chamber of Commerce :HDOVRKDYHRIÀFHVLQ(OOVZRUWK %DQJRU “Start with Trust”®- Better Business Bureau Accredited A+ [email protected] PAGE 8 Good Samaritan Affirmative Defense Bill Voted Ought-To-Pass 7-3 by Committee On Friday, April 10, 2015 “We are grateful that the islation does not protect against economic security. If Doctors vides limited immunity at least. the Joint Standing Committee Legislature is willing to enter- arrest, arraignment. However, walked away, is it fair to expect Legislation passed under Re- on Criminal Justice and Public tain any Good Samaritan bill,” once the accused appears in a person with an uncontrollable publican Governor’s Rick Scott Safety voted 7 to 3 in favor of said Kenney Miller, Executive court their legal representation compulsion caused by a chronic of Florida and Chris Christie recommending passage of LD Director of the Down East has the opportunity to exercise brain disease to make a self- of New Jersey specifically in- 710, a Good Samaritan bill AIDS Network and co-founder affirmative defense, where it less decision? The affirmative dicates that a person acting in introduced by Representative of the Maine Harm Reduction would be their responsibility to defense is a poor compromise good faith shall not be arrested, Mark Dion of Portland. Alliance, a network of people, prove that their arrest and the as lives will continue to be lost. charged or prosecuted for pos- If passed, this bill would es- programs and organizations evidence collected against them It is asking the addict to choose sessing, using or being under tablish that it is an affirmative that seeks to advance the health, was the result of an attempt to between his/her freedom and the influence of a controlled defense against prosecution wellbeing and rights of people act in good faith to report a drug that of another person.” substance. should a person be arrested with addiction issues through overdose. At this point it would “I don't believe that having “We need limited immunity or evidence collected against education, advocacy and ser- be at the discretion of the courts affirmative defense on the from criminal liability for the them for possession of drugs vice. “Unfortunately, myself to dismiss the charges. books is better than nothing” possession and use of drugs and or drug-related paraphernalia as and my constituents don’t feel “As a former heroin addict said Alison Webb, resident of drug-related paraphernalia at a a result of a good faith attempt that affirmative defense will and one who has experienced Portland and a public health minimum for persons reporting to summon emergency medical have more than a negligible im- overdose and witnessed it many professional. “No other state a drug overdose,” Miller said services in response to a drug pact on overdose death rates. It times, the seasoned addict will has taken this approach to Good “Anything less won’t make a overdose. With 176 deaths due won’t remove the disincentive walk away if the possibility Sam laws, and for good reason. dent in rates of overdose death. to drug overdoses reported in to do the right thing and call of arrest exists. This is sim- It just doesn't make sense to This is a public health crisis. 2013 alone many public health 9-1-1 in the event of an over- ply self-preservation, “ said [pursue] something … that we That much is indisputable. advocates have raised alarm dose, because it doesn’t address Timothy Cheney, Partner in know won't work.” We must do more to combat bells over the dramatic rise in their valid fear of arrest, of jail Chooper’s Guide, and resident Twenty-four other states have it. Good Samaritan should overdose deaths over the last time, of losing their house, their of Walpole. “Years ago, doc- passed Good Samaritan legisla- be part of a comprehensive decade. However, in spite of job, or their family.” tors or other trained health care tion to date. Of these only 2 are overdose prevention strategy this relative success the bill By establishing an affirmative professional would not stop on based solely around affirmative that includes broader access has piqued concern from some defense against prosecution for the scene of an accident for fear defense, Utah and Virginia. to Naloxone through standing unexpected corners, including possession of drugs and drug- of being sued and losing their Other states have passed Good orders and distribution through drug policy activists. related paraphernalia, this leg- practice, their license and their Samaritan legislation that pro- public health agencies.”

2015 DAR Good Citizens The Hannah Weston Chap- sponsored by the chapter in the ter, Daughters of the Ameri- state-wide selection of the 2015 can Revolution honored seven Maine DAR Good Citizen. To be Washington County high school eligible as a DAR Good Citizen, seniors selected by their respec- the students must possess to an tive schools during the annual outstanding degree qualities of DAR Good Citizen tea and re- dependability, service, leader- ception held Tuesday, April 7th ship and patriotism. at Machias. The students had Introducing the young people been named by the faculty and was Carole Sprague, DAR Good students as the school DAR Citizen chair, who spoke on Good Citizen for 2015 and were the accomplishments of each

To recognize someone who has made a difference in Washington County. Nominations accepted until April 24. Call 207-263-8194 May 2 • 5:30PM • Holy Name Parish Hall, 11 Free St., Machias Speakers: Mike Tipping & Joe Baldacci Music by the Pink Capos! Dinner catered by Vasquez Mexican Take-Out Adults $15 / Children under 12 $7. (Purchase at the door). The Hannah Weston Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution honored the 2015 DAR Good Citizens during a meeting and reception held Tuesday at the Whiting Community Building. Honored Sponsored by the Washington County Democratic Committee were, from left to right; Ieisha Mitchell of Shead High School; Chelsea Moore of Machias High School; Nicholas Kennedy of Narraguagus High School; Madeleine Seeley of Washington Academy; Meagan Alley of Jonesport-Beals High School; and Kayla Pyles of Woodland High School. Honored but unable to attend was Keegan Newman of Calais High School.

A & E Plumbing II student, followed by the parents High School, daughter of Allan Grace Kennedy of Milbridge; Residential and Commercial Service presenting each with their DAR Alley Jr. and Robbie J. Alley of Ieisha Mitchell of Shead High Owned and Operated by Ben Clark Good Citizen pin. The young Jonesport; Chelsea Moore of School of Eastport, daughter of people also received a cash Machias Memorial High School, Sabatis and Angelina Mitchell award from the chapter and a daughter of Melanie Moore of Charlotte; Madeleine See- FROZEN PIPES? certificate from the National of Jonesboro and Richard and ley of Washington Academy Society DAR. Cindy Rossi Moore of Marsh- of East Machias, daughter of NO PROBLEM! The 2015 DAR Good Citizens field; Nicholas Paul Kennedy Lauren Seeley and Andres and honored were: Meagan Eliza- of Narraguaugus High School Lisa Seeley of Eastport; Kayla beth Alley of Jonesport-Beals of Harrington, son of Paul and Marie Pyles of Woodland High School of Baileyville, daughter We use THE AMAZING... of Michelle McVicar of Cooper. Honored by unable to attend was Keegan Jazz Newman of Calais High School, son of Mary Beth Newman of Calais.

Don’t take unnecessary chances trying to thaw

your frozen pipes. Ron D. Jamieson [email protected] ~FULLY INSURED~ (601) 928-5518 Phone 207-454-7597 • [email protected] 94A Flurry Road 16 Beech Street, Calais, Maine 04619 McHenry, MS 39561 PAGE 9 Washington County Extension Association Honors Volunteers

David O. Sivret (left) is presented with the Norman W. Duzen Com- WCEA Secretary Gretchen Cherry (left), presents Ann Luginbuhl, Robert French and David Winski munity Service Award by Marianne Moore, WCEA President. with the University of Maine Volunteer Pen Awards.

The Washington County Ex- ing with 4-H members Eliza- research-based programs in tension Association (WCEA) beth and Katie Bitar, Hope every Maine county. UMaine honored several volunteers Carle and Margaret Mae Reil- Extension helps support, sus- during its Annual Meeting on ich-Godino, and Lisa Reilich, tain and grow the food-based April 7 at the Wabanaki Culture Extension 4-H professional economy. It is the only entity Center in Calais. staff member for Hancock and in our state that touches every David O. Sivret of Calais Washington counties. aspect of the Maine Food Sys- was honored with the Norman University of Maine Co- tem, where policy, research, W. Duzen Community Ser- operative Extension: As a production, processing, com- vice Award for his volunteer trusted resource for 100 years, merce, nutrition, and food efforts in the greater Calais University of Maine Coopera- security and safety are integral area, especially with the Irene tive Extension has supported and interrelated. UMaine Ex- Chadbourne Ecumenical Food UMaine's land and sea grant tension also conducts the most Pantry. public education role by con- successful out-of-school youth Also honored were Robert ducting community-driven, education program in Maine French of Cutler, Ann Lugin- buhl of Charlotte and David Winski of Edmunds, all of RSX850i whom received the Univer- sity of Maine Volunteer Pen 1 Awards for their contributions $2,500 off to the 4-H Robotics Expo Plan- ning Committee. ON 2014 MODELS OR PRIOR 4-H members demonstrate how to make a scarf during the 4-H The evening also featured a RSX850i Public Speaking presentation at the WCEA Annual Meeting on program on 4-H Public Speak- • 62 hp,* 53 mph (85 km/h) April 7. • 839-cc, V-Twin engine • Multi-link independent suspension • 400-lb., 9-cu.-ft. cargo box BRING HOME GREEN AND YELLOW FOR LESS GREEN. 1 FAMILY • 22.4–24.2 engine hp¥ (16.5–17.8 kW) • Twin Touch™ hydrostatic transmission 0% FOR 60 MONTHS AND $500 OFF2 IMPLEMENT BONUS Scotts Plus Oxiclean Outdoor Gal Mold Armor E-Z Deck Wash OR $1,000 OFF 2 Cleaner 32oz Ready To Spray Uniquely combines Lifts dirt with fast deep wood foaming action. cleaners with NEW S240 SPORT • 18.5 hp* (13.8 kW, 603 cc) Wipes out stains special buffered renewing agents. • 42-in. mower deck caused by mold, Cleans and lifts off stains from $ § mildew and algae. Perfect for patio mildew, algae and fungus while 2,499 furniture, flower pots, outdoor fabrics, taking out the gray to restore the grills and many more outdoor surfaces. Safe to natural look to weathered wood. No mixing, no use around plants, grass and fabrics. No chlorine scrubbing. Biodegradable - contains no poisonous bleach, no phosphates. (SC51060) acids, petroleum distillates or phosphates. Safe for composite decking. (DECKWASHG) 5 Gallon Gas Can Southern States 50# Egg Layer 7KHULDXOW(TFRP Complies with Pelleted Feed 1257+675((7 &$5,%2852$' California Air +28/7210( 35(648(,6/(0( Tradition Egg   Resources 12IIHUHQGV$SULORIIRQO\RQPRGHO\HDUDQGSULRU56;LPRGHOVLQDGGLWLRQWRƟQDQFLQJRSWLRQV3ULFH Layer is a pelleted DQGPRGHODYDLODELOLW\PD\YDU\E\GHDOHU$YDLODEOHDWSDUWLFLSDWLQJGHDOHUV%HIRUHRSHUDWLQJRUULGLQJDOZD\VUHIHUWRWKHVDIHW\ Boards (CARB) requirements DQGRSHUDWLQJLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHYHKLFOHDQGLQWKHRSHUDWRUŤVPDQXDO$FWXDOYHKLFOHWRSVSHHGPD\YDU\EDVHGRQEHOWZHDUWLUH 16% protein, 3% VHOHFWLRQYHKLFOHZHLJKWIXHOFRQGLWLRQWHUUDLQDQGRWKHUHQYLURQPHQWDOIDFWRUV for portable fuel containers. Flow §3ULFHV DQG PRGHOV PD\ YDU\ E\ GHDOHU 0DQXIDFWXUHU VXJJHVWHG OLVW SULFH DW  RQ 6 6SRUW 3ULFHV DUH VXJJHVWHG fat and 5% fiber feed for layers UHWDLO SULFHV RQO\ DQG DUH VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH ZLWKRXW QRWLFH DW DQ\ WLPH 'HDOHU PD\ VHOO IRU OHVV 6KRZQ ZLWK RSWLRQDO control allows quick shut off when lever is released. HTXLSPHQW QRW LQFOXGHG LQ WKH SULFH $WWDFKPHQWV DQG LPSOHPHQWV VROG VHSDUDWHO\ $YDLODEOH DW SDUWLFLSDWLQJ GHDOHUV and pullets producing white and or 22IIHUHQGV$SULO6XEMHFWWRDSSURYHGLQVWDOOPHQWFUHGLWZLWK-RKQ'HHUH)LQDQFLDO)L[HGUDWHRIIRUPRQWKV Reduces leakage and spills. Child resistant locking RIILPSOHPHQWERQXVLVLQDGGLWLRQWRƟQDQFLQJRSWLRQVDQGUHTXLUHVWKHSXUFKDVHRIWZR-RKQ'HHUHRU)URQWLHULPSOHPHQWV,QOLHX brown eggs. (AG52711011) RIƟQDQFHRIIHUJHWRIIUHWDLOERQXVRQWKH)DPLO\7UDFWRUV6RPHUHVWULFWLRQVDSSO\VRVHH\RXUGHDOHUIRUGHWDLOVDQGRWKHU Eco Spout. (5GGAS) ƟQDQFLQJRSWLRQV ¥0DQXIDFWXUHUŤVHVWLPDWHRISRZHU ,62 3(5(& 7KHHQJLQHKRUVHSRZHUDQGWRUTXHLQIRUPDWLRQDUHSURYLGHGE\WKHHQJLQHPDQXIDFWXUHUWREHXVHGIRUFRPSDULVRQSXUSRVHVRQO\$FWXDO FREE DELIVERY! RSHUDWLQJKRUVHSRZHUDQGWRUTXHZLOOEHOHVV5HIHUWRWKHHQJLQHPDQXIDFWXUHUŤVZHEVLWHIRUDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQ 7HUP OLPLWHG WR \HDUV RU KRXUV XVHG ZKLFKHYHU FRPHV ƟUVW DQG YDULHV E\ PRGHO 6HH WKH /,0,7(' :$55$17< )25 1(: -2+1'((5(785)$1'87,/,7<(48,30(17DW-RKQ'HHUHFRP:DUUDQW\DQG-RKQ'HHUHFD78:DUUDQW\IRUGHWDLOV-RKQ'HHUHŤV Sales Prices good through April 22, 2015. JUHHQDQG\HOORZFRORUVFKHPHWKHOHDSLQJGHHUV\PERODQG-2+1'((5(DUHWUDGHPDUNVRI'HHUH &RPSDQ\ $%..%8$ Calais Machias Cherryfield 454-2576 255-3328 546-7384 PAGE 10 CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 Community Calendar All Calendar submissions must be emailed to [email protected]. Deadline for all submissions is 8:00 AM Tuesday Morning. This does not include yard sales. We ask that you limit the information to 25 words or less.

noon. The public is welcome APRIL 17: People’s United p.m. Contact Valerie Lawson Smelt Fry in Columbia Falls. to attend. For more informa- Methodist Church will hold a at 733-2233. Dinner served from 1:00 p.m. tion, contact us at scvigc@ya- free kids’ movie night. Doors to 6:00 p.m. APRIL 15: Hunger Games APRIL 18: James and Star- hoo.com. open at 6:00 p.m., movie at la Dean in concert at the Sec- APRIL 18: New to You Sale at Calais High School at 6:00 APRIL 16: Job Fair, WCCC, 6:30 p.m. Popcorn and drinks at Kirk-McColl United Church p.m. Benefits food pantry. ond Baptist Church, Calais at 10 am to 1 pm will be available. 6:30 p.m. Hall in St. Stephen from 8:00 APRIL 15: St. Croix Valley APRIL 16: Calais United APRIL 18 and 19: Fire- a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Can). International Garden Club will APRIL 18: Public Supper at Methodist Church Super at arms Safety Course at Cob- Parish Hall in Dennysville at APRIL 19: Rebekah Break- meet for lunch at the Happy 5:00 p.m. Baked beans, casse- scook Community Learning fast from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 Crab restaurant in Eastport at 5:00 p.m. Italian menu! Spa- roles etc. $8 adults. Center from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 ghetti, meatballs, lasagna, etc. a.m. at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Adults $7. Children $4. Baileyville. APRIL 18: Alexander for a APRIL 22: Blood Drive, cure RELAY FOR LIFE team WCCC, 1 pm to 6 pm. will have our annual yardsale APRIL 30: Princeton POW from 9:00-2:00 at the Alexan- Camp at the Princeton Town der Elementary School Gym. Office from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 You may contact B.J. Wal- p.m. David Greenham, Pro- lace at 214-2194 or Brenda gram Director from the Ho- McDonough at 454-2623 for locaust and Human Rights more information. We will Center of Maine will talk on also be accepting bottles & the POW camp which existed cans on the 18th. in Indian Township during APRIL 18: Downeast Salm- WWII. FMI call 207-796- The is about to on Federation 15th Annual 2100. RUIN some of the BEST fishing

MAY 1: Mt. View Chamber -3rd Wednesday of Each found in the North East. Singers Spring Concert at St. Month: St. Croix Internation- Anne’s Episcopal Church, 28 al Quilter’s Guild meets at the Church Street, Calais at 7:00 Methodist Homes Rec Center, The Entire St. Croix River Basin is at Risk! p.m. FMI call 454-8016. 6:00 p.m. New members wel- Including West Grand Lake, Big Lake, East Grand Lake, Spednic Lake, etc... MAY 2: Benefit Spaghetti come. Supper and Chinese Raffle for -Last Wednesday of the Dennis and Vicki Lincoln. Raf- Month: Seniority Breakfast at fle noon to 5:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 a.m. Alewives which were never native to the from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at -TOPS Chapter #ME228 the Perry Elementary School. Baileyville meets at the Unit- Upper St. Croix Lakes are being allowed Donations can be dropped off ed Methodist Church in Bai- at Bay City Garage. leyville, Third and Summit, from 3:30 p.m to 4:30 p.m. to invade our waters. Members are welcome and Alewives will ruin the West Grand Lake fishery and the GLS landlocked salmon hatchery needed. that supplies 75% of Maine's LL salmon stock. -AL-ANON meets at 6:30 -2nd, 4th and 5th Monday: p.m. in the old Calais Hospital Every month at 7:00 p.m. the basement. This alewives experiment was tried in the 1980s and destroyed Monday Night Music Circle at -Morning Knitters at Calais CCLC. Bring an instrument or Free Library from 10:00 a.m. one of the best bass lakes in the country, Spednic Lake. come and listen! to 11:30 a.m. -Irene Chadbourne food pantry open 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 We can't afford to let this happen again! p.m. Closed holidays. -‘Souper-Market’ at the Congregational Church Den- We need your support at the public hearing nysville parish hall (15 King -At the Calais Free Library: St./Rt. 86). Eat in or take out. on April 27, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Tap Your Toes Tuesdays, Homemade- Soups, Breads, 10:30 am to 11:00 am. Ba- in Augusta for Bill LD 800. Cookies, Pies, Granola, Lo- bies, toddlers, and caregivers cal greenhouse vegetables, are invited to join for a fun root vegetables, apples, eggs, No state agencies are helping us with this legislation. program. jams, jewelry, craft items. - On the Big Screen at Calais The legislature's Marine Resources Committee Weekly buying club orders Free Library: Tuesday movie with Crown of Maine Den- (normally charged with ocean issues) is deciding night at 6:30 p.m. ny’s River Farmers Market. -First Tuesday of every the fate of our inland waters. -Irene Chadbourne food month: Death Cafe at CCLC. pantry open 10:00 a.m. to The Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Committee is Understanding of death and noon. Closed holidays. wonder of life. Light refresh- NOT being allowed to hear this bill. ments. FMI call 207-733- 4844. For more info: savethestcroixfishery.org -Wiggles and Giggles at the Calais Free Library at 10:30 -Calais Community Cafe is a.m. Babies, toddlers, and serving lunch at 12 noon at 72 caregivers are welcome. Please post any questions to our Facebook, Palmer Lane, Calais. For res- facebook.com/GrandLakeStreamMaine ervations call 454-2215.

-Overcomers Meeting at ADDICTION COUNSEL- St. Croix Valley Assembly JOIN US IN THE FIGHT! ING: Narconon can help you of God Church in Calais for take steps to overcome addic- those wanting to turn their tion in your family. Call today lives around after prison or Contact your state representative about supporting LD800. for free screenings or referrals. those wanting to break from 800-431-1754. drug/alcohol addiction. FMI This ad is sponsored by Grand Lake Stream Guides Association. call 207-454-8160. CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 PAGE 11

NEWS Eastport Boys Travel Team

Pictured is the Eastport area boys travel team. Members include front l-r: Ethan Robinson, Colby Jamieson, Jacob Cook, and Bailey Riquier. Back l-r: Coach Jason Jamieson, C. J. Francis, Devon Wilder, Logan Trott, Marek Veal, Chris Clement, Trevor Fenderson, and Coach Opal Seeley. (Photo by John Rogers). Eastport Girls Travel Team Woodland Rec. Dept. Activity Calendar THURS. APRIL 16 3:30 pm: JR. BASKET- BALL, GR. 2 / 3, WES GYM 3:00 pm: WRESTLING, GR. 2 / 8, WHS GYM SUN. APRIL 19 4:00 pm: EXERCISE / AER- OBICS, WES GYM MON. APRIL 20 PATRIOTS DAY HOLI- DAY 6:30 pm: WOMAN’S VOL- LEYBALL LEAGUE, GR. 7 & UP, WHS GYM WED. APRIL 21 6:30 pm: EXERCISE / AER- OBICS, AGES 13 / ADULT, WES GYM THURS. APRIL 22 6:00 pm: BB / SB, T-BALL, FARM TEAM, REGISTRA- TION AT TOWN OFFICE

Pictured is the Eastport area girls travel basketball team. Members include front l-r: Katie Leighton, Halle Sullivan, Lauren Cook, Braydi Surles, and Justine Cheney. Back l-r: Sydney Verge, Claudia Brown, Madison Greenlaw, Roxanna MacGregor, Kiesha Scott, and Coach Dana Bowen. (Photo by John Rogers). PAGE 12 CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015


Calais Recreation News & Notes Women’s league basketball just finished up its third week. This league has six competi- tive teams and play Sundays at the Calais Elementary School starting at 5:00 This week’s schedule has Darcey Gillespie team 2-1 vs Miranda Richardson team 0-3 at 5:00 at 6:00 Trish Farrell team 1-2 vs Sara Moore team 3-0 then at 7:00 Sara Moore team 3-0 vs Ivy Turner team 1-2. Jr High Baseball & Softball will be starting this week. There is still time to sign-up by calling the rec dept. at 454- 2761. The Thomas DiCenzo Athlet- ic Complex Improvement Proj- ect/Community Pride Event is still its planning stages. If your company or organization would like to help you can call the Calais Recreation Depart- CJ Francis takes the action strong to the glass in travel team action ment 454-2761 .To get more for Eastport. (Photo by John Rogers). information on the project go to calaismaine.org The 5th & 6th Boys’ Travel Team will end their season this weekend at the Elm Street Damon Lank passes inside to a teammate. (Photo by John School in East Machias. The Rogers). 7/8 Boys finished their season last weekend in Calais at the Robbinston Round ball Clas- sic. The 7/8 girls ended last week taking the championship at the Robbinston Round Ball Classic.

Jacob Cook looks to hit a cutting For Eastport, Logan Trott beats the defenders to the hoop. (Photo teammate. (Photo by John Trevor Fenderson brings the ball down the lane. (Photo by John by John Rogers). Rogers). Rogers).

207-454-2907 1-866-448-7102

207-454-7545 • 888-855-2992 CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 PAGE 13


Robbinston Round Ball Classic Dragons Win Fourth Event In a Row

The Robbinston Round Ball Classic for boys was held this past weekend in Calais and was sponsored by Downeast Glass. Over the two days of action a talented Woodland contingent col- lected five victories in a row for the 2015 title and their fourth area tournament win in a row. Following are the game results with the top two scorers in each contest. Thanks are extended to all the volunteer coaches that devote their time and monies into making the traveling teams such a success, and to Jeff Chick for directing the tournaments the past two weekends. Game 1 Calais 22 Machias 19 Leading scores: Cal – Tre Neptune 6 Mach – Noah Albert 9 Game 2 Jonesport Beals 51 Elm Street 22 Leading Scorers: JPB - Ryan Alley 16 Elm St. - Greg Moulton 12 Game 3 Woodland 48 Narraguagus 20 Leading Scorers: Wood - Drew Hayward 10 Narr - Tim Heallen 6 Game 4 Calais 46 Jonesport Beals 42 Leading Scorers: Cal – John Socabasin 10 JPB – Adam Rob- Madison Greenlaw takes the ball strong to the basket. (Photo by John Rogers). Katie Leighton handles the ball in the tourney play inson 21 at Woodland. (Photo by John Rogers). Cal – Colt Delaney 10 Game 5 Machias 34 Narraguagus 31 Leading Scorers: Mach – Jackson Masur 12 Narr – Jacob Ten- ney 9 Game 6 Woodland 61 Elm Street 15 Woodland Leading Scorers: Wood - Justin Monk 12 Elm – Joe Bragg 7 Game 7 Narraguagus 41 Jonesport 38 Rec. Dept. Leading Scorers: Narr - Isiah Pinkham JPB – Adam Robinson 17 News & Notes Game 8 Calais 34 Elm Street 9 RIPKEN (BABE RUTH) Leading Scorers: Cal – Colt Delaney 10 Elm – Finn Sunde 6 BASEBALL / SOFTBALL, Game 9 Woodland 42 Machias 14 T-BALL, FARM TEAM: Leading Scorers: Drew Hayward 11 Mach – Noah Albert 6 Registrations forms for all Playoffs interested players ages 6 / 12,is Game 1 #4 Jonesport Beals 41 #5 Narraguagus 39 currently underway. registra- Leading Scorers: JPB – Ryan Alley 19 Narr – Isiah Pinjham tion forms can picked up at the 11 elementary schools of Wood- Playoff Game 2 #3 Calais 38 #6 Elm Street 15 land, Princeton, Alexander, Leading Scorers: Cal – Blake Collins 13 Elm – Greg Moulton Topsfield, and Indian Town- 4 ship, and Baileyville Town Playoff Game 3 #1 Woodland 59 #4 Jonesport Beals 25 Office. F.M.I.: contact the Leading Scorers: Wood – Drew Hayward 14 JPB – Adam Rob- Woodland Rec. Dept. @ 427- inson 13 6205, or at recreation@bai- Playoff Game 4 #2 Machias 30 #3 Calais - 20 leyville.org or on “Facebook”. Leading Scorers: Mach – Alex Wentzell Cal – Blake Collins Practices / games will begin Championship Game: #1 Woodland 58 #2 Machias 23 after the school April vacation Leading Scorers: Wood – Drew Hayward Mach – Noah Albert break. 8 Strong ball-handling Lauren Cook gets past the defenders for her LATE WINTER EARLY Eastern Plumbing & Heating Skills Tournament Winners: traveling team. (Photo by John Rogers). SPRING PROGRAMS: the 1st Place “The Pistols” - Winning Time: 72.68-seconds following is a list of programs Luke McDonald that will be offered this win- Chris Plissey ter. Date, Time, and place are Sabre Phelps below: Best individual time in Passing/Dribbling competition: 1) Karate (ages 5 / 14) : ev- Luke McDonald Woodland 18.58 ery Mon.; April 27, May 4, 11, at 2:30 / 3:30 pm; WES Gym; Fee $25.00 a month 2) Exercise / Aerobics (Gr. 7 / Adult): Sun. April19, 26, and May 3 at 4 pm, and Wed. April 8, 15, 22, 29 at 6:30 pm at WES Gym; Fee $5.00 a class. 3) WOMEN’S VOLLEY- BALL LEAGUE: Mon. April 20, 27 and May 4 , ’15, at the WHS Gym. Matches started and play every Mon. evening; There is a league fee. F.M.I. contact the Recreation Dept.

Chris Clement handles the ball out front for Eastport. (Photo by John Rogers). Halle Sullivan takes a shot over the defenders. (Photo by John Rogers). PAGE 14 CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 2015 National Children’s Dental Health Month Poster Contest

The RMCL Dental Clinic sponsored Lubec Elementary School students, grades K-6, in the 2015 National Children’s Dental Health Month Poster Contest. This year’s theme was “Defeat Monster Mouth”. The posters are on display at the RMCL Dental Clinic and staff and patients were asked to vote. The winners are: Grade K, Baylei Newman; Grade 1-2, Isabelle Lyons; and Grade 3-4, Landon Farrell. The win- ning posters have been sent to the Oral Health Program, Maine CDC to be entered into a state-wide contest and will be on display in the Maine CDC building where the Oral Health Program is located. Winners of the state-wide contest will be notified April 30th.

Winners Pictured: Landon Farrell and second picture is Baylei Newman. Not pictured Isabelle Lyons. Dental Program Reaches Milestone The New York University ants and 763 fillings have been holding a session called “Learn CAPTION CONTEST WINNER! College of Dentistry (NYUCD) provided for nearly 900 Head How Your Children Can Grow Hello, Henry Schein Cares Global Start and school-aged kids. The up Cavity Free” at 6:00 pm on Nine year old Aidon Higgins says this for the caption Student Outreach Program is Washington County Children’s April 14th at the Rose Gaffney contest: "LOCAL ATHLETE DEFIES GRAVITY" Can you give me a price on returning to Washington County Program visits schools between School in Machias. running the attached for 13 and marking a milestone. It’s visits from NYUCD to continue The clinic will be held April weeks. been five years since the pro- care but the scope of what they 13th – 18th at the Lee Pellon gram started and during that time saw was beyond the kind of care Event center located at 90 Main Thanks, Katharine Evans, LCSW there have been more than 5,000 they could provide. Oral Health Street in Machias. It will be Counseling/Psychotherapy patient visits. Coordinator Teresa Alley says closed on Thursday, April 16th. Katharine Evans The partnership with the she used to see the children with The event is open to anyone www.healthaffiliatesmaine.com Washington County Children’s decay and feel frustrated. “This having trouble accessing dental [email protected] Program and other local groups program changed that. I didn’t care. It is not meant to replace 5 Lowell St., Suite 4 began in 2010 as a way to provide anticipate seeing improvement regular care they are already comprehensive care to children so quickly. It happened in just a receiving at their local dentist PO Box 1364 in Washington County who did few years. I don’t wake up at 2 office, and the NYUCD team Calais, ME 04619 not have a dental home or timely a.m. wondering how a child is will refer patients to local den- access to dental services. Since doing. I used to do that all the tists for continued care. Services then, more than 1300 dental seal- time. My goal was to make it are provided at no out of pocket easier for children to find their cost but insurance/MaineCare way to a dental office for care. will be accepted when available. This program made that pos- The dental clinic is made pos- Fujitsu Has Done It Again! sible.” Some of the original sible by Northeast Delta Dental THE NEW FUJITSU RLS3H SERIES MINI-SPLIT HEAT PUMP IS DESIGNED TO Head Start children that have Foundation and Henry Schein participated since the first clinic Cares. The partners involved in OPERATE AT TEMPERATURES AS LOW AS -15 F. in 2010 are now in fifth grade. the planning and implementa- LOWER THAN ANY OTHER HEAT PUMP ON THE MARKET TODAY. “Seeing the impact it’s had and tion include Washington County how many people this has helped Children’s Program- a program Advances in Design: Large heat exchanger • High Capacity Compressor just makes you feel good,” says of Sunrise Opportunities, Wash- Base Heaters For Freeze Protection • Metal Fan Guards Alley. ington Hancock Community The NYUCD visits provide Agency, Harrington Health Cen- The FUJITSU RLS3H series operates and more than services. They offer ter and Downeast Community withstands much colder temperatures more education to parents so they learn Hospital. efficiently! These units also provide whisper quiet why dental care is so important FMI call Teresa Alley at 255- and how to take care of their 3426 or 271-8884 during the air conditioning more efficiently than conventional children’s teeth. They will be week of the clinic. window air conditioners in the summer. Truly the best of both worlds. HOURS: 8:00 to 6:00 Monday, LIMITED TIME ONLY! ORDER NOW AND Tuesday, Wednesday GET $150 OFF INSTALLATION! 8:00 to 7:00 Thursday & Friday 8:00 to 2:00 Saturday Fujitsu’s line of mini-split heat pumps come in a variety of sizes, styles and rated outdoor temperatures so call or stop by today, your authorized Fujitsu dealer in the area for a free estimate on the Fujitsu RLS3H low temp mini-split heat pump. Dinner Items Available! 4:00 to close Monday to Friday * Artisan Flatbread Pizza GET UP TO *This includes our * Smashed Burger Paninis $650* discount and Efficiency * Specialty Salads in discounts and rebates Maine rebate. * More menu items to come! Be on the lookout for sundaes and milkshakes made with V.L. TAMMARO OIL CO., INC. hard ice cream! 117 Main St., Woodland, Maine 427-6500 or 427-3775 325 North St., Calais, Maine 454-7500 257 Main Street, Calais • 454-8995 CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 PAGE 15

Adrea “Camille” Howard Receives MPA Scholarships Available For Students Principal’s Award Pursuing Business Degrees school. Camille also is a mem- Applications are currently being accepted for the Maine ber of the Tri-M Honors Society Community Foundation’s Patriot Education Scholarship as well as the National Honor Fund. Society where she earned the honor of state public relations This renewable scholarship supports graduating seniors coordinator in 2013. Camille is of Maine high schools, or graduates within four years of the also a Jobs for Maine Graduates date of application, who are currently enrolled in a college officer, part of the academic or university in Maine pursuing a degree in business as a decathlon team and an integral part-time (minimum of nine credit hours per semester) or member of the school’s band full-time student. Preference is given to applicants who have and chorus program.Camille a demonstrated interest in personal and commercial insurance also represented her school at professions. Dirigo Girls’ State where she Deadline for applications is June 1, 2015. Applications for earned the title of Miss Dirigo, the Patriot Education Scholarship Fund are available at www. Speaker of the House. mainecf.org. Camille’s leadership style is that she models what she believes. She treats others with respect and gives respect to all in return. Camille is not the type to stand back and let things happen around her that she has strong convictions about. When she sees something that is not right, she speaks out and tries to change the situation. Camille is able to work well with others by First Step Pregnancy Resource Center listening carefully, considering alternate opinions and making At First Step Pregnancy Resource Center our friendly staff is ready to provide you with a free pregnancy test and accurate Baileyville – Camille How- ing her goal of writing for film decisions based on what is right ard, daughter of Derek and and television include being a for all involved. up-to-date information you need to make decisions about your Lisa Howard of Baileyville member of The Great American The Principal's Award is pre- unplanned pregnancy and sexual health. and a senior at Woodland Jr/Sr No Bull Challenges Advisory sented in more than 100 Maine High School, has been selected Board, being a runner up for public and private high schools Because everyone should have access to this to receive the 2015 Principal’s best documentary for the year by member principals of the information, all of our services are FREE of charge. Award, Principal Patricia Metta in the 2013 No Bull Challenge MPA, the professional associa- announced today. The award, Teen Video Awards, being a tion which represents Maine's Our Services Include: Free Pregnancy Test • Options Peer Counseling • Medical Referrals sponsored by the Maine Prin- production intern for Gum school administrators. Parenting Support • Information on Abortion • Abortion Recovery Program cipals’ Association, is given Spirits Productions feature Congratulations, Camille! Referrals for Adoption Services • Information on STDs • Information on Emergency Contraception in recognition of a high school film Anniversary which will be You are most deserving of this senior’s academic achievement released in the spring of 2015, honor! The way you live your THIS CENTER DOES NOT PERFORM OR REFER FOR ABORTIONS. and citizenship. and producing five additional life, your constant desire to Metta states that Camille is projects with Project AWARE. reach a little higher, your ec- FIRST STEP PREGNANCY CENTER an exceptionally strong stu- Camille is active in both ath- centric imagination, and your 336 Mount Hope Avenue, Suite 8, Bangor, ME 04401 dent with superior character letic and academic activities. strong value system will take (207) 942-1611 • [email protected] and academic strengths. Ca- She has been a member of the you far in life and we know you mille is currently first in her soccer, basketball, and tennis will have every success in your Monday to Thursday: 10AM - 4PM • Friday: 10AM - 2PM class standing and has been teams all four years of high career as a writer. 24/7 Helpline: 1-800-712-HELP the recipient of overall/highest achievement awards in most subject areas. Camille always takes the highest-level courses offered including early college classes as a junior and senior, and a voluntary independent reading seminar that she was part of designing. Camille has always impressed her teachers with her enthusiasm and desire to go above and beyond in her learning. Camille takes great pride in her work and is always looking for the “next thing” that will help her move forward with her goals. These qualities and the fact that she has a great desire to learn, is inquisitive, is thoughtful, thinks outside the box, and has a great personal- ity makes students want to be around her and teachers want to have her in their classes. Camille is active in her church and her community as well as at her school. Camille has served as an alter server and is a lector in her church. She is involved in a number of activities outside of school, some that help her pursue her goals and some that benefit her community and be- yond. She has been involved in several service projects, which include Patsy’s Peep’s Relay for Life, counselor at Downeast Teen Leadership Camp, and founder of Teens Against Drunk Driving in the Baileyville area. Camille’s involvement in other projects that benefit communi- ties and aid in her accomplish- PAGE 16 CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015

Obituaries Card of Thanks JENNIE BROWN Princeton-Jennie Brown, 56, passed away peacefully on April 11, 2015 at home after a brief illness with her family by her side. The family of Edward A. Leavitt Sr. would like to She was born September 3, 1958 in Calais, Me, the daughter of Alton and Ellen (Neddeau) Clark. express our sincere appreciation to family and friends Jennie worked for many years for Thomas Dicenzo Inc. Until for the heartfelt condolences, kind words, thoughts, her passing she worked side by side with her husband Jerry at prayers, and phone calls during this difficult time. Brown’s Recycling. She had a love for all animals especially horses and enjoyed We would also like to say thank you to those who sent the outdoors very much. The happiest moments were spent with cards, food, and donations to the American Lung her grandchildren. She had a special fishing partner, Janice. Association in Dad's memory. Your kindness means They would be caught fishing instead of working many times. Jennie is survived by her loving husband of 36 years Jerry Brown, son Andy Brown and Monica so much to all of us. Quist, daughter by heart Billie Jo Jack and husband Paul, grandchildren Brianna and Eliza Jack, Kadance Ward and Trey Brown. The Leavitt Family She is survived by her siblings, Jeanette Worster and husband Dennis, Gene Clark and wife Laurie, and Janice Curtis and husband James. Her mother in law Genevieve Brown, brother in law Grover Brown and wife Peta. She is also survived by Special friends and cousins Cathy, Marylin, Dale, Nancy, Sally, Rodney, and Ann. Several nieces, nephews, friends and a special friend Twyla Bryant. She was loved and will be missed by many. Jennie was predeceased by her parents, brother Ronald Neddeau, father in law Martin Brown, son by heart Clint Brown, brother in law Raymond Brown, sister in law Mary Brown, sister in law Patricia Mitchell and best friend Cindy Gould. A special thanks to her sister Jeanette for the loving care that was given to her in her last Winter Mass Schedule, Nov. 1, 2014 - April 26, 2015 days. SATURDAY SUNDAY A graveside service will be held at a later date. Condolences and memories may be shared at www.maysfuneralhome.com 4:00 p.m. - St. 8:30 a.m. - Calais, Joseph, Eastport Immaculate Conception 5:30 p.m. St. Ann, 10:30 a.m. - St. James, JAMES R. WALKER Pleasant Point Baileyville Calais – James Robert Walker, 81, passed away with his wife by his side on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at Seaport Village in Ellsworth. James was born in St. Stephen, NB on August 18, 1933, son E-mail: of the late Robert and Pauline (Goode) Walker. He served in the US Air Force during the Korean Tel: 454-0680 [email protected] War with the 812th, and served in the Army National Guard during the Vietnam War. James worked as a contractor and architecture representative and took pride in being involved in the building of local schools in Calais, Alexander, Wesley, and Indian Township. James was a member of the First Congregational Church in Calais where he served as Deacon Emeritus, St. Croix Lodge #46 A.F. & A.M. in Calais, Anah Temple Shrine in Bangor, Calais Lions Club, and Sherman Bros. Post #3 American Legion in Calais. Surviving are his wife, Catherine (Gill) Walker whom he married in November, 1998 in San An- Worship: Sundays at 11AM tonio, TX; four children, Michael Walker of Calais, Karen Walker of Princeton, Nancy Curran and Please join us! husband David of Calais, and Scott Walker and wife Brenda of Bangor; six grandchildren, Melissa Bartlett, Wade Walker, Jamie Hardie, Dale Leonard, David Curran, and Jennifer Sweet; several Wonder what’s going on at 9:45 to 10:45 AM Kid’s Club & great-grandchildren; seven step-children, Carla McLellan and husband Darrin of Calais, Roger People’s UMC? “Like” our Clubhouse: Pre-school - Grade 8 Ivey and wife Pam of Hermon, Glenn Ivey and wife Valerie of New Durham, NH, Joan Robichaud Facebook page! of Glenburn, Donna Smith and husband Wade of Hampden, Shirley Thompson and husband Craig of Sarasota, FL, and Betsy Cope-Rodgers and husband Mike of Kannapolis, NC. A memorial service will be held 2 p.m. Saturday, April 18, 2015 at the First Congregational Church of Calais, 21 Calais Ave., Calais. Donations in James’ memory may be made to the American Heart Assoc, 51 US Route 1, Suite M, Scarborough, ME 04074. Arrangements by Mays Funeral Home, Calais & Eastport. Condolences and memories may be shared at www.maysfuneralhome.com

Discipleship Classes / Sunday School - 9:30AM Morning Worship - 10:45AM Evening Service - 6PM MidWeek Bible Study & Prayer Meeting - 6:00pm (Wednesday) (Nursery Available at AM Service) Office Hours: Thurs/Fri-9am-4pm or by appointment Offering cremation and 21 Church Street, Calais, ME 04619 • Matthew Burden, Pastor 454-2579 or 454-3333 operating the crematory are two entirely different options. When other funeral homes say they offer cremation, they use other facilities... sometimes far away. We, on the other hand, operate a local crematory in Washington County. Operating Washington County Crematorium is just one way we show that closeness counts.

29 Church Street, Calais 454-8016

Morning Prayer: First (and fifth) Sundays of each month $IVSDI4Ur$BMBJT )JHI4Ur&BTUQPSU Sunday Morning at 9 am Holy Eucharist: (207) 454-3141 (207) 853-4240 (Second, third and fourth Sundays) www.maysfuneralhome.com

Handicap Accessible ©ad nity Traditional Funerals & Cremation CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 PAGE 17

Linwood Trott dence. The problem was how to to experience the forgiveness of Taking Credit - There are carry the frog south. They tried sin offered in the Gospel. Jesus people among us who believe several options. One attempt was Christ died (shed His blood) to that all that happens in this life is the ‘frog on the back” method. It save sinners. And He rose to The Calais Advertiser is about them. You know the type. didn’t work. Another attempt was prove His death was adequate to Every tragedy, crisis or catas- the “frog in a sling” under a duck. satisfy justice. The price for sin pleased to offer its readers trophe no matter how far away That didn’t work. The way they (death) has been paid. You do not Walmart's weekly flyer! is about them. Because of this settled on was two ducks holding have to experience that penalty. perspective some wonder if God opposite ends of a sturdy stick It is possible for the sinner to be cares or even exists. This outlook in their bills with the frog hold- freed from sin and go to heaven is so self-centered as to make oth- ing on to the center of the stick by faith in Jesus Christ. You must ers nauseous. Most would agree with his mouth. The ducks took believe in your inmost being that this view of self-importance off and the frog was delighted (mind, emotion and will). And needs to be tempered with a sig- to experience the sensation of we are told to confess this belief nificant level of humility. flight. It happened that the duck’s with our voice, saying, “I believe On the other hand, some want migration coincided with some that Jesus died in my place. He to take credit for all the good that geese flying south. One of the is God. I trust Him with my life, happens in life. This too is a self- geese noticed the duck - frog ar- death, and eternity.” centered point of view. Again, rangement and commented that What keeps the informed per- humility is needed. that was an ingenious solution to son from believing? In a word, The story of the frog and the carrying friends south. Mr. Goose PRIDE. Many dismiss what be- ducks comes to mind. These asked, “Who came up with that lievers believe because it requires animals lived in a pond and got idea?” Mr. Frog responded, “I what they call blind faith. Actu- As an added bonus to receiving the latest local along so well that they didn’t diiiiiiiiid,” as he fell. ally, there is significant evidence news and information, you will also receive your want to spend time apart. As A lack of humility can be quite to believe in Jesus Christ if one is summer advanced they enjoyed costly. Taking credit carries defi- willing to take an honest look. local Walmart's upcoming sales and specials. plenty of bugs, sunshine and nite responsibility. We can either What does God want from warmth. The pond provided a full end up sickening our friends and the believer? We are told in Make sure you pick up your weekly paper! menu. Summer became fall and family with our drama, or fall- Micah’s prophesy that we are to FOR RELEASE APRIL 5, 2015 winter loomed on the horizon. ing flat when pride takes center “do justly, love mercy and walk The food supplies diminished stage. humbly with God. These general and the cold weather was taking The Bible has much to say directives apply to all. Specific THE TV CROSSWORD its toll on all the pond creatures. about pride and its destructive directions come as the believer One day the frog said to his nature. It is said to lead to a fall gets closer to God. by Jacqueline E. Mathews friends the ducks. “I wish I could or destruction. It is at the core of It is good to remember - there go with you when you fly south every sin. is only one Being in the universe this year.” The ducks said they Thank God the sin problem who can claim influence and the would be happy to have the frog was dealt with by Him. Only accompanying result of what join them in their summer resi- God could make a way for us happens around us. God.

By Amy Jeanroy

In the early spring, the weather know that they won’t last until warmth of a late spring in order is fickle. One day is hot and the fall. to grow well. Even though it’s next could have a light dusting Cilantro, Dill, Lemon Balm, still cool outside, a heat mat can of snow. It is too early for tender Borage, and Basil are all herbs ensure a good start on a tray of herbs to survive the temperature that like the coolness of a spring tomato and pepper seeds. By fluctuations, but there are still garden. They can be started right the time they are a good size for plenty of plants that won’t mind now, to be placed in the ground outdoors, it will be well into the a chilly morning or two, and will after our last frost date. spring and the ground will have still grow just fine. The added Crucifers like broccoli and warmed up to accommodate benefit of starting them all from brussels sprouts, cabbage and them. seed, makes this list of herbs lettuce, all enjoy the cool tem- Try planting each of these a frugal as well! peratures of spring. During second time in late summer for Often, plants that can tolerate the hotter months, these often a fall harvest before the snow cool temperatures also don’t do become bitter and bolt. flies again. ACROSS 47 “Grand __ Opry” as well when it’s hot, so start Finally it’s the perfect time 1 “The New Adventures of __ 48 “Car 54, Where __ You?” some of these seeds early, and to is start seeds that need the Christine” 49 “Without a __” 4 “Two and __ Men” 50 “Now You __ Me”; movie for 9 “The __”; Eddie Murphy Jesse Eisenberg primetime animated series 51 Short-lived William Fichtner 12 “__ to Me”; drama for Tim Roth medical drama series 13 Courtyard 52 Web surfer’s stops 14 Stadium cry 53 Suffix for old, cold or bold 15 “Up __ Night” 16 “__ Own”; Ralph Louis Harris DOWN sitcom 1 Name for five Norwegian kings 17 Suffix for text or percent 2 Pale purple 18 “__ Attraction”; Glenn Close film 3 Actress Burke 20 One who’s doomed 4 “__ 13”; movie for Tom Hanks 22 Actor on “Cristela” 5 __ Solo; “Star Wars” role 26 “America’s Next Top __” 6 “__ Z”; Ben Feldman sitcom 27 Sushi bar offering 7 Actress Lucy 28 FBI crime lab evidence 8 Give up voluntarily 29 Role on “The Good Wife” 9 “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood 32 Actress Shelley and her family __” 35 Role on “Blue Bloods” 10 __ White; Urkel’s portrayer 39 Pigs and hogs 11 Actress Eden of “The Middle” 40 “77 Sunset __” 19 Upper limb 42 Actor Somerhalder 21 “__ Life to Live” 43 __ Michelle Gellar 23 __ enough; ironically Solution to Last Week’s Puzzle 24 Mexican mister 25 “Snakes on a __”; Samuel L. Jackson thriller 29 “Crossing Over with John __” 30 Singer Frankie and others 31 Hotel 33 Long deep cuts 34 Bilko or Pepper: abbr. 36 Homes in the branches 37 “I Never Promised You __ Garden” 38 Frasier’s brother 39 “Anna and the King of __” 41 Actress Amanda 44 Onassis, to friends 45 “__ Race”; film for Whoopi 46 “__ Ventura: Pet Detective”; Jim ©2015 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved. Carrey movie PAGE 18 CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015


STERNER’S MINI EXCAVATING & Landscaping ALL CONSTRUCTION AND HOME IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Small Engine Sales & Service & Parts • Certified Mechanic ~Relaxation to Deep Tissue~ Including concrete work, trenches, sand, gravel, debris removal, decks, ATVs / SNOWMOBILES / SNOW BLOWERS! rock walls, sidewalks, lawns, snow removal and more. 263 NORTH ST. CALAIS POWERED by NOW DOING WOOD/BRUSH CHIPPING SERVICE (Next to Buy & Sell Currency Exchange) Denny Sterner 188 North St., Calais, ME • 454-2551 Robbinston, ME 04671 • Cell: 207-214-8480 • Evenings: 207-454-2970 Call Gal Frey 214-4939 for rates and scheduling appointments

Specializing PLUMBING • HEATING • ELECTRICAL INSURANCE in Foiling, Perms, Color & Cuts Janice & Jeannine Marshall 89 Boardman Street, Calais Open Sun-Thurs / 207-454-CUTS (2887)


Phone 207-726-4700 • Fax 207-726-9600 BUNNY’S DOWNEAST Toll Free 1-877-744-7977 • [email protected] SEPTIC SERVICES, INC. 401 Shattuck Road Calais 207-454-2667 cell 207-214-4564 Septic Tank Pumping and Repairs Portable Rest room Rentals We offer Daikin Heat Pumps with 12 year parts AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS • LIFE • ANNUITIES and labor warranty (Efficiency Maine Qualified Partner) Competitive Rates • New Drivers Welcome • SR-22 Registry 337 North St. Calais • 454-8619 Authorized Dealer BorderElectricInc.com 472 North St., Calais • 207-454-7084 Kendall’s Fine Jewelers A&E Plumbing II Goulds SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Pump 293 Main Street, Calais Dealer 454-8814 Monday to Saturday 8:30AM - 5:00PM

LODGING Butch Alexander 40 Lafayette Street, Calais, ME 626 Main Street RECYCLING 207-214-7133 Calais, ME 04619 Would you like to see your www.theinternationalmotel.com business here? 207-454-7515/7516 Fax 207-454-3396 Call Jayna at 454-3561. 1-800-336-7515

RICK’S CAN & BOTTLE, INC. Hours: Mon. - Sat. 8AM-3:45PM - Closed Sunday Maine Weekly Gas Price Update and Outlook April 13- Average retail gasoline prices in Maine have risen 1.7 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $2.40/g yesterday, according to GasBuddy's daily survey of 1,228 gas outlets in Maine. This compares with COMPUTER REPAIR the national average that has increased 0.5 cents per gallon in the last week to $2.39/g, according to gasoline price website GasBuddy.com. Including the change in gas prices in Maine during the past week, prices yesterday were 123.7 cents per gallon lower than the same day one year ago and are 6.9 cents per gallon lower than a month ago. The national average has decreased 4.9 cents per gallon during the last month and stands 124.6 cents per gallon lower than this day one year ago. "Amidst all the talk about gasoline prices, I think there's a few major points no one is remembering," said Patrick DeHaan. GasBuddy senior petroleum analyst. "And that is the climate that is gasoline prices- how (207) 214-8608 today's air is crisp, blue and unlike the past five years when clouds made it impossible to feel optimistic about 8 Franklin St., Calais, ME 04619 hitting the road for summer." [email protected] GasBuddy last week forecast that summertime gasoline prices would be at their lowest since 2005. Though it may be a close call, DeHaan says it's not always about the numbers alone. "Sure, gasoline prices in 2009 may be close to what they are now, but who was talking about hitting the road when your job was on the line? Who cared about how low gas prices were when you weren't sure if you could even pay all of your bills? This is the first time since the 2005 that we've seen such low gasoline prices combined with a strong economy, making it a great time to think about hitting the road this summer," DeHaan said. According to GasBuddy, almost a third of gas stations are priced under $2.25/gal today while 80% are under $2.50/gal and 94% under $3/gal. The pump landscape a year ago was far far different: 0% of stations under $2.25/gal, 0% under $2.50/gal, and 0% under $3/gal. In fact, one year ago 99.1% of stations were selling over $3.25/gal. "We've come a long way, and we won't be looking back at that for quite some time," DeHaan declared. CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 PAGE 19


By Dorothy Johnson temperature will be cold enough so I can drive out over the frozen ruts the following morning. Then if It is one of the native customs in this area to go “mud- I get out, I have to figure when I can get home and ding” with ATVs and trucks. Many guys, and some girls, get through the mud to my parking spot. I try to get just love to get out in the woods and fields in the early spring home before the mud is completely thawed. I do 207.214.1534 and make tracks (ruts) in the woods and fields. If they get not always make it. their vehicles covered with a coat of mud, which later dries When I drive into my driveway, the ride to the Local References • Guaranteed Work • Free Quotes to look like a new, though dull, paint job they are really first corner is uneventful. At the first turn, I come Sales • Service • Installation • Residential and Commercial happy. They all are proud of their vehicles and they keep to the first mud puddle. I try to keep the tires out of them tuned up. They get the most power they can out of the puddle, but it is impossible to have both the left their tweaked engines and make driving through every mud tires and the right tires miss the puddle. Then the hole a competition. This has become a weekend pastime, car develops a mind of its own. Regardless of what which many of our local outdoorsmen and women enjoy. I do to the steering wheel, the car heads the way the They love time spent with their vehicles, their buddies and mud dictates. I just go along for the ride. We both the mud. get through the first puddle without cleaning out I, on the other hand, do not want to drive in the mud holes. Grandpa’s old apple tree. I do not want to make ruts in my fields and woodlands. I The next obstacle is an entire pond of muck, which Call: Dale 1-207-259-7798 do not want my car covered with mud, dried or otherwise. stretches across the driveway. The KIA and I slide Ryan 1-207-263-5464 Readers will understand my frustration, then, when I say through swerving first right and then left. I have to that every time I leave the house these days, I go “mudding,” keep my foot on the gas because hesitating at this and I absolutely hate it. I lived through the winter with the point would bring us to a complete stop in the mud snow stacked six feet high on my deck and I could not get pond. A successful passage through the mud pond out the door. I made it through with snowdrifts blocking the brings us to the spot of the turnaround. This requires driveway. I even survived having the frontend loader come driving onto firm ground and backing through the SNOWPLOWING! twice to help move the snow so the propane truck could fill last mud hole to get to my parking spot. I drive onto my fuel tanks. But I absolutely cannot deal with taking on the firm ground and in backing out, I get caught on a the mud that now blocks my passageway to the mailbox snow pile. After maneuvering out of this spot, I put and the Ridge Road. the KIA in reverse and floor the accelerator. The KIA I knew the winter would be a challenge with the snow flies into the last mud meadow. Again, the car takes and the plowing and everything that goes with winter in on a mind of its own. It slides to the left toward the Washington County, but this is ridiculous. I listen to the deck; then it slides right toward the scraggly trees “terrorists” giving the weather report and decide if the and the old barn cellar. Both the deck and the trees are protected by high snow banks so finally the car Minestrone Soup slithers between the banks and slides into the parking Ingredients: space. Now the trick is to let up on the gas so the car One fourth package ( 4 ounces) small shells and I will not back onto the leech field. One small onion, finely chopped These adventures are what I have enjoyed so far One clove garlic, finely chopped this April. I fear that at some point the KIA and I will Two tablespoons olive oil stop in the middle of the mud puddle, mud pond or Five cups water the mud meadow and be stuck there until we are res- One (14 and one-half ounce) can whole tomatoes, cued. That might be a long time. With that in mind, undrained I did not dare to drive into the turnaround yesterday DANNY WALLACE One cup chopped cabbage and drove into my parking place. Now I have no idea Three-fourths cup chopped celery how I am going to get backed out of there. ~General Contractor~ One tablespoon beef-flavor bouillon This situation is ongoing and today is our first day One (15 and one-half ounce) can kidney beans, Mini Excavation • Landscaping of real rain. The mud deepens. My doctor wants to Septic systems • Drainage Systems drained know why my blood pressure is up. I cannot imagine One-fourth teaspoon pepper Catch Basins • Rock and Stump Removal, the answer to that. Storm Cleanup, snowplowing & More. One-fourth cup grated Parmesan cheese This week’s recipe is for Minestrone Soup. This Method: soup, for me, is sort of like chili; everyone has his/ 207-214-6094 Cook pasta according to package directions. her own recipe and the soup lends itself to welcom- In large saucepan, cook onion and ing many ingredients. garlic in oil until tender. Metal Roofing Is the Answer Add water, tomatoes, cabbage, celery and boullion. Bring to a boil; simmer The Answer to: Leaks, Shoveling Snow, Chopping Ice, 20 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Add Heat Tapes, Wind Damage cooked shells, beans and pepper. Simmer 5 minutes. Stir in Parmesan cheese. Great Cost Saving This recipe makes 6-8 servings. Applied over existing roofing • Less Labor, No Disposal Fee Call Chip Howell • 454-3025 Register for Teachers’ Tours Level: 1 2 3 4 of Maine’s Forests and Mills Guided tours of wind leaders, Adult Educators and Commercial / Residential farms, paper and wood pel- Conservation Commission Owner let manufacturing facilities members are among those Richard Williams will highlight this summer’s who will find a wealth of office: (207) 214-1123 mobile: (207) 891-7720 Forests of Maine Teach- information about Maine’s Serving All Of ers’ Tours. There are still forest resource on the tours Washington County. home/fax: (207) 934-2868 openings for formal and and ways to share it with bestpavingcontractormaine.com [email protected] informal educators to attend their students. the July 14-17 Teachers’ A Project Learning Tree B B L Tour in Rangeley and the Workshop is offered on the R O July 28-31 Tour at Leen’s first day and educators can I C C K Lodge on West Grand Lake tour renewable energy and K • C in Washington County. The wood products facilities, in- • O $105 registration fee will go cluding a wind farm, a wood S N T C up by $10 for all registra- pellet mill and a biomass O R SOLUTION TO WEDNESDAY’S PUZZLE 1/20/11 tions received after April 26. facility. They will visit ac- N Free Estimates • Quality Craftsmanship • Satisfaction Guaranteed! E (207) 454-0631 / (207) 214-3986 T CEU’s and College Credits tive harvests using modern Complete the grid E E are available. equipment and discuss the so each row, Offered by the Maine information and planning column and TREE Foundation for the required to practice sustain- 3-by-3 box NEED PAINTING? eighteenth year, the ac- able forestry with landown- (in bold borders) claimed four-day Tours will ers, foresters, loggers, mill contains every digit, 1 to 9. focus on the harvest and owners and scientists. For strategies on production of wood and Go to www.mainetreefoun- how to solve fiber, including renewable dation.org or contact Cathy Sudoku, visit PAINTING SERVICES - Interior Or Exterior energy and traditional forest Jo Herlihy at (207)621-9872- www.sudoku.org.uk products. Teachers in grades ,or [email protected] for registra- © 2011 The Mepham Group. Distributed by CALL MIKE, 207-904-8282 K-12, Girl and Boy Scout tion material. Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved. FULLY INSURED PAGE 20 CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 Alexander/Crawford History By John Dudley & burned before she had to give were Harold Dwelley, Carle- Cassie Oakes up. Her husband Lyman was ton Davis, Everett Dwelley, in New Hampshire and her Raymond Flood, William It was hot and dry on May son Calvin was in the Army Holst, Bernard Flood, Elbridge 25, 1966. Kids at the school- and Donna was gone. Like McArthur, Lawrence Frost, Meddybemps house at the corner of the so many homes in those days, Merle Knowles Jr., Russell Arm and Cooper roads prob- there was no phone. Someone Strout, Paul Dwelley, Gerald Linda Baniszeski ably were wishing they were stopped at the school to call Cooper, Roger Holst, Car- out-of-doors. Among those in the alarm. A teacher told leton Cooper, Herman Wal- Happy Birthday wishes to Dana Reynolds - April 14; Lauren children were siblings, Mark, Frankie and his siblings that lace, Max Berry, Roger Craft, Cook (Meddybemps’ own beauty pageant star) celebrates hers Linda, Sherry and Rhonda Ma- their house was on fire. Carleton Davis Jr., Joel Craft, on the 16th; Myrtle (Palmeter) Ackley - 18th; and Pete Frost goon. Bonnie Lord was there By the time firemen from Clinton Flood, Russell Flood, - 20th. Hoping each of you have a great day and many more with her sister Barbara and our local volunteer depart- Justin Day, Ralph Flood, Wal- things to celebrate in the years ahead. brother Terry. Barbara, Frank ment arrived, the house was ter Morrisey, Lloyd Dwelley, We delivered 6 cases of Raye’s Mustards to friends, Pam and and Mary Williams were there fully involved and the fire had Roy Carlow and Terry Holst. John Lowry, who own a gift shop on Top Sail Island in North from just up the road. And raced across the field and into The total payroll for the fire Carolina. They discovered this very special mustard a few years from the Davis family we had the woods, heading north for was $1075.91. The state reim- ago when they visited with us on Meddybemps Lake and toured Norman, Joanne and David and Route Nine. A forest fire alert bursed the town $532.96. the Mustard Mill in Eastport. When Pam opened her shop in their stepbrother Paul. One of was sent out and crews came What happened to the Wil- North Carolina, she decided it was a perfect item for the gour- these families was about to ex- from all around. According liams family? They spent met foods section of her store. Since then, it has been a consis- perience a tragedy. (Where did to the 1966-67 Annual Report that summer at Gordon Lord’s tently good seller, taking a little taste of Maine to the south. It John Dudley get these names)? of Alexander fifty-three men camp on Pleasant Lake. In always amazes me how a visit to Meddybemps makes people ^www.mainething.com/Alex- were paid to fight the forest the fall of ’66 they moved to want to take our part of Maine far and wide with them across ander^. Go to Alexander His- fire. (The State helped pay Middle Ridge in Cooper. In the USA. tory, to Community Life, then for fighting forest fires, but the 1977 the family moved back Barry, Scuffy and I have just returned from visits with family Education-Alexander School volunteer firemen did not get to Alexander, to the Fred Niles in Pennsylvania and South Carolina. We spent Easter Sunday 1965-1966) paid to fight house fires). The Place on the Arm Road where with summer residents Patti and Rich Lentz and her daughters Meanwhile, up the road, the men fought the forest fire with Rose had grown up. A forest and families. Afterwards, Scuffy and I traveled to South Carolina sun shining through a piece of Indian pump cans in Hender- fire also burned in Baring on for a few days at Lake Marion with my younger sister, Michele glass ignited the old dry grass. son Swamp and Shay Meadow May 25, 1966. Family memo- and her husband, Mike. (Barry stayed back in Pennsylvania to The nearby buildings caught and along Meadow Brook. ries helped with this story, as help our nephew-in-law, Rod, at his manufacturing plant. Busi- afire and Rose Williams saw The fire was stopped and the did a front-page article with ness is booming and he can always use another hand. Michele, the flames and tried to start the town was saved. picture in The Calais Adver- Mike and their two dogs are looking forward to visiting Med- tractor in the garage. She was Some local men on that list tiser. dybemps in August when the temperatures are quite unbear- able in the South. Michele and her daughter Andrea (and my precious niece) will also visit us in July for a Mother-Daughter road trip. Scuffy especially enjoys seeing her k-9 cousins -- Ha- Cooper vanese, Daisy, and Bichon, Belle. They are quite the friends. They wag their entire bodies and appear to be smiling from ear Arline Flood area residents with a safe and was a resident in Meddybe- to ear when they greet each other everytime they are able to be 454-3347 pleasant place for getting to- mps and attended the Meddy- together again. gether with friends and neigh- bemps Christian Church. Bet- Let me hear about your Spring and Easter gatherings with Several residents met on bors. The group plans to meet ty was a friendly and familiar family and friends ... please send your news to LBaniszeski@ April 11 at 10:00 am at the Saturday, April 25 at 10:00 face for many years. She will myfairpoint.net or phone 454-3719. Cooper Community Center for am at the Cooper Community be missed. the purpose of starting a new Center. All those interested in Thirty inhabitants of Coo- Friends group. The goal of the providing thoughts and idea per qualified to vote and as- Cooper Community Center to benefit our community are sembled at the Cathance APARTMENT AVAILABLE SOON Friends is to continue the good welcome to attend. Grange Hall to vote on 44 ar- work of improving the build- Much sympathy to the fam- ticles on March 25, 2015. The ing in order to provide local ily of Betty Merrithew. She moderator chosen was Stu- PEABODY ESTATES art Shotwell. The town clerk 67 Main Street, Princeton, ME 04668 was Sandy Lyon. After bills and reports on which Karen Holmes spoke as a school One bedroom apartment for the elderly or board member, the rest of the disabled available soon! officers were voted on. The three selectmen are John Vi- *MOVE IN TODAY FOR $0 DOWN* PEMBROKE selli, Dan Ackley, and Brenda Gove. Second and third asses- $0 DUE AT LEASE SIGNING Country View Apartments sors are Norm Howe and Scott SIGN A ONE YEAR LEASE AND WE WILL WAIVE Jamieson. Amanda Donaghy YOUR SECURITY DEPOSIT! 1 BR apartment available was chosen as town treasurer. immediately Mary Dunn was elected to the Rent is just 30% of your adjusted gross income. Amenities school board. Laurie Pike was Heat and hot water included! elected as collector of taxes. include stove, refrigerator and wall to wall carpeting. All town officers are sworn Maintenance repairs, snow removal, trash removal and Qualified applicants must be 62 years of age or older or in at the end of the open town lawn care provided by our highly qualified staff. handicap/disabled regardless of age. meeting. $10,400 was voted for mu- Call today for more information and Income limits apply nicipal solid waster. Article 13 and 14 passed as written an application! 1-800-567-1456 On-site coin-op laundry. after an amendment article

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this We are an equal opportunity organization. 15A was passed. Article 16 institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national was passed as written. After origin, sex, disability, religion, familial status or sexual orientation. For more information please call much discussion, Article 17 was passed with one opposed. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights, (207) 561-4700, TTY: 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) The volunteer fire depart- 795-3272 (voice), or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). 955-3523 (Maine Relay Service) ment asked for $8,000 for (continued on page 21) Adult Family Care Homes of Maine - Assisted Living NEED A BREAK? Homes and staff are state licensed. Calais ▪ Home Cooked Meals RN Consultant on staff. Space available for ▪ Laundry Services We accept MaineCare, private pay Alternative Care Respite Care for your loved ▪ Private Rooms Available one. From 1 day to 30 days, clients and insurance. 152 South St., Calais, ME ▪ Aid with Personal Care Come visit our homes. 207-454-8961 we accommodate the ▪ Aid with Dispensing Medications elderly as well as mental ▪ Transportation to Doctors’ Call 1-207-952-0241, 1-207-270-1415, Residential Care • Day Care health and physical Appointments and Activities or 1-207-952-2061 or visit us on our Respite Care disabilities. website at www.afch.net CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 PAGE 21

prevented the first from being serves to raise money for the has raised money for this trip all published. I would also like to Irene Chadbourne Ecumenical year and it is poised to be great inform the regular readers of Food Pantry as well to raise fun as always. this column that Jack will be awareness for hunger in our I would also like to men- writing this column following area. I will write about how the tion CHS student Perry Amos my graduation in June. Once event goes/went (depending on who is spending a week in the again, thanks Jack, and con- when you are reading this) in Dominican Republic this week gratulations. next week column. with a mission group working Calais High School If you are reading this column Next week on Wednesday, to construct a school for local on Wednesday, then tonight is the CHS Band and Jazz Combo students. Perry is a part of a Dominic Gayton among other news. Let’s take a the third annual Hunger Games will be headed to Boston for the long legacy of Calais High look at the news. at Calais High School. This annual Boston Fine Arts Trip. School students doing good Welcome back to the Busy First, I would like to thank event is sponsored annually The group will be seeing Dirty for their communities and Halls of CHS. This week, a new Jack Lander for filling in for by the CHS Student Council, Dancing—The Classic Story the wider world. Great work, Calais High School tradition me last week. I have been un- CMS Student Council, and the on Stage at the Citi Emerson Perry! becomes one year more mature, able to write this column for National Honor Society. This Colonial Theatre, touring Har- That is all for this week. Until and the CHS Concert and Jazz two weeks, and Jack submit- eye-opening simulation of the vard University, visiting the next week, thanks for reading. Band will be getting ready to ted columns for both weeks. disparity between how the dif- Museum of Science, among take their annual trip to Boston, A computer error, however, ferent classes in our area eat other fun activities. The group Indian Township Donna Meader-York due to the year ending tasks come back to school. We will Thursday afternoon, April come to come and watch. that must be accomplished be- have one week of Professional 16, ITS will hold its annual That’s all the news for this Well, the count down be- fore school is over. Development, and one week of Jump Rope for Heart event. week. Until next week, take gins! I am told that as of this Just a reminder: April break planning new activities for our Students have collected dona- care of yourselves and never week, there are 9 weeks left of begins Monday April 20, and final session of the school year. tions as sponsors, and will try stop learning. school until summer vacation! we will return to school on Notices will be sent home, and to jump rope for the entire time Normally, once we return from Monday April 27. The After information will be posted on of the event. It will be held in April break, the remaining School Program will not be our After School Program Fa- the gym from 1:00 to 2:30 PM. weeks fly by extremely fast open for two weeks when we cebook page. Community members are wel-

Jesse Clark Inducted into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi The Honor Society of Phi of Maine. having at least 72 semester versity of Maine and head- campuses in North America Kappa Phi is pleased to an- Clark is among approxi- hours, are eligible for member- quartered in Baton Rouge, La., and the Philippines. Its mission nounce that Jesse Clark of mately 32,000 students, faculty, ship. Graduate students in the Phi Kappa Phi is the nation's is "To recognize and promote Calais, Maine, was recently professional staff and alumni to top 10 percent of the number of oldest and most selective all- academic excellence in all initiated into Phi Kappa Phi, the be initiated into Phi Kappa Phi candidates for graduate degrees discipline honor society. The fields of higher education and nation's oldest and most selec- each year. Membership is by may also qualify, as do faculty, Society has chapters on more to engage the community of tive collegiate honor society for invitation and requires nomina- professional staff, and alumni than 300 college and university scholars in service to others." all academic disciplines. Clark tion and approval by a chapter. who have achieved scholarly is pursuing a degree in Politi- Only the top 10 percent of se- distinction. cal Science at The University niors and 7.5 percent of juniors, Founded in 1897 at the Uni- Woodland Manor Cooper Diabetes Program Planned Baileyville (continued from page 20) for Indian Township maintenance, fire fighter train- AVAILABLE NOW ing, equipment improvements In 2014, fifty-five people participated in Dining with Diabe- and maintenance. Article 18- tes Down East, a free four-week series that was presented by 1 BR Handicapped Designed 24 covered insurance: town University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Calais, Machias, and 1 BR Standard Apartments recreation area, town welfare, Eastport and Lubec. UMaine Extension will offer the next series membership in the Washing- at Indian Township Elder Meal Site, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ton County Council of Gov- on Wednesdays, April 29, May 6, May 13 and May 20. *1 FREE MONTH RENT AND $100 GIFT CARD AT MOVE IN! ernment Property or tax levy The community-based program complements medical care by Rent is 30% of monthly income • Utilities included limit, plowing the town office, teaching people with type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, their family paying the loan on the town members and caregivers what they can do to help control blood View property and print application at office. The rest of the articles sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. During each of the ses- www.mainedevelopment.com covered the payment of town sions, UMaine Extension registered dietitian and nutritionist Alan officers. Majka gives presentations, leads discussions and demonstrates or contact: Maine Development Associates There was a regular select- preparation of nutritious recipes that participants sample. All of 1-800-639-1747 • TTY - 711 board meeting on Thursday, those who have participated indicated the information was easy Equal Housing Opportunity April 9th. Third party requests to understand and the food tasted very good. were decided on. Alice Sulli- Support for this program includes donations of food and sup- van turned in funds from the plies from Hannaford Supermarkets.​​ Friends group and canceled If you would like more information, or to request a disability the insurance to use the hall. accommodation, please call 207.255.3345 or 800.287.1542 (toll Quoddy Farms After this a new group asked free in Maine). to receive the funds for their Eastport new group. It was reserved Family Housing for another meeting to decide on this although the money *APARTMENTS AVAILABLE* was earmarked for improve- 2 BEDROOM UNIT and ments for the hall. Congratulations to Ashley Home the way you want it; healthcare when you need it. 2 BEDROOM Handicap Accessible Unit Polk and Matthew Sherwood (Also taking Applications for the Waiting List on the birth of Brooklyn Jil- Assisted Living in the St. Croix Valley for 1 BR and 3 BR Units) lion Noelle on April 12th at Personalized Assisted Living Services to 30 residents in a 30% of monthly income; Heat and Hot Water Included Calais Regional Hospital. warm, home-like setting. Conveniently located near the We were a little worried View property and print application at www.mainedevelopment.com Calais Regional Hospital in Calais, Maine. about road travel to Togus, Maine Development Associates Augusta, on Friday, April 10th 1-800-639-1747 • TTY - Dial 711 but even with an early start it NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Preference given to very low income was fine. Ralph was driven When you need assistance with your daily routine, but want 1 person-$19,250 / 2 person-$22,000 / 3 person-$24,750 up by his son Philip and had a security of an assisted living facility, look no further. 4 people-$27,450 / 5 people-$29,650 / 6 people-$31,850 good report. After lunch they If you wish to file a complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint headed home as they left at Form (PDF), found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, or at any USDA For information call Lila Taylor, LPN., Residential Director office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the 5:30 am. information requested in the form. Send your completed form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department at (207) 454-3663, 40 Palmer Street, Calais, Maine of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 14000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington D.C. Owned and Operated by First Atlantic Corporation 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at [email protected] PAGE 22 CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015

Movie Set, Honey I Shrunk substitute for peanut butter is George Hill, Rhoda Leavitt, the Kids and Indiana Jones. At being offered for lunch at AES. Dennis Perkins, Mathew Sul- Dino Land, they had a photo It is Peanut Free. livan, Mary Wallace, Michelle with Pluto and Goofy. Eric There will be a Hat Day on Gallant, Carl Perkins and Earl and Jameyson went on a lot of Friday, April 17th. It costs Hill and all the care givers that rides, which included Tower of $.50 to wear your hat and all sometimes get over looked for Terror, Rocking Roller Coaster, proceeds go to the Alexander-4 all the work and time that they Alexander/Crawford Space Mountain, among oth- -a Cure, Relay for Life Team. put in. ers. Tracey went on some and It’s that time of year again I am again collecting birth- Cassie Oakes and her youngest daughter Linda only went on a few, such when AES hosts their Alexan- days and anniversaries to pub- Tracey, son-in-law Eric and as Soarin’, Flying Elephants. der-4-a-Cure Yard Sale. The lish in this column, if you have Deanne (Dedi) Greenlaw re- 10-year old Grandson Jamey- They enjoyed a Safari ride at Yard Sale will take place on Birthday or an Anniversary cently resigned from her posi- son, all from Eddington re- Animal Kingdom. They also Saturday, April 18th, from wishes you would like me to tions of Town Clerk, Tax Col- cently returned from a seven attended a Wantilan Hawaiian 9:00-2:00. They will be serving share please let me know my lector, Treasurer and Registrar day trip to Orlando Florida. Luau show at Universal and lunch. AES will be accepting contact information is at the of Voters for the Town of Alex- They stayed at Westgate Lakes Loews Royal Pacific Resort in donations at the Alexander El- end of the column. ander after over 20 years of ser- and Spa Resort. While there, Orlando. They took the time to ementary School, between the Birthday wishes this up- vice. This will all take affect as they visited 5 Disney Parks, attend a Medieval Dinner and hours of 8:00-2:30. Or you can coming week goes out to Joe of April 24th. Starting on April Epcot, Magic Kingdom, Ani- Tournament Show in Kissim- call BJ Wallace at 454-7258, Fossett, Eric Brasier, Eleanor 20th if you want to register a mal Kingdom, Hollywood Stu- mee. It was a very busy week or Brenda McDonough at 214- Fecteau, Marty Colson, Phil vehicle you will have to do the dios and Disney ESPN Wide filled with lots of fun and many 8879. No large amounts of McArthur, Carol Pollock, Di- excise tax at the town office but World of Sports and also they treasured memories that they clothes will be accepted, due to ana Howell, Diane McAlpine, finish the process in Calais at went to Kennedy Space Center can hold on for a lifetime. It space. They are also accepting Kit Pollock, Marian Rice and the DMV. Dedi will be greatly where there was the launch of was unanimous a great time donations of cans and bottles at Chabre Poole. missed by many, but be assured the Delta Satellite. It wasn’t a was had by all. the school on April 18th. Anniversary wishes this up- that the Alexander Selectmen very clear day, so it was hard to Anthony McClure, the son Alexander-4-a Cure, Relay coming week go out to Eric and are on top of the situation and see it until it was up in the air of Dawn and David McClure, for Life Team is selling cup- Tracey Wallace Brasier. I wish the town will continue to run quite far away. Only two hours of Alexander came home for a cakes and feet for $1.00 and you both many more years of smoothly until the position can later, it was sunny with a clear short visit on March 24th and purple ribbons for $5.00 each. wedded bliss! be filled. blue sky, if only the launch left on April 9th. Anthony They hope to cover some wall Lucky loser this week at Breakneck Mountain ATV could have waited a little bit. travelled to San Diego where space at AES. Randy’s Variety was Dawn Club meetings are beginning At Disney ESPN Wide World he will continue his school- Looking for something fun McClure. and will be held on the last of Sports, the family watched ing in Electronic Navigation. to do before April Vacation I went to the Beckett Center Wednesday of the month, so 6 innings of Red Sox and the Anthony will stay in San Di- starts? There is going to be a Monday and Tuesday, Tuesday April 29th at 7pm will be the Atlanta Braves spring training ego until July. Next he will be FREE Family Movie Night tak- I was feeling a little bit off and first one for this year. The Club game. Unfortunately, the game heading to Bahrain for a year. ing place on Friday, April 17th on Wednesday came down with hopes to have the trails open for got rained out. At Epcot, they While Anthony was home, he at the People’s United Method- another nasty cold and stayed riding on May 15th, of course were quite impressed with the got to partake in some ice fish- ist Church in Baileyville. The home the rest of the week. I that’s only if they’re defrosted fireworks show at dusk. At ing with his Dad. Dawn reports movie playing that night is have had my fair share of sick- by then! Everyone is welcome the Magic Kingdom, they en- they had a great visit while he called Big Hero 6. Doors open ness this winter and I am hop- to attend the meetings. Come joyed the Daytona Parade and was here. Dawn made sure at 6 and the movie begins at ing for a much healthier spring! on out and see what it is all at night, the Electrical Parade. to have all Anthony’s favorite 6:30. Popcorn and a beverage So my week was pretty dull and about and how you can join the Linda said, “These were both foods and dishes on hand and will be provided. So come on boring. How was yours? Let fun. excellent”. At Hollywood Stu- everyone is looking forward to out, bring your kids, neighbors, me know what is happening in Linda Wallace, of Crawford dios, they saw the Star Wars his next visit home. or anyone you want and have you life, something or someone It is now time for the AES an enjoyable time! you want to celebrate a fun trip Friday Announcements for As a final reminder, there will or event. Thanks to those who April 10th. be a wrestling show at Narra- helped me out by sharing this Eastport Pets As a reminder the Parent guagus High School in Har- week. Carrying a FULL SELECTION OF PET SUPPLIES Teacher Conferences are on rington, Maine for the family If you have news for the col- Thursday, April 16th. Please of a young lady named Kim- umn you can get them to me DOGS • CATS • BIRDS • SMALL ANIMALS call the school if you to make my Beal, who recently passed by email [email protected], SELF-WASH TUB OPEN YEAR ROUND • NAIL TRIMMING arrangements to meet with away before she could have a contact me on my facebook Stop in to check out our LOW PRICES on TOP brand food! your child’s teacher. heart transplant. Doors will page, by phone at 454-2344, or On Friday, April 17th, there open at 6:30 and the show will dropping off a note at Randy’s NUTRO • NATURAL BALANCE • ROYAL CANIN will be an Early Release day. begin at 7:00. Come out for a Variety. You can also leave MERRICK • TASTE OF THE WILD • BLUE There will be no 4-year old night of fun entertainment, all news for me at AES. Of course Program and no After School for a worthy cause! you always have the option of 89 Water St., Eastport, 207-853-0099 Program. Students will be dis- Good thoughts are being sent snail mail, 1328 Airline Road, [email protected] Check us out on Facebook! missed at 11:15 after lunch. out to Elden Libby, Leo and Alexander, Maine 04694. Until Wow butter, which is a soy Madeline Perkins, Lynn and next time, stay safe. Winter Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10AM-5PM Adventure Travels and Tips Have you ever thought of the sights that are surrounded ture Recreation and Tourism visiting Peru? Here is your by incredible landscapes and Program. The program will chance to do so vicariously. mountain scenery. be in the assembly room in Join Marianne Moore and Rob This presentation is part Riverview Hall at WCCC on 90 GERMAIN STREET, CALAIS, MAINE 04619 Brown as they share their re- of the Adventure Travels Monday, April 27 at 5:30 p.m. cent exploration of the classic and Tips series sponsored by It is free and open to folks of Inca Trail of Peru through the Washington County Com- all ages. Boat • Home • Auto • SR. 22 • Motorcycle • ATV • RV’s Machu Picchu Sanctuary. See munity's College's Adven- Snowmobiles • Worker’s Compensation Contractor’s Insurance Alert! Support Religious Freedom! Phone Quotes • Best Rates • Flexible Payment Plans Freedom First! GREAT package rates for combined home & auto policies! Senator David C. Burns (R) is sponsoring An Act to Protect Religious Freedom, LR 1267 We need your help in enacting this important bill, and securing bill co-sponsors. As an independent insurance agent, we have many companies to choose from. This allows us to provide you with the Action! best insurance coverage at the lowest price. We need you to telephone the Maine House and Senate switchboard, and respectfully Representing Several Insurance Companies including Dairyland, ask them to leave a message for your Rep. Be sure to state your full name and your town of residence when The Hartford, Concord Group, Union Mutual, Peerless Insurance, calling. Please place your calls during normal business hours (weekdays between 8AM-4PM).

Progressive, Foremost, Ohio Mutual, Providence Mutual Ask them to leave a message for your Rep and Senator, asking your Rep/Senator to: *Support LR 1267, An Act to Protect Religious Freedom DAWN ANN and HAROLD R. CLARK - Agents *Co-sponsor this bill From our family to yours since 1988, the Clark family has been providing Maine House switchboard: 287-1400 / switchboard: 287-1540 Washington County residents with personalized solutions for all their insurance needs. Call now to support Religious Freedom in Maine Call today for your FREE quote. Please join our Facebook Page - Christian Civic League of Maine https://www.facebook.com/CCLMaine 207-454-8800 www.cclmaine.org CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 PAGE 23

Calais Sharon Frost The American Legion will Second Baptist Church Con- will be Calais area job fair fer Ramsey, Dan Snyder, Kris 454-3339 meet on April 20th,Monday at cert is on Saturday, April 18th at WCCC gymnasium from Pearson, Megan Clark, Carol St. Anne’s Parish Hall. at 6:30 with James and Starla 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Eagen and Hope Howard. April 24th has been named Sorry to hear Vi Carter isn’t Dean. Tuesday is Movie Nights If you would like to give a Earth Day. It is a day to re- feeling up to par. A lovely lady, I met our new surgeon, Dr. on the big screen at the Calais helping hand to sack groceries member that the air, water always with a smile. Miss her Joseph Dougherty, on Thurs- Free Library at 5:30 pm. or help load and unload sup- and earth around us are our out and about. She can be vis- day at the CRMS Special Ser- Birthday wishes: Jordyn plies come by the food pantry responsibility. ited here at Washington Place. vices office where an open Phelps, Dana Reynolds, Lau- on Main Street and do a good On Easter Sunday little Pat- Thoughts and prayers for house was held to welcome ren Cook, Myertle Ackley, deed. Call David Sivret 214- rick Vose Szark, grandson of Sandra Sherrard on her long and meet him. Finger foods Marie Johnson, Sandra Ram- 4883 if you so desire. Richard and Angela Ramsey, surgery procedure in Boston. and a tasty punch was served. sey, Wayne Sammer, Dr. Ver- The Community Thrift was baptized at St. Anne’s. She is now back home. On Thursday, April 16th, there gara, John Nixon, Phyllis Store next to Crumbs is hop- A lovely reception was held Leidy, Suzette Scott, Tracey ing to open this month. What after the service. An Easter Baring Cemetery Ramsey, Marty Colson, Jenni- a blessing! egg hunt for the children took 69 Center Street, Baring, ME 04694 place. A May Day care box is be- Dear Family and Friends of Baring Cemetery: Pre-K EARLY KINDERGARTEN ing put together for Kather- Here I am again asking for money to help support more projects at the cemetery this summer (2015). And, I would also like to say “thank you” for Woodland Elementary School ine Sivret who is in the Peace your previous help when special updates were being made. Corps in Thailand. If you This summer, in addition to the regular mowing and cleaning, I would like to FOR ALL PARENTS OF CHILDREN WHO WILL BE would like to put a card or start at the very back of the land, next to the old fence, and come up through small item, please drop off at to straighten headstones and fill in some of those deep holes that make it so 4 YRS. OLD ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 15, 2015. St. Anne’s hall by April 19th. hard to mow. Also, many bushes and tree limbs need to be removed. This A few ideas are: Dunkin Do- past winter the 170+ inches of snow was not a friend to the landscaping. PARENTS ARE ASKED TO PLEASE CALL OR COME nuts French vanilla coffee, There is much work to accomplish and the excavators involved need to IN TO THE OFFICE AT WOODLAND ELEMENTARY hand lotion, sour gummies, be paid. If you agree that these are worthwhile projects, please forward your SCHOOL TO PRE-REGISTER YOUR CHILD FOR OUR trail mix, slim jims. She will donation to me at the above address. be excited when her package Again, thank you for your assistance and suggestions. PRE-K PROGRAM FOR SY 2015-2016. arrives. Sincerely, Sally Doten The hospital auxiliary met PRE-K SCREENING WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday, May last Monday. Opened with Washington County Community College 5th at Woodland Elementary School. prayer, reports were given, coffee shop help discussed. has the following items up for bid: PLEASE CALL KATHY CURTIS AT 427-6038 BEFORE The Easter basket was won Item Minimum Bid April 17th TO PRE-REGISTER YOUR CHILD. by Alberta Matthews of East- Caterpillar D3 Bulldozer $7,500.00 port. 50/50 won by Rebecca Komatsu PC150-3 Excavator $13,000.00 Moore. We had a moment 1993 White/ GMC Tractor Trailer $15,000.00 Bid Notice of silence for past member Sally Comstock on her pass- 1989 Chevrolet 1-ton $1.00 Town of Baileyville Bakers Pride Electric Pizza Oven $1.00 ing. Dawn Libby is our new The Town of Baileyville is seeking a contractor to coffee shop purchaser. She’s Bunn Dual Coffee Maker $1.00 doing a great job. Baby Day 2- Montogue Stove $1.00 mow the lawns at the Town Office and Spednic Field is May 13th from 3:30 - 4:30. Two basket Fryer $1.00 for the summer season of 2015 Scholarship Committee: Joni Steam Injected Oven $1.00 Miller, Heather Ross and Nor- *Various PCs, Laptops & Accessories $1.00 Mowing to begin in May and end in October ma VanDevander. A lunch was *Various projectors $1.00 In September and October the Spednic Field surface enjoyed following the meet- *Various Televisions &Accessories $1.00 Must be maintained to be a soccer playing surface ing. Bingo was played. *Various Drafting Tools $1.00 The Washington County Successful bidder must provide proof of public Extension Association held *A complete list of equipment can be viewed at http://www.wccc.me.edu/ liability insurance. the annual meeting last Tues- wp-content/uploads/WCCC-Asset-Sale-Spring-2015.pdf or by visiting our day evening at the Wabanaki homepage at www.wccc.me.edu and clicking on WCCC 2015 Asset Sale The Town reserves the right to accept or Culture Center. A pot luck was Information under Campus News. reject any or all bids received. served on lovely blue table- The equipment may be viewed at the campus of WCCC. For additional cloths and decorative center information please call 454-1023 or email [email protected]. All Respond in writing to: Rick Bronson, Town Manager pieces. The public was invit- items are to be sold as is. Computers do not include hard drives. Delivery ed. There were great dishes of PO Box 370, Baileyville, ME 04694 food, a tasty cake, brownies, is the responsibility of the buyer. Sealed bids must be delivered by Before April 30, 2015 cookies, fruit salad and much Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 3p.m. to: more. Ashley Macdonald David Sivret received the Washington County Community College LEGAL NOTICE Norman W. Duzen Com- One College Drive munity Service award for TOWN of ALEXANDER his volunteer efforts in the Calais, Maine 04619 The Assessors will meet at the Alexander Municipal greater Calais area, espe- Sealed bids will be opened Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 9a.m. and the cially the food pantry. Maine winning bidder will be notified at that time. The buyer must pay by cash or Building on April 27, 2015 from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm Pen awards were presented to for the purpose of accepting True Lists of Robert French of Cutler, Ann cashier’s check. Items must be removed by Friday, May 8, 2015 at 3p.m. Luginbukl of Charlotte and WCCC has the right to refuse any and all bids. Real Estate and Personal Property. David Winski of Whiting for their commitment and contri- butions to the University of REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Town of Whiting Selectmen are asking for bids to Maine Extension 4-H Robot- replace the sills of the Union Meeting House (old Whiting ics Expo. A very nice evening, MUNICIPAL AUDITOR Emcee Mary Ann Moore did a The Town of Baileyville and the Baileyville School Church next door to the Whiting Village School). wonderful job as always. Work to begin in the Spring or Summer. The proposed work would Sympathy to the Leavitt Department seek a Maine auditing firm to conduct family and Bette Merrithew Annual audits of both the town and school include replacing the present sills with pressure treated ones. families. financial operations. Replacing damaged boards, clapboards, & repair end boards over a vapor barrier. Insulation would be added wherever The selected audit firm must agree to complete the Annual possible & new wood painted. audits by no later than mid-December. Both the town and the schools operate on a fiscal year of July 1 to June 30. Submit detailed bid to: Audit firms making a proposal should state depth of staff Whiting Town Office., P.O. Box 101, Experience in successfully completing similar audits Whiting, Me 04691 733-2027- M-W-F 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Provide references & proposed fee and payment schedule Bids must be submitted by: 5:00 pm, May 11 Please respond with written proposals to Rick Bronson, Town Manager Contractors must provide proof of insurance. PO Box 370, Baileyville, ME 04694 before May 1, 2015 The Selectmen reserve the right to reject any and all bids. 188 North St., Calais / 454-2551 PAGE 24 CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015

consider becoming involved- tunnels. This years marks Princ- the Princeton Town Office Con- Princeton “think community.” Like the eton Farmer’s Market’s 5th year ference Room as well. Anyone Friends of Princeton Facebook of growing and selling locally. interested in vending at the Elizabeth Mitchell Thursday, April 16th at 6:00 page to receive event & activity Mark Sunday, April 19th at 4:00 p.m. in the town office con- market-this would be a good updates. p.m. on your calendars for the one to attend. Applications can Sharon Norman shares news ference room. This will be to This 2015 growing season pot-luck market planning meet- draw up the calendar of events. be picked up and questions about the Friends of Princeton has begun in hoop houses and ing. This meeting will be held in answered at this meeting. Two and the Princeton Farmers’ Everyone is welcome to attend to have input. Participation at seedling sales have already Market. Friends of Princeton been tentatively set for June will be having it’s first plan- many of the events throughout the summer is crucial so please 4th and June 11th. As always, ning meeting of the year on please refer to the Princeton Farmers’ Market Facebook Notice MUST LOVE CHIPS! page. When the growing season starts in earnest, much informa- KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for children who will Part-Time Opportunities Calais, ME tion is available there. be 5yrs. of age on or before October 15th, 2015 and The PTO minutes for Princ- PRE-SCHOOL REGISTRATION for children who will be eton Elementary School have a lot of information. Perhaps the 4yrs. of age on or before October 15th, 2015, both will Frito Lay has immediate openings for part-time most important is standardized be held at the CALAIS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL on Detailers in the Calais, ME area. We are seeking testing of children in grades April 29th -30th, 2015, from 8am-3pm. three through eight. The test- qualified candidates to join our Team that possess ing will take place in small Parents are required to bring a record of the child’s the following qualities: increments beginning April 13 immunization and his/her official birth certificate. through May 13. All the assess- ments will be administered on Also, Pre-K parents are required to bring in proof of income Ability to Work Weekends/ Some holidays the computers in the computer to assist us in determining if we can use Head Start funding. Good Communication Skills lab. Staff members Charity and Solid Work History & Experience Michele will oversee all testing. Good Driving Record These tests are called ‘Smarter Customer Service Balanced Assessment.” They CONSTRUCTION BID Planning/Organizing Skills are correlated to the ‘common core objectives and are open- Eastport Health Care, Inc. located at 30 Boynton St. ended questions. The tests $11.25 per hour; mileage reimbursement cover the subject matter of Eastport, Maine is seeking bids from a English, Language Arts, and Qualified candidates please log onto: www.fritolayemployment.com Math. Parents are encouraged Certified Commercial Design/Build Contractor to to apply through our Rockland, ME Distribution Center. to talk with their children who will be participating, letting design and construct an ADA compliant concrete Equal Opportunity Employer: Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran them know it is important to do their best and answering entrance ramp and stairs at our main entrance any concerns the children may have. If parents have questions and also replace a concrete retaining wall about the tests, please call the between our upper and lower parking lots. Security Officers teacher(s) of your child(ren). Seeking part and full time security officers in Baileyville, During this period of assement Maine . Various shifts available and can involve weekend of learning at the school, a good For more information contact hours. Overtime is possible, uniforms are provided. night’s rest and breakfast in the Benefits available to full-time personnel. morning help children be more Ed Farrell at 207-853-2929 or alert. Mrs. Cochran-Barnes told Requirements include: High School Diploma or G.E.D. me there will be little treats at email at [email protected] 18 years or older • Clean Criminal History the testing, too. Pre-employment drug testing and background checks are conducted Nature Club has started at Eastport Health Care, Inc. is an the school and meets every Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider Interested candidates can email a resume or inquiry to mcullen@ Tuesday. This is for students vescomcorp.com or fax it to 1-866-496-3024. in grades three through 8. It is led by Roxanne Montague of the Downeast Lakes Land Trust Notice staff. Brooke Mercier is helping Washington County Community College is seeking out as well. Request for Quotation in the following areas: There are several important dates to jot down: April 16 from -Automotive Service 5-6pm is the Sports Banquet for students who participated -Printing Service in team sports for grade 3-8 and the cheerleaders. On April Deadline for all submissions 4/27/2015, at 9 am. 30 grades 7&8 will be taking a field trip to UMO and EMCC. Please contact Tom Moholland at 454-1020 for more information. Incoming Screening for PreK will be on Friday, May 22. On June 3rd, grades 5-8 will be tak- REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, CATERERS ing a trip to the Cole Museum. They leave Princeton at 8am Eastern Maine Electric Cooperative is requesting catering proposals for and return at 2pm. There are its 2015 Annual Meeting at Washington County Community College in other dates of special events Calais on Saturday, July 18th. A lunch is planned from approximately in between now and the end 11:00 am to 1:00 pm with coffee service and water starting earlier and of school not printed here, yet. ending at approximately 2:00 p.m. You can view the school calen- The event is expected to draw between 500 and 700 people, and it will take dar on the school’s website and place outside under big top tents, rain or shine. The meal should include keep checking this column for meat, poultry, and/or fish served appropriately hot or cold, such that it can notice of those events. remain fresh but does not dry out over the two-hour service period. A kosher Bright yellow posters are option or vegetarian option must be available upon request. Fruit juice, water, up in the library, the Princeton a simple dessert, and coffee should also be included. Town Office, Indian Township Office and Princeton Foodmart/ Caterers will be asked to provide a realistic strategy for having adequate Variety Community bulletin staff and resources on hand to efficiently plate meals cafeteria-style for up boards. These announce the to 700 people on the day in question. EMEC is flexible and can negotiate Mother’s Day Basket Raffle further details based on the proposal that best suits its members’ needs. and Bake Sale to benefit the public library renovations. The Please send proposals to arrive in Calais by Wednesday, April 22nd. For Raffle drawing and Bake Sale more information or to submit a proposal, contact: are to be on May 9th from 10 -2. The Raffle drawing will EMEC / Attn: Charlie McAlpin be just before 2. Tickets for it P O Box 425, Calais, ME 04619 / (207) 454-7555 ext 124 can be bought right up to the [email protected] drawing. CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 PAGE 25 DECH Births CRH Births Parents: Sarah Rodier and Parents: Brook Price and Nicholas Corbett of Baileyville. Adam Hall of East Machias. Baby Girl: Mia Grace Corbett. Baby Girl: Aubree Jean Birthdate: March 2, 2015 Birthdate: April 6, 2015 Weight: 7lbs., 1oz. Parents: Shannon Smith and Brandon Cropley 19 inches long. of Pleasant Point. Baby Boy: Owen Troy Cropley. Birthdate: March 20, 2015 Parents: Rob and Julie Burgess of Calais. Parents: Marjorie Baron and Dustin Ellis of Calais Baby Boy: Baby Boy: Aiden Michael Ellis. Tré Robert Burgess. Birthdate: March 23, 2015 Birthdate: April 8, 2015. Weight: 6lbs., 14 oz., 20.5 Parents: Natasha Berube and Tyunique Pounds of Princeton inches long. Baby Boy: Clyde James Pounds. Birthdate: March 31, 2015 Parents: Karlee Savage and William Murray III of Lubec. Baby Boy: Medical Office Administrative Assistant William Joseph Murray IV Blue Devil Health Center Birthdate: April 8, 2015 Half Time Position Weight: 8 lbs. 5 oz., 21.5 inches Responsibilities include: Medical office functions: billing/ coding, data entry/reporting, chart maintenance/filing, inventory management, document preparation, scheduling, customer service. CNA - Looking Qualifications: Education and/or experience in medical office and/or medical assistant functions including to help elderly/ electronic medical records; excellent computer disabled in and communication skills. your home. Applications are available at the Call Chrissy at Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 454-0631. 32 Blue Devil Hill, Calais, ME 04619 10 years experience. Telephone 454-2296 Great references. Position will close when suitable candidate is found. E.O.E.

East Range School is seeking a K-2 Teacher and an Ed Tech III for the fall. Must have proper certification. Send resume, transcripts Dental Assistant and 3 references to: Career-oriented individual sought for full-time assisting position Superintendent of Schools with Machias Dental. Dental experience preferred, but will train PO Box 580 right individual. Med tech experience desirable. Applicant must Baileyville, ME 04694 have exceptional communication skills and good hand dexterity. or email [email protected] Employment application required and may be picked up at Machias Call 427-6913 for an Dental, 271 Main St., Machias, ME 04654. E-mail resume to info@ Sunrise Opportunities currently has an opening for a Mental Health application. machiasdental.com Rehabilitation Technician (MHRT I) at the Eastport Residential Care Facility. Applicants must be able to work independently with adults with developmental disabilities and must be willing to work flexible hours including overnight shifts.

Applicants must hold a valid drivers license with a good driving record and must possess or be able to obtain the following certifications: CRMA, MHHS, CPR, First Aid, and Mandt. Sunrise Opportunities Residential & Commercial Electricity Instructor will provide this training to the right applicant. Washington County Community College is looking to hire an instructor to teach Residential & Commer- Very generous benefit package and competitive wages with an cial Electricity. Position Information: This position will instruct and continue to develop the College’s extra stipend for working the overnight shift. Residential & Commercial Electricity program. Instruction focuses on electrical theory and the techniques of the trade including blueprint reading, wiring, pipe bending, switches, troubleshooting, and diagnostics For more information and to receive an application contact: and power circuits. Instruction also covers the layout, assembly, installation and troubleshooting of fix- Eastport Residential Care Facility tures, devices, services, heating systems, pumps, motors and motor controls used in residential, com- PO Box 262, 4 Clark Street, Eastport, ME 04631 mercial and light industrial applications. Emphasis is placed on teaching the National Electrical Code in (207) 853-2306 all wiring installations. Classes are instructed both indoors and outside as necessary at off-site construc- Equal Opportunity Employer tion projects. The Instructor will establish partnerships with business and industry and other educational providers. Responsibilities: Teach a minimum of 25 contact hours. Establishing/maintaining employer partnerships. Minimum Qualifications: Diploma/Associate degree in Residential & Commercial Electric- ity or Electrical Technology, master’s electrician’s license, strong understanding of the National Electri- cal Code and up to 4 years of work experience. Other credentials and significance experience maybe considered. Compensation: $35,280.39 to $50,301.30 base salary plus extended year contract, salary PERSONAL SUPPORT SPECIALISTS commensurate with credentials and experience. Benefits: 100% employer paid health for employees, Seeking caring dependable candidates to assist elder and dental insurance, vision insurance, Maine State Retirement or TIAA CREF, generous personal/sick time disabled individuals. Duties include housekeeping, personal allowances, paid holidays, professional development, and free tuition within the MCCS. Application care, errands and transportation. Openings statewide. Process: Please submit a cover letter, resume, unofficial transcripts and list three professional refer- APPLY ONLINE AT: www.homecareforme.org or apply at ences by Friday, May 1, 2015, to Robyn Leighton, Payroll & Personnel Coordinator; Washington County your local Career Center. For more information Community College; One College Drive, Calais, ME 04619. WCCC is an EO/AA Employer. call 1-800-639-3084 EOE PAGE 26 CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 CLASSIFIED ADS Grand Lake Stream Dave McCullough females. The total harvested the neighborhood kids enjoy moval included. 1st, last, se- this year was 135. Thanks to riding on their four-wheelers FOR RENT curity, references required. I received this note from all who participated. TOTAL and bringing in the gallon con- $575/month. Leave message Dave Tobey that helps explain PURSE $3505.74. The PCW- tainers to the steaming evapo- CLEAN AND QUIET 214-5393. 3-TFN-C the value of the annual coyote CA would like to thanks all rator. ROOMS. Smoking and non- contest. The final results of the their sponsors. The town meeting was held smoking available. Reason- 1 or 2 BDRM APTS available contest follow Dave’s com- Here are the results by site Monday evening. There were able rents. Call 454-3630 in Calais and Princeton. ments. reports. Smith’s General Store; 59 articles. Fifty eight passed 24-TFN-C Store front for rent in Calais “For many of us in the woods Thirty five males and forty one and one was tabled. Under mod- on North Street. 949-1321. all the time, we have learned females; Partridge Meadow; erator Lee Whitely the meeting FURNISHED AND UNFUR- 15-TFN-C and have a full understanding sixteen male and nineteen fe- moved smoothly through the NISHED 1 AND 2 BDRM of the predator / prey relation- males and Two River Canoe articles. Some of the highlights APTS in Calais and Bai- ship. Especially if part of your Tackle with twelve males and include a new 3rd assessor, leyville. Contact 214-0033 income along with other guides, twelve females. Bonnie Gagner; a new town after 7 pm. 25-TFN-C FOR SALE lodges and local business relies As this column is being writ- treasurer Roxzanna Montague 2005 GMC SLE Z-71 4X4 on a healthy deer herd. Here in ten the temperature will be and an upgrade on the town QUIET NEW 2 BDRM APT Washington County biologist climbing into the 60’s in Grand tower so Axiom can improve - in Calais. $700/month + 75,000 Original Miles, Power Seat, Windows, & Door Locks, still say fawn recruitment is the Lake Stream. WOW AND internet service. Also plans are utilities. References required. limiting factor, preventing us GOODBYE SNOW! underway to upgrade the town 454-3666. 14-TFN-C Cruise Control, A/C, Running Boards, Tonneau, Bed Liner, from having a small doe har- Jenifer is busy sterilizing all firetruck. vest. In the Grand Lake Stream the maple syrup spiels and con- Your Humble correspondent, 1 BEDROOM APT - Cen- New Tires, 7 ½‘ Fisher Min/ Mount 2. Asking $14,500.00 area this winter we gave the tainers. We have stopped after Dave McCullough dmccull1@ trally located in Calais. Heat, coyote hunt a little extra effort, 5.5 gallons of syrup. Always a maine.rr.com and 207-839- electric, water & sewer, lawn OBO. CALL ALAN (207) 214-3775. 16-1-PD taking a total of 32 coyotes. If fun activity for early spring and 4205. care, snow plowing, trash re- you are a deer hunter or just enjoy viewing deer in eastern Maine there are a lot of dedi- cated coyote hunters using dif- Maybe it’s time for Try the classifieds--It works! ferent methods to continue to a new roof. provide a healthy and grow- $5 for 15 words ing herd. It was the first winter since 1979 that I did not per- 10₵ a word after! sonally find several deer taken by coyote predation. Not one did I find this year.” Rubber / Metal / Asphalt Roofs The 2014-2015 coyote con- ~YEAR ROUND INSTALLATION~ Calais American Legion test is now complete. Here are BUILDING & REPAIR • SIDING & PAINTING the winners and the pay outs: JACKING & LEVELING • TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL Michael McLean biggest male, Rick Labbe DECKS • DOORS • WINDOWS 454-3435 52.48# $200, biggest female, David Tobey 45.76# $200, BLOWN-IN INSULATION We had a busy and a productive week! I attended the Calais contest drawing, Mark Parker, Burlington, Maine, $200. MASONRY: REPAIR & REBUILD City Council Meeting on Thursday, they approved our Memo- STONE FOUNDATIONS • CHIMNEYS & LINERS rial Day Parade/ Ceremony and our proposal for “Project Le- Each contestant will be paid gion Flags.” I want to thank all the businesses, organizations and approximately $21.50 for each families for their donations. Please follow us on Facebook on coyote entered. Two Rivers Call Handyman / Roofing our Calais American Legion page for listing’s of supporters. had a total of 24 tagged, 12 I am distributing flyers throughout our community. I will be males and 12 females. Par- 214-6422 starting mounting brackets on light poles next week and will tridge Meadows had a total of need assistance. We also ordered flags for our local cemeteries 35, 16 males and 19 females for Memorial Day. I am also sending out e-mails for our Me- and Smith’s General Store had morial Day Activities requesting support. Will keep everyone 76 tagged 35 males and 41 informed on projects. Any correspondence: Com- mander Calais American Le- gion Sherman Brothers Post 106 Main Street, #F, #3, PO Box 311, Calais, Maine Houlton, ME 04730 04619. Email: calleg3@ya- hoo.com. Face Book: Calais American Legion. Tel: 207- Support Services, Free Pregnancy 214-4410(cell). Please leave Tests, Confidential Peer Counseling, message. Commander Mike. Abortion Recovery Program, Alternatives To Abortion.

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HOUSE FOR SALE 7,000 FT. OF WAREHOUSE 1132 Airline Rd, SPACE Lawn Mowers Alexander ATVs AVAILABLE! Chainsaws Land and Building & More RENT ALL OR PARTIAL. Jayna Smith Loading dock and overhead Advertising Executive CERTIFIED MECHANIC $50,000 doors and office. FULLY STOCKED PARTS DEPT. House Needs Work Call 454-7712, 207-454-3561 [email protected] 188 North St., Calais / 454-2551 704-839-6516 214-9136 or 214-7497

FOR RENT TWO APARTMENTS 1851 MANOR HOUSE FOR RENT: Large 3 bdrm, Apartments for 1 1/2 bath home. Lovely one bedroom A Great Place to Live FOR RENT rent in Calais In-town, Calais. apartment in Calais. 14 Lowell Street 1 BEDROOM Water, sewer & $700 a month. Office Space snow removal included. Includes heat, cable, 1 bedroom APARTMENTS for lease NO PETS! internet, water, sewer and Trash removal Comfortable • Beautiful trash pick-up $450-$750 $700/month included. Affordable Inclusive. First, last + security deposit. NO PETS. For more information References required. 454-3630 call David 214-6373 Call Len @ 853-3101 Call 214-6002 207-214-8700 CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 PAGE 27

Gannett JOE-4-OIL Apply in Six Easy Steps. To request an application call 1-877- Journalism JOE-4-OIL. How to Apply: Applicants must call 1-877-JOE-4- OIL (1-877-563-4645) to apply for the program. Applications are Scholarships not available online. A customer service representative will take some preliminary information over the phone. Available The applicant will receive an Income Verification Form by mail. The applicant must fill in their income, sign and return this form. Scheduling Coordinator The Guy P. Gannett Journal- For qualified applicants, a voucher for oil will be sent to their 40-hr/wk position in busy dental office with focus on quality care ism Scholarship Fund seeks home. The customer is responsible for contacting their approved applications from Maine stu- dealer and scheduling a delivery. Our Program only approves a and customer service. Experience in scheduling, customer service, or dents. one time delivery of 100 gallons per household. sales & marketing required. Successful candidate will have personable The Gannett Scholarship The application process takes four to five weeks as it is not an phone presence, excellent listening/communication skills, ability to provides renewable support for emergency assistance program. make quick & accurate assessments, & enjoy creative problem solving. students majoring in journalism or a field reasonably related, Must be a self-initiator possessing maturity, confidence, & computer including print, broadcast, or VACANCY - CITY OF CALAIS versatility. If you would like to join our team of caring professionals, electronic media. The fund RECREATION DEPARTMENT pick up an application at Machias Dental, 271 Main St, Machias, ME helps pay tuition to attend an 207-255-8601. undergraduate, graduate, trade, GROUNDS KEEPER - The City of Calais is currently accepting applications or technical school. for a part-time Grounds Keeper for the Recreation Department. Applicant The deadline for applications must be at least 16 years of age and be able to start work immediately. The is May 1, 2015. To apply online, successful applicant will report to the Rec Director. Desirable qualifications YANCY’S RESTAURANT go to www.mainecf.org. include; Knowledge of equipment maintenance, equipment operation and NOW HIRING Applicants must be gradu- custodial care, knowledge of all facilities, fields, parks and grounds. ates of Maine high schools or Knowledge of sports fields and building maintenance, equipment operation, Night Supervisor / Cook have been home-schooled in mowing, landscaping and snow/ice removal would be essential. Applicant Set schedule, every other weekend off. Maine. Students will be chosen must possess a valid State of Maine driver’s license, and have physical 24-26 hrs/week. $13/hour based on demonstrated inter- strength and agility sufficient for performing the duties of the job. Experience a plus but not necessary; willing to train the right person est in journalism through their choice of coursework and ex- SUMMER DAY CAMP COUNSELORS - The City of Calais is currently Part-Time Dishwasher tracurricular activities, as well accepting applications for Part-Time Summer Day Camp Counselors in the 2 night shifts, 1 day shift. 12-15 hrs/week as financial need and academic Recreation Department to assist in the day to day operations of the Summer $10/hour achievement. In 2014, the aver- Day Camp Program. Applicants must be at least 16 years of age and be No phone calls please. Must apply in person. 332 North St., Calais age award size was $11,600. able to work June 22 to August 23. Desirable qualifications include; having A statewide organization Please come to the back door between 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. an enthusiastic attitude, experience and interest in working with kids of all or during slower business times throughout the day. with offices in Ellsworth and ages, enjoyment of working outdoors, ability to work with other counselors, Portland, the Maine Commu- nity Foundation has worked ability to plan and lead fun and meaningful activities, is reliable and prompt, as well as being a positive role model for our campers. with donors and educators Passamaquoddy Health Center since 1983 to provide Maine LIFEGUARDS - The City of Calais is currently accepting applications for students access to educational lifeguards in the Recreation Department to oversee the safety of swimmers Job Openings opportunities. The community at the Howard Fox Memorial Pool and assist in the maintenance of the foundation manages more than facility. Applicants must be at least 16 years of age and be able to work The Passamaquoddy Health Center is seeking a fully licensed Men- 500 scholarship funds. June 22-August 23. Desirable qualifications include; knowledge of pool life tal Health Counselor that will provide evaluations and treatment ser- guarding principles and practices, knowledge of basic CPR/First Aid, vices to clients (adult & child, individual and family) who are seeking knowledge of equipment used to maintain the pool and standard mental health and substance abuse services. safety precautions. Those with current LGT/CPR/First Aid certifications will be given preference. The Mental Health Counselor will provide initial interviews and evaluations for clients. Able to develop with clients, comprehensive, individualized treatment plans. Will coordinate and facilitate group sessions (as request- Applications can be picked up at the Calais City Building or Recreation ed). Work with agency staff, family members and community agencies in Department. Applications must be received no later than Friday, April 17th. order to coordinate treatment of related family and domestic problems. For more information please contact the Rec. Department at 454-2761 or by email. Please submit your applications by Minimum qualifications include Masters Degree in Social Work or related email to [email protected] or by mail to the following address: field, Licensed in the State of Maine. Recreation Director City of Calais Deadline to submit applications to the Personnel Office is no later than P.O. Box 413, Calais, ME 04619 Monday April 27, 2015 by 4:00pm. Applications are available at the Per- E.O.E. sonnel Office (796-6138) or Passamaquoddy Health Center (796-2321) ------The Passamaquoddy Health Center is seeking a fully licensed part time Child and Adolescent Counselor that can provide evaluation and treatment services to clients (with primary focus on child and adoles- cent individual and family services) seeking mental health services.

The Child and Adolescent Counselor will provide initial interviews and evaluations for clients. Able to develop with clients, comprehensive, indi- TAACCCT Project Coordinator vidualized treatment plans. Will coordinate and facilitate group sessions (as requested). Work with agency staff, family members and community Part-time, grant funded position until March 2017 agencies in order to coordinate treatment of related family and domestic General Position Information: The Project Coordinator will coordinate the overall development and im- problems plementation of various goals and projects of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Minimum qualifications include a Masters Degree in Social Work or related Career Training Grant awarded to the Maine Community College System. The Project Coordinator will field and Licensed as an LCPC or LCSW in the State of Maine be responsible for the implementation of Computer Technology education at WCCC. The purpose of this grant is to develop, expand, and improve the delivery of education and training programs in the discipline Deadline to submit applications to the Personnel Office is no later than of Information Technology at the college and across a range of industries. Known as the “Maine is IT!” Monday April 27, 2015 by 4:00pm. Applications are available at the Per- sonnel Office (796-6138) or Passamaquoddy Health Center (796-2321) . grant coordinator, this position will report to the Dean of Academic Affairs, but will work in close collabora------tion and provide guidance to faculty and staff at the College, the project coordinators at the other seven The Passamaquoddy Health Center is seeking a full time EMT who community colleges. Compensation Prorated/Bargaining Unit: ($23,110 to $25,253), salary commen- will provide Emergency medical care to those residing on the Pas- surate depending on education and experience. Prorated Benefits: Health, dental and life insurance for samaquoddy Reservation at Indian Township and other covered employee, Maine State Retirement or TIAA-CREF, and sick time. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s municipalities. Works cooperatively with the Passamaquoddy Fire Department. The EMT also provides assistance to the PHC medi- degree with five years of relevant experience required, Master’s degree preferred. Experience in federal cal Staff. grants management; strong skills in project management, quantitative and analytical skills; experience using data to inform decision-making leading to improvements in a higher education or related setting; Minimum qualifications include High School Diploma or G.E.D., Maine ability to work collaboratively with teams and work independently, strong interpersonal and organizational State Licensed at Basic EMT Level or higher and must have a valid Maine State driver’s license. skills; high level skill in oral and written communication essential. Application Process: Please submit a cover letter, resume, unofficial transcripts and list three professional references by Friday, April 17, Deadline to submit applications to the Personnel Office is no later than 2015, to Robyn Leighton, Payroll & Personnel Coordinator; Washington County Community College; One Monday April 27, 2015 by 4:00pm. Applications are available at the Per- College Drive, Calais, ME 04619. WCCC is an EO/AA Employer sonnel Office (796-6138) or Passamaquoddy Health Center (796-2321) . PAGE 28 CALAIS ADVERTISER, APRIL 16, 2015 Out and About

By Dorothy Johnson with the usual supper schedule parts of the story were enacted Cartier as well as “The Mar- of Woodland is having some so this will actually be the first by the participants. The next tha Washingon Cookbook” medical problems, but visitors Finally, we are enjoying a supper of this year. gathering will be the Wednes- by Marie Kimball. This book to her report that she is in good few spring-like days is the St. The Ladies’ Auxiliary of W.T. day after spring break, April was prepared from the original spirits. Greta Leighton took a Croix Valley. I do not care what Wren American Legion made 29th and will feature Rudyard manuscript given by Frances fall and has a fractured pelvis. the calendar says it has been a over $500 from this latest raffle. Kipling’s “How the Rhinoceros Parke Curtis to Martha Wash- She is recuperating at Calais long winter. Some of the fields All the proceeds will go into the Got His Skin.” ington. The book presents the Regional Hospital. Elden Libby are beginning to show although Child Welfare Fund. The ladies Souper Market continues at “rules” which brought fame to continues to improve and is the snow banks are still very are now preparing for County the Parish Hall in Dennysville America’s first First Lady as happy to out and about. We are evident especially in Robbin- Council to be held on Sunday, on Wednesdays from 3-6pm. housewife and hostess through- all hoping that Ron McAlpine ston, the 2015 snow capital of May 17th. Items for sale include bakery out her life. Also added to the of Crawford will soon be feel- Maine. Congratulations to Camille goods, home- grown vegetables shelves for personal growth ing better and able to join the The United Methodist Wom- Howard who was selected as and specialty items. and contemplation was “The group at church. en of the People’s United Meth- the 2015 Principal’s Award The monthly dinner will be Purpose Driven life; What on Residents were happy to see odist Church of Woodland met recipient for Woodland High held at the Parish Hall at the Earth Am I Here For/” by Rick Rolfe and Janice Flood in town on Thursday for their monthly School. Camille, the daughter usual day and time and the next Warren. This book is a blueprint for church on Sunday. Janice meeting. They had the oppor- of Derek and Lisa Howard of supper will be Italian night. for Christian living in the 21st was roped into helping with tunity to discuss their plans Princeton, has been involved At the Dennysville Town Century—a lifestyle based the church choir in the ab- for spring events and agreed in many school and community Meeting citizens were informed on God’s eternal purpose, not sence of Carleton Brown who on the many details of each activities during her school ca- that the installation of a genera- cultural values. is ill. Rolfe was a member of event. The May Day potluck reer and has stepped beyond the tor at the Parish Hall is moving Welcome home to Mark and the choir. It is always good to will be on Thursday, May 14th area too work on state activities. ahead. This will allow the Par- Michelle Stanhope of Pem- see our friends who now live at 5:30 and will be held in lieu The Woodland High School ish Hall to be used as a “warm- broke who enjoyed a week in “away”. of their May meeting. The Class of 2015 has several excel- ing station.” Florida where they visited with Special hellos are going out Spring Fling will be held on lent candidates for this honor. The “Cotton Patch Gos- Michelle’s mom and step-dad. too all the citizens who are Saturday, May 30th and will Congratulations, Camille, for pel,” the Easter movie that Also welcome home to Pauline having ongoing medical prob- focus on food and candy sales, earning this recognition of your had technical difficulties, has Bires of Woodland who is back lems. new and used items including hard work. been rescheduled for showing in Woodland after spending Stay safe and make a great gently used clothes, books and News from Ann Carter: on Wednesday, April 22nd at March with daughter Diane week. jigsaw puzzles and a special The First Monday Tea was 7pm. Everyone is invited to Oulette of Rockport. Elden and luncheon from 11am until 1pm. enjoyed by a gathering of ten see this fresh look at the Gospel Donna Jackson of Baring have This is a major fundraiser for people. Conversations centered and hear the country music that returned home after taking their the women and they invite the around what movies they would goes with it. yearly trip to Florida to visit Need community-at-large to partici- like to see together in the future Other books added to the relatives. pate. The ladies also approved after Kenneth Clarke’s “Civili- Lincoln Memorial Library in Get well wishes are going newspapers? their 2015 budget. sation” is completed. Critical Dennysville along historic lines out to Ed and Maxine Arbo The May supper for the Peo- conversation is welcomed. are “Here to Stay: Studies in of Meddybemps. They are Come to our ple’s United Methodist Church “Civilization” is shown on Human Tenacity: A Pictorial being helped in their home by will be held on Thursday, May Friday evenings at 7pm. History of Maine’s Veterans neighbor Sally Ketchen. It is office and 7th and it will be a turkey sup- Eight youngsters enjoyed two 1861-1865,” by John Hersey good to hear that Bud Ferry of per with all of the fixings. The more books by Ryan Riggs. and “Lest We Forget” by Galen Charlotte is on the mend and take some. winter storms have interfered “Wilfred” was the favorite and Cole and compiled by Laurie feeling better. Madeline Perkins

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#1925: Old Eastport Road, Perry #2528: Shore Road, Perry #2747: Chase Brook Road, Alexander #807: North Lubec Road, Lubec Generous 24 acre wooded waterfront parcel in A stunning 8 acres on Passamaquoddy Bay, mostly Here is your opportunity for year round lake side Beautiful oceanfront parcel overlooking Johnson Frost Cove. Extensive shore frontage in a scenic field with frontage on Frost Cove! Easily acces- living in beautiful Meddybemps Shores Subdivision. Bay and the town of Lubec. Driveway is in and pow- tidal cove perfect for kayaking! $75,000 sible shoreline with great beach frontage. This is a Year round maintained access, power at roadside, er is available at roadside. Property is a must see - a dream home location! $175,000 1.5 acres and 174' of shore frontage at a great very desirable location! $199,000 price! $92,500

#1498: 36 Shain Point Road, Calais Year round retreat! The 3 bedroom 1.5 bath main house has open concept main floor with large granite fire- #2053: 105 Summit Street, Baileyville #2531: 9 Sandcove Lane, Meddybemps #2516: 714 West Street, Princeton place, second level deck and full walk out foundation. A large in town duplex with many great features, in- On Meddybemps Lake with over an acre of land! This Located in THE Sportsman's Paradise, this ranch A two story 2 car gambrel garage. A 1 bedroom, 1 bath cluding some hardwood floors, a fireplace, both front 4 bedroom, 2 bath ranch home is on a full finished offers many new updates including new on demand guest cottage with full kitchen and living room, propane and rear access to each unit and a large open yard. daylight foundation and features HWBB heat, sun- hot water heater, hardwood floors, full basement and heat and on demand hot water. Views of Nashs Lake! Call Broker for Owner Finance Options! $69,900 room with propane fireplace, open concept K/L/D, attached one car garage. Move in ready! $119,000 $249,000 large decks and 2 story-2 car garage. $269,000