Supplement to the Journal of Nematology 30 (4S):599-606. 1998; © The Society of Nematologists 1998. Foliar Sprays with against Early-season Pests 1


Abstract: Persistence and field efficacy of the entomopathogenic Steinernema carpocapsae M1 strain applied by foliar sprays were evaluated against the apple testudinea and the nenuphar, two early-season pests in Quebec apple orchards. From 1992 to 1995, bioassays with Galleria mellonella larvae were conducted to assess the persistence of S. carpocapsae on leaves, flower clusters, and twigs up to 4 days after evening application. S. carpocapsaejuveniles remained infective on apple leaves 24, 42, 98, and 24 hours after application in 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995, respectively. In bioassays, the percentage of G. mellonella mortality was consistently higher on leaves (average = 84%), intermediate on flower clusters (73%), and lower on twigs (43%) for all application dates. In 1992 and 1993, single nematode sprays applied every 2 to 3 days from early May to mid-June on apple tree limbs reduced primary damage caused by H. testudinea by 98% and 100%, respectively, but none of the treatments was effective in 1994. In 1993 and 1994, multiple bordel~row sprays were applied against C. nenuphar adults with a commercial hand-gun applicator in an insecticide-free orchard. At harvest, plum curculio damage in the nematode-treated orchard reached 5% and 55% in 1993 and 1994, respectively, as compared to 80% and 85% in an adjacent insecticide-free orchard. In a second experi- ment performed in 1994, multiple broadcast sprays with a commercial orchard sprayer caused no significant effect on plum curculio damage (nematode = 28%; control = 31%). Although some efficacy of canopy sprays of was detected against early-season apple pests, the inconsistentresults and high application costs preclude their use as a sole control tactic against these pests in commercial apple orchards. Key words: apple, biological control, Coleoptera, Conotrachelus nenuphar, , European apple sawfly, field persistence, foliar application, , , nematode, plum curculio, Steinernema carpocapsae, .

The apple sawfly, Hoplocampa testudinea leave a fruit to enter another fruit. In bur- Klug (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), and rowing their way to the center of the fruit, the plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar they leave frass pellets at the entry point. Herbst (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), are This is secondary damage (Miles, 1932). two early-season pests in apple orchards of The plum curculio is an important pest of eastern North America. The apple sawfly is a apple fruit in North America (Croft and direct pest of in southwestern Que- Hull, 1983). In the absence of insecticide bec where it may cause up to 15% damage in treatments, adults may cause up to 85% commercial orchards (Vincent and Mail- damage to fruit (Racette et al., 1993; Vin- loux, 1988). Adults emerge in spring slightly cent and Bostanian, 1988). The is uni- before the pink stage. First-instar larvae feed voltine, and most adults overwinter in wood- on the surface of young apple tissue, causing lots or hedgerows at the periphery of or- a ribbon-like scar known as primary damage. chards. In spring, adults migrate from Occasionally, second- or third-instar larvae overwintering sites into apple orchards. De- pending on the temperature, they are active when apple buds have reached the pink to Received for publication6July 1998. full-pink stage of phenological development 1This research was partially supported by a grant from Canada-Quebec Green Plan. This is contribution No. 335/ (Chouinard et al., 1993; Chouinard et al., 98.10.01R of the Centre of Research and Developmentin Hor- 1994; Racette et al., 1991). At this time, they ticulture, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saint-Jean-sur- Richelieu, Quebec, CanadaJ3B 3E6. feed on leaves and blossoms and later they Nematologist and Entomologist, Centre of Research and attack the fruits (Chouinard et al., 1993; Development in Horticulture, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 430 Gouln Blvd., Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu,Quebec, Lafleur and Hill, 1987; Racette et al., 1993). CanadaJ3B 3E6. Insecticide sprays usually are applied either a Entomologist, Centre de recherche et d'exp6rimentation agricole de St-Hyacinthe, MAPAQ~ St-Hyacinthe, Qu6bec, throughout the entire orchard when at least CanadaJ2S 7B8. 80% of the petals have fallen or to the outer E-mail: [email protected] The authors thank S. Bissonnette, Y. Fournier, G. H. four to six rows of trees bordering overwin- Laplante, and B. Rancourtfor technical assistance. tering sites (Chouinard et al., 1992; Choui- 599 600 Supplement to the Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 4S, December 1998 nard 1997; Vincent et al., 1997). Additional ter overwintering and/or during their egg- applications may be needed if fruit injury is laying period. found 7 days after the first spray. In the present work, S. carpocapsae All Plum curculio management currently is strain applied by foliar sprays was evaluated achieved by targeting chemical insecticide for effectiveness and persistence in control- sprays against the adults as they invade host ling H. testudinea and C. nenuphar under trees after overwintering. Behavioral studies field conditions. conducted in Quebec revealed that, in spring, most plum curculios return to or- MATERIALS AND METHODS chards from their overwintering sites. They remain on the ground under the perimeter Nematode supply: Steinernema carpocapsae All rows of apple trees for several weeks before strain (Biovector, Thermo Trilogy, Colum- they move toward the interior of the or- bia, MD) was obtained annually and stored chard around petal fall (Chouinard et al., at 5 °C until used. Before use, nematode 1994; Lafleur and Hill, 1987). Plum curculio percent viability was determined by examin- could be efficiently controlled by restricting ing movement under a dissecting micro- petal control sprays to perimeter rows or to scope. A lot was not used if its viability was the outer four to six rows of trees bordering lower than 75%. Nematode dosages were ad- overwintering sites (Chouinard et al., 1992; justed according to the viability level. Vincent et al., 1997). Persistence of S. carpocapsae on the apple Entomopathogenic nematodes in the canopy: From 1992 to 1995, the persistence families Steinernemafidae and Heterorhab- of S. carpocapsae infective juveniles (IJ) on the apple canopy was assessed at the Agri- ditidae are soil-borne insect parasites associ- culture and Agri-Food Canada Experimen- ated with a mutualistic bacterium that kills tal Farm at Frelighsburg (45°03'N, the insect host in 24 to 48 hours (Kaya and 75°50'W), Quebec, Canada. The 0.5-ha or- Gaugler, 1993). They are of considerable chard, planted to cultivars Empire and Vista value as biological control agents and serve Bella, was bordered by woodlots on the east as alternative measures to chemical control and west sides and by insecticide-sprayed of insect pests. Recent advances in the de- apple orchards on the north and south velopment of methods for producing, stor- sides. Full bloom of apple trees occurred on ing, and applying entomopathogenic nema- 20 May 1992, 19 May 1993, 28 May 1994, and todes have decreased the cost and increased 23 May 1995. Steinernema carpocapsae was ap- the use of these organisms for controlling plied as a water suspension with a non-ionic these pests (Kaya and Gaugler, 1993). They wetting agent (Agral 0.1%) with an Oxford have been field-tested as potential control precision sprayer (MDM Engineering, Ports- agents for numerous foliar with some mouth, Hampshire, UK) at 70 kPa. This successes and also many failures (Begley, sprayer was modified so that the spray went 1990; Georgis and Hague, 1988; Jaques, through one Teejet nozzle of size Allman 1967; Kaya et al., 1981). In previous work, No. 3. Single applications were done at sun- foliar applications of steinernematid nema- set every 2 to 3 days on seven, seven, and six todes were successful in reducing secondary occasions in 1992, 1993 and 1994, respec- damage caused by the apple sawfly (Vincent tively. On each application day, 20 randomly and Bfilair, 1992). Steinernema carpocapsae choosen 50-cm-long branch segments were was found effective against the larvae and sprayed with a 75-ml water suspension con- adults of the plum curculio under con- taining ca. 100,000 IJ. Each branch har- trolled conditions (Brossard et al., 1989; bored six to eight fruit clusters. Olthof and Hagley, 1993). In an integrated From 1992 to 1995, the persistence of S. pest management strategy, nematode appli- carpocapsae on leaves, flowers (or fruitlets), cations could also be timed to control plum and twigs was monitored up to 4 days after curculio adults as they invade host trees af- each application using a modified Galleria Foliar Sprays of Steinernema carpocapsa¢.. Bdlair et al. 601 melloneUa biotest (Bedding and Akhurst, duce primary damage on apple fruit. Appli- 1975). On each sampling occasion, 10 cations were done at sunset every 2 to 3 days samples made of three leaves, three flower on seven, seven, and six occasions in 1992, clusters, or three 5-cm pieces of twigs per 1993 and 1994, respectively. Control branch were randomly picked from the 20 branches were treated with water and Agral treated branches and deposited in a 25-ml 0.1% on the last treatment day of each year cup containing one late instar G. mellonella only. To exclude adult from treated larvae. After 1 week at 22 °C, G. mellonella segments, the branches were covered with a mortality was recorded and their cadavers sleeve cage immediately after applications. checked for nematode infection. Percent The experiment was conducted as a ran- mortalities obtained from leaves, flowers, domized complete-block design with 10 to and twigs were averaged for all application 20 replications per treatment, where all dates on each year. In 1994 and 1995, the treatments were randomized on 10 to 20 total numbers of living IJ per leaf surface tree rows (i.e. blocks). In late June and early were determined by sampling apple leaves August, all fruits were examined for primary from nematode-sprayed branches. Ten (ribbon-like scar) and secondary (frass pel- more 50-cm-long branch segments were lets at entry point) types of damage. Apple sprayed with a 75-ml water suspension con- sawfly activity was determined by positioning taining ca. 100,000 IJ. The nematode sur- four white traps (17.8 x 14 cm) on trees in vival rates on apple leaves were determined the Frelighsburg orchard. The traps, posi- 0 + (i.e., immediately after application), 12, tioned on trees at ca. 1.5 m from ground 18, 24, and 48 hours after spraying in 1994 level, were covered with Tangletrap (Tangle- and 0 +, 12, 18, 24, and 36 hours in 1995. On foot, Grand Rapids, MI). The traps were set each sampling occasion, six leaves were ran- on 5 May 1992, 4 May 1993, 26 April 1994, domly taken. Each leaf was individually and 25 April 1995 before the pink stage of dipped into 20 ml water in a 25-ml plastic McIntosh trees. Adult captures were re- cup and shaken thoroughly in the water sus- corded weekly. Apple sawfly damage was pension to ensure that all the nematodes evaluated by examining 500 fruits randomly were removed. After 24 hours, the number collected at harvest. Fungicides were applied of dead and live nematodes in each dish was against apple scab at commercially recom- counted. Total leaf surfaces were recorded mended rates (Chouinard, 1997). on a portable area meter (LI-COR Model Foliar applications against plum curculio- LI-3000, Lambda Instruments, NE). Tem- border row treatment: This trial was conducted perature, relative humidity, precipitations, in 1993 and 1994 at the Agriculture and and sunlight intensity during the experi- Agri-Food Canada Experimental Farm at ments were recorded continuously by the Frelighsburg, Quebec. The 0.6-ha apple or- weather station located in the experimental chard, consisting of cultivars Cortland and orchard. Mclntosh, was bordered by woodlots on the Foliar applications against apple sawfly: From west and south sides and sprayed apple or- 1992 to 1994, the efficacy of foliar nematode chards on the north and east sides. The first treatments to reduce apple sawfly damage nematode application was performed at was assessed under field conditions. The ex- fruit set, and additional applications were periments were carried out in the same or- made when a threshold of 1% to 2% plum chard as described above. Nematodes were curculio fruit damage was reached (bi- applied in a 75-ml water suspension contain- weekly monitoring of fresh oviposition scars ing ca. 100,000 IJ on a 50-cm-long branch on fruits) (Vincent et al., 1997). Nematodes segment that harbored six to eight fruit clus- were applied on 7, 22, and 30June 1993 and ters. Each year, single nematode applica- on 7, 13, and 18 June 1994. On each treat- tions were performed on separate branch ment date, nematodes were applied with a segments from early May to mid-June, and hand gun (2,000 kPa) mounted on a com- directed against apple sawfly larvae to re- mercial sprayer at the rate of 8 billion IJ/ha 602 Supplement to the Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 4S, December 1998 in 4,000 liters of suspension/ha with Agral RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 0.1%. Half of the suspension was applied on the foliage and the other half on the ground Persistence of S. carpocapsae in apple canopy: underneath a 20-m band of apple trees at IJ retained infectivity up to 24, 42, 98, and 24 the periphery of the orchard. Fungicides hours after application on sprayed apple were applied against apple scab at commer- leaves in 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995, respec- cially recommended rates (Chouinard, tively (Fig. 1). In G. mellonella assays, insect 1997). On 19 August 1993 and 15 Septem- mortality was consistently higher on leaves, ber 1994, 200 apples were picked at random intermediate on flower clusters, and lower from each of five sectors (N, S, E, W, and on twigs for all 4 years of trials. In 1992, center) defined according to Chouinard et 1993, and 1994, insect mortality on sampled al. (1992) and Vincent et al. (1997) and ex- leaves and flower clusters was consistently amined for presence of plum curculio dam- 100% 15 hours following application, and age. Peripheral sectors N, S, E, W comprised then a gradual decline was observed. On the first 20 m of trees facing each cardinal twigs, nematodes consistently caused less lar- point; the center contained all the other val mortality when compared to leaves and trees. Damage at harvest was compared with flower clusters. Immediately after applica- damage from an adjacent insecticide-free or- tion, insect mortality on twigs ranged from chard (100 m away) and a commercially 60% to 95% and then followed a decline managed orchard (30 m away). that parallelled that observed on leaves and Foliar applications against plum curculio- flowers. In 1995, insect mortality on sampled broadcast treatment: This trial was conducted leaves and flower clusters was 90% and 65%, in 1994 in a commercial organically man- respectively, 15 hours following application, aged orchard at Henryville, Quebec. The after which there was a sharp drop to less 0.2-ha orchard (cultivars Cortland and than 5% mortality 18 hours after application McIntosh) was bordered by annual crops on (Fig. 1). Significant differences in the num- all sides. The first nematode application was ber of living IJ on apple leaves were re- conducted at fruit set; additional applica- corded over a 48-hour period (Table 1). In tions were made as in the above section 1994, the number of living IJ significantly when a threshold of 1% to 2% curculio fruit decreased 48, 12, and 12 hours after appli- damage was reached (biweekly monitoring cations for treatments made on 24 May, 30 of fresh oviposition scars on fruits) (Vincent May, and 13June, respectively. In 1995, the et al., 1997). Nematodes were applied on 7, number of living IJ remained unchanged 12 13, 20, and 30 June 1994 with an airblast hours after application, but, after 18 hours, orchard sprayer (1,000-2,000 kPa) at 5 bil- none were detected on all three application lion IJ/ha in 5,000 liters of suspension/ha dates. This persistence of S. carpocapsae on and Agral 0.1%. Half of the suspension was apple foliage was longer than what has been applied on the foliage, and the other half reported elsewhere. Jaques (1967) found was applied on the ground underneath each that the percentage of S. carpocapsae survival tree block (250 m 2 each). Control plots re- on apple foliage was 20% after 2 hours at ceived water and Agral only. The experi- 45% relative humidity and 21 °C. Apple ment was arranged in a completely random- leaves are pubescent and thought to retain a ized design with four replications. Begin- water film at their surface for an extended ning 3 days after the first nematode period as compared to a smooth surface application, monitoring of plum curculio (Baur et al., 1995; Glazer, 1992). In our field oviposition scars was performed as described trials, the persistence of S. carpocapsae on above. At each sampling occasion, 300 fruits apple foliage was variable from one applica- were chosen at random in each block (20 tion to another, and even more so from one fruits in each of the 15 central trees of each year to another. Climatological conditions block). Damage at harvest was assessed in a prevailing at time of application and also similar manner on 15 September 1994. those following the application likely af- Foliar Sprays of Steinernema carpocapsae: B~lair et al. 603

100 A) 1992 B) 1993 80


40 >~

i 20

0 0 E ¢- J --D-- flower --m-- leaf ,I, twig I

iJ 100." -..1 1994= 1 D) 1995 80

60 , [: 40 20

0 ...... ! _._~2";m---,, --, , , 0 20 40 60 80 1 O0 0 20 40 60 80 l"uO Time after application (hours) FIG. 1. Persistence of S. carpocapsae in the apple canopy as revealed by G. mellonella bioassays. A) 1992. B) 1993. C) 1994. D) 1995. fected nematode survival. Entomopatho- and Gaugler, 1993). Weather conditions genic nematodes are sensitive to dehydra- prevailing in our plots in 1995 were much tion and UV light. Foliage constitutes a hos- drier and sunnier than those prevailing in tile environment for these organisms (Kaya 1994, and these conditions might have de-

TABLE 1. Living Steinernema carpocapsae infective juveniles on apple leaves in 1994 and 1995.

Living S. carpocapsae IJ/cm2 of apple leavesa

1994 1995 Time after application (hours) 24 May 30 May 13 June 30 May 5 June 13 June

0+ 32 a 17 a 20 a 22 a 20 a 21 a 12 19a 6b 3b 17a 18a 20a 18 25a lc 2b 0b 0b 0b 24 13a 0c 0c 0b 0b 0b 48 9b 0c 0c 0b 0b 0b Temperature (average) b 14.6 23.7 21.6 21.0 21.8 17.1 Temperature (min-max) 11.5-16.7 20.4-27.0 19.6-24.0 16.9-25.5 16.6-26.8 11.5-21.7 Relative humidity (min-max) 45-100 46-100 74-100 42-71 44-76 42-88 Precipitation (mm) 0.8 0 21.2 0.8 0 0 Sunlight (MJ/m2/day) 2.3 21.2 29.2 26.5 26.7 22.3

a Numbers are the means of six replications. Values in columns followed by the same letters are not significantly different according to the median X2 test (P <~ 0.05) (Steel and Torrie, 1980). b Meteorological conditions prevailing 24 hours after application time. 604 Supplement to the Journal of Nematology, Volume 30, No. 4S, December 1998 creased the survival of S. carpocapsae on the 25 A) 1992 (n=108) foliage (Table 1). 20

Foliar applications against the apple sawfly: 15 Nematode treatment significantly reduced apple sawfly primary damage in 1992 and ~ 10 1 993, but not in 1994 (Table 2). None of the 5 treatments reduced secondary damage in all 0:" 3 years. In 1992 through 1994, nematode 12 19 26 2 9 16 applications were performed during apple 25 B) 1993 (n=262) sawfly flight activity (Fig. 2). Based on fruit 20 examination at harvest, apple sawfly primary 15 damage was estimated at 1.0%, 2.6%, and 1.0% in 1992, 1993, and 1994, respectively. -~ 10 In an earlier work (Vincent and B~lair, "6 5

1992), foliar applications of S. carpocapsae 0' significantly reduced secondary damage. ~. 11 18 25 1 8 15 22

The positive results against sawfly larvae IDo 25 from foliar applications of S. carpocapsae C) 1994 (n=221) 20

15 TABLE 2. Effect of foliar applications of Steinernema 10 carpocapsae All strain on primary and secondary fruit damage caused by Hoplocampa testudinea (apple sawfly) 5 in apple orchard plots. O, ...... 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 Apple sawfly damage (%)~ May June June August Application FIG. 2. Average (n = 4 traps) weekly captures of date Primary Secondary Primary adult Hoplocampa testudinea. Numbers in parentheses indicate total seasonal captures. Arrows indicate treat- 1992 (10 replications) ments with entomopathogenic nematodes. 22 May 0.3 cd 5.0 a O.0 a 25 May 0.4 e 1.2 a 0.9 a 27 May 2.3 cd 0.9 a 5.4 a probably were obtained because of the use 29 May 3.8 b 1.5 a 2.7 a of cages that increased the relative humidity 1 June 0.8 bc 3.0 a 1.3a 3 June 1.0 cd 1.2 a 1.3 a and, thus, nematode survival and infectivity. 5 June 5.5 a 1.0 a 1.6 a Working with the web-spinning larch sawfly, Check (water) 5.0 a 6.4 a 2.0 a Georgis and Hague (1988) reported that fo- 1993 (10 replications) liar applications of S. carpocapsae resulted in 18 May 6.6 a 15.4 a 1.9 c 21 May 9.7 a 17.7 a 2.7 b a larval infection level ranging from 3.4% to 23 May 7.7 a 18.3 a 1.3 c 29.4% even though the nighttime relative 25 May 4.5 a 14.0 a 0.0 d humidity was favorable for nematode sur- 27 May 5.9 a 10.1 a 0.0 d rival. They concluded that the lack of con- 30 May 5.2 a 16.1 a 0.3 d 8 June 3.3 a 7.0 a 3.3 a tact between the nematode and the sawfly Check (water) 5.4 a 11.4 a 4.6 a was responsible for low efficiency. 1994 (20 replications) Foliar applications against plum curculio- 24 May 0.0 a 5.1 a o.o a borderrow and broadcast treatment: In 1993 and 30 May 0.5 a 3.6 a 0.0 a 2June 1.8 a 14.9 a 0.0 a 1994, border-row treatments reduced plum 7June 4.2 a 8.9 a 2.0a curculio damage by 75% and 30% when 9June 2.4 a 12.9 a 0.0 a compared to the adjacent insecticide-free 13 June 2.3 a 9.5 a 0.0 a orchard. Damage at harvest (5%) was eco- Check (water) 1.3 a 15.4 a 0.0 a nomically acceptable in 1993 but unaccept- a Values in columns followed by the same letters are not sig- nificantly different according to Friedman's test (P ~< 0.05) able (55%) in 1994 (Table 3). In 1994, (Steel and Torrie, 1980). broadcast treatments with S. carpocapsae did Foliar Sprays of Steinernema carpocapsa~. B~lair et al. 605

TABI.~ 3. Effectof foliar applications of Steinernema between these organisms, as previously men- carpocapsae All strain on fruit damage caused by Cono- tioned by Georgis and Hague (1988). The trachelus nenuphar in apple orchards. inconsistent results and high application costs preclude the use of nematode foliar Average damage at harvest (%)a sprays as the sole control tactic against these Frelighsburgb Henryvillec pests in commercial apple orchards. In Que- Treatment 1993 1994 1994 bec, the extended persistence and infectivity Nematode 3.3 b 57.2 b 27.1 a of S. carpocapsae on apple trees in early sea- Insecticides 0.0 a 0.1 a -- d son and particularly on apple leaves increase Check 81.0 c 96.5 c 31.1 a the potential of entomopathogenic nema-

a Means in a column followed by the same letter are not todes as biological control agents for other significanfly different according to the median ×2 test (P ~< orchard pests such as the oblique banded 0.05) (Steel and Torrie, 1980). b Border row treatments. leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana Harris. c Full block applications. The larvae of C. rosaceanawrap themselves in d NO data. leaves and such cryptic microhabitats are known to be more favorable for the survival not reduce plum curculio damage (Table and infectivity of entomopathogenic nema- 3). Under laboratory conditions, plum cur- todes. culio adults were susceptible to S. carpocapsae As for future research areas, nematode ap- (80% mortality in petri dishes) but not af- plications at or near the base of the trunk of fected by Heterorhabditis spp. and S. bibionis apple trees should be investigated for the (Brossard et al., 1989). Foliar applications of control of plum curculio. Just before enter- nematodes against coleopteran foliage- ing the apple trees, adults of plum curculio feeding insects generally do not give suffi- are most abundant at the base of the trunk cient insect control to meet commercial (Chouinard et al., 1994). Nematode appli- standards (Begley, 1990). Adult elm leaf cations in this moist less exposed environ- were susceptible in petri dish bioas- ment are likely to be more suitable for the says, but the pathogenic effect decreased survival and infectivity of entomopathogenic when the adults were allowed to move away nematodes than foliage and, thus, increase from the nematodes (Kaya and Gaugler, the chances of infecting this pest insect dur- 1993). From pink to after-fruit-set stages, ing its early migration to the tree canopy, spurs and twigs are the main apple struc- leading to reduced insect damage to the tures occupied by adult plum curculio in fruit. This approach is currently being inves- southeastern Quebec (Chouinard et al., tigated. 1994). Plum curculio adults are in their pe-

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