This is the first of the document. Its first capital letter T has red color and is 3 picas high. The text on the page has single- style, portrait orientation, and one- side margins. The family is Times, text size equals 1 pica. The column has a vertical bar (medium-thickness gray ridge) at the left. The background color is light gray. The text on the page has single-column style, portrait orientation, and one-inch side margins. The font family is Times, text size equals 1 pica. The column has a vertical bar (medium-thickness gray ridge) at the left. The background color is light gray. The text on the page has single-column style, portrait orientation, and one-inch side margins. The font family is Times, text size equals 1 pica. The column has a vertical bar (medium-thickness gray ridge) at the left. The background color is light gray. The text on the page has single-column style, portrait orientation, and one-inch side margins. The font family is Times, text size equals 1 pica. The column has a vertical bar (medium-thickness gray ridge) at the left. The background color is light gray. The text on the page has single-column style, portrait orientation, and one-inch side margins. The font family is Times, text size equals 1 pica. The column has a vertical bar (medium-thickness gray ridge) at the left. The background color is light gray. The text on the page has single-column style, portrait orientation, and one-inch side margins. The font family is Times, text size equals 1 pica. The column has a vertical bar (medium-thickness gray ridge) at the left. The background color is light gray.

? ...... (1) The first page has one column, the second has two columns and so forth... (2) Simple page test: 4 pages with different number of columns and different orientation 1 COLUMNS equals 0.5 , text block inside columns is padded 6 pt from all edges. Column background is maroon, text color is black. ? The font is , 11 pt. XSL-FO COLUMNS FORMATTING(3) This is the second page in the document. It has two columns, landscape orientation, and one-inch side margins. Column gap equals 0.5 inches, text block inside columns is padded 6 pt from all edges. Column background is maroon, text color is black. his is the second page of the document. Its first capital The font is Helvetica, 11 pt. letter T has red color and is 3 picas high. This is the second page in the document. It has two columns, This is the second page in the document. It has two columns, landscape orientation, and one-inch side margins. Column gap landscape orientation, and one-inch side margins. Column gap equals 0.5 inches, text block inside columns is padded 6 pt from equals 0.5 inches, text block inside columns is padded 6 pt from all edges. Column background is maroon, text color is black. all edges. Column background is maroon, text color is black. The font is Helvetica, 11 pt. The font is Helvetica, 11 pt. This is the second page in the document. It has two columns, This is the second page in the document. It has two columns, landscape orientation, and one-inch side margins. Column gap landscape orientation, and one-inch side margins. Column gap equals 0.5 inches, text block inside columns is padded 6 pt from equals 0.5 inches, text block inside columns is padded 6 pt from all edges. Column background is maroon, text color is black. all edges. Column background is maroon, text color is black. The font is Helvetica, 11 pt. The font is Helvetica, 11 pt. This is the second page in the document. It has two columns, This is the second page in the document. It has two columns, landscape orientation, and one-inch side margins. Column gap landscape orientation, and one-inch side margins. Column gap equals 0.5 inches, text block inside columns is padded 6 pt from equals 0.5 inches, text block inside columns is padded 6 pt from all edges. Column background is maroon, text color is black. all edges. Column background is maroon, text color is black. The font is Helvetica, 11 pt. The font is Helvetica, 11 pt. This is the second page in the document. It has two columns, landscape orientation, and one-inch side margins. Column gap

▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ (3) This page has landscape orientation 2 (4) Columns three columns, gap. The font is reversed portrait Courier, 10 pt. orientation, and 0.3 inch column This is the third his is the gap. The font is page in the T document. It has Courier, 10 pt. third page of the three columns, document. Its This is the third reversed portrait first capital page in the orientation, and letter T is 3 document. It has 0.3 inch column picas high. three columns, gap. The font is reversed portrait Courier, 10 pt. This is the third orientation, and page in the 0.3 inch column This is the third document. It has gap. The font is page in the three columns, Courier, 10 pt. document. It has reversed portrait three columns, orientation, and This is the third reversed portrait 0.3 inch column page in the orientation, and gap. The font is document. It has 0.3 inch column Courier, 10 pt. three columns, gap. The font is reversed portrait Courier, 10 pt. This is the third orientation, and page in the 0.3 inch column This is the third document. It has gap. The font is page in the three columns, Courier, 10 pt. document. It has reversed portrait three columns, orientation, and This is the third reversed portrait 0.3 inch column page in the orientation, and gap. The font is document. It has 0.3 inch column Courier, 10 pt. three columns, gap. The font is reversed portrait Courier, 10 pt. This is the third orientation, and page in the 0.3 inch column This is the third document. It has gap. The font is page in the three columns, Courier, 10 pt. document. It has reversed portrait three columns, orientation, and This is the third reversed portrait 0.3 inch column page in the orientation, and gap. The font is document. It has 0.3 inch column Courier, 10 pt. three columns, gap. The font is reversed portrait Courier, 10 pt. This is the third orientation, and page in the 0.3 inch column document. It has gap. The font is three columns, Courier, 10 pt. reversed portrait orientation, and This is the third 0.3 inch column page in the gap. The font is document. It has Courier, 10 pt. three columns, reversed portrait This is the third orientation, and page in the 0.3 inch column document. It has

(4) The title is underlined. 3 COLUMNS and 0.25 inch column gap. The and 0.25 inch column gap. The and 0.25 inch column gap. The font is Helvetica, 10 pt. font is Helvetica, 10 pt. font is Helvetica, 10 pt.

This is the fourth page in the This is the fourth page in the This is the fourth page in the his is the fourth page of the document. It has four columns, document. It has four columns, document. It has four columns, document. Its first capital letter T reversed landscape orientation, reversed landscape orientation, reversed landscape orientation, has red color and is 3 picas high. and 0.25 inch column gap. The and 0.25 inch column gap. The and 0.25 inch column gap. The font is Helvetica, 10 pt. font is Helvetica, 10 pt. font is Helvetica, 10 pt. This is the fourth page in the document. It has four columns, This is the fourth page in the This is the fourth page in the This is the fourth page in the reversed landscape orientation, document. It has four columns, document. It has four columns, document. It has four columns, and 0.25 inch column gap. The reversed landscape orientation, reversed landscape orientation, reversed landscape orientation, font is Helvetica, 10 pt. and 0.25 inch column gap. The and 0.25 inch column gap. The and 0.25 inch column gap. The font is Helvetica, 10 pt. font is Helvetica, 10 pt. font is Helvetica, 10 pt. This is the fourth page in the document. It has four columns, This is the fourth page in the This is the fourth page in the reversed landscape orientation, document. It has four columns, document. It has four columns, and 0.25 inch column gap. The reversed landscape orientation, reversed landscape orientation, font is Helvetica, 10 pt. and 0.25 inch column gap. The and 0.25 inch column gap. The font is Helvetica, 10 pt. font is Helvetica, 10 pt. This is the fourth page in the document. It has four columns, This is the fourth page in the This is the fourth page in the reversed landscape orientation, document. It has four columns, document. It has four columns, and 0.25 inch column gap. The reversed landscape orientation, reversed landscape orientation, font is Helvetica, 10 pt. and 0.25 inch column gap. The and 0.25 inch column gap. The font is Helvetica, 10 pt. font is Helvetica, 10 pt. This is the fourth page in the document. It has four columns, This is the fourth page in the This is the fourth page in the reversed landscape orientation, document. It has four columns, document. It has four columns, and 0.25 inch column gap. The reversed landscape orientation, reversed landscape orientation, font is Helvetica, 10 pt. and 0.25 inch column gap. The and 0.25 inch column gap. The font is Helvetica, 10 pt. font is Helvetica, 10 pt. This is the fourth page in the document. It has four columns, This is the fourth page in the This is the fourth page in the reversed landscape orientation, document. It has four columns, document. It has four columns, reversed landscape orientation, reversed landscape orientation,