Catalog Contains Policies, Regulations and Procedures in Existence at the Time This Publication Wbnt 10 Preas

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Catalog Contains Policies, Regulations and Procedures in Existence at the Time This Publication Wbnt 10 Preas an a es ·have been removed from this I document. tsss-se lEfal~~~o@~©l~©~~@@@ ~fal~fBl~©@ Dallas County Community College District , . \ • 0 q ,I " ~ ".:- 'i D~._--,~,-----.~..,.--'-'-C:'-'?',.I":=CEI~~=~-lI~-·_-·_-c~.::------ Eastfleld Colle'ge Call for information: Admissions, 324·7100 3737 Motley Drive Counseling, 324·7106 Mesquite, Texas 75150 This catalog contains policies, regulations and procedures In existence at the time this publication wBnt 10 preas. The District Colleges reserve the right to make changes at any time to reflect current Board policies, administrative regulations and procedures and applicable State and Federal regulations. This catalog I. for Information purposes and does not conatltute a eenuact, this publication Is prepared by the Dallas County Community College District and Eastfleld Offices of Public Information, Educallona. opponunltles areoflared by the Dallas County CommunltyColiege Olatrlct without regard to race, color, age, nallona' origin, religion, aex or disability. ' TEXAS ACADEMIC SKILLS PROGRAM AND EASTFIELD COLLEGE , In 1987, the Texas·,l..<!9islature passed House Bill 2182. This bill,effecllve with tIie 1989 Fall semester, requires that all Texas public college and university stuew,pl1' be tested for reading;,wrIting and mathematics skills. This legislation applies to students enrolling in the Dallas Community CoIleges;-.Brookhaven, Cedar v~lIey, Eastlield, EI Centro, Mountain View, North lBke and R)chland. Q. What I. the TeXas ACldemlc Skill. Program (TASP)? A. TASP Is a diagnostic testing program to assess the academic skills of students entering Texas public colleges and universities. It Is designed.1i> determine If students have the reading, writing and math skills necessary to succeed In college courses. The results of the tesl polntto specific academic strengths and weaknesses and help advisors and counselcrs place students In courses In which they can do well and develop the necessary skills for college suocess. If students score poorly In one or more areas of the test, TASP requires them to Immediately participate In appr~prlate remediation until all sections of the tesl are passed. , . Q. Who muol take the TASP toot? A. All Texas public college students must take TASP either before or during the semester of completing nine (9) college-level credit hours. Such scores must be reported to the college prior to the next registration. All students planning to beoome a certified teacher In Texas MUST take and pass TASP. Q. Are thenl any exemptlono trom 18k1ng the TASP lool? . A. Students who completed at least Ihree (3) credit hours of college-level work prior 10 the 1989 Fall Semester will be exempt ~om taking TASP. Courses that counltoward this exemption are those taken at the DCCCD or other regionally-accredited colleges or universities and which will count_ard graduation; also, various credlt-by-exam programs taken prior to Fall 1989 will result In an exemption. Students enrolted In a DCCCD academic program leading 10 a certificate may receive a waiver from TASP. Other exemptions include students who meet the following: (1) score at least 1800 on each of the three sections of TAAS If taken prior to spring '94 or If taken after spring '94, score at least X-SO on Reading, X-87 on Mathematics, and at least 1800 on Writing: (2) score atleasl29 or higher on both ACT math and ACT English and have an ACT composite score of at least 27; or (3) score at least 550 or higher on both SAT verbal and SAT math wlth malh with an SAT composite score of at least 1200 on SloTs taken before April '95; or (4) score at least 620 on SAT verbal and 560 on SAT math with an SAT composite of at least 1270 on SloTs taken April '95 or thereafter. The following DCCCD courses or their eqUivalents wlll NOT count_ard the three hours: Any course numbered below 1000, Art 1170, Music 1175 and Drama 1170. Q. 'Muet a otudont 18k. TASP prior 10 enlerlng a DCCCD college? A. No, II is not necessary that a student take TASP prior to enrolling. However. DCCCD students must take TASP prior to completing nine (9) hours of college-level courses and report scores prior to the nexl registration. In most cases, three courses will equal nine hours of credit. PERFORMANCE GRADES (A - D) earned In courses will count_ard the nine hours of credit. Q. Ilotudonla must take TASP by the completion 01 their ninth credll hour, doe. thl. me.n they must pa .. TASP by thet .. me tim.? A. No, students are required only to take TASP prior to completing their ninth credit hour and report scores before their next DCCCD registration. If students do not 'pass' a section or sections of TASP, they will be Immediately mandated Into remediation. Students must pass all sections of TASP before they can be awarded a degree from the DCCCD. Students who transfer to a lour-year state college or university will not be allowed to take junior or senior courses until they have passed all sections of TASP. Q. How and when will the TASP toot be glvan? A. The three-part (reading, writing and malhematics) test will be given on a statewide basis at designated testing sites. Each DCCCD college Is a tesl site. During 1995. the test will be given on June 3. July 15, september 16 and November 11. During 1996, the test dates are February 24, April 20. June 15 and July 20. TASP registration materials are available in the Counseling/Advisement Centers and/or Testing/Appraisal Centers of each of the DCCCD colleges. Q. What 10 tho cosl of the TASP teot? lothero a otudy guide evellable? A. The cost lor the total teslls $26. An Official TASP Study Guide can be purchased In DCCCD College Book Stores or be ordered bY writing to TASP Project, P.O. Box 1403478, Austin, Texas, 78714-0347. Study Guides are available for reference use In each of the DCCCD college libraries. O. How will TASP affect etudent. planning to _«end _ occeo college? A. StudenlS planning to anend a DCCCD college will continue to complete the usual steps for enrollment. TASP scores should be reported after being admitted bY those who have taken TASP. However, for students who have not taken TASP, the college will Indicate whelher or not they should take the DCCCD's assessment test. Then, before completing their ninth credit hour, students must take the TASP test and report their scores before their next registration. Q. Are otuden18lrano18rr1ng Into tho DCCCD required to taka TASP? A. Unless transfer students qualify for one of the exemptions discussed above, they are required to take TASP no later than the semester of enrollment In nine college-level credit hours In a Texas pUblic institution. Students who have scores must report them before registering for college-level hours in the DCCCD. If you would like more In'onnatlon on the Texas Academic Skills Program, please contact the college'. Counseling or Advl88ment Center. 2 'Academic Calendar for 1995-96 Summer Sessions, 1995 Spring Semester, 1996 First Summer Session: (Based on 4 day class week, Januaryz (T)" College BUildings and Offices Reopen except for first week) January 8 (t0i;' Faculty Reports"' May 29 (M) Memorial Day Holiday January 8-11" Registration "PaWod May 31-June 1 Registration Period (M-R) ., (Varies byC91lege) (W-R) ,(Varies by College) January 12 (F) Faculty Professional Development June 3 (5) TASP Test Administered January 15 (M) Martin Luther,King, Jr. Day Holiday June 5 (M) Classes Begiri January 16 (T) Classes Begil1'(M-R Classes) June 8 (R) 4th Class Day , ,,January 19 W):' Friday Only Classes Begin June 9 (F) Class Day (Only Friday Class Meeting) January 20 (5) saturday Only'Classes Begin June 27 (M) Last Day to Withdraw with "W' January 29 (M) 12th Class Day , July 4 (T) 'Fourth of July Holiday , February 22 (F) Faculty Professional Development July 6 (R) Final Exams (TJCTA) . July 6 (R) semester Closes February 23, (F) Friday Only Classes Meet July 10 (M) Grades due in Registrar's Office February 24 (5) Saturday Classes Meet by 10 a.m. February 24 (5) TASPTest Administered . March 11 (M) Spring Break Begins Second Summer Session: (Based on 4 day class week, March 15 (F) Spring Holiday for All Employees except for first week) March 18 (M) Classes Resume July 12 (W) Registration (All Campuses) April 5 (F) Holidays Begin 'July 13 (R) Classes Begin , April 8 (M) . Classes Resume July 14 (F) Class Day (Only Friday Class Meeting) April 11 (R) last Day to Withdraw with "W' July 15 (5) TASP Test Administered April 20 (5) TASP Test Administered July 18 (T) 4th Class Day May 3 (F) Final Exams for Friday Only Classes August 7 (M) Last Day to Withdraw with "w" May 4 (5) Final Exams for Saturday Only Classes August 15 (T) Final Exams May 6-9 (M-R) Final Exams for M-R Classes , August 15 (T) Semester Closes May 9 (R) Semester Closes August 17 (R) Grades due in Registrar's office May 9(R) Graduation by 10 a.rn. May 13 (M) Grades due in Registrar's office by 10a.m. Fall Semester, 1995 August 21 (M) Faculty Reports Summer Sessions, 1996 August 21-24' Registration Period First Summer Session: (Based on 4 day class week, (M-R) (Varies by College) , , ,except for first end second weeks) . August 25 (F) Faculty Professional Development May 27 (M) Memorial Day Holiday August 28 (M) Classes Begin (M-R Classes) May 29-30 (W-R) Registration (Varies by College) September 1 (F) Friday Only Classes Begin June 3 (M) Classes Begin September 2 (5) Saturday Only Classes Begin June 6 (R)' 4th Class Day' September 4 (M) Labor Day Holiday June ,7 (F) , .
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