6556 the London Gazette, November 25, 1890
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6556 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1890. and other places within the said area of supply, company, or person desirous of making any whether repairable by the local authority or not. representation to the Boarrl of Trade, or of And in particular the following streets and I bringing before them any objection respecting places:—In the parish of St. Leonard, Shore- the application, may do so by letter addressed to .ditch: Shoreditch High-street, Old-street, City- the Board of Trade, marked on the outside of road. In the parish of St. James and St. John, the cover enclosing it, " Electric Lighting Acts." Clerkenwell: Goswell-road. In the parish of St. on or before the loth of January, 1891. A copy Luke, Middlesex: Goswell-road, City-road, Old- should at the same time be sent to tie under- street, Finsbury-square, and Finsburj'-pavement. signed. • The streets, roads, or places within the said Dated this 20th day of November, 1890. area not repairable by the local authority which SYDNEY MORSE, 4, Fenchurch-avenue, the Undertakers propose to take power to E.G., Parliamentary Solicitor for the break up are as follows:—Apple-yard (part above-named Brush Electrical Engineer- of), Bunhill-court-(part of), Charles-court (llull- ing Company, Limited. street), Lewens-court, New-court (Middle-row), Olivers's-yard (part of), Osman's-place, "Phoenix- In Parliament.—Session 1891. place (Old-street), President-mews (part of), Barry Dock and Railways. Thomas-place (Middle-row) (part of), Waterloo- (New Railways* at Cardiff; Running Powers over place, Wellington-place, Whitby - court, York- Great Western Railway and Stations at Cardiff; mews, all in the parish of St. Luke, Middlesex; Facilities; Additional Capital; Change of Godson - street, in the parish of St. James Name; Extension of Time for Works; Works and St. John. Clerkenwell; Stratford -.place, on Great Western Rail way (Riverside Branch); Ivy-lane; Louisa-square, Philip-street; Bank- transfer of Powers to Company ; Relieving stock - buildings, Wellington - place, Britannia - Company from Liability in Certain Cases of street, Moria-place, Provost-street; Brunswick- Delay; -Sundry Powers.) yard,. City-road; Lewington-buildings, City-road; OTICE is hereby.given that application is Living-ton - place, Charles-square; Providence- N intended to be made to Parliament in the place, Charles-square; Ely-place, Kingsland- ensuing Session for leave to bring in a Bill for road; Mary-street, Kingsland-road; Wilkes-court, effecting the purposes, or some of the purposes, Hoxton-street; Guy's-buildings, Kingsland-road; following (that is to say) :— Axe - place, Hoxton-street; Pound's - buildings, To authorize the Barry Dock and Railways Hoxton-street; Royal Oak-place. Pitfield-itreefr; Company (hereinafter called " \ he Company ") to Caroline-place, Kingsland-road; Crooked Billet- make and maintain the railways and works in the yard, Hoxton-street; Boid's-buildings, Hoxton- county of Glamorgan, hereinafter described, with street; York-place, Hoxton-street; Sarah-street. all proper stations, sidings, approaches, works, Drysdale-street; Drysdale-place, Drysdale-street; and conveniences connected therewith, viz.:— Dodley's Folley, Drysdale-street; Edward'sterrace, A Railway (No. 1) commencing in the parish of Drysda'e-street; Duncan-court, Boundary-street; Canton, in the county of Glamorgan, by. a Union-place. Curtain-road; Le Blond's-buil.dings, junction with the Railway of the Penarth "Rivington-street; Suffolk-place, Bateman's-row, Harbour, Dock and Railway Company, leased Elizabeth-place, RivingtonrStreet; Clifton-place, to the Taff Vale Railway Company, and Scruttoiirstreet; Providence-place, Scruttton- hereafter called the " Penarth Branch," at a street; Mary Ann-place, Market-street; John's- point 120 yards or thereabouts to the south- place, Market-street; Bartlett's-buildings, Earl- -east of the junction between the said Penarth .street; Renous-court, Whitecross-place; Queen- branch and the Great Western Railway street, Worship-street; Princes-square, Wilson- (Penarth Branch, South Curve), and termi- .street; Hudson-place. Kingsland-road; Old-court, nating in the parish of Saint Mary the Virgin, JIackney-road. ' Bernales-buildings, Kingslaud- Cardiff, at or about the low water line * .road, Essex-place, Haggerston-road;.Norman's-' (eastern -side) of the River Taff, and" at the buildings, Garden-place, Haggerston-road; Essex- distance of 50 yards, or thereabouts, to the place, Boston-street, Hackney-road; Alfred-place. southward of the south side of the viaduct Whiston-street. all in the parish of St. Leonard, carrying the Great Western Railway over Shoreditch. the said River Taff, which said proposed The river and canal which the Company pro- railway will be made in the parishes of poses to take powers to pass or cross over or Canton and Saint Mary the Virgin, Cardiff, under are as follows :— in the county of Glamorgan. New River. A Railway (No. 2) commencing by a junction Regent's Canal. with the proposed Railway No. 1, at its point The railways and tramways which the Com- of termination above described, and termi- pany propose power to break up, pass or cross nating on the western side of the Penarth- over or under, are as follows :— road leading from the south end of St. Mary- London and North-Western'Railway, Midland street, Cardiff, to Penarth, at a point 70 Railway, Great Northern Railway, Metro: yards, or thereabouts, to the south-westward politan Railway, Metropolitan District Rail- of the bridge carrying the branch railway of way, North London Railway, Great Eastern the Great Western Railway Company, lead- Railway, North Metropolitan Tramways, to the River Taff, over the said Penarth- London Street Tramways. road. The draft of the proposed Provisional Order A Railway (No. 3) commencing by a junction will be deposited at the office of the Board of with the proposed Railway No. 1 at its point Trade on or before the 20th day of December of termination above described, and termi- next, and printed copies of the draft Provisional nating by a junction with the said branch Order when applied for, and of the Provisional railway of the Great Western Railway Com- Order when made, will be furnished at the price pany at the western abutment of the bridge .of one shilling for each copy to . all persons carrying that branch railway over the- applying for the same at the office of Thomas Penarth-road aforesaid. Baker, Stationer, 3, City-road, E.G., and at the A Railway (No. 4) commencing by a junction- .office of the undersigned, Sydney Morse, .of 4, with the branch railway of the Great Fenchurch-avenue, hi the city of London, Soli- Western Railway Company hereinbefore .citor. Every local or other public authority, described, at a point 15 yards or there-.