Let Us Cover Your Overdrafts with Courtesy Pay with Courtesy Pay, You Can Avoid the Cover on Your Behalf

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Let Us Cover Your Overdrafts with Courtesy Pay with Courtesy Pay, You Can Avoid the Cover on Your Behalf See back for new standardized hours • Bryan Rd. branch to be full-service soon Let Us Cover Your Overdrafts with Courtesy Pay With Courtesy Pay, you can avoid the cover on your behalf. hassle of a declined transaction due to Enrolling in Courtesy Pay insufficient funds. This service to our members covers checks, overdrafts Opting into Courtesy Pay is easy. from ACH, electronic items and every- Simply complete and submit our day debit card transactions (including shoonline enrollment form or stop by Point of Sale transactions) that would any branch if you would rather do it in not have otherwise cleared. person. Courtesy Pay is available on all per- If you choose to opt-out of Courtesy sonal checking accounts in good Pay in the future, simply resubmit the standing. Alliance can cover all online form or stop by any branch. overdrafts up to $700 depending upon your qualifying criteria. A confirmation If you have any questions about how letter will be mailed to you notifying Courtesy Pay works, please call us at you of your coverage limit after you 636-343-7005, ext. 2000 or chat with opt-in. You will be charged a $26 fee us through our website during busi- for each overdraft transaction that we ness hours. What Affects Your Credit Score & How Alliance Can Help... The last time you worried about any your credit score the most along with will not include a credit score, but kind of score may have been when the corresponding credit ranges. you will be able to see your payment you were in school; however, your Key Credit Score Information: record with creditors and have the op- credit score may be more important portunity to correct any wrong infor- than any test you ever took. Your credit mation. You can receive your credit score is important since it determines score with your report for a nominal if you qualify for a loan or credit card fee. A good credit score and overall and it determines what your interest credit history will qualify you for pur- rate and credit limit will be. For in- chasing a new car or home and save stance, you may pay a higher interest you money in the long run! rate on the same purchase than some- Need help establishing, building or one with a better credit history. Sample Credit Ranges improving your credit score? 750-850 Excellent Our Credit Booster Loan will help! A credit score ranges from 300-850 700-749 Very good We offer terms up to 36 months with and is a number based on the evalu- 650-699 Good credit no collateral and you’re automati- ation of five categories within your 600-649 Fair cally qualified. We can loan you up to credit history. All five of these catego- 550-599 Poor $1,000 (to be held in a Savings Ac- ries are considered when formulating count) with repayment terms up to 36 your credit score, not just one or two. U.S. residents can get a free copy of months. Plus, the money frees up with No one piece of information or fac- their credit report once a year. Re- each monthly payment! Apply online tor alone will determine your score. quest your free credit report online at or at any branch today if you want to Look at the corresponding chart to see www.annualcreditreport.com or by build or boost your credit score! which of the five categories affects calling toll-free (877) 322-8228. This January 2014 Alliance will Award FIVE $1,000 College Scholarships! lliance realizes educational annual scholarship program will be web address below: Aopportunities can increase our available on January 2, 2014. For a www.alliancecu.com/Scholarship.html members’ chances for enjoying finan- copy of the 2014 application, please cial security in their lives. Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible, applicants must be Our annual Dennis J. Sommer Schol- Alliance Credit Union members (or arship for Excellence in Education the son, daughter or grandchild of an program recognizes students for their Alliance member), as well as one of achievements and provides future the following: opportunities to those who are serious about learning and continuing their • A full-time college student education. To date, Alliance Credit • A high school student who will be a Union has awarded scholarships total- full-time college student in 2014 ing more than $50,000 to many col- Applications due April 1, 2014 If you have any questions regarding lege students over the last 16 years. our scholarship program, please call visit any branch or download and print us at (636) 343-7005, ext. 2000 or As part of our continuing support of it from your home computer at the email us at [email protected]. higher education, applications for our Alliance Credit Union Heats Up the Home Loan Purchase Market Did you know that Alliance Credit tacting a reputable lender, such as Al- clients to be “pre-approved” before Union has seen its ratio of purchase liance Credit Union. Buying a home they will start showing homes. transactions double since 2010? Why? can be stressful, so you want to make When it comes to home loans, there is The well-kept secret of credit union sure you can trust and work with the much more than rate when comparing home loans is not so secret anymore. company who is financing your home. lenders. While Alliance Credit Union Buyers trust their member-owned has some of the most competi- and not-for-profit credit unions. tive rates in the area, we are also Rates and closing costs are typi- very competitive when it comes cally lower. Credit unions also to closings costs, not to mention offer more products and options excellent member service. besides the Fannie Mae and Fred- die Mac products. By starting the home buying pro- cess at Alliance Credit Union, you Most credit unions, including Alli- can take advantage of our vast ance, offer portfolio loan products networking circle. If you don’t for those buyers that don’t quite have a realtor, we will find one fit the “cookie-cutter” borrower for you. We will do all we can to Alliance Has a Dedicated Team Waiting to Serve You! stereotype created by big banks. make sure that you, as our mem- We understand that each loan applica- ber, are satisfied. After all, Our Mis- tion is different and that we are here Once you contact our Mortgage De- sion Statement is, “Providing financial to serve you, your friends and family. partment, you will go through a pre- solutions that deliver value and enrich Whether you are a first time home qualification process to obtain a pre- the lives of our members.” Our Mort- buyer or an empty nester looking to approval letter. A pre-approval letter gage Department accomplishes this downsize, Alliance Credit Union is informs realtors that you have spoken mission. the place to start your home buying to a lender and they have reviewed process. Our home loan experts spe- your credit scores, income, and assets If you or anyone you know is even cialize in helping our members get the to “pre-approve” your situation. It also considering a home loan do them a favor most out of their home loan. tells realtors that you are a serious and have them call our Mortgage De- buyer and that financing will not be an partment at (636) 343-7005, option 3 or When looking to buy a home issue. In fact, most realtors want their apply online at www.alliancecu.com. 2 your first step should be con- January 2014 Income NOW CDS Open An Account Online with Account Create Pay YOU Monthly Account Create enables new Expand your account relationship members to open an account and with Alliance today by visiting enables existing account holders www.alliancecu.com and click to add a Checking Account, Club on “Open An Account” at the top Account (Holiday and Vacation) of the page. and apply for an ATM or Debit Card 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Our Income Now CDs pay higher in- In just a few minutes you can eas- terest rates than traditional CDs with ily complete an application from similar terms found at other financial anywhere you have an Internet institutions! connection. In addition to pro- cessing the application, Account How do Income NOW CDs work? Create verifies your identity, pulls You deposit a specified amount into a a credit report and also supports federally insured Income Now CD at account funding via ACH. Alliance. Interest accrues daily and is added to the CD balance just before Alliance Member Discount the monthly payment distribution is made. You simply authorize Alliance to make level monthly payments from your Income Now CD until the CD matures. The payments consist of both interest and principal until the full value of your CD is paid out and has a zero balance. In short, it’s the CD that pays you monthly! You want quality car and home in- call, we will determine and apply surance that you can depend on and all of the discounts you qualify for See sample terms & rates: rates you can afford. On average, quickly and easily. credit union members who switch Term Rate (APY) save up to $427.96!* 1-Year Income Now CD .85% APY 2-Year Income Now CD 1.20% APY Endorsed and made available to you by your credit union, the TruStage 3-Year Income Now CD 1.45% APY Auto & Home Insurance Program 5-Year Income Now CD 1.70% APY is only available to credit union members.
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