Mark Kurlansky,S. D. Schindler | 48 pages | 06 Oct 2014 | Penguin Putnam Inc | 9780147511669 | English | New York, United States The Story of Salt by Mark Kurlansky

The first written reference to salt is found in the Book of Job, recorded about 2, BC. From ancient times to the present, the importance of salt to humans and animals has been recognized. Thousands of years ago, The Story of Salt created paths to salt licks, and men followed seeking game and salt. Their trails became roads and beside the roads; settlements grew. These settlements became cities and nations. Ancient Britons carried their crude salt by pack train from Cheshire to Southern England where they often were forced to delay their journey until the high tides of the Thames River subsided. A village known as Westminster grew up there and Westminster became The Story of Salt. Salt has greatly influenced the political and economic history of the world. Every civilization has had its salt lore — fascinating superstitions and legends that have The Story of Salt handed down, sometimes reverently and sometimes with tongue-in-cheek. The purifying quality of salt has made it a part of the rituals in some religious ceremonies. It originated in ancient Greece where salt was traded for slaves. According to an old The Story of Salt superstition, a person will shed as many tears as will be necessary to dissolve the salt spilled. An old English belief has it that every spilled represents future tears. The Germans believe The Story of Salt whoever spills salt arouses enmity, because it is thought to be the direct act of the devil, the peace disturber. The French throw a little spilled salt behind them in order to hit the devil in the eye, to temporarily prevent further mischief. In the United States, some people not only toss a pinch of spilled salt over the left shoulder, but crawl under the table and come out the opposite side. The United States has had its battles over salt. Many battles and treaties took place before Western salt licks were free to be used by settlers. During the War of with England, it became very difficult to obtain salt from abroad. Because of this, The Story of Salt production of salt began in Syracuse, New York. During the Civil War, Syracuse production freed the North of all salt problems, but bySoutherners could not buy salt at any price. If the South had been able to protect its salt factories in Virginia and its salt deposits along the Louisiana gulf coast, the War between the States might have ended differently. Transporting salt has always been a problem because it is bulky and low priced. Did you know three out of four American households experience hard water? The Story of Salt will send you a water test strip to help you find out if you have hard water. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Salt History. Go Back to Salt Facts. Please send me coupons, products, promotions, announcements and satisfaction surveys from , Inc. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The Story of Salt by Mark Kurlansky, S. D. Schindler, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

S alt comes from dead, dried-up seas or living ones. It can bubble to the surface as brine or crop out in the form of salt licks and shallow caverns. Below the skin of the earth it lies in white veins, some of them thousands of feet deep. The history of the world according to salt is simple: animals wore paths to salt licks; men followed; trails became roads, and settlements grew beside them. When the human menu shifted from salt-rich game to cereals, more salt was needed to supplement the diet. But the underground deposits were beyond reach, and the salt sprinkled over the surface was insufficient. Scarcity kept the mineral precious. Salt routes crisscrossed the globe. One of the most traveled led from Morocco south across the Sahara to Timbuktu. Ships bearing salt from Egypt to Greece traversed the Mediterranean and the Aegean. Herodotus describes a caravan route that united the salt oases of the Libyan desert. Inwhen he first returned from Cathay, Marco Polo delighted the Doge with tales of the prodigious value of salt coins bearing the seal of the great Khan. As early as the 6th century, in the sub-Sahara, Moorish merchants routinely traded salt ounce for ounce for gold. Each one was about ten inches long and two inches thick. Cakes of The Story of Salt were also used as money The Story of Salt other areas of central Africa. Not only did salt serve to flavor and preserve food, it made a good antiseptic, which is why the Roman word for these salubrious crystals sal is a first cousin to Salus, the goddess of health. Of all the roads that led to Rome, one of the busiest was the Via Salaria, the salt route, over which Roman soldiers marched and merchants drove oxcarts full of the precious crystals up the Tiber from the salt pans The Story of Salt Ostia. Because of The Story of Salt use as a preservative, salt became a token of permanence to the Jews of the Old Testament. Its use in Hebrew sacrifices as a meat purifier came to signify the The Story of Salt covenant between God and Israel. In one biblical case, salt symbolized a lack of fidelity. In Genesistwo angels of the Lord command Lot, his wife and two daughters to flee the sinful city of Sodom without ever looking back. In the Christian catechism, salt is still a metaphor for the grace and wisdom of Christ. During the Middle Ages, the ancient sanctity of salt slid toward superstition. The Story of Salt spilling of salt was considered ominous, a portent of doom. After spilling salt, the spiller had to cast a pinch of it over his left shoulder because the The Story of Salt side was thought to be sinister, a place where evil spirits tended to congregate. The social symbolism of salt was painfully evident in the medieval equivalents of the Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette. As late as the 18th century, the rank of guests at a banquet was gauged The Story of Salt where they sat in relation to an often elaborate silver saltcellar on the table. Salt taxes variously solidified or helped dissolve the power of governments. For centuries the French people were forced to buy all their salt from royal depots. The , or , was so high during the reign of Louis XVI that it became a major grievance and eventually helped ignite the French Revolution. As late asin protest against the high British tax on salt in India, Mahatma Gandhi led a mass pilgrimage of his followers to the seaside to make then-own salt. If the importance of a food to a society can be measured by the allusions to it in language and literature, then the significance of salt is virtually unrivaled. Nearly four pages of the Oxford English Dictionary are taken up by references to salt, more than any other food. But there can be no doubt about how salt has seasoned history. Contact us at letters time. Get our History Newsletter. Put today's news in context and see highlights from the archives. Please enter a valid email address. Sign Up Now. Check the box if you do not wish to receive promotional offers via email from TIME. You can unsubscribe at any time. By signing up you are agreeing to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Thank you! For your security, we've sent a confirmation email to the address you entered. Click the link to confirm your subscription and begin receiving our newsletters. If you don't get the confirmation within 10 minutes, please check your spam folder. Related Stories. Sign Up for Newsletters Sign up to receive the top stories you need to know now on politics, health and more. Salt History - Morton Salt

First in Genesisher husband was told to take her and her daughters out of the city of Sodom. First in Genesisher husband is told to take her and her daughters out of the city of Sodom. However, they soon realized the land was not suitable for them both as Lot also had flocks, herds, and tenets. Conflict erupted between the herdsmen of Abram and Lot. Lot surveyed the land and chose the plain of Jordan since he observed it had great access to water. After this separation, the Lord promised Abram and his descendants all the land he could see from east to west and south to north. The economy of both Sodom and Gomorrah suffered as a result. He and his armed servants were able to save Lot and all his goods. He was grateful to Abram for his assistance in delivering his people. The king The Story of Salt Sodom, however, requested the return of all his possession and people. Abram assured the king that the only spoils he received were fed to the people during their journey. Abraham and Sarah as they were named by this point were growing old, yet the Lord informed him of the growing wickedness and coming judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah. But Abraham was not able to find even 10 righteous men among those of the land. Two angels met Lot as he sat at the gate of Sodom and offered them lodging for The Story of Salt night. They finally agreed and went with Lot who fed them. That night, however, all the men of Sodom caught wind of the angels and encompassed the house of Lot. Lot responded by offering his two virgin daughters instead. The men of Sodom persisted, trying to reach the angels, who looked like men. The Story of Salt outcry to the LORD against its people is so great The Story of Salt he has sent us to destroy it. Lot warned his sons-in-law, but they mocked him and refused the warning. As the dawn was The Story of Salt, the angels again told Lot that judgment was immediate, and he needed to take his wife and daughters The Story of Salt of the city. Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away! Lot and his two daughters fled to the nearby mountains in the city of Zoar. The oldest daughter realized the agedness of her father and the absence of her mother. Because of his drunken condition, Lot did not realize what was happening as his daughters each slept with him in succession. Each daughter conceived a son in this way, who became fathers of the Moabites and the Ammonites Genesis His wife told Lot it was bad custom to offer the salt from their household, so she went house to house in the neighborhood informing the The Story of Salt of the houses of the two travelers while she looked for salt. This idea is not expressed in the Bible, only in Jewish teachings. Her action suggests that she identified with the people of Sodom. We are not told the specific reason she looked back to the city as it was being destroyed. The story warns believers of the consequences of looking back on their previous life of sin before salvation. Such pondering will usually return us to past sins. There is no room or time to worry about the things we leave behind in our journey forward with Christ. In order to grow spiritually, we must place our trust in God, not dwell in our past. He enjoys serving his church as a deacon and Sunday School teacher. He and his wife Brandi reside in Tennessee with their canine son Alistair. Share this. Chad Napier Crosswalk. Related People Who Were the Nazarites? Who Was Thomas Aquinas? Who Was Augustine? Who Are the Samaritans The Story of Salt the Bible? Their Story and Significance. Today on Christianity. Get Christianity. About Christianity. All rights reserved.