OFFICIAL RECORD of PROCEEDINGS Wednesday, 2 March 2011 the Council Met at Eleven O'clock

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OFFICIAL RECORD of PROCEEDINGS Wednesday, 2 March 2011 the Council Met at Eleven O'clock LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ─ 2 March 2011 6055 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Wednesday, 2 March 2011 The Council met at Eleven o'clock MEMBERS PRESENT: THE PRESIDENT THE HONOURABLE JASPER TSANG YOK-SING, G.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE ALBERT HO CHUN-YAN IR DR THE HONOURABLE RAYMOND HO CHUNG-TAI, S.B.S., S.B.ST.J., J.P. THE HONOURABLE LEE CHEUK-YAN DR THE HONOURABLE DAVID LI KWOK-PO, G.B.M., G.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE FRED LI WAH-MING, S.B.S., J.P. DR THE HONOURABLE MARGARET NG THE HONOURABLE JAMES TO KUN-SUN THE HONOURABLE CHEUNG MAN-KWONG THE HONOURABLE CHAN KAM-LAM, S.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE MRS SOPHIE LEUNG LAU YAU-FUN, G.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE LEUNG YIU-CHUNG DR THE HONOURABLE PHILIP WONG YU-HONG, G.B.S. 6056 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ─ 2 March 2011 THE HONOURABLE WONG YUNG-KAN, S.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE LAU KONG-WAH, J.P. THE HONOURABLE LAU WONG-FAT, G.B.M., G.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE MIRIAM LAU KIN-YEE, G.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE EMILY LAU WAI-HING, J.P. THE HONOURABLE ANDREW CHENG KAR-FOO THE HONOURABLE TIMOTHY FOK TSUN-TING, G.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE TAM YIU-CHUNG, G.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE ABRAHAM SHEK LAI-HIM, S.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE LI FUNG-YING, S.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE TOMMY CHEUNG YU-YAN, S.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE FREDERICK FUNG KIN-KEE, S.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE AUDREY EU YUET-MEE, S.C., J.P. THE HONOURABLE VINCENT FANG KANG, S.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE WONG KWOK-HING, M.H. THE HONOURABLE LEE WING-TAT DR THE HONOURABLE JOSEPH LEE KOK-LONG, S.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE JEFFREY LAM KIN-FUNG, S.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE ANDREW LEUNG KWAN-YUEN, G.B.S., J.P. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ─ 2 March 2011 6057 THE HONOURABLE CHEUNG HOK-MING, G.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE WONG TING-KWONG, B.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE RONNY TONG KA-WAH, S.C. THE HONOURABLE CHIM PUI-CHUNG PROF THE HONOURABLE PATRICK LAU SAU-SHING, S.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE KAM NAI-WAI, M.H. THE HONOURABLE CYD HO SAU-LAN THE HONOURABLE STARRY LEE WAI-KING, J.P. DR THE HONOURABLE LAM TAI-FAI, B.B.S., J.P. THE HONOURABLE CHAN HAK-KAN THE HONOURABLE PAUL CHAN MO-PO, M.H., J.P. THE HONOURABLE CHAN KIN-POR, J.P. DR THE HONOURABLE PRISCILLA LEUNG MEI-FUN DR THE HONOURABLE LEUNG KA-LAU THE HONOURABLE CHEUNG KWOK-CHE THE HONOURABLE WONG SING-CHI THE HONOURABLE WONG KWOK-KIN, B.B.S. THE HONOURABLE IP WAI-MING, M.H. THE HONOURABLE IP KWOK-HIM, G.B.S., J.P. 6058 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ─ 2 March 2011 THE HONOURABLE MRS REGINA IP LAU SUK-YEE, G.B.S., J.P. DR THE HONOURABLE PAN PEY-CHYOU THE HONOURABLE PAUL TSE WAI-CHUN DR THE HONOURABLE SAMSON TAM WAI-HO, J.P. THE HONOURABLE ALAN LEONG KAH-KIT, S.C. THE HONOURABLE LEUNG KWOK-HUNG THE HONOURABLE TANYA CHAN THE HONOURABLE ALBERT CHAN WAI-YIP THE HONOURABLE WONG YUK-MAN PUBLIC OFFICERS ATTENDING: THE HONOURABLE MICHAEL SUEN MING-YEUNG, G.B.S., J.P. SECRETARY FOR EDUCATION THE HONOURABLE STEPHEN LAM SUI-LUNG, G.B.S., J.P. SECRETARY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL AND MAINLAND AFFAIRS THE HONOURABLE AMBROSE LEE SIU-KWONG, G.B.S., I.D.S.M., J.P. SECRETARY FOR SECURITY DR THE HONOURABLE YORK CHOW YAT-NGOK, G.B.S., J.P. SECRETARY FOR FOOD AND HEALTH THE HONOURABLE DENISE YUE CHUNG-YEE, G.B.S., J.P. SECRETARY FOR THE CIVIL SERVICE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ─ 2 March 2011 6059 THE HONOURABLE TSANG TAK-SING, G.B.S., J.P. SECRETARY FOR HOME AFFAIRS THE HONOURABLE MATTHEW CHEUNG KIN-CHUNG, G.B.S., J.P. SECRETARY FOR LABOUR AND WELFARE PROF THE HONOURABLE K C CHAN, S.B.S., J.P. SECRETARY FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES AND THE TREASURY THE HONOURABLE EDWARD YAU TANG-WAH, J.P. SECRETARY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT THE HONOURABLE EVA CHENG, J.P. SECRETARY FOR TRANSPORT AND HOUSING MS JULIA LEUNG FUNG-YEE, J.P. UNDER SECRETARY FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES AND THE TREASURY MR LAI TUNG-KWOK, S.B.S., I.D.S.M., J.P. UNDER SECRETARY FOR SECURITY MISS ADELINE WONG CHING-MAN, J.P. UNDER SECRETARY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL AND MAINLAND AFFAIRS CLERKS IN ATTENDANCE: MS PAULINE NG MAN-WAH, SECRETARY GENERAL MRS CONSTANCE LI TSOI YEUK-LIN, ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL MRS JUSTINA LAM CHENG BO-LING, ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL MRS PERCY MA, ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL 6060 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ─ 2 March 2011 PRESIDENT (in Cantonese): Clerk, please ring the bell to summon Members to the Chamber. (After the summoning bell had been rung, a number of Members entered the Chamber) TABLING OF PAPERS The following papers were laid on the table under Rule 21(2) of the Rules of Procedure: Subsidiary Legislation/Instruments L.N. No. Public Revenue Protection (Dutiable Commodities) Order 2011 ............................................................. 32/2011 Public Revenue Protection (Motor Vehicles First Registration Tax) Order 2011..................................................... 33/2011 Rating (Exemption) Order 2011......................................... 34/2011 Legal Aid (Assessment of Resources and Contributions) (Amendment) Regulation 2011.............................. 35/2011 Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules 1 and 3) Order 2011 ............................................................. 36/2011 Other Papers No. 68 ─ The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Annual Report 2009-2010, and Financial statements and Auditor's report for the year ended 30 June 2010 No. 69 ─ Hong Kong Arts Development Council Annual Report 2009/10 No. 70 ─ Audited financial statements together with the Auditor's report and Report on Activities of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority for the year ended 31 August 2010 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ─ 2 March 2011 6061 No. 71 ─ Estimates for the year ending 31 March 2012 General Revenue Account ― Consolidated Summary of Estimates ― Revenue Analysis by Head Report No. 14/10-11 of the House Committee on Consideration of Subsidiary Legislation and Other Instruments Report of the Bills Committee on Chief Executive Election (Amendment) Bill 2010 and Legislative Council (Amendment) Bill 2010 Report of the Bills Committee on Motor Vehicle Idling (Fixed Penalty) Bill ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS PRESIDENT (in Cantonese): Questions. First question. Relocation of Offices of the Government and Public Organizations in Core Districts 1. MS STARRY LEE (in Cantonese): The prices and rental for premises in commercial buildings, in particular Grade A offices, have continued to rise recently. According to the "Hong Kong Property Review" published by the Rating and Valuation Department, the prices and rental for Grade A offices in core districts in December 2010 had, as compared with the relevant figures 18 months ago, increased by 43% and by 16% to 20% respectively. This causes the operating costs of enterprises to increase drastically and will ultimately aggravate the burden on consumers. In view of the limited supply of commercial buildings in core districts, there are comments that some government departments and public organizations which have offices situated in these prime land lots are competing with the private sector for profits and failing to make good use of public resources. In his reply to my question at the Question and Answer Session of this Council on 14 May 2009, the Chief Executive pointed out that staff members in the Government Property Agency had been reviewing these issues. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council: 6062 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ─ 2 March 2011 (a) the names of the government departments and public organizations with offices situated in core districts such as Central, Admiralty, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok, and so on, at present (set out in table in the appendix), and list by department and organization in table form the location, uses, total floor areas, estimated prices (for government properties) or monthly rental (for non-government properties) of these offices, whether there is any relocation plan, and if so, the details of the plans, the dates of relocation and the addresses of the new offices; (b) of the number of government departments and public organizations which have relocated their offices away from core districts since May 2009, together with the details (including the dates of relocation and new addresses); whether the Government will conduct a comprehensive review of the feasibility of relocating the offices in part (a) away from the core districts so as to vacate the sites for other development purposes; if it will, of the details and progress; if not, the reasons for that; and (c) what measures the authorities have to assist the trades in resolving difficulties in coping with increasing operating costs resulting from rising prices and rental of commercial buildings? President, before the Secretary gives his reply, I wish to raise a point of order. Except me, most Honourable colleagues have not received the main reply to this question and even in my case, so far, I have not received the Annexes. May I ask the President to rule whether or not the time for this question should be put back? PRESIDENT (in Cantonese): The main reply, in written form, has been placed on Members' desks. MS STARRY LEE (in Cantonese): Only I have been given the reply and other Members do not have it yet. President, even the reply given to me is incomplete, with only the basic part but as for the most important part, that is, the Annexes that I requested the authorities to provide in tabulated form are still unavailable.
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