Labor and Labor Unions Collection Inventory
Mss. Coll. 86 Labor and Labor Unions Collection Inventory Box 1 Folder 1 Toledo Labor Unions, ca. 1894 (Original) 1. Pamphlet, possibly for multi-union gathering, gives brief history of the following unions: Painters and Decorators’ Union No. 7; Metal Polishers, Buffers and Platers No. 2; Union No. 25, U. B. of C. and J. of A.; Bakers’ union, No. 66; United Association Journeymen Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, and Steam Fitters’ Helpers, Local Union No. 50; Local Union No. 81 of the A. F. G. W. U.; Toledo Musical Protective Association, Local 25; Beer Drivers’ Union No. 87; Brewery Workers’ Union, No. 60; Drivers and Helpers’ Protective Union, No. 6020; Barbers’ Union No. 5; Toledo Lodge No. 105, I. A. of M.; Amalgamated Council of Building Trades; Toledo Typographical Union, No. 63; Coopers’ Union, No. 34; and Stone Pavers’ Union, No. 5191 Folder 2 Toledo Labor Unions, ca. 1894 (Photocopy) 1. See description of Folder 1 Folder 3 Amalgamated Meat Cutters & Butcher Workmen, Local 466 1. Circular re Kroger and A&P groceries, n.d. Folder 4 American Flint Glass Workers Union, AFL-CIO 1. House organ, American Flint, vol. 68, no. 7 (July 1978) 100th Anniversary – 1878-1978 2. Pamphlet, “American Flint Glass Workers Union, AFL-CIO, Organized July 1, 1878, Toledo, Ohio, ca. 1979 (2 copies) Folder 5 Cigarmakers Int. Union of America, Local Union No. 48 1. Letter to Board of Public Service, Toledo, April 21, 1903 Folder 6 International Association of Machinists, Toledo Lodge No. 105 1. Bylaws, 1943 Folder 7 International Labour Office, Metal Trades Committee 1.
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