Postal Customer PRSRT STD U.S. Postage Escondido, CA 92026 PAID Permit No. 273 Escondido, CA Fire Safety News ECRWSS Serving the communities of Castle Creek, Champagne Village, Deer Springs, West Lilac, Hidden Meadows, Jesmond Dene, Rimrock, and the Welk Resort Volume 5, No. 2 Summer, 2008 LAUNCH ALL AIRCRAFT ! CAL FIRE RAMONA AIR ATTACK BASE DURING THE WITCH CREEK FIRE, OCTOBER 2007 The following fire scenario is fictional but could all too easily become a The single digit humidity, high winds, and extremely dry or dead vegetation create reality in our Fire District. It came very close to happening on May 16, 2008 on the ideal conditions for a rapidly moving fire that will threaten lives and property, eastern side of Moosa Canyon. When it does happen, we can all be thankful for the most prominently along the Moosa Canyon Ridge. experience, training, preparation, and discipline of CAL FIRE Air Operations, the CAL FIRE HeliTack Crew Members and the Sheriff’s Office ASTREA Helicop- Within seconds, CAL FIRE Monte Vista dispatches a full response of fire engines, ter pilots who partner with the CAL FIRE personnel in the air and on the ground. water tankers, ground attack crew, and bulldozers. It also orders “LAUNCH These brave men and women put their lives on the line, day in and day out, to save ALL AIRCRAFT” from the San Diego Region. This order sets in to motion a lives and property within our District, the County, and the great State of California. sequence of events that has been anticipated, trained, practiced and performed over We are fortunate to have these resources available to us combined with their strong the course of many years by CAL FIRE Air Operations.
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