4Q20 and 2020 Earnings Release
Earnings Release Rio Manso System Reservoir 4Q20 and 2020 Rio Manso Reservoir Belo Horizonte, March 1, 2021 - COPASA MG - Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais - (B3: CSMG3) hereby announces today its results for the fourth quarter of 2020 (4Q20) and the full year of 2020. The financial information, except where otherwise indicated, is presented in Brazilian Reais thousands (R$ thousand) and refers to the Parent Company. All tables in this report are available for download on the Company's Investor Relations website: (ir.copasa.com.br). Conference Call (Simultaneous Translation) 4Q20 2020 Date: March 3, 2021 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 4Q20 4Q19 vs. 2020 2019 vs. 11:00 a.m. (Brasília time) 4Q19 2019 9:00 a.m. (New York time) Net revenues of water, sewage and solid 1,344,685 1,292,025 4.1% 5,015,077 4,685,283 7.0% 2:00 p.m. (London time) waste Costs of services rendered, selling and 1 958,864 898,460 6.7% 3,695,323 3,403,078 8.6% administrative expenses 1 Telephones: Other Net Income (Expenses) (6,287) (33,118) -81.0% (25,919) (113,234) -77.1% Brazil: +55 (11) 3137-8074 Result before Financial Result and Taxes 381,775 357,074 6.9% 1,281,248 1,156,199 10.8% USA: +1 (786) 209 1795 Financial Result (25,396) (22,417) 13.3% (175,973) (133,895) 31.4% United Kingdom: +44 (20) 3769 EBITDA 547,390 511,507 7.0% 1,926,566 1,758,469 9.6% 3830 EBITDA Margin 38.8% 38.5% 0.3p.p 36.8% 36.4% 0.4p.p Code: COPASA Net Income 268,754 255,287 5.3% 816,477 754,374 8.2% Webcast: Click here.
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