Graphdb Free Documentation Release 7.2

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Graphdb Free Documentation Release 7.2 GraphDB Free Documentation Release 7.2 Ontotext Oct 28, 2016 CONTENTS 1 General 1 1.1 About GraphDB...........................................2 1.2 Architecture & components.....................................2 1.2.1 Architecture.........................................2 Sesame............................................3 The SAIL API........................................4 1.2.2 Components.........................................4 Engine............................................4 Connectors..........................................5 Workbench..........................................5 1.3 GraphDB Free............................................5 1.3.1 Comparison of GraphDB Free and GraphDB SE......................6 1.4 Connectors..............................................6 1.5 Workbench..............................................6 1.5.1 How to use it........................................7 2 Quick start guide 9 2.1 Start the database...........................................9 2.1.1 Run GraphDB as a desktop installation...........................9 On Windows.........................................9 On Mac OS..........................................9 On Linux...........................................9 Configuring GraphDB....................................9 Stopping GraphDB...................................... 10 2.1.2 Run GraphDB as a stand-alone server........................... 10 Running GraphDB...................................... 10 Configuring GraphDB.................................... 11 Stopping the database.................................... 12 2.2 Set up your license.......................................... 12 2.3 Create a repository.......................................... 12 2.4 Load your data............................................ 13 2.4.1 Load data through the GraphDB Workbench........................ 13 2.4.2 Load data through SPARQL or Sesame API........................ 14 2.4.3 Load data through the GraphDB LoadRDF tool...................... 15 2.5 Explore your data and class relationships.............................. 15 2.5.1 Class hierarchy....................................... 15 2.5.2 Domain-Range graph.................................... 18 2.5.3 Class relationships..................................... 20 2.6 Query your data........................................... 22 2.6.1 Query data through the GraphDB Workbench....................... 22 2.6.2 Query data programmatically................................ 26 2.7 Additional resources......................................... 26 3 Installation 29 3.1 Requirements............................................. 29 i 3.1.1 Minimum.......................................... 29 3.1.2 Recommended....................................... 29 3.1.3 Licensing.......................................... 29 3.2 Deployment scenarios........................................ 29 3.3 Running GraphDB.......................................... 30 3.3.1 Run GraphDB as a desktop installation........................... 30 On Windows......................................... 30 On Mac OS.......................................... 30 On Linux........................................... 30 Configuring GraphDB.................................... 31 Stopping GraphDB...................................... 31 3.3.2 Run GraphDB as a stand-alone server........................... 31 Running GraphDB...................................... 31 Configuring GraphDB.................................... 32 Stopping the database.................................... 33 3.3.3 Run GraphDB as a WAR file deployed in a servlet container............... 33 Configuring GraphDB.................................... 33 Stopping the database.................................... 33 3.4 Configuring GraphDB........................................ 33 3.4.1 Directories......................................... 34 GraphDB Home....................................... 34 Checking the configured directories............................. 35 3.4.2 Configuration........................................ 35 Config properties....................................... 35 Configuring logging..................................... 36 3.4.3 Best practices........................................ 36 Step by step guide...................................... 36 3.5 Distribution package......................................... 37 3.6 Using Maven artifacts........................................ 37 3.6.1 Public Maven repository.................................. 37 3.6.2 Distribution......................................... 38 3.6.3 GraphDB JAR file for embedding the database or plugin development.......... 38 4 Administration 39 4.1 Administration tasks......................................... 39 4.2 Administration tools......................................... 39 4.2.1 Through the Workbench.................................. 39 4.2.2 Through the JMX interface................................. 40 4.3 Creating locations and repositories................................. 40 4.4 Configuring a repository....................................... 41 4.4.1 Planning a repository configuration............................. 41 4.4.2 Configuring a repository through the GraphDB Workbench................ 41 4.4.3 Configuring a repository programmatically........................ 42 4.4.4 Configuration parameters.................................. 43 4.4.5 Configuring GraphDB memory............................... 47 Configuring Java heap memory............................... 47 Single global page cache................................... 48 Configuring Entity pool memory............................... 48 Sample memory configuration................................ 48 4.5 Sizing guidelines........................................... 49 4.5.1 Entry-level deployment................................... 49 4.5.2 Mid-range deployment................................... 49 4.5.3 Enterprise deployment................................... 49 4.6 Disk space requirements....................................... 50 4.6.1 GraphDB disk space requirements for loading a dataset.................. 50 4.6.2 GraphDB disk space requirements per statement...................... 50 4.7 Configuring the Entity Pool..................................... 51 4.8 Managing repositories........................................ 51 ii 4.8.1 Changing repository parameters.............................. 51 Using the Workbench..................................... 52 In the SYSTEM repository................................... 52 Global overrides....................................... 52 4.8.2 Renaming a repository................................... 52 4.9 Access rights and security...................................... 53 4.9.1 Using the GraphDB Workbench.............................. 53 4.10 Backing up and recovering a repository............................... 54 4.10.1 Backing up a repository................................... 54 4.10.2 Restoring a repository.................................... 56 4.11 Query monitoring and termination.................................. 56 4.11.1 Query monitoring...................................... 57 4.11.2 Terminating a query..................................... 57 Stopping queries using JMX................................. 58 Stopping queries with GraphDB Workbench........................ 58 Automatically prevent long running queries......................... 58 4.11.3 Terminating a transaction.................................. 58 4.12 Database health checks........................................ 59 4.12.1 Possible values for health checks and their meaning.................... 59 4.12.2 Default health checks for the different GraphDB editions................. 59 4.12.3 Running the health checks................................. 59 4.13 System metrics monitoring...................................... 60 4.13.1 Page cache metrics..................................... 60 cache.flush.......................................... 60 cache.hit........................................... 60 cache.load........................................... 60 cache.miss.......................................... 61 4.13.2 Entity pool metrics..................................... 61 61 epool.write.......................................... 61 4.14 Diagnosing and reporting critical errors............................... 61 4.14.1 Logs............................................. 61 Setting up the root logger................................... 61 Logs location......................................... 62 Log files........................................... 62 4.14.2 Report script........................................ 62 Requirements......................................... 63 Example........................................... 63 5 Usage 65 5.1 Workbench user guide........................................ 65 5.1.1 Admin (Administering the Workbench).......................... 66 Managing locations...................................... 66 Managing repositories.................................... 67 Managing users and access.................................. 69 Query monitoring and interruption.............................. 70 Resource monitoring..................................... 71 System information...................................... 71 REST API.......................................... 72 5.1.2 Data (Working with data).................................. 73 Importing data........................................ 73 Exporting data.......................................
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