Mr. Lawrence C. Rowell, 71 Ny Tompkins
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THURSDAY, JULY 19, 2012 SERVING TILTON, NORTHFIELD, BELMONT & SANBORNTON, N.H. FREE AutoServ steps up for a local family in need BY DONNA RHODES when his company learned [email protected] about their troubles, they TILTON — Last Thurs- asked how they could help. day afternoon, AutoServ of Town officials informed Tilton stepped up to ease one them of the family’s need for of the many burdens of the reliable transportation, so Rivers family in Tilton by AutoServ delved into their donating a 2001 Nissan Xter- inventory and found some- ra SUV after the couple’s two thing very suitable. vehicles were crushed by “It’s great we were able to falling trees in a microburst do something like this. This on July Fourth. Neither of community’s been so great their vehicles were insured to us over the years as we’ve for such damage, as both grown, and these are just were paid in full and one was great folks. We were so only used for plowing their pleased we were in the posi- driveway. tion to give them a hand,” “We just had the mini- said Hosmer, adding, “This mum liability coverage, so car should work very well we really didn’t know what for them.” we were going to do when we Considering the many re- saw what happened to cent Fourth of July celebra- them,” said Sylvia Rivers tions and activities in the last week. Lakes Region, Hosmer said AutoServ vice president SEE AUTOSERV, PAGE A10 Andrew Hosmer said that DONNA RHODES Sylvia Rivers of Tilton was overwhelmed with gratitude when AutoServ of Tilton’s vice president, Andrew Hosmer, handed her keys to a 2001 Nissan Xterra to replace one of her family’s vehicles, which were crushed by trees when a microburst struck the area on July 4. Also on hand for the pres- entation were Police Chief Robert Cormier and Caring Hands Assisting Tilton’s vice chairman, Jane Alden, all of whom have been assisting the fam- ily since their home was severely damaged in the storm. Tilton selectmen reject idea of designated parking for motorcycles BY DONNA RHODES well. Parking regulations secured properly,” he said. to attend the hearing, one [email protected] along Main Street require By designating a spot in business sent an email voic- DONNA RHODES Older children of Sanbornton interested in scientific investigation pro- TILTON — Selectmen in merchants and their em- front of the Northfield- ing their opinion. In it, cedures have been gathering at the public library on Wednesday ployees to leave their vehi- Tilton Congregational Michael Gagne stated it did Tilton held a public hearing evenings for “Sanbornton: CSI.” Shown examining fingerprints under a last Thursday to receive in- cles in a municipal lot be- Church, Weinreb believed not make sense to him to magnifying glass, Christopher is one of a dozen participants in the free put from residents and local hind the downtown stores customers at the barber limit already restricted summer program, which invites them to explore the world of forensic merchants concerning a re- in order to leave room for shop would be able to keep parking for customers. science. quest for a motorcycle only visitors to park along the an eye on their expensive Town Clerk/Tax Collec- parking place on Main busy street. Weinreb said vehicles. The bike owners tor Cindy Reinartz also Street. motorcyclists risk theft or would also feel more secure spoke out against the idea, The request came from vandalism, though, if their in knowing the motorcycles saying, “Hey, I’ve got a blue Joel Weinreb and Shari Le- bikes are left unattended in would not be as susceptible Nissan, and I’d like my own Sanbornton teens breche, who operates Hair- the municipal lot, and he to the theft of saddlebags parking spot, too.” cuts for Men at 281 Main St. proposed that selectmen and other expensive items, Selectman Katherine in downtown Tilton. Wein- create a motorcycle only as they could be if they were Dawson said she believed slot. parked elsewhere. the theory behind Wein- get a taste of “CSI” reb said many customers of the shop drive motorcycles, “A motorcycle is not a car, While only a few neigh- BY DONNA RHODES and Lebreche owns one, as not a truck. They need to be boring merchants were able SEE PARKING, PAGE A10 Low velocity is usually [email protected] more of a dripping pattern, SANBORNTON — As while high velocity could part of the summer pro- come from a bullet wound Local fixture Cliff Buswell reflects on grams for kids, those too old or another fast moving ob- for the fun of the national ject and disperses in a much Dream Big summer reading finer pattern. Flicking red program are instead learn- paint from a long stylus, lifelong love of cars ing to dream scientific as Sanderson showed how the they explore the logistics of drops could ranged from BY DONNA RHODES lectibles, from older models real life investigative proce- thick blobs of color to fine, [email protected] of vehicles built in the mid- dures at the Sanbornton streaking dots, depending TILTON — Race Fever hit 1900’s that he purchased Public Library. on the speed. the region last week as years ago, as well as other Dubbed “Sanbornton: “Sometimes, there can be NASCAR rolled into automotive and racing col- CSI,” the program is show- a void in the patterns be- Loudon, and 73-year old Cliff lectibles he’s picked up ing older youth, from age 11 cause an object got in the Buswell of Tilton was a bit along the way. Buswell and up, more about the sci- way as it spattered. There’s nostalgic as he sat outside knows the significance of entific field that has fasci- really a lot to be learned his home and business on each, and as one who has nated many through televi- from carefully looking at Route 3 to talk about his love owned and worked with sion shows and documen- something as seemingly of automobiles, God and many makes and models of taries over the years. simple as this,” said family. cars in his lifetime, has been On the first week, the Sanderson. Buswell readily shared compiling a book he calls youth were treated to a dis- Back inside after spatter- his many memories and vast “Car Facts,” detailing cussion with retired CSI ex- ing some “blood” of their knowledge of the automo- unique differences of the pert Morris Boudreau, who own, the group began work tive industry,and showed off Ford and Chrysler products gave them some insight on on finger printing methods. the vast array of collectibles through the years. DONNA RHODES his career in forensic sci- They were each given a cup he’s acquired along the way. “I was told I once I was a Cliff Buswell of Tilton stands before a sampling of the hundreds of old ence. Week Two then found to handle as much as possi- His office is a virtual muse- walking encyclopedia of model cars and newer racing collectibles he has acquired over the years the group getting a bit dirty ble, then Sanderson um of automobile col- cars. It’s just in my blood,” through his deep love for all things automotive. as they tried some of the brought out equipment for Buswell said. methods used in unraveling them to lift their prints Perhaps it all started, he deal to own a new Dodge. The new car, and he enjoyed a the mysteries of evidence from the cups. INDEX joked, because he was born response from Chrysler Cor- successful career owning found at a crime scene. Using a magnetic-based ■ in Plymouth, which just hap- poration’s president, W.C. and buying vehicles in the Library employee Cedar powder, the children each Volume 5 • Number 29 pens to also be the name of a Newberg, was sympathetic years to come. In 1959, Sanderson is heading the lightly dusted their cups 24 Pages in 2 Section Chrysler product. And, but encouraging. Buswell went to work with group this year, and led the then pressed clear tape over Classified ...........................B4-9 Buswell also has the middle “Unfortunately, Clifton, his father Harold at Moody dozen or more participants the best samples of the fin- Culture..................................A9 name of Henry,making him we do not know of any short- Motors in Laconia from 1959 outdoors to try their hand ger prints, which were re- Editorial Page .......................A4 feel it may be no coincidence cut in the matter of obtain- until 1962. He and his father at blood spatter examina- vealed through the proce- North Country Notebook .....A7 he is a big fan of Ford auto- ing a new car,” wrote New- then started a company of tion. She first explained dure. Obituaries.............................A6 mobiles, in particular, as berg. “There is one thing we their own, H.W.Buswell and there are three key types of “It’s hard to really look at Sports ................................B1-3 well as Chrysler. are sure of and that is that, Sons, where they sold Dodge, spatters that can give inves- these and see the differ- At the age of 16, while with your enthusiasm, you Jeeps and Saabs for many tigators valuable informa- ences,” one girl noted, with working for Heal and Sons should make a successful ca- years. tion. a new appreciation for what dealership, he so loved reer of selling.” In 1987, his love for auto- “There’s low, medium forensic scientists deal with © 2011, Salmon Press, LLC. Chrysler cars that the young Through a lot of hard mobiles then took him from and high velocity spatters, in their jobs.