SabbathSabbathTHETHE SentinelSentinel May–June 2002

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BSA – The Bible Sabbath Association May–June 2002 BSA – Bible Sabbath AssociationThe Sabbath Sentinel 1 “The Sabbath was made for man...” – Jesus, the Christ The Sabbath Sentinel May–June 2002 Volume 54, No. 3 Issue 495

The Sabbath Sentinel is published bimonthly by The Bible FEATURES Sabbath Association, 3316 Alberta Drive, Gillette, WY 82718. 4 President’s Message — The Mind of Christ Copyright © 2002, by The Bible Sabbath Association. Printed 4 President’s Message — The Mind of Christ in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form by Dr. Sidney L. Davis without written permission is prohibited. Nonprofit bulk rate postage paid at Springdale, Arkansas. 6 Things You May not Know about Evolution Editor: Kenneth Ryland, [email protected] by John D. Morris, PhD Associate Editors: June Narber & Shirley Nickels 9 Spiritual Maturity: How Can We Achieve It? BSA’s Board of Directors for 1999-2003: President: Dr. Sidney L. Davis, [email protected] by Brian Knowles Personal mailing address of the president: P. O. Box 1213 13 The Story of Patrick and The Celtic Church North Chicago, IL 60064 U.S.A. by Ulrike Unruh Vice Presidents: Ken Westby, Tom Justus, Calvin Burrell 17 An Invitation to Sabbath: Rediscovering Treasurer: Bryan Burrell, [email protected] a Gift Secretary: Rich Nickels, [email protected] Webmaster: John Paul Howell, [email protected] Report to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Recording Secretary: June Narber, [email protected] Directors At Large: Daniel Botkin, Mike Galimore, John DEPARTMENTS Conrod, Darrell Estep Subscriptions: Call (888) 687-5191 or (307) 686-5191, or write 3 Editorial — The Ministers of God to: The Bible Sabbath Association, 3316 Alberta Drive, Gillette, WY 82718 or contact us at the office nearest you (see interna- 20 The Church in the World tional addresses below). The Sabbath Sentinel is sent free of charge to all who request it. Your subscription is provided by 21 Letters to the Editor the voluntary contributions of the membership of the The Bible Sabbath Association. 23 Classified Ads Donations are gratefully accepted and are tax deductible in the United States. Those who choose to voluntarily support this international work to promote the Sabbath and proclaim gos- pel of the kingdom of God are welcomed as contributors. Annual membership contributions: regular membership $25; Cover Photo: Flamingo tongue snail Family Membership $30; Life Membership $500. All mem- berships include an annual subscription to The Sabbath Senti- The Coral Kingdom Collection nel. Make all checks, drafts and money orders payable to The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Bible Sabbath Association. (VISA and MasterCard accepted). Photographer: Paige Gill The Bible Sabbath Association is dedicated to promote the seventh day Sabbath. As a nonsectarian association for Sab- bath-observing Christians, BSA accepts members who acknowl- edge Jesus Christ (Yahshua the Messiah) as their Savior, be- lieve the Bible to be the Word of the Eternal, and uphold the seventh day Sabbath. BSA takes no official position on other theological issues, and publishes The Sabbath Sentinel as a fo- rum to promote understanding and to share items of interest to Sabbath observing groups and individuals. For a FREE subscription in the U.S. and Canada: Opinions expressed in The Sabbath Sentinel are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Edito- Call (888) 687-5191, email us at rial Staff or of The Bible Sabbath Association. [email protected] or visit our BSA Worldwide Web Site: website at Correspondence and manuscript submissions: Address all Because of additional postage costs, we inquiries to: Kenneth Ryland, c/o The Sabbath Sentinel, 3316 request that international subscribers donate Alberta Drive, Gillette, WY 82718. Phone: (307) 686-5191, E- mail: [email protected] $20 per year (only $10 per year if they live in International addresses: either Canada or Mexico) to defray the postage Australia: Bible Sabbath Associates, Jim & Lyn Carnochan, 7 costs for international mailing, if they are able Sunny Ridge Rd., Arcadia NSW 2159, E-mail: to do so. [email protected] Address Service Requested

2 The Sabbath Sentinel May–June 2002 EDITORIAL The Ministers of God

What comes to mind when you think of a “minister Ruler of the Nations” or the “King of all Nations.” Our of God?” Is it someone standing in a pulpit railing against founders took literally the words of the prophet Daniel: the sins of the congregation, or perhaps someone kneel- “… he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth ing beside a hospital bed praying for a desperately sick kings, and setteth up kings...” (Daniel 2:21), and the person? If the images in your mind are only those of a description of Christ in Revelation: “Jesus Christ, the church leader, someone we like to call “elder,” “minis- faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler ter,” or “pastor,” then your image is like a partially com- over the kings of the earth...” (Revelation 1:5). pleted portrait. Somewhere along the way we lost sight of the fact Of course, these days it’s very popular to say, “I have that civil authorities are answerable to the Supreme Ruler a ministry doing ...” (You fill in the rest.) There is nothing of the Universe. We like to segment our lives into neat, wrong with people having their own ministries, but the little compartments: We speak of our “religious life,” our type of minister of God I am thinking of has nothing to “social life,” our “work” or “business life,” etc. What our do with anything I have described so founders seem to have grasped is that far. In fact, to many the idea that I am Christ must touch every aspect of life going to present is very foreign and to (including and, perhaps especially, some, it borders on heretical, but it is government), and it is the Christian biblical nonetheless. who must bring the impact of Christ I would like to present to you, to those areas of life that remain un- Judge Roy Moore of Alabama, Chief touched by Him. When Jesus told His Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court disciples to “teach all nations” and and minister of God. Now, before you preach the gospel to “to every crea- write this idea off and turn the page, ture,” He was telling them that such a read what the Apostle Paul had to say thing was possible because, “All about civil authorities in Romans 13:1- power [including civil and judicial 6: “Let every soul be subject to the power] is given unto me in heaven governing authorities. For there is no and in earth” (Matthew 28:18). That authority except from God, and the means that He is now and forever will authorities that exist are appointed by be the final authority over all nations: This sculpture of Moses “He removeth kings, and setteth up God. Therefore whoever resists the carrying the Ten Command- kings.” This is why the founders of the authority resists the ordinance of God, ments on is on display at American Republic expected civil au- and those who resist will bring judg- the U. S. Supreme Court. thorities to honor God and make the ment on themselves. For rulers are not way of those preaching the gospel of a terror to good works, but to evil. Do Christ as smooth as possible. This is also why they be- you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, lieved that they had a right to overthrow any civil author- and you will have praise from the same. For he is God’s ity that was betraying his God-ordained ministry. minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for This brings us back to Chief Justice Roy Moore of he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s min- the state of Alabama. Judge Moore, both as a circuit ister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices court judge and chief justice, has courageously defended evil. Therefore you must be subject, not only because of the public display of the Ten Commandments. The re- wrath but also for conscience’ sake.” sult has been an unrelenting attack on him personally It is not my intention to do a detailed exegesis of this and upon his integrity as a judge by those who cham- passage; that has been done many times. I only want to pion the phony, modern, secularized version of the point your attention to the words, “he is God’s minister.” “separation of church and state.” It is very important for Christians to understand the role As an Alabama circuit court judge in 1992, Judge of civil authorities in God’s overall plan. During the early Moore began his sessions with a voluntary prayer. He years of American colonization and the American Re- public, it was common to refer to Christ as the “Supreme Continued on Page 12

May–June 2002 The Sabbath Sentinel 3 President’s Message

The Mind of Christ or The Need for a New, More Christ-like Relationship between Jews and Gentiles

by Dr. Sidney L. Davis

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5

What may come as a shock to many is the proposi- (Deuteronomy 23:1-3,8). The word “church” was not tion that Yeshua (Jesus Christ as many call him) was a something new that Christians invented in order to differ- Jew and that to be more “Christ-like” means to be more entiate themselves from the Jewish “Synagogue,” indi- Jewish, i.e., having “the mind of Christ” means having cating thereby that a new and different religion had ap- a “Jewish mind.” By the “Jewish mind” I mean a mind peared. Rather, it was of common usage among the Jews that reveres the Torah and applies its precepts to every of the time and belonged to the vocabulary of the Syna- area of life. The Messiah and the movements which gave gogue that Jesus Himself used. In Matthew 18:15-17 Jesus rise to Christianity were completely Jewish in their ori- gives direction on what to do about a brother who will not gins and outreach. The importance of apprehending be reconciled by the testimony of two or three witnesses. the beginnings of the Christian faith as completely Jew- “If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church ish cannot be overstated. [ekklesia].” Jesus not only speaks from the Jewish per- We only become capable of understanding the spective (Deuteronomy 19:15), but the “church” He speaks Jewishness of Jesus and His Jewish disciples of the of here is the local Jewish congregation following the pro- New Testament Scriptures as well as the original char- cedure set out in the Mosaic law, the Torah. The Christian acter of Christianity when we begin to educate ourselves “Church” did not exist yet! Stephen used the word about Jewish life, thought, and faith as they existed in “church” to apply to “the church [ekklesia] in the wilder- the life and faith of Yeshua (Jesus) and of the early Chris- ness with the angel which spake to him [Moses] in the tian church. As a Sabbath school teacher and a speaker mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively before Sabbath-keeping Christians, I often hear remarks oracles to give unto us” (Acts 7:38). of incredulity and cynicism about the fact that not only In other words, the Christian must, as much as pos- is Jesus Christ still a Jew, but that the New Testament sible, become a Jew in comprehension, sympathy, and is still a Jewish Testament about Him. spirit before he can truly address himself to anything genu- We have to completely divest ourselves and unlearn inely Christian from the biblical point of view. (“...he is a (no easy task for anyone nurtured in the creed and tradi- Jew who is one inwardly...” [Rom. 2:29]) While there lin- tional views of the Gentile Christian church) every consid- gers any sense of alienation or hostility toward what it eration that Jesus and His followers represented anything means to be biblically Jewish, it is not possible to get Chris- other than a Jewish perspective. Even the very origin of tianity into correct perspective. In this quest, scholarship “the church” in the New Testament is a wholly Jewish and book learning are not enough, because scholarship concept. It is used in connection with God’s faithfulness and book learning do not necessarily involve commitment and irrevocable covenant with Israel. In the Old Testament and identification with the Jewish mind and soul. the expression Yom haQahal, the “Day of the Congrega- The “Christian” religion as it is commonly understood tion,” refers to the day when God made a covenant with today by many professed Christians is the culmination of Israel at Sinai, and made them into His holy people. This the long held Jewish hope that is said to be misunder- expression is rendered in the Septuagint as the Hemera stood by those (the Jews) to whom and for whom the Ekklesia, the “Day of the Ekklesia,” or the “day of the promises were originally made. Instead of being properly Church” (see Deuteronomy 4:10;9:10;18:16). Israel, the understood within the context of four thousand years of Covenant People, was the “Ekklesia of the Lord” Jewish hermeneutics, interpretation, commentary, schol-

4 The Sabbath Sentinel May–June 2002 arship, and tradition, instead of being a religion whose as much as the more recognized and most blatant pa- true fulfillment was foretold in the Jewish (Old Testament) ganism of the Catholicism it attempted to reform. prophecies, the “Christian” religion has become a religion In fact, many Christians are just beginning to un- whose true fulfillment has been marked by a progressive derstand that the changes in the Church due to anti- replacement of the distinct Jewishness or Jewish origins Judaic, Gentile influences that were believed to have of “Christianity” with a pagan derived Gentile tradition. taken place in the fourth century actually began in the Many even among Sabbath-keeping Christians look with early part of the second century. So what has been done self-righteous disdain upon Judaism, its traditions, and up to now as a result of the European Reformation is to customs and justify such disdain with the blanket con- revert from the most obvious forms of Gentile intrusion demnation of “the commandments and traditions of men.” into the church to a less contaminated Gentilization Thus, they recklessly slander the Jewish people with the which, for some reason, cannot entirely break away from imputation and presumption of “evil intent” and ascribe it the anti-Semitic and anti-Judaic prejudices which have to “the perfidy of the Jews.” While we look back with hor- governed the “Christian” interpretation of the Scriptures. ror at the physical terror of the holocaust, we perpetuate Paradoxically, the Catholic Church was the first to rec- the spiritual legacy whose logical conclusion gave birth ognize this and has made significant advances in schol- to it. arship and biblical research in addressing the problem The religion that began in the Jewish synagogue of this prejudicial anti-Judaism since the papal encycli- intact with its customs and liturgy has been substi- cal “Nostra Aetate” and the 2nd Vatican Council. tuted with a religion derived from pagan customs and There is a growing movement in many Christian liturgy. This is a well-documented fact (perhaps little churches across denominational lines (at the very least known but nevertheless a very significant fact of his- among some chosen individuals in various churches tory) that illustrates the distance of Christianity from and fellowships) that is coming to terms with the Jew- its Jewish roots (i.e. the pagan substitution or usur- ish roots of the Christian faith. There is a great investi- pation of “Christianity”). Some of the greatest monu- gation that seeks to examine the progressive movement ments and institutions of the Christian church rest of Christianity away from its original inspiration, exam- literally upon the foundations of the greatest heathen ining where, why, and how the Church began to diverge temples of antiquity. Also, note must be made of the from its Judaic roots. This occurred not because of the history and practices of the sect of the Nazarenes inclusion of Gentiles into the covenant or by taking the [or Netzarim] (Acts 24:5), referred to in historical gospel to the Gentiles, but by falling instead into the documentation and in the New Testament Scriptures ways and traditions of the Gentiles. as a legitimate and recognized sect of Judaism. It was the practices of this sect that was successfully Unfortunately, however, taken as a whole, the tra- defended by one of the greatest and most revered ditional Christian church is really unprepared to exam- Rabbis and teachers in Judaism—Gamaliel, grand- ine this issue honestly. The very nature of such an in- son of the Rabbi Hillel and the teacher of Saul who vestigation calls into question dogmas, doctrines, lit- became Paul the Apostle (Acts 5:34). urgy, scholastics, and traditions that would require a reevaluation of fundamental beliefs and, in many cases, Today with the amount of information and history monumental changes as a result of an honest exami- that careful scholarship has been able to uncover from nation. Through traditions which are assumed to be true, the ancient and credible witnesses of archeology in- the Church remains enmeshed in the gentilized faith of cluding that from the “Dead Sea Scrolls” and the pri- its own making and cannot readily free itself from it. mary sources of the “Christian” church fathers, we stand This is the great dilemma that will challenge every think- at a certain vantage point where we can better see where ing Christian who investigates it honestly. the trail of the truth of church history has split into two recognizable paths, “Jewish Christian” and other “Gen- It is the concerted efforts of Bible students and bib- tile Christian.” lical scholars researching the Jewish roots of the Chris- tian faith that are bringing to the forefront the factors The European Reformation was able to start the and issues that have stimulated this great investigation. magnificent exposé of how much and to what extent Such researchers have made it a point to bring this in- heathen ways and superstitions had found their way formation to those who stand as the guardians of the into the “Christian” church because of the atmosphere spiritual interests of churches and people. Pastors, el- of the new age of enlightenment and reason. Unfortu- ders, and church teachers now have the privilege of nately, what Protestants then and now have been re- having access to this scholarship and have the oppor- luctant to recognize is how much of what are consid- tunity to examine the evidence that calls for an under- ered “fundamental doctrines” of the “Christian” church standing of the Judaic roots of our faith in the context are derived from an anti-Judaic interpretation of the New of the gospel message. Testament Scripture. This anti-Judaic bias has affected the liturgy and theology of the Protestant Church just Continued on Page 8

May–June 2002 The Sabbath Sentinel 5 from the Institute for Creation Research

Things You May not Know about Evolution

by John D. Morris, Ph.D.*

“Because (God) hath appointed a day, in the which He Evolution implies “descent from a common ances- will judge the world ... by that Man whom He hath tor” with all of life related, consisting of modified forms ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all of very different things, such as a person descending men, in that He hath raised Him from the dead” (Acts from a fish. Evolution does not mean merely “change,” 17:31). for all things change with time. For clarity we must re- Recently I had the privilege of addressing a gather- strict this term to meaningful change, especially the ing of state legislators and other influential political in- descent of new types of organisms from earlier, differ- dividuals. These gifted men and women are typically ent ones. highly educated, most having been taught evolution and Creation denotes abrupt appearance of basic cat- an evolutionary worldview extensively and exclusively. egories of life without any basic type having descended Now, they have the power to establish educational from some other category, and with no extensive guidelines and societal norms. Spon- change once the category appears. sors of the banquet requested a talk Lack of change is known as stasis. both informative and evangelistic. Fish have always been fish, ever What can one say in 45 minutes to a since they first appeared, and dogs gathering of influential leaders that have always been dogs. Fish and will make a difference? I don’t pre- dogs and all else may have varied a tend to know what would be best, but little, but did not come from a com- perhaps you would be interested in mon ancestor. what I did say. My talk was entitled, The term microevolution is “Three Things You May Not Know sometimes used for small, horizon- about the Theory of Evolution.” I was tal changes that are readily ob- speaking only from notes, but a sum- served (such as the various breeds mary of the talk, with a few alterations, of dog), while macroevolution im- appears below. plies large vertical changes (fish to Introduction dog) that have never been ob- served. These big changes consti- I started with definitions for clar- tute evolution as Darwin used the ity. There is much misunderstanding term and as the general public un- of important words today, and some derstands it. purposefully misuse words to confuse students and hide Furthermore, evolution, as understood by all lead- their true intentions. ing evolutionists, textbook writers, and theoreticians, Science has to do with careful observations in the utilizes only natural processes, like mutation and natu- present. Unlike true science, both evolution and cre- ral selection. To leading evolutionists, only unguided ation are, at best, historical reconstructions of the un- random forces have been involved with no supernatu- observed past since no one can empirically observe ral input allowed. either. In reality they are complete worldviews, ways to Following are three important points about real evo- interpret all observations in the present, and a basis for lution—significant changes—the origin of new catego- all of life’s decisions. In previous years, “science” was ries of life from older different ones. Even if one is highly understood to mean “the search for truth,” but many educated about evolution, he may not know these now limit that to a search for naturalistic explanations, things, but this knowledge is essential if intelligent de- even if that search leads to hopeless conclusions. cisions are to be made.

6 The Sabbath Sentinel May–June 2002 I. Evolution didn’t happen. The most famous living evolutionary spokesman, Dr. Stephen J. Gould, paleontologist at Harvard Uni- A. Random forces cannot account for life. versity, has made a career out of pointing out to his The design we see in living things is far too com- colleagues that the fossil record shows abrupt appear- plex, too designed, too engineered to be the result of ance and stasis. He is no friend of creation and yet as mere undirected, random forces. Even the simplest an honest scientist he must acknowledge this now well- thing we could call “living” is vastly more complex than known fact. He proposed the concept of “punctuated a super computer and super computers don’t happen equilibrium” to account for the fossils in which life usu- by chance. Every cell is composed of many constitu- ally is in equilibrium, or stasis, and doesn’t change at ent parts, each one marvelously designed and neces- all. When a category of life encounters a sudden envi- sary for the whole. Without any one of its parts, the cell ronmental shift, it changes rapidly into a different stable could not live. All of it is organized and energized by form, so rapidly in fact that it leaves no fossils. How the magnificent DNA code, an encyclopedia of infor- convenient. Evolution goes too slow to see in the mation which, even though modern scientists can’t read present, but it went so fast in the past it left no evidence. it, is read and obeyed by the cell. Surely some things Gould is arguing from lack of evidence! need a Designer/Author. But lack of transitional forms is exactly what should B. Evolution (i.e., macroevolution) doesn’t happen be the case if creation is true. The fossil record sup- in the present. ports abrupt creation of basic kinds much better than either slow or fast evolution. If it ever happened in the past it seems to have stopped. Maybe environmental conditions don’t D. Evolution can’t happen at all. change much, or selective pressures are too little, The basic laws of science are firmly opposed to but everyone knows that real macroevolution is not evolution, especially the Second Law of Thermodynam- and cannot be observed today. ics which insists that all real processes yield less orga- Mutations, random changes in the DNA informa- nization and information in their products than in the tion code, are observed, but never original. This basic law leads to de- do these “birth defects” add any in- volution, not evolution. The pres- novative and beneficial genes to the ence of abundant external energy DNA. Instead, mutations are either has never, as far as science has repaired by the marvelous mecha- observed, produced beneficial mu- nisms elsewhere in the DNA, or are tations or added information to the neutral, harmful, or fatal to the organ- genome as evolutionists claim. In- isms. stead, an abundance of incoming Likewise, natural selection oc- energy will hasten the deterioration curs all around us, but this only of living things, especially the DNA. chooses from among the variety It will not bring about their evolution. that already exists; it can’t create Evolution is against the Law! anything new. Evolutionists may Evolution doesn’t happen, didn’t talk of actual selection as if it had a happen and can’t happen, and is mind of its own and does the work of evolution on fully unable to account for the design that we see. purpose, but it is inanimate and unthinking, impo- We’ve all heard the claim that “evolution is science tent to bring about more than micro-evolutionary and creation is religion.” This oft-repeated mantra origi- changes. nated with the testimony of Dr. Michael Ruse at the 1980 Arkansas creation trial. The presiding judge, known for C. Evolution didn’t happen in the past. his prior bias toward evolution, entered it into his for- When we look at the record of life in the past, we mal opinion, and this flag has been waved by evolu- see no conclusive evidence that any basic category tionists ever since. But Dr. Ruse, an expert on the na- arose from some other category either. We see that ture of science and scientific theory has recently admit- some categories have gone extinct, like the dinosaurs, ted that he was wrong—that “evolution is promulgated but the rest fit into the same categories that we see by its practitioners as... a religion, a full-fledged alter- today. We see dogs in great variety, even some extinct native to Christianity... Evolution is a religion.” Which varieties, but no half dog/half something else. Evolu- brings us to point two. tionists have a few transitional forms that are commonly mentioned, but if evolution and descent from common II. Evolution is a complete worldview. ancestors really occurred we should see multiplied thou- Evolution is the religion of naturalism, the antith- sands of transitional forms. We do not see them. esis of supernaturalism. It purports to answer all the

May–June 2002 The Sabbath Sentinel 7 “big” questions of life. “Who am I?” “Where did I come scientific observation, and it alone makes sense out of from?” “Where am I going?” “What’s the meaning of all life and eternity. ❑ this?” Claiming that science equals naturalism excludes ——————————— a Creator from science by definition. Even if that Cre- * Dr. John Morris is President of ICR. ator exists and has been active, such a notion is unsci- Back to Genesis, No. 160, April 2002 entific. This religion of naturalism, that we are merely © Copyright 2002 Institute of Creation Research. All the result of blind random forces, is logically compat- Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission. ible only with atheism. It has resulted in life without ac- countability to a Creator and has led to a licentious so- Institute for Creation Research ciety full of great heartache, for evolutionary thinking PO Box 2667 underpins racism, abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, pro- El Cajon, CA 92021 miscuity, divorce, suicide, Social Darwinism, etc. While Voice: (619) 448-0900; Fax: (619) 448-3469 science and technology have accomplished great things, often by evolution believers, the concept of evo- Continued from Page 5 lution itself has lead to nothing useful. But time is revealing that many who sit in III. The religion of evolution is the “ekklesiastical” circles are either unwilling or unable to opposite of Christianity. respond to this great investigation. If circumstances Evolution can be summed up by the phrase “sur- remain as they are, a necessary and positive movement vival of the fittest” and the extinction of the unfit. The toward understanding our Judaic roots may be taken death of the majority allows the few with beneficial mu- over by the laity. tations to continue. The strong thrive at the expense of It has long been the contention of old-school Prot- the weak and helpless. The only things that matter are estantism that what it was pleased to call Popery was survival and reproduction. Evolution starts with small nothing else but “baptized paganism,” and there are beginnings and over time, with volumes of bloodshed many examples and much evidence to justify this des- and disease, arrives at man. As Darwin concluded in ignation. A good deal of this was collected by Alexander the last paragraph of Origin of Species, death, carnivo- Hislop in his 19th century work, The Two Babylons, in rous activity and extinction produced man. which he shows that the church of Rome derived her her objects of worship, her festivals, her doctrines, her Christianity poses a very different picture. It starts rites, her ceremonies from pagan worship. with a mighty Creator who created a “very good” (Gen- esis 1:31) universe, one in which was no pain, suffer- In the spirit of truth and in the tradition of onward ing, or death. He recreated His image in man, and gra- progression of the Protestant Reformation, the Chris- ciously supplied his every need, including personal fel- tian church now faces her destiny: address the issues lowship with Him. This perfection was rejected by man, that this article introduces and open them to wide-rang- and now all of man’s domain suffers the “wages of sin” ing discussion. Christians must challenge themselves (Romans 6:23), deteriorating and dying under the ef- not as to whether the Christian faith is valid, but whether the 16th century view of “replacement theology,” the fect and penalty of sin. All things had been placed un- 19th century view of “dispensationalism,” and similar der Adam’s stewardship, and now all suffer under his theological paradigms are valid premises for under- penalty. Plants wither, animals die, people suffer and standing what is, after all, a Jewish Gospel—to the “Jew die. Even inanimate things deteriorate. The moon’s or- first” and to the Gentiles (Gal.3:8; Heb.4:2). bit decays. The sun uses up its fuel. The entire creation suffers (Romans 8:22). For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have “the mind of Christ” Today we see extinction and survival of the fittest, (1SCorinthians 2:16). ❑ but these are not creative processes, they are remind- ers to us to return to our Creator for His gracious solu- tion to our sin penalty, for He graciously sent His Son “Question: Which is the Sabbath day? to die as our sacrifice. The most fit of all died for the “Answer: Saturday is the Sabbath day. unfit. He gives us eternal life as a free gift of His grace. “Question: Why do we observe Sunday instead Contrast these concepts with survival of the fittest of Saturday? and struggle for existence, and you will see them as “Answer: We observe Sunday instead of Satur- opposites. While evolution offers nothing but struggle day because the Catholic Church transferred the and ultimate elimination, Christianity offers everlasting solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.” life free from every struggle and death. Peter Geiermann, C.S.S.R., The Converts Cat- Both evolution and Christianity are complete echism of Catholic Doctrine (1957), p. 50. worldviews. Of the two, creation is better supported by

8 The Sabbath Sentinel May–June 2002 Spiritual Maturity: How Can We Achieve It?

by Brian Knowles

Any of us long-time Christians find ourselves vic- we have, the greater will be our capacity and inclina- tims of what appears to be arrested spiritual develop- tion to love in a godly manner. Paul wrote that the “love ment. Despite the length of time we have been con- of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost verted, we seem no farther ahead than when we first which is given unto us” (Romans 5:5 KJV). came to know Christ. We continue to throw temper tan- Of course there are those who ridicule the notion trums and find it impossible to keep a lid on our anger. that Christians should express love in any emotional We still demonstrate faithlessness, jealousy, lust and way. They view it as mere maudlin sentimentality. They myriad other works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19 ff.). At see it as an “unmasculine” feminized form of faith. They the same time, we display precious little of the fruit of make fun of Christians—especially men—who openly the Spirit (Galatians 5:22 ff.). In rare moments of intro- express affection through hugging, verbal expression, spection we may wonder, “What have I done with all of or emotion. Several years ago, a woman who was a these years? I seem as carnal today as when I started.” neighbor of one of my late relatives expressed revul- We may even question the validity of our own conver- sion at the fact that men at the local Pentecostal Church sion. “openly hugged each other right out on the street in In a way, the very willingness to ask such ques- front of the church!” She seemed to believe that the tions is itself an indicator of at least some spiritual church was encouraging, contrary to Scripture, homo- growth. It takes a degree of maturity and humility to sexual relationships between men. recognize and acknowledge one’s spiritual shortcom- The well-meaning lady had no clue. In her mind, ings. If you find yourself thinking this way from time to she was expressing righteous indignation, and the men time, you’re probably on the right path. None of us were expressing perversion! She couldn’t have been should ever be satisfied with the state of our spiritu- more wrong. Yet, her life to date had been a story of ality. good works and care for others. She could understand On the other hand, those who believe that they love so long as it was expressed in an unemotional way. have “arrived” spiritually, and that they are now fully mature in the Lord, may be in some trouble. None of Jesus’ New Commandment us is as mature in the faith as we ought to be—at Jesus, in teaching his own talmidim—disciples— least not when measured by the standard of Jesus said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. Christ. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By For many Christians, spiritual maturity is an elusive this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you chimera. It is something they know they should aim for, love one another” (John 13:34-35). yet they have no idea how to achieve it. Perhaps some Now ask yourself this: If Jesus’ disciples did not of the points in this article will help. openly express their love for each other, then how would The Key Sign of Spiritual Maturity “all men” know that they were his followers? Of course The key indicator of spiritual maturity is one’s abil- the issue is how was this affection and love appropri- ity to love in a godly way. How do we know this? To be ately expressed? There truly were occasions in which spiritually mature is to be like God. We have been called the disciples of Jesus showed physical affection for each to imitate God. Paul wrote to the Ephesians, “Be imita- other. In John 13:23 (KJV) we read: `“Now there was tors of God, therefore, as dearly beloved children and leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of his disciples whom live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave him- Jesus loved.” This is not referring to a homosexual re- self up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” lationship, but to simple affection between teacher and The apostle John wrote, “Whoever does not love does pupil. not know God, because God is love” (I John 4:8). To The way the first Christians treated each other in know and be like God is to have developed a capacity public was the visible sign that they were Christians. for godly love. The Spirit of God influences us to love. It Their interpersonal relationships were wholesome, self- stands to reason then that the more of the Holy Spirit less, giving, forgiving, and mutually supportive. Unlike

May–June 2002 The Sabbath Sentinel 9 much of the Church today, they were not competitive wish to study the emotional development of children, enemies. They were “in it together.” At the same time, you might consider the work of Piaget & Kohlberg.) they had their occasional disagreements. After appro- Arrested Development priate prayer and haggling, they worked out their dif- ferences and moved unitedly ahead (i.e. Acts 15). Children who freeze their emotional and intellec- tual progress at certain levels are said to have become Love, like faith, without works or manifestation, is victims of arrested development. We have all known dead. If we say we have love, but we do nothing that adult men and women who appear to be emotional ado- demonstrates it, we have no reason to claim it. Love, to lescents. Such people can become “emotional vam- be love, has to have legs. pires” sucking the energy of all who come in contact Now, here’s a little test. If you have concluded that with them. Like children, they use emotion as a weapon. I am talking about men hugging men as the demon- Sometimes such arrested adults use “emotional black- stration of love, you missed the point. That may be a mail” techniques to manipulate and control others. minor symptom, but it’s not the issue at hand here. The Books have been written on this subject. way Christians treat each other is. If an arrested or immature adult is not getting The word used for love in the Greek Gospel that enough attention, he or she may, like a neglected child, preserved Jesus’ originally Hebrew words is agape. Its seek “negative strokes” by doing something outra- basic meaning is “love.” Nothing in the Greek-English geous, creating a crisis, or accusing someone close of Lexicon suggests that it means primarily a display of something of which they are not guilty. Now all atten- emotion or affection, yet that need not be excluded. tion shifts to the person generating the crisis. Everyone The word itself can mean “human love,” “the love of around them begins to appease and cater to the pro- God and Christ” (toward men, or of Christ to the Fa- verbial “squeaky wheel.” Some react defensively. Ei- ther), or it can refer to the “love feasts” of the early ther that, or they become angry with them. The trouble- Church (Bauer, Arndt, Gingrich A Greek-English Lexi- maker now has what he or she wanted: attention and con of the New Testament, pp. 5-6). control. Such arrested people would rather receive In short, Jesus taught that if one is a true Chris- negative attention than to be ignored. tian, one loves one’s fellow Christians. How this love Every family it seems has in it a gaggle of such is manifested is determined by the need of the mo- people. They test the maturity of all of the other family ment. members. They challenge us, stretch us, and force us Love is the antonym for hate. True Christians do to dig deep into our bag of emotional and spiritual re- not hate other Christians for any reason. If they do so, it sources. They try our patience to the max. Often they is a symptom of spiritual immaturity. It is one thing to drive us to our knees in prayer. disagree on a point; it is quite another to hate. There is The problem of arrested development occurs in no room in the Christian’s emotional vocabulary for people at both the natural level and at the spiritual level. hatred. Arrested Spiritual Development Paul’s Vision of Maturity When we find Christians who have been baptized The apostle Paul was concerned for the spiritual for decades behaving as though they were “baby Chris- maturity of the churches under his care. In reflecting on tians” we are probably looking at cases of arrested spiri- his own spiritual development, Paul wrote to the tual development. If we find ourselves fighting the same Corinthians, “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I old problems we fought when we were first converted, thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I be- we may be suffering from it ourselves. Here are some came a man, I put childish things behind me” ways of testing for arrested spiritual development: (ISCorinthians 13:11). Do you still have just as big a problem with your Consider the nature of a child. The smaller the child, temper as when you were first converted? the more self-centered it tends to be. A small baby thinks Do you feel spiritually powerless? only of its own needs, comfort and wants. It is a black Do you have long dry spells in which nothing hole of self, sucking everything into it. It sees the uni- seems to be going on between you and God? verse as revolving around itself. Are you unable to generate love, care and con- As the child grows, its awareness of things, people cern for others? and needs outside of itself is heightened. Instead of seeing all toys as its own, it eventually learns that some Do you live a fundamentally self-centered, self- toys belong to other children. Gradually, incrementally, seeking life? the child’s world opens up. As it matures, it moves pro- Do you still seek to manipulate and control others gressively outside of itself into the larger world of oth- through tantrums, emotional blackmail and ers. Over time, it becomes “socialized.” (For those who negative stroke seeking?

10 The Sabbath Sentinel May–June 2002 Is it “all about you”? Those who have reached higher plains of maturity Do anger, hatred and jealousy play an inordi- take no delight—vicariously or otherwise—in evil. They nately large role in the way you express your do not view other’s evil as a way of making themselves personality? look good by contrast. (One of the standard techniques of an emotionally immature person is to provoke an- Do you put others down to make yourself look other person to anger, and then attack him for the an- better? ger. This perfectly reflects the mind of Satan.) Does your life reflect more of the works of the A spiritually mature person has no wish to partici- flesh than fruit of the Spirit? pate in evil, and does not delight in, or take advantage Do you seek to get next to important church of, it when others fall into sin. Such people have no leaders in order to project “merit by association”? appetite for scandal. The National Enquirer is not their These questions and their answers are revealing. favorite reading. They mourn when a new Bin Laden, They can be helpful in taking stock of where you are in Saddam Hussein or Adolph Hitler becomes an instru- a trajectory toward spiritual maturity. ment of spiritual darkness. They takes no delight in plot- How Spiritually Mature Love is Mani- ting evil, living vicariously in the evil of others, or in hear- ing about the evil that men do. They actively seek to fested drive back the toxic spiritual darkness that envelops this Let us now return to Paul’s discussion of it. We have world. already seen that one of the marks of immaturity as Those who are spiritually mature seek to protect seen in babies is an utter preoccupation with self. Paul, others who are vulnerable in a dangerous world (verse after explaining that he had put away childish things, 7). Just as Jesus said to Peter, “Satan has desired to goes on to show that “love is not self-seeking” sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you,” mature (ISCorinthians 13:4). So the trajectory from immaturity Christians spend much time in intercessory prayer for to maturity leads outward from self. Mature love is self- others (Luke 22:31; I Thessalonians 5:17). They are less love. Immature love is self-love. more “other-oriented” than self-oriented. Furthermore, Paul goes on to explain that no matter Those who are spiritually advanced are not para- what else we can do—speak in angelic or human tongues noid. They “believe all things” and offer others the ben- we didn’t learn, demonstrate the gift of prophecy, fathom efit of the doubt. They are not fearful and suspicious, mysteries as Daniel did, or even exercise mountain-mov- always expecting the worst (verse 7). ing faith—if we can’t express love spiritually, we’re noth- A person who loves hangs in there and perseveres. ing. Appropriate, godly love, then, is at the heart of spiri- He or she has hope and is optimistic about what God tual maturity. Knowing that, isn’t it something we ought to has in store for his faithful children. Mature Christians be actively seeking to achieve and express? are not “fair weather friends.” They stick with you in Love is the first-listed fruit of the Holy Spirit your worst as well as your best moments. (Galatians 5:22). As Paul also taught, every Christian should “Follow the way of love…” (I Corinthians 14:1). One of the most important characteristics of ma- ture Christian love is that it “never fails” (I Corinthians When Paul describes to the Corinthian congregation 13:8). Like the love of God itself, it is constant, unwa- the ways in which godly love is manifested, he is provid- vering, always there. A fully mature Christian has ing a treatise on spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is char- achieved a steady state of love. This kind of love is far acterized by patience, good manners (civility), lack of envy, greater than either faith or hope. It is the most concrete humility and a temper that is well under control. The spiri- expression of spiritual maturity there is. Just as God tually mature person is not preoccupied with himself or never gives up on us (Philippians 1:6), we must learn herself. He or she has died to self. (There is a hymn that is not to give up on each other. We can’t “write each other appropriate here; it is called “Others.”) off” simply because we disagree on a point of doctrine, Those who have reached a high level of spiritual or an interpretation of facts or acts. maturity are no longer interested in keeping track of other people’s mistakes, sins and faults (verse 5). As The Holy Spirit is the Empowering Paul puts it, “they keep no record of wrongs.” They have Source no war chest of offenses to unload on those over whom Spiritual maturity also involves sensitivity to, and pow- they wish to gain a psychological advantage in an ar- erful leading by, the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that gument. gives us the capacity to love as God loves (as we learned A mature Christian rejoices in every new discovery earlier in Romans 5:5). The influence of the Spirit of God of truth. He or she actively seeks out truth and follows it in a spiritually immature person is at best but a flickering wherever it leads. He is not ashamed to jettison old er- ember. In the spiritually mature, it is a roaring flame. As rors in favor of better understanding. we move more deeply into obedience to God, the influ-

May–June 2002 The Sabbath Sentinel 11 ence of the Holy Spirit grows greater. As Peter said, “We Continued from Page 3 are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those that obey him” (Acts 5:32). also placed a woodcarving containing the Ten Com- mandments on his courtroom wall. At the same time, it is the Holy Spirit that gives us the capacity to obey God. Paul prayed that Christians might In 1996 Judge Moore was ordered by another Ala- be “strengthened with might through His Spirit in the in- bama judge to stop the prayers and either to remove ner man” (Ephesians 3:16b). The Holy Spirit imparts the the Ten Commandments from the wall or surround the power of God to the people of God (Acts 1:8). It enables plaque with secular artifacts. Moore defied the order, us to transcend our natural human capacities and limita- triggering a court battle. In 1997 another minister of God, tions. The more of God’s Spirit we have indwelling, the Alabama Governor Fob James, pledged to defend more quickly we’ll attain to spiritual maturity. Since the Moore’s decision to defy the court order with state troop- capacity to love in a godly way is a product of the Holy ers and the National Guard, if necessary. Meanwhile, Spirit, so spiritual maturity is also its fruit. the U.S. House of Representatives rallied behind Moore by passing a resolution supporting the display of the Note: This article does not contain all that could be said about spiritual maturity. However, the pursuit of godly Ten Commandments in public and government places love is the pump-primer. If we actively seek the love as (The Senate passed a similar measure in 1998). God loves, other aspects of spiritual maturity will fall into In August of 2001, Judge Moore installed a four- place. ❑ foot-by-four-foot, 5,280-pound monument to the Ten Commandments in the Supreme Court building. He subsequently rejected a request by American Atheists What Spiritual Maturity is Not to place a statue of the group’s symbol next to the Ten Commandments monument. Spiritual maturity is not: Most recently Judge Moore has come under heavy • Being baptized a long time ago. fire for his legal opinion rejecting a request by a lesbian mother for custody of her three teenage children. In his • Intimate knowledge of and belief in your written opinion Judge Moore states: denomination’s doctrines. “No matter how much society appears to change, • Going to church services every week. the law on this subject has remained steadfast from the earliest history of the law, and that law is and must be • Being old. our law today. The common law designates homosexu- • Having a loud voice and a domineering ality as an inherent evil, and if a person openly engages personality. in such a practice, that fact alone would render him or • Being a “high ranking” minister. her an unfit parent. “Homosexual conduct is, and has been, considered • Being a deacon or deaconess. abhorrent, immoral, detestable, a crime against nature, • Having gray hair and dressing well. and a violation of the laws of nature and of nature’s • Being a master of the putdown. God upon which this nation and our laws are predi- cated. Such conduct violates both the criminal and civil • Being a great preacher. laws of this state and is destructive to a basic building • Spiritual pedigree. block of society–the family.” • Hanging out with ecclesiastical big shots. Despite vilification in the press and from many anti- Christian groups, Judge Moore continues to support • Being excessively righteous (as in having the laws of God in the Alabama courts because he un- a religious spirit). derstands that God’s Law, and more specifically, the • Being wealthy. Ten Commandments, are the basis of the civil codes of our nation. • Being highly placed in a church hierar- The next time you think of “minister of God,” think chy. of the term as the Apostle Paul understood it. A true • Being a former confidant of a now de- minister of God is one who advances the knowledge of ceased denominational leader. God and respect for His ways. Often such men and • Never having missed a feast of taber- women who will never stand in a pulpit do more for the nacles since you learned about it. moral and spiritual health of society than a hundred ministers who will not challenge the adulterous or ho- • Knowing a lot. mosexual behavior of members of their own church congregations. ❑

12 The Sabbath Sentinel May–June 2002 The Story of Patrick and the Celtic Church

by Ulrike Unruh

The history of God’s faithful people during the ages of Rome’s supremacy are written in heaven, but they have little place in human history books. Rome en- deavors to write history to show herself in the best light. But the stories can still be found. Here is the story of St. Patrick and the Christianity he and his converts established in the British Isles.

The Irish “Celtic” people trace their conversion to In fact one historian (Thomas Bokenkotter, A Con- Christianity to Patrick, who came to them early in the cise History Of The Catholic Church, p. 94), says that fifth century. “these Irish monks were the leading missionaries of the It all began when the great empire of Rome declined age, and they carried their monastic ideal across the and it’s legions were withdrawn from the defense of the length and breadth of Europe in the sixth and seventh British Isles. From the north the Irish, then called Scots, centuries.” began swooping down on the English coast, sailing up Then in the 6th century the Roman pope sent Au- the rivers, raiding the settlements, and carrying off plun- gustine (of Canterbury) to evangelize the Anglo Sax- der and slaves. Among those captured was a young ons. So the missionaries from Rome were working man named Patrick. So Ireland’s patron saint was not up from the south, while the missionaries from Ire- Irish! Patrick had been reared in a Christian home. His land and Scotland were working from the north. As father was a deacon. Yet Patrick did not take religion they worked, the papal missionaries and their con- seriously until he was captured and sat as a swineherd verts met the primitive Christians from the north. There in a foreign country. Here he began to pray for his free- was a striking contrasted between them. The north- dom. His conversion dates from this captivity. “The Lord ern Christians were simple, humble, while the papal opened to me the sense of my unbelief,” he says. After representatives manifested the pomp and arrogance six years he managed to escape and found his way to of popery. The latter demanded that these Chrisitian the coast where he boarded a ship carrying a cargo of churches acknowledge the supremacy of the sover- hounds. eign pontiff. The Britons meekly replied that they de- He would have gladly remained in England had he sired to love all men, but that the pope was not en- not had a dream one night in which the babies of Ire- titled to supremacy in the church, and they could ren- land pleaded with him to come back to their country der to him only that submission which was due to and tell them about Christ. Patrick decided to return, every follower of Christ. They acknowledged no other but first he had to learn more about Christianity. Or- master than Christ. dained a priest, at length he was sent out to be a mis- sionary to the people among whom he had once been According to Merle D’Aubigne, in History of the a slave. He was appointed, sometime after 431A.D., as Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, b.17, ch.2, the successor to St. Palladius, first bishop of Ireland. Roman missionaries said, “If you will not unite with us in showing the Saxons the way of life, you shall receive From this point we have only legends. We know, from them the stroke of death.” however, that a century later the entire structure of the church in Ireland was monastic. Presumably, the mo- Did you know that Patrick was a Seventh-day Sab- nastic community, maintaining itself on the land, fitted bath keeper? the agricultural communities of the Celts better than the According to one historian: “We find traces in the parish-church system which was more common else- early monastic church of Ireland that they held Satur- where. day to be the Sabbath on which they rested from all We also know that Ireland became the base for the their labors,” (W.T. Skene, Adamnan Life of St. evangelization of Britain. Columba, p. 96).

May–June 2002 The Sabbath Sentinel 13 Also Professor James Moffet says: “It seems to have resurrection of our Lord, which happened upon that day, been customary in the Celtic churches of early times, let us no longer do servile works upon it... Her next point in Ireland as well as Scotland, to keep Saturday, the was that they did not duly reverence the Lord’s day, Jewish Sabbath, as a day of rest from labor. They but in this latter instance they seemed to have followed obeyed the fourth commandment literally upon the sev- a custom of which we find traces in the early Church of enth day,” (The Church in Scotland, p. 140). Ireland, by which they held Saturday to be the Sabbath This seems to have been the case until about 1066 on which they rested from all their labours,” (See also when the Norman invasions of England took place. Skene, Celtic Scotland, Vol. 2, p. 349). William II, Duke of Normandy (area in France border- Barnett, in Margaret of Scotland: Queen and Saint ing the English Channel) invaded England and estab- (p. 97), writes: “In this matter the Scots had perhaps lished himself there as William I, King of England. The kept up the traditional usage of the ancient Irish Church reigning pontiff favored William in his invasion, blessed which observed Saturday instead of Sunday as the day his armies and consecrated his banners and took the of rest.” Lewis states in his work, Seventh Day Bap- opportunity to also establish his own spiritual author- tists in Europe and America (Vol. 1 p. 29): “There is ity. William permitted him to do so in order to more ef- much evidence that the Sabbath prevailed in Wales uni- fectually humble the Saxon clergy and aggrandize his versally until A.D. 1115, when the first Roman bishop Norman prelates. was seated at St. Davis’s. The old Welsh Sabbath-keep- ing churches did not even then altogether bow the knee At this time the papacy was undertaking massive to Rome, but fled to their hiding places.” endeavors to gain control of all religious activities. Chris- tian society, they maintained, must be organized under But the worst was still to come for Ireland. The total the pope, and guarded against all possibility of error ruin of Patrick’s church. by the presence of Peter, perpetually present in his suc- In 1156, Pope Adrian issued to King Henry II of En- cessors, the bishops of Rome (Shelley, Church His- gland a bull authorizing him to invade Ireland. It was tory in Plain Language, p. 182). Dermot of Leinster, a man from Ireland itself, that car- Pope Gregory VII (1073) successfully asserted the ried out the dreadful order. Because of his cruelty as a absolute papal power over the Church. It was he who chief, the people of Leinster had driven him out of Ire- declared that “the pope can be judged by no one, land. Blinded with revenge he aligned himself with the the Roman church has never erred and never will err Norman King of England, Henry II, and the Pope of till the end of time; the Roman church was founded Rome who had already resolved upon the destruction by Christ alone; the pope alone can depose and re- of Ireland. store bishops; he alone can make new laws, set up Why would Rome want the invasion of Ireland? new bishoprics... he alone can revise his judgments; We will refer frequently throughout the remainder of his legates... (A Concise History of the Catholic this article to Historical Studies, by Lawrence (pp. 360- Church, p. 112). 392) written in 1876, in which we find the full story. The movement was to “free” the entire church from The chief boast of Ireland was its independence... secular control and make everything subject to the Christianity, in its purer form, came to Ireland about pope. Gregory insisted that the church was above the the middle of the fifth century... In the year 432 there state. It was Gregory who humiliated the German em- were no images, nor crucifixes, no pompous ritual, peror Henry VI making him stand barefoot in the snow no spiritual despotism, no moral corruption ema- for three days begging for forgiveness. nating from Rome... Patrick, therefore, the humble During this time we see the Queen of Scotland, slave and missionary, brought to Ireland the simple named Margaret, wife of King Malcolm III Canmore elements of an apostolic faith..not the Romish (1057-1093). Raised in the Hungarian court, she pro- practices..Ireland became a Christian country re- moted, in conformity with the Gregorian reform, the in- nowned for its intelligence, its pious genius, and its missionary zeal... Avarice and priestly pride were terests of the church. She was later granted Sainthood unknown to the successors of Patrick. Their doc- by Pope Innocent IV in 1250 for her great benefactions trines were from the study of the Scriptures... to the church. The Irish bishops firmly maintained their indepen- In the book Life of Saint Margaret by Turgot (p. dence against the constant menaces of popes or 49), we read: “It was another custom of theirs [people councils; would consent to hold no intercourse with of Scotland] to neglect the reverence due to the Lord’s the Court of Rome; denied its claim to the right of day, by devoting themselves to every kind of worldly ordination and consecrated each other by a simple business upon it, just as they did upon other days. That laying on of hands; rejected the worship of images, this was contrary to the law, she [Queen Margaret] the adoration of Mary, the infallibility of the pope, proved to them as well by reason as by authority. ‘Let and in all their schools and colleges persisted in a us venerate the Lord’s day,’ said she, ‘because of the free study of the Scriptures. They inculcated and

14 The Sabbath Sentinel May–June 2002 exercised a general liberty of conscience founded ravaged, bleeding land was a helpless victim and upon the wide education of the people. The hon- yielded to the authority of Henry II. esty, simplicity, and pious zeal of the Irish teachers When any Irish chief ventured to ask by what au- were recognized by their opponents. thority Henry had taken possession of Ireland, he But bitter was the hostility with which the Roman was told that the Pope, as vicar and head of the Popes and the Italian conclaves viewed the people Church, had given it to the king; and that he who of Ireland, where their maledictions were treated resisted the generous donation of St. Peter to his with neglect, where there was a general refusal to favorite son was a heretic, condemned to ever- bow to mandates of Rome. lasting reprobation. It was ever the aim of the Ro- Its apostolic usages, its Scriptural doctrines and man Church in those ages—nor does the policy its ever-open Bible were arguments so strong seem yet to have been abandoned— to set nation against the fabric of Romish superstition that against nation, and from the horrid discord and the Popes felt that they could never be secure general woe to add to its own growing strength. until they had swept from their path, in fire and Henry, conscious of the claims of his Italian mas- blood, the schools, the churches, and the na- ters, hastened to lay Ireland at their feet. A council tive bishops of Ireland. To accomplish this in- was summoned at Cashel professing to represent human aim. Pope Adrian IV., in 1156, sold Ire- the Church of St. Patrick. The Norman king ordered land to the Normans. the bishops of Ireland to assemble. A motley group of Norman priests, of martial monks, of the papal The sale of Ireland to its foes is the guiltiest of archbishops, and a few trembling presbyters, na- all the evil deeds of the Italian priesthood. It pro- tives of the South, gathered at his command; but duced a succession of St. Bartholomew mas- it was noticed that none of the bishops of Ulster or sacres; worse than what happened to the Hu- Connaught assisted at the destruction of their na- guenots; it has proved more fatal to the Irish tional faith. They still adhered to the usages of race than the Inquisition to Spain (Historical Patrick, and of Columba, that the Irish Church, Studies, Lawrence) amidst bogs and forests, still defied the ambition Dermot Macmorrough, with the permission of Henry of cruel Rome. II, enlisted Richard Strongbow, and Robert Fitz-Stephen Every trace of independence was abandoned by to join his enterprise. But impatient at their slowness the Council of Cashel. The Romish ritual was en- Dermot, with a small group of men attacked his coun- joined on every priest; the worship of Mary, of im- try. The Irish drove him back and had they pursued him, ages, and of saints was to extend throughout the they might have saved the country a lot of trouble. But Island; the priest was forbidden to marry; his hair Dermot swore fealty to Ireland and they accepted his was to be cut after the exact fashion at Rome; the treacheous submission. clergy who failed to observe the new customs were In May, 1169, Robert Fitz-Stephen with his army condemned with indignant solemnity; tithes were landed in Ireland, and Dermot joined him with a group to be paid by the laity; and Ireland for the first time of warriors of his own. City after city was destroyed. was made tributary to the Romish Pope (Ibid.). Ireland roused into action and resolved that the whole The conquered lands were divided among the vic- force of the nation be gathered to wage war against the tors while the freedom-loving Irish were reduced to the traitor Dermot. They rallied a great host, led by the condition of slaves and paupers, driven to live in caves, Roderic King of Ireland, and Dermot and the Normans, huts, and forests, outcasts and beggars amidst the dismayed and disheartened fled and hid themselves in lands that once belonged to them. the marshes and forests. Roderic surrounded the But even this is not the end. Henry returned to En- Normans in their secret hiding place, and by his im- gland and for a few years took care of duties assailing mense superiority might have forced them to surren- him there. In Ireland the old church may have been for- der. But Roderic, perhaps misled by priests or bish- mally replaced by the Roman approved bishops. But ops, perhaps fearful at the thought of being assailed by Irish presbyters rejected the authority of the unpatriotic England and exposed to the anathemas of the Roman synod. Church, for some reason unknown failed to press the At length Henry, when his affairs were somewhat battle and accepted another oath of allegiance from the settled in England, resolved to... launch the thun- traitor Dermot. ders of the Romish popes against the Irish patri- But the traitor continued his plans and set about ots. He had procured from Alexander III a confir- building a larger army. Three years of skirmishes which mation of the bull of Adrian excommunicating all caused much suffering for the Irish people and in which who opposed his authority over Ireland, and he Dermot himself was killed, finally resulted in the English now prepared to publish the two solemn decrees, king sending an armada of four hundred ships filled in their full enormity, to all its schismatical Church. with knights, soldiers and supplies to Ireland. The war- 1175 the two bulls were read by John of Salisbury,

May–June 2002 The Sabbath Sentinel 15 who had come from Rome bearing the final de- The Irish accepted the offers of Rome, threw them- cree of Alexander, recited the doom of Ireland... selves at the Pontiff’s feet, and became, for the Under a florid profession of Christian zeal it con- first time, the willing instruments of the Jesuits and tained a bitter denunciation of the Irish Church... the Popes. They may be excused, if not forgiven. and promised Henry the favor of Heaven and an Their schools had long been swept away; their illustrious renown should he succeed in planting people had sunk into ignorance; they had endured true religion in the home of Patrick and Columba. centuries of ceaseless turmoil and war. Rome Alexander’s bull was still more effective, for it ex- stretched forth its cunning hand to get control of communicated all who resisted Henry’s authority the Irish Church, and after four centuries of vio- or that of his heirs...every Irish patriot was con- lence, succeeded at last by fraud (Ibid.). verted into a child of Satan; every aspiration of The Irish rallied against the British, but were hope- freedom was an impious defiance of the Roman lessly defeated by Elizabeth’s armies. The Pope gave Church. little aid, the Spanish were too far off and the English Now began that perpetual conflict of races, the Raleigh cut down the Irish, and Grey massacred the saddest in the history of Europe,... a mournful wail rebels. When Elizabeth died, Ireland was almost wholly has never ceased to ascend to heaven and blight conquered by England. the charms of Ireland... when the papal decrees were proclaimed they still retained a sentiment of What of St. Patrick’s day? The church of St. Patrick independence... in defying the authority of the Ital- is gone. ian priests... Centuries of fatal discord followed, Rome has claimed his name and largely blotted out during which the Normans strove in vain to extir- the history of the defeat and takeover of the church he pate the accursed race who refused to obey the established, and the fact that most of Ireland’s present decrees of the Popes or submit to a foreign lord. miseries are still ripples of the dark history. Papal legates launched new excommunications But that is the story if one simply looks in the old against the Irish, and Romish priests urged on history books. that work of extermination which alone could se- ———————————— cure the supremacy of the Romish See. The pa- Reprinted with permission. See http://dedication.www3. pal monks declared that it was no crime, no sin, to kill a Celt (Ibid.). Things did not get better with the Reformation. The chief leaders in the English reformation were Henry the VIII and his daughter Elizabeth I. The En- glish had become protestant, but they showed no disposition to abandon control of Ireland which they had received from the Papacy of Rome. Elizabeth I continued the conquest to reduce the Irish to a pas- sive subjection to her power. The cause of this fresh assault upon the liberties of Ireland was the restless intrigues of the Jesuits. Eliza- beth was waging war against the Pope and the Je- suits, the most active and most dangerous of her foes were ever the disciples of Loyola. To ruin and break down every Protestant government, to cover with discord and slaughter every Protestant land, and from the wreck of nations to build up a spiritual empire tyrannical and severe was the secret or open aim of every Jesuit. To wound or destroy Elizabeth The Seventh Day the society began its disastrous labors in Ireland. The Jesuits, in various disguises, penetrated to the Revelations from the Lost Pages of History – courts of the native chiefs. They roused the fires of Part One, with Hal Holbrook, 52 min. VHS national antipathy; they scoffed at the British as her- NTSC video, $25.00, or $5.00 for 14-day etics; they allured the Irish to abandon forever the LOAN. Also available in PAL format for usages of St. Patrick and to ally themselves with the $30.00. First in a five-part series of the Roman Church; they promised the natives the pro- tection of St. Peter, the shield of Mary, the blessing history of the Sabbath. (V215) of the Pope, and the military aid of all Catholic Eu- Notice: Part Two is now available for rope, if they would rise once more in a crusade the same price as Part One. against the English.

16 The Sabbath Sentinel May–June 2002 Editor’s Comment: I want to thank the Office of Spiritual Formation of the Presbyterian Church (U. S. A.) for allowing us to reprint their report on Sabbath keeping. In spite of the secular tidlewave that threatens to engulf all of Western Christianity, there are some who are seeking a closer walk with God and do not believe that two hours of church per week will ever satisfy the inner craving we all have for a more intimate relationship with our God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Even though we would differ on which day should be set aside to pursue that intimacy with our Creator, we commend all efforts to understand the true meaning of “Sabbath” and the reason our Heavenly Father bestowed this wonderful gift upon us. An Invitation to Sabbath: Rediscovering a Gift Report of the Work Group on Sabbath Keeping to the 212th General Assembly six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea ...a sabbath rest still remains for the people of God; for and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; those who enter Gods rest also cease from their labors therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and as God did from his. (Hebrews 4: 9-10) consecrated it. (Exodus 20:11)

The Need for Sabbath many things; we work longer hours, more of us hold multiple jobs, and we now live to the full what some There is a deep need today to rediscover the gift of decades ago was proclaimed as “the gospel of con- Sabbath. The need declares itself in the most intimate sumerism.”1 places of the human heart and in the broadest spheres Yet these same statistics give rise to questions. For of social and economic interchange. It asserts itself even an increasing number of us the questions themselves where Sabbath is only a distant memory, even where articulate the need for Sabbath. Can the finite resources the word “Sabbath” is not known at all. Across barriers of the earth sustain the economic growth our culture of age and culture, the need speaks, presses, makes demands? Can persons and can families survive the itself known. drivenness of a life that finds its “good news” in ever For some the need for Sabbath emerges as a cry more rapid consumption? Are fundamental elements from within. Exhausted, we yearn over the loss of time of justice sacrificed as people work longer and longer to rejoice in those closest to us, or simply to play, to hours just to keep the system going, and as the gap rest and be still, to delight in the goodness that we be- between those who have the means for leisure and lieve yet surrounds us. We yearn, and in our yearning those with no means at all grows wider by the year? 2 we ache. And in the Church, the need to rediscover the gift For some the need for Sabbath names itself in quiet of Sabbath sounds through both the best and the most grief. Grief that we are moving faster and faster in our harried realms of our common life. At best, we desire to lives, but the only progress we seem to make is into a know more fully the overwhelming mystery of God’s greater emptiness. Grief that the ways we have strained all-restoring love. We yearn to be still and see afresh so conscientiously to live are simply not working. Grief the miracles that surround us. We long for disciplines that although we partake abundantly from the table our of time and practice that will let us simply rejoice in the culture spreads before us, we come away from the table One we seek to serve. At worst we find ourselves ex- still hungry, as hurried and pressed as ever rather than hausted from trying too hard to serve the divine grace nourished and renewed. we proclaim. Collectively, we long for a goodness that As a society, we know well the statistics that delin- seems to have fled. eate a particular form of progress: the ideal economic “Days pass and years vanish, and we walk sight- growth rate is 3% to 5% per year; adjusting for inflation, less among miracles,” go the words of a Jewish prayer United States citizens spend more than twice as much used on the eve of beginning Sabbath. “Sabbath is a for material goods and services as they did fifty years gift, but we are so reluctant to accept it, that God had ago; we buy homes almost three times larger than we to make it a command,” writes contemporary religious did following World War II and fill them with twice as leader Barbara Brown Taylor. 3 In the context of wide

May–June 2002 The Sabbath Sentinel 17 and deepening need for Sabbath, both statements and receive the gift of sabbatical life (Leviticus 25). On speak an honest word. They also speak a healing word. the widest scale of all, the Sabbath is a graced fore- Acknowledging the loss inherent in our reluctance to taste of the eternal rest, redemption and renewal all cre- pause at all, they point our needy spirits to an over- ation shall know when Christ comes in glory. Sabbath whelming gift offered by the Living God. draws us toward both the minute and the infinite. When Sabbath comes to us as a many-layered gift. In we give ourselves to Sabbath, it becomes time that in- its manifestation it shines as a gem of limitless facets, terprets all our times. infinite and uncontainable yet taking particular forms. Sabbath is profoundly prophetic. From its begin- Divinely fashioned, even its mode of coming from God ning, Sabbath has declared that the Living God is the is multiple. In the Book of Genesis, God breathes Sab- one source and aim of all our life. “Sabbath keeping,” bath into the very fabric of creation. It takes form as the said Calvin, “is a way of living out our belief that we are seventh full day, the day on which God rested and re- not our own; that we belong to God.” 7 Not posses- joiced in the goodness of all that God had made (Gen- sions. Not the striving after them. Not dominance over esis 2:1-3). At Mount Sinai, God speaks Sabbath as a other human beings. In the biblical teachings, the sa- sacred mandate. God’s people are forever to remem- cred rhythm of rest, redemption and renewal calls for ber the Sabbath. They are to set aside one full day in release from debt and the complete redistribution of seven and keep it holy to the Lord (Exodus 20:8-11). In resources every fiftieth year in the Year of Jubilee the gospels, Sabbath repeatedly provides both time and (Leviticus 25). In virtually every age, and surely in our space for Jesus’ witness to the life-transforming power own, to live in the world as belonging to God is to fol- of Abba. And it is as we enter the multiple dimensions low a discomforting and prophetic path. of Sabbath that we begin to know most fully the im- Sabbath is for our life in community. Although mensity of the gift. the blessings of Sabbath are often richly personal, the Sabbath is for our joy and our rest. “The Sabbath gift of Sabbath is not a private gift, nor has it ever been was made for humankind and not humankind for the presented as such. At Mount Sinai, Sabbath came to Sabbath,” proclaims Jesus just after his disciples have the entire community. It was for all ages, all stations in feasted on the Sabbath day (Mark 2:27). The command- life. No one stood outside the call to rest in the pres- ment to keep Sabbath, according to John Calvin, re- ence of God. In Judaism, for better than two millennia flects God’s genuine concern for God’s people. Again the observance of Sabbath has bound together a widely says Calvin, “Work is good, but when we work all the scattered people. In Christianity, the Sabbath, or Lord’s time work becomes a curse not a blessing.” 4 And so Day, is both communal and Christ-focused. It summons Sabbath invites us to rest and take joy in what already the followers of Jesus to enter together into the pres- is, even as God rested on the seventh day and rejoiced ence of the One whose grace is sufficient for all our in all the goodness of creation. human need (Hebrews 4). Sabbath is for deepened communion with the Steadily, persistently, the layers of Sabbath beckon. Living God. As we unwrap the gift of Sabbath, it yields It is likely we shall never enter all of them in a single to us blessings beyond our much needed rest and joy. moment. Yet as we see the depth of need around us, In the spiritual practice of Jews and Christians alike, and as we sense the vastness of the gift, a simple ques- Sabbath is a time for us to be shaped within. “On the tion arises for us just as it has through the ages: How Sabbath,” writes Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, “we can we now more fully live the gift we have been given? especially care for the seed of eternity planted in the To live the gift of Sabbath is, of course, to receive it soul.” 5 John Calvin simply tells us, “On the Sabbath, openly and with gratitude. It is to savor Sabbath’s fresh- we cease our work so God can do God’s work in us.” 6 ness. It is to walk in Sabbath’s ways, even when those ways set us apart from the culture that surrounds us. Sabbath draws us into the sacred rhythm God has woven into all of life and all creation. Sabbath And clearly, from the earliest of traditions, to live invites us to the three-fold liturgy of rest, redemption the gift of Sabbath is to hallow time. In the fourth com- and renewal. With the most intimate of acts, and the mandment, the foundational emphasis is neither on broadest, we celebrate this liturgy. We immerse our- work nor on the prohibition of work, but on keeping selves in its goodness when we pause for a brief prayer, time holy: “Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it or for an instant of stillness, or for saying “Amen!” to holy” (Exodus 20:8). the grace we sense surrounds us. In such Sabbath mo- In the Deuteronomy tradition, to live the gift of Sab- ments, we mirror the rhythm of Sabbath. And from the bath is to take a day of rest from labor, because God early movements of biblical faith, the Living God has delivered us from the oppression of hard taskmasters called us to ever wider patterns of Sabbath living. The in Egypt. “Remember that you were a slave in the land earth itself needs the rhythm of rest, redemption and of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from renewal, so every seventh year the land is to lie fallow there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm;

18 The Sabbath Sentinel May–June 2002 therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep drivenness do we need to let go of in our congrega- the Sabbath day.” (Deuteronomy 5:15)” tions? Presbyteries? Synods? General Assembly? What In the Reformed tradition, from its earliest confes- forms of true spiritual rest do we need to embrace? sions to the present Directory for Worship, to live the Come again and again to the table where we are gift of Sabbath is to engage in simple, time hallowing truly fed. The table of the present age dazzles but clearly acts: it does not feed. The table of Sabbath is far simpler. Its • seek rest from daily occupation; nourishment is deep. It is the table of the One who says, • share with others in worship; “Take. Eat. This is my body. This is my blood. This is • take time with God’s word; for you.” In coming regularly to the table of our Lord, in searching out the times for this and in living the disci- • engage in acts of compassion; pline of it, we shall together enter the ever-widening • enjoy activities that refresh and renew the spirit. mystery of grace that breathes through all of the Sab- Our long tradition guides us and yet still the ques- bath invitation. tion presses. The hallowing of time is ever specific. For In recovering Sabbath, we are in many ways as little our own particular age we seek a clearer vision. In our children, beginners, explorers. Yet the gift is before us. culture, with all its rush and its fracturing of human The need burns within us. The ways of fresh living start bonds, how can we live the hallowing of time? to emerge. And if we continue to grow in the ways we Answers emerge. They emerge in part from new are beckoned, we may, by God’s grace, join the com- Sabbath life that already stirs among us. They emerge pany of those who through the ages have proclaimed in part as wholly fresh beckonings that at once enliven with their very lives what it is “to glorify God and to en- and convict our spirits. None of the answers is yet com- joy God forever.” 8 plete. Like Sabbath itself, though, they come as a grace. We would do well to hear and accept with joy the strong NOTES invitation they speak. It is invitation to... 1. Wayne Muller. 1999. Sabbath: Restoring the Restore, at all levels of our common life, the prac- Sacred Rhythm of Rest. New York: Bantam Books. tice of keeping every seventh day as the Lord’s Day, a 2. Ruy Costa. “The Political Importance of The Sab- Sabbath holy to God. In our present context, this will bath.” Massachusetts Council of Churches (n.d.) not be easy. It is also a task we can no longer ignore. 3. Barbara Brown Taylor. 1999. “Remember the Celebrate the places where Sabbath life already sabbath.” Christian Century (May 5). grows. Children’s books that tell anew of God and of 4. John Calvin. Commentaries. Grand Rapids: Baker rest and of joy; rich ethnic traditions that flow from cen- Book House (1993). turies of devotion; the simple and sometimes struggling 5. Abraham Heschel. 1951. The Sabbath. New York: efforts of persons to carve out time to rejoice in God Farrar, Straus and Giroux. and one another; renewed attention to the Year of Ju- bilee and to allowing Sabbath for the land—all these 6. John Calvin. Institutes of the Christian Religion. point the way to the recovery of Sabbath. They mark Philadelphia: Westminster Press (1960). the fresh stirrings of Sabbath in our midst. As we honor 7. John Calvin. Commentaries. Grand Rapids: Baker them we shall honor and receive afresh the gift. Book House (1993). Share deeply in mutual support and dialogue. 8. Book of Confessions, 7.001. Single parents, young families, persons living alone, ——————————————— older couples have different patterns and diverse needs Reprinted with permission from in developing Sabbath life. Yet even if our hallowing of sf/sabbath.htm. The Office of Spiritual Formation of the time must be alone, we need the support of the com- Presbyterian Church (U. S. A.) munity to do it. And as we share with one another our various ways of spending time with God, our common vision of Sabbath will grow both full and clear. Live prophetically. If we live Sabbath’s rhythm of Gift Subscriptions to TSS rest, then we must dare claim that rest for all people, including the poor, including ourselves. And we must Share the joy of the Sabbath with dare tend our environment as a treasure for the ages. a friend! Send us names of others who To do this in our materially driven culture is to walk the would like to receive our magazine. A way of the prophets. Examine and amend the spirit-draining patterns of donation of $10 per gift subscription our corporate life. At all levels of our denomination, is appreciated. persons struggle with exhaustion. What patterns of

May–June 2002 The Sabbath Sentinel 19 The Church in the World

Sudan More than Hate Fuels Persecution of Christians in Sudan The government of Sudan continues to be one of the most fiercely anti- Christian regimes on the planet. The Christian population resides primarily in the south of the country and is often the target of devastating military as- saults by troops of the Muslim govern- ment in Khartoum using everything from mortar and machine gun fire to rocket attacks from heavily armed he- licopter gunships. The Muslim troops make a common practice of raiding Christian villages where the inhabitants are either killed outright or taken into slavery. Those not murdered or taken into slavery are maimed and left for others to take care of. What has recently come to light is that Oil fuels the Government of Sudan war machine.,Here are the major the government in Khartoum has a oilfields in Southern Sudan. The GNPOC (Greater Nile Petroleum Operating second motive for desiring to depopu- Company) is a partnership including NYSE-traded Talisman Energy (TLM), late the area of its Christian citizens: NYSE-traded PetroChina's parent, China National Petroleum Corporation, oil, and lots of it. Over the last several and Malaysia's Petronas.,Block 5A is a region including NASDAQ-traded years oil exploration companies, in- Lundin Oil (LOILY) and Malaysia's Petronas.,The Adar Yel oilfield, less than cluding Chinese, and Western finan- 50 miles to the immediate west of the Blue Nile region, is now being devel- cial institutions have supplied the gov- oped by NYSE-traded PetroChina's parent, China National Petroleum Cor- ernment with money to buy weapons poration. (Source: Blue Nile Project, for its war against its Christian citizens. (See accompanying map.) Sudan India Nigeria Police Launch Manhunt to Find Missionaries Released State Government Closes Two Christian Churches Two Christian missionaries and a new Sudanese security police have believer working in the newly created The government of Zamfara state in mounted a widening manhunt to state of Jharkand who were kid- northern Nigeria, which was the first track down a local convert to Chris- napped on February 11 have been to introduce the Islamic legal system, tianity who went into hiding during released. Sources said that Gospel for is saying there are too many early February in Khartoum to escape Asia (GFA) workers were abducted by churches, and some must be demol- arrest and possible death. Aladin anti-Christian forces who had threat- ished. Two churches were closed in Omer Agabni Mohammed, a former ened to kill all three. But two days January in Zamfara. Fourteen more Muslim who left Islam 11 years ago, later, the missionaries and the new church buildings have been marked is subject to the death penalty under convert were released unharmed. by the Zamfara state government for Sudanese criminal law. According to demolition soon. “Life in Zamfara is a church leader, Mohammed is in “a In another incident, an evangelist from traumatic for Christians,” Pastor David real tough situation now. He is being the Evangelical Fellowship of India Ishaya told Compass. “We are pur- hunted everywhere. I am not sure was arrested on February 8 after suing the matter legally. We want our how he is going to survive, because Hindu extremists accused him of con- rights and religious freedom re- he’s really being threatened.” verting people by coercion. spected.” (Source: (Source: (Source:

20 The Sabbath Sentinel May–June 2002 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

Greetings: edition of The Sabbath Sentinel. I will Dear Mr. Pearson: I enjoy The Sabbath Sentinel. It be happy if you would be pleased to Thank you for your comments on has some good material in it. I think present my views to your readers. the article by Mr. Eshun. After reread- back sometimes about when I was Thank you for your consideration. ing the article, I agree that the article on the board and attended board Having lived many years in Cen- could be interpreted in a way that meetings, and Violet was Recording tral Africa, it was good to see an ar- makes the Sabbath the single, make- Secretary for one term. ticle in The Sabbath Sentinel writ- or-break issue for our salvation, al- I don’t remember what year it ten by Mr. Isaac Kofi Eshun of though I am sure that Mr. Eshun was, but the first board meeting we Ghana in West Africa. Mr. Eshun would be horrified to think that oth- attended was in Memphis, Tennes- speaks highly of the Sabbath, a day ers would interpret his article as plac- see. Keep up the good work. blessed of God and set apart. I pray ing the Sabbath above Christ. As you With love, that the eyes of people might be so aptly pointed out, Christ is our fo- Eugene & Violet Rodgers opened to its validity and value in a cus, not the Sabbath. hectic world desperately in need of First, thanks for your continued fi- There is something very infec- a day of rest. nancial support. We are always de- tious about the enthusiasm of many lighted to hear from those who have With all due respect to the author Africans when they come to embrace paved the way for us. The fact that of this article I believe the views ex- the Sabbath, and Mr. Eshun is no ex- the BSA and Sabbath Sentinel are still pressed are spiritually dangerous, in ception. When I initially read the ar- that they appear to make the Sabbath around after more than 50 years is a ticle, I was taken by the enthusiasm into another gospel. There is only one testimony to the faithfulness and dedi- and did not consider that the article authentic gospel, the Gospel of cation of you and others over the might be interpreted in the way you Christ. We need not another. As Sab- years. Thank you for doing the work. have described. Upon reflection, I bath-keepers we have genuine ap- —Editor should have edited the article in such preciation for the Sabbath, but hope- a way as to put the spotlight on Christ Dear Sabbath Sentinel: fully our love is placed solidly on as Lord of the Sabbath. Thank you so much for the Janu- Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath. Your comments were helpful and ary-February issue of The Sabbath Keeping the Sabbath for the right much appreciated. —Editor Sentinel. I thank you for all the issues, reasons is commendable, to be en- but this one was very good. couraged. It provides both rest and Dear Elder Ryland, “Left Behind” was very interest- blessing. It is symbolic of much ing, and I made copies of it to send greater future and eternal rest when Greetings in the Most Powerful to others. I also learned a lot from we are together with Christ. The Sab- Name of Yahweh through His be- “Christianity vs. Islam.” bath itself never saved anyone, and I loved Son Yahshua, Messiah. A small offering is enclosed. I’d find it impossible to think of it as the I call you Elder. I hope you won’t like to do more. In fact, there are “tree of life.” Mr. Eshun has written mind, as I consider you an elderly some people that I would really like that “the seventh-day Sabbath is, one in the faith of being Sabbath- to receive this magazine. without dispute, a gateway to eter- keeper... Thanks. nal life.” I fear that, though the article I am touched by what you have is well intended, it might lead a per- Barbara Barton written in your article “Who is My En- son astray or make it practically im- emy?”, May-June issue 2001. True Barbara: Thank you for your con- possible for a Sunday-keeping evan- that some might resort to violence or tribution. —Editor gelical to embrace Sabbath truth. even murder in order to maintain their Christ is our Salvation, and Christ Dear Brother Ryland, control or position in the congrega- alone in whom the very fulness of tion. No, you do not exaggerate. His- Christian greetings to you. I feel God came to dwell. Hallelujah! I must comment on a Sabbath article tory proves that religious rivalry was written by Mr. Eshun of Ghana ap- Yours together, and is the most violent and bloody pearing in the January-February 2002 David C. Pearson cases.

May–June 2002 The Sabbath Sentinel 21 I quote your statement “One of “seeking Yahweh first and His righ- area of the Philippines that is danger- the amazing characteristics of the teousness and all things will be ous and the Lord has protected you Christian Church of the twenty-first added,” surely it will also have re- in the midst of that danger, I rejoice century is that we are unable to de- verse effects too… in His mercy and protection. How- fine our enemies.” I am puzzled by I will always remember you and ever, please don’t forget that some- this, but let me support these with all writers, members of the Bible Sab- times the righteous are persecuted— challenging questions. Why can bath Association in my prayers. I not because of sin but because of Christians not define their enemies? know Almighty Yahweh blesses His their righteousness. When this hap- I am deeply touched too by Ri- people who walk in the narrow path pens, the Lord considers it a bless- chard and Sabina Wumbrand, how of His required righteousness. In His ing. (Matthew 5:11-12) mercy that endureth forever, may He they fought their faith within Commu- Third, you state that “we should continue to provide all in His spirit nist countries. As the Scripture says, not force at any rate to get into coun- and in His truth. we will be held accountable of what tries which are so dangerous to stay we know and if we thought it is right More power to all in His Name. around, for Almighty Yahweh has an to spread the good news to the com- Halle lu Yah. appointed time for each and every munist countries, then it is sin not to Very respectfully yours, one.” I am very glad that neither Jesus do so. But I am for sure, you believe Sister Ana Harrom, Philippines nor the apostles took that approach too what John 6:44 states, “No man to preaching the gospel. Life was very can come to Me, except the Father Sister Harrom: dangerous and deadly for Jesus in Which hath sent Me draw him, and I ancient Palestine, and all of the Thank you for your support of the will raise him up at the last day.” I apostles except John suffered a Bible Sabbath Association and The firmly believe that those who are not martyr’s death because they were Sabbath Sentinel. Even though we are called today will have their chance in willing to take the gospel into very based in the United States, we are the coming kingdom, if they are ap- dangerous regions. Please do not for- truly gratified that our publication pointed to be left alive at the coming get that Jesus gave instructions to the reaches many parts of the world. We of Yahshua. What I mean is that, we apostles and to the Church that would should not force at any rate to get into thank the Lord Jesus Christ that He has allowed us to bring His message follow after them: “And Jesus came countries which are so dangerous to and spoke to them, saying, ‘All author- stay around, for Almighty Yahweh to people on the other side of the world from us. Truly, His truth knows ity has been given to Me in heaven has an appointed time for each and and on earth. Go therefore and make every one… no borders; all men everywhere thirst for His living water. disciples of all the nations, baptizing I am living on an island where the them in the name of the Father and of Thank you also for taking the time Muslims, Christians, and communist the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teach- to write us a lengthy letter. I was not rebels are rampant in areas where ing them to observe all things that I able to include the entirety of your there is stoppage of fellowshipping. have commanded you; and lo, I am letter because of the limitations of Some of the brethren in that area are with you always, even to the end of space, but there are some ideas put now abandoning the place because the age’” (Matthew 28:18-20). Notice forth in your letter that I would like to they could hardly meet the necessi- that the Lord commands His follow- comment on. ties of life due to hard life. They are ers to go. There is no command to being persecuted of hunger and pov- First, in my article, “Who Is my En- return, no command to go only if it’s erty and not the direct persecution emy?” my main point was that we safe—just go and teach. We can go from the Christians, Muslims, and Christians too often do not see Christ to all nations because “all authority communist rebels. The cause of their as the point around which we unify; has been given to Me [Jesus].” The hunger is because of many business rather, we unify around our own de- Lord also told his disciples: “For who- firms. Years before the things hap- nomination or church association. We ever desires to save his life will lose pened, I attended these places dur- are prone to see others outside our it, but whoever loses his life for My ing Sabbaths and Feasts. I have ob- church gathering as competitors, or sake and the gospel’s will save it” served that some of the brethren took even enemies. (Mark 8:35). I truly believe that we the Sabbaths and Feasts for granted. Second, I will agree that Chris- should seek to save all people, not Some of them worked and did not tians are often persecuted because assume that this one or that one can attend the Feasts for the reason of of their own sins. This kind of perse- wait for another time. God alone economic survival. I have analyzed cution is designed to wake us up so knows the right time. I do not believe this: If we leave the Sabbaths and that we will repent. Persecution tests that any of us can assume that we Feasts, and reverse the formula of our faithfulness. If you are living in an know God’s timing. —Editor

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May–June 2002 The Sabbath Sentinel 23 Place your Order Now!

The 246-page ninth edition of The Bible Sabbath Association’s comprehensive cata- log of Seventh-day Sabbath-Observing Groups has gone to press! The Directory of Sabbath-Observing Groups will ship in late September or early October. The 2001 Directory lists over 400 Sabbatarian groups, and over 1600 congre- gations. This is the ninth update of the Di- rectory, originally published in 1957, and the largest compilation of Sabbatarian Groups in the BSA’s history. There are many international congregations listed. The Directory of Sabbath-Observing Groups is available for $15, postpaid, or 10 copies for $95 postpaid, from: The Bible Sabbath Association 3316 Alberta Drive Gillette, WY 82718. You may also order by credit card by calling 307-686-5191, or e-mail at [email protected].

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24 The Sabbath Sentinel May–June 2002