1 the Joint Select Committee on Future Gaming Marke
THE JOINT SELECT COMMITTEE ON FUTURE GAMING MARKETS MET IN COMMITTEE ROOM 2, PARLIAMENT HOUSE, HOBART ON FRIDAY, 18 AUGUST 2017 Ms LEANNE MINSHULL, DIRECTOR, THE AUSTRALIA INSTITUTE TASMANIA WAS CALLED VIA TELECONFERENCE AND WAS EXAMINED. CHAIR (Mr Gaffney) - Thank you, Leanne, for agreeing to discuss your paper and present to the committee. Ms MINSHULL - Thanks for the opportunity. CHAIR - We have received a copy of your report and have tabled that as part of our evidence. That is why it is important for us to speak to you, because then it can be used to help us with our report. Leanne, please give an introduction and overview of the report and how it came about. After that, members might like to ask questions about specifics within the report. Ms MINSHULL - Okay, great. I am sitting in an airport so occasionally there will get announcements in the background, but I will just plough on. The Australia Institute Tasmania is a national institute that has been in operation since about 1994. They have a long history in looking at economic policy issues, in particular jobs, unemployment and what direct and indirect jobs can be attributed to specific industries. We looked at the gaming industry, in particular, in Tasmania for two reasons. One is because we recently started a branch there. We've been open in Tasmania for about six months. It is obviously a contested issue in the community. As part of our national work we look at Australian Bureau of Statistics statistics every time the quarterly statistics come out. We noticed a few anomalies between what was being reported as direct and indirect employment in Tasmania in the gambling industry and what we would normally see using some of the ABS data.
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