Present: Councillors Rob Reid (Mayor), Keri Anderson, Joan Briggs, Gemma Kelly, Maureen Patterson, Steve Reardon, Linda Smith and Daniel Sweeney.

Also in Attendance: Simon Oldham (Town Clerk), Inspector Adrian Luscombe (South Police). No members of the public present.

2019.65 To receive and consider apologies for absence. None.

2019.66 To consider motions for the variation to the order of business (if any). None.

2019.67 To receive any declarations of interest not already declared under the Council’s code of conduct or Members register of disclosable pecuniary interests. The Mayor Rob Reid declared a non pecuniary interest in agenda item 10.2(a) “Complaints re Allotment fires on Hilltop allotments” as an allotment plot holder at the site.

2019.68 To identify items for which the press and public may be excluded (if any). None.

2019.69 To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12th March, 2019 as a true and accurate record. RESOLVED to approve the minutes as a correct record.

2019.70 Public Speaking Session – In accordance with Standing Order 3.e, a period not exceeding 15 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to speak & make representations (maximum of 3 minutes for each person). None present.

2019.71 Partner Updates from DMBC Ward Councillor(s) or Police representative (if present). Inspector Adrian Luscombe provided Members with an update on the last two months, February March & (respectively) crime statistics for Edlington in comparison with other areas within his remit covering and , as set out below. Edlington Mexborough Conisbrough ASB 22 & 19 41 & 42 51 & 57 Vehicle crime 7 & 5 13 & 16 10 & 10 Domestic burglary 11 & 8 5 & 4 5 & 11 Including sheds/garages Business burglaries 2 & 8 Not specified Not specified Criminal damages 39 & 29 37 & 27 12 & 34 Including window damages He outlined that Edlington had a resource allocation of two Police Officers and three PCSO’s which was a greater volume of resource input than was available for the other two neighbouring areas. An arrest re the business burglaries had been made last weekend and a second individual had been identified. Regarding the criminal damages, a 12 year old local youth had been arrested and was now on bail. An injunction was also being pursued in respect of three other youths. Four other individuals had been arrested yesterday in possession of class A drugs and an additional arrest was made last week re a cannabis find.

2019.72 To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary. (a) Car parking provision at rear of ECO/adjacent Miners Garden – feedback following meeting with proprietor of Yorkshire Main Motors. RESOLVED (1) to note the summary feedback of the meeting conducted between the proprietor of Yorkshire Main Motors, the Town Mayor & Deputy Mayor and the Clerk on the prospects for creating a general public parking area on this Town Council rectangular area of land in its ownership and assurance given that should this proceed, YMM would ensure half of the 12 potential spaces remained free for general use at all times and the remainder were supported for use in complimenting YMM business clients; (2) to note the representations received from Emms Transport and their concerns on safety grounds should this area be used as a public parking space and (3) in light of consideration of the implications and impact of (1) and (2) above and the likely difficulties of the prospect of enforcing parking restrictions and the costs of enforcement in this space, the safety aspects and potential liabilities that the Town Council could face, the proposed use of this rectangular space as a public parking area be deferred at this time and the Clerk be asked to explore the scope for the lease of this area at a fair rent to prospective local businesses in the vicinity who may be interested, as a potential alternative use for further consideration.

(b) Site visit to Homes4Yorkshire site and update on scope for a local scheme in Edlington. RESOLVED to note the wishes of the Town Council not to pursue a site meeting at this time and the unlikely prospect of a local scheme in Edlington being a viable proposition given that there was no identified area of land in current Town Council ownership that would support a local build project going forward.

(c) Enquiry to DMBC re deepwater signs at Martinwells Lake. RESOLVED (1) to note thec response from DMBC Assets Tean advising that discussions with South Yorkshire Fire Service on this issue were ongoing and the Friends of Group on the appropriate signage etc. and their location and lifebelts/throwlines which would hopefully be determined in the near future and (2) in light if this, the matter be kept under review.

(d) Response from DMBC re scope for dealing with fly-tipping in Edlington Woods and advice on scope for accessing Household Waste Recycling Sites and materials that can be deposited. RESOLVED (1) to note the response from DMBC advising that “as the woods were in private ownership, Street Scene Team cannot routinely clear the waste, although the Enforcement Officer for Edlington had confirmed that the main problem appeared to be due to people taking waste into the wood in wheelie bins, emptying them and then burning the waste via access point via the path adjacent to St Leger Homes properties and that they would look at whether it was possible to block the path, at least for wheelie bins, and prevent access. In the interim, further research was required to establish if it was a public footpath, in which case closing it off would be difficult alhough it may be St Leger Homes land, in which case it would be easier to find a solution”; (2) the information obtained by the Clerk of who could access by vehicle or on foot and what type of materials could be taken and tipped at DMBC Household Waste Recycling Centres, be publicised on the Town Council facebook page and in the next In-Focus magazine and be supplemented by approving the delivery of the draft flyer to all Roberts Road dwellings advising residents of this and to be vigilant and report any further witnessing of fly-tipping in the woods and to encourage fellow residents to be respectful of and help protect the woods and in particular this location which was a designated site of special scientific interest and also had an ancient monument designated status.

2019.73 Planning Application Consultations RESOLVED that no objections be raised in respect of Planning consultation 19/00469/FUL - Erection of a replacement stable building (including tack room and store), Land West of Grange Lane, Alverley, , DN11 9DR.

2019.74 Report of the Clerk – To receive updates and consider matters in respect of:

(a) Burial ground - Appointment of Grounds Maintenance Operative. RESOLVED to note the appointment of Richard Campbell-Mcdonald who took up the appointment to the post of Grounds Maintenance Operative on 1/4/19.

(b) Allotments – i) Complaints re Allotment fires on Hilltop allotments. RESOLVED (1) to the the summary report of the Clerk on complaints reported to the Town Council of smoke billowing from Hilltop allotment site on Saturday 30/3/19 and his enquiry of the Allotment Secretary of the circumstances surrounding this and the actions that he had subsequently taken; (2) to note the correspondence from the Secretary advising that plot holders had been reminded and notices placed around the site advising that in future any fires only to be lit after 6pm in an evening and to be limited in size and conducted in a barrel bin and (3) the Clerk to publicise the action taken on the Town Council facebook page and to alert other Allotment Secretaries in the Village and urge them to adopt a similar approach to prevent further occurrences of potential complaints over the Summer season and to ensure in accordance with the allotment rules that any fires do not cause a nuisance to local residents or fellow plot holders. ii) Prospects for an Allotment competition Summer 2019. RESOLVED that an allotment competition be held this coming Summer to comprise two prizes 1) Best kept allotment plot in Edlington with a £50 cash prize to the winner; 2) Best managed Allotment site in Edlington with a £100 prize to be awarded as a reduction off the winning sites Allotment fees that would fall due by 31/1/20 and Members of the Town Council to visit each site to judge and undertake a wider site inspection, un-announced at some point during July.

(c) Community Centre – repairs to leak in kitchen and boxed in pipework from boiler behind cooker wall. RESOLVED to note the reporting by the Clerk that this had now been investigated further and resolved which appeared to be due to the blocking of the gulley on the roof which had been full of tree debris blocking the run-off and leaking through the flashing under the roof of the building.

(d) Recreation Ground/Miners Memorial Garden – nothing to report.

(e) Improvement Projects & Events :– i) Edlington Gala 29/6/2019 – update on preparations underway. RESOLVED (1) to note the apologies given by the Gala Coordinator who was unwell and unable to attend todays meeting to provide an update on preparations for this years Gala and (2) that the Clerk would arrange a meeting with her sometime next week and invite any Member of the Council to attend should they be available to do so. ii) Community Woodland Project – feedback on Community Woodland Steering Group AGM 8/4/19 and tree/seed planting 28/3/19. RESOLVED to note that (1) at yesterdays AGM, amongst the reonstituted Management Committee the following appointments had been made, Chair -Councillor Linda Smith, Treasurer - Simon Oldham and Secretary - Heather Aldridge; (2) the Government’s Pocket Parks grant of £5500 had now been received on 1/4/19 and the funds allocated by way of grass seeding a large proportion of the site, acquisition of two display panel/lecterns and a new larger disabled access mobility kissing gate for easier access on to site particularly for mobility scooters. It was also noted that the £4k bid to the Betty’s Trees for Life Fund had been unsuccessful and (3) Tree planting and seed sowing had been conducted during the last week in March with assistance on 29/3/19 with a contribution from around 20 pupils from the Hilltop Academy courtesy of a Woodland Trust tree pack that had been gifted.

(f) PKF Littlejohn, External Auditor – Instructions on completing the Annual Governance & Accountability Return for 2018/19 and exercise of public rights to inspect the accounts. RESOLVED to note the guidance and timetable for the submission of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return for 2018/19 and exercise of public rights to inspect the accounts.

(g To consider scheduling of Town Council meetings in 2019/20 municipal year). RESOLVED to continue the current scheduling of second Tuesday in the month alternating between a daytime (10am) and evening (6.30pm) start time for the 2019/20 municipal year.

(h) Adopting a Freedom of Information Publication Scheme. RESOLVED to approve the draft Freedom of Information Publication Scheme presented and for this to be uploaded on to the website.

2019.75 Mayor’s Announcements (if any). The Mayor announced that last week he and his Consort Chris Mitchell had attended Mr & Mrs Flemings 70th wedding anniversary celebration and presented them with a bouquet of flowers to mark their celebrations and this very special day In addition, on 29/4/19 he was due to attend St John’s Ambulance distinction awards night.

2019.76 Matters requested by Councillors. (a) Flower bed – 5 Lane Ends, rotting wooden plinth. RESOLVED that the Clerk be asked to lobby DMBC Streetscene team re the flower bed at 5 Lanes end in Old Edlington which was the only one in Edlington which had a wooden plinth surround and was rotting/decaying and had more or less reached the end of its useful life and to formally ask if this flower bed could be upgraded/repaired with a brick or stone surround to halt the decay and give it a sustained lease of life going forwards in to the future.

(b) Meeting and engaging with Friends of Martinwells Lake. RESOLVED to support in principle a desire to look to constructively work together with the Friends of the Lake Group on areas of mutual benefit which were in the interests of the local community as a whole moving forwards.

(c) Resident complaint of litter in her garden – Swallowdale Centre. RESOLVED that the Clerk draw this matter to the attention of the DMBC Local Neighbourhood Area Manager and the allegations of staff littering and drop cigarette butt ends in her garden with a request that she make contact to try to resolve the matter to their mutual satisfaction.

2019.77 Financial matters (a) To note & receive schedule of April payments. RESOLVED (1) to note the following additional March year-end payments made:- £

1. MAS SEEDS - grass seed 53112574 2,125.00 2. Secue a field - woodland kissing gate 53112527 381.96 3. Shelley Signs - lecterns woodland site 53117110 2,640.00 4. AWS Landscapes-grounds supplies 53262184 95.65 5. Water Plus - Cemetery 53262301 26.13

(2) to note the following April payments made:- £ 1. Wages various 9,643.58 2. SYPA 1,932.59 3. HMRC - PAYE/NI April 2,672.34 4. 1&1 website hosting Apr 11.99 5. BT - Phone&Broadband 65.66 6. Applegreen Fuel 152.20 6. YLCA - Annual subscription 53262428 942.00 7. DMBC - Cemetery Rates 2018/19 104.55 payable monthly 1 x £104.55 & 9 x £105.00 8. Co-op Bank - sweep fee 30.00 9. Tigertatz Clothing - staff workwear 167.00 10. Clerk Mileage Claim 1/1/19-31/3/19 22.50 11. Cemetery Supervisor - milaege/Tel allowance 149.25 12. TH White - Rat bait 150.01 13. DMBC Trade waste - Grainger 53490761 265.00 14. DMBC Trade waste - Cemetery 53490901 265.00 15. Total Gas&Power - Elec Rec 26.51 16. Total Gas&Power - Elec Grainger 990.37 17. AWS Landscapes - supplies Cemetery 53491145 32.50

(b) to note the following receipts during March :- £ 1. Community Centre 1,905.00 2. Cemetery Fees 3,915.00 3. Interest - Nationwide B.Soc 649.93

(c) Budgetary control/bank reconciliation as at 31/3/19. RESOLVED to note and accept the budgetary control statement and bank reconciliation for the period ending 31/3/19.

2019.78 Correspondence/information items. RESOLVED (1) to note the following items:-. 1 YLCA White Rose Update March 2019 2 YLCA Membership renewal 1/4/19 – 31/3/20 3 YLCA New audit code of practice consultation

2019.79 Outstanding Issues List. RESOLVED to note and accept the Outstanding issues schedule presented and the updated position in relation to the completion or ongoing issues on the resolutions set out.

2019.80 To notify the Clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting. RESOLVED to include an item in respect of “Certificates/Business Awards Scheme”.

2019.81 Date of next meeting –Tuesday 14th May, 2019 6.30pm. The meeting closed at 1.48am