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8-2006 Rethinking Symbolic : Evidence of Brad T. Gomez University of South Carolina - Columbia

J. Matthew iW lson Southern Methodist University, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation Gomez, Brad T.; Wilson, J. Matthew, "Rethinking Symbolic Racism: Evidence of Attribution Bias" (August 2006). The ourJ nal of Politics, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 611-625.

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Brad T. Gomez University of South Carolina J. Matthew Wilson Southern Methodist University

This paper demonstrates that cognitive tendencies related to political sophistication produce an attribution bias in the widely accepted symbolic racism scale. When this bias is controlled statistically, the effect of symbolic racism on racial policy attitudes is greatly diminished. Our theory posits that high sophisticates tend to make global/distal attributions, allowing them to associate racial inequality with broader sociopolitical causes. Less sophisticated indi- viduals, conversely, tend to make local/proximal attributions, thus biasing them against ascribing responsibility sys- temically. Consequently, less sophisticated individuals tend to be classified as intolerant by the symbolic racism scale, even when controlling for factors such as and anti-black affect.

critical component of whites’ attitudes toward remain unanswered about how structuralist and indi- blacks is their beliefs about the causes of vidualistic attributions themselves are formed. Some poverty in the black community and social scholars, most notably Kluegel and Smith (1986), A 1 inequality between the races more generally. These provide a sociological explanation, arguing that attitudes contribute significantly to whites’ positions socioeconomic status strongly shapes individuals’ on public policies geared to ameliorate racial explanations for poverty. By this account, the differ- inequities, such as affirmative action (e.g., Hughes and ence in attribution patterns may merely be a function Tuch 2000; Sniderman et al. 1986) and welfare (Gilens of social class—the “haves” think the “have-nots” are 1996). For some whites, the observed disparity lazy, while the latter think the former benefit dispro- between the races is a function of systemic causes, portionately from social arrangements. Perhaps the such as unequal educational and job opportunities divergence runs deeper, stemming from psychological or a legacy of (“structuralist attribu- differences inherent in the construction of causality. tions”; Feagin 1972). Conversely, other whites view After all, interpersonal attributions are a fundamental racial disparities as a product of traits stereotypically component of social cognition (Fiske and Taylor associated with individual African Americans, such as 1991). This raises a key question: Does an individual’s a poor work ethic or a lack of intelligence (“individu- cognitive complexity increase his or her likelihood alistic attributions”). of making certain causal linkages, while mitigating Previous research—in political science and other the perceived importance of competing explanatory disciplines—has shown that, while both structuralist factors? and individualistic attributions contribute to whites’ In this paper, we advance a theory of hetero- racial policy attitudes, the former, though less geneous attribution, wherein individual differences common, play a more powerful role than the latter in cognitive sophistication within a relevant domain in predicting these attitudes (e.g., Hunt 1996; Kluegel condition the tendency to attribute responsibility and Smith 1986). Individuals who accept structuralist to proximal (individualistic) or more global explanations for black poverty are more supportive of (structuralist) causes. We argue that individuals low policies intended to assist blacks. Yet many questions in political sophistication, controlling for other factors

1Blacks comprise a disproportionate share of the poor in the , about 25%, and are more than twice as likely as whites to live in poverty (U.S. Bureau of the Census 2002). The Journal of Politics, Vol. 68, No. 3, August 2006, pp. 611–625 © 2006 Southern Political Science Association ISSN 0022-3816    .   .   such as ideology and racial animus, are unlikely The Attributional Foundations of to attribute responsibility for racial inequality to Symbolic Racism social causes. Given a more limited comprehension of the sociopolitical world, low sophisticates have a decreased propensity to construct broad social One of the core tenets in the study of white America’s explanations and, correspondingly, to devise/ attitudes toward race and racial policy is the concept acknowledge social solutions. High political sophisti- of “symbolic racism.” Originating with the work of cates, who are more likely to understand the com- Sears and Kinder (1971), symbolic racism is meant plexity of the sociopolitical world, do have the to describe whites’ animus toward blacks in its con- cognitive capacity—a large store of integrated politi- temporary guise. As opposed to the overt racism of cal referents in associative memory (e.g., McGraw and the Jim Crow era, which Sears and Kinder argue was Pinney 1990; Tetlock 1995)—to make structuralist repudiated and largely displaced by the end of the attributions, and are thus more likely to do so. In 1960s, symbolic racism reflects a subtler form of intol- short, we contend that variation in whites’ attributions erance. The theory is built on four propositions regarding the causes of black poverty and social dis- (Kinder and Sanders 1996; Sears 1988). First, the civil advantage is a function not simply of economic self- rights movement and end to legal segregation precip- interest and/or racial , but also of cognitive itated a decline in the social acceptability of older style. forms of racism. Second, this decline in overtly racist While the cognitive foundations of attributions attitudes did not represent a true proportional reduc- for racial inequality are in themselves important, our tion in whites’ antipathy toward blacks. White racism work also has ramifications for the widely used and and racial stereotyping remain, but they are hidden often debated concept of symbolic racism. Recent from public view (and, consequently, poorly measured work by Tarman and Sears (2005) demonstrates that by survey instruments). Third, blacks are perceived by the factorial structure of the traditional symbolic racially intolerant whites to violate traditional Amer- racism scale is best explained by the structuralist and ican values, such as the Protestant work ethic. Finally, individualist attribution concepts. Consequently, we racial prejudice often manifests itself as resentment; reexamine symbolic racism and its effect on policy blacks are perceived as demanding and receiving too attitudes in light of the theory of heterogeneous attri- much from government, making it difficult for whites bution. Simply put, we argue that individual responses to receive fair treatment. to the battery of survey items generally used to create Symbolic racism has been shown to be a power- the symbolic racism measure may be biased by cogni- ful predictor of whites’ opposition to racial policies tive ability and shaped by factors completely inde- and black political candidates, in some cases exerting pendent of the underlying racial animus that the scale a larger effect than party identification, political ide- seeks to capture. This attribution bias affects place- ology, adherence to the value of individualism, and ment on the symbolic racism scale, since those who direct racial threat (e.g., Kinder and Sanders 1996; respond positively to the structuralist items are con- Kinder and Sears 1981). Yet, despite these findings, the sidered low in symbolic racism, while individualist symbolic racism concept has drawn its share of critics. respondents are scored high. If the theory of hetero- In a recent article reevaluating the conceptualiza- geneous attribution is accurate, individuals low in tion and measurement of symbolic racism, Tarman political sophistication may be biased against accept- and Sears focus on four central critiques of the con- ing the structuralist items and in favor of the individ- struct: “symbolic racism (1) has been conceptualized ualist ones for reasons wholly apart from racial and measured inconsistently over time, (2) may not hostility or ideology. Thus, low sophisticates, all things be a single, internally consistent, and coherent belief equal, run a greater risk of being incorrectly classified system, (3) may generate artifactually strong associa- as “symbolic racists.” After demonstrating an empiri- tions with racial policy preferences because of content cal relationship between political sophistication and overlap between measures of the independent and symbolic racism, we reevaluate the latter concept’s dependent variables, and (4) is not a distinctive belief impact on racial policy attitudes. We propose that an system in its own right, but simply reflects various “errors in variables”correction be used when symbolic other familiar constructs” (2005, 732). The second and racism is employed as an independent variable in fourth of these critiques are clearly related and, for our models, and show that the effect of symbolic racism purposes, the most compelling. as an explanation for racial policy attitudes may be In addressing the internal coherence of symbolic grossly exaggerated. racism, Tarman and Sears examine the dimensional   :      structure of survey items frequently used to measure attributions).3 Among these, the most commonly it. What the authors find is that—at least on point cited explanation is the individualistic one. People are two—their critics are correct: “the pure one-factor most likely to economic inequality on the real model [of symbolic racism] is of borderline accept- or imagined characteristics of the poor themselves, ability” (2005, 741). The authors demonstrate that like lack of work ethic or ability. Further research a two-factor model best represents the underlying shows that individualistic explanations of social dimensional structure of symbolic racism. Impor- inequality are not simply a by-product of racial dif- tantly, they assert that these latent dimensions reflect ferences or racial animus. Hughes and Tuch (2000) individualistic attributions and structuralist attribu- provide evidence that whites, blacks, Asian-Ameri- tions for black inequality (2005, 742–48).2 cans, and Latinos all tend toward individualistic attri- Affirmation of symbolic racism’s attribution butions, whether one is discussing black poverty or underpinnings and empirical validation of its indi- the misfortunes of any other group. vidualist and structuralist dimensions may not seem It has been hypothesized that the tendency to especially problematic for the concept. Indeed, choose individualistic over structuralist attributions is Tarman and Sears contend that “the difference rooted in economic self-interest. Kluegel and Smith between these two factors is so slight that they seem (1986) identify a propensity among people of higher best interpreted as two quite similar variants of the socioeconomic status to focus primarily on individu- same underlying psychological construct” (2005, 747). alistic attributions. Perhaps this results from self- We believe, however, that this contention minimizes reflection; high SES individuals might assume that the potential behavioral consequences of symbolic their impoverished fellow citizens lack important racism’s attributional structure. Social psychologists qualities that they see in themselves. Whatever the have long argued that, for various reasons, different reason, this SES effect, like the general predisposition people have different propensities for making indi- toward individualistic attributions, does not appear to vidualistic and structuralist attributions. Moreover, be restricted to whites. Hunt (1996) provides evidence research has shown that structuralist attributions are that African Americans and Latinos are actually more more closely associated with support for race-based apt to provide individualistic attributions than are public policies than are individualistic ones (Kluegel whites. Moreover, within these groups, Hunt reports and Smith 1986). If the evidence regarding struc- that systematic differences related to SES also exist, turalist attributions and racial policy attitudes is accu- providing further evidence in support of the self- rate, then the link between symbolic racism and racial interest hypothesis.4 policy may be more a function of general cognitive An additional distinction between individualistic tendencies than of racial animus. If symbolic racism and structuralist attributions remains, one relating is most accurately perceived as an attribution con- not to the causes of these ascriptions but to their rela- struct (as Tarman and Sears concede), then we must tionship to policy attitudes. Hughes and Tuch (2000), consider the possibility that variation in the scale can among others, show that structuralist attributions are be explained, at least in part, by individual differences significant predictors of support for race-based public in attribution . policies, such as affirmative action and welfare. Those who see society and government as the source of black social disadvantage are more inclined to favor social Causal Attributions and Racial and governmental solutions. Indeed, these authors Inequality

3Fatalistic explanations are rarely invoked and thus will not be According to Feagin (1972), individuals attribute considered in this paper. three main causes for poverty: deficiencies of poor 4One should not assume that the individualistic and structuralist people (individualistic attributions), societal barriers explanations are necessarily orthogonal. Kluegel (1990) notes that (structuralist attributions), and bad luck (fatalistic individuals frequently create explanations for economic inequal- ity from both individualistic and structuralist attributions. Inter- 2Our own factor analysis produces results consistent with Tarman estingly, this “dual consciousness” exists even among the poor and Sears’ findings. Additionally, we go a step further. Using a mul- (Kluegel and Smith 1986) and may be more likely among minor- tisample confirmatory factor analysis, we demonstrate that the ity groups. Hughes and Tuch, for instance, argue that “members two-factor structure exists for both high and low sophisticates and of minority groups are more likely than whites to experience a that the factor correlations between individualistic and struc- ‘dual consciousness,’ simultaneously subscribing to both struc- turalist attributions are not significantly different between the two turalist beliefs (by virtue of group identification) and individual- groups. Results are available from the authors or via the JOP web istic beliefs (as a result of acculturation to dominant American site ( values that are relatively stable)” (2000, 167).   .   .   demonstrate the power of system blame, indicating viduals’ ability to make causal associations is condi- that “structural attributions increase support for race- tioned by their levels of cognitive sophistication in the targeted policies across ethnic groups [whites, blacks, domain of politics (i.e., political sophistication). We Asian-Americans, and Latinos] regardless of which argue that the breadth and depth of an individual’s group is the focus of attributions” (2000, 188). Thus, political knowledge largely determines his ability it is important to note, the relationship between struc- to make “local” or “global” attributions for socio- turalist attributions and support for policies targeting political phenomena. Thus, a person’s ability to racial disparities (or, conversely, the relationship ascribe credit or blame to individual versus systemic between individualistic attributions and opposition to factors is a function of his capacity to make associa- these policies) does not necessarily stem from differ- tive linkages between political information in differ- ing levels of racial tolerance. In theory, a linkage ent spheres.6 between the attribution and policy may simply reflect Attribution psychology suggests that causal attri- a necessary condition for support: to see government bution is affected both by the characteristics of the as an appropriate remedy, one must first view society problem confronting the individual and by the char- as a cause of the problem.5 acteristics of the person trying to work through it. As Hilton and Slugoski (1986) put it, the attribution process is sensitive to the individual’s base level of The Theory of Heterogeneous information/knowledge and motivation toward the task. Attribution In other words, to identify a causal relationship, the individual must have knowledge of possible causes That some individuals make individualistic attribu- and be motivated to puzzle through the causal linkage. tions, while others offer structuralist attributions, and As such, a sophisticated understanding of the subject still others attribute responsibility to both, shows the (domain) at hand would seem to condition the indi- need for further theorizing on this important public vidual’s capacity to make attributions. Given that opinion puzzle, especially given the role of attribution “modern racism” is so intrinsically tied to politics, we in predicting policy attitudes. Class and ethnicity believe that individuals at varying levels of political provide two plausible bases for these alternative sophistication will differ in the way they make attri- 7 understandings of racial inequality. However, the pos- butions regarding race in modern America. sibility that individuals might differ systematically in Following Luskin (1987), Sniderman (1993), and their attribution patterns due to cognitive differences our own previous work (Gomez and Wilson 2001, has not been examined. We believe that this con- 2003, 2006b), we argue that individuals with differing sideration may provide significant insights into the levels of political sophistication vary in their ability to construction of social stratification beliefs generally make associative linkages between problems and their and into the meaning of the symbolic racism scale sources. Political sophistication is a two-fold concept specifically. incorporating the individual’s levels of political aware- 8 In recent work centering on ascriptions of causal- ness and cognitive integration (Luskin 1987). It ity (Gomez and Wilson 2001, 2003, 2006b), we artic- ulate a “theory of heterogeneous attribution” as an 6As Iyengar asserts, “attributions of responsibility are critical explanation for how citizens at various levels of ingredients of social knowledge” (1989, 879). As a means of infer- ence, attributions have been shown to have powerful effects on an cognitive complexity assign responsibility for socio- individual’s attitude toward the self, emotional arousal, and inter- political phenomena. Following Sniderman (1993), personal evaluations (e.g., Fiske and Taylor 1991; Petty and among others, we assume that people should not be Cacioppo 1996). Indeed, the capacity of causal attributions to frame interpersonal evaluations is fundamental to political opin- treated as monolithic; that is, individuals should not ionation, particularly assessments of political leaders (Iyengar be thought to respond uniformly to cognitive stimuli. 1989) and vote choice (e.g., Lau and Sears 1981). Rather, we propose that systematic variation in indi- 7Race in America has always been a salient sociopolitical issue, from arguments in the early republic about and represen-

5 tation, through debates over segregation and anti-miscegenation This argument is somewhat consistent with “political models” of laws, up to the present day. Almost all of the symbolic ways in racial policy attitudes put forth by Sniderman and colleagues (e.g., which modern racism is said to manifest itself reside in the polit- Sniderman and Carmines 1997; Sniderman and Piazza 1993). ical domain: affirmative action, welfare, busing, etc. Thus, we feel However, while the political model might view structuralist attri- comfortable in saying that racial attributions are conditioned by butions as necessary conditions for support for government political sophistication. policy, they clearly are not sufficient. The political model asserts that support for racial policies is also a product of ideology and 8As Sniderman, Brody, and Tetlock argue: “[P]olitical sophistica- the policy alternatives on the agenda. tion is a ‘bundle’ concept. It packs together related, if distinguish-   :      should not be viewed simply as a summary scale of associate the condition of individuals in poverty with political interest. Rather, individuals at various levels broad societal forces. To do so, one must at some level of political sophistication cognitively engage the polit- recognize the capacity of social, political, and eco- ical world in different ways, using heterogeneous deci- nomic factors to be systematically biased against a sion rules in processing political information and segment of the population. We believe that for many making political choices. Far from maximizing the individuals at lower levels of political sophistication consistency of belief system elements across the board, this is a difficult cognitive task. Consequently, low individuals with differing levels of political sophisti- sophisticates will be more likely to rely on less distal cation seek congruence selectively (Sniderman, Brody, attributions and associate the causes of poverty and and Tetlock 1991). In contrast to Converse’s (1964) social inequality with proximal characteristics of a dis- model of the political belief system, the sophistication advantaged group. Conversely, we believe that high model suggests that it is the least sophisticated indi- sophisticates should be more likely to possess the level viduals, not the most, who attempt to maximize prox- of cognitive integration required to understand the imal consistency among belief elements, bringing interrelationship of more global social phenomena closely related political information into congruence. (Tetlock 1995). Thus, two primary attribution Alternatively, highly sophisticated individuals seek hypotheses follow: distal consistency in their political belief systems. These 1) Individuals at low levels of political sophistication political sophisticates recognize and evaluate the more are more likely to make individualistic attributions abstract elements of the political world and seek con- and should be systematically biased against making gruence between newly obtained information and structuralist attributions. more distant components of their belief systems, such 2) Individuals high in political sophistication are more as their . likely to make structuralist attributions, though they With regard to beliefs about the causes of poverty may also make individualistic ones. and social inequality more generally, the theory of het- erogeneous attribution suggests several hypotheses. As As a result of these hypotheses and Tarman and our previous work (Gomez and Wilson 2001, 2003, Sears’ determination that symbolic racism is com- 2006b) demonstrates in the nonracial domain of eco- posed primarily of individualistic and structuralist nomic voting, less politically sophisticated individuals attribution dimensions, a corollary to Hypothesis Two tend to focus causal attributions on the most obvious, can be asserted: proximal actors (which in the case of racial disparities Corollary: Individuals at high levels of political sophis- would be African Americans themselves) or events.9 tication, ceteris paribus, are more likely to score low Thus, the theory asserts that individuals at low levels on the symbolic racism scale.10 of sophistication will find it cognitively difficult to Finally, we also believe that the extent to which the relationship between symbolic racism and racial able, properties including a tendency to pay close attention to pol- itics, to have ready at hand banks of information about it, to policy attitudes reflects racial animus may be exagger- understand multiple arguments for and against particular issue ated. We expect the relationship between the two vari- positions, and to recognize interrelationships among those argu- ables to be a function of an attributional style that ments” (1991, 21). varies in accordance with the theory of heterogeneous 9Readers familiar with the broader attribution literature (e.g., attribution. Consequently, we propose a third and Heider 1958; Jones and Davis 1965; Kelley 1967) might recognize final hypothesis: that under certain conditions the theory of heterogeneous attri- bution mimics the “fundamental attribution error”—“the ten- 3) Accounting for political sophistication will signifi- dency to attribute behavior exclusively to the actor’s dispositions and to ignore powerful situational determinants of the behavior” cantly attenuate the link between symbolic racism (Nesbitt and Ross 1980, 31). This mimicry occurs when low and racial policy attitudes. sophisticates attribute responsibility to an individual (or class of individuals) instead of systemic factors. Our present case of racial Importantly, we should stress that these hypotheses are attributions is an example of the two theories overlapping. rooted in cognitive differences, not value orientations. However, the theory of heterogeneous attribution does not restrict itself to individual versus systemic cases. The “obvious,” proximal Thus, they should survive controls for any differences attribution in some cases might be to a major event or even to a in ideology, individualism, egalitarianism, and highly salient systemic cause. For example, low sophisticates might blame the economic recession of 2001–2002 exclusively on the ter- rorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Clearly, this is not an indi- vidual attribution, so this case would not correspond with the 10This corollary hypothesis assumes that symbolic racism is coded fundamental attribution error. in its traditional manner.   .   .   anti-black affect that may exist between high and low Blacks should do the same without any special sophisticates. favors.”12 2). “It’s really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder they Data and Method could be just as well off as whites.” The other two items, conversely, capture structuralist Our examination of political sophistication and attributions for black social disadvantage, placing American racial attitudes draws on data from the 1986 the locus of causality outside the individuals directly and 2000 American National Election Studies.11 These involved. These statements cast individual African studies contain items that allow us to measure several Americans as victims of forces beyond their control.13 key concepts: individual political sophistication, sym- They are as follows: bolic racism, and racialized policy attitudes. The now- standard symbolic racism questions were introduced 1). “Over the past few years, blacks have gotten less in the NES in the early 1980s, and the NES political than they deserve.” knowledge battery dates from several years later. The 2). “Generations of slavery and discrimination have 1986 study is the first one in which both are present. created conditions that make it difficult for blacks Both sets of items have been repeated (with some vari- to work their way out of the lower class.” ation) in most of the subsequent studies. This allows The differences between these questions allow us to us to conduct parallel analyses in both 1986 and 2000, test our hypothesis that less sophisticated individuals the earliest and most recent years for which the nec- score higher on symbolic racism because of their essary data are available. Results consistent across both greater tendency to make localized, individual-level of these periods may reasonably be viewed as general- attributions and their tendency to avoid global or izable, not an artifact of ephemeral circumstances in distal ascriptions of causality. any one electoral cycle. The operationalization of political sophistication Operationally, we encounter several important has long been an issue of concern (e.g., Luskin 1987). choices regarding how best to measure both racial atti- Conceptually, we wish to capture some mix of knowl- tudes and political sophistication. Though originally edge and awareness in the domain of politics and to constructed from an extensive battery of questions, assess the level of cognitive complexity with which an the symbolic racism scale is now typically built from individual engages social and political phenomena.14 four items (Kinder and Sanders 1996). Respondents To that end, we construct an additive index based on are presented statements and asked whether they agree eight factual queries in the NES (rescaled to range strongly, agree somewhat, neither agree nor disagree, from 0 to 1). For 1986, these include the offices held disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly. We have by Vice President George Bush, House Speaker Tip taken these responses and recoded them to run from O’Neill, Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, Defense least to most “racist.” They are added and rescaled to Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Federal Reserve Chair- range from 0 (least symbolic racism) to 1 (most sym- man Paul Volker, and Chief William Rehnquist. bolic racism). The individual items of the symbolic racism scale differ in ways that allow for interesting tests of our hypotheses regarding political sophistication and 12This symbolic racism item is also found in The Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard (1995) study of racial causal attribution. Two of the items clearly tap attitudes called the “Four Americas Survey.” In a supplemental individualistic attributions for racial disparities in analysis (available from the authors or via the JOP web site), we American society, blaming African Americans’ failure use these data to further validate our claims. While this study does not include general political information items, it does measure to strive for advancement and to work hard enough. factual knowledge specific to the domain of race. As a result, we They are as follows: are able, at least in part, to examine the robustness of our theo- retical approach using two substantially different measurements 1). “Irish, , , and many other minorities of political sophistication. overcame prejudice and worked their way up. 13Tarman and Sears’ (2005) factor analysis and LISREL model confirm that the symbolic racism items do in fact break down

11 along individualist and structuralist dimensions, just as we These analyses are based on data compiled by the Inter-Univer- contend here. sity Consortium for Political and Social Research. The original col- lector of the data, ICPSR, and the relevant funding agency bear no 14This conception of sophistication is in keeping with Sniderman, responsibility for uses of this collection or for inferences based Brody, and Tetlock’s (1991) “bundle concept,”combining elements upon such uses. of knowledge, awareness, and complexity of thought.   :     

In addition, respondents are queried about the major- produces a 17-point range, rescaled to run from 0 to ity parties in the House and Senate.15 In 2000, the 1 (least to most “racist”). questions are similar. Respondents are asked to iden- We employ a variety of independent variables that tify the offices held by Senate Majority Leader Trent might plausibly shape individuals’ explanations of Lott, Attorney General Janet Reno, British Prime Min- African American social disadvantage. To begin, we ister Tony Blair, and Chief Justice William Rehnquist, include a race-of-interviewer term, assuming that as well as the home states of presidential candidates whites might give more racially tolerant responses to George Bush and Al Gore. Finally, the questions about black interviewers.18 We include a battery of demo- party control of House and Senate are repeated.16 Delli graphic items, including gender, age, region (South), Carpini and Keeter (1993, 1996) provide support for income, church attendance, and education. Of these, this measurement approach, showing that these NES we have particularly strong expectations for region items create a valid and reliable measure of political and education. Given the South’s difficult racial sophistication (or political knowledge—they use the history, we expect whites from that region to have terms almost interchangeably).17 Moreover, they par- somewhat less favorable attitudes toward African allel very closely the political sophistication measures Americans, ceteris paribus, than whites in other parts employed in our previous work (Gomez and Wilson of the country. More importantly, education should 2001, 2003). Perhaps most importantly, in related exert a powerful influence here, as scholars have con- work,we demonstrate that our measure is indeed a sistently found that more educated people express function of political interest and cognitive complex- more tolerant attitudes (e.g., McCloskey 1964; ity—assessed using the Cacioppo et al. (1996) “need Prothro and Grigg 1960; Sniderman, Brody, and for cognition” scale (Gomez and Wilson 2006a). Tetlock 1991). In the domain of race, this could be for one or both of two reasons. First, education may expose individuals to more diverse people and per- Models and Results spectives, thus enhancing tolerance and acceptance of difference. More cynically, one might expect that edu- Our analysis begins by examining the premise under- cation teaches people the “right” answers to questions lying all of our more specific claims: that political about race, schooling them in political correctness sophistication significantly decreases individuals’ rather than fostering sincere racial understanding. In scores on the symbolic racism scale, even controlling either case, we expect a strong negative correlation for all of the standard predictors. For both 1986 and between education and symbolic racism, but for 2000, we construct OLS models of symbolic racism , not cognitive, reasons. It is thus essential among whites. The dependent variable is an additive to include both education and sophistication sepa- scale of responses to the four items discussed above. rately in the models.19 Strong agreement with the structuralist attributions is Beyond demographic measures, we incorporate a coded 0 and strong disagreement 4, while the individ- set of attitudinal items that have long been thought to ualistic attributions are coded oppositely. In total, this do most of the “heavy lifting” in explaining individu- als’ symbolic racism scores (Kinder and Sanders 1996; Sears 1988). To begin, we include measures of parti- sanship and ideology, on the assumption that struc- 15The mean respondent score on the 1986 knowledge scale is .36. turalist as opposed to individual explanations for The easiest item is the Bush identification (78% correct), while the most difficult item is the Dole identification (12% correct). Prin- social disadvantage are a hallmark of liberal Democ- cipal components factor analysis reveals one common factor for = the eight items (eigenvalue 2.46), and all variables load on the 18 factor to a significant degree (at least .48). In 1986, unfortunately, we are only able to identify “nonwhite” interviewers, as blacks, Asians, Latinos, and other minorities are 16The mean respondent score on the 2000 knowledge scale is .46. all lumped together into this category. Thus, the “black inter- The easiest item is the question about Bush’s home state (90% viewer” term should be viewed with some caution in analyses for correct), while the most difficult item is the Lott identification (9% that year. correct). Principal components factor analysis reveals one 19 common factor for the eight items (eigenvalue = 2.45), and all While education and political sophistication are clearly related, variables load on the factor to a significant degree (at least .40). they are empirically much more distinct than one might believe. In the 1986 and 2000 NES, the two are correlated at about .4, not 17To capture greater variability in our sophistication measure, we trivial, but not overwhelming either. For our cognitive hypotheses rely upon an eight-item battery of knowledge questions. In their about attribution patterns, it is critical to demonstrate that polit- work,Delli Carpini and Keeter (1993) assert that five- and even ical sophistication plays a strong role in reducing symbolic racism three-item scales work equally well in measuring differences in scores even after controlling for the powerful socializing effects of political sophistication. education.   .   .  

T 1 OLS Models of Symbolic Racism Among Whites, ANES 1986 and 2000

1986 2000 Independent Variables Estimate S.E. Estimate S.E. Constant .726 .054** .983 .046** Black Interviewer .033 .040 −.006 .033 Female −.016 .016 −.018 .015 Age −.001 .001 .001 .001 South .061 .017** .030 .015* Income −.002 .001 .002 .002 Church Attendance −.007 .005 −.003 .005 Education −.028 .006** −.026 .005** Party Identification (Dem) .002 .003 −.002 .004 Ideology (Liberal) −.021 .007** −.020 .005** Individualism .295 .047** .070 .023** Egalitarianism −.244 .042** −.427 .039** Anti-Black Affect .002 .000** .002 .000** Political Sophistication −.164 .035** −.123 .032** Adj. R2 = .356** .366** N = 649 775 Source: American National Election Studies, 1986 and 2000. **p < .01, one-tailed test. *p < .05, one-tailed test.

ratic thinking. More importantly, following key theo- both much of the conventional wisdom on symbolic rists in the symbolic racism debate (Sears, Henry, and racism and our new hypotheses on political sophisti- Kosterman 2000; Sniderman and Hagen 1985), as well cation. In both years, liberals, the better educated, and as the seminal work by Feldman (1988; see also those living outside the South score lower than do Feldman and Steenbergen 2001), we include measures others. In addition, individualism, egalitarianism, and of individualist and egalitarian value orientations, anti-black affect are consistently powerful and work as measured outside the domain of race. In the 1986 expected. Clearly, scores on the symbolic racism index NES, we replicate the individualism and egalitarian- are strongly shaped by both racial hostility and general ism scales constructed by Sears, Henry, and Koster- value orientations. man (2000, 117). In 2000, while the six egalitarianism Most importantly for our purposes, low political items remain the same, the items available to measure sophistication emerges as a major predictor of sym- individualism are reduced to two, and our scale is bolic racism in both years, even after controlling for adjusted accordingly.20 In both models, we include the ideology, individualism, egalitarianism, education, crucial variable of anti-black affect (measured with an and anti-black affect. It is important to emphasize inverse of the feeling thermometer for blacks), assum- these controls because the result itself may not be sur- ing that old-fashioned, straightforward racial anti- prising. It is often posited that the politically sophis- pathy will powerfully shape responses to the symbolic ticated are more liberal (ideology), more schooled in racism items. Finally, and most importantly for our the “proper” responses and exposed to diverse per- purposes, we include our political sophistication scale spectives (education), and/or less likely to be old- to test the cognitive hypotheses that we articulate fashioned racists (anti-black affect). Any or all of these above. claims may be true, yet the powerful effect of sophis- Table 1 reports the results of our overall symbolic tication we demonstrate here persists even after racism models in 1986 and 2000. The results confirm accounting for these possibilities. Thus we must look deeper for the source of sophistication’s effect on 20These two items in the 2000 NES are Variables 000620 and symbolic racism, an effect that we argue is rooted in 001423, asking respondents whether they believe government heterogeneous attribution. should guarantee everyone a good standard of living or let people get ahead on their own, and whether it is more important to be If the effect of political sophistication on symbolic cooperative or self-reliant. racism results from differential causal attributions   :     

T 2Ordered Probit Models of Symbolic Racism Scale Components: Individual Attributions, ANES 1986 and 2000 (Whites Only)

1986 2000 Independent Question 1 Question 2 Question 1 Question 2 Variables b (S.E.) b (S.E.) b (S.E.) b (S.E.) Black Interviewer .541 (.243)* .346 (.235) −.187 (.189) .052 (.187) Female −.059 (.093) −.226 (.092)** −.110 (.085) −.137 (.083)* Age .006 (.003)* −.004 (.003) .004 (.003) .005 (.003)* South .374 (.103)** .243 (.099)** .002 (.089) .157 (.086)* Income −.016 (.008)* −.026 (.008)** .009 (.011) .011 (.011) Church Attendance −.019 (.030) .015 (.029) .014 (.027) −.029 (.026) Education −.159 (.034)** −.098 (.033)** −.142 (.032)** −.147 (.031)** Party ID (Dem) .012 (.023) .024 (.022) −.025 (.024) .040 (.023)* Ideology (Liberal) −.085 (.041)* −.093 (.041)* −.072 (.030)** −.116 (.030)** Individualism 1.363 (.285)** 1.884 (.281)** .370 (.135)** .340 (.131)** Egalitarianism −1.162 (.255)** −1.058 (.250)** −1.622 (.240)** −1.698 (.231)** Anti-Black Affect .010 (.002)** .008 (.002)** .006 (.002)** .006 (.002)** Political Sophist. −.448 (.203)* −1.060 (.202)** −.344 (.186)* −.835 (.183)** m1 =−2.367 (.338)** −2.331 (.328)** −3.403 (.297)** −3.075 (.280)** m2 =−1.184 (.323)** −1.324 (.320)** −2.380 (.280)** −2.048 (.269)** m3 =−.746 (.321)* −.896 (.317)** −1.925 (.277)** −1.540 (.267)** m4 = .333 (.321) .309 (.317) −.920 (.273)** −.600 (.265)* Log Likelihood =−827.475 −872.647 −968.440 −1,078.663 LR c2(d.f.) = 213.77 (13)** 220.51 (13)** 207.57 (13)** 253.28 (13)** N = 656 659 785 780 Question 1: “Irish, Italians, Jews, and many other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without any special favors.” Question 2: “It’s really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites.” Source: American National Elections Studies, 1986 and 2000. **p < .01, one-tailed test. *p < .05, one-tailed test. rooted in general cognitive tendencies, this pattern the two individual attribution items from the sym- should manifest itself in an analysis of the individual bolic racism scale in both 1986 and 2000. These components of the symbolic racism scale. Specifically, models use the same set of independent variables sophistication should dramatically decrease the likeli- employed for our analysis of the entire scale and hood that individuals will attribute racial disparities described above. Since responses to each individual to character failings or lack of hard work, while item range only from 0 (strongly disagree) to 4 sharply increasing the tendency to ascribe causality to (strongly agree), we employ an ordered probit broad social factors.21 The models reported in Table 2 estimation. explore the first part of this proposition, examining The demographic items in these models are mostly a mixed bag, with only southern residence and (especially) education exerting a consistent influence 21While the analyses might seem a bit redundant, the separate models are necessary to demonstrate that the effect of sophistica- across years and items. Otherwise, as one might tion on symbolic racism is actually symmetric, as our theory expect, the attitudinal variables appear to drive argues. It would, of course, be possible to see the sophistication responses. Consistent with the findings of Sniderman effect demonstrated in Table 1 if the underlying mechanism and his various colleagues, ideology has a consistent strictly worked asymmetrically. That is, if political sophistication were found to be a significant, negative predictor of the individu- effect, with self-identified liberals tending to shun alist scale components, but was unrelated to the structuralist scale individualistic attributions. Likewise, orientations components, it is possible (likely) that we would still see a signif- toward individualist and egalitarian values have very icant, negative effect on the overall scale. This asymmetric effect is not predicted by our theory. Thus, the analyses of scale compo- strong effects in the directions one would expect. Anti- nents are important tests of the underlying theory. black affect, unsurprisingly, also strongly motivates   .   .  

T 3Ordered Probit Models of Symbolic Racism Scale Components: Structural Attributions, ANES 1986 and 2000 (Whites Only)

1986 2000 Independent Question 1 Question 2 Question 1 Question 2 Variables Estimate (S.E.) Estimate (S.E.) Estimate (S.E.) Estimate (S.E.) Black Interviewer −.409 (.236)* .560 (.236)** −.100 (.190) .108 (.186) Female −.056 (.091) .037 (.091) .134 (.083) −.009 (.083) Age −.002 (.003) .005 (.003)* .003 (.003) .005 (.003)* South −.202 (.099)* −.265 (.098)** −.263 (.087)** −.086 (.086) Income −.004 (.008) .002 (.008) −.012 (.011) −.010 (.011) Church Attendance .057 (.029)* .038 (.029) .006 (.026) .018 (.026) Education .078 (.033)** .103 (.033)** .032 (.031) .091 (.030)** Party ID (Dem) .004 (.022) −.003 (.022) .027 (.023) .006 (.023) Ideology (Liberal) .100 (.040)** .068 (.040)* .059 (.030)* .068 (.030)* Individualism −1.097 (.274)** −.722 (.274)** −.277 (.132)* −.204 (.132) Egalitarianism .977 (.249)** .594 (.247)** 1.406 (.231)** 2.012 (.235)** Anti-Black Affect −.011 (.002)** −.011 (.002)** −.008 (.002)** −.008 (.002)** Political Sophist. .462 (.199)** .657 (.201)** .447 (.182)** .326 (.183)* m1 =−.804 (.316)** −.655 (.317)* .306 (.264) .871 (.267)** m2 = .418 (.315) .066 (.315) 1.275 (.266)** 1.674 (.270)** m3 = 1.129 (.317)** .323 (.316) 1.790 (.269)** 1.946 (.271)** m4 = 2.229 (.331)** 1.655 (.321)** 3.051 (.285)** 3.209 (.284)** Log Likelihood =−856.537 −899.050 −1,050.927 −1,068.509 LR c2(d.f.) = 142.58 (13)** 134.06 (13)** 160.07 (13)** 206.71 (13)** N = 655 660 778 783 Question 1: “Over the past few years, blacks have gotten less than they deserve.” Question 2: “Generations of slavery and discrimination have created conditions that make it difficult for blacks to work their way out of the lower class.” Source: American National Elections Studies, 1986 and 2000. **p < .01, one-tailed test. *p < .05, one-tailed test.

individualistic explanations for black social disadvan- models are directly comparable to those in Table 2; tage. Most importantly, though, even after controlling the independent variables are identical, and again the for these attitudinal orientations, political sophistica- models are estimated as ordered probits. Here, the tion remains a consistent and powerful influence in all dependent variables represent responses to the ideas four models. This result clearly lends credence to our that blacks have “gotten less than they deserve” and theory of heterogeneous attribution, suggesting a link that generations of slavery and racism are to blame for between low sophistication and localized, individual- blacks’ negative social circumstances. The results are istic attributions that goes beyond education, ideol- reported in Table 3. ogy, values, or racial animus. As one would expect, southern residence and So far, we have examined individual attributions education continue to play a strong role in shaping for black social disadvantage and found strong effects racial attributions. Other demographic items have of political sophistication. There is, however, another negligible and/or inconsistent effects. As is the case side of the coin: structuralist attributions. Our theory with individualistic attributions, ideology, indivi- predicts that political sophistication should exert a dualism, egalitarianism, and anti-black affect all play strong, though opposite, influence on these items, strong and consistent roles. Once again, however, making individuals more likely to ascribe black mis- political sophistication remains a significant predictor fortune to societal causes. To explore this, we model of attributions (this time in a positive direction) even responses to the two structuralist symbolic racism after controlling for these other factors. More sophis- scale components in both 1986 and 2000. These ticated respondents, ceteris paribus, are substantially   :      more likely to agree that blacks have been victimized Accounting for Systematic Measurement by societal and historical factors beyond their control, Error in Symbolic Racism a result consistent with the theory of heterogeneous attribution. As the theory predicts, unsophisticated It would thus appear, as we have argued, that scores respondents are both more likely to focus on individ- on the symbolic racism index are rooted substantially ual loci of causality and less likely to identify social (though clearly not entirely) in cognitive differences ones. between high and low political sophisticates that shape attributional tendencies for reasons unrelated to Individualism Redux? racial animus, education, and value orientation. If this is true, any model incorporating symbolic racism as A comment about the proper interpretation of indi- an independent variable will suffer from a classic vidualistic attributions in these findings seems nec- errors-in-variables problem. To take one specific essary. A critic of our results might argue that example, claims about symbolic racism’s role in “individualism” has always been part of symbolic shaping racially relevant policy attitudes may be sig- racism. Indeed, since originally proposed by Sears and nificantly exaggerated. Rather than providing inferen- Kinder (1971), symbolic racism has been conceived as tial evidence of a relationship between “” a blend of anti-black affect and Americans’ orienta- and policy attitudes, the statistical relationship might tion toward economic individualism. The critic might be, at least partially, spurious—a product of attribu- thus contend that our results for the less sophisticated tional bias. Our final analysis is devoted to an exami- simply restate the denial of discrimination through nation of this proposition. Drawing on items in the individualistic thinking on race issues. 1986 NES, we assess the real influence of symbolic Our response to such a concern is simple. Prop- racism on individuals’ attitudes toward racially erly conceived, the “individualism” inherent in the charged policy questions, including preferences in symbolic racism concept is a value orientation—more hiring, quotas in education, spending on food stamps, precisely the value of “economic individualism.” The and federal aid to blacks.22 theory underlying symbolic racism states that racist Since we have shown that symbolic racism scores whites view blacks as violating the norm of economic are explained partly by differences in political sophis- individualism, which, based on the Protestant work tication as well as racial hostility, we employ and rec- ethic, is one of the most enduring values in the Amer- ommend Hausman’s (1978) simple test for the ican ethos (McCloskey and Zaller 1984). The individ- presence of systematic measurement error when ualistic attribution bias caused by differences in symbolic racism is included as an explanatory variable sophistication, described herein, is not a product of in regression models. The result is a straightforward value orientation. Rather, the bias is a cognitive one— errors-in-variables regression model, constructed in individuals low in sophistication tend only to link the following manner: Let proximally located nodes within an associative YX**=+ab + e* network, whereas high sophisticates are much more iii * * likely to make distal connections as well. Thus, the where, Y i represents the measured values of Yi, X i rep- *= − individualism value orientation and individualist resents the measured values of Xi, and e i ei bxi,so attribution bias are distinct, both theoretically and that e is the standard regression disturbance and xi 23 conceptually. represents the errors in measuring Xi. To evaluate the Moreover, to the greatest extent possible, we have attempted to distinguish these concepts and their 22These are Variables 860476, 860478, 860330, and 860334, effects empirically. The individualism value orienta- respectively. tion is measured in traditional fashion, and, notably, 23The placement of the measurement error associated with the *= − * it works as others have theorized. The attribution bias independent variable(s), xi, in the error term ei ei b xi results from algebraic manipulation. Rewrite the errors-in-variables caused by political sophistication is also significant regression so that Y*i = Yi + ui and X*i = Xi + xi,allowing ui and xi here, demonstrating an effect that is conceptually dis- to represent the measurement errors associated with the depend- tinct and statistically independent from values. In sum, ent and independent variables respectively: we strongly believe that the effect of sophistication on **− =+ − + explanations for racial inequality and on symbolic (YXiiuab) ( iii xe) . racism works precisely as the theory of heterogeneous Rearranging the error components together, we obtain attribution hypothesizes. **=+ +( + −) YXiiiiiab e u x   .   .  

* extent of measurement bias included in X i,regress are unmistakable. Without the measurement correc- * X i on an instrumental variable Zi deemed to be related tion, symbolic racism shows a strong negative associ- to the theoretical cause of the bias: ation with individuals’ willingness to support all of these racial policies.25 By contrast, when wˆ is intro- XZ* =+gd + w iii duced into the models, symbolic racism in three of the In our case, the instrumental variable is extracted four cases ceases to be a significant negative predictor, from our 1986 model of symbolic racism estimated in and in the case of educational quotas becomes sig- Table 1, which controls for the source of the attribu- nificant in the opposite direction.26 Clearly, based tion bias by including political sophistication. Incor- on application of Hausman’s (1978) test and criteria, porating the least squares residuals wˆ i from the model assertions about the relationship between symbolic * above into the model of Y i,produces racism and policy attitudes are fraught with poten- tially substantial error unless political sophistication is YX* =+abˆ * + qweˆ +* iiii taken into account. If the resulting estimate, q, is statistically significant, we can reject the null hypothesis that no systematic measurement error exists; the magnitude of q indi- Discussion cates the direction and extent of the measurement bias. Perhaps more importantly, the resulting b reflects Our analysis seeks to shed light on the relationship the true estimate associated with X,which in this case between political sophistication and American racial is symbolic racism. attitudes. Rooting our explanation in a theory of het- Results of these errors-in-variables regressions are erogeneous attribution, we argue that less sophisti- presented in Table 4. Here, support for each of the cated individuals are more likely than their more racially relevant policies is modeled as function of sophisticated counterparts to make localized, individ- interviewer race, the standard demographic items, ual-level causal attributions for sociopolitical phe- party identification and ideology, individualism, egal- nomena, and hence to blame African Americans itarianism, anti-black affect, and symbolic racism. To themselves for their social plight. It has long been these, we add in the second column wˆ , the residuals asserted that racism, however defined and opera- derived from estimating symbolic racism as a product tionalized, is particularly strong among the less of political sophistication. A comparison of the coef- sophisticated segment of America’s white population. ficients for symbolic racism in these two models Much of the scholarly discussion of racial animosity should show the effects of systematic measurement in America has centered on “new” or “symbolic” or error stemming from political sophistication. “modern” racism, and it has often been demonstrated The results of this examination are dramatic. that the less educated and/or sophisticated score Looking at the predictors of racial policy attitudes, we higher on these rubrics. Indeed, our own results here find strong effects for political ideology, egalitarian- confirm the general accuracy of this view. ism, Southern residence, and anti-black affect, none of Our findings, however, suggest that much of the which is particularly surprising.24 Our primary inter- relationship between political sophistication and sym- est here, though, is not really in modeling policy atti- tudes per se, but in assessing the modeling error that 25In three of our four cases, symbolic racism is no longer signifi- stems from the relationship between symbolic racism cant after the inclusion ofwˆ . The coefficient sign on these statis- scores and political sophistication. Here, the results tically insignificant results does not greatly concern us, since, of course, their confidence intervals suggest that the true parameter may rest on either side of zero. The positive and significant coef- ficient associated with symbolic racism after the inclusion ofwˆ in The equation in the text results from considering (ei + ui) as a the “Quotas in Education” model is admittedly puzzling. Yet our single “generalized” disturbance, since measurement error in the difficulty in explaining the coefficient is directly a function of sym- dependent variable, if normally distributed, will only contribute bolic racism’s operational nature. Given symbolic racism’s inher- to the overall error variance of the model. Of course, if ui is not ent attributional structure and low dimensionality (Tarman and normally distributed or if the i units are correlated, heteroskedas- Sears 2005), it is unclear what remains inherent in the measure ticity will result. See Kmenta (1997, 346–66) for further explica- once the bias is removed. tion. Pindyck and Rubinfeld (1998, 197–98) also present clearly 26 the errors-in-variables correction. Importantly, we do not argue that these policy attitudes are unre- lated to racial animus. Indeed, anti-black affect is significant in all 24The one exception to many of these general patterns is attitudes but the food stamp model. What we are questioning is how much toward food stamp spending. It would appear to be a less racially the construct of symbolic racism adds beyond simple anti-black driven issue than any of the others, not surprising since it is the affect in explaining these attitudes, net of sophistication. Our only one that does not specifically reference race. answer, based on these examinations, would be fairly little.   :     

T 4Testing for Systematic Measurement Error in Symbolic Racism’s Effect on Whites’ Opposition to Policies Designed to Help Blacks, ANES 1986

Independent W/O wˆ With w W/O wˆ With wˆ W/O wˆ With wˆ W/O wˆ With wˆ Variables Preference in Hiring Quotas in Education Food Stamps Federal Aid to Blacks Constant 1.787** .515* 3.386** .232 .351* −.185 .006 −.299 (.323) (.816) (.405) (1.028) (.218) (.546) (.170) (.423) Black Interviewer .161 .127 .788** .712** −.140 −.174 .181* .120 (.213) (.220) (.269) (.277) (.143) (.148) (.111) (.115) Female .117 .115 .062 .031 .025 .027 −.001 .003 (.080) (.081) (.102) (.101) (.053) (.053) (.042) (.042) Age .001 .003 −.003 .001 −.001 .001 .002 .002 (.003) (.003) (.003) (.003) (.002) (.002) (.001) (.001) South .006 −.126 −.174 −.467** −.148** −.199** −.157** −.191** (.092) (.115) (.117) (.146) (.062) (.079) (.048) (.060) Income −.002 .004 −.017* −.005 −.018** −.016** −.005 −.003 (.008) (.008) (.010) (.010) (.005) (.006) (.004) (.004) Education −.065* .008 −.083* .105 −.013 .018 .006 .021 (.029) (.052) (.037) (.066) (.020) (.036) (.015) (.027) Party ID (Dem) .025 .023 .010 .003 .053** .052** .018* .017 (.021) (.020) (.026) (.026) (.014) (.013) (.011) (.011) Ideology (Liberal) .092** .129** .094* .179** .068** .052** .059** .064** (.037) (.041) (.046) (.053) (.024) (.014) (.020) (.022) Individualism .010 −.554 −.028 −1.343** −.572** −.844** .123 −.071 (.260) (.408) (.327) (.517) (.175) (.280) (.137) (.214) Egalitarianism .319 .780* .135 1.253** .225 .469* .519** .692** (.231) (.360) (.292) (.454) (.156) (.242) (.121) (.187) Anti−Black Affect −.003 −.007* −.002* −.013** −.001 −.001 −.006** −.007** (.002) (.003) (.003) (.004) (.001) (.002) (.001) (.001) Symbolic Racism −1.163** .680 −2.061** 2.482* −.573** .187 −.683** −.215 (.211) (1.103) (.266) (1.390) (.141) (.743) (.110) (.571) wˆ — −1.894* — −4.699** — −.784 — −.480 (1.122) (1.416) (.757) (.583) Adj. R2 = .109** .116** .158** .171** .173** .182** .290** .296** N = 637 629 634 626 620 612 634 626 Entries are Ordinary Least Squares estimates with standard errors in parentheses. **p < .01, one-tailed test. *p < .05, one-tailed test Source: American National Elections Studies, 1986. The policy positions analyzed are based on variables 860476, 860478, 860330, and 860334, respectively.

bolic racism stems not from racial animus, but from Symbolic racism’s fundamental dependence on differential patterns of attribution that reach well cognitive attributions is problematic not only when beyond the domain of race. Indeed, our previous the construct is used as a dependent variable, but also research has shown that the same relationship when it is used as a predictor of other racially charged between political sophistication and individual-level attitudes. If we do not take into account political attributions that we show here is operative in the sophistication (as previous scholars have not), it much different domain of economic voting as well appears that symbolic racism significantly shapes (Gomez and Wilson 2001, 2003, 2006b). Since much individuals’ attitudes toward welfare and affirmative of the traditional symbolic racism scale is based on action, even after controlling for overt anti-black respondent attributions of causality, the general ten- affect. This suggests the existence of a subtle, covert dency of less sophisticated individuals to seize upon racial animus driving ’ responses to localized explanations for sociopolitical events can racialized public policies. However, once the symbolic easily be misconstrued as racial hostility. racism construct is purged of systematic measurement   .   .   error arising from different attributional tendencies of Methodist University. Please direct all correspondence people at varying levels of political sophistication, regarding this manuscript to Professor Wilson. it appears to contribute little beyond ideology, value orientations, and anti-black affect. From this, we may Manuscript submitted 22 March 2005 infer that any apparent effects of symbolic racism in Manuscript accepted for publication 9 September 2005 the unadjusted policy models are driven by political sophistication and its link to attributional tendencies, a general cognitive relationship that transcends the References specific domain of race. We do not suggest that political sophistication is Cacioppo, John T., Richard E. Petty, Jeffrey Feinstein, and W. Blair unrelated to racial hostility, nor that racial hostility is G. Jarvis. 1996. “Dispositional Differences in Cognitive Moti- unrelated to policy attitudes. More sophisticated indi- vation: The Life and Times of Individuals Varying in Need for Cognition.” Psychological Bulletin 119 (2): 197–253. viduals consistently evince lower levels of anti-black Converse, Philip E. 1964. “The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass affect (as measured by the feeling thermometer) than Publics.” In Ideology and Discontent,ed.David E. 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