Arkhangelsk 2015. N 19 Arctic and North
ISSN 2221—2698 Arkhangelsk 2015. N 19 Arctic and North. 2015. N 19 2 ISSN 2221—2698 Arctic and North. 2015. N 19 Multidisciplinary internet scientific journal © Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 2015 © Editorial board of internet scientific journal “Arctic and North”, 2015 Published not less than four times per year The journal is registered at: Roskomnadzor as an internet periodical published in Russian and English. Registration certificate of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media El № FS77-42809 from November 26, 2010. The ISSN International Centre — world catalog of serials and ongoing resources. ISSN 2221—2698, 23—24 March 2011. The system of Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). License contract № 96-04/2011R from April 12, 2011. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) — catalog of free access journals, 18.08.2013. NSD — database of higher education in Norway (analog of Russian Higher Attestation Commission) from February 2015. InfoBaseIndex— complex multipurpose database of India in May 2015. The Founder — FSAEI HPE Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The list of the editorial Board of the journal “Arctic and North” is published at the website: Editor-in-Chief — Yury Fedorovich Lukin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker of the higher education of the Russian Federation. The journal publishes scientific articles focused on Arctic and the North in the following fields of science: humanities, economic and social sciences, ecology, and 5 specialties: 07.00.02 Russian history; 08.00.05 Economics and management of the national economy (by sectors); 22.00.04 Social composition, social institutions and processes; 23.00.04 Political problems and the international relations, global and regional development; 03.02.08 Ecology (by branches).
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