Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report by Rushydro Group for the Year 2016
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CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2016 Approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of PJSC RusHydro (Minutes No.256 of September 1, 2017) CORPORATESOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT BY RUSHYDRO GROUP FOR THE YEAR 2016 CONTENTS Report information 6 Key indicators 11 Statement of the Management Board Chairman – General Director 15 Key events 16 Awards and Achievements 19 Chapter 1. Strategic review 21 1.1. About RusHydro Group 23 1.1.1. RusHydro in 2016 году 23 1.1.2. Electricity and capacity market overview 27 1.2. RusHydro Strategy 29 1.2.1. The Company’s mission and values 29 1.2.2. The Development Strategy of RusHydro Group for the period until 2020, with a perspective up to 2025 30 1.2.3. RusHydro Group’s Long-term Development Program 34 1.3. Sustainable development management 35 1.3.1. Connection between Company Strategy and UN Sustainable Development Goals 35 1.3.2. Interaction with the stakeholders 37 1.3.3. Corporate Social Responsibility Management 44 1.3.4. Business Ethics 45 1.4. Corporate Governance 47 1.4.1. Corporate governance principles and standards 47 1.4.2. Control bodies 48 1.4.3. Corporate governance improvement 50 1.5. Key risks and opportunities 51 1.5.1. Internal control and risk management system 51 1.5.2. Sustainable development risks management 52 1.5.3. Risk management in subsidiaries 59 1.5.4. Influence of R&D and research development on the key risks 59 1.5.5. Internal control and audit 60 1.5.6. Control over the proper use of funds 60 Chapter 2. Reliability and safety of power generation facilities 61 2.1. Management of industrial safety, reliability and safety of structures and equipment 63 2.1.1. Safety and reliability management system of hydraulic structures and equipment 63 2.1.2. Ensuring operational availability and reliability of power supply in the Far East in the short- and long-term 64 2.2. Industrial safety and in-process monitoring 65 2.2.1. In-Process monitoring 66 2.2.2. Accident and emergency response 67 2.2.3. Monitoring and assessment of the hydraulic structures’ condition 68 2.3. System of warning and response to natural hazards and emergency situations 69 2.3.1. Readiness of the hydraulic structures to disasters and emergency situations 69 2.3.2. Emergency prevention and response activities 70 2.4. Modernization, technical upgrade and reconstruction 72 2.4.1. Comprehensive Modernisation Program 73 2.4.2. Technical upgrade and modernisation program 74 2.4.3. Repair operation program 75 2.5. Quality Control System during design and construction 76 2.5.1. Quality management during the design stage 76 2.5.2. Quality management during construction 77 Chapter 3. Economic Results 78 3.1. Financial and Economic Results 80 3.1.1. Key financial results according to IFRS 80 3.1.2. Procurement activities 82 3.1.3. Investment activities 83 3.1.4. Financial discipline and fair business practices 85 3.2. Contribution to the Sustainable Development of the Regions 87 3.2.1. Social partnership in the regions 87 3.2.2. Production facilities construction 89 3.2.3. Program for the construction of new thermal generation facilities in the Far East 91 3.3. Innovative Development 92 3.3.1. Innovative development management 93 3.3.2. Scientific and technical inventions for sustainable development 94 3.3.3. Implementation of the most significant innovative projects from the point of view of sustainable development 95 Chapter 4. Environmental Performance 97 4.1. Environmental Policy 99 4.1.1. Environmental Impact Management 100 4.1.2. Environmental cooperation 107 4.2. Reduction of the Impact on the Environment in 2016 108 4.2.1. Protection of atmospheric air 108 4.2.2. Water management and water protection activities 110 4.2.3. Waste management 111 4.3. Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving 112 4.3.1. Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Program of PJSC RusHydro 113 4.3.2. Energy consumption and energy efficiency of RAO ES of the East 115 4.3.3. Other activities in the field of energy saving 118 4.4. Development of Renewable Energy 119 4.5. Measures for Biodiversity Conservation 122 4.5.1. Impacts on biodiversity 122 4.5.2. Measures for biodiversity conservation 125 Chapter 5. Social responsibility 128 5.1. Human Resource Development 130 5.1.1. Human Resource Policy 131 5.1.2. Personnel Characteristics 131 5.1.3. Measures to ensure the availability of qualified personnel 135 5.1.4. Motivation system and social guarantees 140 5.2. Occupational safety and health protection 144 5.2.1. Occupational Safety Management System 144 5.2.2. Occupational injuries and occupational diseases 146 5.2.3. Occupational safety activities 147 5.3. Charity 149 5.3.1. Charity and sponsorship activities of PJSC RusHydro 149 5.3.2. Volunteering 152 Appendices 153 Appendix 1. Content index GRI Standards 153 Appendix 2. Minutes of Public Hearings on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report of RusHydro Group for the year 2016 164 Appendix 3. Accounting for the Recommendations of Stakeholders Expressed at the Public Hearings 168 Appendix 4. Certificate of Public Certification of the Report by the RUIE Council on Non-Financial Reporting 172 Appendix 5. Conclusion on the Professional Audit of the Report 175 Glossary and abbreviations 177 Contacts 182 Contents 6 Glossary Abbreviations REPORT INFORMATION The 2016 RusHydro Group Corporate Social Responsibility TERMINOLOGY recommendations obtained on the basis of the public The implemented recommendations of the stakeholders and and Sustainability Report (hereinafter referred to as the assurance of the RusHydro non-financial reporting for the the RUIE Council on non-financial reporting are highlighted Report) reflects the results of the Group’s activities in the «PJSC RusHydro» or «the Company» refers to PJSC RusHy- year 2015 Appendix 3. Accounting for the Recommendations in the Report: field of labour protection, industrial and environmental dro, including the Executive Office and branches of PJSC of Stakeholders Expressed at the Public Hearings. safety, social and economic development of the regions, RusHydro. The report was also tested by GRI Content Index Service: stakeholders’ interaction and other aspects of sustainable «RAO ES of the East» or «the Holding» refers to PJSC RAO the content index received confirmation of accuracy - all development and corporate social responsibility in the Assurance - 2016 ES of the East, including subsidiaries. the information included conforms to the GRI Standards. period from 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016. (102-50) 2 «RusHydro Group» or «the Group» refers to PJSC RusHydro, As part of the Report preparation in 2017, Public hearings Considered recommendations of the RUIE Council for the Reports in the field of corporate social responsibility and Assurance - 2016 as well as subsidiaries of PJSC RusHydro included in the on the Draft Report were held, where representatives of Report for 2015 sustainable development are issued by RusHydro Group Public hearings - 2016 Report boundaries (including RAO ES of the East). The list the major stakeholder groups took part. This procedure annually, this Report is already the ninth. (102-52) of legal entities included in the list below is in the Report was carried out by the Group for the second time, and in Assurance - 2016 Boundaries subsection. This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI preparing the Report, the Group tried to take into account the Public hearings - 2016 Standards: Core option and the GRI Electric Utilities Sector recommendations of the stakeholders received following Assurance - 2016 Supplement for the companies were used. (102-54) the public hearings held in 2016. Considered recommendationsAssurance of- 20 17the stakeholders provided EXTERNAL CERTIFICATION OF THE REPORT Public hearings - 2016 In 2016, GRI introduced an updated version of the man- (102-56) during the public hearings on the Report for 2015 ual - GRI Standards. Officially, the standard will come The table of accounting for recommendations and requests Assurance - 2017 The report was independently audited in accordance with into force on July 1, 2018, but it is encouraged to start of the interested parties is given in Appendix 2. Minutes Public hearings - 2016 Public hearings - 2017 its implementation from 2017. RusHydro is preparing its the International Standard on Assurance Engagements of Public Hearings on Corporate Social Responsibility and 2016 Report in accordance with the GRI Standards and, (ISAE) 3000 «Revised, Assurance Engagements Other Sustainability Report of RusHydro Group for the year 2016 Assurance - 2017 than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Informa- thus, will become one of the «pioneer» companies in the Public hearings - 2017 Considered recommendations of the RUIE Council for the field of non-financial reporting. tion». JSC PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit acted as an independent auditor (see the audit opinion in Appendix Report for 2016 Assurance - 2017 The previous 2015 Corporate Social Responsibility and 5. Conclusion on the Professional Audit of the Report. Public hearings - 2017 Sustainability Report was prepared in accordance with the In addition, the Report passed the procedure of public GRI G41 (Core option). It can be found on the Company’s certification by the Council on Non-Financial Reporting Public hearings - 2017 website. (102-51). of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE). The conclusion of the RUIE Council on non-fi- nancial reporting and recommendations for improving Considered recommendations of the stakeholders provided the quality of the reporting can be found in Appendix 4. during the public hearings on the Report for 2016 Certificate of Public Certification of the Report by the RUIE Council on Non-Financial Reporting. In the current reporting period, the Company tried to take into account the RUIE 1 The report is registered in GRI’s public sustainability reporting database