Kyabje Zopa – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings

7 March 2013 Amitabha Buddhist Centre, Talk to the Volunteers Maybe give the teaching of the , cannot say the . As venerable Fred, it is like tantric practice, what you will become in the future you give the the name now, what you achieve in the future is dharmakaya and sambhogakaya but you label now, you believe the dharmakaya and nirmanakaya now, you believe in that, then it becomes path, method to receive the result, the three kayas, it becomes purifying the ordinary death and intermediate state, making preparation to achieve the path time three kayas, plant seed to achieve result time three kayas, so venerable Fred. However, Amitabha Buddhist Centre really progress well, through how many years since the center started? 24 years came up but in my view it is quite rapid development, in my view. rapid development. All this due to kindness of the very beginning when we start the center, all the volunteers, old time, who was the first, Alice Chua, is here. Oh is here, I didn’t realize you were here. All the people that time, all the volunteers, so I hope as many as possible are here who served that time. Then next director who was.

1 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings After that who was the president? The director? Hup Cheng: Mr. CP Lam, now Ven. Palzang, followed by Mr. Denis Lau, and then Mr. TS Wong, Ani Paldron’s husband, then after Mr. TS Wong came back to me. As far as the directors who served, all the volunteers, all the people who served at different times. So present development of Amitabha Buddhist Centre is complete result of everyone, everybody, everyone from the time of the first when the center started, then from there every director, everyone at different times who helped, from everybody’s help there is the present development, Amitabha Buddhist Centre’s came from that, so I want to say thank you very much, billions, zillions, trillions, I don’t know after that, so really from my heart I want to thank everyone. Really, you can see very worthwhile your effort that you put in the past, in the very beginning, those different people, including now, present ones, you can see the result of your effort, great benefit to the six types of sentient beings, numberless hell beings, numberless hungry ghost, numberless animals, human beings, all the living beings in the world as well as Singapore in particular, the sentient beings in Singapore, there is great benefit, so you can see the result of your effort, present and

2 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings past, all the volunteers, so really something you can really rejoice in that. great benefit for sentient beings, for the teachings of buddha, that is why great benefit, and from that benefit for sentient beings, they receive benefit. Just some essence. I haven’t thought about it. Sentient beings happiness so that is why we need center. So sentient beings’ happiness come from the teachings of the Buddha. That just doesn’t mean pleasure of eating food, comfort, just temporary pleasures, eating, the house, the pleasure of eating in the house, the comfort of having money and all that, not just that, even, I think, even that comes from , even that comes from studying college, primary school, kindergarten, then college or university, that is just outside condition. If the person did have success that came, if success and happiness it came from good karma, positive action, good karma. Semjung sempa, the intention, the mental factor that accompanies the principal consciousness, the five mental factors that accompanies the principal consciousness, translated as omnipresent, but principal, that is karma, karma is not outside, it is the mind, virtuous actions, not non-virtue but virtue. So Dharma, it came from Dharma, even those happiness, having comfort, having money

3 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings came from Dharma, from virtuous actions, just now I described virtuous actions, that is Dharma, virtuous actions are Dharma, actions that are virtue, that is a mental factor, semjung, mental factor. So having money, people think happiness come from money, they don’t know the cause of money, making money is going to kindergarten, primary school, college and university, general people think this is the main cause but it is just a condition, the minute you decide to get a job you get a job, the minute you want you can make money, not like that, there are people who can’t find job for years, need causes and conditions, the main cause is . There are people who don’t have education but plenty of money, no education but plenty of money, all their wishes are successful, that happens, but no education, but have money, there are many people like that. what was I saying? I think, maybe I shouldn’t say it, but I think even related to myself, using myself as an example, I don’t recollect, I don’t know how much merit I collected in the past, I have no idea, but in this life, I’m thinking collecting merit, I think collecting merit, then able to benefit others, able to bring benefit to others in this world, a little bit, more and more able to bring benefit to others in this world, so even just using myself as an example, I don’t know about past life, but more merit collected able

4 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings to see with your eyes some benefit, not much but some benefit to the world, little by little, that is, something like that is result of collecting merit, creating the cause. Money came from Dharma, not Dharma then money, money came from where? From Dharma, virtuous actions. It came from that. merit and good karma, Dharma, is the most important, the most important than anything else, everything comes from that. you understand? That is one point I wanted to day. So sentient beings’ happiness, to receive happy rebirth, precious human rebirth which has eight freedoms and ten richnesses, all the future happiness, all the future happiness, to have happy rebirth especially human rebirth and especially the precious human rebirth which has eight freedoms and ten richnesses, has opportunity to practice not just Buddhism, the , basic teachings, not only that, paramita teachings, the five paths and ten bhumis, to achieve enlightenment for sentient beings, then to achieve enlightenment by collecting merit of wisdom and virtue for three thousand great eons, then with great compassion to free them from oceans of samsaric sufferings and bring them to enlightenment then need to achieve enlightenment in one life then for this practice , the Mahayana tantra you practice. then kriya tantra, charya tantra, yoga tantra,

5 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings mahanuttara tantra, then to achieve long life at the beginning, to live for thousand years can do by practicing lower tantra, then by practicing mahanuttara tantra with great compassion for sentient beings practice mahanuttara tantra, in this brief lifetime of not hundred years, very short life, a brief lifetime of degenerate times to achieve enlightenment for sentient beings, to be able to free sentient beings even quicker from oceans of samsaric sufferings and bring to full enlightenment. opportunity like this, this precious human rebirth is incredible incredible unbelievable unbelievable, like this. for that then you need preliminary practice pure not just morality, but pure morality just to receive human body, to receive human body need pure morality, then mentioned to practice Pratimoksha vows, eight lay vows, eight Pratimoksha vows for one day, then getsul vow and 250 vows, we haven’t, in Tibet didn’t happen the gelongma vows and haven’t yet decided the of gelongma bikshuni vows, His Holiness said Theravadin bikshus and Chinese Mahayana and Tibetan, those who are learned, the and the who preserve Dharma, spread Dharma, the entire teachings of the Buddha they all come together and then agreed to give gelongma vow then all okay, if they all agreed then Tibetan would take gelongma

6 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings vow, but until all three agree it won’t happen, His Holiness said all three come together and decide, if they agree start the lineage of the vow among Tibetan lamas. Those who preserve, the lamas, I guess, those who preserve Dharma, spread Dharma, those who do that. it is mentioned in the text who practice Pratimoksha, , and tantra vow, precious human rebirth living in those vows, taking and living in those vows, also past life created karma, not only Pratimoksha, not only practiced pure Pratimoksha vows but also other vows, it is mentioned like that, so we can see how this precious human rebirth we have received then taking those vows, the three levels of vows and then tantric practice, so how precious, how incredibly precious this is. If you need that, living in pure morality, that is the preliminary cause, then also charity and dedicated merits to receive perfect human rebirth. You can also see not just general human body but to receive perfect human body depends on , not only guarding karma, abandoning the five negative karmas, or ten negative karmas and engaging in the ten virtues, not only that but also taking refuge in Buddha, Dharma, and to receive perfect human rebirth. Not just born with human rebirth but perfect human rebirth. Here you can see very

7 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings clearly it comes from teachings of the Buddha, receiving perfect human rebirth. Then to receive the ultimate happiness, liberation from oceans of hell being suffering, hungry ghost suffering, animal being suffering, human being suffering sura being suffering, being suffering, so totally free for ever, once become free, free forever, not like works of samsara, like waves of ocean never finish, but one time, that is why Dharma practice no matter how difficult once actualize realization, from where delusion comes, subdue delusions, it is just one time achieving , cessation of suffering and cause of suffering, from where suffering arrives, it is just one time, so no matter how hard to practice Dharma it is incredible, once achieve, so ultimate happiness, liberation from samsara. Here fundamental path, three higher trainings, the higher training in wisdom, then higher training in concentration depends on morality. So that is path to liberation, to achieve ultimate happiness, liberation from samsara forever can achieve from Buddha’s teachings, what makes to achieve that comes from Buddha’s teachings, three higher trainings. Now enlightenment peerless happiness, complete cessation of gross and subtle obscurations and because of that the total complete understanding omniscient mind, nothing more to realize, full realization, sang-gye, that comes from

8 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings the root, on the basis of all that, the lower path, middle path, lower capable being path, middle capable being path, higher capable being path, bodhichitta, that comes from renunciation, need renunciation before that, that comes from Buddha’s teachings, sentient beings happiness comes from Buddha’s teachings, bodhichitta, and the root great compassion. So why we need a center? Why do we need meditation center? Now we can see clearly – all sentient beings need to learn the graduated path, graduated path of lower capable being, middle capable being, higher capable being, sentient beings need to learn that to achieve three levels of happiness, it is clear how all sentient beings happiness dpends on teachings of the Buddha, so clear need center to learn teachings of the Buddha, so ourselves and other sentient beings to achieve this happiness up to enlightenment, free from oceans of samsaric suffering, free from animal’s suffering, to bring to enlightenment, can see utmost important the role of the center, all the facilities, you can also understand how important, from here can understand the teacher who educates you, sentient beings, shows the path to all different levels of happiness up to enlightenment, who shows path, is most most most unbelievable importance, it is like opening the eyes, we have two eyes but most deep

9 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings like an ocean extensive teachings of the Buddha to open the eye need the Dharma teacher, can you imagine? So you can see how important that is, wow, wow, wow. So here I’m not just blah, blah, blah but really Khen Rinpoche, Chonyi, in Sera how he lived in monastery, studied well, lived righteously, all the monks, geshes, the elders all regard him as very good monk, they all respect him, they all think like that, very good, learned and understand well but also humble. In Yeshe’s book, kinder than the three time buddhas because we can only see three time buddhas in statues, paintings, but the form we don’t see, we don’t have karma to see so they can’t give teachings to us, but the near virtuous friend, the actions of the buddhas manifested in ordinary form according to karma, according to karma according to our mind means ordinary aspect, to unsubdued mind then ordinary aspect so then can communicate and we can receive teachings, so therefore kinder, why the guru is kinder than three time buddhas is this, numberless past, present future buddhas kinder than that, buddha in ordinary aspect, manifest in ordinary aspect, not pure, but according to impure karma then able to see, able to give teachings to us directly guide, bring to enlightenment, free from oceans of samsaric sufferings and bring to enlightenment. so their kindness is more than that

10 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings of three time buddhas, so Lama Yeshe who was kinder than three time buddhas to me, wrote in his notebook left on table in Kopan saying, I don’t remember very clear now, “being learned in Dharma and same time humbleness that is real learned one, at the same time humbleness is real learned one”, that is the essence that I can recollect of Lama’s note left on the table. So he has that, Geshe Chonyi who is the abbot. Who can show lower capable being path, middle capable being path, higher capable being path, three capable being path to enlightenment, then also tantra, can show the essence lam-rim and then also show philosophy, the extensive teachings. At the center he himself is practicing, what we call learned and good heart and pure in action, pure in morality, all those three things, you have a teacher like that. Buddha’s teachings hasn’t gone like sunset, like sun across the mountain, sun is still shining, the Buddha’s teachings are still shining, not yet crossed the mountain like sunset, so it is time to meet such a qualified teacher is not easy, in this world you have to have good karma for that, you have to have a lot of merit for that, created good karma, merit, in the past, otherwise would not have met such a teacher, so rejoice. The essence of center is benefitting sentient beings and teachings of the Buddha, how much very much depends on

11 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings the teacher, the teacher and of course the center students, but the key thing is the teacher. You have all this, so that is the most unbelievable thing you have in the life, that we have in our life. The need for a center is what I am talking about, now just talking about the teacher. How the disciples are going to be very much depends, the tsa-tsa how it turns out depends on the block, on the artist, whether it turns out, if there is a broken nose there is a broken nose, so it is mentioned in the text, in the teachings like that, generally speaking it is like that. great great great, so now after studying for many years you start to realize, more years you have been studying you realize more and more how precious this is, you realize more and more, deeper and deeper, maybe at beginning if explain you don’t understand, you diddn’t understand Buddha-Dharma so even if explain you wouldn’t understand very much but now if explain you can understand. Your volunteer, your effort being treasurer, secretary, whatever, being volunteer now you can see it is so important. Not only benefit the body but benefit the mind, Dharma center benefits the mind, also the work is done with compassion, of course can also get angry but the idea is to do with compassion, even though anger even do it with

12 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings compassion, to help sentient beings with compassion, it is not like running a company, that is by money, the person who doesn’t work you kick out and get another one because you have money, not like that, your object is to obtain money, not , enlightenment, your goal is to get more money, just that. working for a company is totally different from working for a Dharma center, working for Dharma center whatever is done the main thing is to reveal the teachings to sentient beings and bring them to understand and practice, through that the cause of suffering, karma and delusions gets ceased and they achieve liberation and also full enlightenment by practicing bodhichitta with direct perception of emptiness then ceasing the subtle defilements. What I am saying is that working for Dharma center, whatever work you do serving, whatever, the main thing is for sentient beings to meet teachings and become free from oceans of samsaric sufferings which is from beginningless rebirths, to free them from that and bring enlightenment, whatever you do for the center is mainly for that, very different from company, which is about earning money, no question of compassion, no talk about htat, you forget about that and just think of money, the goal is to achieve more money. In Time magazine who is most successful person this year, it doesn’t depend

13 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings on who has most merit, who has liberated most animals, who has great, most merit, who has attained more realizations, or subdued the mind more, who has been most successful this year is who made most money this year, their picture comes on Time magazine, one man became so rich but so afraid to go outside, to be killed, so many problems, worries, so many dangers, in the house, I heard that even in the house his daily life he is very messy, one person was like that. as I mentioned in early times, a long time ago, now in the world how much problem, global warming, global problems, religions fighting, problems, so many problems, everything happened, then disease, famine, earthquakes, people dying, group of people, big amount of people dying, many dangers, so many happen, now all that including global problems, country problems, society problems, family problems, individual problems came from the mind, not from outside, everything came from mind, unsubdued mind, that is why not collect any unwholesome actions, create wholesome actions, subdue one’s own mind, this is the teaching of the buddha, the buddha said that. all these problems in the six realms, hell, animals, human beings all suffering came from mind, all problems in the world came from the mind, that is why Buddhism for inner peace and happiness. then as I mentioned

14 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings liberation and full enlightenment comes from subduing the mind, subdue one’s own mind, this is the teaching of the buddha, this is Buddhism, no other religion says that, only Buddhism says subdue one’s own mind, this is the teaching of the Buddha. So the purpose is subduing one’s own mind, so here in the world maybe scientists come to know that world peace, how much peace there is in the world depends on the mind, on good heart, now maybe they are coming to know, I’m not sure, however subduing one’s own mind to achieve liberation, the blissful peace of full enlightenment, to achieve that, that comes from your mind, it has to come from your mind, from subduing your mind, from subdued mind. it comes from completely subduing the mind. also to stop the global problems, immediately to stop that, suicide, family problems, your own personal problems all come from unsubdued mind. the mind which is unsubdued by subduing that what comes is peace and happiness, what I mentioned before up to enlightenment, all that comes, so incredible incredible. So Dharma center, Buddhism, Dharma center which offers Buddha-Dharma, there are all kinds of meditation, all kinds, not that, Buddhism, the philosophy, the essence lam-rim, then really, particularly focused on subduing the mind, to shape the mind, you need meditation

15 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings center like this, so Amitabha Buddhist Centre is like that, can learn the teachings more and more. So all this comes from your effort, all this comes from your effort, the volunteers of the past, present, in the middle, then also future development depends on the volunteers, depends on present and past volunteers and on future volunteers. Then in particular, as I often say, this teaching of Buddhism, center teaching Buddhism, practicing Buddhism, the essence is compassion for every single sentient being, not only your friend, but compassion for every hell being, hungry ghost, animal, human being, sura, and asura, having compassion for them. the less good heart and compassion the more problems in this world, more problems in the world, global, in the country, society, family in your own life, less compassion, less good heart there is. The more good heart there is the more peace there is in the world, country, society, family and your own life. Therefore meditation center, one of the basic things, one of the very basic things is compassion, teaching and practicing compassion, that most most most most most most most important. That really really really really. As I used to mention in the past, so therefore whenever you do conversation with someone try always to bring compassion, try to come from compassion for that person, live with

16 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings compassion, study with compassion, meditate with compassion, do job with compassion, sleep with compassion, go to toilet with compassion, eat with compassion, that is really really really really really good. That is like the message on the bags, everywhere, but it is a really good thing to do to help yourself and help sentient beings, real happiness, inner happiness comes from that. you can make family happy, make center people happy, make society happy, make country happy, make people in the world happy. Then difficulties, problems, cancer as example of sickness, whatever problem you have use that in path to enlightenment, use that in path to enlightenment, to achieve enlightenment, use that to practice bodhichitta. Practice bodhichitta, conventional thought of enlightenment, then absolute bodhichitta, then any problems in the life use to develop bodhichitta, absolute bodhichitta, like that you use it, you experience it for sentient beings, any difficulty, any problem, whatever you use it for sentient beings, for numberless sentient beings who are experience now and will experience it in the future, means you take it on yourself all the sufferings, instead of thinking you suffering it leads to dharmakaya, to happiness, that is the quickest way to achieve enlightenment, to become free from oceans of samsaric sufferings and achieve

17 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings enlightenment that is the quickest way, yourself dedicating for sentient beings. Lojong is that, make sure to try to practice that, we receive teachings on those things. I want to thank Amitabha Buddhist Centre, Amitabha Buddhist Centre is very special, no other FPMT center we don’t have that many people, beginning how many? 230 or something like that at the beginning studying Basic Program this time, the second Basic Program, now how many? More than 100, we don’t have that, even with 150 centers, no other center has that, this is special thing about Amitabha Buddhist Centre. It made me extremely happy because seeing benefits, second bAsic Program people see benefits of studying Dharma then that many people came to awaken the mind, discover, that is really really important, good that you are able to see that. otherwise Kangyur and Tengyur, teachings of the Buddha more than 100 volumes, then those of pandits, , then also Lama Tsongkhapa many great enlightened beings, even Gelugpa, Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings, there are so many other lamas who completed, who meditated and completed the path, then , , , the five Sakya lamas, , Kunkyen Rabjampa, then many others, great enlightened

18 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings teachers, so those extensive teachings on basis of Buddha’s teachings then nobody understand, put in library or gompa then make offerings to them, but not worth studying, just put up and make offerings but nobody understand, but I’m thinking so many years ago nobody understand, then try to change, the corruptions happened, so hope that doesn’t happen to Buddhism, that is great danger that one day nobody understands them, then Buddha coming in this world has not much meaning, buddha came to this world to give teachings but then give teachings and no one understand, just faith, just faith, just faith, like that, no understanding of Buddha-Dharma, just faith, faith is very small, that is very very sad, very very poor, not so much meaning of buddha coming to this world, the Buddha gave teachings to us sentient beings to free us from oceans of samsaric sufferings and bring us to enlightenment, buddha came for us and left all the Kangyur, all those volumes, so our studying Buddhism, lam-rim, the essence, then philosophy, oh gives more meaning to the Buddha coming to this world, gives more purpose to the Buddha having come to this world and given teachings, so it is really unbelievable unbelievable. The more study Buddhism the less ignorance, that way create omniscient mind. so I want to say really thank you very very much. If

19 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings possible should give hundred billion dollars to everyone, it is really, often His Holiness, in Dharamsala in past no lay people debating, now there are old and young men and woman, lay people debating outside the temple, they are inspired, old men and woman and also school men and woman, His Holiness say everyone needs to learn Buddhism not just ignorant faith, must learn Buddhism and then have faith that comes from wisdom, not from ignorance but from wisdom, this fits so well with His Holiness’s wishes and advice that you are studying here the Basic Program, all the Buddha-Dharma, no question about practice. so I want to say that is really special, what is special about Amitabha Buddhist Centre. Then what I remember, what I don’t remember you tell me, the special thing about Amitabha Buddhist Centre. Then how much animals liberated? 170 million. 170 million not 117 million, 170. In Taiwan there is a monk, an abbot… Fred: Venerable Hai Tao. who liberated, when I was in Taiwan some years ago, three or four years ago, he liberated 8 million animals, 8 million animals. But one particular fish that the vegetarians, they don’t eat other animals

20 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings but big fish, in particular he liberated this one, 8 million, so I think he might be next person who liberated most animals. So that is one very special thing that Amitabha Buddhist Centre does to benefit sentient beings, animals, freeing from being killed, to save their lives. Result just by one time liberating one animal, saving life of one animals causes five hundred thousand lives in future will have long life, just by saving life of one animal, the karma, even though you don’t wish, don’t expect, the result of good karma even though you don’t think it happens naturally, once you create cause the result happens even though you don’t think about it, so that is really really. It is mentioned in Lodro Gyatso Requested Buddha, there is Lodro Gyatso Requested Buddha it is mentioned practicing bodhichitta, developing compassion, one is saving life of others is most benefit for sentient beings, that is one very special thing about Amitabha Buddhist Centre, great benefit to sentient beings. so Amitabha Buddhist Centre lets people collect so much merit in so many different ways, then incredible benefit for animals, 170 million, I have no words, numberless thanks to Amitabha Buddhist Centre, all of you, and Fred. Fred and Hup Cheng, many efforts, Fred has been doing, that is great, very great benefit of Amitabha

21 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings Buddhist Centre. Then what else do you do? What else does Amitabha Buddhist Centre do? Hup Cheng… half million books printed and distributed for free. 500,000 books in the last 24 years. So spread. Also sera Je Food Fund, contributed more than half million US dollars. So that is great, how important that is. These monasteries, Sera, Ganden, and Drepung, Lama Tsongkhapa tradition, where they do most extensive deepest study of Dharma in this world, the sutra, in those monasteries mainly sutra, then also study tantra in Upper and Lower Tantric Colleges. These monasteries go down if you don’t take care, less and less monks then go down, no food, bad conditions as well, then they go down, then qualified teachers, geshes, produced each year by those monasteries and going to the rest of the world to teach Dharma, for example FPMT has 48 resident teachers to teach philosophy and lam-rim, Basic Program and Masters Program, then more and more sentient beings opportunity to meet Dharma and achieve enlightenment, if monasteries go down then cannot produce qualified teachers and rest of the world to breath the Dharma, so rest

22 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings of world goes down if monasteries go down, so to take care of monks studying is very important, you understand this so thank you very much. What else? What else? (film) I want to say, express numberless thanks, really, in particular your dedication with body, speech, and mind, the material offerings, in particular the light offerings, 100,000 and 20,000, 100,000 AND 20,000. As people know, people who have been with me, together, most of the time whenever I make offerings, extensive offerings, sometimes with the practice but also generally as much as possible, not every single time, but generally as much as possible at breakfast, lunch, dinner, all the offerings at Tushita, then Kopan upstairs, in the main room, then one small room, Heruka room or Yamantaka room or Guhyasamaja room, all the offerings of Project, there is one buddha there, then Washington Amitabha Pure Land retreat place, upstairs in first room 21 Taras, many holy objects, many water offerings, lights, flowers, then main room, His Holiness, most Secret Hayagriva , all the offerings there, then 1000 Arm Chenrezig, all the offerings there, the Kurukulla room, all the offerings there, downstairs offerings, flowers outside, there is going to be Amitabha Buddha big

23 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings statue, ordered to make exactly as I sent pictures, not like according to tradition with closed eyes, but exactly like pictures I sent to make statue like that, to have Amitabha statue outside so even non- believers can see, can come to see so to plant seeds of enlightenment, then can be helpful at time of death, then aptos house, Kacho Dechen ling, then many water offerings, white Mahakala statue ordered in , all the offerings there, then in room writing Prajnaparamita text, offerings, there, then the offerings downstairs, 300,000, then outside many flowers, then every single flower make offerings, then lights, then next one is Amitabha Buddhist Centre offering lights, I thought just 100,000 but 120,000, then offering lights, the Penang 40,000 light offerings at night, then any offerings in any center, make offerings, I tell not only FPMT centers but also outside people when they do practice should make all these offerings, the more people make offerings then people cleaning bowls at Aptos house, nuns, then monks at Washington house, Janne nun from New Zealand making offerings in Kopan, more people who make offerings then more benefit for their work, also Tekchen Choling also making 100,000 light offerings, but today I found out they try to make light offerings, I told her last time to make offerings, I discussed so he agreed to that. again

24 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings that is another special benefit to sentient beings and to the teachings of the Buddha so thank you very very much. Hup Cheng, Fred, anyone and of course most important, Geshe Chonyi, so really really. Then the other thing is very united with Kopan Monastery, Amitabha Buddhist Centre is united with Kopan Monastery, so that really, for example, the centers in Taiwan, three centers in Taiwan but not so united, so that is one very very special thing, united with Kopan, that is the original center, how many centers now? 169, so how many center there are now all originated from, spread from Kopan, one very happy thing is to see that. Is that right? Then? One thing, yesterday or the day before yesterday we had a meeting. One question was any advice for the students? What was the question? The question was: any advice on how to further study and practice the Buddha-Dharma? We have already been trying the Basic Program, it is called basic but it is not basic. I will tell the story, Lama Yeshe started with Geshe Jampa Gyatso, he was in Kopan for long time, maybe 6 or 7 years teaching Kopan boys, discussed together and made Masters Program, , and Abhisamaya then Lama Tsongkhapa’s tantra and Guhyasamaja

25 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings tantra, Clear Light, completion stage, the Five Stages, the completion stage, that is what by coming together they made this program. Geshe Jampa Gyatso really wanted to get done the Masters Program according to Lama Yeshe at Lama Tsongkhapa Istitute, he did that but before starting the next MP he passed away, but there is one nun Anila Ann, she was at Lawudo teaching me how to be bookkeeper, I had no idea about bookkeeping before, I just counted ten rupees, ten rupees after I paid the workers, it was very strange for me, normally I am the one who receives the offerings, so I paid the workers in the late afternoon, you have to check, sometimes volunteers, then how many days they worked then have to write down, a little bit funny to give money for how many days they worked, like business, sort of funny for my mind, ten rupees, ten rupees, I would go in the kitchen my sister Ngawang Samten making food at small fire, I would go in kitchen and see how much money was left, how much spent, I would do that every night, I had one bag, the American man who came with me would say here need to dig, here no, where he said dig, many cracks came on the wall but no one fell down, did not collapse, but the cracks were there for a long time, so money goes down, down, then some money comes up, foreigner, then again money goes up. I

26 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings was the main person keeping money under the table. My uncles, the other helpers, my uncles who were monks, one is alive, young uncle but one passed away, I have many uncles, my elder uncle Aku Trinle he tried to help but he doesn’t know how much money I have, Lama never said how much money he had so he didn’t know how much work, no idea, what was I saying? I forgot. Anila Ann she was bookkeeper, made a book and wrote down. She is one of the oldest, built Chenrezig Gompa where there are 27 nuns and few monks, 27 nuns and very intense study, I think they did three times Basic Program, Masters Program didn’t start, Geshe Tashi Tsering has good understanding he taught longest time then now his disciple teaching, she started, built that center. She had a jeep called elephant that bring trees to plant, then slowly slowly built, the buildings are quite good, so much study has been done. The first teacher with Geshe Loden, the great teacher from Sera Me, he was there for three years, the translator was one incarnate lama, then he left. Then after that who was? Geshe Trinle, Lama Yeshe’s relative, he had good understanding from Sera Je, taugh 6-7 years. Then Geshe Lama Konchog supposed to be one year but stayed 6 months then left, he taught Liberation in the Palm

27 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings of the Hand, when I was there he didn’t say anything, he was very clever, when I went back to Nepal he came back and then told me all the problems he had with the translator, he was very smart. Then Geshe Tashi Tsering for many many years. So Anila Ann told me the Masters Program is too long, need program that is shorter than that, at first I thought three years but the geshes had meeting in Taiwan, Geshe Ngawang Drakpa and other geshes discussed but said couldn’t do all the subjects in 3 years need 5 years, but at Lama Tsongkhapa Institute because live there did in two years, maybe did now three years. She told me it is too long, need short one, so started lorig, four schools of , then Geshe Sopa added, then salam, paths and bhumis, then to get general idea the fourth chapter of Abhisamaya to start that commentary, then gyulama, Uttaratantra, then the other one is chenmo, the geshes at meeting thought better Middle Lam-rim as it doesn’t have all the debates like the many pages in Lam-rim Chenmo, so decided Lam-rim Dringwa and then I added Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand but I don’t know if the geshes do that, preliminary practices explained, then Heart Sutra, then lojong Wheel of Sharp Weapons, then Eight Verses as well as Seven Point Thought Transformation, then tantra

28 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings Grounds and Paths, Palden Choje, some say past life Kirti Losang Trinle, so Palden Choje Salam, tantra text is that, then Bodhisattvacharya, so it is called basic compared to Masters but actually it is not basic. That is how it happened, the evolution was like this, something shorter, so people have wide overview of Buddhism. So incredible no other centers like Amitabha Buddhist Centre so many people to enter studies, it is amazing. As I mentioned, maybe finished, what else? Okay. Hup Cheng asked my advice the night before. so studies have been done, lojong, philosophy, lam- rim, have been done so I thought next thing is to actualize, not leave in the book but to have here (in the heart) to have renunciation, bodhichitta, realization of emptiness, generation stage, completion stage to have here, to really experience realization, the next thing is that. so I said like this. Now, no other centers have this, no other organization has like this program. Two or three months on guru devotion, following the outlines, meditation on that, how long do is up to individual as some people are very busy, but two or three months on guru devotion, either one month one month or two months, can decide, the usefulness of perfect human rebirth, how precious it is maybe one month, then how it is useful in three ways then

29 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings maybe one month, time is not sure, just example one month, meditate on that for one month, then death, renunciation, lower realms, refuge, karma, renunciation of this life meditation, then renunciation of future life mediation, then higher capable being, bodhichitta, then meditation on emptiness, then one month one month then whole year all lam-rim. You can do generation stage and completion stage of your own deity, you can either do that or maybe just now leave it for some years and just lam-rim, guru devotion and three principal aspects, then leave tantra for some years, time for meditation is up to each individual, that is very very very good, that is really really really really really, that will, wow, that will please His Holiness the , appreciate so much because there is no other organization, no other center doing like this. I heard from Drepung geshe in Taichung after the scientific meetings in monastery, what His Holiness does every year, I think this time in Drepung, after that His Holiness invited all the abbots and emphasized very much must do meditation, when monks gather for chora, debate, must do meditation, silence, as much as possible on lam-rim, since from Tibet there is no such announcement, now His Holiness said must meditate even in the monastery. Those monasteries mainly emphasize study philosophy, learn

30 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings Buddhism in extensive way, so the geshe said have to meditate for 15 minutes when come from prayer and chora, meditate for 15 minutes, keep silence, someone must have told His Holiness, I don’t know what the story is. I will tell you one thing, the first Masters Program finished so I said one year retreat after that, what studied do one year retreat on those subjects and on lam-rim, the MP didn’t have lam-rim but I said one year, some students, they talked, I think Geshe Jampa Gyatso didn’t have much interest in meditation, because they don’t have such thing in the monastery to do in public, so I think didn’t have much interest in that so I think some students didn’t listen to what I said but those who followed my advice went to Spain and did nine months retreat and found very beneficial and said must do retreat. They found so beneficial. You went to Kopan to do retreat, that was very good. So just to let you know like that. so here I want to tell, this is my suggestion but it doesn’t mean, it is up to you, it is not everybody, I give the idea, the suggestion, but to do or not is up to you. It is up to you. To do with everybody or not is up to you. That is your choice. It is like that. so really bring your mind close, even not actual realization but at least close to that so year meditation coming closer and closer to realization, then also subduing the mind, every single teaching

31 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings of the Buddha, every word, is to subdue the mind. then you have no worries of wasting your life, at the end of life, whenever is the end of life you are satisfied, I spent my life to practice Dharma, it is satisfactory and happiness. so that is finished. My present, how many cards? 500 cards. This is 35 buddhas, this is 21 Taras, this is Medicine Buddha, okay? This is 16 , the 16 arhats all have their robes on, here they didn’t wear the long sleeves, the Chinese dress. The 16 arhats. This is Lama Chopa Jorcho merit field. The reason I want to give these What about people in same house? Share? But then what happens if after they fight? Two purposes, first, in the teaching it is explained by Lama Tsongkhapa, activities done without renunciation, bodhichitta, right view, except for a few actions which become virtue, Dharma, by depending on the power of the holy object, otherwise every single action just becomes a cause of samsara. This means renunciation, bodhichitta, right view, only circumambulation, , making offerings to , statues, and scriptures of the Buddha, those actions done to holy objects then by the power of the merit field they become virtue, Dharma, otherwise all actions, eating,

32 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings sitting, walking sleeping, doing job done with bodhichitta become only cause of samsara, cause of samsara, without renunciation of this life then become cause of lower realms, negative karma, that which includes even meditating, even studying Dharma, charity, making charity, reading Dharma texts, whatever, including even those, become negative karma, become cause of samsara, negative karma, cause of lower realms, for example if you practice tantra but without renunciation, bodhichitta, right view, without even renunciation of this life it becomes cause of lower realms, it doesn’t become cause even to achieve human body or body, temporal happiness doesn’t become even that, becomes cause of lower realms practicing tantra, so much depends on the motivation. For example, as I told many times, in Tibet, in Pembo, two meditators doing Yamantaka retreat, two monks, one died earlier was born as spirit even if did three year retreat, born with many arms like Yamantaka, his friend was doing offerings to smell eaters, he said to him I am your friend who was doing retreat but now born as , they were doing Yamantaka retreat but didn’t know how to practice Dharma, lam-rim, that was the main problem, main problem, that is the main problem, they were practicing Dharma but didn’t know what Dharma is, reciting

33 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings Yamantaka , all the external things, but didn’t know what was Dharma, how to practice Dharma, the very basic thing they had no idea, recited all the mantra and prayers but their minds did not become Dharma, no renunciation to this life, so what happened? The mind during retreat became non-virtue, non-Dharma, so what they did even reciting mantra became cause of lower realms and the person was born as preta, hungry ghost, came to get smell of Sur. The motivation really really really pay attention, even if you are going to make offerings, same lama sanggye lama cho, really make the motivation first, make sure the motivation is Dharma, especially bodhichitta, first make sure of that then make offerings, this makes buddhas and most happy if you generate bodhichitta. Sorry. Okay. Some places, your house, usually many flies, insects, mosquitoes, butterflies, many come every day and die, big and small, tiny, so when you find in the house any insect, ants, like that, usually find in the kitchen because they come for food, ants come for sugar, honey. You know the box for catching animals, method and wisdom, mantra on bottom, when go in purify negative karma, then Fred put Namgyalma mantra on top, so when go inside purify 1000 eons of negative karma, then

34 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings think all past, present, and future happiness comes from them, then with this feeling, with this feeling of them being sooooo precious, you achieve from them, even other beings, whether animal or human being, if they practice patience or bodhichitta to you but I myself all sentient beings, every single creature, animal of the six realms will hold each one so special, much more special the wish- granting jewel, more special than diamonds or gold, diamonds, sapphires, because expensive so we take care of them, put in a box and lock, then more precious than diamond is wish-granting jewel, whatever you ask for, generate wish regarding material needs of this life, comfort, car, whatever, it is actualized just by wishing like Sai Baba who gives ornaments just like this. Sai Baba invited monks from different kangtsens on his birthday, the last monk was from Dema Kangtsen, SAi Baba gave a golden chain, but not to all the monks, so like that whatever you pray gets actualized immediately, but not purify negative karma collected from beginningless rebirths, receive good rebirth, perfect human rebirth in next life doesn’t happen because that comes only by your own practice of pure morality not by wish-granting jewel, even to get human body, that liberation from samsara you won’t get from a jewel, as I said before from special insight, special meditation,

35 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings contemplation, higher training in morality, higher training in contemplation, special training in higher seeing, means refuge in Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, there is other schools, lower schools view, Hindu schools have shine and morality, so higher means by refuge, so through this you achieve liberation from samsara but not from wish-granting jewel, and you won’t get bodhichitta, great compassion for sentient beings, you won’t achieve enlightenment from wish- granting jewel, you achieve that from bodhichitta and great compassion, so now therefore, this insect, ant, or the person you call enemy, who is angry, who harms you with body, speech, and mind, mind angry, who criticizes you, you achieve from that person practicing morality depends on kindness of that person, you achieve perfect human rebirth, then depending on his kindness practice morality, patience, achieve five paths and ten bhumis and then liberation, you achieve liberation from samsara by depending on these sentient beings. so this enemy or this ant. By generating compassion for this ant or this person, this enemy who is angry, who beats you, criticizes you, by generating compassion, you generate bodhichitta then you achieve enlightenment, the five paths and higher Mahayana tantric path and achieve enlightenment, so you achieve enlightenment from this small ant,

36 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings from this tiny tiny being. Where there is wood which is humid, tiny tiny insects there, depending on that insect you generate compassion, generate bodhichitta, then you achieve enlightenment from this insect, complete cessation of gross and subtle mistakes, then depending on this person who gets angry at you, criticizes you, you can generate bodhichitta an achieve enlightenment, free from oceans of samsaric sufferings, all six realms, gives you full enlightenment, wow, wow, wow, full enlightenment, wow, wow, priceless. So wish- granting jewel is nothing, even skies of wish- granting jewel is nothing, but one tiny insect sooooooo precious, so kind, so dear, and this person who you call enemy, who is angry at you, criticizes you, because angry gives you opportunity to practice patience, compassion, then bodhichitta then achieve enlightenment, he gives you enlightenment wow, wow, wow, most kind, most dear, most precious. So like this, every sentient being is like this, so wish-granting jewel is nothing. So to every sentient being much more precious than wish-granting jewel you achieve success including highest one, enlightenment. you can’t achieve three successes from wish-granting jewel but can achieve them from one tiny insect.

37 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings Whether I am happy or suffering, always, if I am depressed or happy, all the time I practice cherishing by my mind that person more than myself. Then with body, speech, and mind benefit, help, benefit that sentient being. Why am I telling this? so how precious, how precious. For example, everybody here is so precious, similar the tiny insects that you see is so dear, so precious. Sky full of wish-granting jewels is nothing, the value is nothing compared to the value of sentient beings, how kind to you, how precious to you, how dear to you, most unbelievable. So now next one is: myself to be useful to others. Nagarjuna said in Jewel Garland “May I like wish-granting jewel fulfill all the desires of the sentient beings, whatever hopes they have to fulfill like wish-granting tree that grows in the pure land.” Whatever you wish in the pure land happens, in Amitabha pure land wish- granting tree, so for you to become like that for others, may you become like a wish-granting tree to fulfill all the wishes of sentient beings. so when you find insects and worms in the house it is like finding a jewel in your house, like finding a jewel, really! Fourth stanza from the Eight Verses, the sentient beings whose nature is evil when you see them create negative karma, then heavy suffering, heavy negative karma and then heavy suffering, experience suffering. not only dead animal or

38 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings insect but also human beings whose mind is very evil, completely selfish, thinking only of himself, bad temper, we criticize people like that, then you see that person who creates very heavy negative karma, do not believe in reincarnation, karma, disbelieve Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, many heavy negative karmas creating, collecting, then also having much sufferings, cancer or stroke, sicknesses, suffering, problems, mental or physical problems, then when you see that like having found treasure, wish-granting jewel, like suddenly in the garbage, in your house, you find a treasure, wish-granting jewel, then most unbelievable happy, when you find something like this in the garbage or in your house, so happy, even you find ten dollars or one hundred dollars so happy, like wish-granting jewel, you find treasure, so unbelievable, so happy, so like that, this is difficult to find, by thinking that then cherish, instead of cherishing I cherish them, cherish and also benefit with body, speech, and mind. not I don’t care, do whatever I can do. Why difficult to find, if you see it like that, you feel much compassion, so much suffering, evil nature, so much suffering, wow, wow, so you feel much compassion, then quickly you are able to generate bodhichitta, then able to achieve enlightenment quickly by depending on that. so you see that person so precious, so

39 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings unbelievable, unbelievable, so kind, so dear, so precious, so unbelievably kind. When you cherish, benefit with body, speech, and mind, whatever you can do. So happy like finding wish-granting jewel, like that. I described human being, but now insect, insect being under control of karma and delusions now born as fly, mosquito, tiny insect, by being under control of karma and delusions, created negative karma in past so born this time like this, no choice. So mind is unbelievably obscured, so obscured, wicked nature, then so much suffering, unbelievable suffering. so you can relate this stanza also to the insects. As I mentioned Nagarjuna’s words, sentient beings are wish-fulfiling for you now you become wish fulfilling for sentient beings. as I mentioned, so if you find in your house, mosquito, any insect, not only that, any living being going around that creates cause of enlightenment. if there is one buddha picture, statue, picture, you take it around, of course you are benefitting sentient being and creating cause of enlightenment, to be free from oceans of samsaric sufferings, but this sentient being, this most kind, most dear, most precious, this insect, taking around, circumambulating, each time you do it creates the cause of enlightenment, each time you go around, take it around it creates cause of enlightenment, not like this (above the pictures),

40 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings you should go around the pictures. I saw in the West someone doing like this. you create cause of enlightenment by taking one time around, taking second time around you create cause of enlightenment second time, here 21 , 35 buddhas, Lama Chopa merit field, can you imagine? You take one time around, wow, wow, wow. How many? One hundred thousand cause of enlightenment you create. One hundred thousand causes of enlightenment, one hundred thousand cause to be free from samsara, one hundred thousand cause of enlightenment, just one time taking around. You put in this box, very easy to get, then close it and take it around the pictures, dzame, really really really what a great present you are giving to this mother sentient being. How happy it is. So like this three times or seven times you do this, the ants you go around with a paper collecting them, put in plastic, you can put in a box, then take them around, by putting in the box they purify negative karma then take them around, then put out in a safe place. So Nagarjuna’s prayer you are becoming wish fulfilling toward sentient beings. this is one idea, one practice. if you go outside in the forest there are numberless, when you walk in the grass so many tiny beings jumping when you walk in the grass, so the one you find in the house is like a jewel, the Eight Verses mention

41 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings like meeting treasury, wish-granting jewel, so the insect you find in the house is like this, you take it around, you are able to help them, the ones you find in the house but outside they are numberless. So you also create so much good karma yourself, unbelievable, so much good karma, cause of enlightenment. I rang you from Nepal, I thought to do it a long time ago in India, in Sera, so this is my present for you. So thank you so much for your volunteering in the past, present, and future. Thank you so much. The other thing, the other one, you know, one day I was making a call to Fabrizio, Italian translator, he was staying with Kyabje Ribur Rinpoche, so when you speak to him you have to talk long time, so I had the Buddha’s relics so I thought at same time to go around the relics so at same time to purify negative karma created with body, speech, and mind since beginningless time, so I was talking to him and going around the relics because it had to take a long time. So I told Roger and Holly who have to talk a long time to center to pacify obstacles and bring success, Dharma organization, individual students, centers, the problems, so I said better to have and tsa-tsas around it, then when you are talking on the telephone hours and hours go around, create virtue, sometimes speech

42 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings doesn’t become virtue, so not to waste life, human life is very very short, to not waste, so I said to go around so they made it outside, I was complaining saying I didn’t see them going around, spend so much time wasting life, so keep these pictures on the table and then walk around the table when you are talking to your friends, talking to your enemies, this is a very good way not to waste life and to purify. The Kadampa geshes going around stupa, Lama Atisha when old, aspect of shaking hands, with Dromtonpa would go around stupas. So this is my advice to not waste life, precious human life. So that is the second thing. I think that is all. Due to three times' merits collected by me and every sentient being and every buddha may bodhichitta be generated in the people who are keeping this, going around as well as all the insects going around, bodhichitta to be generated as quickly as possible. Bodhichitta generated in the hearts of all the six realm sentient beings, especially in the heart of the living beings living in this world, the students, supporters, volunteers, especially us here, all the volunteers here, all the people who came to Amitabha Buddhist Centre in the past, coming now, and will come in the future never ever to get reborn in the lower realms again,

43 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings generate bodhichitta. Then may war, famine, disease, problems, fire, water, earthquakes all this to be pacified and perfect peace and happiness to prevail in the whole world, all dangers of fire, water, air, earthquakes to be pacified immediately, may they never happen, and everyone to generate lam-rim realization in their heart and achieve enlightenment as quick as possible. May in general FPMT and in particular the Amitabha Buddhist Centre become wish fulfilling for all sentient beings, free from oceans of samsaric sufferings and bring to full enlightenment. and all the sentient beings who are coming here to Amitabha Buddhist Centre, may all their suffering of body and mind be pacified immediately, may all their wishes be fulfilled just by coming here according to the Dharma. In particular may they all meet Lama Tsongkhapa teachings, actualize Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings, meet and actualize, complete Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings. Then all the people who keep these pictures, go around, the insects who go around in next life to receive perfect human rebirth, meet Lama Tsongkhapa’s teaching, meet guru, only please the guru and achieve enlightenment as quick as possible or to be born in pure land after death and achieve enlightenment as quick as possible. Due to all the merits collected by numberless sentient beings,

44 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings numberless buddhas, and oneself in all future lives the people and animals who go around have Lama Tsongkhapa as direct guru in all future lives and never be separated from the path that pleases the buddhas. In all the future lives to be only like Lama Tsongkhapa, then offer skies of benefit to sentient beings and the teachings of the Buddha like Lama Tsongkhapa, visualize animals and people who go around that it happens like that. the same for all the people who come to the center and all the staff. Question whether enlightenment is possible or not and how quickly depends on how you are able to take care of your mind. the most important is seeing the guru’s actions as all the buddhas’ actions. To not arise heresy even for one second and with that devotion seeing all the guru’s actions as pure then the blessings of the guru enter one’s heart, achieve enlightenment. The guru devotion is really funny, subject is very funny because I am sort of teaching Dharma so am called guru so it sounds like I advertise myself as a buddha. It is very funny. But visualize, that can be said, with compassion, the disciple to not go to lower realms, to hells, by rising heresy or anger, so can say to visualize for the disciple’s benefit, that

45 Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche – 100 Million Mani Retreat at IVY An extremely rough, unedited, first draft transcript typed simultaneously with the teachings might be okay. That is what I think but I’m not sure. I think that is enough. Finito.