Independent Order of Odd Fellows Wildey News Flash WILDEY LODGE #2, I.O.O.F. Issue 14 July - August 2019 3765 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108 Phone: (314) 533-1383 Established June 12, 1838
[email protected] ______________________________________________________________________________ ANNOUNCEMENT Grand Master, Charles Watson has given our lodge dispensation to have meetings only on the first and third Tuesdays during the months of July through December 2019. The plan is to schedule one or two social events during the months of July through December. Once decisions have been made as to the social events the information will be sent to members of our lodge. Congratulations At the Grand Lodge Session of Missouri, Independent Order of Odd Fellows held May 19, 2019 - May 21, 2019 our Associate Member Stephen A. Carr, Sr. was elected Grand Warden for 2019-2020. July & August Birthdays Kenny David - July 4 Frank Buchholz - July 5 Michael Morgan - July 8 Sharon Vaughn - August 3 Janice Goldberg White - August 18 Pamela Whisenhunt - August 26 Sickness & Distress Members Unable to Attend Meetings Due to Illness or Injury Ervin Drewing; Shirley James; Michael Morgan; Kenneth White Ronald McDonald House Wildey Lodge #2, IOOF will sponsor dinners on the upcoming dates in 2019: Friday, July 19, 2019 Friday, September 6, 2019 THREE ODD LINKS Sometime in 1822, a secret fraternity within the IOOF was formed called the "Three Odd Links" with Thomas Wildey, John Boyd, and William Couth as first members. Whatever was the purpose of the trio for the Three Odd Links was not clear. It was suggested by some that it was a "commemoration of the first half decade, others that it was a secret pledge never to abandon the Order, and others to secure a private celebration of the founding date of Washington Lodge and a renewal of the vows of brotherhood of the old members." What is known is that the Links privately met every 26th day of April every year and parted with tokens of friendship.