Telangana Police Exam
Telangana Police Exam P r e v i o u s P a p e r Time : 3 Hours Marks : 200 Instructions : A (i) Each question carries one mark. ˙xmsºΩ ˙xmsaRPıNRPV INRP ™´sWLRiV‰ NRPáµR∂V. (ii) Choose the correct or most appropriate answer from the given options to the following questions and darken, with blue/black ball point pen the corresponding digit 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the circle pertaining to the question number concerned in the OMR Answer Sheet, separately supplied to you. µj∂gRiV™´s B¿¡Ë©´s ˙xmsºΩ ˙xmsaRPıNRPV B™´s* ¡≤T∂©´s ™y…”¡Õ‹[ xqsLji\π∏∂V©´s xqs™´sWµ≥y©´s™´sVV©´sV Fs©´sVıN]¨s µy¨s¨s xqsW¿¡Li¬ø¡[ @LiZNP 1, 2, 3 ¤Õ¡[NRP 4 Æ™s[LRiVgS B¿¡Ë©´s OMR xqs™´sWµ≥y©´s xms˙ªRΩ™´sVVÕ‹[ ˙xmsaRPıNRPV xqsLi ¡Liµ≥j∂Li¿¡©´s xqsLi≈¡˘ gRiá }ms…”¡NRP©´sV ˝¡W/À˝ÿN`P ÀÿÕfi FyLiVVLi…fi |ms©´sVı Dxmsπ∏∂WgjiLi¿¡ ¨sLixms™´s¤Õ¡©´sV. 1. Choose the right matching of one word substitutes with their description. (i) Congestion (A) An accident in which two vehicles hit each other (ii) Collision (B) Situation in which roads are full of traffic (iii) Bottleneck (C) Occasion when a vehicle stops working (iv) Breakdown (D) Place in a road where the traffic cannot pass (1) (i) – (C), (ii) – (B), (iii) – (A), (iv) – (D) (2) (i) – (A), (ii) – (D), (iii) – (B), (iv) – (C) (3) (i) – (D), (ii) – (C), (iii) – (A), (iv) – (B) (4) (i) – (B), (ii) – (A), (iii) – (D), (iv) – (C) ———————————————————————————————————————— 2. Choose the right rearrangement of the following sentences into a meaningful paragraph.
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