Addresses: Office Home Department of Mathematics 2159 County Road 355N Illinois State University Carlock, IL 61725 Normal, IL 61790-4520 (309)438–5765 (309)376–3776

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Web Site:

Education: Ph.D., Mathematics, Auburn University (1991). M.S., Mathematics, Auburn University (1987). B.S., Computer Engineering, Auburn University (1983). Ph.D. Dissertation: Graph Designs, Auburn University (1991). Advisor: Christopher A. Rodger.

Experience: • Professor, Department of Mathematics, Illinois State University, 2000–present.

• Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Illinois State University, 1996–2000.

• Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Illinois State University, 1991–1996.

• Instructor, Department of Mathematics, Tuskegee University, 1987–1988.

• Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Auburn University, 1984– 1991. Courses Taught at Illinois State University: (*indicates topics I developed) Calcu- lus I, II, & III, Elementary Linear Algebra, Introduction to Real Analysis, Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Honors Undergraduate Research I & II, History of Math to 1600, Advanced Linear Algebra, Advanced Calculus, Topics in Discrete Mathematics: Coding Theory*, Topics in Discrete Mathematics: Design Theory*, Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics: Design Theory*, , Independent Study, Topics in Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers*, Introduction to Undergraduate Research in Mathematics*, Undergraduate Research in Mathematics II*, Summer Research in Math- ematics*, Mathematics for Secondary Teachers, Teaching Methods, Foundations of Inquiry.

1 Publications: (*indicates undergraduate co-author; **indicates graduate co-author) 74. On decompositions of complete multipartite graphs into the union of two even cycles, submitted. (with J. Buchanan*, R. C. Bunge**, E. Pelttari*, G. Rasmuson**, A. Su, and S. Tagaris*)

2 73. On the index 2 spectra of bipartite subgraphs of K4, submitted. (with S. Allen*, J. Bolt**, R. C. Bunge**, and S. Burton*) 72. On decomposing even regular multigraphs into small isomorphic trees, submitted. (with M. J. Plantholt, and S. K. Tipnis) 71. On decomposing regular graphs into isomorphic double-stars, submitted. (with M. Er- mete*, J. Hasty, M. J. Plantholt, and S. K. Tipnis)

70. On cyclic decompositions of Kn+1,n+1 −I into a 2- with at most 2 compo- nents, submitted. (with R. C. Bunge, D. Gibson*, U. Jongthawonwuth**, J. Nagel*, B. Stanley*, and A. Zale*) 69. On standard Stanton 4-cycle designs, submitted. (with R. C. Bunge, A. Hakes*, J. Jef- fries*, E. Mastalio*, and J. Torf*) 68. The spectrum for the Stanton 3-cycle, Bulletin for the Institute for Combinatorics and its Applications, to appear. (with W. Lapchinda**, P. Tangsupphathawat**, and W. Wannasit) 67. On the cyclic decomposition of circulant graphs into bipartite graphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 56 (2013), 201–217. (with R. C. Bunge**, C. Rumsey**, and C. Vanden Eynden) 66. On labeling 2-regular graphs where the number of odd components is at most 2, Utilitas Mathematica, Vol. 91 (2013), 261–285. (with R. C. Bunge*, M. Hirsch*, D. Klope*, J. A. Mudrock*, K. Sebesta**, and B. Shafer) 65. On cyclic decompositions of complete graphs into tripartite graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 72 (2013), 90–111. (with R. C. Bunge**, A. Chantasartrassmee**, and C. Vanden Eynden)

64. On γ-labeling the almost-bipartite graph Pm + e, Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 107 (2012), 65–80. (with R. C. Bunge** and W. O’Hanlon**) 63. All 2-regular graphs with uniform odd components admit ρ-labelings, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 53 (2012), 207–219. (with D. I. Gannon*) 62. On G-designs, where G is the one-point union of two cycles, Journal of Combina- torial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Vol. 83 (2012), 261–289 . (with K. Brewington*, R. C. Bunge**, L. J. Cross**, C. K. Pawlak*, J. L. Smith*, and S. M. Zeppetello*)

2 61. On free α-labelings of cubic bipartite graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Vol. 82 (2012), 269–293. (with W. Wannasit**)

60. On graceful cubic graphs, Congressus Numerantium, Vol. 208 (2011), 167–182. (with W. Wannasit**)

59. On cyclic G-designs, where G is cubic and tripartite, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 312 (2011), 293–305. (with W. Wannasit**)

58. On λ-fold Partitions of Finite Vector Spaces and Duality, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 311 (2011), 307–318. (with G. F. Seelinger, P. A. Sissokho, L. E. Spence, and C. Vanden Eynden)

57. On ρ-labeling 2-regular graphs consisting of 5-cycles, International Journal of Mathe- matics and Computer Science, Vol. 6 (2011), 13–20. (with D. I. Gannon*)

56. On cyclic decompositions of circulant graphs into almost bipartite graphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 49 (2011), 6–76. (with K. King* and J. A. Mudrock*)

55. Partitions of the 8-dimensional vector space over GF(2), Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Vol. 18 (2010), 462–474. (with O. Heden, G. F. Seelinger, P. A. Sissokho, L. E. Spence, and C. Vanden Eynden)

54. The maximum size of a partial 3-spread in a finite vector space over GF(2), Designs, Codes, & Cryptography, Vol. 54 (2010), 101–107. (with H. Jordon, G. F. Seelinger, P. A. Sissokho, and L. E. Spence)

53. Gregarious GDDs with two associate classes, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 26 (2010), 775–780. (with N. Punnim and C. A. Rodger)

52. The nonexistence of a (K6 − e)-decomposition of the K29, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Vol. 18 (2010), 94–104. (with D. Bryant, S. Hartke, and P. R. J. Ostergˆard)¨

51. On cyclic (C2m + e)-designs, Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 93 (2009), 289–304. (G. Blair*, D. Bowman*, S. Hlad*, M. Priban*, and K. Sebesta*)

50. On rho-labeling up to ten vertex-disjoint C4x+1, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Vol. 70 (2009), 161–176. (with E. Butzen*, H. Jordon, A. Modica*, and E. Schrishuhn*)

49. On Rosa-type labelings and cyclic decompositions, Mathematica Slovaca, Vol. 59 (2009), 1–18. (with C. Vanden Eynden)

48. On Partitions of Finite Vector Spaces of Low Dimension Over GF(2), Discrete Mathe- matics, Vol. 309 (2009), 4727–4735. (with G. F. Seelinger, P. A. Sissokho, L. E. Spence, and C. Vanden Eynden)

3 47. On γ-labeling the almost-bipartite graph Km,n +e, East–West Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 10 (2008), 119–126. (with W. O’Hanlon** and E. R. Spicer)

46. On vector space partitions and uniformly resolvable designs, Designs, Codes, & Cryp- tography, Vol. 48 (2008), 69–77. (with A. D. Blinco, G. F. Seelinger, P. A. Sissokho, L. E. Spence, and C. Vanden Eynden)

45. Partitions of finite vector spaces into subspaces, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Vol. 16 (2008), 329–341. (with G. F. Seelinger, P. A. Sissokho, L. E. Spence, and C. Vanden Eynden)

44. On σ-labeling the union of three cycles, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Vol. 64 (2008), 33–48. (with A. Aguado*)

43. On ρ-labeling the union of three cycles, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 37 (2007), 155–170. (with A. Aguado*, H. Hake*, J. Stob*, and H. Yayla*)

42. Graph decompositions and designs, CRC Handbook of Combinatorial Designs, Second Edition, C. J. Colbourn and J. H. Dinitz, Editors, 2007, 477–485. (with D. E. Bryant)

(r) 41. On the existence of a rainbow 1-factor in 1-factorizations of Krn , Journal of Combi- natorial Designs, Vol. 15 (2007), 487–490. (with M. J. Plantholt, P. A. Sissokho, and L. E. Spence)

40. Decomposing complete graphs into cubes, Discussiones Mathematicae–Graph Theory, Vol. 26 (2006), 141–147. (with C. Vanden Eynden)

39. Decompositions of complete graphs into 5-cubes, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Vol. 14 (2006), 159–166. (with D. E. Bryant, B. Maenhaut, and C. Vanden Eynden)

38. On labeling the union of two cycles, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Com- binatorial Computing, Vol. 53 (2005), 3–11. (with J. Dumouchel*)

37. On the cyclic decomposition of complete graphs into almost-bipartite graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 284 (2004), 71–81. (with A. Blinco and C. Vanden Eynden)

36. On a generalization of the Oberwolfach problem, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Vol. 106 (2004), 255–275. (with N. Cavenagh, A. Khodkar, and C. Vanden Eynden)

35. Labelings of unions of up to four uniform cycles, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 29 (2004), 323–336. (with D. Donovan, S. Sutinontopas, and C. Vanden Eynden)

34. A note on the cyclic decomposition of complete graphs into bipartite graphs, Bulletin of the ICA, Vol. 40 (2004), 77–82. (with A. Blinco**)

4 33. Factorizations of the complete graph into C5-factors and 1-factors, Graphs and Com- binatorics, Vol. 19 (2003), 289–296. (with P. Adams, D. E. Bryant, and H. Gavlas) 32. Least common multiples of cubes, Bulletin of the ICA, Vol. 38 (2003), 45–49. (with P. Adams, D. E. Bryant, B. Maenhaut, and C. Vanden Eynden) 31. A generalization of the Oberwolfach problem, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 41 (2002), 151–161. (with S. Tipnis and C. Vanden Eynden) 30. On the Hamilton-Waterloo problem, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 18 (2002), 31–51. (with P. Adams, E. J. Billington, and D. E. Bryant) 29. Factorizations of and by powers of complete graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 243 (2002), 201–205. (with D. E. Bryant and C. Vanden Eynden) 28. On α-valuations of disconnected graphs, Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 61 (2001), 129–136. (with C. Vanden Eynden) 27. On the cyclic decomposition of complete graphs into bipartite graphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 24 (2001), 209–219. (with N. Punnim and C. Vanden Eynden) 26. Star decompositions of cubes, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 17 (2001), 55–59. (with D. E. Bryant, D. G. Hoffman, and C. Vanden Eynden) 25. Star factorizations of graph products, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 36 (2001), 59–66. (with D. E. Bryant and C. Vanden Eynden) 24. On the α-labeling number of bipartite graphs, Utilitas Mathematica, Vol. 58 (2000), 145–152. (with H. L. Fu and C. Vanden Eynden) 23. Equitable Football Pools, Bulletin of the ICA, Vol. 29 (2000), 71–84. (with M. J. Plan- tholt, S. K. Tipnis, and C. L. Vanden Eynden) 22. On the decomposition of Cayley graphs into isomorphic trees, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 22 (2000), 13–18. (with S. Stubbs and C. Vanden Eynden) 21. On graphs with strong α-valuations, Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 56 (2000), 175–188. (with C. Vanden Eynden) 20. Near α-labelings of bipartite graphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 21 (2000), 275–285. (with M. J. Kenig* and C. Vanden Eynden) 19. A note on the α-labeling number of bipartite graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 214 (2000), 241–243. (with H. L. Fu and C. L. Shiue**) 18. Factorizations of complete multipartite graphs into generalized cubes, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 33 (2000), 144–150. (with C. Vanden Eynden)

5 17. Maximal sets of Hamilton cycles in Kn,n, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 33 (2000), 25–31. (with D. E. Bryant and C. A. Rodger)

16. Factorizations of Km,n into spanning trees, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 15 (1999), 287–293. (with C. Vanden Eynden)

15. Packing and covering the complete graph with cubes, Australasian Journal of Combi- natorics, Vol. 20 (1999), 267–288. (with P. Adams and D. E. Bryant)

14. Small embeddings for partial G-designs when G is bipartite, Bulletin of the ICA, Vol. 26 (1999), 86–90. (with A. Khodkar and D. E. Bryant)

13. Cycle factorizations of powers of odd cycles, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Vol. 7 (1999), 173–183. (with C. Vanden Eynden)

12. Cycle factorizations of cycle products, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 189 (1998), 267–275. (with C. Vanden Eynden)

11. Graph decompositions into generalized cubes, Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 49 (1998), 237– 247. (with M. J. Plantholt and C. Vanden Eynden)

10. d-cube decompositions of Kn \ Km, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 13 (1997), 1–7. (with P. Adams, D. E. Bryant, and C. Vanden Eynden)

9. Extensions of some factorization results from simple graphs to multigraphs, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 24 (1997), 291–295. (with M. J. Plantholt and S. K. Tipnis)

8. The intersection problem for cubes, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 15 (1997), 127–134. (with P. Adams, D. E. Bryant, and A. Khodkar)

7. Decompositions of Km,n into cubes, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Vol. 4 (1996), 51–57. (with C. Vanden Eynden)

6. Lambda-fold cube decompositions, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 11 (1995), 197–210. (with P. Adams and D. E. Bryant)

5. Factorization of regular multigraphs into regular graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 19 (1995), 93–105. (with M. J. Plantholt and S. K. Tipnis)

4. Decompositions of Km,n and of Kn into cubes, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 9 (1994), 284–290. (with D. E. Bryant and R. B. Gardner)

3. Maximum packings with odd cycles, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 131 (1994), 91–97.

2. Blocking sets in G-designs, Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 35 (1993), 237–251. (with C. A. Rodger)

6 1. On dynamics of certain Cantor sets, Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 36 (1990), 246– 253. (with W. R. R. Transue)

Education Publications: 1. Teacher-Scholars in Secondary Mathematics, in M. Qazi (Ed.), Proceedings of the Sixth Annual TEAM-Math Partnership Conference Pre-Session, 2009, Tuskegee University, AL. (with D. Barker, C. Langrall, and W. O’Hanlon**) External Grant Awards: 8. REU Site: Mathematics Research Experience for Pre-service and for In- service Teachers, National Science Foundation, $404,987, pending. (with D. Barker (Co-PI)) 7. Supplemental Funding to: “REU Site: Mathematics Research Experience for Pre-service and for In-service Teachers”, National Science Foundation, $10,225, Recommended for funding. (with D. Barker (Co-PI)) 6. REU Site: Mathematics Research Experience for Pre-service and for In- service Teachers, National Science Foundation, $422,592, Effective: May 15, 2011– May 14, 2014. (with D. Barker (Co-PI)) 5. Illinois State University Computer Science/Information Systems (CS/IS) Scholarship Program, National Science Foundation, $599,843, Effective: March 01, 2010–February 28, 2015. (with P. Mahatanankoon (PI) and W. Hunter (Co-PI)) 4. Graduating Highly-Qualified Secondary Mathematics Teachers with Em- phasis on Recruitment from Underrepresented Groups, National Science Foun- dation, $596,611, Effective: May 1, 2009–April 30, 2014. (with D. Barker(Co-PI), M. Clements (Co-PI), T. Martin(Co-PI), and M. Plantholt (Co-PI)) 3. R&D: Untangling Mathematical KnoTSS (Knowledge for Teaching Sec- ondary School): An Investigation of Collaborations Between Mathemati- cians and Mathematics Educators, National Science Foundation, $782,668, Ef- fective: September 1, 2008–August 31, 2012. (with R. McGraw (PI), G. Kersaint (Co-PI), W. McCallum(Co-PI), and D. Newborn (Co-PI)) 2. REU Site: Mathematics Research Experience for Pre-service and for In- service Teachers, National Science Foundation, $402,342, Effective: July 1, 2007– June 30, 2010. (with S. S. McCrone (Co-PI)) 1. A Model Teacher-Scholar Program in Secondary Mathematics, National Sci- ence Foundation, $147,725, Effective: January 15, 2007–December 31, 2008. (with S. S. McCrone (Co-PI))

7 Internal Grant Awards:

6. Possible Cycle Factorizations of Complete Graphs, Illinois State University Research Grant, $8,000, Summer 2000. (with C. Vanden Eynden)

5. A proposal to study the effectiveness of the Academic Progress Alert system at Illinois State University, ISU Office of Undergraduate Studies, $8,000, Summer 2000. (with J. Gamage)

4. Near α-labelings of bipartite graphs, Illinois State University Research Grant, $8,000, Summer 1999. (with C. Vanden Eynden)

3. Cycle factorizations of cycle products, Illinois State University Research Grant, $7,000, Summer 1997. (with C. Vanden Eynden)

2. Decompositions of complete graphs into cubes, Illinois State University Research Grant, $7,000, Summer 1995. (with C. Vanden Eynden)

1. On the existence of 2-colorable k-cycle designs, Illinois State University Re- search Grant, $3,795, Summer 1993.

Invited Professional Presentations (Mathematics Research):

13. On two problems in combinatorial design theory, plenary lecture, Thai-Japan Conference on Computational Geometry and Graphs, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2012.

12. On cyclic graph designs via Rosa-type labelings, plenary lecture, Workshop on Graph Theory and its Applications, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, December 2011.

11. On some recent progress on Rosa-type labelings, plenary lecture, Second Istan- bul Design Theory, Graph Theory, and Combinatorics Conference, June 2011.

10. Graph Designs, plenary lecture, Workshop on Graph Theory and its Applications, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, December 2009.

9. On G-designs where G is almost-bipartite, plenary lecture, International Confer- ence on Discrete Mathematics and Applications, Bangkok, Thailand, March 2008.

(r) 8. On the existence of a rainbow 1-factor in 1-factorizations of Krn , invited speaker, SIAM Minisymposium on Graph Coloring, AMS-MAA Joint Meetings, San Diego, CA, January 2008.

7. On Rosa-type Graph Labelings, plenary lecture, 19th Cumberland Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Johnson City, TN, May 2006.

8 6. On some Oberwolfach-type problems, invited speaker, Design Theory Minisym- posium, SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Nashville, TN, June 2004.

5. On Oberwolfach-type problems, plenary lecture, 16th Midwestern Conference on Combinatorics, Computing, and Cryptography, Carbondale, IL, November 2002.

4. Labelings of Graphs, plenary lecture, Workshop on Combinatorics: Trades and Graphs, Ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand, July 31-August 3, 2002.

3. On graph labelings and graph decompositions, plenary lecture, Workshop on Discrete Mathematics, Applications, and Education, Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing, The University of Queensland, Australia, June 2001.

2. 2-factorizations and the Oberwolfach problem, plenary lecture, Workshop on Discrete Mathematics, Applications, and Education, Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing, The University of Queensland, Australia, June 2001.

1. On graph labelings and graph decompositions, invited lecture, DCI 2000, DI- MACS Connect Institute, Workshop on Graph Theory and its Applications to Prob- lems of Society, Rutgers University, NJ, July 2000.

Contributed Professional Presentations (Mathematics Research):

27. On decomposing regular graphs and multigraphs into isomorphic trees, 42nd Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Boca Ra- ton, FL, March 2013.

26. On decomposing regular graphs and multigraphs into isomorphic trees, The 36th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Com- puting, Sydney, Australia, December 2012.

25. On some problems in graph designs and graph labelings, Open and Accessible Problems in Combinatorics and Graph Theory Session, MathFest 2012, Madison, WI, August 2012.

24. On d-modular ρ-labelings of Graphs, 25th Midwestern Conference of Combina- torics, cryptography, and Computing, Las Vegas, NV, October 2011.

23. On λ-fold Rosa-type labelings and cyclic graph decompositions, 42nd South- eastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Boca Raton, FL, March 2011.

22. On decomposing complete graphs into Hamilton cycles and n-cycles, 23rd Midwestern Conference on Combinatorics, Cryptography, & Computing, Rochester, NY, October 2009.

9 21. On cyclic graph designs, Special Session on Graph Decompositions, AMS Sectional Meeting, University of Alabama, Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, October 2008.

20. On Rosa-type Graph Labelings and Cyclic Decompositions, Design Theory of Alex Rosa, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, July 2007.

19. On the existence of a rainbow 1-factor in 1-factorizations of r-uniform com- plete hypergraphs, 17th Cumberland Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Murfreesboro, TN, May 2004.

18. On decompositions of regular graphs, 17th Midwestern Conference on Combina- torics, Computing, and Cryptography, Las Vegas, NV, November 2003.

17. On some Oberwolfach-type problems, Graph Theory of Brian Alspach, Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Vancouver, BC, May 2003.

16. On Rosa-type labelings and graph decompositions, Special Session of Graph and Design Theory, AMS Sectional Meeting, Bloomington, IN, April 2003.

15. The least common multiple of cubes, 15th Midwestern Conference on Combina- torics, Computing, and Cryptography, Las Vegas, NV, October 2001.

14. On generalizations of the Oberwolfach problem, 32nd Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Baton Rouge, LA, February 2001.

13. On generalizations of the Oberwolfach problem, MIGHTY XXXIII, Dayton, OH, October 2000.

12. Factorizations of graphs into cubes, 5th Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Combinatorics, Prague, Czech Republic, July 1998.

11. On graphs with strong α-valuations, 11th Cumberland Conference on Graph The- ory and Computing, Johnson City, TN, May 1998.

10. Factorizations of complete multipartite graphs into generalized cubes, 12th Midwestern Conference on Combinatorics, Computing, and Cryptography, Terre Haute, IN, October 1997.

9. Cycle factorizations of products of cycles of uniform length, 11th Midwestern Conference on Combinatorics, Computing, and Cryptography, Las Vegas, NV, October 1996.

8. Cycle factorizations of cycle products, 9th Cumberland Conference on Graph Theory and Computing, Oxford, MS, May 1996.

th 7. Cube decompositions of Kn \ Km, 10 Midwestern Conference on Combinatorics, Computing, and Cryptography, Carbondale, IL, October 1995.

10 6. Factorizations of complete graphs into cubes, 9th Midwestern Conference on Combinatorics, Computing, and Cryptography, Lincoln, NE, October 1994.

5. Decompositions of complete bipartite graphs into n-cubes, 25th Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Boca Raton, FL, March 1994.

4. Factorizations of regular multigraphs, 5th Cumberland Conference on Graph The- ory and Computing, Johnson City, TN, May 1992.

3. Maximum packings with odd cycles, 5th Midwestern Conference on Combina- torics, Computing, and Cryptography, Lincoln, NE, October 1991.

2. On blocking sets in graph designs, 22nd Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Baton Rouge, LA, February 1991.

1. On dynamics of certain Cantor sets, 97th Annual Meeting of the American Math- ematical Society, San Francisco, CA, January 1991.

Professional Presentations (Education Issues):

10. Undergraduate Research with Math Education Majors, invited presentation, TURMS 2012, Trends in Undergraduate Research in Mathematical Sciences, Chicago, IL, October 2012.

9. Implementing Mathematics Research Experiences into Teacher Preparation Programs, Illinois Section of the MAA Special Meeting, Normal, IL, March 2012. (with D. Barker)

8. Implementing Mathematics Research Experiences into Teacher Preparation Programs, invited talk. AMS-MAA Special Session on the Scholarship of Teach- ing and Learning, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA, January 2012. (with D. Barker)

7. Teaching Mathematics to Future Teachers: The Value of Co-Teaching Courses with Mathematics Educators, invited talk, AMS-MAA-MER Special Session on Education Reform, Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, LA, January 2011. (with C. Beneteau)

6. Teacher-Scholars: Research Experiences for Pre-service and In-service Sec- ondary Mathematics Teachers, invited talk. AMS-MAA Special Session on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Francisco, CA, January 2010. (with D. Barker)

11 5. A Model Teacher-Scholar Program in Secondary Mathematics, TEAM-Math Partnership Conference on the Mathematical Preparation of Teachers, Tuskegee, AL, September 2009. (with C. Langrall, W. O’Hanlon, and R. C. Bunge) 4. Teacher-Scholars: Research Experiences for Pre-service and In-service Sec- ondary Mathematics Teachers, invited talk, AMS-MAA Special Session on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Washington, DC, January 2009. (with D. Barker and C. Langrall) 3. Teacher-Scholars in Secondary Mathematics, TEAM-Math Partnership Confer- ence on the Mathematical Preparation of Teachers, Tuskegee, AL, September 2008. 2. A Model Teacher-Scholar Program in Secondary Mathematics, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, Tulsa, OK, January 2008. (with C. Langrall and S. S. McCrone) 1. A Model Teacher-Scholar Program in Secondary Mathematics, invited talk, AMS-MAA Special Session on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Joint Math- ematics Meetings, San Diego, CA, January 2008. (with W. O’Hanlon)

Ph.D. Students: 3. Uthoomporn Jongthawonwuth, On extensions of the Bose construction, co-adviser with Chariya Uiyyasathian, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, December 2014. 2. Wannasiri Wannasit, On Rosa-type labelings of some classes of 3-regular graphs, co-adviser with Sayan Panma, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, December 2011. 1. Avapa Chantasartrassmee, The forest number of graphs, co-adviser with Narong Punnim, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand, December 2009. Professional Service: • Editorial Board, Algebra, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. • Panelist, The faculty member as teacher and scholar, Workshop for Project NExT Fellows, Lexington, KY, August 2011. • Review Panelist, Math and Science Partnership Program, National Science Foundation, December 2010. • Review Panelist, Scholarships in Science, Technology, and Mathematics Program, Na- tional Science Foundation, September 2010. • Organizing Committee Co-Chair, 24th Midwestern Conference on Combinatorics, Cryp- tography, and Computing-A conference in honor of Roger B. Eggleton, Normal, Illinois, September 10–12, 2010.

12 • Organizing Committee Co-Chair, Mathematical Abundance: Designs, Graphs & Num- ber Theory-A conference honoring the 72nd birthday of Charles Vanden Eynden, Nor- mal, Illinois, April 18–19, 2008.

• Organizing Committee, 35th Midwestern Graph Theory Conference (MIGHTY XXXV), Normal, Illinois, September 27–28, 2002.

• Organizing Committee Chair, 13th Midwestern Conference on Combinatorics, Cryp- tography, and Computing, Normal, IL, October 1–16, 1999.

• Guest Editor, Proceedings of the 13th Midwestern Conference on Combinatorics, Cryp- tography, and Computing, October 14–16, 1999, Normal, Illinois. Journal of Combi- natorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing.

• Organizing Committee, 1996 Illinois Number Theory Conference, Normal, Illinois, April 19–20, 1996.

• Organizing Committee, 25th Midwestern Graph Theory Conference (MIGHTY XXV), Normal, Illinois, September 30, 1995.

• Frequent referee for Ars Combinatoria, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, De- signs, Codes, and Cryptography, Discrete Mathematics, Graphs and Combinatorics, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Journal of Graph Theory, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, and Utilitas Mathe- matica.

Professional Honors and Awards:

• 2007 Outstanding University Researcher Award.

• 2006 College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding College Researcher Award (Sciences).

• 2004 College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding College Teacher Award (Sci- ences).

• Outstanding Mathematics Teacher of the Academic Year 2003–04, The Illi- nois State University chapter of the Student Education Association.

• Awarded the 2002 Hall Medal of the Institute for Combinatorics and its Applications (in recognition of extensive quality research in mid-career).

• Invited Guest, Department of Mathematics, Ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2002.

13 • Invited Guest, Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing, University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Australia, June 2001.

• Invited Guest, Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing, University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Australia, Fall 1998.

• Invited Guest, Department of Mathematics, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand, October 1998.

• Invited Guest, Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing, University of Queens- land, Brisbane, Australia, May 1997.

• 1996 College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Teacher Award–Junior Division.

• 1996 University Research Initiative Award.

• 1987 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society (top 5% of graduating seniors and candidates for graduate degrees).

Professional Memberships:

• Fellow of the Institute for Combinatorics and its Applications (elected in 1993)

• American Mathematical Society

• Mathematical Association of America

Institutional Service:

• College of Arts Sciences Faculty Status Committee, 2009–2011.

• Mathematics Department Curriculum Committee, 2009–present.

• Chair Evaluation Committee, 2006.

• Teacher Certification Sequence Committee, 2005–2010.

• Mathematics Sequences Committee, 2005–present.

• Mathematics Department Faculty Status Committee, 2005–2008.

• Mathematics Department Council, 2005–2008.

• Mathematics Department Curriculum Committee, 2003–2005.

• College of Arts and Sciences Research Proposal Review Committee, 2003–2005.

14 • ISU Academic Senate, Faculty Affairs Committee, 2001–2002.

• Mathematics Department Strategic Plan Implementation Task Force, 2001–2002.

• ISU Academic Senate, Chair of Faculty Affairs Committee, 2000–2001.

• ISU Academic Senate, Academic Affairs Committee, 1999–2000.

• ISU Academic Senate, Academic Affairs Committee, 1997.

• College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Awards Committee, 1997–2000.

• ISU-Civil Liberties Union Faculty Adviser, 1996–1997.

• Mathematics Department Library Committee, 1995–2001.

• Mathematics Department Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 1994–2003.

• ISU-Student Mathematics Association of America Chapter Faculty Adviser, 1993– 1996.

• ISU-Student Environmental Action Coalition Faculty Adviser, 1991–1996.