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t THE__ NEW YORK HERALD, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1921. 15 " REAL ESTATE.PITT OF CITY._ _BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. FURNISHED ROOMS TO IET_ SITUATIONS WANTED.MALE. HELP WANTED.FEMALE. AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE. Mew York State.Sule or Kent. Miscellaneous. West Side. "HAIJPFEUR, -1. married, 9 yearn' CHEVROLET. >ur&e F. B. Sedan, late 1920; 3 last nil new cord tires, wishes private position, yearsexperience, SIZE 20. special upholstery, fully HAINE8 Valuable ition Given Free position: own repairs; references. Thomas MODELS (15). 'equipped; perfect condition; front and rear PALLS, N. Y..Catsklll HALF private office, furnished; telephone, niOTTO HOUSE, Cooper* 243 B. 70th »t. Tall and attractive. 1 umper. 1507 Bushwick av. Phone lMtW 7 room bungalow,MountnlnsAttractlvewonderful stenographic serviced. K 786 Herald, 280 1 1th *t., 2.V> W..Two large, attractive rooms, Glenmore. mountain views, ready for Immediate Broadway. a lao two smaller ones; exceptional, homelike CHAUFFEUR.Owner going abroad would Phone Astoria 820 or write occupancy. 0!urroundings; all modern conveniences, very to the Uncsmployed like to place chauffeur with reliable ALSO STOUT YOUNG LADIES CHEVROLET, lute model sedan, A1 shape, RIvcrrrcBt, Astoria. L, J. LTVERMOKE. [ ol: tennis court; reasonable summer rates, Call Owner, Morningside MIX). apt. famlly.B2. of 42-44 bust measure, many extras, any demonstration; MY hone Watkins 5:125. G tall and overhauled, as good as new; thoroughlysacrifice country estate, Tuxedo section, modern APARTMENTS.FURNISHED. ? CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC. years' Graceful, attractive. *525. 8ANTI STORAGE, 450 East 17dd st. stone and tile house, 1(1 rooms, furnished, HOTHI, NOMI8, When your Situation VWanted Advertisement reliable; private or commercial.experience; Tremont 0171. S baths, 4 feet elevation: 2o AN exquisitely appointed 10 room apartment. 650-652 West 125tli it. Schnber. Ulaza "ifil. fireplaces; 1,000 5 master bedtvoms, 3 master baths, large 1920 acres; rruits, flowers, shrubs: near hk Rooms with private bath, $12 weekly; in The New York He it will also be mailed commercial or minor To try on coats, suits, dresses CHEVROLET late V. B. sedan; run and drawing room, diving room, kitchen; splendid w pears aprald, CHAUFFEUR, private; miles; with1.S00 golf: 72 minutes out: $42,000; terms; 'Ithout, $5 up; every convenience. repairs, (ieorge Miller, 444 West f>4th. practically new, equipped value $70,000: may lease to responsible party. servants' quarters; long or short lease; Mornlngside (HQ and 708, Telehone a 2 spares, chains, bumpers, Macbeth lenses, West Knd av. and 7Dth at. Phone in Bulletin Form to large list of Employment Man- CHAUFFEUR, American, married, 1) years' clock, C. KNORR, 142 West 120th. Mornlngslde 780. * locatedlORNlNOHIDE AV., fl (115th St.. apt. 31).. In large, beautiful showroom. lock, niotorinctcr, tools. LOUIS 3780. Schuyler experience all high class cars, 4 years last Good salary and long season. SACHS, 2na Broadaay. Worth 3058. Vermont.Sale or llent. hat-go light room, improvements; prltate agers, including a selected 1ist of names of those who employer, desires family; BROADWAY, 1788 (107th)..Two rooms, f amlly; $10 per week: references. Phone position private Call between 0 and 12 A. M. DUPONT, IH21 (April), touring; hand mads: kitchenette; ex- own repairs; best references; neat and next week. hath, elevator, telephone; u are in a to out Riverside 10204. Anderson. 48appearance.West To-day mileage 2.000; dust proof color; buyer VERMONT. ceptlonal; reasonable. Superintendent. 7 :i«7. position give employment. 08th. can save $800. Phone Barclay 7549. ."or sale, a few very desirable cottages on rooms, Ill EASY Bake on Vermont and New York BROADWAY, -681 (102d)..Two batlf, y[ORN'INGSIDE DRIVE. 100. Double room. st. WAY TO 8E1.I, YOUR CAR. Champlain, one Circle 0157. C3. CHAUFFEUR, light colored, age 31. married, Charlop Bros. & Co.. 151 W. 20th Van Tassel! & side; cottages are completely furnished: also kitchenette; flight; $70. #12. Apt. Phon* Morn. 0272. Stock Exchange Houses, Cloak and Suit Houses, carefil driver, desires position; willing to Kearney's Sales Ring aomo splendid farms, all sizes and prices. FAMILY leaving city will sell or lease 7 R IVER8II >E DRIVE. .MS^cT^rifoom. help around the house; good references. L 18071, 120-128 East 13th St., (establishedhas ' king been esteemed a house JAMES W. MAOPKM, Burlington, Vt. room apartment; elevator, phone; cash or south and east; lavatory, adjoiningwindows Stores, Hotels, 144-1 Herald, Harlem. 20(1 clearing for the reasonable terms responsible people. Phone batli. partment Hospitals,, DeFactories, WAITRESS, experienced, colored. Call sale and purchase of second hand New Jersey.Hale or Kent. 487.8 Mnrnlnusl.te .iisrtnwnt 12 -HAUl-TGUU, careful driver and handy man West 720 st. passenger arid commercial, by automob.les,auction. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, (f,03 W. 140th) surance Concerns, Electric; Corporations, ShippingInal can take charge of a motor boat; best ref- Least troublesome and medium for WEST END quickest AVON AV. lOOths.Housekeeping sulto, Small, private Christian family will rent erence3. L. i'awlowakl, 207 Ea^st 122d St., bcth sellers and buyers. .More prospective WATERFRONT. 2 rooms: lady; permanent; reasonable. 0ne, two nlco rooms; use and Real Estate and other industrial and com- city. Shark River frontage, over 200 feet, H acre Riverside 2.110. light, airy dining large WOMEN. buyers than cars as u rule, so list yours Of fine house 12 r com and kitchen: suitable for gentleman or CHAUFFEUR, colored, drive truck or now. Auction of autos every Tuesday and ground, lawns, flowers, buslneos can bo seen or concerns are all ma neci rooms, bath, electricity, gas, large verandas, 4ITH, 210 W. (Westover Court)..Rnchelor couple: afternoon mercial inis special bulletin. any make. W. C. Scssoms,automobile,88 WANTED, 25 TO 40 YEARS OP AGE, Friday at noon. Telephone Stiivvesant 533. fine condition; one to apartments, high class; hotel service; evenlng; rent moderate. RQOS, Apt. 18. Boyden St., Nowark, N. J. TO TRAIN FOR SALESWOMEN; price, $12,000, good meals. Pee Resident Manager. 5860. 1 'hone 3330 Audubon. WE FORI) runabout. VI condition. 1200. neighbor; any reasonable terms; no brokers. Rryant CHAUFFEUR wlslies position; drive any ear; UNNECESSARY. EXPERIENCE GARAGE, Mr. King, 108th st. HV(1RADEand OWNKIt, room :',t)4, 22l> West 42d st. 45TII, 137 W..Beautifully furnished, with VWEST END AV., 854..Large and small This extra service is without cost to those who put cily or country; best reference. John A n^lUAJlj UAIM" Jumel place. Wadsworth 7153. one RLE INSTRUCTOR TO TRAIN YOU ASBURY Ocean Grova, piano, 2 rooms, private hath npartment; rooms; private baths; block from care of Kelman. r.14 West 177th. Collard, mr.ihd l'C'o ft nnssensrer PARK, Allenhurst, eemnlete hotel service. 0374. BIroadway subway (103d). Phone Riverside there Situation Wanted Ads in Herald. IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS WITHOUT EUA.Vk-r.iN '~7ar7. Bradley, Deal..Summer cottages, hotels. Bryant Sunday's COLLECTOR, young man. three years CHARGE. YOU WILL BE ASSURED touring, Rood as now, with small car part JACOB A. KING. NORTH ASBURY PARK. MTII, 301 West..Two rooms, bath, kltcheij- jM. excellent references; give bondexperience;A STEADY POSITION. OUR payment: need cash. KANTI STORAGE, 458 BEACHWOOU.Beautiful home modern, well furnished; telephone. ette:1'3TH, 38 West..Room and kitchenette and If nei-cssary. I, 1433 Herald. Harlem. ARE FROM Hast 173d st. Phone Tremont 6171. in the pine small room. Get YOUR ad in MAKING SALESWOMEN«50 belt of New Jersey, situated on Toms River SMITH. early. COLORED man, good references, wishes job PER WEEK UP. ONLY THOSE OF CRANKUN 4 passenger, 1018 model, and fine 313TH, 310 W..Light, cool basement, suitable NEAT APPEARANCE AND » Barnegat Bay; bathing, boating, 56TH ST., 109 E..To let until October 1 or newly painted, wire heels; $1,300.overhauled, fishing, charming social life; summer and couple. 3 friends; also large, small, light work. Murray. 1084 Madison av. PERSONALITY CONSIDERED.PLEASING E. C. MARVIN, Btuyvegant 3720, or all year business longer, charmingly furnished, cool, quiet rooms. HERALD ADS ACCEPTED AT 1[ HE FOLLOWING OFFICES; PERSONAL INTERVIEW colony; men's government. apartment; living room, ou.sekeeplng COOK, butler-valet, houseman, chauffeur, ONLY. 17PT.W. Manafield Particulars, photo, &c., S., box 7ti, bedroom, bnth, ^ 330 W. SATURDAY, 9 TO 12. SUITE 1707. N. J. maid Bervlce, grand piano,. ,kitchenette:4TH, (opposite station).Largo, Main Office, 280 Broadway experienced, young Chinese, wants position 200 RROADWAY. ASK FOR MR. HFPMOF.ILE, 1021 model; good car for any Beachtvood.Phone Sunday. Plaza .1177. HENRY. small, airy, v.cll furnished; telephone. In private family. I,ee, 111 Poyers St., city. one considering a new Hupmoblle; no _____ T'»asnnable. at 148th St. & 36th St. Entrance 1358 VAN DOREN. BOGOTA, N. J..Bargain: new, half stucco, 150 furnished 2 Bronx, 518 Willis Ave., B'way B'way wlshea dealers. Phone Midwood 76.74. six rooms; sun 57TH ST., W..Attractively W. COOK, valet, French, Cti, position parlor: parquet floors; room apartment, bath, kitchenette, roof '!l!1TH ST., 173 W..One or two modern Washington Heights, 585 181st St. (1 flight up). Tel. Chelsea 4000 bachelor apt, E 104 W. fUth. KING.Late 1010, 8 cylinder, 4 passenger; restricted locality. 27 Maplewood a\\ rooms to let. In the heart of New as garden. Stuyvesant 2947. furnished Harlem, 205 West 125th St. Downtown, 206 Broadway COUPLE.Wife economical man Jewelry, Ac., accepted part payment. ROSEI.L.E.Nine room house; lmpts.: lot orl; with all accommodations at cook, Phone Schuyler 3.11)0. prices. 16th St. & 7th Are. Tel. Chelsea 4000 Brooklyn, 24 Court St. butler, out of place accoflnt familyuseful COTH. II WEST.ENTIRE FI.OOR, LUX- moderte going out of town, wish positions in small YOUNG WOMAN LATE 1020 Indian, one cylinder, commercla. Chestnut st. stntlon; 45 minutes out; only 4731333 W..Furnished room to rent.