11Ltghda:Tiut Jnunud
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA 11ltghda:tiut Jnunud MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1983 SESSION OF 1983 167TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 40 SENATE The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the preceding MONDAY, June 6, 1983. Session, when, on motion of Senator MOORE, further The Senate met at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Saving reading was dispensed with, and the Journal was approved. Time. LEGISLATIVE LEAVES The PRESIDENT pro tempore (Henry G. Hager) in the Chair. Senator MOORE. Mr. President, I request a leave of absence for Senator Street who is in Washington, D.C. on leg PRAYER islative business. I also request a legislative leave of absence for Senator O'Connell who is meeting on a critical situation in The Chaplain, the Reverend Father JOSEPH MAST his Senatorial district. RANGELO, Pastor of St. Agatha's Church, Bridgeville, Senator SCANLON. Mr. President, I request legislative offered the following prayer: leaves of absence for the entire week for Senator Reibman and 0 God of peace, we turn aside from an unquiet world, Senator Andrezeski who are attending to legislative business seeking rest for our spirits, and light for our thoughts. elsewhere. I also request temporary legislative leaves of We bring our work to be sanctified, our wounds to be absence until approximately 4:00 p.m. for Senator Mellow healed, our hopes to be renewed and our better selves to be and Senator O'Pake. quickened. 0 Thou, in whom there is harmony, draw us to The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair hears no objec Thyself and silence the discords of our wasteful lives.
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