Please ensure that you carefully read the list of rules set out below and have both the participant and a parent/ guardian sign below, accepting agreement.

1. Jewish Journey believes strongly in the ideology of “respect”. We should always be respectful of our peers, staff, teachers, other people’s property, the overall program and ourselves. This also applies to the schedule, timeliness, guest speakers and hotels. 2. You are expected to attend every part of the program, this includes: classes, davening, group activities, all three daily meals, special events and trips. There will also be a nightly curfew to make sure you are getting adequate sleep so that you can the most out of the program. There will be no time for the students to be “on their own”. All activities will take place with chaperones. 3. There is a zero tolerance rule for any alcohol or drug use. Possession or use at any point during the program are grounds for immediate dismissal. 4. Religious observance and dress code  You are expected to comply with observance of Halacha while on the program. This includes tefilla, , tzniut and observance.  All food both in and out of the hotel will be certified under strict rabbinical supervision.  The rooms at the hotel are single gender, and you are not permitted to enter the room of the opposite gender at any point in time.  Dress code: Business casual- We will be visiting universities and tech companies and events. We ask that you dress similar to what you wear at school and not for sports activities, Boys: Shirts must have sleeves and no shorts are permitted. Kippa should be worn at all times. We are visiting various tech companies. Please bring collared shirts rather than t- shirts with you. Girls: Shirts must have sleeves, and tops may not be low cut or see-through. Skirts must come to the knee. Leggings may be worn under the skirts.

Participant name ______Parent/ Guardian name ______

Participant signature ______Parent/ Guardian signature ______

Parental Consent: (Please check to indicate permission granted) ____ I, the parent/guardian of the student named above, grant permission for participation in the CIJE/Go-Inspire Israel trip, 2019.

Parent/Guardian name ______

Parent/Guardian signature ______

Please sign this form and send it in via one of the following: Email: [email protected] | Mail: GoInspire, 28 Park Avenue, Airmont, NY 10952 | Fax: 646-395-1416