October 15, 2018

Resolution Supporting Our Republican Elected Officials and Nominated Candidates in the 2018 General Election

Whereas the Republican Party of Texas’ (RPT) and the Democrat Party of Texas’ (DPT) platforms are in direct opposition concerning important issues, such as:


• RPT - We call for a permanent ban on federal funding and subsidies for abortion and healthcare plans that include abortion coverage. (Page 37)" and

• DPT – Stands in opposition to the Right to Life. Urging the use of taxpayer funds for services including more abortions performed by Planned Parenthood. (Page 34)

Border Security & Illegal Immigration

• RPT - “Our immigration system must protect American working families and their wages, for citizens and legal immigrants alike, in a way that will improve the economy. (Page 25) Because “sanctuary cities” violate federal law and endanger their own citizens, they should not be eligible for federal funding. (Page 26) To keep our people safe, we must secure our borders, enforce our immigration laws, and properly screen refugees and other immigrants entering from any country. (Page 42)”

• DPT – Calls for implementing President Obama’s open boarder policies — regardless of immigration status— expanding access to illegal immigrants to American taxpayer funded health care programs programs. (Page 17 & 18)

2nd Amendment Rights

• RPT - We also oppose any effort to deprive individuals of their right to keep and bear arms without due process of law. (Page 12)”

• DPT - Expand government intrusion with greater background checks to limit access to firearms for law-abiding citizens. (Page 39)

Whereas our State Republican elected officials, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, State Senator Bob Hall, State Senator Don Huffines, and State Representative Matt Rinaldi, and Republican candidates elected by the Republican voters to serve as the nominee for their respective Texas House Districts Deanna Metzger and Lisa Luby Ryan on the November 2018 General Election ballot; and

Whereas these Republican elected officials and candidates have faithfully and diligently supported the RTP platform while in office and on the campaign trail; and

Whereas former State Senator Bob Deuell, State Representative Jason Villalba, Former State Representative Bennett Ratliff, Precinct Chairs Tracy Fisher and Robert Seward have publicly endorsed our incumbents’ Democratic opponents in the November 2018 General Election, and

Whereas, the Democrat nominees are Pro-Abortion, Pro Open Borders, and Anti-2nd Amendment; now therefore

Be it resolved that we, the County Republican Party Executive Committee, urge all Republicans to vote for our Republican Nominees because of their consistent and active support for the Republican Party of Texas’ values found throughout the RPT platform and reject the unprincipled endorsements of Democrats made by former State Senator Bob Deuell, State Representative Jason Villalba, former State Representative Bennett Ratliff, Precinct Chairs Tracy Fisher and Robert Seward. We also call on Mr. Deuell, Mr. Villalba, Mr. Ratliff, Mrs. Fisher and Mr. Seward to respect the results of the Republican primary, the Republican Party of Texas Platform, our Texas values of freedom and liberty, and our Republican Voters as well as cease working against the Republicans of Dallas County, Texas. We urge Republicans to vote straight ticket in the 2018 general election to support all of our candidates and Keep Texas Red!

Adopted this 15th day of October 2018, at the Executive Committee Meeting of The Dallas County Republican Party.